Angular 2 : learn TypeScript already with Angular 1

TypeScript Use it already yesterday and be prepared for Angular 2

Transcript of Angular 2 : learn TypeScript already with Angular 1

Page 1: Angular 2 : learn TypeScript already with Angular 1

TypeScriptUse it already yesterdayand be prepared for Angular 2

Page 2: Angular 2 : learn TypeScript already with Angular 1

David Amend

[email protected]

Conservative Bleeding edge

About me

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... “ I even heard that they will use Angular 2 in a galaxy far, far away…”

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... “ I even heard that they will use Angular 2 in a galaxy far, far away…”

Disclamerno A2x code in presentation

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“ Use A2.x with TypeScript ”

Disclamerno A2x code in presentation

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“Learn the fundamentals of TypeScript NOW !” Disclamer

no A2x code in presentation

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Questions to audience

1. Who prefers typed languages to non typed?

2. Who uses TypeScript in project already?

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The Type in TypeScript

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Typing Evolution: Prefix

var sAmount = "100";

var nCalcConditions = function(sAmount, iRate){ return sAmount * nRate;}

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Typing Evolution: Jsdoc Closure Compiler/*** @interface*/function Shape() {};Shape.prototype.draw = function() {};

/*** @constructor* @implements {Shape}*/function Square() {};Square.prototype.draw = function() {};

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Typing Evolution: GWT, Dart

Button myButton = new Button("x");

myButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {

public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { ///...


});flexTable.setWidget(row, 3, myButton);


Problem: Hard to combine

GWT: Strong Java IDE support

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TypeScriptWhat you should know ?

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TypeScript: What you should know ?



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TypeScript: What you should know ?

d.tsInterfaces Decorators

1. 2.

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Module BModule B

Interfaces to support modular projects, combine client & server models

Module A Module B


check interfaces → by compile time


Async loaded → at runtime

define interface use interface




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TypeScript: What you should know ?

d.tsInterfaces Decorators

1. 2.

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So much to explore: Decorators, ...

import { Component } from 'ng-forward';

@Component({ selector: 'nested', template: '<h3>Nested</h3>'})@DebugLogclass Nested{ }

HTML-Type BindingIDE-Refactoring Support Literal Types

Aspect Oriented Programming

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There cannot be reasons NOT to use TypeScript!

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Questions & Discussion

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Code Demo

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1. Starting situationvar loanLimit = “100”;

2. Extend build process.pipe(tsc(“*.js”));

3. Congratz! You are using TypeScript !

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IDE Support by separate .d.ts files

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Smooth way to start using TypeScript

4. var loanLimit : string = “100”;

ILoans-Service.d.tsinterface ILoanModel {

id : number, ...}

LoansController.tsvar loanmodel : ILoanModel = { … }

No generation of code !

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export interface IDeleteDomesticTemplateRequestDTO { cifId: string; templateName: string;}

export interface IDeleteDomesticTemplateResponseDTO { errorCode: string;}

export enum IQuoteStatusEnum { CUSTOMER_DATA_CONFIRMED = <string>"CUSTOMER_DATA_CONFIRMED",}

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ES-6, module support, =>, decorators, html type support, …, tslint, sourcemaps, …

namespace danubeCorePortal {class DanubeCorePortalController {

private sideNavigationItems;

constructor(private $mdSidenav : angular.material.MDSidenavObject) { } @Log public toggleSubnavigation ($event) { this.$mdSidenav("left").toggle(); }}


Generation of code !

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TypeScript is widely used

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Anders Hejlsberg

C# Delphi TurboPascal TypeScript


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Page 34: Angular 2 : learn TypeScript already with Angular 1

Why to use Types ?

1. Refactoring support in IDE2. Exploration of code3. Explain code to foreigners ( and myself)

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ES2016 ES7

tsc --experimentalDecorators main.ts

annotate and modify classes and properties at design time. → Interface

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Demotime: Future BankTypeScript, Angular Material, A1x, ...