and passionate about life. But how do you get · 2018-12-30 · and passionate about life. But how...


Transcript of and passionate about life. But how do you get · 2018-12-30 · and passionate about life. But how...

Men love a woman who is sure of herself

and passionate about life. But how do you get

there if things aren’t going exactly as you want them to?

How do you get your mojo back after a break up or a job loss?

These 20 tips are simple ways to reconnect to the amazing

woman you are and start sending the right signals to men!

Tip 1. How is your personal garden? Not the one in your back yard – the one in

your heart. Could it use some pruning? Could it use some planting and care?

You’ve got to tend to yourself for anything at all to bloom! Whether you

want to grow your confidence, your purpose or a life-long love, you have to take the right steps in the right order: Plant the seed for something new to grow, keep the soil healthy, water it

regularly and generously give your time and love. Something beautiful can grow

for you when you start turning your attention to the seeds YOU want to plant!

Let the sun shine! It’s the only way to let love plant itself in your life.

Tip 2. Step back and observe your life. You will discover that you don’t get what you deserve – you receive no more or no less

than you believe you deserve. Remind yourself that you are NOT your past

mistakes! Try repeating this mantra to yourself: “I choose where I am now and I

choose something better for myself.” Say it until that little nagging and negative voice in

your head is quiet. The change in your attitude and self-confidence will be palpable.

You’ll be freed from those self-imposed difficulties that are holding you back from

true happiness! Shifting your perception of your own value, and what you deserve out of life, will open you up to receive life’s bounty regardless of any mistakes you made in the


And let’s face it – a self-confident woman who believes she deserves the best is way more attractive than one who wallows in

self-pity and past mistakes!

Tip 3. Men love women who hold healthy boundaries! If you feel

uncomfortable with the idea of putting them in place, though, I have a

suggestion to help you get started. We often are guilty of blurting out too

much personal information or sharing our whole life story in response to a man just saying hi! Instead, start off

with telling just a bit of the truth, evaluate the reaction you receive, and then decide whether it’s safe to share

more. This gradual approach allows you to build trust and create boundaries over time without drama, and keeps communication honest and flowing –

keys to a healthy relationship.

You know yourself best. Decide how you want to be treated, and make it


Tip 4. Have you ever said, “You have my word” to someone and come to regret it later? We often tend to blurt out a

promise of help, or a great idea, or an offer to volunteer for yet another “something” when we know, we don’t really have the time or intention to follow through. This leads to a lot of

uncomfortable and stressful situations, either when you eventually back out (leading to guilt and hurt feelings) or

when you suck it up and do what you said you would even though you didn’t want to (leading to resentment and

frustration)! The thing is, when you say yes to everyone else, you have no time or energy left to say yes to yourself! So, let’s

work on changing that. Let go of the guilt and don’t automatically say yes to every request that comes your way.

Take time to consider the cost to your time, your wallet…your sanity! Eventually, you’ll get good at discriminating what to

take on, and what to let pass you by.

And you’ll be able to say yes to yourself that much more often!

Yes to the possibilities. Yes to the right relationship.

Yes to more adventures.

You’ll be amazed at the sense of control you’ll feel when you save the phrase “you have my word” for the people

and activities that truly fill you up.

Tip 5. Some women are hesitant to let a man lead a bit. They have been tricked into thinking that’s a weakness. Nothing could be further from the truth. When you CHOOSE to let a man lead, you are choosing

from a place of relaxed confidence. And that’s a beautiful thing! Visualize the things a man can do for you that would allow you to feel

more feminine. This might include opening doors for you, giving compliments, asking you about what makes you happy, or creating a

space where you feel secure.

Don’t be afraid to want these things, and expect them!

Tip 6. You need to utilize your natural gift of femininity, and this is how to do it, so you don’t turn him off before you turn

him on! * Lean back when speaking, with your hands relaxed in your lap. * Let him

lead. * Talk about things that you are passionate about. * Really listen to him

when he speaks, with direct eye contact. * Invite him into a deeper connection by sharing a vulnerability (e.g., “I’m really

nervous”). There’s a key word in that last tip – connection. You are looking for a

place where you can share, and he can get on board, and vice-versa. Remember,

conversations are not conclusions they are explorations! So relax, open up and allow

attraction to take its course.

You are about to find out how powerful your feminine energy really is!

Tip 7. Women play too small, we tend not to take risks and not to stand up for what we need. In reality, standing up for what we need, using our voice, taking risks and acting with courage, teaches men how to

treat us! It sends a message about the kind of life we want to live and the kind of relationship we expect (and desire) to have. Where in your

life do you need to take more risks? Do you need to get out there more and try some new activities? Do you need to be a bit bolder when you find yourself face to face with an attractive man? We are not promised

a tomorrow. Heck we aren’t even promised tonight!

So, where and how can you show up bigger for yourself? Where can you be more brave? What can you finally fight for?

Tip 8. Too often these days, people are hesitant to be friendly! I get it. We live in a world where we must be careful. But there is still so much beauty and possibility. So, smile first, make eye contact, hold the door.

You will find that men are surprised by these little gifts, enough to wake up and take notice! A confident woman knows how to flirt. A

confident woman is totally comfortable giving a man that five second smile and lingering next to him just a little bit longer. These small acts

of sass can really make you a man magnet, and I promise you that once one man notices you, the rest seem to fall in line behind! You’ll

get what you give.

So, throw a little light, a little generosity and a little attention around, and watch how fast it comes back to you!

Tip 9. Can we talk for a minute about getting a little makeover? Let’s talk about those old outfits of self-deprecating behavior, of feeling like you’re

not worth it, the worst one of all, that you will never find love. Throw them out! They don’t fit

you anymore. It’s time to do some spring-cleaning.

There is one outfit that is flattering to everyone—Confidence! And we’ll be

accessorizing with some Sass. The best part? This outfit is one size fits all, and let me tell

you; you look AMAZING in it.

Tip 10. I know…It’s hard to think about feeling confident

and beautiful when we are overwhelmed with the day-to-day tasks and obligations of our lives. But take a few minutes at the beginning and end of each day and give time to yourself. It

might sound silly, but try starting your day off with a little pep rally in the mirror! You ARE gorgeous, you ARE worth being loved and you

ARE full of gifts that the world is waiting to see!

Be as kind to yourself as you would be to a friend

or your child.

Tip 11. Like attracts like, and the minute that you begin to

embody confidence and walk with a little bit of

swagger and sass, you will find yourself attracting the right kind of attention from men! You can’t be open to

love if you don’t love yourself…so stand up

straight, look yourself in the mirror, and remind yourself daily of the beauty that you

are – the kind heart, the deep soul, the inner


And don’t waiver – this is your new reality – the

reality of loving you, and being open to love.

Tip 12. Your journey is of personal growth and begins with focusing on yourself and what you do want. Loving yourself is vital. Your main goal is self-work, self-love, and self-acceptance. You will need to heal the hurt from the past and release its hold on you. You’ve got to stop

looking for someone else to fill the space in you. You are already complete.

The man isn’t the answer; he’s the compliment. A bonus. The icing on the cake.

Tip 13. When you have good boundaries, you will start to put your needs and wants above everyone else’s, and that will raise your self-

esteem and self-respect! Cultivating a positive relationship with yourself is the building block for attracting your Soulmate. Look at your life for ways you already feel love. Appreciate what is already


Do this and men will start noticing you and treating you different.

Tip 14. Trusting your intuition is the short path to what you want!

Otherwise, you’re following external influences that have no clue what your soul really desires

and you delay your happiness even longer! Next time you feel that pressure to do something

take a moment and ground yourself into the BE HERE NOW.

By strengthening your connection to your intuition, you won’t fall

prey to all the hysteria that comes with dating, relationships and

“shouding” on yourself.

Make a choice of what to do next based on infinite wisdom

and divine timing!

Tip 15. We allow people to treat us how they treat us, and men will start treating you the way you are treating yourself. Any time you hear negative

put-downs swirling around your head, think about what you’d say to your

best friend or sister or daughter if she were telling you these things about herself. Then rewrite the script with

love. Cultivating a positive relationship with yourself is the

building block for attracting your Soulmate. You had given up on the

idea that you’ll meet your Soulmate, but now you know that love is your birthright. Allow that to sink in and look at your life for ways that you

already feel love. Appreciate what is already there.

You are embracing new empowering beliefs and attracting

your Soulmate is one of them.

Tip 16. The first step of manifestation is to “BE” that which you want. Then to “DO” the work that is required to form the new HABITS that you need, so you can “HAVE” the very things your heart desires. You can’t have love until you ARE love. The universe will always give you

the things that are a vibrational match to you. So if you want love, BE love. If you want abundance, FEEL abundant. Rise up and match the

things you want to the person you ARE every single day.

BE. Then DO. Then finally, blissfully, HAVE!

Tip 17. When you hold on to pain, to fear, to

negativity, you close your heart off to new

experiences. But when you make a conscious decision to release those feelings,

you make yourself open to new experiences and new

connections. The key to letting go is recognizing

that we are ever-changing creatures…instead of being

afraid of this fact, hold it close and enjoy the ride!

Learn to let go in order to have more…hold more…and be more.

Tip 18. You are looking for love. Your soul mate is waiting for you; you need only to liberate yourself from the blockages holding you back and embrace the new,

even if it feels scary. When you stop holding on to the past and to negative feelings, you can live in the now, which is all any of us truly have. The art of

letting go allows you to accept that whatever is happening is for your highest good, and gives a freedom that is so expansive you must experience it to understand it. It’s a practice of making the NOW the main focus of your

attention, and it’s something you’ll need to make an effort to do every single day.

It will lead you to places that you never thought you’d see and people you never thought you’d meet…including (and especially!) Your love!

Tip 19. Part of bringing out your feminine essence is un-doing a cultural bias against what our feminine heart is longing for. Are you brave

enough to let yourself know what you want without

cultural judgment? Despite what the messages of the

outside world may be telling you, it’s ok to show your

softer, nurturing side! Actually, it’s something you must do…men are drawn to women who aren’t afraid to

show the kindness and compassion within


It’s also ok to want to feel secure and comforted by

your partner.

Tip 20. Our feminine essence – our intuitive and nurturing side – will ultimately attract what we want most in life,

including our ideal partner. You simply must

learn to listen to it and use it! So tune into what makes your heart sing! Maybe it’s cooking, or dancing, or playing music, or running…whatever it is, do

it. Once you start fostering your own well-being, you’ll be more confident and receptive

to cultivating a relationship with someone. It’s that

openness that men really want to connect with!

After all, others learn how to love us by closely

watching how well we love ourselves.