•NEWnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86053155/1864-03-26/ed-1/seq-4.… · Balmoral/ gaiter*....

^ 1 XOS'E’- t ■' *■ ' ' ”■ ■tt USt ■ receiTe'a at<#ifsT;l CLAUS’ Head * ^ ^rTi'i VS Hardware r;:-- ^CC} tf ~,r '.,*1-' ii t t .7'’^: £- ?8S »-r.-.'- -it ^ t r i ' - ft-' i SdiSa^ liaforl JtoMuS TOSEB STONB AND ' llIOBamental' Works! SilTaiit Street, opposite the Park, AMERiCAN A. foreign MARBLE M ■-U SlEfiW :,::!3<w pev i1 ^g^jsh^jeakrpst, , Sotio^hoPg^. 7,Upop»ld Japan^i - ’O<n0^£^ • ’ n „,DysoUv , , ^ . . - - t W W W r W ^ r ^ AN» M Lhat can be fotind in West ai8 |M f^W s.^h a i e wistiv ing, to parbhase either uom xE m a o* to give' me a call before pnrehasingaa I do all my oinr''*m«ntl'lhctnring, and employ no travelling agent I can and will sell to you muoh cheaper than you can purcha‘se elsewhere. The Artistical skill in the eae oution of my work, cannot he surpassed, asi an exam- ination of it will prove- 1 also furnish to order ___ Quincy GraniteiMonuments Of all Sizes and Styles. ! -T V .. ,_ a: -jr7£KS?"-?^-v jerry Ttt great vurietyjaUd of .tBO yeiy best. q,ualities^ !'Sf4GE^W i#;ittta GtQU# . .i ' , ^FJSlfe^tti*asCodBsh>r to Ciscides ;Wb3tefish^tal:e!Tr0nLSeotctt Herring, ^to#^,jSiAoSM4faUhiifeot% : '^ 5 * •_ soi(P, oAiniLW 'S E sk A rcsb ; cif& lihanii ®rverG16s^*^-^re White-and^* '• ;■» ' PE9iTl.'Stafch.J^ y- -r ■ flour ,—expressly for '^^drutly use, by ‘the bOrrel, h a ^ h « c ! i 6 d;ra<0 ^ ' ;;.| | a!ND WOi^D^jI'WARE,^,^ litfi,eVplWve^Qff 8Bpetioj'ltnrRing ‘M A io if ' ;' oDi’SritOEE^? Geo. and Henry Stenber “TAT'OtlLD respectfully inform theD many ? VV frientia adf pj^ttp^ianj^'tho rest of man- kind generally, that they have not left Batavia, all assertions by some PABTicunAK fribhds to a ® ............... the Liberty . , . give the public the beneiiit of our late disaster bylire. We now.offer them a ftiU and wpU se- ldfetddito^cf -.5. iv'T T'c-vd a *v *-’.'-1^ o ’# 0 A ® IiN E -T '- ’- W A R E FIRST IN MARKET. O . F E ^ T T , At the ffign of the HanUnoth I,! ‘ ,J 'rr*i;-'van- TnrfiS jnst returned from the Eastern markets JLL with a choice and fresh selection of , At prices to suit each and every customer,— We-oannotbe-underaold by any other establish- niont in Genesee County, Alannfaotnring our own work, it being entirely under our own su- pervision, wo defy all eompetition as to quality ^and price, we therefore gratelnlly solicit a con- tinuance of the patronage that has been extend- ed to us since our commencement in Batavia. , Our Stock consists partly of the following B am ily G-roceries their kindpatronage during the past year. He Qua still be found AT TEE SAME OLD STAND ^ g 'N o , SO^Maitt SDeet, Where by strict attention to business he hopes to merit a continnaned of the liberal patronage already bestowed upon him. He would also call the attention of those who drink Coffee to the GEEAT PISGOYERY recently mad'e*in this iavorlte beverage, where a splendid article may be furnished at Half the Price of Old Java 1 and warrantod-equally as good. TJall’for'thO G p M E N R U IB Q Q l^E E rand feet Qaslcferl. BUTTER, EGGS, -ever broughtjtoAhis market and Wilt'-5^1 the& ita.very4ittleiaayance #rom. cost;, We hive faked aTgrSat deal j>f pains Jn selecting them un acteount of t^ft high prices, and dab sell them from’a/JittleadVaiieeDom fomenprioes. . • J Onr-stock is very large in every branch, but mOr.o f|®«pji^ly|M:^i?».^« ‘ . ‘ i : ‘ • r LA D lfiS? T^U RS, W^fes^iy^^wb-danbeat the Jews o ra n j one else, as we have five times the amount that wo have:fever bad before, .and are p x io n s to sell .tbpm- edepp- And will boSdldHf a^siaatl advanoel from cost. Please give ns a calL*-.tAlLGoqdB warranted as ropr^nte.d,'*nd tojihow,them^ ' ^ ’Cash pa^’fpf F UIISJ^ ;Bata^^'NoVem^«U8^. a'^w;thing* asd sjipeiior to apy .other matoriab manufactured. f . * . > ' " HxVWAHA A;lS©^0&MESTrC^ > ' ‘ AlsOchSiCo Siwffilis, 1/^mes amA Cordials -A ’A I^^^acL, Alntasl; everyfl^gi may' he foKnd at -^a-CalT-and sen ®>r ybarselvem' Nojtroable taAhowHDfldff,' JRememhef th&HumheU ^ wtvi\n - ‘ * ' e DWi H cos . , FUENITGRE F # E iS fiS ® ^jlW SffS A'-T.-.I • ‘J *t *48“ 1 ; t<- p-'-T '-“T i --- - ,---- -r jFpM :€trTI,E^ CorafeLP^di!, jrwih.^8«<»t'wid BSUts^' unairs I of every d^siga and pnce» a^d 9 l \\ other article Usually keptin a first class OahinetEtore. Also A •full-assotimegt^of-ltATTRASSES-beptr rm piand, . "J p,f ■■ •- . ■ X' r-l -r. ,v 7, PL ATED ^A IIE , - rj^Hqu^ tq w Hq^|'palLJ»#:^^; AT •u- \ EE located a tm 4fcMAifcBtrseLi'ojlporffo x\.!Me?HoifoflIedpwhere pad be fdnnd a choice HtternDFine-*—~ Of an kinds, such as n kinds, inch as they hays d»u ey hays jiually kepfi ons -1*' " bagrbnshei'Snd pOnn^ - • ^o^psing? alhihe newstylesf as-wejl as stick^ iw ’B^s,;jfottoi«i, Gnm Drop^tChooolats '■ Creams,* Mixed Oamiick Ac., with an \MtKC8syaHetyiif 6e*man, French • and'Amcrl;an -T am Yankee nv -Nbtwds'ahdfanoyArtfblenT^ it & n.. .-7:.-Xstt*Lmjm/dr-;eyery'onei*,i, ,;7 1 . A GOOD ASSOETMENi' O f^ ,r.i i ^ ose ^;PP| le ^ ge a ^ ry gUPPBQJl AND’STELE. -f^ockei Bopk^ PoMiAadbnaies; Hooks for-both-Iadiesand gentlemenr - 5 ; ffc^ct, bn#Gqods are mi;ffAw,and,& ind "TSUSHe $O F A S , LQ U N H 3ES, TEXB A XETES, MIREQRS, MARBLE TOP TABLES,. Mahogany & BPife: Walnut EXTENSION and DINJNG TABLES, [D ^ > .B E D S T E A D S , FICTUBE FRAMES made to order fromRcisevrood, Black Walnut, aud Gilt Motddiugs. sizes and at prioei tm low as the lowest ortmenb-of-Blac m^talDltylii^^and it our new establishment. No, 32 Chamnio W« Wr^afly tew e the' pttwio to 'give uf a call at onr new establishment. No, 32 Champion Block, directly oppositp the Liberty Pole, ! "Nt-BrUPHOESTERINGnadne omEdrFnb^^ Uanufactnrihg Establishment, LtrRoy, N. T, G. STEtTBER. - H, STBUBEB, r I BOURBOiaA WHISKEY I "B0HRBONI.A - W HISKEY“M" BOTJBBONIA ly aiS E E Y 1 I 1 FIRST PRBMItTM R O D IO N > _____ ^ ___________ -ithmyTaVyecenl- |y held in the city of New York, awarded to t,a BOURBON ong and well known as Mills’'BourbOBia, it is only necesssry. torefer to the principal physicians, mostofthe-’ Grocers and Druggists throughont the United States^ and the ■l^l^ORpajilJKBxkMEMOAN^ of New York, from which it baa obtained re- peated First Premiums as to its superiority over any Olber brand ever offered to the public. Its litgaipinal qualities are of a a very superior n^r tpre, being frequently used * Diseasei o| the LSBAk, tedhnah (M)ject==in making use of usual &cilities at bis msposalr^is to insure to his customers a good JOBN GrtALGONEH Proprietor. |ly-21 No. lABroadwfy, New York. :•{ 0F HAE^J^RD^IONN. CASH ABBETJS ' Ti»: Ifamk:; Disirfoti or week; - - term; names of Trusses anAGlerksjjma such: otheYmtt^FkaSay^- ^ •t ' - i,,r,.— i''--— . 1 . . I. j ■V- 1 $L045.f86,95, j • undersigned, the duly authorised Agent. NpfcED salmon , Bmoked HalUbut, smoked and all articles in the Produce line., __ Give US a Caff and we will ^v e you good satis- faction. NEW- OO0 DS w holesale & RETAIL. TTTTE are, now* rfcceivtnj YV onr Stock qf choice rE are,» 0 !W*rfcceivtng^large addition Fanuly droceries, Which have been bought at low prioea and will TTT %W&MMsa MMIR . an D- [ET MOLASSES 43 ] IN GREAT VARIETY. u:, A GROUND A2«) UNGEOUND. kACEEBM. &WHmiFISH |ci& ^SMOKED HALLIBUT, hod HERRING, BmoheiSL M eats, i)f all'kfeds)^ Bta^h; 8<kp!,an^ 6 ikd'lM,.of «n est qualiiy. Also the best brands of In fact everything kept in a BUTTER, EGGS, CASH PAID FOR And all kinds of Country Produce. STORY & FERREN, .6 97, Cor. Main & Jackson Sts. Vvlll d'\g ® tn a Insuraiiefe'U O iV Incorporated 4819^Charter PerpetnaL THOS. A. ALEXANDER, ........... President. HENRY Z. PRATT,, ......Vice- President. L. X HBNDEE, ........ Secretary. WINWLSTYLES. m :m m § i ■n, ' i ; r,-' M, MoCORMCB:. •ti /■.;•■' Ji •NEW .UL FALL GOODS!! •ii ' 'f.--« , liT - ■•' M ?, ,-,. / •. : ! iC M Lfiw-Prioes Agajal TEE iy^EOm^T.OB" TEBOW- ING yjREEBANDS AMONG TEE ODD FOGIES TO KEEP TE E M A '^A K E D UBING TEE DDEDAVmi A GREAT ASSORTMENT OF Fall pre^s Goods it r'lH .»■■> AND BROWN r .» •' > \ ; ■ Lineijs, Flaih and B;arrd Moalin^ all woo! FlanDels; Canton do ; Hoeiery in id^Tidd^Ssoctmeni^tGd^’ Wrajw ...j»e|8 and Drawers; French, .; \ C^ssifnereh, F«rjneW" _ '-a # Mechdmes* ' dpj .Hoots; ShdbB, Wall Paper,'GarpetipgsOU Cloths Balmoral/ gaiter*. &c.» &c., ,_all.qfNhicll jfill be sold very, lowfor “ Greenbacks” con: !::: ''-'I taiiiing tbe'likaness of i^TATHEK ABRAHAM 1” , ^Batavidi Bepiemhr Hth, 186S. HOLES H. BIERCE. or Plumber, thathe iS again located at the Gas >Works iiFBatavis,nnd wfll he at all timesTeady to attend fKeaUB -ip his line of husiness. , ^ -V ..V i>A ^ - - ' A -' '.I-' C- 4- *«• -V ..>■ %>A *- ■ A - .I- f ISrdJB n everyyarieCy of dewgn. an^ oFany re huiredsize.fqrni 8 bed on short notice . .. . ^ asF’OirdetseankIgobo left at the store of D. J. Ensigd.-**’' *' ' - • YADEADDEr ffOESEn with ' Burn and a t l a n l ^ ’Cfommo- dtoui Stofe ^ith '^tJtJcl Wixtures^ * c&c: '‘ fQ t'm lily p A v d i$ ci)rUtaet. NEVVir iQQQDS..lj .7 ,/4 -I ? " ■* . ; NEW COATtNeS! .!■:/ A -.ri L- 'A . ^ ^--hSMiidtion^ of l/^lgthderbfcmsm- # 4 ti^ip|S®li3 ^G®KDI edited Bir frank mo'ore . -of, the blood, wherem ih^lni¥hefeffi^ 1m feo|i^P.4®Pt..M sqstsm Jthe vital forces in their [yJgorous acNoh/ mud ,^cnyi| The.sf 6ffllohS 7 N E W C X iO T E tS ; JHS RECEIVED BY,. S S t% fbod, Inpui^ Mtr hnbits, the,depressing vm^,4hdjvahpy%m?rpy the venerfe'al infection? Whatever " ihcrddijtaVy'in the consthutiioh ih :.JL- 0 .:G 0 WAN, • iVliich will he' made npin the m.qsfr Fashionable maaner, • i*'' ' ' ' ’" “ I * •■'•' fotlith' geheratfdn indeed, it 'sCfer rod q f Him; ^vgO;W S, ‘1J wih. I t THE 'Lt) WEST BATE0. - '.j f , , t i * ’i ' , ■ ' i i AH in? want' bf “oLO TitliN G Ihi? Pall and'.V?mtcr, -Jtre invited lb ball’And 6k- fpiine, ^ ;•/ - . I ■*'’ ■«.' L ]^y ststa vf 'H . Oi^'OOWAN.'' I ~i Le Roy, Sept. 2i, 1863. l§-tf EmpTiiiin of FasMoh. 'J'H B Subscriber has just returned from New ket In his extensive Stock may be fouhd c|efy variety of - , ’* / GENTLEMEN'S COATINGS. Ta-itbo. Gbnsnm^liohT'in ihd'#ands, swcHiiigs ;suppurft’^.;,an;4 .heeome^uleeroiis smes f |R th^ plaints: qni ±hq.skin, eruptive and .putanct^ps ii^ectfons. These ali^ having the » 5 ajnB,or]gjn> YeqnirC^^the.'Sain& XGtnedj,iyj^- pmificafiott«aBd invigwatton qLthe.^od, , and 'th'esb* daiigCrdta's^distempers leave you, _ b* dahgCrdta's’^diMCmpefs’'leave* ydtt. WUh feeble, foUl, or corrupted blood, yoitfchff? notliaye health ;, wUh thgt Vljfe of the .flpsh” health/, you cannof haVe scrofnlOuS' disease. ^ Ayer’S SarsaJparill^" ^ is compounded from the, n^ost effectual dote'Pihqt medical science has'discovered* for this afflicting;distemper;,and for the cafe pCdhu disorders it entails. That it is far superior to any bthefi remedy yet devised/ is khowii bynil avih(^^,ofjU^!zrAr , y parts; At FiSy cents each stem **®rtraits, engraved on BIX VOLUMES are NOWREADY, Hontainifig; ^ ^®iawcfYefified Occurrences. ' ’t e p S f t e m ? S ! ^ S S ' $ “S 'tS e i’ etc., dtci-North and South ^ Speeches. III. Poetry, InCidente, Anecdoles. etc. The six 'Volumes are illustrated 'with SEVENTY-SIX PORTRAim ON STEEL, of THE GENERALS: AND LEADING MEN OF THE DAY^ North and South, Bound in vanons styles— Cloth,, , , . , , .per vol.,$4 25 Sheep ......................... .. a 4 50 Half-Calf, A ntique...,...' “ " 6 |o Half-Morocco, Exlfa.,.,. “ 5 50 TO iTHH STUDENT OP HISTORY AND FOR PUBLIC LIBRARIES; THE WORK IS J^VALUABLE, It is a record.of the materials- for history— From|b,n%g3nnii[^it3i3S presented every of^, cial document and every clear and distinct naj, rati.ve;:fromU;be‘60nthejHi side,-and placed the« in, juXtaRpsitlon sjithrthe docnments and narra, fives -of the Union side. It is accurate, impar- tial,*AUd cqpjpleto, I t iaassentiiSl to every L aw, YEB’s L iukaby. It has already been received as Authentic^ Evidence in trialg for Piracy and Treasem. in-tbaUnited States UOnrts^fPbiladel- thid, Ndw York,'Boston and San Francisco. TheEJdlffdflpMa Pre«, of Odt. 2d. 1861, thug speaks of i t :-7r^ ujidn this class Of complaints, is indisputably UndeVcoals,-besides every variety and StUe of goods for Spring and Sumnter Clothing. .A^o tbe'richesffi'^iCs dfG'aodsfbrSpring&'Summef FA N T 'S-.-"& i V E S T S i That he has pvor offered to the public. He has taken unuspal pains to ,mqke this deportment what the^Wants Of the publi c demand, and to it he invites the attention of all who can appyebi-' ate good Goods. His Goods were selected by bimfielf from am^ng the D4TEST AND FEW E ST KINDS In market, ap examinutiqa of which, will satisfy my cqstomers'tbat they are equal in riebness aii[d beauty .toAny thpt pan ho found in tbi&dr any‘other market. Also a full supply of - Gentlemen's HandkercMe&^ SCARPS, SHIRT^ qolla :^, suspe Nders , AND 9 Gfints’ FiirnishinfISoods I have a Cutter who caiiriot be excelled, and all my work is made np under my own sup- erintendence apd warranted to give, tho inoBt perfect aaiisfactiom ReadyJKade Clothing, For Gent& Youth, and children, .of the latest styles ancl well made., kept cooB.tai»tly on Rand and sold at very low profits. ' WILLIAM MANN BatqviA April 25th, ISC^,. WILOOX *& GIBBS' sao $30 $30 SEWING MACHINES, ly-AA HOHER BOSTWICH, Agent, Batavia, H.Y, David Sqaver, DXAI.XB r x Pii^$ M siem es, chemicals , PUKE WINKS & LKlUOltS, .. fifjC,, <{;e.f. <&c„ 9» MAIN STREET, BATAVIA. UNION HOTEL, JACKSON ST., BATAVIA. I'l''H E undersigned gives many thanks to the A Burroundlpg Tarmers and the teavelling coinmumty 16r their liheral.patrohage, ,Ac, A M RST CLASS BARN* ' FREE SHEDS FOR FARMERS. T^ALS at all hours on moderate terms. Homo and Foreign LTQU0R.R ofthe.best qnal- **- •' CIGARS of the**bcst htdiids;/ Canandaig- fflor foRowing’d.i§eqsps: >. Eyilt-Dr Glandular SweBings, Tmaors,' Erup- tions,’ Pimi>les^ Bl,otcfie?.^d.SOT^ § S : sipelas, Rose or St. AntLoiiy s EirOj, Sadt- SwoUiRi^s, D ebili% B rop^ |)#dttoiE depodts in &well%s, Debility, 3 . . . - ^ Dy^epsia or Indigestion, Sypinlis and SyphititicMectionsjMerciirialDEQases, FfmnlB/Vf«afe@ss^ 4hc series of comfflaints that arise frqm impnnty of the‘blood.' ‘Minute reports ofnndiVidudl oa^es mUy, be found, ip .A tee ' s ^ A mekioan A lmanac, wbich is furnished to the druggista, for gratuitous distribution, wherem mUy be learned the directicais fpritanse.andsomeiOf the remafkahle cures Tyhicfi It ’has made.when aft other remedies ftad faHea“to ufferfi reW , may. have, acetis to some <meyiffl^ ean _ him of its benefits ftpiA personal «xperieuce. Scrofuid depresses the vital energies, a^d thus leaves its victims far more subject ter .disease greatly shorten* the average dm-dtion pfJinroan- life. The vast importance of these considera- tions has M US to upend yeiius In perfecting a remedy wbich is adequate: to, its cure. . This we now offer to the. public under the naipC of A ter s SAUsAEAUiLtA, ajthongli' it is. com- posed of ingredients, some of w bi^ exceed the best of Sarsaparilla in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from ffle Suffer- ing and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul tsu-rnprions that rot and. fester in the blood; purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous iealdi wRl fplloW- By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates tbe vital func- tions, and HiUs ^kpeis thd distempers whidi lurk within the system or burst out pm any part of it. .. - "We know the. public have been deeded by deceived lior d&appoulted in mis. Its virtues have been proveu by a|juudjmt trM , and there remains no question of its surpassing excejlence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is in- tended to reach. Although underitlie same name, it fs a very different medicine froto any other which has been before the people,* and is far more- effectual, than apy -gdier wbich-bus ever heen available to them. CH.EBEY PEOTOSAL, The World’s Great Remedy for CougHs, Colds,; Incipient COn- smnptionj agidfor the relief of.CoMtunptive patients ‘ ^in advailcedE stages ‘ or%H§ 4iseas4 This has been so long used sn4 ‘sQ univer-r sally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that ib quality is kept up to tUo best it ever has been, and {hat it may be relied on to do All it has eveif done. Prepared by ' D b . J. 0; A yeb <fe C o .. Prwaicxd aitd^ Apalptical Q ^ist^ Lowell^ Mass' Sold by all druggists everywheae David Beaver, Trycn h Ham, H. W. Fellows and all dealers in mfedieipes. ly -20 IIPeftTdlfT NEWS ua:and IfofihVa ALE and ?ORTBE constantly M: HADLORAN, Proprietor. ',Y 47-tf NO SURRENDER! i ON HAND ONCE MOEE- E. L. & G, Di Kenyon OffiCbGW®nld be- happy'.to receive a call from thqit: old; filendsfafid custoineira. We intend to keepi afall assoTtment of Goods-®5iteUi kept In our line, which will be, 8 old: at great bavgalns. It is for the interest of all to. give us a call be- fore purchasingelse^here’. HULL’S sH oi m u SIXTH VOLUME NOW READY. IS PHI Af ! batavj HEJYBY 4^.idOud. TERMS - -1* .^ ji. . ' i -Pirns 4«Squ P b « Sqr. 1 we 13 I 2 3 4 ■6 « ‘i •y- '« ■M 2mt ■3 “ 4 6 6 « 7 8 O w 12 v:ction.of.William Smith, for piracy; as one of the crew of the Jeff-Davi^ a great deal of doo. umentary evidence to show the reality of seces- sion was offered fS eviden.ceby the counsel for defence, taken from .Frank MCore’s RxB£tI.io)> Becorb, andjeceived by JudgeAGriterandrUad.. wallader, who presided. This is a.reffiafkable compliment to the w:ork initfuestibn, but pot higher than It merit^ from-the fulffle^And/feir* ness of its varied information respeefiing- the origin and progress of-the rehellibni It is the 5 * 0 sqr. 1 we aq I m< : So 3 do 6 with authenticity as te be admitted as evidence in a court of law, ahd on a trial for a capiial of- fence.” . , » ' * When the Savannah pirates were' tried in New York, the various counseD for the United States and the defgpee used'the REBEiitogHEcoBp aa evidence. . » - ^ In the c ^ e of the Chapman pirates, recently tried in the United States Cdnrt at San Francisco <‘the OnitedNtates PfSlnCt Attorney offered the Five VolnmAsof the Rkconb as evidence, ga being autbenllc history. The defence ohjeeted Ur. MoClean, Onstom-Spuse Hfficer was sworn, who stated THAT IT WAS THE 'ONLY AU- THENTIG HISTORY OF T he WJB. Tha Court decided that it WAS BEGBiVED IN ALL TRIALS :FGH TREASON in the Eastern States, snd therefore recognized it as such/’ MEMBER OP THE LEGAL PRO : , PBSSIOR - The record of all our statesmen. Politicians, and others, pH ! bA found in/this work. The present posi tion'of all nien who, wiB be promi- nent imthe future poliUcal histdry of our coim- try wiUrbe here recorded. And the REBEiizos Record win be * . LEGAL NC 'publishe ITUAEY igreore sa ■ vMARBIAGi Hlflirge is mar of Marriages dr $S,) will Hc OBDITORIAI . 'Effect of whicl fen cents per 1 --^epu^inac BUSIN /- BR.L r B Pfflee Honri HOE ^nstibe *bLth promptly. ebtopy, Batav - THE STATESMAWS LIBRARY. Part XXXIX., being the first.of the Seventh Tolnmfe, will be-ready bn Thursday. N. B.^Tbe interesfc of ;Mr, f). TL-EYANS in this worA a&d .works connected with it, ceased on the 15th December, 1863, JULofders, there- fore, shppld be addressed direct-to,|he Eublisher G. P. PUTNAM, No. -iii, Broadway. Attorney and Peace; will p.onrts, draT take ackno' taxes on We fortaxes; al ly. My old •Tavern). Ba ■■ tr ---------- -------- Ml Attorney aud 1 .tSffide in ol- The Buffalo Courier, JOSEPH WARREN & CO., .... PRdPEIET^ES^ . 178 Washiugtou S t, Buffalo, N, Y"* Batavia, N. I atja,- The year TS61'is destined to become one of- cldc ip a/great measure, whether the govern- ment onr fathers framed and-bequeathed to ns is to be preserved, or whether some o'fherfbrm of government is to he established upoh the ruins man must^give his influence and liis vote either to preserve or destroy the Union—either to sns- tain.or undermine Depiooratic Irritations and constitutionalyights. .. ' Pendingthe-inauguretioh of the Presidential camp iign. it is a matter of vital moment that guco^ssor tp Dealer in ch . siqns, Forei . 1 •yijiea, etc„^i OHA Attorney and ^ pO|Urt Housi WE Attorney and American B] Lq4nt \>n re Vsaleof Bonds no other way pe so widely spread aUd public sentiment so effectually mbdified. The Buxealo Courier is an advocate-of Democratic princi - ples, a defender of constitutional rights, and an opponentof the measures by which disuhioaists North and South, geek to destfoy Fefifrg} Uni 6A and with if tlie' liberties pf. Hie people. H. & PealOrs ip Hi o'be! Bobea, Furs < les in oc s and thi 1^3^ ‘The Telegraph reports appear in it simultaneously with their publica- tion in New York city; and unwearied pains are taken to”prenenl fall and impartial dig its of .^I? ctfrrent nes^ - Its Market, Reports nre prepared by a careful and experienced man, and their correctness may be implicitly relied on.- In a d d if^ to the daily reports of couunercial transactions, a weekly report of Markefe Is pnblishbd, bdmpiled wi^ special xeferenpe to country readers, ,u. ‘ CoHrie& This IS a large sheet, and fnrni^ed by mail at the foUowSng.a-btpsi-sOubyeaiv madvsteeb, $ 8 j -'-K ?EE ■W Beider in Watc and Silver W . Ari^lca adai • tured for e - ■purpose, - Ba HORi -|ftveiy Stable.- - Block, Batavi gesto hire o dFty®rs sent i vancej,5>.^y, ^ . r - Ev^niag; Goiip^jr nid |R©pMbKc. vance;S§p, Eveninj This is a six colnmn paper, telbgrapbic nbws. from the mo allthe*elegraih>*r< no6a paper m thfe newspbperiujtheHtate; ahdie ^Mlafl ntalning: tha A 'P»P®>-, aa yancp,.fl,. .Clubs of ten copies, one y e« $30. The W eeM y Courier. Is the same size aa the morning jCoprier,. cos- /%■ ; WE Main Street, Ba “p r i ^ . Tht , the I favorite ' reputation fa remodelled, Hehls and £ stabling attac tliepars.. St: Aina and Pet ML] fCorrec fe Trarn^' leave W the running th ^ rHiaStiiher-^ ]N. y . CEJ IN FULL OPERATION m m WM ; q(H) Cpyqlry Horses! AN ENTJRE NEW STOCK BOOTSiSiOiS will be furnished, to, snbscribere-'as follows:- Single copy, pife year, in advance, 50, club of ten copies, ope year, $12 50, clubs of twenty copies, one yeat, $20. And any greater number to one post office address at the same rate- In, addition to. its news, and itniscellsneom reading, it cdutaina ’a Weekly DeView of tee Markets, prepared. expressly for/its colomns, which to eveiy Parmer, is worth fen times tea Y bari/ 8ub5criptto.n pribeJof thb paper*- Fghlis%rs, 178 WashingtouBt:,BnffalQ. ly Bttffialo &N. T ap Freight teamhpat £ M ail... iE i itHxpres ii.: Accominodat tail 8 ,;andmuatt be Ao'und and ffeb from all blem- ishes. No mares accepted - . ' ' Any person haying such Horses for sale, must . OF;T|m LATESP S3:YLEa AND BEST QUALITY, WEIGH J WILL SELL At Great Bargains* Moses:yaggart, Surrogate of the County of Gem THE LARGEST.AND BEST BELEUTBD / sygOK Df K i: .1! N I f 1 : ]{ R ed would give notice to the cit- as low rates as any Establishment' that, pays I00*.eente bq^.'th'h doHaf 1 T bin now'IocatW at 65 Main strCet, riebrty opposite my old Pl^ce of business, where L will continue to sqU the BEST GCCDS.MANMPACTOREp A t pi^e^jefow hpy^other house in Westorff ALL W oBK WARRANTED ! ‘ *: -ReMemher the INumher, 65 MtiiiiilStreol, Batavia, claims agar son, Iate of thetown of Elba-in said Comity, de- ceased; that they aye,required to eiiiihit th« same with the vcUchersihereof to Duane Patter- son, Executor, at his residence in the down of Elba, in th e GonnW Of Ueneseb, bn or before tea : 'i-CHARLES A. DAN0LD.S4 ‘ -6 m-i0 ; ... ..| > ALCCOminodat Wayj Frmght. Steamboat Bs New|Ypr^ Ex '■* i A TT ARRIVE. '’yo.,ooi A M. • « 00 P M *j^OTrCE,to the creditors of Charles P* Fw J Y sons late of the town of Batavia, in the CANANDAIG W. Arrive* 8 55 a i I; FrH.... 2?0pj ^ £zp.. 7 20pj Arrive. MaU ..9 00 a. TheFreight 3 on Tuesdays, Tl rives froniCtfdi day HULL’S CHEAP BOOjC & ,STP^.| 'PD* P ^ P M W tM M I : .Pure TVinos ana Liquors With the t M ails.,« 1 Correct) 11:known Company, and he soHoita a continn- ifCfflfee ^yq^ags-hMotfdijw bestowsfi. df oft: te GompanL as well as the favors of the public jDipjQ i 6 ri 3 i SuBCifii^ COFFINS, SHBOUnS * CAPS BUFFA1 ' I 'j. - f , . I ' " f ■* 1 In ths County, and the only place where Uosaes ]^m|tly!affttffi&a'knd piid* i . A. R. WulRNER, ■if 'i . Enquire at the T imes Office. Man JPrelng to direct|onf, Referencqs;cah he given, both .in Patavia and froin, the surronnffing' Jlf yen ire ifflioted;-fto npi wai^^^^ procure METALLIC COFFINS t larch 10th, 1864, Otf Rpehestor,; _ : : • A • dSm,51, / arekept on ,haua,*notwithrianli'ng. the large billa'%tare mronlnted through the copntry, ' ' O K 'r " ■’ ' y ii , i^ H tore oppositothe Batavia May* 1862, .- : . - 20 . - .. . - C«>T*/mJ3;TON* gaandoId .Fort Wines, a. ; i r People Wishing aatricBy pure article of the' nhovo Liqnorajoan findtfhem at our storh-op-r; ;POSit^ tllG l^OSt: Qfl^OG* > ' . , ' ; • H. A G. D . KENYON, ' 42*§ AdMaisteati^* Baltimore Ex Express ....... EXCHANGE SQfEL, V' I SO Byffdlo S ^ ^ ? h BQchesUr> "■ :V -' ■J i ,: V- ■ ^ ■,t- '-/.r .wmmYomm a ... V if..eorsM .»tM ia. b . ” ; d <|0ipiB, .. . . proprietor. .Bxrireasi ..... Baltimore Ex :) Cotreete BpAEp,, 11 00 PER p Goad Siablm^ .aitocfted f n or ji 'I M:

Transcript of •NEWnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86053155/1864-03-26/ed-1/seq-4.… · Balmoral/ gaiter*....


XOS'E’- t ■' *■ ' ' ” ■■tt

U S t ■ receiTe'a a t< # ifsT ;l CLAUS’ Head

* ^



Hardwarer;:-- ^CC}

tf~,r '.,*1-'

i i t t .7'’ :£-?8S»-r.-.'- - i t t r i ' - ft-' i

S d iS a ^ lia fo rl JtoMuS


llIOBamental' Works!S ilT aiit Street, opposite the Park, •

AMERiCAN A. f o r e ig n



S lE f iW: , : : ! 3 < w p e v


^ g ^ js h ^ je a k rp s t , , Sotio^hoPg . 7,Upop»ld Japan^i -

’O<n0^£^ • ’ n„,DysoUv , , . . -

-t W W W r W ^ r ^



Lhat can be fotind in W est

a i 8 | M f ^ W s . ^ h a i e wistiv ing, to parbhase either

u o m x E m ao*

to give' m e a call before pnrehasingaa I do all my oinr''*m«ntl'lhctnring, and employ no travelling agent

I can and will sell to you muoh cheaper than you can purcha‘se elsewhere. The A rtistical skill in the eae oution of m y work, cannot he surpassed, asi an exam­ination of i t will prove-

1 also furnish to order___ Quincy GraniteiMonuments

Of a ll Sizes and Styles.

! - T V . .


-jr7£KS?"-?^-v jerry

Ttt great vurietyjaUd o f .tBO yeiy best. q,ualities^ ! 'S f 4 G E ^ W i# ; i t t t a G tQ U # . .i ' , FJSlfe tti* as CodBsh>r to Ciscides ;W b3tefish^tal:e!Tr0nLSeotctt Herring, ^to#^,jSiA oSM 4faU hiifeot% : ' ^ 5 * •_s o i ( P , o A i n i L W ' S E s k A r c s b ;c i f & l ih a n i i ® rverG 16s^*^-^re White-and^* '•

;■» ' PE9iTl.'Stafch.J^ ■ y - -r ■ f l o u r ,— expressly for '^^drutly use, by ‘the

bOrrel, h a ^ h « c ! i 6d;ra< 0 ^ ' ;;.| |a!N D W O i^ D ^ jI 'W A R E ,^ ,^

litfi,eVplW ve^Qff 8Bpetioj'ltnrRing

‘M A io if ' ; ' oDi’S r i tO E E ^ ?

G e o . a n d H e n r y S t e n b e r“TAT'OtlLD respectfully inform theD many

? VV frientia a d f p j^ttp^ianj^ 'tho rest of man­kind generally, that they have not left Batavia, a ll assertions by some PABTicunAK fribhds to

a ® ...............the Liberty . , .give the public the beneiiit of our late disaster b y lire . We now.offer them a ftiU and wpU se- ld f e td d i to ^ c f -.5. iv'T T'c-vd a *v *-’.'-1 o ’#

0 A ® I i N E - T ' - ’- W A R E


At the ffign of the HanUnothI,! ‘,J


T n rf iS jn s t returned from the Eastern m arketsJL L w ith a choice and fresh selection of ,

At prices to suit each and every customer,— W e-oannotbe-underaold by any other establish- niont in Genesee County, Alannfaotnring our own work, i t being entirely under our own su­pervision, wo defy all eompetition as to quality and price, we therefore gratelnlly solicit a con­tinuance of the patronage that has been extend­ed to us since our commencement in Batavia., Our Stock consists partly of the following

B a m i l y G - r o c e r i e s

the ir kindpatronage during th e past year.He Qua s till be foundA T T E E S A M E O L D S T A N D

^ g 'N o , SO^Maitt SDeet,Where by s tr ic t attention to business he hopes to m erit a continnaned of the liberal patronage already bestowed upon him.

He would also call the attention of those who drink Coffee to the

GEEAT PISGOYERYrecently mad'e*in this iavorlte beverage, wherea splendid article may be furnished at

H a lf the P rice o f Old J a v a 1 and warrantod-equally a s good. TJall’for'thO

G p M E N R U I B Q Q l ^ E Erandfeet



-ever brought jtoAhis m arket and Wilt'-5^1 the&ita .v ery 4 ittle iaay an ce #rom. c o s t ; , W e h iv e faked aTgrSat deal j>f pa ins Jn selecting them un acteount of t^ft h ig h prices, and dab sell them from’a/JittleadV aiieeD om fo m enprioes. . • J

Onr-stock is very large in every branch, bu t mOr.o f|® «pji^ly |M :^i?» .^« ‘ . ‘ i : ‘ •

r L A D l f i S ? T ^ U R S ,W^fes^iy^^wb-danbeat the Jews o r a n j one else, as we have five tim es the am ount th a t wo have:fever bad before, .and are p x io n s to sell .tbpm- edepp-

And w ill boSdldH f a^siaatl advanoel from cost. Please give ns a calL*-.tAlLGoqdB warranted as ro p r^n te .d ,'* n d tojihow,them^

' ^ ’Cash p a ^ ’fp f F U I I S J ^ ; B a t a ^ ^ 'N o V e m ^ « U 8 ^ .

a '^w ;th ing* a sd sjipeiior to ap y .other matoriab m anufactured. f ■ . * . > ' "

HxVWAHA A;lS©^0&MESTrC^ >' ‘ AlsOchSiCo

S i w f f i l i s , 1 / ^ m e s a m A C o r d i a l s-A ’A

I^^^acL , Alntasl; ev e ry fl^g i m ay ' h e foKnd at

-^ a -C a lT -a n d sen ®>r ybarselvem ' NojtroabletaAhowHDfldff,' JRememhef th&HumheU ■ ^

w tv i\n - ‘ *■ ' e DW i H c o s . ,

F U E N I T G R EF # E i ® i S f i S ® ^ j l W S f f S


• ‘J * t •*48“


t<- p-'-T

' -“T —i ---- ,----


j F p M : € t r T I , E ^

CorafeLP^di!, jrwih.^8«<»t'wid BSUts^' unairsI o f every d^siga and pnce» a^d 9l\\ other a r t ic le

Usually k e p tin a first class OahinetEtore. Also A •full-assotim egt^of-ltA TTRA SSES-beptr rm piand, .

"J p,f ■■•-. ■ X'r-l -r.

,v 7,P L A T E D ^ A I I E , -

rj^Hqu^ tq w H q ^ | 'p a lL J » # :^ ^ ;AT •u-

\ E E located a t m 4fcMAifcBtrseLi'ojlporffo x\.!Me?HoifoflIedpwhere pad be fdnnd a choice


O f an kinds, such asn kinds, in ch as they h ay s d»uey hays jiually kepfio n s

-1*' " bagrbnshei'Snd p O n n ^ - •

^ o ^ p s in g ? a lh ih e newstylesf as-wejl as s t ic k ^i w ’B^s,;jfottoi«i, Gnm D rop^tC hooolats '■

Creams,* Mixed Oamiick Ac., w ith an \M tKC8syaH etyiif 6e*man, F rench

• and 'A m crl;an - T a m Yankee n v -N btw ds'ahdfanoyA rtfblenT^ i t

& n.. .-7:.-Xstt*Lmjm/dr-;eyery'onei*,i, ,;7 1. A GOOD ASSOETMENi' O f

,r.ii ^ o s e ^ ; P P | l e ^ g e a ^ r y

gU P P B Q Jl AND’STELE.-f^ockei Bopk^ PoMiAadbnaies;

Hooks for-both-Iadiesand gentlem enr

- 5 ;

f fc ^ c t, bn#Gqods are mi;ffAw,and,& in d


$ O F A S , L Q U N H 3 E S ,

T E X B A X E T E S ,


Mahogany & BPife: Walnut


[ D ^ > . B E D S T E A D S ,

FICTUBE FRAMESm ade to order fromRcisevrood, Black W alnut, au d G ilt Motddiugs.

sizes an d a t p rioe i tm low as th e low est

ortmenb-of-Blac m^talDltylii^^and

it o u r new establishment. No, 32 ChamnioW« W r^ a fly t e w e th e ' p ttw io to 'g iv e u f a

call a t o n r new establishment. No, 32 Champion Block, directly oppositp the L iberty Pole,! "Nt-BrUPHOESTERINGnadne om E drFnb^^

U anufactnrihg Establishment, LtrRoy, N . T , G. STEtTBER. - H, STBUBEB,rI B O U R B O ia A W H IS K E Y I

"B 0H R B O N I.A - W H IS K E Y “M "BOTJBBONIA ly a iS E E Y 1 I 1


>_____ ^___________ -ith m y T aV y ecen l-

|y held in the city of New York, awarded to



ong and wellknown as Mills’'BourbOBia, i t is only necesssry. to re fe r to the principal physicians, m osto fthe-’ Grocers and Druggists th roughon t the United States^ and the

■ l^ l^ O R p a jilJK B x k M E M O A N ^ of New York, from which i t baa obtained re­peated F irs t Prem ium s as to its superiority overany Olber brand ever offered to th e public. Itslitgaipinal qualities are of a a very superior n^r tpre, being frequently used *

D is e a s e i o | t h e LSBAk,

te d h n a h(M)ject==in m aking use of usual & cilities a t b is m sposalr^is to insure to his customers a good

JO B N G rtA LG O N EH Proprietor. |ly -2 1 N o. lA Broadw fy, New Y ork.

:•{0 F H A E ^ J ^ R D ^ I O N N .


T i»: Ifamk:;D isirfo tio r week; „ - -te rm ; nam es of T ru s s e s anA G lerksjjm a such: o th e Y m tt^ F k a S a y ^ - ^

•t ' - i,,r,.— i''--— .1. . I. j

■V- 1

$ L 0 4 5 . f 8 6 ,9 5 ,

j • undersigned, the duly authorised Agent.

N p fcE D s a l m o n , Bmoked HalUbut, smoked

and all articles in the Produce l in e .,__Give US a Caff and we will ^ v e you good satis­



w h o l e s a l e & R E T A I L .

TTTTE are, now* rfcceivtnj Y V onr Stock q f choice

rE a re ,» 0!W*rfcceivtng^large addition

Fanuly droceries,W hich have been bought a t low prioea and will


. a n D-

[ET MOLASSES 43 ]I N G R E A T V A R IE T Y .u :, A


kACEEBM. & WHmiFISH| c i &



BmoheiSL M e a t s ,i)f all'kfeds)^ B ta^h ; 8<kp!,an^6 ikd'lM ,.of «nest qualiiy. Also the best brands of

In fact everything kept in a


And all k inds of Country Produce.

ST O R Y & F E R R E N ,.6 97, Cor. Main & Jackson Sts.

V v l l l ’d ' \ g

® t n a I n s u r a i i e f e ' U O i V

Incorporated 4819^C harter PerpetnaL

THOS. A. ALEXANDER,........... President.HENRY Z . PRATT,,. . . . . .Vice- President.L . X HBNDEE, ........ Secretary.


m : m m § i

■n, ' i ;


M, MoCORMCB:.•ti /■.;•■'


F A L L G O O D S ! !•ii ' 'f.--« , liT - ■•' M ?, , -,.

/ •. : !

iC M

L f iw - P r io e s A g a j a l

T E E i y ^ E O m ^ T . O B " T E B O W - I N G y j R E E B A N D S A M O N G T E E O D D F O G I E S T O K E E P T E E M A ' ^ A K E D U B I N G T E E

D D E D A V m i


F a ll p re^ s G oods

it r'lH .»■■>


■ r .» • ' > \ ; ■

Lineijs, Flaih and B;arrd Moalin^ all woo! FlanDels; Canton do ; Hoeiery in

id ^ T id d ^ S so c tm e n i^ tG d ^ ’ W ra jw... j»e|8 and Drawers; French,

. ; \ C ssifnereh, F«rjneW"_ '-a# Mechdmes* '

d p j .H o o ts ;

ShdbB, Wall Paper,'GarpetipgsOU Cloths Balmoral/ gaiter*. &c.» &c.,

, _ all .qf Nhicll jfill be sold very,low for “ Greenbacks” con:

!::: ''-'I taiiiing tbe'likaness of i^TATHEK ABRAHAM 1”

, Batavidi Bepiemhr Hth, 186S.HOLES H. BIERCE.

o r Plumber, th a th e iS again located a t the Gas >Works iiFB atav is,nnd wfll he a t a ll timesTeadyto attend fKeaUB -ip h is line of husiness. , ^

-V .. V i>A ^ - -- • ' ’ ’ A -' '. I-' C -4-*«• -V .. >■ %>A *- ■ ’ A - . I- f

I S r d J Bn everyyarieCy of dewgn. an ^ o F an y re

huiredsize.fqrn i8bed on sh o rt notice. .. . a sF ’ O irdetseankIgobo left a t the store ofD. J . Ensigd.-**’' *' ' • - •

Y A D E A D D E r f fO E S E n w ith ' B u rn and a t l a n l ^ ’Cfommo- d to u i S to fe ^ i t h '^tJtJcl Wixtures^ * c&c: '‘f Q t 'm l i l y p A v d i $ ci)rUtaet.

NEVVir iQQQDS..lj . 7

, / 4 -I

? " ■*.; N E W C O A T tN e S !.!■:/ A -.ri L-

'A .

^ ^ - - h S M i id t io n ^ ofl /^ lg th d e rb fc m s m - # 4 ti^ip|S®li3^G®KD I

e d it e d Bir fr a n k mo'o r e .

-of, the blood, wheremi h ^ l n i ¥ h e f e f f i ^ 1mfeo|i^P.4®Pt..M sqstsm Jthe vital forces in their [yJgorous acN oh/ mud

,^ c n y i | T h e .s f6ffllohS


N E W C X i O T E t S ;


S S t % fbod, I n p u i^ M tr hnbits, the,depressing vm ^,4hdjvahpy% m ?rpy the venerfe'al infection? W hatever "

ihcrddijtaVy'in the consthutiioh


:.JL- 0 .:G0 WAN,• iVliich w ill he' made n p in the m.qsfr Fashionable m aaner, • i*'' ' ' ' ’" “ I * •■'•'

fotlith' geheratfdn indeed, i t 'sCfer rod q f Him; vgO; W S , ‘1J w ih .

I t TH E 'L t) W EST BA TE0.- '.j f ■, ■ , t i * ’i ' , ■'

i iAH in? w ant' b f “o L O T it l iN G Ihi?

P all and'.V?mtcr, -Jtre inv ited lb ball’And 6k- fp iin e , ; • / - . I ■*'’

■«.' L] ^ y s t s t a v f

'H . Oi^'OOWAN.''■ I ~iLe Roy, Sept. 2i, 1863. l§-tf

E m pT iiiin o f FasM oh.' J 'H B Subscriber has ju s t re turned from New

k e t In h is extensive S tock may be fouhd c |e fy variety o f ■ - , ’* /

G E N T L E M E N 'S C O A T I N G S .


G bnsnm ^liohT'in ih d '# a n d s , swcHiiigs ;suppurft’ .;,an;4 .heeome^uleeroiis sm es f |R th^

plaints: qni ±hq.skin, eruptive an d .putanct^psii^ectfons. These ali^ having the »5ajnB,or]gjn>YeqnirC^^the.'Sain& XGtnedj,iyj^- pmificafiott«aBdinvigw atton q L t h e .^ o d , ,and 'th'esb* daiigCrdta's^distempers leave you,_ b* dahgCrdta's’^diMCmpefs’ 'leave* ydtt.WUh feeble, foUl, o r corrupted blood, yoitfchff? no tliay e health ;, wUh thgt V ljfe o f the .flpsh” health /, you cannof haVe scrofnlOuS' disease. ^

A y er’S SarsaJparill^" ^is compounded from the, n^ost effectualdote'Pihqt m edical science has'discovered* forthis afflicting;distemper;,and for the cafe pCdhu disorders it entails. That it is far superior to any bthefi remedy yet devised/ is khowii bynil

avih(^^,o fjU ^!zrA r , yparts; At F iS y cents each

stem **®rtraits, engraved on

BIX VOLUMES a r e NOWREADY, Hontainifig; ^ ^ ® ia w c fY e fif ie d Occurrences. '

■’t e p S f t e m ? S ! ^ S S ' $ “S ' t S e i ’etc., d tc i-N o rth and South Speeches. I I I . Poetry, InCidente, Anecdoles. etc.

The six 'Volumes are illustrated 'with SEVENTY-SIX P O R T R A im ON STEEL, o f


North and South, Bound in vanons styles— Cl ot h, , , , . , , . per vol.,$4 25Sheep......................... .. a “ 4 50Half-Calf, A n t iq u e . . . , . . . ' “ " 6 |o Half-Morocco, E x l f a . , . , . “ “ 5 50


J^VALUABLE,I t is a record .of th e materials- for history—

F rom |b ,n% g3nnii[^it3 i3S presented every of^,cial docum ent and every clear and distinct naj,rati.ve;:fromU;be‘60nthejHi side,-and placed the« in, juXtaRpsitlon sjithrthe docnments and narra, fives -of th e Union side. I t i s accurate, impar- tial,*AUd cqpjpleto, I t iaassentiiSl to every Law, YEB’s L iukaby . I t has already been received as Authentic^ Evidence in trialg fo r Piracy and Treasem. in -tbaU nited S tates U O n rts^ f Pbiladel- thid, Ndw York,'Boston and San Francisco.

TheEJdlffdflpMa P re « , o f O dt. 2d. 1861, thug speaks o f i t :-7r

ujidn this class Of complaints, is indisputably

UndeVcoals,-besides every variety and StUe of goods for Spring and Sumnter Clothing. .A ^o tbe'richesffi'^iCs dfG 'aodsfbrSpring& 'Sum m ef

F A N T ' S - . - " & i V E S T S iThat he h as pvor offered to the p u b lic . He has taken unuspal pains to ,mqke th is deportm ent w hat the^Wants Of the publi c demand, and to i t he invites the attention of all who can appyebi-' ate good Goods. H is Goods were selected by bimfielf from am ^ng the

D 4 T E S T A N D F E W E S T K I N D SIn market, ap exam inutiqa of which, w ill satisfymy cqstom ers'tbat they are equal in riebnessaii[d beauty .toAny thp t pan ho found in tb i& dr any‘other m arket. Also a fu ll supply of

- G e n t le m e n 's H a n d k e rc M e & ^SCARPS, SH IR T ^ q o l l a : ^ , s u s p e Nd e r s ,

AND9Gfints’ Fiirnishinf ISoods

I have a Cutter who caiiriot be excelled, and all my work is made np under my own sup­erintendence apd w arranted to give, th o inoBt perfect aaiisfactiom

ReadyJKade Clothing,For Gent& Youth, and children, .of the la te s t sty les ancl well made., kep t cooB.tai»tly on Rand and sold a t very low profits.

' WILLIAM M ANN BatqviA A pril 25th, ISC^,. •

WILOOX *& GIBBS'sao $30 $30


HOHER BOSTWICH,A gent, Batavia, H .Y ,

D a v i d S q a v e r ,DXAI.XB rx

P i i ^ $ M s i e m e s ,c h e m ic a l s ,

PUKE WINKS & LKlUOltS,. . fifjC,, <{;e.f. <&c„



I'l''H E undersigned gives many thanks to the A Burroundlpg Tarmers and the teavelling

coinmumty 16r their liheral.patrohage, ,Ac,

A M R S T C L A S S B A R N * '

FREE SHEDS FOR FARMERS.T^A L S at all hours on moderate terms.

Homo and Foreign LTQU0R.R ofthe.best qnal- **- • ' CIGARS of the**bcst htdiids;/ Canandaig-

fflor foRow ing’d.i§eqsps: >. E y i l t - D rGlandular SweBings, Tmaors,' Erup­tions,’ Pimi>les^ Bl,otcfie?.^d.SOT^ § S : sipelas, Rose or St. AntLoiiy s EirOj, Sadt-

Sw oU iR i^s, D e b i l i % B r o p ^| ) # d t t o i E d e p o d ts i n& w ell% s, Debility, 3 . . . - ^

D y^epsia or Indigestion, Sypinlis and S y p h i t i t ic M e c t io n s jM e r c i i r ia lD E Q a s e s , F fm n lB /V f« a fe @ s s ^ 4hcseries of comfflaints th a t arise frqm im pnnty o f th e ‘blood.' ‘M inute reports ofnndiVidudl oa^es mUy, b e found, ip .A t e e 's A m ekioanA lmanac, wbich is furnished to the druggista, for gratuitous distribution, wherem mUy be learned the directicais fp r ita n se .a n d so m e iO f the remafkahle cures Tyhicfi I t ’has made.when aft o ther remedies ftad faHea“ to ufferfi re W ,

may. have, a ce tis to some <meyiffl^ ean _him of its benefits ftpiA personal «xperieuce. Scrofuid depresses the vital energies, a^d thus leaves its victims fa r m ore sub jec t ter .disease

greatly shorten* the average dm-dtion p f Jinroan- life. T h e vast im portance o f these considera­tions has M US to upend yeiius In perfecting a remedy wbich is adequate: to , its cure. . This we now offer to the. public under the naipC of At e r ’s SAUsAEAUiLtA, ajthongli' i t is. com­posed of ingredients, som e o f w b i^ exceed the best o f Sarsaparilla in alterative power. B y its aid you m ay protect yourself from ffle Suffer­ing and danger o f these disorders. Purge out the foul tsu-rnprions th a t ro t and. fester i n the blood; purge out the causes o f disease, and vigorous ie a ld i wRl fplloW- B y its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates tbe vital func­tions, and HiUs ^kpeis thd distempers w hidi lurk within the system o r burst ou t p m any part of it. .. -

"We know the. public have been d e e d e d by

deceived lior d&appoulted in m is. I ts virtues have been proveu b y a|juudjm t trM , an d there remains no question o f its surpassing excejlence for the cure o f th e afflicting diseases it is in ­tended to reach. A lthough underitlie same name, i t fs a very different medicine froto any other which has been before the people,* and is far more- effectual, than apy -gdier wbich-bus ever heen available to them.

C H . E B E Y P E O T O S A L ,

T h e W o r ld ’s G rea t R em ed y for CougH s, Colds,; I n c ip ie n t COn-

sm n p tio n j ag id for th e r e l ie f of.C oM tu n p tive p a tie n ts ‘ ^ in a d v a i lc e d E s t a g e s

‘ o r% H § 4 i s e a s 4This has been so long used sn4 ‘sQ univer-r

sally known, tha t we need do no more than assure the public tha t i b quality is kept up totUo best it ever has been, and {hat i t m ay be relied on to do All i t has eveif done.

Prepared by ' D b . J . 0 ; A y e b <fe Co..Prwaicxd aitd Apalptical Q ^ i s t ^

Lowell^ Mass'Sold b y all druggists everywheae

David Beaver, Trycn h Ham, H . W. Fellows and all dealers in mfedieipes. ly -20

IIPeftTdlfT NEWSua:and IfofihVa ALE and ?O RTBE constantly

M: HADLORAN, Proprietor.



ON HAND ONCE MOEE-E . L . & G , D i K e n y o n

OffiCbGW®nld be- happy'.to receive a call from thqit: old; filendsfafid custoineira. We intend to keepi a fa l l assoTtment of Goods-®5iteUi kept In our line, which will be,8old: a t great bavgalns. I t is for the in terest of all to. give us a call be­fore purchasingelse^here’.

H U L L ’S

s H o i m u


IS PHIA f !b a t a v j


4 ^ . i d O u d .

TERMS- -1* .^ ji.. ' i

-P irn s 4«Squ

P b « Sqr. 1 we

1 3I234 ■6« ‘i•y- '«

■ M

2mt ■3 “

4 “ 6 “ 6 «7 “8 “ O w 12

v:ction.of.W illiam Sm ith, fo r p iracy; as one of the crew o f the Jeff-Davi^ a great deal o f doo. um entary evidence to show the reality o f seces­sion was offered fS eviden.ceby th e counsel for defence, taken from .Frank MCore’s RxB£tI.io)> Becorb, and jece ived b y JudgeAGriterandrUad.. wallader, who presided. This is a.reffiafkable compliment to th e w:ork initfuestibn, bu t p o thigher than It merit from-the fulffle^And/feir*ness of its varied inform ation respeefiing- the origin and progress o f- th e rehellibni I t is the

5*0 sqr. 1 weaq I m<

: So 3 “do 6 “

with authenticity as te be adm itted a s evidence in a court of law, ahd on a tr ia l fo r a capiial of- fence.” . , » ' * •

When the Savannah p ira tes were' tried in New York, the various counseD for the United States and the defgpee used 'the REBEiitogHEcoBp aa evidence. . » - ^

I n the c ^ e of th e Chapman pirates, recently tried in the United States C dnrt a t San Francisco <‘the O nitedN tates PfSlnCt A ttorney offered the Five VolnmAsof th e R kconb a s evidence, ga being autbenllc h istory . The defence ohjeeted Ur. MoClean, Onstom-Spuse H fficer was sworn, who stated THAT IT WAS THE 'ONLY AU- THENTIG HISTORY OF T h e W JB . Tha Court decided th a t i t WAS BEGBiVED IN ALL TRIALS :FGH TREASON in th e Eastern States, snd therefore recognized i t as s u c h /’


The record of all our sta te sm en . Politicians, and others, p H ! bA found in / th i s work. The present posi tio n 'o f all nien who, wiB be promi­n en t im the fu tu re poliUcal histd ry of our coim- try wiUrbe h e re recorded. A nd the REBEiizos Record w in b e * .

LEGAL NC'publishe ITUAEY ig re o re

s a■ vM ARBIAGi

Hlflirge is m ar o f M arriages d r $S,) will Hc OBDITORIAI

. 'Effect of whicl‘ fen cents per 1- - ^ e p u ^ i n a c


/- BR.L


Pfflee Honri

H O E^nstibe *bLth

promptly. ■ ebtopy, Batav

- TH E STATESM AW S LIBRARY.P a rt XXXIX., being the first.of the Seventh

Tolnmfe, w ill be-ready bn Thursday.N. B .^ T b e interesfc o f ;Mr, f) . TL-EYANS in

th is worA a&d .works connected w ith it, ceased on the 15th December, 1863, JULofders, there­fore, shppld be addressed direct-to ,|he Eublisher

G. P . PUTNAM, No. -iii, Broadway.

A ttorney and P eace ; will p.onrts, draT ta k e ackno'tax es on We fo rta x e s ; ally . My old

•Tavern). Ba ■■tr---------- --------

MlA ttorn ey aud 1

■ .tSffide in ol-

The Buffalo Courier,JOSEPH WARREN & C O .,....PR dPE IE T ^E S^

. 178 W ashiugtou S t , Buffalo, N, Y"*

B atavia, N. Iatja,-

The year TS61'is destined to become one of-

c ld c ip a /g re a t m easure, w hether th e govern­m ent onr fathers framed and-bequeathed to ns is to be preserved, o r w hether some o'fherfbrm of government is to he established upoh the ruins

m an must^give his influence and liis vote either to preserve o r destroy the Union—either to sns- ta in .o r underm ine Depiooratic I r r i t a t io n s and constitu tionalyights. .. '

P end ing the-inaugure tioh o f th e Presidential camp iign. i t is a m atter o f vital m om ent that

guco^ssor tpD ealer i n ch

. siqns, Forei

. 1

•yijiea, etc„^i

OHAAttorney and ^ pO|Urt Housi

WEA tto rn ey and

A m erican B] L q 4 n t \>n re

V saleof Bonds

no other way pe so widely sp read aUd publicsentim ent so effectually mbdified. The Buxealo Courier is an advocate-of D em ocratic princi­ples, a defender of constitutional rights, and an opponentof th e measures by w hich disuhioaists N orth and South, geek to destfoy Fefifrg} Uni 6A and w ith i f tlie' liberties pf. Hie people.

H . &PealOrs ip Hi

o'be!Bobea, F u rs < les in oc s and thi1 ^ 3 ^

‘The Telegraph reports appear in i t sim ultaneously w ith th e ir publica­tion in New Y ork city ; and unwearied pains are taken to” prenenl fa ll and im partia l d i g i t s of . I? ctfrrent n e s ^ -

I ts Market, Reports n re prepared by a careful and experienced man, and th e ir correctness may be im plicitly re lied on.- In a d d i f ^ to the daily reports of couunercial transactions, a weekly report of Markefe Is pnblishbd, bdmpiled w i^ special xeferenpe to country readers,

,u . ‘ C o H r i e &This IS a large sheet, and fn rn i^ e d by mail at

the foUowSng.a-btpsi-sOubyeaiv m advsteeb, $8j

-'-K ? E E

■ W

B eider in Watc and Silver W

. A ri^ lc a adai • tu red fo r e

- ■ purpose, - Ba

H O R i- |f tv e iy Stable.-

- B lock, Batavi g e s to h ire o dFty®rs sen t i

vancej,5>.^y, . r -E v ^ n i a g ; G o i i p ^ j r n i d |R © p M b K c .vance;S§p,E v e n in j

T his is a six colnm n paper, telbgrapbic nbws. from the mo allthe*elegraih>*r< no6a paper m thfenew spbperiu jtheH tate; a h d ie ^Mlafl

ntalning: tha A 'P»P®>-, aa

y a n c p ,.f l , . .Clubs of ten copies, one y e « $30.T h e W e e M y C o u r i e r .

Is the same size aa the m orning jCoprier,. cos-


; WEM ain Street, Ba

“p r i ^ . Tht , th e I favorite

' reputation fa remodelled, Hehls and £ stabling attac tliepars.. St: A ina an d P e t

M L ]fC orrec

fe T rarn^ ' leave W th e ru n n in g t h ^ r H ia S t i ih e r - ^

]N . y . C E J


m m W M;

q(H) Cpyqlry Horses! AN ENTJRE NEW STOCK

B O O T S i S i O i S

will be furnished, to, snbscribere-'as follows:- Single copy, pife year, in advance, 50, club often copies, ope year, $12 50, clubs o f twenty copies, one yeat, $20. A nd any g reater number to one post office address a t the same rate-

In , addition to. i t s news, and itniscellsneom reading, i t cdutaina ’a W eekly DeView of tee Markets, p rep a red . expressly fo r / i ts colomns, which to eveiy Parm er, is w orth fen times tea

Y b a r i/ 8ub5criptto.n pribeJof th b paper*-

Fghlis% rs, 178 WashingtouBt:,BnffalQ.

l y Bttffialo & N . T ap F re igh t

team hpat £ M a i l . . .

i E i

itH xpres

ii.:A ccom inodat

tail8,;andm uatt be Ao'und an d ffeb from all blem ­ishes. No mares accepted - . ' '

Any person hay ing such Horses for sale, m ust

. O F ; T | m L A T E S P S 3 :Y L E a


M oses:yaggart, Surrogate of the County of Gem


/ s y g O K D f

K i : . 1 ! N I f 1 : ] { R

ed would give notice to the cit-

as low ra tes as any E stab lishm ent' that, pays I00*.eente bq .'th'h doHaf 1

T bin now 'IocatW a t 6 5 M ain strCet, riebrty opposite m y old Pl^ce o f business, w here L will continue to sqU the

B E S T G C C D S .M A N M P A C T O R E pA t p i^ e ^ je fo w hpy^other house in Westorff

A L L W oB K W ARRANTED ! ‘*: ’ ■ -ReMemher the INumher, •6 5 M tii i i i lS tre o l , B a t a v i a ,

claims agarson, Iate o f th e to w n o f Elba-in said Comity, de­ceased; th a t they aye,required to e iiiih it th« same w ith the vcU chersihereof to Duane Patter­son, Executor, a t h is residence in the down of Elba, in th e GonnW Of Ueneseb, bn o r before tea

: 'i-C H A R LES A. D A N 0LD .S4‘ -6 m-i0 ; ... ..| >

ALCCOminodatWayj F rm gh t. S team boat Bs N ew |Ypr^ Ex

'■* i A T TARRIVE.

'’ yo.,ooi A M.

• « 00 P M

* j^ O T rC E ,to th e cred itors o f C harles P* Fw J Y sons late of the tow n of Batavia, in the


Arrive*8 55 a i

I; FrH.... 2?0pj ^ £ z p .. 7 20pj

Arrive.MaU . .9 00 a.TheFreight 3

o n Tuesdays, Tlrives froniCtfdiday


'PD* P ^P M W tM M I : .Pure TVinos ana Liquors

W ith th e tM ails .,« 1


11: know n Company, and he soHoita a continn- ifC fflfe e ^yq^ags-hM otfdijw bestowsfi. d f oft: te GompanL as well as the favors of th e public

jDipjQi6ri3i SuBCifii C O F F IN S , S H B O U n S * C A P SB U F F A 1

' I 'j. - f , ■ . I ' " • f ■* 1I n th s County, and the only place where

Uosaes ]^m |tly !affttffi& a'knd piid* i . A . R. WulRNER,


'i . ‘ Enquire a t the T imes Office.Man

JPrelng to direct|onf, Referencqs;cah he given, both .in Patavia and froin, the surronnffing'Jlf yen ire ifflioted;-fto npi wai ^ procure


tlarch 10th, 1864, Otf R pehestor,; _ : • : • A • dSm,51, /

arekept on ,haua,*notwithrianli'ng. the large billa'%tare mronlnted through the copntry,

' ' O K ‘ ■ 'r " ■ ’ • ' y ■ ii ,i^ H to re oppositothe Batavia May* 1862, .- : . -20 „ . - .. . - C«>T*/mJ3;TON*

g a a n d o I d .Fort W ines, a . ; i rPeople Wishing aa tricB y pure artic le o f the'

nhovo Liqnorajoan findtfhem a t o u r storh-op-r; ;POSit^ tllG l^OSt: Qfl OG* > ' .

, ' ; • H. A G. D . KENYON, '

42*§ AdMaisteati^*B altim ore ExExpress.......

EXCHANGE SQfEL,V'I SO Byffdlo S^^?h BQchesUr>

"■ : V-'■J i

,: V- ■ ^ ■,t- ■ '-/.r

.w m m Y o m ma ... V i f . . e o r s M . » t M i a .

b . ” ; d < |0 i p i B , . . . .p ro p r ie to r .

.B x r ire a s i . . . . . B altim ore Ex

:) C otre e te

B p A E p ,, 1 1 00 P E R pGoad Siablm^ .aitocfted f n

or ji


M :