Andrew Goodwin Theory:


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Transcript of Andrew Goodwin Theory:

Page 1: Andrew Goodwin Theory:

Andrew Goodwin Theory:

Andrew Goodwin has identified a number of key features within music videos.

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And here they are:

• Relationship between the lyrics and visuals.

• Relationship between music and visuals.

• Particular music videos have their own music style and iconography.

• Often due to the demands of the record label, artists videos will include many close ups of the artist and will often develop motifs that repeat throughout the video –this allows the band to promote their image.

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• A frequently notion of looking.

• Intertextual references from other forms of media e.g. films, television series, music videos etc. An example of this is Katy Perry’s ‘Last Friday Night’ music video. This applies gratification and pleasure from the audiences and fans. There is a scene which consists of the camera slowly following Katy up the body in a beautiful outfit from her ‘geeky’ image previously. This has Intertextual reference to the popular film ‘Greece’ because Sandy goes from a shy girl to a sophisticated, flirtatious woman.

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• I decided to research Andrew Goodwin’s theory because it will help me apply certain points to my own music video. In addition, this has also enabled me to get an understanding and especially consider this theory when making my own to attract the right audience. In the future, I will also attempt to apply this theory when doing my textual analysis in much more depth.