Android 4.3 – 10 new features and improvements (1)

Android 4.3 – 10 New Features and Improvements


Google's new update in the market is Android 4.3 for the users. Google launched this new version of Android with new features and updates.This article talks about the Android 4.3 version with its new updates

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Page 1: Android 4.3 – 10 new features and improvements (1)

Android 4.3 – 10 New Features and Improvements

Page 2: Android 4.3 – 10 new features and improvements (1)

Google recently launched Android 4.3 which can be called an answer to Apple’s iOS7. The rumour mills will have their day out but let us talk about real facts here, Android 4.3 was supposed to be just a minor update just like 4.2 to 4.1 but seems like Google upped the whole game and made changes to their eco system with Android 4.3. Stop even pondering about when will Samsung or HTC give your devices those updates because Google’s Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 already got them and we will tell you top 10 new features and improvements in the new Android 4.3 which is dressed to kill.

1. Restricted Profiles: This one was actually the headlines of most tech articles. Just like traditional PC’s armed with Windows now you can have personal profiles for users with their own personal settings and data. This is one feature which everyone wanted but no one thought Google would give them.

2. Bluetooth tweaks: Till now only high powered devices like Bluetooth hands free were supported by Nexus 4 and 7 but with this update they can connect to low powered devices like Heart Rate monitor or fitness gadgets.

3. Auto – Complete dial pad: This was the silliest feature missing from Android and most of the people used custom apps for this but now when you type a phone number on Android 4.3 then auto complete would give you possible suggestions.

4. OpenGL ES 3.0: This support means Android devices can now support high graphics processor which was incompatible without this update.

5. Wireless Display: Most of the giants like Samsung or LG gave it as a custom feature but now by default Android devices running on 4.3 can directly play videos on their TV via tablets and phones.

6. Smart WiFi: Now you will not have keep your WiFi on to use location based services and with Smart WiFi one can use low battery consuming smart WiFi and still use all the location based services.

7. Built in security function: Till date Android devices have been facing heat for unsecure apps which were filled with virus and malwares but this updates brings in on board security system which scans and checks for any virus infested app.

8. Minor UI tweaks: This is a small but significant update which makes page switching faster and smoother.

9. New EmoJi: Android 4.3 is packed with new EmoJi which makes texting even more fun and personalized.

10.Performance enhancement: This tweak makes the whole system faster and since Project butter in Android 4.1 this could be dubbed as 2nd important update making the whole system fast.


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