Anglais semestre 5

1 Page Class# Class description 2 1 Presentation of Semester 5 Basic science vocabulary 5 2 Prepare for your oral report: oral comprehension, note taking Pronunciation rules 8 3 DNA Uncountable nouns 14 4 Writing a cover letter: lesson and exercises 19 5 Space conquest Numbers Maths terms 22 6 Technology can save lives Passive voice 26 7 Deforestation Relative clauses 29 8 CC1 (writing a cover letter) Build-up vocabulary techniques 32 9 CC2 (grammar & vocabulary) Pronunciation exercises 39 10 CC3 (oral report) o Questions et informations à [email protected] avec votre adresse mail étudiante ou dans nos bureaux, au RDC du bâtiment EGS. o Vous ne pouvez assiter qu’aux cours de votre groupe. o L’inscription à la page Célène du groupe est obligatoire dès le début du semestre pour recevoir les annonces, notes et informations. Les cours et corrigés seront disponibles sur la page Célène du cours. CC1 (coeff.1) Writing a cover letter CC2 (coeff.2) Lesson, grammar and vocabulary CC3 (coeff.2) Oral test Anglais semestre 5

Transcript of Anglais semestre 5

Page 1: Anglais semestre 5


Page Class# Class description

2 1 • Presentation of Semester 5

• Basic science vocabulary

5 2 • Prepare for your oral report: oral comprehension, note taking

• Pronunciation rules

8 3 • DNA

• Uncountable nouns

14 4 • Writing a cover letter: lesson and exercises

19 5

• Space conquest

• Numbers

• Maths terms

22 6 • Technology can save lives

• Passive voice

26 7 • Deforestation

• Relative clauses

29 8 • CC1 (writing a cover letter)

• Build-up vocabulary techniques

32 9 • CC2 (grammar & vocabulary)

• Pronunciation exercises

39 10 • CC3 (oral report)

o Questions et informations à [email protected] avec votre adresse mail

étudiante ou dans nos bureaux, au RDC du bâtiment EGS.

o Vous ne pouvez assiter qu’aux cours de votre groupe.

o L’inscription à la page Célène du groupe est obligatoire dès le début du semestre pour

recevoir les annonces, notes et informations. Les cours et corrigés seront disponibles sur

la page Célène du cours.

CC1 (coeff.1)

Writing a cover letter

CC2 (coeff.2)

Lesson, grammar and vocabulary

CC3 (coeff.2)

Oral test

Anglais semestre 5

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Class #1 - science vocabulary and definitions

1. Science vocabulary coming from Latin, Greek, French and Germanic

The following exercise will introduce you to words that frequently appear in scientific discourse.

Circle the letter of the answer that best matches the meaning of the word in italics.

1. Atoms are infinitesimal in size.

a. tiny b. huge c. small d. big

2. Some scientists suspect that the planet Uranus once collided with another object.

a. orbited b. appeared c. crashed d. came across

3. When exposed to air and moisture, iron will corrode.

a. rust b. shine c. explode d. turn blue

4. There is oxygen in the protoplasm of all plants and animals.

a. blood b. system c. living matter d. heart

5. A catalyst speeds up a chemical reaction.

a. chemical agent b. a cell c. an alcohol d. an animal

6. The space between the earth and the moon is a vacuum.

a. wide b. full c. empty d. small

7. His inertia was caused by hot weather and fatigue.

a. inactivity b. dynamism c. bad mood d. hyperactivity

8. The automobile tires were worn out of friction.

a. age b. bad quality c. rubbing d. overuse

9. The results of the experiment were consistent with the researchers’ expectations.

a. agreed b. contradicted c. proved d. disagreed

10. Automobiles expel carbon monoxide, which pollutes the air.

a. absorb b. change c. give off d. use

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11. Water can be formed by the synthesis of hydrogen and oxygen.

a. combination b.separation c. production d. activity

12. The velocity of the wind increases during a storm.

a. violence b. strength c. speed d. sound

13. When the temperature dropped, steam accumulated on the inside of the window.

a. dust b. cold air c. vapor d. warm air

14. When the bottle was uncapped, all the pressure was released.

a. increased b.decreased c. captured d. set free

15. Energy is released by the fission of atomic nuclei.

a. combining b. splitting c. association d. speed

2. Make or do? « faire » followed by science-related activities

a. research

b. theories

c. predictions

d. experiments

e. discoveries

f. mistakes

3. Activities and people. Complete the table:


Biology A biologist






A chemist



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A herpetologist








4. Vocabulary mind map. What are the words that first come to your minds when talking about science? (activities, purposes…)

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5. Definitions. Give your own definitions of:

a. Science:

b. Mathematics:

c. Chemistry:

d. Medicine

e. Physics:

f. Biology:

6. Now check the definitions in a dictionary and compare with your answers. (correction in class or at home)

Class #2 – prepare for your oral report

1. Oral comprehension and note-taking methods

Votre CC3 se compose de deux parties : 1. visionnage et préparation (10 minutes) 2. compte-

rendu oral. La moitié de la note est pour la compréhension orale (10 points) et l’autre pour la

qualité de votre anglais oral. Le barème détaillé vous est donné à l’avance en cours et sera

disponible sur Célène.

Partie 1. Préparation, seul(e) - Visionnage et brouillon (10 minutes de prep)

Vous regardez la vidéo fournie, vous prenez des notes que vous organisez de façon logique ou

chronologique (vous choisissez) en préparant le plan de votre oral. Vous devez relever 10

points importants de la vidéo (un point par item). Dire que c’est une vidéo, donner le titre,

donner le sujet global et autres généralités, ne sont pas considérés comme items importants. 10

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items importants, ce sont 10 informations précises, 10 éléments-clefs nécessaires au bon

compte-rendu de votre vidéo. (Vous verrez en exemple un cours)

Partie 2. Compte-rendu oral de cette vidéo (3 minutes, expression orale)

A l’issue de ce temps de préparation, vous reportez oralement au professeur vos notes

organisées. Vous devez y inclure les éléments que vous avez compris (avec les 10 items

importants) et y soigner votre anglais oral. Vous ne lirez PAS et vous ne répéterez pas les

phrases de la vidéo car vous devez reformuler. Dans votre brouillon, vous aurez simplement

relié vos notes, vous n’aurez pas rédigé de phrases complètes faute de temps donc, à l’oral,

vous utilisez vos propres mots. Répéter les phrases de la vidéo ne vous apportera aucun point.

Entraînement : Modèle de brouillon pour une compréhension orale (exemple).

Step 1 (before watching): Anticipation ➔ what words are you likely to hear?

Step 2 (while watching): Note taking

• 1ère écoute : se concentrer sur un point-clef ou deux et prendre des notes dans l’ordre

• 2ème écoute : se concentrer sur un 2ème point, ajuster les notes et en ajouter dans l’ordre.

• 3ème écoute : vérifier ses notes, les relier (flèches, numéros, fluo) pour organiser son

plan, s’assurer d’avoir 10 éléments-clefs à restituer

1ère écoute 2ème écoute Extra notes

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• Step 3. Your oral report. Maintenant que vous avez pris et organisé vos notes, votre

plan est prêt. Vous l’aurez organisé de façon chronologique ou logique (arguments pour /

contre, thèse / antithèse…). Vous pouvez maintenant parler à votre enseignante pendant

3 minutes. Puisque vous n’aurez pas rédigé vos phrases, vous formulerez vos phrases

spontanément en vous appuyant sur les mots du brouillon.

• Astuce : n’oubliez pas les mots et phrases d‘introduction et de liaison. Vous pouvez les

écrire sur votre brouillon. En effet, vous ne devez pas faire une liste mais un compte-

rendu structuré. Ne rédigez surtout pas vos phrases complètes dans votre brouillon car

vous n’en aurez pas le temps et ce n’est pas ce qui est attendu d’une synthèse.


Entrainement en cours tous ensemble

2. Pronunciation rules

2. 1. Word stress. Rule and practice.

Read the words out loud.

























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Class #3 – DNA

Video 1 – BBC report

1. What do you know about… (before watching)

What you already know




A gene

A protein

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2. Vocabulary. Find the English equivalents in the video.

1. la progéniture 2. être stocké

3. une double hélice 4. un brin (d’ADN)

5. une sauvegarde, un

plan de secours

6. efficace

7. le noyau 8. une cellule

9. une protéine 10. jouer un rôle,

accomplir une tâche

11. une seule


12. la forme

13. une espèce 14. des particularités,


15. la hauteur 16. le caractère unique,

la singularité

17. une empreinte


18. la précision

19. un parent 20. des bactéries

21. des preuves 22. élever, faire naître

23. l’ingénierie


24. modifier,


25. la sécheresse 26. très long,


27. par erreur 28. étiqueter,


29. imprévu 30. subtile

3. Watch the video and find some answers to question #1

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(ici, nous notons des définitions donc nous répétons la vidéo. Dans votre oral report, vous

prendrez des notes pour faire une synthèse et ne répéterez pas la vidéo ; vous la condenserez et

la reformulerez)

Definitions or details given in the video




A gene •

A protein

4. Grammar. Uncountable nouns.

Observe the following sentences:

“Information is stored in DNA.

“to safeguard this precious genetic information”

a. How do you translate these two sentences? What do you notice?

b. How do you call nouns that are seen as a whole and cannot be divided to be counted?

c. Fill in the following words advice, chocolate, sweat, jam, lemonade, meat, dandruff, milk,

oil, rice, tea, tennis, sugar.

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Example: a lump of sugar

1) a piece of

2) a packet of

3) a bar of

4) a glass of

5) a cup of

6) a bottle of

7) a slice of

8) a barrel of

9) a game of

10) a jar of

11) a flake of

12) a bead of

d. In each sentence, choose the best phrase to complete the gap from the choices below

1. The receptionist at the front desk gave me two _____________

a) informations b) information c) pieces of information

2. My cousin is beautiful. She has green eyes and _____________

a) Long hair b) long hairs c) a long hair d) a long length of hair

3. _____________ have you got in the bank? Is it enough to buy a house?

a) How many moneys b) how many money c) how much money

4. On Saturday Paul went fishing and he caught _____________

a) Three fish b) three fishes c) three items of fish

5. Can I borrow _____________ from you?

a) paper b) a paper c) a slice of paper d) a piece of paper

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6. Every morning I spend 30 minutes doing _____________. That’s how I stay slim.

a) exercise b) an exercise c) some exercises

7. United Airlines allows two _________________ per passenger.

a) luggages b) pieces of luggages c) pieces of luggage

Class #4 - writing a cover letter

1. Rules for Writing Formal Letters in English

A cover letter accompanies your resume when you are applying for a job.

• In your CC1, you will have to write a formal cover letter

• Try to write as simply and as clearly as possible

• Do not make the letter longer than necessary.

• Remember not to use informal language like contractions in a formal letter (He’s ➔ He is

or He has - I’m ➔ I am - It’s ➔ It is)

• Put forward all the elements (personal experience, jobs, courses you have followed…)

that will show that you are suitable if not the best applicant for the position.

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2. Layout of a formal letter (disposition de votre lettre)

1) The _____________________ of the person you are writing to

Theaddressee’s address should be written on the left, starting below your address.

2) Your _____________________

The return address should be written in the top right-hand corner of the letter.

3) Date

Different people put the date on different sides of the page. You can write this on the right or the

left on the line after the address you are writing to. Write the ___________________ as a word.

Write the following dates in English:

o 12 octobre 2021 : ______________________________________________

o Mardi 5 juillet 2020 : ______________________________________________








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o 21 février 1999 : ______________________________________________

o mercredi 16 juin : ______________________________________________

4) Salutation or greeting

a) If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use the following form:

_____________________ (It is advisable to try to find out a name.)

b) If you know the name, use the title (Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms, Dr, etc.) and the last name only. If

you are writing to a woman and do not know if she uses Mrs or Miss, you should use

_____________, which is for both married and single women.

Dear Mr Jenkins, Dear Ms Hawers, Dear Dr Greene…

5) Main text of your letter: Outline of the main body of the letter (organisation du corps

de la lettre)

Here is a fairly conventional plan for the layout of the paragraphs.

1.Opening Paragraph

Briefly identify yourself and the position you are applying for. Add how you found out about

the vacancy.

2.Paragraph #2

Give the reasons why you are interested in working for the company and why you wish to

be considered for that particular post. State your relevant qualifications and experience, as

well as your personal qualities that make you a suitable candidate.

3.Paragraph #3

Inform them that you have enclosed your current resume and add any further information

that you think could help your case.

4.Closing Paragraph

Give your availability for interview, thank them for their consideration, restate your interest

and close the letter.

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6) Ending the letter

a) If you do not know the name of the person, end the letter this way:


b) If you know the name of the person, end the letter this way:


7) Your _____________________

Sign your name, then print or write it underneath the signature. First name first! Bengloan

Coraline ➔ Coraline Bengloan

3. Abbreviations Used in Letters

The following abbreviations are widely used in letters:

• _________________ = enclosure (when you include other papers with your letter)

• _________________ = per procurationem (a Latin phrase meaning that you are signing the

letter on somebody else's behalf; if they are not there to sign it themselves, etc)

• _________________ = postscript (when you want to add something after you've finished

and signed it)

• _________________ (informal) = please turn over (to make sure that the other person

knows the letter continues on the other side of the page)

• _________________ = please reply

4. Entraînement, phrases à connaître. Translate.

• Je me permets de vous écrire : _______________________________________

• Je souhaite postuler pour le stage de (…) dont vous avez publié l’annonce dans… :



• Je suis disponible pour entretien le …. : _______________________________________

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• Veuillez trouver mon CV ci-joint : _____________________________________

• J'attends avec impatience la possibilité de pouvoir personnellement discuter avec vous :


• Dans l’attente d’une réponse de votre part : ___________________________________

5. Erreurs fréquentes à corriger. (Le nombre d’erreurs à corriger est indiqué entre


1. Madam Smith, (1) _______________________

I am writting to you for the proposition of intership in the New Scientist (3)


2. I am intersted in appling for the summer position that listed in magazine Scientific American



3. I am a third-year student of Licence and I would apply for the training period… (2)


4. I am motivate, open-minded, easy-going and I can’t get angry… (2)


5. I am writing to you because i would like to candidate in your society. I saw your announce in

New Scientist (4)

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6. I am hightly motivated to have a training period (2)


7. I would like to increase my english (2).


8. I am preparing a Bachelor’s Degree, so this internship will be a great experience (1).


9. I ’ am good public speaking (2).


10. Your company has a good reputation who permitted to obtain experience in sciences (4).


11. I am Tom Rivière, a French student of 20 years-old actually preparing a Bachelor’s Degree

at the Orléans University (3).


12. I am using microscopes to observe many specimens and I want the get this opportunity to

developp my knowledges in Biology (3).

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13. I already worked in this field and I have realized experiences in the physiopathology and in

the pharmacology (4).


14. I am a person who love work in a team (2).


6. What about emails?

Can you find the abbreviations widely used in emails?

• as soon as possible: ____________________

• when you send a copy of a letter to more than one person, you use this abbreviation to let

them know: ____________________

• when you send a copy of a letter to someone else but you do not want the recipient to know:


What are the translations to the following expressions?

• Veuillez trouver en fichier-joint: _______________________________________

• Cordialement : ___________________________________

7. Match each symbol with how you say it:

1. at 2. back slash 3. capital H 4. dot 5. hyphen (US) / dash (UK) 6. slash 7. small H 8. underscore

H .

h @

- /

_ \

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8. Extra exercise. Chose the correct preposition.

1. in – at – on – under

Hurry up! Call the firemen! The neighbor's house is _____________fire.

2. in – on – by

Do you go to work ____________car or do you prefer going __________foot?

3. in – on – at – by – into

Andrew's car was driving ____________full speed when it crashed _________ the wall.

4. next to – in front of – past – along

A lot of people drive _______________hitch-hikers (auto-stoppeurs) without stopping.

5. through – across – into – up

To get to the manager's office you have to go ____________those stairs.

6. onto – through – to – until

In the Catholic Church, the Pope remains at the head of the Church _____________his death.

7. about – on – among – over

I've just read a very interesting book __________ Native Americans.

8. after – besides – with – next to

Do you study other languages ______________ English and French?

Class #5 – Space conquest, numbers and maths terms

1. Vocabulary. Find the equivalents of the following words in the videos. (in English)

1. Un but

2. escalader

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3. une décennie 4. un talent

5. un défi

6. reporter

7. avoir l’intention de

8. une fusée

9. un terrain (sport)

10. un alliage

11. assembler 12. audacieux

2. Pairwork. In your own terms, summarize the video orally.

3. Grammar: numbers.

3.1. Translate the following phrases into English

a. Des millions de gens :

b. 2 milliards et demi de dollars :

c. 6794 euros :

d. Trois mille ingénieurs :

e. des milliers d’ordinateurs :

f. des centaines d’heures :

g. 400 ans :

3.2. Explain the rule with “s” and “of”.

ex :


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4. Useful maths terms

4. a. reading basic fractions

Can you read these out loud?

Written Read




4.b. Reading basic formulae

4. c. Reading values and numbers

Written Read

a + b = c

a - b = d

a x b = e

a/b = f

Written Read







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4. 4. Exercise. Pairwork.

Write 3 formulae and have your classmates read them out loud.

Class #6 : Technology can save lives

1. Pronunciation of “h” – Circle the words which contain the sound /h/ and practice.





















2. Grammar

a. Observez les phrases suivantes:

1. Many lives could be saved with this new app”.

2. He was bullied when he was in high school.

Ces phrases sont à la voix __________________

Indiquez le temps/structure de chaque phrase :

A la voix passive, il y a toujours 2 éléments : __________________________ et


On l’utilise souvent pour traduire une tournure impersonnelle française qui n’existe pas en

anglais : _______

Très souvent le complément __________________________ est omis.

3. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a passive verb and by + an agent or with +

an instrument

1. A number of doctors examined Mary.

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2. The extent of the problem has surprised everyone.


3. The freezing conditions discouraged many shoppers.


4. Someone can use a brick to smash the window.


5. The teacher is helping the students.


6. The storm had damaged several buildings.


7. Tom has seen the accident.


8. The company paid him very well.


9. Did you clean the window?

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10. We need to keep RNA vaccines in ultra-cold freezers.


Video on texting

Nancy Lublin is the CEO of, a non-profit organization with the goal of

motivating young people to take action around social changes through national campaigns and

grants for projects that make an impact.

Anticipation - Before watching

4. What words do you expect to hear in the video?

5. Vocabulary

Watch the video and find the equivalents for the following words

1. Un outil 2. une ligne de vie, une

corde de sécurité

3. obscène 4. moyen

5. à moins que 6. un taux

7. promettre 8. de la banlieue

9.a. un phénomène

b.des phénomènes



10. la jeunesse

11. changer de cap 12. to concentrate =

13. involontaire 14. violer

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15. soutien


16. puissant

17. les données 18. empêcher quelque

chose d’arriver

19. des petits vols,


20. assignations (à


21. faire baisser,

freiner qch

22. un recensement

23. troubles de


24. odieux, haineux

6. What do the following acronyms mean?

LOL : __________________ LMAO : __________________ HMU : _______________

7. Extra question. The following abbreviations are often used in texting or chatting, do

you know what they mean?


DIY : L8R : BRB : XOX :


8. Group work. You participate in a science contest. Your task is to invent a life saving

technology. It can be a device or an app.

With your group, 1. invent a technology thay could save lives

2. be ready to present your invention to the class using passive voice

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9. Homework for next time: prepare the three-minute oral report of the video.

Class #7 – Deforestation

Warm-up - Correction of the homework (three-minute oral report)

1. Grammar: relative clauses

a. That, which, whose, what, who, whom…➔ quick reminder

b. Exercise. Circle the correct answer.

1. The phone … is in the hall is broken.

a. who b. which c. whom d. whose

2. The man… came to repair our fax machine is Irish.

a. who b. which c. whom d. whose

3. The goal of COVAX is to have 2 billion doses to distribute, ……. should be enough to help

countries vaccinate 20% of their populations.

a. who b. which c. , which d. that

4. Pfizer is a vaccine ….. relies on messenger RNA.

a. who b. that c. whose d. Ø

5. The employees and the telephone … used to be here have been moved to another office.

a. who b. which c. whom d. that

6. She is a freelance journalist … articles are crammed with information.

a. which b. whom c. whose d. that

7. The new technician, with … we work, will get a raise.

a. which b. whom c. whose d. that

8. The boss would rather give the job to Ms Doe, … husband is famous and powerful.

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a. whom b. whose c. that d. which

9. I heard you’re interested in learning Chinese, … I must say, surprised me.

a. what b. that c. of which d. which

10. His reaction was not… we expected.

a. what b. that c. that which d. which

c. Translate.

a. Aux Etats-Unis, il y a des millions de personnes qui ont deux emplois.

b. Elon Musk, qui est qui est le PDG de Tesla Motors, est maintenant milliardaire.

c. Il n’a pas pu finir l’expérience qu’il avait débutée deux mois plus tôt

d. Le film dont je t’ai parlé sortira demain.

e. L’étudiant, dont l’ordinateur portable est cassé, étudie la biologie.

Part II. 2 videos on deforestation

Before watching: anticipation

1. Anticipation - words you may hear:

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+ Area units in English: 5 acres ≈ 2 hectares (2.02 to be exact) therefore 20 million acres ≈ 8

million hectares…

2. Vocabulary: find the equivalents in the videos. (in English)

1. CNN video 2. WWF video

1. L’équilibre / équilibrer


2.Pauvre / appauvri 9.Elevage de bétail


3.La Papouasie Nouvelle


10.Un ara


4.Du bétail 11. Espèces en voie

de disparition

5. Ecologique


6.Empêcher / entraver


7.La forêt tropicale

14.Les habitants

3. Pairwork. Prepare the three-minute oral report of the video.

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Class #8 - CC1 (cover letter) + build up vocabulary + pronunciation

Word-building techniques

1. Match each term below with a method of formation.

Word Method of Formation

1. Netflix

2. scuba

3. brunch

4. exam

5. racist

6. Post-it

7. ping-pong

8. igloo

9. diskette

10. bungalow

11. biohazard

12. brainstorm

13. to chair

14. britpop

15. kleenex

16. workoholic

17. yuppy

18. blog

a. blending (mixing two words and their meanings together)

b. using part of a word

c. forming a word from the letters of a phrase

d. derivation (adding a prefix or a suffix)

e. conversion (changing the way a word is used - e.g. a verb becomes a noun)

f. composition (joining two words)

g. words made with rhyming pairs

h. loaning (taking a word from another language)

i. using brand names

2. Blending: Find what words were mixed together to form another word

1. electrocute:

2. travelogue:

3. smog:

4. Oxbridge:

5. Motel:

6. Rockumentary:

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3. Derivation:

Derivation consists in adding a prefix or a suffix to a root to make a new word.

A. Here is a list of common prefixes: complete the table with the meanings and examples

Prefix Meaning Example










B. Here is a list of common suffixes: what types of words end with these suffixes? Do you know

the meaning of some of them?

Suffix Meaning Examples










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4. Exercise on derivation. Complete the following sentences by adding prefixes or/and

suffixes to the words in brackets.

a. Realizing the _______________ (hope) of the situation, they gave up.

b. He felt _______________ (comfort) when the results came out negative.

c. Hold this test tube _______________ (care); I don’t want it broken!

d. Many people took part in the ______________ (demonstrate) against the government.

e. The assistant pretended to _______________ (understand) my instructions.

f. The rainforest is a beautiful but _______________ (friend) place.

g. The bad weather _______________ (courage) the students from going on their field trip.

5. Exercise on composition.

5. 1. Make compound nouns with the following meanings:

a. A book for exercises:

b. The person who chairs a meeting:

c. A coat for rainy weather:

d. The representative of a group selected to speak officially:

e. A suit to wear in space:

5. 2. Make compound adjectives (adjectives do NOT take plural)

a. We need a biologist who speaks English.

We need a …

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b. The students have to write an essay of 200 words.

The students have to write a…

c. This figure has the shape of a mushroom.

This figure is…

d. His voice sounded quite friendly.

He had a…

e. This metal has the colour of sand.

This metal is…

f. Their house was built very strangely.

They have a…

Class #9 - CC2 + pronunciation exercises

1. Pronunciation of “th”

/θ/ /ð/

Thank you








2. Pronunciation of diphthongs

2. a. Brief recap on diphthongs

2. b. Exercise. Match the words to the right transcriptions on the right.

a. bear /beɪ/ e. they /ðeɪ/

beer /bɪə/ though /ðeə/

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bay /beə/ there /ðəʊ/

b. toy /tɔɪ/ f. I’ll /ɔɪl/

tie /təʊ/ oil /aɪl/

toe /taɪ/ owl /aʊl/

c. roll /reɪl/ g. dear /daɪ/

real /rɪəl/ day /dɪə/

rail /rəʊl/ die /deɪ/

d. how /heə/ h. show /ʃeə/

hair /haʊ/ share /ʃaɪ/

high /haɪ/ shy /ʃəʊ/

3. Pronunciation of /h/

3. a. Read the words: to have, harmful, army, hazard, horrified, Your Honor

3. b. Read the sentences:

a. I don’t have a clue.

b. The atmosphere of the earth has no definite boundary.

c. I hate having art class on Mondays. It’s awful!

d. They live in an old house.

Class #10 – CC3 : oral report

Good luck!
