Andersen-Portfolio-Latest Projects ENG

Software for business

Transcript of Andersen-Portfolio-Latest Projects ENG

Software for business

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Key services

Software design &


Web application

development (front-end & back-end)

Mobile application


Testing &

QA services

Support &


Technology expertise


.NET Mobile

Projects for government bodies

Electronic licensing of

the Republic of Kazakhstan

TECHNOLOGIES: ASP.NET, MS SQL, Javascript, jQuery,.Net, XML Web Services, Hibernate, LINQ

WORK EFFORTS: 16 482 hours

TEAM : 9 developers

DURATION: 18 months

The specialists at Andersen used K2 Blackpearl platform for

managing business processes. As a result, they developed the

system for submitting and processing electronic applications for

obtaining approval documents for all types of activities for individuals

and legal entities, as well as self-employed individuals. The

interaction with external information systems is implemented with the

help of WCF framework. The developed system allowed to simplify

and accelerate the process of issuing, extending and renewing

licenses, as well as searching for approval documents and as a result

to reduce the circulation of printed documents.

Resource accounting for MIA

The professionals at Andersen perfected the process of task

execution by applying advanced information technologies and

powerful information-analytical platform. The implementation of the

system helped to improve the timeliness of the reports on the

decisions made, reduce the circulation of printed documents and, as

a result, streamlined the management activities. The system includes

the plan development of the Internal Troops, their publishing, as well

as control over their execution.

TECHNOLOGIES: SharePoint, Javascript, .Net

WORK EFFORTS: 14 072 hours

TEAM : 9 developers

DURATION: 11 months

"Aviation" information system


WORK EFFORTS: 6 336 hours

TEAM : 7 developers

DURATION: 3 months

"Aviation" system is developed to provide operative multi-user

information exchange. The system helped to accelerate the work of the

Air Transport Service and simplify the logistics, monitoring and

reporting. The system facilitates the data collection process, provides

the structural units with the possibility of conducting simultaneous

analysis and elaboration of corrective actions. The developed system

provides for the information about the status and location of an air

military unit, home and transit air bases, aircraft, their routes as well as

notification about the planned and actual time of departure and arrival.

Prediction and statistics for MIA

TECHNOLOGIES: ASP.Net, C#,Javascript, .Net, SP.Net

WORK EFFORTS: 14 784 hours

TEAM : 7 developers

DURATION: 5 months

The goal of the project was to create a system that would provide

timely the responsible units of the MIA with statistical reporting and

analytical information from other organizational units. The system

solves the problem of preparation of the tools to automate

informational and analytical activities of the executive officers of the

organizational units. The system is aimed at facilitating the following

tasks: filling in forms of the statistical reporting, their submission to

higher authorities of the military administration, processing

(aggregation) of the received data, providing statistical reports upon


Payment system for power engineers

TECHNOLOGIES: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Wicket, Velocity,


WORK EFFORTS: 1 440 hours

TEAM : 2 developers

DURATION: 5 months

To develop the solution our

team used databases and

client-server architecture. The

implementation of the system

allowed to organize trouble

free work of the accounting:

receiving and processing the

payments, accounting and

generation of output reports.

The development significantly

increased the possibilities for

adding new payment

acceptance points,

ensured the expansion of partner network and minimized error

probability when paying for electricity. The application allows the

consumers to pay for electricity via ATMs, self-service terminals,

the Internet and other payment methods at any time. The system

is capable of interacting with external systems of banks and

partners, keeping internal references (accounts, partners, etc.),

configuring the details and features of the accounting,

administering internal users.

OnLime for RosTeleCom


WORK EFFORTS: 480 hours

TEAM : 1 developer

DURATION: 3 months

The application is available in the official stores for Samsung and

Philips Smart TVs and allows viewing TV shows and films of the

majority of federal TV channels after the two hours after the

broadcast. It works even with poor Internet connection. The

possibilities of the OnLime application include: image adaptation to

TV screen size, convenient work with remote control, fast page load,

video stream control with the possibility to pause and resume the


Electronic System “Degustation”


WORK EFFORTS: 690 hours

TEAM: 2 developers

DURATION: 2 months

Electronic system "Degustation" is designed for enterprises that

produce alcoholic beverages and directed to the collection, storage

and processing of data obtained as a result of checking products by

Tasting Commission. The system allows implementing any

processing methods of data accumulated in the form of reports,

tables, graphs, charts and instruments, as well as store data for

evaluation and results’ processing.

ES "Degustation" is designed in accordance with GOST and ISO

standards for production and quality control of alcoholic products.

Projects for banks and private business

GazPromBank Trading Platform


WORK EFFORTS: 480 hours

TEAM : 1 developer

DURATION: 3 months

The public section of

the electronic trading

platform requires no

registration. It

contains all the

necessary documents

and instructions for

working with the

platform. The

restricted section

contains the data

directly about the

current tenders.

The applications makes it easy for interested companies to find

answers to arising questions in the case when they experience

difficulties in the part of the organization and conducting competitive

procedures for purchasing goods, services or sales. The Electronic

Trading Platform provides the information about the current tenders,

viewing notifications on procedure progress, consulting in electronic

commerce, full range of services for tender support, help with the


Workplaces automation for telecommunication


WORK EFFORTS: 6 080 hours

TEAM : 6 developers

DURATION: 7 months

The use of the developed software allowed the communications

company to significantly accelerate the process of making monetary

transactions and made it more accurate and efficient. The intuitive

user interface makes the application an easy tool for work. The

application provides the possibility for operative product selection

from the group categories, visual search of products as well as

registration of all product sales in the database, from which it is

possible to generate the sales report for further information analysis.

Banking processes Automation


Services, HTML

WORK EFFORTS: 1 440 часов

TEAM : 3 developers

DURATION: 3 months

During the development three subsystems responsible for the main

directions were created. The first subsystem works with all bank

branches and is responsible for interaction with clients (individuals

and legal entities). The second sybsystem controls orders,

interacting between the executive managers and operators. The third

one is designed to process incoming and outgoing documents in

banking, as well as in the interbank level. Thus, the project quickly

provides information about customers, their folders, as well as other

documents necessary for the transaction, task setting,

responsibilities assigning for the project implementation, project

deadline setting and progress monitoring. As a result, such

automation eliminates any subjectivity in finding out those who

responsible for malfunctions.

Bank project management system


Services, HTML

WORK EFFORTS: 1 440 hours

TEAM: 3 developers

DURATION: 3 months

Banking Automated corporate control system (ACS) is designed to

automate the most important business processes and functions in

the bank subdivisions activity. It brings together information from a

variety of disparate information systems and serves as a single

access point.

ACS provides a portfolio of investment projects, import of available

customers databases, deadline setting and progress tracking.

MEDVisor desktop adaptive application

TECHNOLOGIES: MySQL, C#, .Net, Entity Framework, LINQ


WORK EFFORTS: 1 920 hours

TEAM : 3 developers

DURATION: 4 months

The system serves to

record receptions, patient

distribution by time,

register visitors and

manage the load of

medical staff.

Examination records are

adapted to the

requirements of the

legislation of the CIS


The medical staff uses it to record examination results, prescribe

recipes and make conclusions.With the help of this application

they can automatically generate reports in the specified form

(including medical history, test results, diagnosis, etc.), download

images from colposcope and other external devices, track the

dynamics of the treatment and compare the results with the

indications of the images of colposcopic atlas as well as make

notes and highlight necessary areas via a graphical editor.

Kitchen App

TECHNOLOGIES: Phone SDK 4.0, Objective-C UIKit

Framework, Java

WORK EFFORTS: 370 hours

TEAM: 2 developers

DURATION: 2,5 months

With a catalog of their own products, smart phone and this app,

customers will be able to place a virtual furniture from your

catalog in their own houses with the help of augmented reality.

How it works:

1. Place the printed version of the catalog, or tag with the

company logo on the spot where you want to put the furniture in

your room.

2. Select a product from the list of furniture on your smartphone /

tablet, focus a smartphone / tablet on the label and see how it will

look in your house.

Conference Hall App

TECHNOLOGIES: Phone SDK 4.0, Objective-C UIKit


WORK EFFORTS: 240 hours

TEAM: 1 developer

DURATION: 1,5 months

Conference Hall App allows users to view the list of events and the

list of rooms where meetings are held; see the list of participants on

current and prospective events.


Media Markt in Russia

TECHNOLOGIES: C#, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Postgre

SQL, .Net, Laravel

WORK EFFORTS: 1 280 hours

TEAM : 2 developers

DURATION: 4 months

The Media Markt retail chain includes several dozens of shops in 27

cities in Russia with the number of commodities items exceeding

150000. The developed resource combines them in a single

electronic platform. Andersen also developed a mobile version of the

resource and a separate application for devices running on iOS. The

functionality of the catalogue includes the information about products,

discounts, loans and promo campaigns; flexible delivery system and

local pickup with the possibility to receive the order at the specified

time and in a way most convenient for the client.

Enter project


WORK EFFORTS: 1 680 hours

TEAM : 3 developers

DURATION: 4 months

The application is intended to service the purchases and has an

intuitive interface. The transparency and security of the processes

allow reducing operational costs, making the purchase process for

the client as fast and simple as a retail purchase in a usual online

store. The trading platform allows individual business process

modelling, has full compatibility with the existing systems (ERP,

SRM and CRM), as well as full integration with bank services.

Moreover, the Enter application fully complies with the existing

legislation and makes it possible to adapt to its changes. display window


HTML, Bitrix

WORK EFFORTS: 3 000 hours

TEAM : 3 developers

DURATION: 6,5 months

After a company-client purchases the electronic archive with the

detailed instructions, unpacks it, installs the software and registers,

they can offer its employees the possibility to select a personal

certificate. The company-client selects certificates from the main

website. The functionality of the display allows setting the individual

amount of money to be allocated to each employee for certificates

and generating financial reports for the management of the company-


Crazy Sheep online store


WORK EFFORTS: 1 800 hours

TEAM : 3 developers

DURATION: 5 months

Our specialists implemented bilingual website version and integrated

its platform into 1C. As a result, they created the functionality for

semi-automatic import of the selected products from the catalog into

Yandex Market system, support of online payment system, etc. They

also developed a possibility for the customers to buy Crazy currency

and automatically receive accumulative bonus to their account. The

basis of the project was the competent marketing policy that led to an

increase of store rating among the users.

Project name«Stolplit» factory online store

TECHNOLOGIES: MS SQL, jQuery, Flash, Bitrix

WORK EFFORTS: 800 hours

TEAM : 2 developers

DURATION: 5 months

The final version of the website includes the analysis of user location

and selection of the nearest chain outlet, search system with hints,

the analysis of the viewed products and recommendations for new

products, which are created for each user individually. The

functionality of the online store also includes the information on the

availability of the necessary product in stores, registration of

advanced requests, product match by price and style related to the

main query.

Music Flowers floral shop

TECHNOLOGIES: Javascript, HTML,Bitrix

WORK EFFORTS: 800 hours

TEAM : 2 developers

DURATION: 5 months

The online store offers convenient website usage on various

platforms - desktop, tablet or smart phone. The competent marketing

policy of the client in conjunction with the work of the specialists at

Andersen generated the project that became a powerful tool for

increasing user rating. On this website users can create their own

bouquet, send it anywhere in the world and then see the photo

confirming the actual delivery.

Lo clothes, shoes and accessories online store



WORK EFFORTS: 640 hours

TEAM : 3 developers

DURATION: 4 months

Andersen developed the functionality of the resource to allow

automatic import of the products selected by the administrator from

the catalog to Yandex.Market system. The implemented analytical

system allows predicting customers demand on the basis of the

archived or current data. The resource platform is integrated with

1C. The online store also supports multi-criteria product search,

online payments, creation and administration of user accounts,

flexible discount system.

Advertising and entertainment projects

Superhero spring


WORK EFFORTS: 160 hours

TEAM : 1 developer

DURATION: 1 month

The advertising campaign was conducted in the form of a game.

Different characters from Marvel Universe were shown from time to

time during the broadcast. The users had to register on the website

and timely mark the shown characters. By the results of the activity

the organizers defined the winner who won the main prize. The

website provided the information about the progress of advertising

campaign, the current and upcoming films on the channel. The

integration with social networks provided rich functionality for


СТС: widget constructor


WORK EFFORTS: 160 hours

TEAM : 1 developer

DURATION: 1 month

The use of this development is useful for broadcasting thematic ads-

heavy content. With the help of the constructor the information about

a product will directly reach the target audience: for example, during

the broadcast of a children TV show you will see advertisement of

toys, school accessories, etc. The application allows the advertisers

to determine on their own the advertising platform and broadcast

time, estimate the budget of advertising campaign and more.

Application for "Dozhd“ TV channel


WORK EFFORTS: 480 hours

TEAM : 1 developer

DURATION: 3 months

The application allows viewing video content of Dozhd TV channel on

Samsung smart phones running on Bada OS. The news, shows and

other content becomes available just after two hours of the

broadcast. The application has easy to use interface and allows

viewing TV shows, leaving comments on a show, as well as reading

the news of the channel. for Smart TV


WORK EFFORTS: 640 hours

TEAM : 2 developers

DURATION: 4 months

The application allows watching online content of the leading

Russian TV channels including Russia 1, NTV, First, CTC, TVC, etc.

The content is updated after the air: the content becomes available

in two hours after the broadcast. A specific feature of this application

is its stable operation with any quality of Internet connection. By

using application you can watch your favourite TV series

and shows, make use of browsing history and save pause time,

receive push notifications when required content becomes available.

Promo application for RuTube portal


WORK EFFORTS: 480 hours

TEAM : 2 developers

DURATION: 2 months

The start of sales of Philips TVs with Ambilight adaptive backlight

required a special application, and the client entrusted Andersen to

deliver that application. The challenge was to transfer the Ambilight

effect (creation of diffused backlight basing on the current image

colour characteristics) to the look of the built-in video player on the

website. The result was the promo application with the video player

interface that precisely simulates the design of Philips TVs with the

Ambilight function. Thus, the audience could virtually experience the

subtleties of the know-how.

RuTube New Year website


WORK EFFORTS: 120 hours

TEAM : 2 developers

DURATION: 2 months

The objective was to transform the usual website into a thematic one

and thereby increase user rating. The client asked Andersen to

develop an entertaining promo web page dedicated to the New Year

holidays with top 20 videos, which the users themselves were

selecting during the year. The result of that project was the colourful

website that pleased the users with an unusual design, fun colour

schemes and, of course, holiday spirit. We achieved the main goal -

the audience received an impetus of cheerfulness and optimism.

CRM for Rutube


WORK EFFORTS: 3200 man-hours

TEAM : 3 developers

DURATION: 7 months

Andersen developed a desktop application aimed at optimization of

the activities of organizers. With the CRM the marketing specialists of

the video hosting provider got a powerful tool for analyzing the

dynamics of participations and visits, as well as engaging the

participants into sales funnel. The application allows processing the

card catalogue of the visitors of the forthcoming exhibition; registering

phone calls aimed at clarifying the information about exhibitors and

participants; noting the suggestions of the exhibitors in terms of the

arrangement of the provided area (Wi-Fi access, electricity supply

and other utilities); monitoring the progress of task implementation. video content management system

TECHNOLOGIES: MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX, PHP

WORK EFFORTS: 2800 man-hours

TEAM : 3 developers

DURATION: 6 months CMS is the powerful video content management system,

which was developed completely due to the efforts of the specialists

at Andersen. The system has a simple and intuitive interface that

makes the work with the system as comfortable as possible. A

distinctive feature of Zoomby CMS is the feedback module, which

allows tracking the interests and mood of the audience and creating

views rating. The system provides the administrator group with the

possibility to add and remove easily films and shows, text and

graphic files, work effectively with the database content and

complaints, and, therefore, respond quickly to disruptions in stream


Mobile Apps for iOS


WORK EFFORTS: 800 hours

TEAM : 2 developers

DURATION: 5 months

The functionality of the mobile application for iOS

includes timely provision of the content broadcast by the leading

Russian TV channels. The TV shows, films and series become

available just after two hours after their broadcast. The

gives access to the content of 13 TV channels and 7 film studios. Its

functionality allows displaying browsing history, pause the viewing

with the possibility to continue, as well as receiving notifications

about availability of certain shows or films.

Data collection terminal for oil company


WORK EFFORTS: 480 hours

TEAM : 3 developers

DURATION: 3 months

The developed

application allows

submitting data in real

time about the needs of

each sales point to the

local office of the

company. The task of

the developers

consisted in optimizing

the mechanism of

goods movement

control in the petrol

station network. The

implementation of the

software allowed the

company to significantly

reduce the costs thanks to the replacement of staff employees with

the effective electronic administration mechanism. The functionality of

the application includes: automatic order generation and uniform

distribution of the goods between points of sale.

Data collection terminal for a sales


WORK EFFORTS: 640 hours

TEAM : 3 developers

DURATION: 4 months

A sales representative

performs the function of

an intermediary between

products supplier and the

points of their sales. The

responsibilities of such an

employee includes

improving communication

with clients, expansion of

clients base, accepting

and processing orders,

control of timing and

payment amounts.

The application developed by Andersen is able to automate all these

processes for more efficient work. The application allows a sales

representative to automatically send the order to the warehouse for it

to be prepared for shipment immediately upon signing the agreement

and registering it in the system. As a result, this significantly increases

the speed of order processing, simplifies the process of data

collection and helps to control the movement of goods and resources. application for Tizen platform


WORK EFFORTS: 800 hours

TEAM : 2 developers

DURATION: 2,5 months

The application provides access to the video and audio content on

the video portal from smart phones, tablets, computers and other

devices running on Tizen OS. The development has already received

positive evaluation from Samsung - the main developer of the OS

itself and devices running on it. The application allows viewing the

latest films, leave feedback and comments, read and share news in

social networks.

Promo application for Davidoff

TECHNOLOGIES: Objective-C, Unity

WORK EFFORTS: 610 hours

TEAM : 2 developers

DURATION: 2 months

The final version of the application allows you to dive into the virtual

world of Davidoff tobacco products. The previously used promotion

method ceased to correspond to the time spirit. The tablets with the

special application replaced printed advertising handouts to the work

of Andersen. A remarkable feature of the application is the beautiful

design with the use of 3D graphics, as well as focus on luxury. The

application allows the promoters to collect questionnaire data, add it

to the common automated database, perform marketing analysis and

submit their working hours.

BMW promo application


WORK EFFORTS: 780 hours

TEAM : 2 developers

DURATION: 2,5 months

The interaction with the visitors is a

part of responsibilities of a sales

assistant in a BMW show room or at

an exhibition. The use of an

interactive tool in the form of a tablet

with the installed application

significantly simplifies the work of a

sales assistant. Moreover, such a

promo application adds to the

positive image of the company

brand. The promo application

includes the following features:

demonstration of beautiful thematic

illustrations, collection of personal

information about those who are

interested in BMW cars, generation

of the necessary database for further

marketing work, sending invitations

for a test drive and finding the

nearest sales center for a customer.

Librofon - audio books library


WORK EFFORTS: 1 600 hours

TEAM : 2 developers

DURATION: 6 months

Librofon is the library of audio

books, with car drivers as the

main audience, who listen to

audio stream while driving. The

sophisticated and not overloaded

interface contributes to the

usability of the application while

driving. The application allows

each user to access regularly

updated audio books database,

download them and subscribe to

new items from their favourite

author, as well as comment on

the books they have already

listened to. for Android OS


WORK EFFORTS: 800 hours

TEAM : 2 developers

DURATION: 3 months

The functionality of the application corresponds to a large extent to

the application for Smart TVs. It is designed for viewing

the content of the leading Russian TV channels. The content is

constantly updated, which allows viewing TV shows, series and films

just after two hours after the broadcast. for Android 

includes 13 channels and 7 film studios, as well as browsing history,

possibility to pause the viewing, push-notifications about new items,

etc. for Windows Phone 7 OS


WORK EFFORTS: 200 hours

TEAM : 1 developer

DURATION: 2 months

The application allows viewing films, TV

series and shows and other content from

13 Russian TV channels, as well as 7

film studios. The following channels are

available: NTV, Russia 1, TVC, First, etc.

All the content becomes available in the

application database just after two hours

after the broadcast. Besides the

available content the applications offers

browsing history, notifications about

updates as well as possibility to pause

the viewing.

Multconcert app


WORK EFFORTS: 960 hours

TEAM : 2 developers

DURATION: 4 months

The "Multconcert" application for includes karaoke

versions of the songs loved by children presented as videos from

the cartoons. The songs are automatically updated when there is

Internet connection: the connection with the single server allows the

users to timely receive new songs. The list of features of this

application includes: recording karaoke performance and saving it in

media gallery, sending the recording via email, sharing it in social

networks or YouTube, user feedback support in the form of "Likes",

reviews and comments (for generating statistics).

ArEXL geolocation service


WORK EFFORTS: 120 hours

TEAM : 1 developer

DURATION: 3 weeks

The geolocation service

allows getting all the required

information about the current

location of the user or where

he/she intends to go. ArEXL

service offers textual and

graphical information about

architectural sights of

Moscow. The functionality of

the application also includes

determining the location of the

user by means of the

integrated GPS-navigation

module, planning the route to

the object of interest in

various ways (on foot, by car

or public transport).

Equipment maintenance accounting system


WORK EFFORTS: 960 hours

TEAM : 2 developers

DURATION: 6 months

The project combines in a single accounting complex all the

information about the equipment currently registered on the balance

sheet of the company. This significantly reduces and simplifies the

equipment maintenance: the service person who arrives at an object

can display on the tablet all the equipment map, history of its

maintenance and all the necessary technical documentation. The

implementation of the project allows automated accounting and

navigation to the location of the required units.

Sales office

+375 17 388 4022

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Skype : nichiporovich

123234, Nemiga str. 5

Minsk, Republic of
