Android developer fundamentals training overview Part II


Transcript of Android developer fundamentals training overview Part II

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Curriculum Outline

5 units comprising 14 lessons

● Unit 1 : Getting Started

● Unit 2 : User Experience

● Unit 3 : Background Tasks

● Unit 4 : Data

● Unit 5 : Polish and Publish

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Getting Started

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Create Your First Android Apps

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Views, Layout, and Resources

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Resource That Help You Learn

● Official Android documentation

● Image Asset Studio

● Android Monitor page

● Official Android blog

● Android Developers blog

● Google I/O Codelabs

● Stack Overflow

● Android vocabulary

● Google Developer Training website

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Activities and Intents

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Debugging Apps

● All code has bugs

● Android Studio logging

● Android Studio debugger

● Working with breakpoints

● Changing variables

● Stepping through code

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Testing Your Apps

● Find and fix issues early

● Less costly

● Takes less effort

● Costs to fix bugs increases with time

$1 Specification Design Code QA Release




Cost to Fix

Discovery Time

Catch bugs


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Using The Android Support Library

● What are the Android support libraries?

● Features

● Selected Libraries

● Setting up and using support libraries

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User Experience

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User Input Control

1. Button

2. Text field

3. Seek bar

4. Checkboxes

5. Radio buttons

6. Toggle

7. Spinner

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1. App bar with options menu

2. Contextual menu

3. Contextual action bar

4. Popup menu

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Screen Navigation

● Back navigation

● Hierarchical navigation

○ Up navigation

○ Descendant navigation

○ Navigation drawer for descendant navigation

○ Lists and carousels for descendant navigation

○ Ancestral navigation

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Scrollable container for large data setsEfficient

uses and reuses limited number of views

Updates changing data fast


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Drawables, Styles, and Themes

● Drawables

● Creating image assets

● Styles

● Themes

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Material Design

Material Design has guidelines on the use and implementation of

Android components

● Bottom Navigation● Buttons● Cards● Chips● Data Tables● Dialogs● Dividers

● Sliders● Snackbar● Toasts● Steppers● Subheaders● Text Fields● Toolbars

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Resources for Adaptive Layout

Layouts that look good on different

screen sizes, orientations,

and devices

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Testing The User Interfaces

● Testing Methods

● Automated Testing

● Using Espresso

● Testing Environment and Setup

● Creating Espresso Tests

● Espresso Test Examples

● Recording Tests

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Background Task

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AsyncTask & AsyncTaskLoader

Main Thread (UI Thread)

Worker ThreaddoInBackground()


AsyncTaskLoader AsyncTask WorkToDo






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Connect to the Internet

1. Add permissions to Android Manifest

2. Check Network Connection

3. Create Worker Thread

4. Implement background task

a. Create URI

b. Make HTTP Connection

c. Connect and GET Data

5. Process results

a. Parse Results

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Broadcast Receivers

● Broadcast intents

● Broadcast receivers

● Implementing broadcast receivers

● Custom broadcasts

● Security

● Local broadcasts

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A Service is an application component that can perform long-

running operations in the background and does not provide a

user interface

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Message displayed to user outside regular app UI

■ Small icon

■ Title

■ Detail text

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Alarm Manager

● Not an actual alarm clock

● Schedules something to happen at a set time

● Fire intents at set times or intervals

● Goes off once or recurring

● Can be based on a real-time clock or elapsed time

● App does not need to run for alarm to be active

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Job Scheduler

● Used for intelligent scheduling of background tasks

● Based on conditions, not a time schedule

● Much more efficient than AlarmManager

● Batches tasks together to minimize battery drain

● API 21+ (no support library)

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Storing Data

● Shared Preferences—Private primitive data in key-value pairs

● Internal Storage—Private data on device memory

● External Storage—Public data on device or external storage

● SQLite Databases—Structured data in a private database

● Content Providers—Store privately and make available publicly

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Shared Preference

● Read and write small amounts of primitive data as key/valuepairs to a file on the device storage

● SharedPreference class provides APIs for reading, writing, andmanaging this data

● Save data in onPause()restore in onCreate()

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Setting UI

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● Store data in tables of rows and columns (spreadsheet…)

● Field = intersection of a row and column

● Fields contain data, references to other fields, or references to other tables

● Rows are identified by unique IDs

● Column names are unique per table

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Content Provider

Activity / Adapter




1. Activity/Adapter uses ContentResolver to query ContentProvider

2. ContentProvider gets data

3. ContentResolver returns data as Cursor

4. Activity/Adapter uses data

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● Special purpose classes that manage loading data asynchronously in the background

● Introduced in Android 3.0

● Uses AsyncTask

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Polish and Publish

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Permissions, Performances, and Security

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Firebase and Admob

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Publish on Google Play

● Make an APK

● Upload to Google Play

● Run alpha and beta tests

● Publish!

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