and Places I Like to ·...

Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. wolf pup kisses Additive Manufacturing Fusion Technology Wolves and Places I Like to Hike Richard E. Nygren Sandia National Laboratories Seminar MIT 22jan2017 A little about fusion A little about me Fusion Technology A little philosophy Advanced Manufacturing and Transformative Ideas

Transcript of and Places I Like to ·...

Page 1: and Places I Like to · courtesy of Center for Energy Research, UCSD, La Jolla, CA RE Nygren - MIT 22jan2018 Voids

Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology

and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for

the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.

wolf pup kisses

Additive ManufacturingFusion Technology

Wolves and

Places I Like to Hike

Richard E. NygrenSandia National Laboratories

SeminarMIT 22jan2017

A little about fusion

A little about me

Fusion Technology

A little philosophy

Advanced Manufacturing and Transformative Ideas

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•Stars are so massive that gravity holds (confines) their plasmas.

• On earth we can confine plasmas with magnetic fields.

Stars produce fusion energy and radiate the light we see.

Plasma (green fuzzy zone) held in a line by a magnetic field.

surface of the


stars and galaxies

Telescopes on Sacramento Peak near Alamagordo, New Mexico are part of the National Solar Observatory.

This is a great pace to visit and learn more about the sun. url:

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DEMO Fusion Reactor

large superconducting magnets

D-shaped toroidal field (TF) coils

PFCs “plasma facing”


first wall + blanket



vacuum containment

(vacuum vessel)

Blanket modules breed tritium (fuel) from lithium

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PlasmaCore Edge


TD +

PFCs ~800-1200Cmax

high temperature materials(carbon, SiC, tungsten)

cooled by helium (He)or flowing liquid surface



heat loads

particle effects

Pumping (D/T, He, impurities)

Coolant 500 -700C




passing through or near a cryostatAnd we need robust and reliable components that

can resistant damage from neutron irradiation.


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& Shield


Ta tube at ~900C Li-Ta heat pipe

tested to 1400C

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& Shield

Energy &


PlasmaCore Edge


Tritium Breeding &

Power Deposition





TD +


Tritium (fuel made in Breeding Blanket)




Pumping (D/T, He, impurities)

Heating & FuelingSystems

Tritium Processing Systems


Pumping System


Fuel & Power


Power Conversion System

circulating power


INL (Idaho) leads the fusion safety program and has an experimental facility, STAR, for tritium experiments.

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RE Nygren Fusion Technology NM - Gallup HS, Ron Schalip - 21nov2016

US fusion sites where I workedWestinghouse–Hanford(now Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs)

Fusion Eng. Design CenterOak Ridge National Lab

near Knoxville, Tennessee

Office of Fusion Energy (Science)US Dept. of Energy Headquarters

near Washington, DC

Argonne National Labnear Chicago


now at UCSD(San Diego) Sandia National Labs

Albuquerque, New Mexico(also site in Livermore, CA)








General Atomics & UCSD









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Neutron damage to materials

You (students) not born

parents in kindergarten

electric typewriters

no PCs, laptops or cells


computer punch cards

dinosaurs still roamed the earth

Mt Rainier




forest desert

Westinghouse – Hanford(now Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs)

Richland, Washington

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= vacancies

+ = interstitials

1980’sMarlowe code (version 11)25-keV cascade

Neutron primary knock-on in CuWork by Don Doren & others

Sophisticated molecular dynamics simulations have replaced earlier simpler versions.

(new unit in 1970s)

dpa = displaced atom

Very descriptive!

A desired life of 100 dpa means that, on average, a neutron knocks each

atom off its site 100 times.

Each event wreaks the havoc shown.

OK – We make models.

Where will we do experiments?

(neutron energies higher than fission reactors)

Japan now leads development of a

14MeV D-Li neutron source, IFMIF.*

*In the late 1970s the US developed then cancelled a predecessor, FMIT.

[Nygren, Considerations on Experiments in FMIT (d-Li neutron source), Nov. 1979, CONF-791102.]

Neutron damage to materials

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In metals, collisions from MeV neutrons produce the following:

1. helium –transmutation product, e.g., n + Fe Cr + He (embrittlement)

2. vacancies - sites in the atomic lattice where atoms are missing

3. interstitials - atoms stuffed between atoms in “normal” positions

Defects (vacancies or interstitials) will group and

form lines of discontinuity called dislocations.

transmission electron microscopy images

Trapping at nanofeatures (NF) is

a key strategy to manage He.



Odette, Alinger, Wirth, “Recent Developments in

Irradiation Resistant Steels”, Annual Reviews of

Materials Research V38 (2008) 371-403




grain boundary

RE Nygren - MIT 22jan2018

Neutrons damage materials

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RE Nygren Fusion Technology NM - Gallup HS, Ron Schalip - 21nov2016

US fusion sites where I worked in 1979-85 materials, reactor design and fusion blanket technology

Fusion Eng. Design CenterOak Ridge National Lab

near Knoxville, Tennessee

Argonne National Labnear Chicago










Grand Tetons

Yellowstone NP

• parents now married

• some students getting born others in pre-school

• dinosaurs dying (some become professors)

still no web, PCs or video games, PacMan being developed

Idaho National LabFusion Safety Program

(near Idaho Falls)

…. and some scenery,

in Idaho and Tennessee

Office of Fusion Energy (Science)US Dept. of Energy Headquarters

near Washington, DC


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12RE Nygren - MIT 22jan2018

Developing Tritium Self Sufficiency is a major challenge for fusion

Ribs that enhance heat transfer

The sketches show some blanket concepts.

M Abdou et al., Fusion Eng. & Design 100 (2015) 2-43LV Boccaccini et al., Fusion Eng. & Design 109–111 (2016) 1199–1206

Liquid metal MHD totally controls flow

Lithium breeder



solution for sphere with volumetric heating

Tmax = Tr=0

=Tsurf + C/k q’’’ r3

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PISCES Group, UCLAPISCES: linear plasma source used

to test how plasma affects materials

now at UC, San Diego

also continued at Sandia

Grad students in pre-school

Computers leading to PCs

MAC portables available (HUGE backpack)

Most dinosaurs now fossils. (like some professors)

Plasma Materials Interactions

…. and some scenery

General Atomics,also PISCES,

UCSD (San Diego)

Sierra NevadaRange




UCLA Los Angeles

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evolve voids*

alter properties*























transmuteevolve voids*

alter properties*

reflect, implant,sputter displace (dpa)

displace (dpa), transmute




melt, vaporize

deposited layer

vapor shield*recrystallize*crack/craze*

*temperature dependent behavior

He vacancy

Carbon*, B, Be, Li and W are of interest in PMI. *workhorse for many tokamaks

PMI had a huge boost in the 1980’s as we studied

how much tritium TFTR would retain in D/T


Plasma Materials Interactions (PMI)

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The physical chemistry of PMI processes on high temperature walls will determine the interaction

between wall and plasma in a fusion reactor.

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PISCES-B: pure He plasmaTs = 1200 K, Dt = 4290 s,

Fluence = 2x1026 He+/m2, Ei = 25 eV

NAGDIS-II: pure He plasmaTs = 1250 K, Dt = 36,000 s,

Fluence = 3.5x1027 He+/m2, Ei = 11 eV

N. Ohno et al., in IAEA-TM, Vienna, 2006

PSI Processes – Oh fuzz and blisters! growth of surface morphology in tungsten

Baldwin, Nishijima, Doerner, et. al,

courtesy of Center for Energy Research,

UCSD, La Jolla, CA

RE Nygren - MIT 22jan2018

Voids on grain boundary

retain helium

first observation in a tokamak

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Rocky Mountains



Students growing up Microsoft growing up Video game proliferation Laptops, cell phones and

www prominent Terrorism increases World still needs fusion

General Atomicsalso PISCES, UCSD

(San Diego)

Plasma Facing Components 1990+

Sandia National Laboratories

Fusion Technology

Plasma Materials Test FacilityAdvanced Materials Laboratory

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Sandia Livermore, near San Francisco

RE Nygren - MIT 22jan2018

and other collaborations: KFJ (TEXTOR), CEA (Tore Supra), Max Planck Institute, JAEA, NIFS, Osaka U., KAERI (Korea), MIT, PPPL, General Atomics, Purdue U., U of Ill., UCSD, UNM

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Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary http:www.wildspiritwolfsanctuary

Richard and son met Raven 20 years ago and made an

“infomercial” on pet responsibility.

Leyton Cougar, Dir.

I’m fascinated by wolves.

I like coyotes too.

Mexican gray wolves, rare and protected, are regaining strength in New Mexico.

Coyotes are not protected, but are clever rascals.

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Fusion Energy

Heat Fluxes

10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106

Duration (s)









Heat F

lux (



Fusion Divertor

Radiant Flux at Sun Surface

Fast Breeder

Fission Reactor

Fusion First Wall

Fusion Disruption

Fusion ELM

Rocket Nozzle

~85 MW/m2

HOT STUFF - PFC Materials & TestingPlasma Facing Components


Focus that on your little fingernail and you get 100W/1cm2 =

1 MW/m2

Your hand 4 inches from a 100W floodlight receives about 100W/.01m2

=104W/m2 = 0.01 MW/m2

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FW panel

PFC Materials & Testing

HEMJ cell shown with mesh for CFD model. Pre-2000, CFD codes were not well advanced.

We developed empirical relationships (boiling curves and correlations for one-sided heating.

Future long pulse devices require actively cooled PFCs.

Stress analyses for joints were refined.

Experience has shown that CFD studies with full physics are needed to produce realistic results,

He-cooling was studied for the next era (DEMO and CTF).

Water-cooled PFCs were developed for the ITER family of devices.

Comparison of He jet cooling in HEMJ and in a much finer jet array by Dennis Youchison

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NSTX Liquid Lithium Divertor (LLD)Improving pumping was the primary goal for the LLD. Li at the plasma edge has improved plasma performance. The Sandia built SS-clad copper plates had a porous Mo coating that hosted Li deposited from two Li evaporators.

Other ApproachesNational Spherical Torus Experiment


LLD plates (4)

JS Hu, J Ren, GZ Zuo, QX Yang, JG Li, DK Mansfield, LE Zakharov, DN Ruzic, EAST Team,An Overview of lithium experiments on HT-7 and EAST during 2012, Fus. Eng. & Des. 89.12 2875-2885

Liquid SurfacesJxB and thermo-electric forces will propel lithium (or other liquid metals).

Figure 3. CPS system deployed in the upgraded liquid lithium limiter in the Frascati tokamak. Figure courtesy of Mazzitelli et al. at Association EURATOM sulla Fusione and Lyubliski et al. at the Efremov Institute.

Cooled Lithium Limiter

CPS W structure Mo tube

Top view of W mesh

We study liquid metal surfaces for future devices.

The Russians have developed a Capillary Pore System over many years and deployed these in several tokamaks.

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Prove the safe and environmentally acceptable attributes of fusion power.

Safety and Environmental Responsibility

Systems-level Safety Response

Develop, verify, validate safety assessment tools (e.g.,MELCOR-Fusion) for regulatorysubmittals.

Dust Motionand Reactions

Tritium retention andpermeation barriers

Waste Minimization and Recycling

Courtesy of Phil Sharpe


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Sandians (me included) helped design ITER.- superconducting TF coils

plasma volume- vacuum vessel- PFCs: first wall, divertor

underway in FranceWe’re doing this now.

ITER is the world’s 1st fusion engineering reactor.

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I visited ITER several times and participated in Design Reviews.

~1992 Sandia built a water-cooled mid-plane limiter for Tore Supra, CEA’s superconducting tokamak.

I spent time in Provence, cycled there and hiked (Luberon, ?mtn, Camargue, Collonques).

Paris is also a favorite place to hike.

I once walked >20 miles in <24 hours.

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We are learning a tremendous amount about design integration- Competing requirements for space- Restrictions for remote maintenance- Many other things

ITER does not have a breeding blanket and integrated first wall

ITER is the largest international

collaboration to date.

RE Nygren - MIT 22jan2018

Next up:

Qualified/licensed nuclear systems- Tritium handling system- Vacuum vessel- Water-cooling loops and HX

a) some concerns about design integration in reactors,b) how might Advanced Manufacturing be used in fusion systems.

Can AM change our vision of fusion?

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Response to the NAS Committee for a Strategic Plan for U. S. Burning Plasma Research Phil Ferguson, Dir. VLT (ORNL)

Integrating any pellet system into a nuclear device is a complex engineering challenge.ITER port plug:

Disruption Mitigation Technology

4 injectors, 4 barrels each

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Design Integration• liquid surface PFCs and blankets

A reactor must breed more tritium than it uses to cover losses and for new plants.

This is tough.

Do we have enough space?1

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RE Nygren - MIT 22jan2018

Design Integration• liquid surface PFCs and blankets

The system now has two primary coolant loops (He and Li) rather than one.

Each has a separate leg in the tritium recovery system. The He interface is high pressure. The Li interface is low pressure.

What if we choose a He-cooled steel first wall, solid breeder, and a liquid lithium divertor.


Li, coolant, tritium collection streams, interdependencies, design integration

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and now

An Arctic AdventureAdvice for STUDENTS

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Put away your phone. Get out in the real 3-D world.

Smell the flowers. Put your face in the mud. Get dirty.

Find out what you love to do. Be happy.

When I talk with students, I ask,

“Do you like to build things or take them apart?

Rather kep hands off?

What intrigues you?”

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My Journey along the Noatak River:from Pingo Lake (in the Brooks Range) to Noatak Village

Pingo Lake




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½ Blanket Module


This model shows the heat transfer co-efficient along complex coolant channels in the nuclear shield of a device with a burning D/T plasma.

The authors implied a self-consistent approach.

Feedback between the walls and fluid set the conditions for the boundary flow layer.

However, the authors had used HTCs from a steady state correlation.

(never true)

The project adopted an approach with CFD that tracks developing flow.

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Everything looks “worthy.” Be your own best critic.


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Additive Manufacturing Examples

Jointed superconducting (SC) coils MIT*

Vertical remote maintenance (pull off top half of coil set)

[# sectors for vacuum vessel (VV)] [# SC toroidal coils]

Unibody VV in pool of molten salt breeder (pool reactor)

Power launch (RF) from inside wall (high field side) MIT*

Smooth outer wall, no neutral beams, few/no midplane ports

fast flow liquid surface outer first wall

Low power meso-scale devices (MESA fab)

Dense real time data, plasma edge & wall conditions

Benchmark models, enables better/faster solutions for fusion power exhaust.

Power harvesting: PFC power transfer to plant system

Heat exchanger inside VV (Majeski); radiatively coupled heat pipes

New Visions of Fusion PowerTransformative Enabling Capabilities (ongoing NAS study)

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thin-walled nozzle3” tall ARL

Other advanced manufacturing processes can be useful to make (smaller) parts that have complex materials architectures. The Applied Research Lab (ARL, Penn State) can make gas-cooled DIII-D tiles with micro-channels using field assisted sintering in an industry-scale press.Woodruff Scientific (WSI, small business) will make parts for diagnostics.

Explore potential of Advanced Manufacturing

Among AM’s advantages for PFCs are its ability to form intricate parts (e.g., with micro-channels or controlled porosity), transitions in composition and wide flexibility. Few or no joining steps and reduction of waste are also benefits.

This relatively new technology is being applied to high-value components.* But as yet structure-property relationships cannot be predicted. *General Electric has announced 3-D printing of fuel nozzles for the Leap jet engine. Several US organizations are exploring AM technology for turbine blades using Ti-Al powders. ORNL and Penn State have state-of-the-art AM facilities developed for collaborations.

Let’s explore AM to make PFCs with micro-channels and a materials architecture to mitigate effects from neutron and ion damage.

A new vision for PFC development

ARL8” disc

Mo-TZM + W-5%Re

WSI probe head


A New Vision for Fusion PFCs, RE Nygren et al., 12th ISFNT, Jeju Island South Korea, 14-18september2015

AMAdditive manufacturing:

printing material layer by layer in 3-D directly from CAD models.

Big Area Additive Manufacturing BAAM, ORNL

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Specific examples• Additive Manufacturing (AM) for PFCs, and blankets

• Additive manufactured parts for testing can be produced and tested

• Positron emission particle tracking (PEPT) is used to validate computational tools

Paradigm Change (strong driver) - AM will revolutionize design, manufacturing and qualification!

Paraphrase of remarks by R Allen Roach (Sandia PI) regarding “Born Qualified”

Disruptive technology: simultaneously create part and material

Tightly control and monitor manufacturing at voxel level

Ideal for low volume, high value, high consequence, complex parts

Inherently flexible and agile Create near-net shape parts

All in-vessel components are heat exchangers

AM HXs heat exchangers

AM parts for fusion from Hancock et al.,, (U-Sheffield CCFE) Novel High Heat Flux Geometries for Fusion Applications

Enabled by Additive Manufacturing, 13th ISFNT Kyoto 2017

AM can produce complex serpentine cooling paths to replace the “gun-drill and

plug” approach used in ITER.

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AM can produce graded materials, complex structures, open porosity, etc.

fueling, burnup, T inventory

interdependencies, design integration

Features of an AM-built solid breeding blanket might have an integrated structure of multiple materials.

Porous ceramics could replace a pebble bed.

The radial density of coolant channels can match the heating rates.

Mo ligaments in porous structure


Meso-scale gas jets give the most efficient heat transfer.

AM can integrate these in the wall.

Specific examples• Additive Manufacturing (AM) for PFCs, and blankets - DESIGN INTEGRATION

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Some AM Tools

120 tensile bars, 17-4PH SS, powder bed machine, 2 vendors

J. Materials Processing Technology (in press)

differences in Weibull distributions with small sample numbers vs. full set of 109 samples.

High Throughput Data Analysis



Direct Write

Metals & Ceramics

Powder Bed

RE Nygren - MIT 22jan2018

8” disc and 3” tall thin-walled nozzlemade with field assisted sintering.

FES-PSI Workshop 2015 White Paper, Jogender Singh, Applied Research Lab, Penn State University

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Direct Write: Green Form

Subcomponent Assembly

meso featuresControlled porosityCrack mitigation (slots, keyholes)Graded material transitionJet-cooling array

Subtractive Manufacturing

Machining of soft green form

Infill stabilizes fragile features

Subsequence Process

Remove infill Curing, heat treat Add infill CVD coating of cooling

channels Final finishing

Option with Potential: Direct Write + Other Processes

PFC cell

Feature Infiltration (stability)

Subcomponent Installed

RE Nygren - MIT 22jan2018

W-base powder stockmetallurgical features

W-base powder stock

other powder stock



self interstitial atom defect



vacancy Control Microstructure

(underlying materials science)

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Specific examples• Demountable SC coils, straight-leg stellarator coils and remote maintenance

• For ITER, Japan is prototyping FW sector handling; JET manipulators are removing divertor sections.

• DEMO design studies typically remove divertor cassettes and totoidal blanket sectors.

Remote maintenance is a huge challenge.

Demountable (jointed) SC TF coils could radically transform the approach.

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Remote maintenance is a huge challenge.

Straight outer legs, a design innovation by Tom Brown (PPPL) greatly improve accessibility for a stellarator.

Code now includes constraints that enable this solution. (innovation)

Specific examples• straight-leg stellarator coils and remote maintenance

• liquid surfaces, in-vessel HX, high field side RF launcher

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Specific examples• liquid surfaces, in-vessel HX, high field side RF launcher

Axisymmetric flow loop (R. Majesky, PPPL)

1) Current in walls propels (JxB) loop flow. 2) HX inside VV eliminates non-axisymmetric exit

flow out of vessel.3) [added] salt for secondary coolant to HX is low

pressure system (as opposed to water or He)

wall flow loop divertor

flow loop

HX’s inside VV

Liquid surface PFCs

increased activity• continuing development (CPS)• new ideas & deployments

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Vision for fusion’s future:dense data in real time from Smart Tiles

From FES-PSI White Paper –Nygren, Buchenauer, Watkins (SNL), Hillis (ORNL) Smart Tiles and MEMS-based sensors - new age of wall/edge diagnostics -

Developments in optics, nanotech and microelectromechanical systems have revolutionized what is possible in sensor technology.

Sensor Solutions: Devices already produced show rich possibilities for applications to wall and edge diagnostics for Smart Tiles.

At MESA, Sandia’s unique industrial-size fab facility, we make MEMS-based sensors and systems in dense arrays that require little input power. MESA has a track record of deliverables. Sandia also develops rad-hard electronics for harsh environments.

Actuator Solutions: geared wheels, linear drives, springs, rotating mirror, pulsed B fields to 1.5T, etc. have potential applications for shutters for gating and timing the particle flux to sensors, steerable mirrors and more.

Pyrotech shock sensor

0pen position

Al-N piezoelectric accelerometer

microphone(pressure sensor)

Si optical waveguide and microdisk

Suspended mass for accelerometer

rotating mirror

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Heat pipes can they help fusion?

Heat pipes can transport heat from an intensely heated surface (evaporator) and exchange it through a much larger area (condenser).

Our team* is investigating heat pipes for fusion. The first article is a refurbuished Ta-Li heat pipe. Li is the only working fluid that can give high enough heat removal. Such heat pipes operate in the range 1499-1700° C. *Sandia National Laboratories, the Culham Center for Fusion Energy (CCFE),

the Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER) and Aavid-Thermacore, Inc.

A. Makhankovproposed this general concept in 1997

Magnum PSI test at 1 T last week

bench tests at Thermacore in April

FED 42 (1998) p373-79

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Thank you. I have enjoyed being with you today.

RE Nygren - MIT 22jan2018