Angel wing (earthdeath)

EARTHDEATH In vain, Karell’s trembling fingers dug for the roots of the small Frill plant. A whirling fine dust dimmed the reddish midday sun. Tired and in despair he looked around the almost barren ground, but other than a few bitter tasting wheat grasses and a few straggly bushes there was not much plants left growing or which he could eat. Dejected he struggled back to the shallow burrow he had dug out when he was still stronger and lay down on his tattered grass mat to rest. Karell had not seen any of his clan for several months. After many distressing quarrels over roots and seeds his tribe elders had realised that the sparse vegetation could no longer feed their group of twelve people. He gazed up at the feeble sun disc and sensed that everything was comming to an end. He wondered if his very best friend Fred could still be alive as he drifted in and out of sleep. Images whirled before his eyes, of excited small boys running, of a sleek, gleaming silver spaceship streaking low across the sky. Karell remembered once more how words had spread fast and that his whole tribe of about eighty people had gathered to watch it land. Many were apprehensive and afraid and had armed themselves with rocks. When the dust had settled Karell and Fred could see the disc shaped craft. After awhile there appeared an opening and two figures emerged. Many were afraid and wanted to stone the intruders. But when one of the aliens raised his arm, in what Karell thought must be a sort of greeting, and started to talk, many could understood a few of the alien’s words. Karell was one of the very few who wondered if the aliens could not be humans. Often his mom had read to him from the sacred Green-Peacebook, told him of the Holy-GaiaWar with the evil techno-people and that they all had eventually left Earth. She did not say why, only that Goddess Gaia had cleansed Mother Earth of those wicked, wicked people who had sold their souls to the evil Compu-Chip implants. Karell held his stomach to lessen his ever-increasing hunger bangs after awoke from his fitful sleep. What else had mom told him? Yes, how the Gaia priestesses had failed to curb the alarming increase of locusts and food spoiling flies with their chants. Where did those horrible plagues come from? Why had most of the good soil blown away? Why were so few babes born he had asked. Mom did not know. Karell racked his brain, what else had those space visitors told his tribe all those decades ago? He remembered how stunned he was when they created a sharp picture that magically floated in the air and showed many planets revolving around the sun; and how the tribe elders vehemently opposed the visitors warning. Mom has said to only trust the Goddess Gaia and that it was lie that the sun was dying, an evil ruse to steal Earth away from the tribe. What was it the

Transcript of Angel wing (earthdeath)

Page 1: Angel wing (earthdeath)


In vain, Karell’s trembling fingers dug for the roots of the small Frill plant. A whirling fine dust dimmed the reddish midday sun. Tired and in despair he looked around the almost barren ground, but other than a few bitter tasting wheat grasses and a few straggly bushes there was not much plants left growing or which he could eat. Dejected he struggled back to the shallow burrow he had dug out when he was still stronger and lay down on his tattered grass mat to rest. Karell had not seen any of his clan for several months. After many distressing quarrels over roots and seeds his tribe elders had realised that the sparse vegetation could no longer feed their group of twelve people. He gazed up at the feeble sun disc and sensed that everything was comming to an end. He wondered if his very best friend Fred could still be alive as he drifted in and out of sleep.

Images whirled before his eyes, of excited small boys running, of a sleek, gleaming silver spaceship streaking low across the sky. Karell remembered once more how words had spread fast and that his whole tribe of about eighty people had gathered to watch it land.Many were apprehensive and afraid and had armed themselves with rocks. When the dust had settled Karell and Fred could see the disc shaped craft. After awhile there appeared an opening and two figures emerged. Many were afraid and wanted to stone the intruders.But when one of the aliens raised his arm, in what Karell thought must be a sort of greeting, and started to talk, many could understood a few of the alien’s words. Karell was one of the very few who wondered if the aliens could not be humans.Often his mom had read to him from the sacred Green-Peacebook, told him of the Holy-GaiaWar with the evil techno-people and that they all had eventually left Earth. She did not say why, only that Goddess Gaia had cleansed Mother Earth of those wicked, wicked people who had sold their souls to the evil Compu-Chip implants.

Karell held his stomach to lessen his ever-increasing hunger bangs after awoke from his fitful sleep.What else had mom told him? Yes, how the Gaia priestesses had failed to curb the alarming increase of locusts and food spoiling flies with their chants. Where did those horrible plagues come from? Why had most of the good soil blown away? Why were so few babes born he had asked.Mom did not know.

Karell racked his brain, what else had those space visitors told his tribe all those decades ago? He remembered how stunned he was when they created a sharp picture that magically floated in the air and showed many planets revolving around the sun; and how the tribe elders vehemently opposed the visitors warning. Mom has said to only trust the Goddess Gaia and that it was lie that the sun was dying, an evil ruse to steal Earth away from the tribe. What was it the exasperated captain of the spacecraft had said to one of his crew? Karell could not remember. Only few could be persuaded to leave Earth. He dimly recalled that he cried when his friend Fred said goodbye and his family left with the spaceship. But did he really leave? Karell was not sure anymore. He sighed, turned and tossed, and finally fell into a restless sleep.

AngelWing gazed with compassion at the frail shivering body. He gently lifted Karell’s head and put a small water filled cup to his parched lips. Karell stirred, came to, and whispered, ‘Fred? Fred, is that you?’‘No, I am not. I am AngelWing. Your good friend Fred travelled long ago to one of the many planets humans have settled on since they has left Earth thousands of years ago. He is very well.’‘Oh that is good’, Karell whispered, and then cried softly.’

‘Karell, the sun is dying, Earth is dying..., and you, you are the only human left alive.’Karell heard the words, but he could not fully comprehend what they meant.‘Would you like to join your friend, leave this barren, dying Earth Karell?’ AngelWing asked.Karell slowly shook his head, ‘Holy Mother Earth has served us well. My end is near too and I wish to stay and be with her as long as I can.’AngelWing gently put a warm blanket over Karell’s body, ‘A noble wish Karell, well befitting your beliefs. Rest and sleep well now. I will stay with you.’’AngelWing knew it would not be for very much longer. * * *