Andrew Grant & West Loh - Money Mind Set Report

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  • 8/13/2019 Andrew Grant & West Loh - Money Mind Set Report


  • 8/13/2019 Andrew Grant & West Loh - Money Mind Set Report



    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant


    Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. There is noguarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials.Examples in this report are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earningpotential is entirely dependent on the person reading this report. We do not purport this as a getrich scheme. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends onthe time you devote to the program, your finances, knowledge and various skills. Since thesefactors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Norare we responsible for any of your actions. Our products or services may not be for you. Youmust determine this for yourself, and seek the advice of a qualified professional. For thesereasons, your purchase and use of our information, products and services should be based uponyour own due diligence and judgment on how best to use our products. You should not view ourcompany's products and services as responsible for any success or failure of your business; weprovide a tool that you can use, that has worked for us.


    Copyright 2008-2009 by West Loh and Andrew Grant.

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant


    After several years in the finance industry, I was sick and tired of seeing honest,

    hard-working people just like you get legally swindled of their precious earnings. I

    like to prevent that happening to you.

    Confusion, myths and outright lies are being fed to you on how to achieve

    Financial Freedom. The fact is that the majority of people who give advice telling

    you how to manage your money are no closer to being financially free than you


    What gives me the right to make such outrageous claims? Well, I was one of

    those advice givers. In fact, I managed over 50 other financial planners, and I

    had all my government licenses and accreditations to boot. Ive personally

    advised hundreds of low and hundreds of high net worth clients - and witnessed

    how the confusion, myths and lies given by well respected financial institutions

    and their advisors condemned people just like you to a life time of work and toil at

    a 50 hour per week job that they dont even like.

    Heres the thing. This blatant misinformation is deliberate.. But LEGAL! It has

    been calculated and regulated by those who make massive gains. preying on

    your financial ignorance. Its time someone spoke out.

    Have you ever heard a qualified financial planner tell you keep working and

    putting away money, so when you retire (at around 65) you will have a sizeable

    nest egg of money which you can then retire with and live the life of your


    This usually means a house by the beach, lots of free time walking on that beach

    with the partner of your dreams, lots of travel and a luxury boat and car as well.

    The harsh reality is.. Over 95% will NOT have enough money saved to even

    fund a retirement that maintains their current standard of living.

    Hundreds of thousands of hard-working citizens will not be able to fund a

    retirement plan thats barely even more than welfare. What makes this utterly

    ludicrous is that the planners, financial institutions and governments know it.

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    Yet they still allow the confusion, myths and lies to continue. The truly scary thing

    is that the people trying to plan and invest are generally amongst the smarter

    ones in our society who actually make the effort to plan for their retirement.

    The statics show that most people do not even plan to be financial free by


    Lets face it; most people dont want to have to work for money just to pay the

    bills. Do you really want to have to work? Do you really want to be doing

    something you would prefer not to be doing..for most of your life just so

    you can pay the bills?

    Thats exactly the plan theyre selling you, and sadly the plan that over 85% of

    people are buying. Worse still, most are not even prepared.for what happens

    after 65. A very scary thought.

    Let me be clear, Im not saying you shouldnt work. What I am saying is that you

    should have the choice to work if you want to, not because you have to. You

    should love what you do so much that if you didnt get paid youd still do it.

    Wouldnt that be incredible?

    True Financial Freedom is having passive streams of income that do not

    require exchanging hours for money.

    Most people just dont have a clue on what it really takes to develop, maintain

    and keep the passive income streams that give true financial freedom.

    Heres an interesting question to ponder: have your advisors demonstrated

    to you that they have achieved financial freedom?

    Can they honestly prove that they make enough money via passive income

    sources so that they dont need to work? I can tell you right now that these

    people are just as tied to their job as you are and are falling into the same trap

    themselves (either that or they get rich selling you financial plans and funds). Iknow for a fact that most of the 53 financial planners that I use to manage could

    hardly make it from pay day to pay day. Yet they would give advice on peoples

    lives and money.

    Heres a great analogy. You want to get in serious shape. You read all the books

    you can, watch all the shows on TV and you even buy a gym membership. Then

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    you come to see the advisor. Its an incredibly overweight person who wreaks of

    smoke and is already out of breath just from walking from the reception to the

    consult room.

    Would you seriously take advice on dieting and fitness from this person? Guess

    what? This is EXACTLY the level of advice you get when it comes to money. The

    only difference is, you cant SEE that the person is in really bad financial shape.

    Anyone can afford one expensive suit.

    I hope Ive made my point. So why should you listen to me?

    Well, because Ive done it. I have developed, maintained and increased my

    passive income sources with enough money to maintain my lifestyle indefinitely

    for the rest of my life (and my wife and kids) without needing to work for a single

    day for the rest of my life. I dont tell this to impress you but to IMPRESS UPON

    YOU the importance of this message. I dont want you to become another

    Australian Bureau of Statistic (you know the one that says at age 65, 95% of

    people will either be dead or dead broke)

    This book will reveal what drove me and my secret keys to success.

    As stated Ive studied and worked as a financial planner. Ive also owned and run

    a management consulting firm advising both large and small business on how to

    make money. I have made a lot of money doing those things. However, the

    money wasnt passive. It was active income - trading my limited hours for dollars.

    The harder I worked the more I made, but the more I made, the less of a life I

    had. The depressing thing for me was that after studying many of my successful

    clients, I noticed that they were following exactly the same pattern being slaves

    to their jobs.

    Sure they had more money but they also had more bills. This is why they werent

    truly wealthy - if they stopped working they stopped earning. It also amazed me

    as a Financial Planner to see that no matter how much people earned they would

    always adjust their spending to just a little more than their earning. This would

    lock them into a money trap that was close to impossible to get out of.

    I could see I was heading down that track and I made a decision. That was NOT

    going to be me.

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    I set a goal: to make $10,000 of passive income per month within five years.

    This would allow us (my wife and I) to make enough money to keep us in the

    lifestyle that we had developed without the need to work.

    I spent tens of thousands of dollars on learning the systems of people who

    seemed to have cracked the passive income code. After 4 years of study and

    research was no closer to having a regular source of passive income.

    Then we found the missing link that profoundly changed our lives and made our

    income SKYROCKET. I was shown how to identify and remove my subconscious

    mental blocks to success.

    I learnt and applied the skills that helped build a passive income money mind set.

    Within weeks of doing this we started to make regular passive income. Within six

    months we were averaging $20,000 of passive income per month. Life has

    never been the same since.

    Get ready for the journey of your life. If you are willing to play full out, complete

    all the exercises without excuses you will see a radical transformation in your


    One more thing. This book is co-authored by a close friend and associate of

    mine, West Loh. West has an MBA and a few other degrees but he practically

    tossed those aside and is living his dreams now that hes learned and applied the

    Money Mind Set techniques were about to share with you. Ive worked closely

    with West personally to write this program and he has also interviewed over 20

    multi-millionaires to create this program. Hes got some amazing things to share

    with you, so dont let your guard down on any of the chapters hes authored.

    Thats it for now. Buckle your seatbelts up and get ready for the ride. Well see

    you at the end!

    Andrew Grant, West Loh and The Money Mindset team

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    Table of Contents1. Laying the Foundation for Financial Freedom 7

    2. Why Mastering your Programs Will Make You a Millionaire 17

    3. Understanding the Four Types of Money 25

    4. To Tap Into Riches, You Must Leap Out Of Your Comfort Zone 32

    5. The Tried and Tested Formula for Successful Financial Change 40

    6. Designing Your Financial Destiny 46

    7. The Biggest Lie Ever Told about Wealth 53

    8. Compounding: The 8th Wonder of the World! 59

    9. Lessons from Paul Blackburn: The 1 Million in 1 Month Interview 66

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    Chapter 1

    Laying the Foundation for Financial FreedomAs you can see, the main focus of this chapter is learning to lay the foundation

    for your own Financial Freedom. What I mean by Financial Freedom is earning

    enough passive income (money that you're not exchanging your hours for) so

    you can maintain the lifestyle you want, without having to go and work for it.

    Now let me be clear. I'm not saying that you shouldn't work. What I am saying is

    that you should have the choice to work if you want to, not because you have to

    so you can maintain your lifestyle. True Financial Freedom is having passive

    streams of income that don't require that you exchange your hours for money.

    But before we look at the foundation to Financial Freedom, let's first look at why

    most people are not Financially Free, and why most people don't even know how

    to go about getting there.

    A lot of it comes back to what we are commonly taught about making money.

    Most of the information we're given about making money comes from financial

    institutions (like banks and investment companies), the media, schools,

    government, and even our well meaning friends and family. Unfortunately, it's

    often a case of "the blind leading the blind". The simple fact is the majority of

    people who give advice on making money ARE NOT THEMSELVES


    How do I know so much about this? A few years ago I was a licensed and

    government-accredited Financial Planner. I managed over 52 other Planners,

    and I personally advised hundreds of people on their personal finances.

    During this time I saw how the information given by well respected financial

    institutions, their sales people (who are often presented as advisors) and

    government has condemned people just like you to a life time of hard toil at a job.

    You see the "big dream" that's sold, is that around the age of 65 when you retire

    after a lifetime of hard work, you'll have heaps of money. This will be a result of

    the cunning and savvy investments that you've made through your retirement

    plan, or superannuation. This will mean a house by the beach, lots of free time

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    walking on that beach with the partner of your dreams, lots of travel and probably

    a boat and car of youre choosing as well.

    BUT, the reality for many is that they won't have enough money saved to fund a

    retirement that even just maintains their current standard of living, let alone gives

    them the lifestyle of their dreams.

    So why aren't you given better advice? Why aren't you given better investment

    opportunities so that you can retire financially free?

    The sad truth is that most people (even those giving advice on the subject) just

    don't have a clue about what it really takes to develop, maintain and keep the

    passive income streams you need to give you true financial freedom.

    And the reason for this is that the majority of them have not done it themselves.

    Here's a simple test.

    Ask anyone who wants to give you financial advice to demonstrate to you that

    they have achieved financial freedom. Can they show you that they make

    enough money from passive income that they don't have to work?

    Most people who give advice on how to handle money are tied to their jobs and

    have not achieved financial freedom. This was certainly true of the 52 financial

    planners that I managed. Most of them could hardly make it from pay day to pay

    day. Yet they would give advice on investment.

    Would you seriously take advice on dieting and fitness from a morbidly obese

    person, who could not get motivated to stop smoking and get to the gym? Well in

    many cases this is the level of advice you get when it comes to money.

    Now don't get me wrong. Often the people giving the advice are well intentioned,

    and well educated. However 9 times out of 10 they are broke, or couldn't go for

    more than a month without a pay cheque without causing them financial strain.

    So why should you listen to me? Why should this program be any different?

    Simply because I've done it. I have developed, maintained and increased passive

    income sources that give me enough money to maintain my life style without the

    need to work. And now I'm going to show you exactly how I did that.

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    Before I discovered the secret to financial freedom I worked hard. I studied, and

    worked as a financial planner. I owned and ran a successful management

    consulting firm, advising businesses both large and small on how to makemoney. I have made a lot of money doing these things. However the money was

    not passive - it was active income. I was trading my limited hours for dollars. The

    harder I worked the more money I made. But the more money I made the less of

    a life I had.

    The depressing thing for me was that after studying many of my successful

    clients I noticed that they were also slaves to their jobs or businesses. Sure they

    had more money that the average person, but they also had more bills and

    generally less time. And if they stopped working they stopped earning.

    It also amazed me as a Financial Planner, that no matter how much a person

    earned they would always adjust their spending to just a little more than they

    were earning. This would lock them into a money trap that would seem

    impossible for them to get out of. It would therefore commit them to a life of

    working in a job they hated just to be able to meet their bills.

    I did NOT want to head down that same track. So I started to look for what I

    needed to know and do to become Financially Free. I set a goal to make $10,000

    in passive income per month within five years. This would allow my wife and me

    to make enough money to maintain our existing lifestyle without the need towork.

    To achieve this goal, I studied, talked to and befriended people who had actually

    done it - not just told others how to do it (an important distinction!). I spent tens of

    thousands of dollars on learning the systems these people used - the ones who'd

    cracked the passive income code.

    But after 4 years of study and research, and thousands of dollars spent on

    learning, I was no closer to having a regular source of passive income.

    It was then that I found the "missing link" that made all the difference.

    The bit that was missing was so fundamental and so crucial to my success, that

    once I learned AND APPLIED it I began to make regular passive income within

    weeks. Within six months I was averaging $20,000 in passive income per

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    month. I well and truly achieved my goal of making $10,000 in passive income

    per month within five years. And since then I've gone on to make much more.

    Now understanding and applying this "missing link" is not easy. But it is well

    worth the effort!

    It's important first of all to understand a couple of key concepts. The first concept

    is the Mental-Emotional-Physical success triangle. Even if you've see the triangle

    before, I doubt that you've applied it in the way I'm about to show you here.

    Applying this triangle has taken me from working 7 days a week in my own

    business, to today enjoying a 7-figure income from truly passive sources - money

    I don't have to "work" for.

    Here's a diagram of the triangle:

    Deceptively simple, I

    know. But understanding

    this triangle will give you a

    loaded springboard for the

    rest of the program. If you

    dont understand it youll

    be treading water. So keep

    reading on.

    If you want to be truly successful in any area of your life (including financially),

    you need to have a solid foundation in each of the three areas - mental,

    emotional and physical.

    Like any triangle, if you remove one side what happens?

    Thats right it collapses. It may not happen instantaneously. In fact, it might

    take months or even years. But neglect one side at your peril.

    Lets use an example. Since many of you will be accessing this through the

    internet (and probably own one or more online businesses), well use that

    framework. Let's look at how the triangle applies to building an internet business,

    and what you need to focus on in each of the three areas.

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    PHYSICAL: To succeed in an internet business you need to have certain

    physical things in place - a computer, modem and internet connection. You also

    need a good working environment a quiet, well-laid-out office. As well, youneed dedicated time to work on your business. And you might have $2,000 in

    start-up capital to invest.

    MENTAL: This side of the triangle is about the KNOWLEDGE and learning you

    need, about business models, marketing strategies, and technical skills you need

    for your internet business to succeed. You may gather this knowledge from

    books, seminar programs, audios or videos. You could also attend live events or

    get some mentoring support. All this feeds into your mental development.

    EMOTIONAL: This is generally the most neglected side of the triangle. Theemotional side is about identifying and eliminating any subconscious blockages

    you have to success. These are the emotional stumbling blocks that unknowingly

    hold you back. Remember, EVERYONE has them. It's just a matter of how

    strong and how many.

    Let's look at how to apply each side of triangle to your goal of Financial Freedom.

    As you're going through this you'll be given exercises to do. Please get yourself a

    good quality notebook to put all of your answers into. If you prefer to type your

    answers, please set up a separate folder for this on your computer.

    MENTAL The System

    Ask yourself this question What system do I have in place to make money? If

    you dont currently have a system or you dont have a system that makes money

    in the way that you'd like (you have to work long hours in a job you hate, for

    example) you should ask What system do I need to have in place to make me


    Generally speaking, its not the people you have working for you, but the system

    you implement. Most people have flawed systems of making money. So, please

    write what is my current system for making money. Then come up with your

    answers. Well evaluate them later. If its just one thingI have a job, dont

    worry. The first step in changing anything is first identifying what youd like to

    change. By the way, this is the default system for the vast majority of people.

    The sad part is most of them are already resigned to this system for the rest of

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    their lives until they retire (sad for them, not you). Unless youre earning multi-

    millions, this is a seriously flawed system.

    PHYSICAL The Investment and Commitment

    The other reason most people are not financially free (particularly if they have

    their own business), is that the level of investment and commitment wasnt high

    enough. Theyre just not 100% committed to making things happen. They cut

    corners on what they need to provide time-wise, equipment-wise, and cost-

    wise. Two questions for you here:

    1. Whats my investment?

    2. Whats my level of commitment?

    In a nutshell are you really prepared to pay the price? Unfortunately, 90% of

    people think they are, but when it comes to the crunch, they arent prepared. This

    explains the 10% of people who achieve far greater results in any endeavor,

    including finances.

    Another price youll have to pay is the cost of changing who you are. Theres

    going to be some people you make uncomfortable when you become successful

    in an area. Youll have certain friends that you just dont click with anymore, and

    those you just dont have anything in common with anymore. This includesrelatives. It might even include your spouse. If you choose to take the leap, youll

    either pull those around you up, or those around you will pull you back down to

    where they are comfortable.

    What do you think happens the majority of the time? Youre right.

    So don't be surprised if you feel the need to cut some ties.

    EMOTIONAL The Programs

    This is a huge area, and we'll cover it in even more detail in the next e-class. Togive you a quick introduction though, our emotional programs are just like

    computer programs they are commands or files that run the same way every

    time they're executed. Our programs sit at the sub-conscious level of our

    thinking. Often we're not even consciously aware of them. They are the things

    that keep us "stuck" in our existing situation. They are our underlying beliefs that

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    dictate our conscious behavior. Often these beliefs serve us well. But sometimes

    our beliefs hold us back from achieving our goals.

    I found that two of my sub-conscious beliefs that were holding me back from

    being financially free were that "Opportunities to make passive income are

    scarce" and that "Passive income is hard to generate". So guess what? Because

    I had the first belief, I found very few passive income-making opportunities.

    Those I did find, I was so scared of messing up (because they were so rare and

    precious) that I didn't give them 100% effort. So of course I blew it. And in the

    process I "proved" my belief that "Passive income is hard to generate".

    Before I made a single cent in passive income I had to identify and eliminate any

    sub-conscious beliefs that were holding me back.

    Below is an exercise you can use to identify any sub-conscious programs you

    have that may be preventing you from being financially free.

    But just before we get to this week's exercise, let's sum up so far. Here's the key

    to achieving Financial Freedom. Understanding and applying this concept is

    fundamental to you achieving financial freedom.

    The Success MEP Triangle

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    Must DO Money Mind-Set Exercise

    Here's where we figure out some of your sub-conscious blockages to beingFinancially Free. Over the next few weeks we'll take you through an arsenal of

    proven activities, strategies and interactive exercises to help you identify and

    eliminate your sub-conscious blockages to financial freedom.

    Here's an important thing to note: every exercise works differently for every

    person. Sometimes, you'll get HUGE BREAKTHROUGHS from exercises that

    give your friend or partner merely and interesting observation.

    However, no matter what your reaction, NEVER disregard an exercise without

    completing it exactly as described. You could be robbing yourself of thatbreakthrough.

    The first exercise is one you may have encountered before. But that's OK. This

    one is something I do on a regular basis. And it almost always leads to me

    identifying another blockage to work on - and results in me earning more passive


    You'll find that spending about 10 minutes a day, every day for 7 days really

    hammers those blocks hiding several layers deep in your subconscious.

    Sometimes they need a lot of coaxing! So, I want you to dedicate 10 minutes ofuninterrupted time for 7 days straight. You may wish to start a separate journal

    for the other exercises we will do in this program.

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    Heres how to do the exercise:

    First, sit down with a blank piece of paper and pen and ensure you have space

    and a quiet environment.

    Pick out one major goal in

    your life, in any area.

    Next, write a sentence

    which puts it in the

    positive, as if it has

    already been achieved.

    For example, it is now,

    Feb 2012 and I have a

    passive income of $200

    000 per year. What you

    now need to do is divide

    the page into two by

    drawing a line down the

    centre. Then, in the left

    hand side write your goal.

    IMMEDIATELY afterwriting your goal, write the

    first response that comes

    into your mind. Dont wait, dont think, dont analyze. In fact if nothing comes to

    mind just write BLANK.

    Do this for a solid 5 minutes (time yourself). You should be able to get at least 20

    30 responses. After a few minutes these responses will begin to reflect your

    subconscious beliefs, as your conscious mind quickly becomes bored with the

    repetition and "gives up and goes away for a while". Look for any patterns that

    arise. Can you start to identify any limiting beliefs? Any programs that are holdingyou back time and time again. To give you an idea of how it might look, here's a

    screen shot of one of my sessions with this exercise:

    When youre done, make notes in your workbook. Over time, well be looking for

    patterns, recurring themes and then we can start disabling those blocks!

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    In chapter two we'll continue to expand on the emotional side of the Success

    Triangle. We'll look at how seemingly unrelated events from your past can have a

    tangible impact on your ability to make and keep money today. This is one of themost overlooked causes of financial hardship.

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    Chapter 2

    Why Mastering your Programs Will Make You aMillionaire

    Have you ever noticed that no matter how much you earn, you always seem to

    spend about the same amount? Even if you happen to come across an extra ten

    thousand dollars from an unexpected source, it just seems to magically


    One of our mentors (Paul Blackburn) uses the term churning. You are a churn,

    and money that comes into the churn automatically comes out the other end in a

    different form. Wealthy people know and understand that its not the amount youearn thats important, its how much surplus is left over and can be put towards

    accumulating and building assets. This has everything to do with the way people

    run their inner programs.

    Side note This week you are going to read The Richest Man in Babylon,

    located on the members only page. Its a short, fast but very powerful parable of

    the mindset of the wealthy Babylonians.

    What Are Programs And How They Were Formed?

    The easiest way to describe a program is to think of something that you do, but

    you dont have to think about it to do it. You then get a RESULT from running that


    Do you remember when you first learnt to drive? You had to concentrate and

    focus on every part of the process. Your were very conscious of your feet being

    in the right place and moving them in relation to each other on the brake,

    accelerator and clutch took up all your attention.

    These days you can talk on the phone, eat lunch, listen to music and hold aconversation all at the same time, and still make it safely to your destination! The

    program (driving) has now been stored in your subconscious, and your conscious

    mind is free to focus on other things.

    The point I want to make here is that when you were learning to drive, you had

    someone to coach and teach you exactly what to do to become successful in the

    shortest possible time.

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    They taught you how to set up everything in the car before you start driving, what

    successful drivers look for on the road for maximum safety, and even how to

    calculate risk in different situations. Also notice there are road rules you mustabide by, and if you dont its likely that you wont last long either from license

    confiscation or physical harm.

    In a very similar fashion to your driving programs, all your money programs are

    formed as you grow up and are taught and coached by those around you. So, let

    me ask you this question:

    Who were your money mentors?

    Think about that for a second. You may even want to sit down in a quiet place

    and revisit some of your childhood memories about money and finances. Youll

    probably find a few key people such as teachers, friends and colleagues.

    However, one thing is highly likely. You will have had a significant influence on

    your money programs shaped by YOUR PARENTS.

    Next question: Were they wealthy?

    In most cases, the answer is a resounding no! You mustnt blame them,

    however. No-one intentionally sabotages their childrens financial success.

    Your parents formed their programs from their parents, and they did from their

    parents and so on. Obviously, times have changed drastically and rapidly over

    the past few decades. Are your programs still reflecting your parents, grand-

    parents and great-grand-parents views about money?

    How does this apply to you?

    Whatever has been programmed into your mind will dictate your

    thoughts and actions, and you will always produce results that are

    consistent with your programs.

    The above statement has been enlarged and italicized because it is the most

    profound principle you will learn in this chapter. Read it a few times if you have


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    Millions of people self-sabotage themselves daily. And most of them are not even

    aware of it. Their rational, logical conscious minds tell them that they want to be

    healthy, happy and prosperous. Lets face it. Who wouldnt?

    But then why are so many people sick, depressed and broke? Because on a

    subconscious levelthey dont believe they are worthy. Maybe their parents got

    divorced when they were ten and they thought it was their fault. Perhaps their

    father worked ten hours a day in a tough manual labor job, and now they feel

    guilty for earning more money than he did.

    I bet you've probably attended many seminars and read positive books and set

    goals for positive outcomes. But do you know how many thousands of hours of

    counter-programming you are still receiving? Are you really screening the booksyou read? Did you eliminate the news outlets? Have you stopped watching 90%

    of the shows on television? Did you eliminate all radio talk shows from your diet?

    Do you excuse yourself from the conversation when it turns to gossip, lack and

    negativity? Have you replaced former friends and acquaintances in your life that

    were negative? Do you schedule and restrict the time you spend with negative

    family members?

    If you didnt answer yes to ALL of these questions, you'll need to set aside a

    strategy to limit your exposure to the tremendous amount of lack programming

    you are being exposed to on a daily basis. If you did answer yes to all of theabove, what that means is that you are likely getting only about fifty exposures

    to negative programming a day!

    So in either casewhat are you doing to counteract this programming? It may be

    much more important than you know. It is that constant daily programming you

    receive that determines your mindset. And it is your mindset that determines your

    eventual level of achievement in everything you do.

    I think youre catching on fast, and you realize the importance of learning these

    foundations. So, here's the formula to begin your reprogramming process.

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    The Three Steps to Success

    Step 1: Find and annihilate your

    subconscious blockages

    Step 2: Delete old and Install new


    Step 3: Develop Emotional Mastery

    So when do the negative thoughts end? I dont know that they ever do. The

    sheer enormity of how much negative and lack programming you will be

    assaulted with over the course of a lifetime makes that seem unlikely. (But letsnot affirm that!). When you really analyze and think about this regularlyyou will

    start to notice these thoughts. And once you do that, they lose most of their

    power. And your mindset starts to change . . .

    You change your core fundamental beliefs. You believe you are supposed to be

    healthy, happy and prosperous. You believe you are worthy. And when you are

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    confronted with dozens of situations each day, most minor, some bigger, and

    even some that are majoryou expect good things to happen to you! You expect

    to find that tie you need to complete the perfect outfit, you anticipate winning in asporting event, you figure you are next in line for that promotion, and you expect

    your business ventures to be successful.

    In any event, if you keep counter-programmingyou will win the fight. Because

    once you control the programmingyou control the mindset. And once you

    control the mindsetyou control your destiny!

    That's why I'm so excited that you're here, because you've finally found the exact

    journey that Andrew and Daryl Grant (and many other high net worth individuals)

    went through to change their inner game. Like a computer with a virus on it, wellneed to scan your hard drive for programs that sabotage your success. Then

    youll be getting the blueprint with which to reinstall the programs youll need to

    make and maintain big breakthroughs in your finances.

    Finally, youll need to master your emotions. Put simply, this is the ability to feel

    whatever emotion you want to feel, whenever you want to feel it, at the intensity

    you want to feel it, for as long as you want to feel it. If you cant currently do this,

    your emotions will inevitably hijack you when you are making big financial

    decisions, and youll lose a bucket load of money.

    I hope youve grasped what the Money Mind Set program is all about, because

    now that weve defined the problem, the rest of the program will be all about

    tailoring and finding solutions for you, using the above three steps.

    Must DO Money Mind-Set Exercise


    This exercise has the potential to literally change your life. The subconscious

    mind has been likened to a heat seeking missile when youve set a target that

    you desperately desire, it continually works on ways to help you achieve it. Many

    successful people swear by it and almost every classic personal development

    book endorses this principle.

    Many people who have done this have also commented on how much theyve

    enjoyed the process! Its not just dreaming and goal-setting, but the actual first

    step towards making your dreams a reality.

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    What you need to do is create three headings.

    Heading 1: BE

    Heading 2: DO

    Heading 3: HAVE

    Then, start dreaming! Under each heading, assuming you had access to

    unlimited financial resources and no time constraints, what things would you DO?

    Who would you BECOME? And what materials things would you POSSESS? It

    can be hard to let go and really reveal what you want, because our logical brain

    is thinking I dont know if this is realistic or if Ill ever do this so why waste time

    doing it?

    I can assure you, if you DONT do this, youll NEVER achieve your goals! So,

    dream big and write down everything you desire without trying to work out HOW

    to achieve it. Well work on that later in the program.

    Now here comes the fun part. Lets assume you are living the life of your dreams,

    with many of the things youve listed above already present in your life (make

    sure you feel the emotions associated with having these things). You need to

    start researching them online, and finding out how much it would cost to maintain

    your dream life.

    Heres a few examples from my own personal BE-DO-HAVE list (Ive got over

    150 items in total, these were randomly picked to give an idea of how to go about


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    I had so much fun researching these costs, because it felt like I was really going

    to materialize these things into my life. Other things you might wish to include

    could be things such as payments on the car and house of your dreams, costs ofgiving your kids the best education etc., whatever youd include in your dream


    So, what you need to do now is first convert all your currencies to Australian

    dollars, and then group the weekly, monthly and annual payments together. Then

    you can normalize the numbers back down to a MONTHLY dollar amount that

    Goal: Have regular golf coaching for 12 months 1x per fortnight

    Cost required: $75 per lesson x 26 lessons = $1950 per year

    Goal: Have a regular personal trainer

    Cost required: $50 per session x 2 sessions per week = $5200 per year

    Goal: Visit one international sports tournament per year (e.g. Masters Golf


    Cost required: Brisbane to Augusta Georgia First Class Two people Return

    $16360 AUD. Tickets for seven days (includes full accommodation at

    patron lodge and 7 days access to tournament including par 3 tournament

    practice rounds and full 4 day access to tournament) $5680 USD. $5000USD spending money for other events and places. Total $33 151 AUD

    Goal: Fly myself and my entire family back to Malaysia on a regular basis. I

    want to provide for the air fares, first class for my parents and siblings to

    fly back to Malaysia to reunite with relatives on special occasions such as

    Chinese New Year and Christmas. This would be provided for every year,


    Cost required: $5433 (MAS Return) per person (x5) = $27165 per year each


    Goal: Sponsor a child on each continent

    Cost required: $30USD per month per child x 12 months = $360USD x 5

    children = $1800USD per year

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    youd need to make passively in order to fully maintain your lifestyle on an

    ongoing, indefinite basis. This is your FREEDOM NUMBER. If you like you can

    also create a WEEKLY freedom number which will help you later on determinewhat value activities you should be pursuing in your day to day chase of these

    goals rather than low $$ activities that you could outsource.

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    Chapter 3

    Understanding the Four Types of MoneyIn my time as a financial planner, I saw hundreds of clients ranging from a net

    worth of zero all the way to a few million dollars. Over time, I started to see a very

    clear pattern between my rich clients and my poor clients. When I understood

    and applied these same patterns in my investment strategies, I found I was able

    to exponentially grow both my finances AND still have time for my wife and two


    The model I came up with is called 'The Four Types of Money' and is pictured


    It is crucial for you to

    understand it in order to

    become financially

    independent. So let's explore

    each type in more detail.


    An active asset is something of

    value that you own thatrequires either physical time or

    energy from you. For example,

    I used to be (and still am) quite

    active in the property market.

    One of my strategies was to

    buy and renovate. I'd buy an old, run down outfit and then proceed to invest

    some sweat and toil into improving the value by cleaning, painting, adding -

    basically anything that would improve the value of the house more than what it

    would cost me to implement. It becomes active because I need to be involved inorder to increase the value of this asset. If I didn't renovate it, this asset would

    not increase in value, and may in fact decrease in value over time as things

    physically deteriorate and the grass overgrew! Our strategy to make money was

    to then either sell the property for some quick cash, or rent it out.

    The work involved in producing this income makes this an active asset.

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    A passive asset requires no work and still grows in value. An example here

    would be when I bought houses after researching the area and predicted growth

    due to infrastructure - things like schools, shops, public transport etc. I would rely

    on the fact that all these positive factors would improve the value of my property

    over time, without me having to lift a finger. Unfortunately, most of my initial

    properties were either negatively geared (meaning the rent did not exceed the

    mortgage repayments) or neutrally geared (rental returns only just met the

    repayments with no profit). I found though that unexpected expenses would pop

    up from time to time (for example replacing old worn down carpet) and this would

    eat into my income. So I'd have to keep working harder in my job (at the time I

    was consulting), so that my so called 'passive' asset could maintain itself.

    Certainly there are also many passive assets that have an ongoing return on

    investment with little or no ongoing management. These are exactly the assets

    you want to try to and acquire.


    As you know Daryl and I used to be consultants. We'd go out and visit clients all

    day. What were we really selling? That's right - time. We were exchanging our

    time for dollars. The problem with selling time? Its limited. It's finite. There's only24 hours in a day. Take away 6-8 for sleeping, another 2-3 for travel and

    commuting, 1-2 for eating and a typical 8-10 hour work day and there's not a lot

    left for your family, or you! I've certainly learned to treat time as my most precious

    commodity. Sell everything else - except your time!


    This is a stream of income which requires no ongoing effort to maintain. For

    example you might buy a share and it pays you dividends annually. You don't

    trade time for money. However, you might invest a lot of time in a project or

    venture initially, in order to setup a passive income stream. This is the beauty of

    systems thinking. Daryl and I are probably best known for our e-book process,

    and collectively all our e-books bring in a significant passive income stream. We

    usually go to bed and wake up at least a few hundred dollars richer. The cool

    thing about building income streams is that in time they turn into valuable assets.

    In fact, I regularly get contacted by people from all over the world offering large

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    sums of money for a single e-book site, and one of my sites was recently valued

    (by a reliable source) at $500 000 after only 6 months. But I didn't sell, because I

    understand the four types of money, and I want to continue to chaseopportunities that fit under 'passive income!'

    Last year, I took my family on a holiday around the world. The best part was

    coming back and seeing my bank balance was bigger than when I left. This is the

    power of understanding the four types of money!

    It is this type of income that gives you LIFESTYLE. I was earning a lot of money

    trading hours of dollars, but I was exhausted physically and mentally at the end

    of each day, and I had no time for friends and personal leisure.


    Many of you reading this will be working hard at your income. The majority have

    income through active means (you have a job and are selling hours). You also

    might have one or more passive assets (your house for example). Bear in mind

    having a passive asset doesn't necessarily mean it is a passive income stream

    (e.g. property that's negatively geared).

    Remember, lifestyle can only come from passive income. It is the goal of The

    Money Mind Set Program to help you make this shift, and we'll do everything we

    possibly can to help you!

    Start thinking about how you can create more abundance and more TIME in your

    life. If you are working, keep your daytime job, but start buying assets, and

    exploring passive income opportunities. You'll also need to look at the other end

    of the accounting equation - and that's money going out. I saw many wealthy

    people (in terms of income) whose expenses grew to match (and is some cases

    surpass) income levels! All their friends thought they were wealthy - the flashy

    cars, gadgets and big houses, but they were hurting badly when we crunched the


    Work out strategies to keep your expenses low, reduce your liabilities and

    continue to diligently build a base of solid assets. Most people, get married, buy a

    house, have kids and get stuck in a risky financial position, clinging to a job and

    buying everything on credit. I saw many young couples who get married and

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    trapped themselves into a lifestyle that will not let them get out of debt for most of

    their working years.

    Here are some tips to get your brain starting to think about generating the type of

    money that will give you not only financial wealth but also TIME abundance:

    1. Take a pit stop. Stop what you're doing, take a break and assess what is

    working and what is not working. The definition of insanity is doing the same

    thing and expecting a different result. Stop doing what is not working and look for

    something new to do. Don't make the mistake of being too busy to take time out.

    You can't afford not to do this if you're committed and you want serious change. I

    have done this inventory life check many times and it has shaped my activities


    2. Always keep lookout for new ideas. For new investing ideas, I like to read

    magazines and newspapers. I also attend investing groups and I run a business

    club where we discuss new ideas and opportunities. Whenever I travel to new

    places, I am consciously observing different markets, new shops and trends. I

    subscribe to the lists of some great thinkers. I talk to people everywhere I go -

    buses, planes, shopping centers, at the gym. I have met some amazing contacts

    in the most unlikely places.

    3. This is not new - TAKE ACTION! Don't get caught up in information overload.Once you hear or read something you feel you can immediately implement, do it!

    I've found most people do not take action, not intentionally - they just put it off.....

    And it never gets done (but the intention is always there). Also, don't let someone

    talk you out of whatever you have committed to. Most will tell you why it won't

    work. Don't listen, chances are they've never done it themselves, and if they tried

    they didn't have the mindset that you have!

    4. Find someone who has done what you want to do. Take them to lunch.

    Ask them for tips, for little tricks of the trade. I went to a seminar once on

    property, and really liked what I heard. I introduced myself and offered to chatover lunch. He was thrilled to tell me everything he knew and how to do it. After

    lunch, he took me on a drive and gave me a personal tour of his local properties

    showing me everything.

    5. Educate yourself. One of my favorite quotes goes like this "Formal education

    will make you a living. Self education will make you a fortune." I've found this to

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    be absolutely true. If you come to my house, you'll find a library of books, tapes,

    CDs, DVDs, mp3s and manuals on all the money making ideas I've learnt about.

    I am constantly listening to them when I have a spare second. I just never knowwhen I'll get the next $100 000 idea.

    6. Learn from the past greats. All the big companies on the stock exchange

    started out as small companies. Colonel Sanders did not get rich until after he

    lost everything in his 60s. Bill Gates was one of the richest men in the world

    before he was 30. Take a look at some of these cases. What can you learn from


    Key Learning: Not all money is equal!

    Must DO Money Mind-Set Exercise


    This is one of best kept secrets that I use regularly with Daryl. However, a word

    of warning: expect to feel more than a little uncomfortable. If you can pushthrough this, however, you will gain access to parts of your brain that may not

    have been accessed during the written subconscious response exercise. This

    exercise also stimulates alpha brain waves, which tend to put you in closer touch

    with your true feelings about a subject.

    You'll need a partner for this one. Choose someone you trust! Choose someone

    you feel totally comfortable with and someone you feel you won't have to censor

    your answers for, otherwise you'll be defeating the purpose of this exercise.

    Place 2 chairs facing each other and sits down facing each other so your kneesare just touching each other. Make gentle eye contact, or the eye region (e.g.

    bridge of the nose). Hold eye contact and do NOT look away, even though you

    will feel uncomfortable and will want to.

    Once you're setup, your partner will ask you a series of questions.

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    Here is the key: you must then speak whatever comes into your mind WITHOUT

    LOOKING AWAY. Don't censor, don't analyze or think too hard. You will have an

    immediate response, and this is the response that you want to isolate. It mighthelp if you had a voice recorder handy, so you can listen to these later on once

    we start looking at how to remove these blocks. So remember - gut reaction! If

    you get a complete mind blank or are lost for words, don't fret. Your partner

    should simply ask you the question again and wait for a response. Another

    ground rule - it's important that your partner does not show any emotional

    reaction at all. No nodding, smiling or frowning. This only biases the answer you

    give as you might be influenced by their reaction.

    Last thing - don't be surprised if you bring up some deep emotions when giving

    your answers. This exercise has been known to reduce people to tears, highlevels of anger and every emotion in between. It's important your partner doesn't

    lose focus in their role and remain neutral even though every fiber in their body

    will be telling them to stop and console you. So set the ground rules before you


    Here's the first question:

    1. "Imagine you were seriously rich, how would your mother feel about that?"

    Once you've asked this question, stay with it for at least a few minutes and ask itseveral times until you feel you've dug up and discovered some insightful


    This should then be followed up by the next question:

    2. "And how does that make you feel?" (in other words, how do you feel about

    your mothers reaction?)

    We'll be showing you in future chapters how to deal with these new blocks you've

    identified, but a great step you can do now is to start to match up your blocks

    with some fundamental beliefs or fears you might have.

    So here is a toolbox of questions to use with this exercise, dealing with the major

    influences in your life.

    "Imagine you were seriously rich, how would your father feel about that?"

    "And how does that make you feel?"

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    "Imagine you were seriously rich, how would your friends feel about that?"

    "And how does that make you feel?"

    "Imagine you were seriously rich, how would your God feel about that?"

    "And how does that make you feel?"

    "Imagine you were seriously rich, how would you feel about that?"

    "And how does that make you feel?"

    This exercise done properly has taken me an hour to do, so put aside the time

    investment. I guarantee it will be well worth it. Now take notes in your workbook

    with your thoughts and reactions to doing this exercise. The whole point of this isto delve further into your subconscious and identify more hidden blocks, giving

    you some points of reference to work from. Have fun with it!

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    Chapter 4

    To Tap Into Riches, You Must Leap Out Of YourComfort Zone

    This chapter is all about being comfortable or, more particularly, uncomfortable.

    We will explore your comfort zone, how it limits you in the quest for wealth and

    prosperity and how you can break out of it.

    You've no doubt heard of the term comfort zone'. Basically its the paradigm or

    set of activities and thoughts that you regularly do and think that produces the

    least amount of stress. Applied to your money, it refers to many things - your

    level of risk, what income levels you're comfortable earning and the kind of

    people you mix with, events you attend and decisions you make. We'll explore

    these shortly.

    Understanding Physical Vs Emotional Comfort Zones

    Human beings by nature always fall back to where they feel safe and


    Virtually everything we do has a comfort driver somewhere behind it, whether its

    standing on a train waiting for a seat or clearing our credit card bills.

    Physical comfort has to do with experiencing wellbeing in our bodies, for example

    feeling fit, relaxing while sunbathing or flying in a First Class recliner seat. Take a

    look around your house and I'm sure you'll see more examples. Your bed is

    probably king size with a scientifically proven mattress design. You have

    luxurious couches to sit on and put your feet up while you watch television. I

    even bet you have several remote controls for those TVs just so you don't have

    to get up every time you want to change the channel (because that would be

    really inconvenient, wouldn't it?).

    Emotional comfort is more complex. Its a state of mind that tells you that you feel

    at ease and relaxed about a particular situation, and that you will feel highly

    awkward and stressed if you go against your intuition. Believe it or not, some

    people are only comfortable being poor, negative, broke...and even sick! Even

    wearing physically uncomfortable clothing can be emotionally comfortable if it

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    gives us a check mark that we are conforming to fashion (ladies, you know what

    I'm talking about).

    Its the same with work or money projects: we get settled into a job and a

    particular way of doing things and a salary level that meets our basic needs. We

    know the people we like to work with and avoid those we dont. With a fixed mind

    set it is natural to gravitate towards this comfort zone, inhibiting and restrictive as

    it is, because it makes life seem easy and risk-free. It confirms our way of seeing

    a world in which we are making little or no progress.

    In fact, even when great, positive things happen outside the realm of what makes

    us feel comfortable, we somehow sense that its not quite right it becomes

    emotionally uncomfortable at an unconscious level, and the brain unknowinglypushes you through a series of thoughts, actions and results that leave you ......

    back in your comfort zone!

    The Secret to Getting Outside of Your Comfort Zone

    Because you have joined the mind set program, the chances are that most of the

    things you want to achieve in life lie outside your existing programmed

    boundaries and you want to break out. You can see that there are opportunities if

    you can just move outside the zone.

    Here's a great diagram to help the visual learners understand the comfort zone

    concept. The blue circle on the left is presentative of you - nice and safe in your

    comfort zone. The red circle on the left is what happens when you try to break

    out. It's NOT going to be easy. Why? Because there is a natural tendency as

    soon as your guard drops, for you gravitate back towards the centre. Its as if we

    have been linked by a giant piece of elastic that pins us near the centre of a

    comfort circle. As we get nearer and nearer to the edge of that circle the

    boundary of our comfort zone the more powerful is the pull that hauls us back.

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    But the fact is that no truly great people live permanently inside this comfort

    zone. If they find themselves in it, they pretty quickly move out. Indeed, there are

    some who almost relish being in unfamiliar territory.

    The way they do it is by switching from the mind set that says comfortable is

    best to one that says: If I go beyond what I have done in the past, I can achieve

    my goals and establish new zones of comfort. Sometimes this takes courage

    and strength but they do it anyway.

    Competitive athletes are a prime example of people who push themselves

    beyond their existing comfort zone to achieve success. They are prepared to

    travel through the pain barrier for the benefits of what is on the other side. For

    instance, Australias world champion swimmer Ian Thorpe often gets up at 4oclock in the morning well outside the natural comfort zone! To swim for

    tortuous hours on end in search of improvement and excellence. People who

    undertake personal fitness training often step outside their comfort zone to

    increase their level of performance and their health to the point where they feel

    uncomfortable if they are not doing it! Once theyve gone beyond their previous

    boundaries they find themselves in territory which, after a while, feels just as

    comfortable as their previous zone. So they push themselves forward again. This

    is the secret to breaking through.

    A word of warning

    While its true that pushing yourself outside your comfort zone involves a good

    deal of will-power, at least initially, using blunt will power alone will not get you

    where you want to be (unless you have the resolve of a Shoaling monk, which

    99% of us don't!).

    The danger, as I mentioned earlier, is that you will start to gravitate back towards

    your old mind set territory. But How?

    The Money Mind Set program is all about expanding your comfort zone, so youare already shaping it by default. If you have diligently done the exercises, then I

    have no doubt you have already fronted some very confronting issues you have

    about money. If you haven't done any of the exercises, I strongly urge you to

    invest the time and energy to do them; it will be well worth it!

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    More specifically, the key difference in mindset that wealthy people have is that

    they get so used to pushing themselves and playing at new levels, that this

    becomes the norm. If they ever get complacent, they feel compelled to getthemselves back to their default zone. In other words, their paradigms about

    comfort zones are completely reversed to what 99% of what others think!

    Remember our circle analogy of Belief Systems -> Programs -> Mind Set as the

    key to obtaining and maintaining change!

    Can you reach the point where you feel

    uncomfortable about being poor and passionate

    and even EXPECTANT about becoming rich?

    How does this apply to you?

    You must recognize that comfort zones are born out of mental conditioning

    things from the past that have become ingrained as your way of doing things.

    Have you become programmed to accept your present money status adequate

    income and modest savings' and subconsciously to avoid any activity that will

    move you beyond it?

    If you suddenly had $1million dollars, how would you react? Why don't you write

    your responses down in your workbook before moving on?

    Studies show that the vast majority of people who unexpectedly come into big

    money such as from winning the lottery are actually ill at ease with their new

    found wealth. On the surface, they may tell you theyre over the moon but its

    surprising how many of them then devote their energy to what seems to be

    almost a frantic effort to get rid of their money and, as the Beatles would say, get

    back to where you once belonged. And most of them succeed too, losing their

    money and personal relationships along the way!

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    Perhaps all of your life to this point has led you to believe that whatever financial

    potential lies outside of your comfort zone cannot be reached, so you simply

    dont venture beyond the boundaries. Now you can.

    Four steps to breaking out

    Heres a fairly simple four-step process Ive found to be very effective in tackling

    this mind set stagnation, enabling people not only to step outside of their

    personal comfort zones but also to reach a point where they find those old

    behaviors unacceptable and they never want to go back.


    First all, you need to know where the boundaries are of the comfort zones you

    want to change. Its not really that difficult to do. Mostly we already know them as

    the situations and circumstances we consciously try to avoid. But, just to be sure,

    spend some time imagining yourself in a situation where youd really like to be.

    For example do you want to be able to mix well socially? Mentally put yourself

    there right now. How does it feel? Are you cringing a bit inside? Or how about

    being a stock market investor. Can you feel what its like to place some of your

    hard-earned money on a stock? Do you have the jitters? If so, then youre

    outside your comfort zone. When you're imagining, make sure you choose aquiet place and are very relaxed. They key is to get emotional and vividly

    imagine (incorporate your senses - touch, smell, sights and sounds). If you do

    this properly, the feelings will come. Remember, the brain cannot tell the

    difference between real and imagined, but it must be vivid enough to evoke


    Small steps

    Some people are capable of just bursting through the boundaries of their comfort

    zone but for most of us the challenge is better met by taking small steps. Select arealistic, realizable situation where you feel modestly uncomfortable and actually

    put yourself in it. This could be something for instance like speaking in public

    not a stadium full of people just a small gathering of friends or associates. Even if

    you cant positively identify your boundaries, just think of something you do

    regularly even eating, smoking or drinking (the sort of things from which some

    people think they derive comfort) and decide youre going to do things differently

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    from now. Experience proves that most of our fears or concerns are more

    imagined than real; so tell yourself that what has been holding you back is

    nothing more than a set beliefs, without any foundation. Just do it.


    The first time you move out of the comfort zone wont necessarily be easy

    thats why most people never do it. But the fact that you are reading this is

    evidence enough to me that you do want to break out. And your reward is that

    the second time you repeat your chosen action it will be less painful. Then the

    third time, and so on. Eventually, you will discover that you are now comfortable

    with something that previously terrified you. It has become your new comfort

    zone and you never want to return to the old you!

    Moving forward

    Successful people share a number of common characteristics. One of them is

    that they never stand still. They are always looking for new opportunities and

    challenges, even if these lie outside of their personal comfort zones. The same

    must apply to you if you are to achieve the success you strive for. Now that you

    have extended the boundaries of your comfort zone, you must do so again first

    within your test situation and then with other new challenges you haveidentified. If you keep on doing this you will set up the mind set that makes you

    comfortable at the higher levels of activity and achievement.

    The great thing is that once you are comfortable about feeling uncomfortable, so

    to speak, you will find you have the courage to apply this to pretty well any

    situation where you might previously have been held back.

    Expelling your unfounded beliefs will provide the confidence and strength to

    move into new territory and with that comes the invisible attraction of success

    and wealth. When you exude confidence and determination, people andcircumstances just behave differently in your favor.

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    Must DO Money Mind-Set Exercise

    TIME TRACKING (Part 1 of 2)

    This activity will enable you to travel back in time in order to try and link past

    events to present circumstances.

    First, find a quiet place and comfortable chair or bed. The goal is to get you into

    an 'alpha' brain wave pattern - which basically means a deep, state of calmness,

    but not quite asleep.

    Once youre in position, start taking deep breaths - as many as you need to feel

    your muscles relax and your thoughts to gain clarity.

    Here are the steps:

    1. Visualize yourself in a passive scene of nature. This might be on a secluded

    beach or tropical rainforest, for example. Use your senses when imagining - hear

    the birds, feel the water, smell the ocean breeze.

    2. Get active in your scene. You might want to pickup a flower to smell it, run

    your hands or dangle your feet in the water. For anyone around you, you will look

    silly - but since you are vividly in the scene it will feel like you're there. If you are

    conscious about how you are looking then you haven't got yourself deep enoughinto alpha. Revisit step 1 and try again. Why do we add in this step? Because we

    want to reinforce to our brain through physical movements that we are really

    there and this makes our following steps more effective.

    3. Imagine seeing yourself walking towards a beautifully carved table and chair.

    Then see yourself sitting down in luxurious comfort. Feel how comfy the chair is.

    4. Next, imagine a big screen appearing in front of you, and you now become

    part of the audience. To the left of the screen is a huge clock and calendar that

    you are able to manipulate with ease.

    5. Now start to bring to mind the thoughts or issues you want to work on. For

    example, when I first did this I wanted to address why I always used to struggle

    with academic things whilst all my fellow students would pick things up so easily.

    I pictured myself back in school sitting in lessons and reading through books, and

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    I started getting an emotional reaction. Try to identify the emotion of feeling you

    are getting surrounding the belief or issue.

    6. Now physically reach out your hand and wind back the clock. See the years on

    the clock go backwards year by year. You might have to go back to when you're

    3 years old! Keep winding it back until something pops up from out of the past. It

    might be an obvious event but it might also be something very suttle that you

    only now realize the impact it has had on you. If you're working with a partner,

    they should be asking questions like 'whats happening now', 'how are you

    feeling', etc. If you don't have a partner, just ask yourself these questions and

    continue feeling the emotional responses. For me, as a child I broke my arm and

    ended up in hospital. I was in intense pain and I remember watching all the

    doctors and nurses walking past my window.

    There may be no immediately obvious link between the issue and the event - but

    do NOT dismiss whatever pops up - just like the example above.

    7. Ask yourself: how did this event affect my beliefs today? Look deeply.

    What association did I make between a broken arm and my academic results? It

    struck me hard and stunned me - as a small child, I associated doctors and

    nurses with the excruciating pain I was in. The other thing I did was make an

    association with Doctors and nurses being smart people and academicallyorientated. Putting two and two together and I had the association that being

    academic would bring pain. I carried this program as a child and continued to

    make it a reality all the way into adulthood until I identified and removed it using

    exactly what I'm teaching you in this program.

    So once you've got the event, what next?

    You are going to get the answer, but first make sure you have done this exercise

    addressing your biggest blocks. Include your blocks and beliefs about money.

    You'll have to time track and 'search' for each one separately.

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    2008 - 2009 West Loh and Andrew Grant

    Chapter Five

    Formula for Successful Financial ChangeHave you ever been to a seminar or read a book and taken away some great

    strategies, with every intention of applying them into your life? But, over time, you

    got 'busy' again and settled into your daily routine. And the end result? Nothing


    If you've ever done this (I know I certainly have), then you will find this chapter

    very valuable. It has literally changed my life and I always come back to it when

    I'm finding a new habit or action hard to maintain. I have used it time and again to

    implement massive financial changes in my life. I also used this a lot with clients

    when I did consulting, and it always made people sit up and take notice -

    because it got results.

    First, lets look at the formula and then I'll explain the components in detail to you

    and finish off by giving you detailed strategies so you can start action

    immediately after you complete this chapter.

    The Formula for Financial Change is:


    D = Desire and Dissatisfaction

    V = Vision P = Plan

    C = Cost of Change

    Now lets go through and explain each variable and then talk about some

    strategies you can start actioning!

    D is for Desire and Dissatisfaction

    Most people desire more money, better health and enriching relationships.

    However, for most people the 'desire scale' is just not activated powerfully

    enough to be effective. They don't make things a 'must'. Most people would love

    to make more money, but they wouldn't die without it. They wish they could take

    charge of their lives, but they could live without it. The moment something

    becomes a should instead of a must, you will rarely achieve it. You will always

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    find a way to put it off or to quit the moment you meet resistance. People like

    Sylvester Stallone, Steven Spielberg or Donald Trump who achieve success are

    not born more focused, more disciplined or luckier than the average person.What makes them different is that they make their goals a must for themselves.

    They are not willing to accept anything less than the best.

    So let me ask you a question.

    Are your dreams and goals an absolute must or are they just weak desires that

    you can live without? Have you been truly committed to do whatever it takes in

    the past or have you quit and given yourself excuses along the way? Think of the

    desire 'scale' as ranging from 1 - 100. '1' means it wouldn't make any difference

    at all if you didn't achieve it - and you probably have a strong aversion to it (as apersonal example, becoming a day trader and watching charts 18 hours a day).

    '100' means that it's almost life and death (tries not eating for two days and sees

    what your desire for food will drive you to do!).

    Level of Dissatisfaction means on what scale (assuming 1-100 again) you are

    dissatisfied with your current situation. 100 mean you are absolutely disgusted

    with where you are. You have incredible amounts of PAIN associated with not

    changing. Then change becomes easier. Combine it with the rest of the factors in

    the equation and you'll find it hard not to change!

    V is for Vision

    When you're in the process of doing what needs to be done to create wealth, if

    you only see the short-term tasks before you, it is easy to become frustrated,

    discouraged and even sidetracked. If you can see the big picture, however, you

    just get on with it knowing you are taking larger and larger strides towards goal


    Everyone needs a sense of vision. You should constantly remind yourself of your

    short-term and our long-term visions and review how your work contributestoward meeting both sets of goals.

    A vision is a clear, concrete guiding picture of the results or condition you want to

    achieve. It is a source of inspiration and guidance. If the vision is big and

    inspiring enough, a vision, just by being powerfully stated, can set in motion the

    energy needed for its own attainment.

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    The Four Qualities of a Vision

    1. A vision must be so clear and so concrete that you can see it in detail,

    smell it, and taste it. Exactly what car do you want? What color is it? What

    does it smell like? How much are you earning exactly? How are you spending

    your time now that you're financially free?

    2. A vision must be big enough. Think huge, without thinking HOW. That will

    come later.

    3. A vision must include a clear picture of the power of your own role (and

    others) in making that change happen. You'll develop a clear strategy later on

    in this program.

    P is for Plan

    Planning is crucial. It is your roadmap to success. You've got a picture of the

    treasure chest you want; you just need the treasure map! And here's why its so

    important to develop a clear vision and goal book: if you do not know what you

    want specifically, you cannot develop a specific strategy and action plan to get

    here. For example, the strategy and action plan to earn $200,000 a year is totally

    different from the strategy and plan you need to earn $2 million. It would be

    different again if your aim is $10 million and vastly different again if your target is

    $100 million a year! If you want to make $200,000 what should your strategy and

    action plan be?

    C is for the Cost of Change

    More accurately, this is your personalperceived cost of change. What will it cost

    you, in terms of time? How much money will it cost you? What leisure activities

    will you have to give up and sacrifice? What disciplined tasks will you have to

    perform daily, weekly, monthly and yearly?

    For 90% of people, the price of success is too high a price to pay. Most peoplearen't willing to give up watching their favorite episode of 'desperate housewives'

    in order to scout the paper for a potential property deal. They aren't willing to give

    up chocolate or even the butter on their sandwich in order to get into shape.

    Those that are willing, get ahead. And being the vast minority, they achieve the

    results that the other 90% can only marvel at.

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    I found that in assessing other peoples cost of change that the real price

    successful people paid was never as high as the perceived cost. People have a

    tendency to overinflate what will be involved and the value of the sacrifice theyare making. Once they've committed and begin their action plan, momentum is a

    powerful force that makes each step easier.

    Using the Formula for Wealth

    Now that you know its components here are a few crucial things you need to

    know to start applying it into your life.

    Think back to high school maths for a second. What happens when you multiply

    anything by zero? The answer becomes zero. This formula works in the same

    way. If you have a great plan and your vision is spectacular, but you've got only a

    small desire to make it happen, then this is a recipe for disaster. If any one of the

    three components (Desire, Vision or Plan) is in short supply, you will not be able

    to affect lasting behavior change and your finances won't be significantly


    The second thing to know is that this formula can be viewed like a see-saw. D, V

    & P collectively must 'outweigh' C. If C is too 'heavy' you will be fighting an uphill

    battle. You'll lose.

    So here's the key to unlocking the potential in using this formula for your

    finances: you need to address each of the variables on the left side of the

    equation and make them all as compelling as possible!

    One last thing. The audio link (at the top of this page) is a private recording of

    Andrew speaking to a select group of private clients about this concept. There is

    some class interaction as well. Please make sure you listen to it, as you'll gain an

    even deeper insight into this formula. Clients paid $1997 to be at this event!

    Must DO Money Mind-Set Exercise

    Here are some specific tasks you can do to begin the process:

    1. Test drives your dream car. Take a photo of yourself in the car. Put it up where

    you'll see it often. Go and visit your dream house. Dine out at an exclusive

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    restaurant. Whatever gets you excited, get a taste for it! If you can, take pictures

    of yourself living the dream. This improves your 'D'.

    2. Use the time tracking technique to go forward in time. You've already gone

    back in time. This time I want you to go forward and imagine yourself getting

    nowhere. Imagine yourself being 70, still on a pension being broke because you

    never took action when the opportunities arose. You let life's easy distractions

    get in the way of creating a dream life and now you're regretting your entire life.

    Do you think you'll be just a little 'dissatisfied' if you do this?

    3. Create your perfect life. What would your week be like if you had unlimited

    money and time? Where would you travel? How often? Who would you travel

    with? Do up a real schedule, as if you are planning next week. Then do amonthly one and a yearly one. This is your lifes 'V'. If its inspiring enough you'll

    be seriously energized in this area.

    4. List out all your perceived costs of change. For example, you know you want

    to make an extra $5000 per month online on the internet. Here are some

    perceived costs:

    The cost of new computer, internet connection and

    accessories, maybe a new desk and accessories

    The time you will give up to learn a new strategy whether it

    be e-books, e-bay, or another strategy

    The time away from your kids and partner that this new

    venture will steal away from you

    The time that this will steal away from your leisure. No more

    watching your favorite show 'The Simpsons' after work. No golf on

    Saturday mornings. Getting up an hour earlier each morning.

    These are just some examples. Note that, in terms of $$ amount, the cost mightnot be that high. However, you value your time greatly and each hour invested

    has a very high perceived cost to you.

    The secret is to lower your perceived cost (because that is all it is - perception),

    by time-tracking into the future again, but this time i