Android & Kotlin - The code awakens #03

Android & Kotlin The code awakens #03

Transcript of Android & Kotlin - The code awakens #03

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Android & KotlinThe code awakens #03

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Omar MiatelloMember of GDG Milano (Italy)Android Developer @ Satispay

Personal Community: Kotlin for

Google Presentation#01

Google Photo#01

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Kotlin 1.0 is out - Read more:

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dummy/HeroAdapter.javapublic class HeroAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<HeroAdapter.ViewHolder> {

private final List<HeroItem> mValues; private final HeroOnClickListener mListener;

public HeroAdapter(List<HeroItem> items, HeroOnClickListener listener) { mValues = items; mListener = listener; }

@Override public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) { View view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.item_hero, parent, false); return new ViewHolder(view); }

@Override public void onBindViewHolder(final ViewHolder holder, int position) { HeroItem item = mValues.get(position);

“Convert Java File to Kotlin File”


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Previously on Android & Kotlin #01:

val a: Int = 1 // val = READ ONLY (getter)var b: Int = 1 // var = READ/WRITE (getter/setter)

String templates"My name is $name $surname"

Lambdasview.setOnClickListener { Log.d("TAG", "Item clicked!") }

Delegated properties (example: lazy)val item by lazy { MyItem() }

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// val = READ ONLY (getter)// var = READ/WRITE (getter/setter)

val onlyRead = 1var writable = 2var nullable: Int? = 3

fun test() { onlyRead = 3 // Error at compile time writable = 3 writable = "test" // Error at compile time writable = null // Error at compile time nullable = null}

// Customize getter/setter

val p1: Int = 1 get() { // add some logic return field }

var p2: Int = 2 get() { return field } set(value) { // add some logic field = value }

Properties // More examples

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var name = "Omar"

fun test() { var str: String str = "My name is $name" str = "My name is $name (${name.length} chars)" str = "$name == ${name}" str = "$name.length != ${name.length}" // IS NOT THE SAME str = "Time is: ${System.currentTimeMillis()}ms since 1970"}

String templates // More examples

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"qwerty | 123 | abc".filter { char -> char.isDigit() // return is implicit in lambda expressions}

"qwerty | 123 | abc".filter { it.isDigit() // we can use "it" with 1 parameter}

"qwerty | 123 | abc".filterIndexed { index: Int, c: Char -> index > 3 && c.isLetterOrDigit()}

Lambdas // More examples

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val startTime by lazy { System.currentTimeMillis() }

var test by Delegates.observable(3) { prop, old, new -> if (new > old) Log.w("TEST", "$new > $old")}

fun test() { startTime test = 5 test = 1 test = 2 val finish = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}

Delegated properties // More examples

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Previously on Android & Kotlin #02:

Null safety var a: String = null // Error at compile timevar b: String? = null

Elvis Operatorval example: String = b ?: "Default" // b may be null

Smart-castif (myView is TextView) { myView.setText("Ciao") }

CollectionslistOf("Android", "iOS", null).filterNotNull().map { it.toUpperCase() }

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var test: String? = null

fun test() { test = "new string"

test.length // Error at compile time test?.length // if (test != null) test.length else null test!!.length // test MUST exist or throw NullPointerException

val len = test?.length ?: 0 // default value = 0 test?.length ?: throw IllegalStateException("Missing the main string!")}

Null safety & Elvis Operator // More examples

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var test: Any? = "My new value"

fun test() { val _test: Any? = test

if (_test != null) { val checkEqual = _test.equals("My new value") if (_test is String) { val checkLen = _test.length _test.capitalize() _test.substring(1) } }

when (_test) { is Int -> { val sum = _test + 1 } is String -> { val len = _test.length } }


Smart-cast // More examples

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val stringList = listOf("my", "items", "list")

fun test() { stringList.first() stringList.filterNotNull() stringList.filter { it.length > 3 } stringList.first { it.length > 4 } stringList.firstOrNull() { it.length > 10 } stringList.findLast { it.startsWith("m") } stringList.sorted() stringList.indexOfLast { it.startsWith("i") } { it.length } stringList.maxBy { it.length } // ...}

Collections // More examples

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Kotlin vs Java - Part 3Extensions

Infix NotationOperator Overloading

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fun String.isBig(): Boolean { return length() > 10}

#9 Kotlin - Extensions


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fun String.isBig(): Boolean { return length() > 10}

fun example() { "why?!".isBig() // false! "harder, better, ...".isBig() // true!}

#9 Kotlin - Extensions


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fun String.isBig(): Boolean { return length() > 10}

fun example() { "why?!".isBig() // false! "harder, better, ...".isBig() // true!}

// file

class MyUtils { static boolean isBig(String str) { return str.length() > 10; }}

// file

class MyJavaClass { void example() { MyUtils.isBig("why?!"); MyUtils.isBig("harder, better, ..."); }}

#9 Kotlin - Extensions


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fun String.isBig(): Boolean { return length() > 10}

fun example() { "why?!".isBig() "harder, better, ...".isBig()}

// file

class MyUtils { static boolean isBig(String str) { return str.length() > 10; }}

// file

class MyJavaClass { void example() { MyUtils.isBig("why?!"); MyUtils.isBig("harder, better, ..."); }}

#9 Kotlin - Extensions


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class Hero(val power: Int) class Hero { private final int power;

public Hero(int power) { this.power = power; }}

#10 Kotlin - Infix Notation


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class Hero(val power: Int) { infix fun vs(opponent: Hero): Hero { return if (power > opponent.power) { this } else { opponent } }}

#10 Kotlin - Infix Notation


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class Hero(val power: Int) { infix fun vs(opponent: Hero): Hero { return if (power > opponent.power) { this } else { opponent } }}

fun example() { val thor = Hero(7) val ironman = Hero(8) val spiderman = Hero(4)}

// Skip Java version of Hero class,// we use Kotlin class

class MyJavaClass { void example() { Hero thor = new Hero(7); Hero ironman = new Hero(8); Hero spiderman = new Hero(4); }}

#10 Kotlin - Infix Notation


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class Hero(val power: Int) { infix fun vs(opponent: Hero): Hero { return if (power > opponent.power) { this } else { opponent } }}

fun example() { val thor = Hero(7) val ironman = Hero(8) val spiderman = Hero(4)

val theBest = thor vs ironman vs spiderman}

// Skip Java version of Hero class,// we use Kotlin class

class MyJavaClass { void example() { Hero thor = new Hero(7); Hero ironman = new Hero(8); Hero spiderman = new Hero(4);

Hero theBest = thor.vs(ironman).vs(spiderman); }}

#10 Kotlin - Infix Notation


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class Hero(val power: Int) { infix fun vs(opponent: Hero): Hero { return if (power > opponent.power) { this } else { opponent } }}

fun example() { val thor = Hero(7) val ironman = Hero(8) val spiderman = Hero(4)

val theBest = thor vs ironman vs spiderman}

// Skip Java version of Hero class,// we use Kotlin class

class MyJavaClass { void example() { Hero thor = new Hero(7); Hero ironman = new Hero(8); Hero spiderman = new Hero(4);

Hero theBest = thor.vs(ironman).vs(spiderman); }}

#10 Kotlin - Infix Notation


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class Male(val eyes: String)

class Female(val hair: String)

class Male { private String eyes;

public Male(String eyes) { this.eyes = eyes; }}

class Female { private String hair;

public Female(String hair) { = hair; }}

#11 Kotlin - Operator Overloading


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class Male(val eyes: String)

class Female(val hair: String)

class Baby(val eyes: String, val hair: String)

// Skip Java version of Male, Female and Baby// class, there is not enough space!

#11 Kotlin - Operator Overloading


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class Male(val eyes: String) { operator fun plus(her: Female): Baby { return Baby(this.eyes, }}

class Female(val hair: String)

class Baby(val eyes: String, val hair: String)

// Skip Java version of Male, Female and Baby// class, there is not enough space!

#11 Kotlin - Operator Overloading


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class Male(val eyes: String) { operator fun plus(her: Female): Baby { return Baby(this.eyes, }}

class Female(val hair: String)

class Baby(val eyes: String, val hair: String)

fun example() { val myBaby = Male("green") + Female("blond")}

// Skip Java version of Male, Female and Baby// class, there is not enough space!

class MyJavaClass { void example() { Baby myBaby = new Male("green").plus( new Female("blond")); }}

#11 Kotlin - Operator Overloading


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class Male(val eyes: String) { operator fun plus(her: Female): Baby { return Baby(this.eyes, }}

class Female(val hair: String)

class Baby(val eyes: String, val hair: String)

fun example() { val myBaby = Male("green") + Female("blond")}

// Skip Java version of Male, Female and Baby// class, there is not enough space!

class MyJavaClass { void example() { Baby myBaby = new Male("green").plus(new Female("blond")); }}

#11 Kotlin - Operator Overloading


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Android Examplefrom REAL code!

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Extensions // More examples (1)fun String.encodeUrl(charsetName: String = "UTF-8") = URLEncoder.encode(this, charsetName)

fun String.isValidEmail() = Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(this).matches()

// INFO: String.useNonBreakingSpace() = replace(' ', '\u00A0')

// Uri.viewIntent() = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW).setData(this)

fun <T : View> T.onClick(onClick: (T) -> Unit) = setOnClickListener(onClick as (View) -> Unit)

fun View.postDelayed(delayMillis: Long, action: () -> Unit) = postDelayed(action, delayMillis)

val EditText.string: String get() = text.toString()

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Extensions // More examples (2)fun View.hideSoftInput() { val imm = context.getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as InputMethodManager imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(windowToken, 0)}

/*** Kotlin version of method Utils.isViewInBounds(container, view) by Alex Lockwood* URL:** Returns true if {@param view} is contained within {@param container}'s bounds.*/fun View.isInBounds(container: View): Boolean { val containerBounds = Rect() container.getHitRect(containerBounds) return getLocalVisibleRect(containerBounds)}

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Extensions + Infix Notation // More examples

infix fun String?.orNotNull(defaultValue: String): String =if (!this.isNullOrBlank()) this!! else defaultValue

infix fun String?.or(defaultValue: String?): String? =if (!this.isNullOrBlank()) this else defaultValue

// val a: String? = null// val b: String? = null// val c: String? = "test"// val myText = a or b or c orNotNull "default"

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Extensions + Operator Overloading // More examples

operator fun StringBuilder.plusAssign(s: String) { appendln(s) }

// val sb = StringBuilder()// sb += "test"// sb += "test2"

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Questions?Developers playground - #EX3- In KotlinExample use: Extensions, Infix Notation, Operator Overloading

Start with:

Solution: (at some point maybe …) :P

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THANKS!Omar Miatello, Member of GDG Milano (Italy)

Android Developer @ Satispay