Angular js meetup

Pierre-Yves Gicquel Teo Eterovic

Transcript of Angular js meetup

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Pierre-Yves Gicquel

Teo Eterovic

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Introduction Why are we here? AngularJS behave very well on light application Problems appears when DOM become complex

Our use case : Ability• Document management system

• <200 documents in DOM : no problem

• >350 documents in DOM : barely unusable

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Part IPerformance pitfalls

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The $digestive track

When you bind a value to an element in Angular using • ng-model,

• ng-repeat,

• {{foo}},

Angular creates a $watch on that value.

All watched elements are added to a watch list

When something changes on a scope (e.g model changes, ng-click…), all watches

are triggered

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When you watch too much 8-)It is generally accepted that once the number of watchers reaches 2000+, an application will start to suffer.

“You can't really show more than about 2000 pieces of information to a human on a single page. Anything more than that is really bad UI, and humans can't process this anyway.”

-- Misko @ StackOverflow

Even more watches: ngClass, ngHide, ngIf, ngShow, ngStyle

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Even more watches - ng-repeatngRepeat directive instantiates a template once per item [...] each template instance gets its own scope, where the given loop variable is set to the current collection item, and `$index` is set to the item index or key. --

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Even more watch - FiltersA convenient way to reduce the number of watchers is to limit their number by filtering

An AngularJS filter in your HTML will execute (multiple times!) for every digest cycle[4]

This means that the filtering function, or the filter will execute multiple times, even if the underlying data or conditions have not changed.


• by triggering your filter in your controller instead of having it directly in your HTML.

• by injecting the filter service in application and if XXX is the service XXXFilter

• showcase Ability filter by chapter

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Show Case Showcase how the number of watches affect


Showcase how the filters affects performance•

Showcase how to write a manually triggered filter

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Part IIBest practices

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Part IIBest practices General principle

• Limit the cost of digest cycle• E.g : if a scroll triggers a digest at each frame

• Objective 60 FPS => $digest time < 16ms

Strategies• Digest only when you need

• Limit number of watchers

• One way binding

• Remove watchers dynamically

• Watch only what is needed

• Make sure what is watched is cheap

• Don’t use ng-mousenter, mouseleave…

• Avoid watch invisible elements

• …

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Digest only on the scopes you need Third party plugins make model changes

“outside” AngularJS Its’s where $scope.$apply become

handy However $scope.$apply=~$rootScope.

$digest Instead we can use $scope.$digest,

which run digest only in the current scope (and child)

Show case:

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Limit number of watch : one way binding Show a variable without attaching a watch to it Part of Angular since v1.3 before that bindonce library

• Use :: to enable one way binding


<div ng-repeat="stock in ::ctrl.stocks">{{}}</div>


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Use compile over link in directive- when possible When a directive appears inside of a repeater :

• compile is called only once

• link and the constructor are called once per iteration The link function is called as much times as there are cloned directives. When creating directives, try to get as much work done as possible in the

compile step

Best practice

• Any operation which can be shared among the instance of directives should be moved to the compile function for performance reasons. -- angularjs docs

SHOWCASE (look at the console log)

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Removing the Unneeded Watches

To disable the watch just call the returned function: myWatch(); Same process for $timeOutThese watchers are removed when $scope.$destroy()

var myWatch = $scope.$watch('someVariable', function(newVal, oldVal) {

if (newVal === oldVal) { return; }


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Removing the Unneeded Watches-2

In the case of $rootScope.$watch, watchers are not removedYou have to call explicitly on $scope.$destroy otherwise they will stay

var myWatch = $rootScope.$watch('someVariable', function(newVal, oldVal) {

if (newVal === oldVal) { return; }


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$watch only what is needed Sometimes a deep $watch is needed, but not for the entire object you can

watch individual properties. By stripping out irrelevant data, we can make the comparison much faster

$watch(someObject.someArray.length) vs $watch(someObject.someArray) or even $watch(someObject) - deep watch

In angular.js 1.1.4: watchCollections


$scope.$watch(‘bigObject’,myHandler, true);// better$scope.$watch(function($scope) { return $ fieldICareAbout;. }, myHandler, true);

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Make sure what is being checked is cheap With frequent dirty checking, its inadvisable to place calls to complex

functions into Angular expressions An ng-click somewhere could trigger a lot of dirty checking. Precompute everything (don't do the computations and expressions in

watches )

• {{ computeTotal(data) }} - this function will be called in each digest! Precompute the result, cache it, or make it static

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Don't use ng-mouseenter, ng-mouseleave, etc. Using ng-mouseenter/ng-mouseleave triggers the digest cycle

• In general avoid directive that are triggered very often Use CSS/ vanillaJS wherever you can to avoid this trigger “Using the built-in directives like ng-mouseenter AngularJS caused our view to

flicker. The browser frame rate was mostly below 30 frames per second. Using pure jQuery to create animations and hover-effects solved this problem”Showcase:

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Avoid watching invisible elements - Use ng-if, not ng-show ngShow/ngHide

• “The element is shown or hidden by removing or adding the `.ng-hide` CSS class onto the element. The `.ng-hide` CSS class is predefined in AngularJS and sets the display style to none (using an !important flag).” - ngShowHide.js Source Code


• one of the best features to come out of Angular 1.2

• If the expression evaluates to a false value then the element is removed from the DOM,

• otherwise a clone of the element is reinserted into the DOM.

• when an element is removed using `ngIf` its scope is destroyed and a new scope is created when the element is restored. pros: watches are destroyed too :)

• The scope created within `ngIf` inherits from its parent scope using [prototypal inheritance]

cons: performance hit as it fully recompiles the angularjs template when hidden/shown

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Evaluate Only When slyEvaluateOnlyWhen – slyPreventEvaluationWhenHidden

• Directive for preventing all bound expressions in the current element and its children from being evaluated unless the specified expression evaluates to a different object.

• Prevent evaluation if the current element is hidden

a alternative for ngIf - you see the DOM but the watches are inactive can be used together with element visible to optimize watches

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Prevent deep filtering Same as for watches filter on specific fields (prevent deep filtering) use cheap statements inside filters functions that execute fast or break the

function on the beginning if the condition is not valid

angular.module('MyFilters', []).filter('customfiler', function() { return function(input) { if (input.age < 18) return input; if (intensiveChecking(input)) transformInput(input); elsereturn input; };});

angular.module('MyFilters', []).filter('customfiler', function() { return function(input) { if (intensiveChecking(input) && input.age > 18) {transformInput(input); } else return input; };});

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Optimizing ng-repeat: The build-in tools Track-by

• `item in items track by

• In older Angular• Uses DOM caching / reuse - less DOM manipulations

• Now :• “`item in items` is equivalent to `item in items track by $id(item)`” -- ngRepeat.js Source


• $id(item) can be costly, if server provides uid, better use it

Limit to• `ng-repeat=“item in items limitTo index”• Limit maximum number of visible items • Can be used to create a lazy load scroll

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Direct DOM manipulation with vanillaJS/JQuery Don’t do it if there is another way Pros:

• Fast

• No watches

• Needs a lot of engineering :) Cons:

• Can’t use the power of angular anymore

• ugly code

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Optimizing ng-repeat : Remove non-visible elements Pagination

• Simple method to reduce the number of watches for large item sets - together with DOM caching / reuse its a powerful tool

Virtual Scroll - Angular-vs-Repeat • PROS:

• VERY easy to use just add <div vs-repeat> above your ng-repeat and enjoy the performance boost

• CONS:• Sometimes it works perfectly with simple item lists but as soon as the case is more complex a lot of

customization is needed and there is a great possibility that it will flicker (container scrolls and co)

• Problems with nested repeats - can be buggy

• Not easy to combine it it with lazy loading/infinitive scroll


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Infinitive scroll - Lazy Loading ngInfiniteScroll - angular library Manually - track by and limitTo Demo :D

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Open question : Use ng-bind instead of {{}} Some debate but no clear answer on SO


Jsperf seems to say {{}} is better•

What is your opinion?

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Measures To measure the time a list rendering takes an directive could be

used which logs the time by using the ng-repeat property “$last”Manually - track by and limitTo

// Post repeat directive for logging the rendering timeangular.module('').directive('postRepeatDirective', ['$timeout', '$log', 'TimeTracker', function($timeout, $log, TimeTracker) { return function(scope, element, attrs) { if (scope.$last){ $timeout(function(){ var timeFinishedLoadingList = TimeTracker.reviewListLoaded(); var ref = new Date(timeFinishedLoadingList); var end = new Date(); $log.debug("## DOM rendering list took: " + (end - ref) + " ms"); }); } }; }]);<tr ng-repeat="item in items" post-repeat-directive>…</tr>

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Measures Number of watches Digest delay Monitoring the digest circle lag/delay time of the rootScope or

the selected scope

var vScope = $0 || document.querySelector('[ng-app]');angular.element(vScope).injector().invoke(function($rootScope) { var a =; $rootScope.$apply(); console.log(; })

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Measures - Tools Batarang Developer Tools profiler Ng-stats

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FUTURE “Dirty checking can have performance issues, but the core

team can/will start using Object.observe as ES6/harmony matures. As JS grows, a lot of Angular downsides will stop being relevant” -- Some guy on Reddit a year ago(2014)

Angular.js 2.0

• WatchTower.js

• Object.observe

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Questions What is the blend between Performance optimization and

breaking Angular.js ? Overuse of optimizations - using Javascript/JQuery to handle

the view directly ? Is Angular.js really good for every application ? ....

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REFERENCES [1] Counting the number of watchers on a page in angular.js [2] Databinding in AngularJS [3] Optimizing AngularJS: 1200ms to 35ms, Steven Czerwinksi [4] Optimizing ng-repeat in AngularJS [5,7] Optimizing a Large AngularJS Application,Karl Seamon, ng-conf [6] Improving Angular Dirty Checking Performance Doug Turnbull — April 24,

2014 [8] The Digest Loop and $apply, ngBook [9] Supercharge AngularJS Performance Measurement and Tuning Sebastian

Fröstl && Damien Klinnert [10] Speeding up AngularJS apps with simple optimizations, Todd Motto, Aug 6,

2014 [11] AngularJS Performance Tuning for Long Lists, 2013 Sebastian Fröstl,

September 10