Anesthesia, Or Anaesthesia (See Spelling Differences; From

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    Anesthesia, oranaesthesia (seespelling differences; fromGreek -, an-, "without"; and , aisthsis, "sensation"), has

    traditionally meant the condition of havingsensation(including the feeling ofpain) blocked or temporarily taken away. This allows

    patients to undergosurgery and other procedures without the distress and pain they would otherwise experience. The word was coined

    byOliver Wendell Holmes, 1846.[1]Another definition is a "reversible lack of awareness," whether this is a total lack of awareness

    (e.g. a general anesthetic) or a lack of awareness of a part of the body such as a spinal anesthetic or another nerve block would cause.

    Anesthesia is a pharmacologically induced reversible state of amnesia, analgesia, loss of responsiveness, loss of skeletal muscle

    reflexes and decreased stress response.



    1 Terms

    2 History

    o 2.1 Herbal derivatives

    o 2.2 Non-pharmacological methods

    o 2.3 Early gases and vapors

    o 2.4 Early local anesthetics

    3 Anaesthesia providers

    o 3.1 Anaesthesiologists/Anaesthetists (medically-

    trained physicians)

    o 3.2 Nurse anaesthetists

    o 3.3 Anaesthesiologist assistants

    o 3.4 Anaesthesia technicians

    o 3.5 Operating Department Practitioners

    o 3.6 Veterinary anaesthetists/anaesthesiologists

    4 Anaesthetic agents

    5 Anaesthetic equipment

    6 Anaesthetic monitoring

    7 Anaesthesia record

    8 Anaesthesia information management system (AIMS)

    9 See also

    10 Notes

    11 External links

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    Today, the term general anaesthesia in its most general form can include:[2]

    Analgesia: blocking theconscious sensation of pain;

    Hypnosis produces unconsciousness but not necessarily freedom from pain registration;

    Amnesia: preventingmemory formation; if you are unconscious, by definition you will be unable to recall events.

    Paralysis: preventing unwanted movement or muscle tone;

    Obtundation of reflexes, preventing exaggerated autonomic reflexes.

    Patients undergoing anaesthesia usually undergo preoperative evaluation. It includes gathering history of previous anesthetics, and any

    other medical problems, physical examination, ordering required blood work and consultations prior to surgery.

    There are several forms of anaesthesia. The following forms refer to states achieved by anesthetics working on the brain:

    General anaesthesia: "Drug-induced loss of consciousness during which patients are not arousable, even by painful

    stimulation." Patients undergoing general anesthesia can often neither maintain their own airway nor breathe on their own. While

    usually administered with inhalational agents, general anesthesia can be achieved withintravenous agents, such aspropofol.[3]

    Deepsedation/analgesia: "Drug-induced depression of consciousness during which patients cannot be easily aroused but

    respond purposefully following repeated or painful stimulation." Patients may sometimes be unable to maintain their airway and

    breathe on their own.[3]

    Moderate sedation/analgesia or conscious sedation: "Drug-induced depression of consciousness during which patients

    respond purposefully to verbal commands, either alone or accompanied by light tactile stimulation." In this state, patients can

    breathe on their own and need no help maintaining an airway.[3]

    Minimal sedation or anxiolysis: "Drug-induced state during which patients respond normally to verbal commands." Though

    concentration, memory, and coordination may be impaired, patients need no help breathing or maintaining an airway.[3]

    The level of anesthesia achieved ranges on a continuum of depth of consciousness from minimal sedation to general anesthesia. The

    depth of consciousness of a patient may change from one minute to the next.

    The following refer to the states achieved by anesthetics working outside of the brain:

    Regional anaesthesia: Loss of pain sensation, with varying degrees of muscle relaxation, in certain regions of the body.

    Administered with local anesthesia to peripheral nerve bundles, such as the brachial plexus in the neck. Examples include the

    interscalene block for shoulder surgery, axillary block for wrist surgery, andfemoral nerveblock for leg surgery. While traditionally

    administered as a single injection, newer techniques involve placement of indwellingcatheters for continuous or intermittent

    administration of local anesthetics.

    Spinal anaesthesia: also known as subarachnoid block. Refers to a Regional block resulting from a small volume of

    local anesthetics being injected into the spinal canal. The spinal canal is covered by thedura mater, through which the spinal
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    needle enters. The spinal canal containscerebrospinal fluid and the spinal cord. The sub arachnoid block is usually injected

    between the 4th and 5thlumbarvertebrae, because the spinal cord usually stops at the 1st lumbar vertebra, while the canal

    continues to the sacral vertebrae. It results in a loss of pain sensation and muscle strength, usually up to the level of the chest

    (nipple line or 4th thoracic dermatome).

    Epidural anesthesia: Regional block resulting from an injection of a large volume of local anesthetic into the epidural

    space. The epidural space is a potential spacethat lies underneath theligamenta flava, and outside thedura mater(outside

    layer of the spinal canal). This is basically an injection around the spinal canal.

    Local anesthesia is similar to regional anaesthesia, but exerts its effect on a smaller area of the body.


    [edit]Herbal derivatives

    The first anesthesia (an herbal remedy) was administered in prehistory.Opium poppy capsules were collected in 4200 BC, and opium

    poppies were farmed in Sumeria and succeeding empires. The use of opium-like preparations in anesthesia is recorded in theEbers

    Papyrus of 1500 BC. By 1100 BC poppies were scored for opium collection in Cyprus by methods similar to those used in the present

    day, and simple apparatus for smoking of opium were found in a Minoantemple. Opium was not introduced to India and China until 330

    BC and 6001200 AD respectively, but these nations pioneered the use ofcannabisincense andaconitum.Sushruta Samhita, a 3rd

    century B.C Indian text, advocates the use of wine with incense of cannabis for anaesthasia[4]. In the second century, according to

    theBook of the Later Han andRecords of Three Kingdoms, the physician Hua Tuoperformed abdominal surgery using an unknown

    anesthetic calledmafeisan ( "cannabis boil powder") dissolved in liquor. Throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas a variety

    ofSolanumspecies containing potenttropane alkaloids were used, such as mandrake,henbane,Datura metel, andDatura inoxia.

    Classic Greek and Roman medical texts byHippocrates,Theophrastus,Aulus Cornelius Celsus,Pedanius Dioscorides, andPliny the

    Elderdiscussed the use of opium and Solanum species. In 13th century ItalyTheodoric Borgognoniused similar mixtures along with

    opiates to induce unconsciousness, and treatment with the combined alkaloids proved a mainstay of anesthesia until the nineteenth

    century. In the Americascocawas also an important anesthetic used intrephiningoperations.Incanshamanschewed cocaleaves and

    performed operations on the skull while spitting into the wounds they had inflicted to anesthetize the site.[citation needed]Alcohol was also

    used, itsvasodilatoryproperties being unknown. Ancient herbal anesthetics have variously been calledsoporifics,anodynes,

    andnarcotics, depending on whether the emphasis is on producing unconsciousness or relieving pain.

    In the famous 10th centuryPersianwork, the Shahnameh, the author, Ferdowsi, describes acesarean sectionperformed

    on Rudabehwhen giving birth, in which a specialwineagent was prepared as an anesthetic[5] by aZoroastrianpriest inPersia, and

    used to produce unconsciousness for the operation. Although largely mythical in content, the passage does at least illustrate knowledge

    of anesthesia in ancient Persia. Arabic and Iraniananesthesiologists were the first to utilize oral as well asinhalant anesthetics.

    In Islamic Spain, Abulcasis andIbn Zuhr(Avenzoar), among other Muslim surgeons, performed hundreds ofsurgeries under inhalant

    anesthesia with the use of narcotic-soakedsponges. Abulcasis and Avicenna wrote about anesthesia in their influential medical

    encyclopedias, theAl-TasrifandThe Canon of Medicine.[6][7]
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    The use of herbal anesthesia had a crucial drawback compared to modern practiceas lamented by Fallopius, "When soporifics are

    weak, they are useless, and when strong, they kill." To overcome this, production was typically standardized as much as feasible, with

    production occurring from specific famous locations (such as opium from the fields ofThebesin ancient Egypt). Anesthetics were

    sometimes administered in the spongia somnifera, a sponge into which a large quantity of drug was allowed to dry, from which a

    saturated solution could be trickled into the nose of the patient. At least in more recent centuries, trade was often highly standardized,

    with the drying and packing ofopiumin standard chests, for example. In the 19th century, varying aconitum alkaloids from a variety of

    species were standardized by testing withguinea pigs. Despite these refinements, the discovery ofmorphine, a purified alkaloid that

    soon afterward could be injected byhypodermicfor a consistent dosage, was enthusiastically received and led to the foundation of the

    modern pharmaceutical industry.

    Another factor affecting ancient anesthesia is that drugs used systemically in modern times were often administered locally, reducing the

    risk to the patient. Opium used directly in a wound acts on peripheralopioid receptorsto serve as an analgesic [citation needed], and a

    medicine containingwillowleaves (salicylate, the predecessor ofaspirin) would then be applied directly to the source of

    inflammation[citation needed].

    In 1804, the Japanese surgeonSeish Hanaoka performed general anesthesia for the operation of a breast cancer (mastectomy), by

    combining Chinese herbal medicine know-how and Western surgery techniques learned through "Rangaku", or "Dutch studies". His

    patient was a 60-year-old woman named Kan Aiya.[8]He used a compound he called Tsusensan, based on the plantsDatura

    metel,Aconitumand others.

    [edit]Non-pharmacological methods

    Hypnotismhave a long history of use as anesthetic techniques. Chilling tissue (e.g. withice) can temporarily cause nerve fibers (axons)

    to stop conducting sensation, whilehyperventilationcan cause brief alteration in conscious perception of stimuli including pain


    In modern anesthetic practice, these techniques are seldom employed.

    [edit]Early gases and vapors

    Contemporary re-enactment of Morton's October 16, 1846, ether operation;daguerrotypebySouthworth & Hawes.,_Egypt,_Egypt,_Egypt
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    In the West, the development of effective anesthetics in the 19th century was, with Listeriantechniques, one of the keys to successful

    surgery. Henry Hill Hickman experimented withcarbon dioxidein the 1820s. Nitrous oxide was discovered in 1769 byJoseph

    Priestley[9] and its anesthetic qualities were discovered by the British chemist Humphry Davyin 1799,[9] when he was an assistant

    to Thomas Beddoes, and reported in a paper in 1800. But initially the medical uses of this so-called "laughing gas" were limitedits

    main role was in entertainment. It was used on 30 September 1846 for painless tooth extraction upon patient Eben Frost by

    American dentistWilliam Thomas Green Morton. Horace WellsofConnecticut, a traveling dentist, had demonstrated it the previous year

    1845 atMassachusetts General Hospital. Wells made a mistake in choosing a particularly sturdy male volunteer, and the patient

    suffered considerable pain. This lost the colorful Wells any support. Later the patient told Wells he screamed in shock and not in pain. A

    subsequently drunk Wells died in jail, by cutting his femoral artery, after allegedly assaulting a prostitute with sulfuric acid.

    Anaesthesia pioneer Crawford W. Long

    Another dentist,William E. Clarke, performed an extraction in January 1842 using a different chemical, diethyl ether(discovered

    byValerius Cordusin 1540). In March 1842 inDanielsville, Georgia, Dr.Crawford Long was the first to use anesthesia during an

    operation, giving it to his friend, who was also a school teacher (James M. Venable) before excising a cyst from his neck. Long got the

    idea to do this from his observations at ether frolics. He noted that participants experienced bumps and bruises but afterward had no

    recall of what had happened. He did not publicize this information until 1849.

    On October 16, 1846, dentist William Thomas Green Morton, invited to the Massachusetts General Hospital, performed the first public

    demonstration of diethyl ether (then called sulfuric ether) as an anesthetic agent, for a patient (Edward Gilbert Abbott) undergoing an

    excision of a vascular tumor from his neck. In a letter to Morton shortly thereafter, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. proposed naming the

    state produced ansthesia, and the procedure an ansthetic.

    Despite Morton's efforts to keep "his" compound a secret, which he named "Letheon" and for which he received a US patent, the news

    of the discovery and the nature of the compound spread very quickly to Europe in late 1846. Here, respected surgeonsincluding,_1st_Baron_Lister,_Georgia,_Georgia,_Georgia,_1st_Baron_Lister,_Georgia
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    Liston, Dieffenbach, Pirogoff, and Symeundertook numerous operations with ether. An American-born physician, Boottwho had

    traveled to Londonencouraged a leading dentist, Mr James Robinson, to perform a dental procedure on a Miss Lonsdale. This was

    the first case of an operator-anesthetist. On the same day, 19 December 1846 in Dumfries Royal Infirmary, Scotland, a Dr. Scott used

    ether for a surgical procedure. The first use of anesthesia in the Southern Hemisphere took place in Launceston, Tasmania, that same

    year. Ether has a number of drawbacks, such as its tendency to induce vomitingand its flammability. In England it was quickly replaced


    Discovered in 1831, the use of chloroform in anesthesia is usually linked to James Young Simpson, who, in a wide-ranging study of

    organic compounds, found chloroform's efficacy on 4 November 1847. Its use spread quickly and gained royal approval in 1853

    whenJohn Snow gave it to Queen Victoria during the birth ofPrince Leopold. Unfortunately, chloroform is not as safe an agent as ether,

    especially when administered by an untrained practitioner (medical students,nurses, and occasionally members of the public were often

    pressed into giving anesthetics at this time). This led to many deaths from the use of chloroform that (with hindsight) might have been

    preventable. The first fatality directly attributed to chloroform anesthesia (Hannah Greener) was recorded on 28 January 1848.

    John Snow of London published articles from May 1848 onwards 'On Narcotism by the Inhalation of Vapours' in the London Medical

    Gazette. Snow also involved himself in the production of equipment needed for inhalational anesthesia.

    The surgical amphitheater at Massachusetts General Hospital, or "ether dome," still exists today, although it is used for lectures and not

    surgery. The public can visit the amphitheater on weekdays when it is not in use.

    [edit]Early local anesthetics

    The first effective local anesthetic wascocaine. Isolated in 1859, it was first used byKarl Koller, at the suggestion ofSigmund Freud, in

    ophthalmic surgery in 1884.[9]Before that doctors had used a salt and ice mix for the numbing effects of cold, which could only have

    limited application. Similar numbing was also induced by a spray of ether or ethyl chloride. A number of cocaine derivatives and safer

    replacements were soon produced, including procaine(1905),Eucaine(1900),Stovaine(1904), and lidocaine(1943).

    Opioids were first used by Racoviceanu-Piteti, who reported his work in 1901.

    [edit]Anaesthesia providers

    Physicians specializing in peri-operative care, development of an anesthetic plan, and the administration of anesthetics are known in the

    United States as anesthesiologists and in the UK and Canada as anaesthetists oranaesthesiologists. All anesthetics in the UK,

    Australia, New Zealand and Japan are administered by physicians. Nurse anesthetists also administer anesthesia in 109 nations .[10]In

    the US, 35% of anesthetics are provided by physicians in solo practice, about 55% are provided by Anesthesia Care Teams (ACTs) with

    anesthesiologists medically directing Anesthesiologist Assistants or CRNAs, and about 10% are provided by CRNAs in solo practice .[11]

    [12][13] -[14]-[15]

    [edit]Anaesthesiologists/Anaesthetists (medically-trained physicians)

    File:Anaesthesia patient simulator.jpg

    Anesthesiology students training with a patient simulator.,_Tasmania,_Tasmania,_Duke_of_Albany,_Duke_of_Albany,_Tasmania,_Duke_of_Albany
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    CRNAs may work with podiatrists, dentists, anesthesiologists, surgeons, obstetricians and other professionals requiring their services.

    CRNAs administer anesthesia in all types of surgical cases, and are able to apply all the accepted anesthetic techniquesgeneral,

    regional, local, or sedation. CRNAs do not require Anesthesiologist supervision in any state and require surgeon/dentist/podiatrists to

    sign and approve the chart for medicare billing in all but 16 states. Many states place restrictions on practice, and hospitals often

    regulate what CRNAs and other midlevel providers can or can not do based on local laws, provider training and experience, and hospital

    and physician preferences.[24]

    [edit]Anaesthesiologist assistants

    In the United States, anesthesiologist assistants (AAs) are graduate-level trained specialists who have undertaken specialized education

    and training to provide anesthesia care under the direction of an Anesthesiologist. AAs typically hold a masters degree and practice

    under Anesthesiologist supervision in 18 states through licensing, certification or physician delegation.[25]

    In the UK, a similar group of assistants are currently being evaluated. They are named Physician's Assistant (Anaesthesia) (PAAs).

    Their background can be nursing, Operating Department Practice, or another profession allied to medicine or a science graduate.

    Training is in the form of a post-graduate diploma and takes 27 months to complete. Once finished, a masters degree can be

    undertaken.[citation needed]

    [edit]Anaesthesia technicians

    Anesthesia technicians are specially trained biomedical technicians who assist anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists, and

    anesthesiologist assistants with monitoring equipment, supplies, and patient care procedures in the operating room. Commonly these

    services are collectively called Perioperative services, and thus the term Perioperative Service Technician (PST) is used

    interchangeably with Anesthesia Technician.

    In New Zealand, an anaesthetic technician completes a course of study recognized by theNew Zealand Anaesthetic Technicians

    Society[26] .

    [edit]Operating Department Practitioners

    In the United Kingdom,Operating Department Practitionersprovide close assistance and support to the anaesthetist(anaesthesiologist).

    [citation needed] They can also assist with surgical procedures alongside the surgeon and provide Post-Operative Care to patients emerging

    from anesthesia. ODPs can be found in the Operating Department, Accident and Emergency (providing advanced airway assistance),

    Intensive Care Unit, High Dependency Unit and for specialist MRI scanners which require anesthetic cover. They also work with organ

    retrieval teams in transplant surgery and attend pre hospital care to injury victims in the community and will undertake advanced

    specialist training to carry out this work. They are state registered in the UK and their title, Operating Department Practitioner is a

    protected title. The ODP is not a technician but a practitioner of peri-opertive care. ODPs also work in the f ield of teaching as lecturers,

    resuscitation trainers and work in senior positions in management of operating theatre departments.

    [edit]Veterinary anaesthetists/anaesthesiologists

    Main article:Veterinary anesthesia

    Veterinary anesthetists utilize much the same equipment and drugs as those who provide anesthesia to human patients. In the case of

    animals, the anesthesia must be tailored to fit the species ranging from large land animals like horses or elephants to birds to aquatic
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    animals like fish. For each species there are ideal, or at least less problematic, methods of safely inducing anesthesia. For wild animals,

    anesthetic drugs must often be delivered from a distance by means of remote projector systems ("dart guns") before the animal can

    even be approached. Large domestic animals, like cattle, can often be anesthetized for standing surgery using only local anesthetics

    and sedative drugs. While most clinical veterinarians and veterinary technicians routinely function as anesthetists in the course of their

    professional duties, veterinary anesthesiologists in the U.S. are veterinarians who have completed a two-year residency in anesthesia

    and have qualified for certification by the American College of Veterinary Anesthesiologists.

    [edit]Anaesthetic agents

    Main article:Anesthetic

    An anesthetic agent is a drug that brings about a state of anesthesia. A wide variety of drugs are used in modern anesthetic practice.

    Many are rarely used outside of anesthesia, although others are used commonly by all disciplines. Anesthetics are categorized in to two

    categories:general anestheticscause a reversible loss of consciousness (general anesthesia), while local anesthetics cause

    reversible local anesthesiaand a loss ofnociception.

    [edit]Anaesthetic equipment

    Main article:Anaesthetic equipment

    In modern anesthesia, a wide variety of medical equipment is desirable depending on the necessity for portable field use, surgical

    operations or intensive care support. Anesthesia practitioners must possess a comprehensive and intricate knowledge of the production

    and use of variousmedical gases, anesthetic agents and vapors, medicalbreathing circuitsand the variety ofanesthetic

    machines (including vaporizers, ventilators and pressure gauges) and their corresponding safety features, hazards and limitations of

    each piece of equipment, for the safe, clinical competence and practical application for day to day practice.

    [edit]Anaesthetic monitoring

    Patients being treated under general anesthetics must be monitored continuously to ensure the patient's safety. In the UK the

    Association of Anaesthetists (AAGBI) have set minimum monitoring guidelines for General and Regional Anaesthesia. For minor

    surgery, this generally includes monitoring ofheart rate(viaECGorpulse oximetry), oxygen saturation (via pulse oximetry), non-

    invasive blood pressure, inspired and expired gases (foroxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and volatile agents). For moderate to

    major surgery, monitoring may also includetemperature, urine output, invasive blood measurements (arterial blood pressure,central

    venous pressure), pulmonary artery pressure and pulmonary artery occlusion pressure, cerebral activity (via EEGanalysis),

    neuromuscular function (viaperipheral nerve stimulation monitoring), and cardiac output. In addition, the operating room's environment

    must be monitored for temperature and humidity and for buildup of exhaledinhalational anestheticswhich might impair the health of

    operating room personnel.

    [edit]Anaesthesia record

    The anesthesia record is the medical and legal documentation of events during an anesthetic.[27] It reflects a detailed and continuous

    account of drugs, fluids, and blood products administered and procedures undertaken, and also includes the observation of

    cardiovascular responses, estimated blood loss, urinary body fluids and data from physiologic monitors (Anesthetic monitoring, see
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    above) during the course of an anesthetic. The anesthesia record may be written manually on paper; however, the paper record is

    increasingly replaced by an electronic record as part of an Anesthesia Information Management System (AIMS).

    [edit]Anaesthesia information management system (AIMS)

    An AIMSrefers to anyinformation systemthat is used as an automated electronic anesthesia record keeper (i.e., connection to patient

    physiologic monitors and/or the anesthetic machine) and which also may allow the collection andanalysis of anesthesia-related

    perioperative patientdata.

    [edit]See also

    Geriatric anaesthesia

    Anaesthesia awareness

    Anesthetic technician

    Allergic reactions during anesthesia

    ASA physical status classification system


    EEG measures during anesthesia

    Patient safety

    Perioperative mortality

    Second gas effect


    1. ^ Morris Fishbein, M.D., ed (1976). "Anesthesia". The New Illustrated Medical and Health Encyclopedia. 1 (Home Library Edition

    ed.). New York, N.Y. 10016: H. S. Stuttman Co. pp. 87.

    2. ^ Miller, Ronald (2005). Miller's Anesthesia. New York: Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone.ISBN 0443066566.

    3. ^ abcd"Continuum Of Depth Of Sedation Definition Of General Anesthesia And Levels Of Sedation/Analgesia",American Society of

    Anaesthesiologists, ASA, 2004-10-27

    4. ^ Raju VK (2003)."Sushruta of ancient India". Retrieved 2007-05-24.

    5. ^ Medicine throughout Antiquity. Benjamin Lee Gordon. 1949. p.306

    6. ^ Dr. Kasem Ajram (1992). Miracle of Islamic Science, Appendix B. Knowledge House Publishers.ISBN 0911119434.7. ^ Sigrid Hunke (1969),Allah Sonne Uber Abendland, Unser Arabische Erbe, Second Edition, pp. 279280:

    "The science of medicine has gained a great and extremely important discovery and that is the use of general anaesthetics for

    surgical operations, and how unique, efficient, and merciful for those who tried it the Muslim anaesthetic was. It was quite different

    from the drinks the Indians, Romans and Greeks were forcing their patients to have for relief of pain. There had been some

    allegations to credit this discovery to an Italian or to an Alexandrian, but the truth is and history proves that, the art of using the;year=2003;volume=51;issue=2;spage=119;epage=122;aulast=Raju;year=2003;volume=51;issue=2;spage=119;epage=122;aulast=Raju;year=2003;volume=51;issue=2;spage=119;epage=122;aulast=Raju
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    anaesthetic sponge is a pure Muslim technique, which was not known before. The sponge used to be dipped and left in a mixture

    prepared from cannabis, opium, hyoscyamus and a plant called Zoan."

    (cf. Prof. Dr. M. Taha Jasser,Anaesthesia in Islamic medicine and its influence on Western civilization, Conference on Islamic Medicine)

    8. ^ Utopian surgery: Early arguments against anaesthesiain surgery, dentistry and childbirth

    9. ^ abc Morris Fishbein, M.D., ed (1976). "Anesthesia". The New Illustrated Medical and Health Encyclopedia. 1 (Home Library Edition

    ed.). New York, N.Y. 10016: H. S. Stuttman Co. pp. 89.

    10. ^ "Nurse anesthesia worldwide: practice, education and regulation"(PDF). International Federation of Nurse Anesthetists. Retrieved


    11. ^ "Is Physician Anesthesia Cost-Effective?". Anesth Analg. 2007-02-01. Retrieved 2007-02-15.

    12. ^ "When do anesthesiologists delegate?". Med Care. 2007-02-01. Retrieved 2007-02-15.

    13. ^ "Nurse anestheisa worldwide: practice, education and regulation"(PDF). International Federation of Nurse Anesthetists. Retrieved


    14. ^ "Surgical mortality and type of anesthesia provider". AANA. 2007-02-25. Retrieved 2007-02-25.

    15. ^ "Anesthesia Providers, Patient Outcomes, and Cost"(pdf). Anesth Analg. 2007-02-25. Retrieved 2007-02-25.

    16. ^ "ASA Fast Facts: Anesthesiologists Provide Or Participate In 90 Percent Of All Annual Anesthetics". ASA. Retrieved 2007-03-22.

    17. ^

    18. ^

    19. ^

    20. ^

    21. ^

    22. ^


    23. ^


    24. ^


    25. ^ "Five facts about AAs". American Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants. Retrieved 2007-02-08.

    26. ^ New Zealand Anaesthetic Technicians Society

    27. ^ Stoelting RK, Miller RD: Basics of Anesthesia, 3rd edition, 1994.

    [edit]External links

    American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
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    American Society of Anesthesiologists

    International Federation of Nurse Anesthetists

    British Anaesthetic & Recovery Nurses Association

    La SFAR Socit Franaise dAnesthsie et de Ranimation

    DGF Online: Deutsche Gesellschaft Fr Fachkrankenpflege E.V

    Schweizerische Interessengemeinschaft fr Ansthesiepflege - Fdration Fdration suisse des infirmiers anesthsistes

    (Swiss Federation of Nurse Anesthesists)

    Nederlandse Vereniging Van Anesthesie Medewerkers

    Riksfreningen fr anestesi och intensivvrd (Swedish Association of Nurse Anesthetists and Intensive Care Nurses)

    International Anesthesia Research Society

    The Mount Sinai Simulation HELPS Center

    Articles about anesthesia and mechanical ventilation

    Medical Information Links

    Medical Software Medicine on the Net

    Colleges and Medical Associations Mental Health

    Cardiology Neurology

    CME New Zealand Health LinksDental Nutrition

    Dermatology Obstetrics

    Diabetes Oncology

    Drug Information Patient Resources

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    Journals - Medical Travel Information

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    Colleges and Medical Associations
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    American Academy of Family Practice

    American Medical Association

    British Medical Association

    Colleges of Medicine of South Africa

    Irish College of General Practitioners

    North of Scotland Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education

    The Royal College of General Practitioners - UK

    The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

    Wellington School of Medicine

    University of Auckland Department of General Practice and Primary Health Care

    WONCA - Global Family Doctor



    The Online Journal of Cardiology



    Goodfellow Unit - An Auckland region RNZCGP CME provider

    Dermnet for NZ GPs - Gain CME points here



    Dental Council of New Zealand

    New Zealand Dental Association

    The Dental Surgeon site



    American Academy of Dermatology

    Australasian College of Dermatologists

    Dermnet - NZ Dermatological Society

    Archives of Dermatology

    The Australasian Journal of Dermatology

    International Journal of Dermatology

    The British Journal of Dermatology



    AIDA - glucose insulin diabetes simulator software


    Drug Information

    Mosby's Drug Consult



    Emergency Medicine

    Emergency Medicine at NCEMI



    National Enuresis Society

    Enuresis Clinic

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    Evidence Based Medicine


    Cochrane Library

    Evidence-Based Medicine - Evidence-Based Medicine, a co-publication of the BMJ Publishing Group and the American

    College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine

    Evidence-Based Medicine Resources - BMJ Publishing Group

    Scharr Introduction to Evidence Based Practice on the Internet




    Centres for Disease Control and Prevention

    Effective Health Care Bulletins

    Global Health

    Global Family Doctor - WONCA Online

    Health Communication Network

    Health on the Net Foundation






    Martindale's Health Science Guide -'98

    Medical Matrix

    Medicine Net


    Merck Manual

    Primary Health Care Network

    Resident Medical Officers Handbook

    Reuters Health Information Services

    University of Iowa - Family Practice Handbook

    The Virtual Hospital



    Normal Aging Index



    Guideline Library - NZ Guidelines Group



    Immunisation Advisory Centre



    Literature Reviews