And Eon

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  • 8/8/2019 And Eon


    Saman was dead. The war had finally come to an end .The world was rid of tyranny.Every town in andeon was rejoicing. The pubs shone brightly with a festive air.avery came running in with a cloak in his hand . It had just snowed . He made his way to the corner diner ,his friends were already there waitng for him. Hi there ave, Didnt expect seein u around this early. howd it go with the harringtons?"Oh that was a treat,they let me gobble up some of the apple pie after i was do

    ne doing the dishes", Once i have enough money to buy my way out of town i shall

    have to set off". "but where will you be going"? asked caroline. "I cannot tellyou that.Jharakal has forbidden me to.Your knowledge of my whereabouts will putyou in a lot of danger""I have made up my mind , I want to come along with you

    ".The forest was a spectacle to behold, avery couldnt believe his eyes. Each treewas at least a league wide and another 10 long. There were several thousands ofthem clustered together, forming , what seeme to avery , as a stretch of impenetrable land. "Wow, this is incredible, its nothing like iv ever seen before.Jharakal smiled at hiM. "tHIS IS THE nahla, stay close and follow my lead.Do as i say and our task will be over soon.

    "You look so young, why dont you age like other mehduts?"That is something that

    will have to wait for another time", there are far more matters I have to discuss with you

    An old man was walking down an ice clad forest, chanting an ancient hymn , The war had left its mark on his wrinkled but proud face. .dezga had made sure to stay outside the "auraefect" of the wizrd as he followed him. There was something about him that made dezga stop in his tracks,unable to move... He couldsense the immense power all around him..He knew he was trapped, yet a feeling o

    f euphoria rushed through his body engulfing him .He was ecstatic at being trapp

    ed . The old man slowly made his way to the clearing where avery was frozen in time,My name is JHARAKAL leader of the ghouels. I sense an ancient bloodline that i cannot place. Who is your lord? and what is your business in this land?

    "Shamit wake up. O' you gonna miss your bus again!", Shamits mother was yellingat the top of her voice.She was at the end of her tether. Life hadnt turned outquite the way she had wanted. A rough childhood culminated in a rough marriage. The stress of the divorce , the court cases and a 17 year old son took a tollon her. She wasnt the sweet and caring mother shamit remembered her to be."Five more minutes mom pleeeeeeeease"!, Shamit grunted back in response to his mothers' outburst."Thats it, Iv had it with you young man"!,she came storming in with a glass of i

    ce cold water and poured it on his face.Shamit got up with a jolt, anger welled inside him . He was angry with everything. College sucked. The Basketball team captain , Shaun, hated him. There was noreason to hate him. But still he hated him. And so everyone cool in college hated him. He did have a couple of friends. But they were hated too. So he was likethe leader of the outcasts and he hated that.He hated life at home. There was basically nothing he looked forward to.

    "What a wonderful dream", he murmurmed to himself as he made his way to the bathroom, trying to relive every bit of it . But the more he tried , the more distant the dream got , finally he reconciled himself to the fact that he was awake!

    As He entered the town he saw Soldiered officers branding people ."Why are theybranding those people"Avery asked jharakal. "khaffar has fallen,the branding is

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    called "the sacred oath"save your questions for later . Stay close to me. . Itwas inscribed in the toungue of nahazgal.Jhaharkals worst fears were realised. The dark armies of "nahazgal" had taken control of the town.the sick were caged and dragged . Half of southern helmsdrop was under Samans rule. One pocket of resistance remained. A wizard named "kharra" was leading the "khaffars" to the caves of illibathanae, trying to convince the kings of other lands to join him.Hidden deep under the earth,this cave was forged many a year ago when the earth was s

    till young . A clan of knuralla sentinels sensed a huge gap in the future "void". , and using "ancient skills" forged a series of caves.The caves were forged w

    ith ancient magic passed down by the "denfeati" and no person except the chosenleader of the khaffar could open its gates.

    Avery looked at jharakal,who was sitting crossed legged next to the fireplace chanting to himself. He had firmly made up his mind and nothing in the world couldchange it,not even avery. He was ready to use up all his "lithre",to cast The s

    pell on himself knowing very well that there would be no "replenishment" for a week."There is another way ,you know you dont have to do this". Avery was tryinghis luck for the last time."I will never hand over my son if thats the last thin

    g i do. I will return when the scourge lord is dead, so let me not waste any more time , see you my son , and have faith in the old man, On the day of "kaballah" I will return". May the lichking watch over you".

    JHARAKAL DEADThe path was long. He mas determined to make the journey before sundown .The "nahla" was the shortest route to "huznaag" . It was treacherous land. A land so treacherous , that people never spoke about it. It was land that belonged to neither friend nor foe.

    molten lava poured from every crevice in the cave. He was trapped. Doomed to dieas was prophesised.Jharkal held his head high and muttered a few ancient words

    in the tougue of zaa . Nothing happened. wrinkles formed on his brow. he wasnt

    willing to reconcile himself to his fate. Avery needed him . They would be crushed if he failed now. Then it suddenly came back to him. The words of the youngling, who had seen a flaw in the prophecy."A fatalist thinks not twice, but thinkslong. Trust your instinct to do the unimaginable, when all hope has dwindled. U

    nder the starless skies, pray to your ancestors for they will aid you.". His eyes shone brightly ,he began to glow with a subtle luminous radiation.He had castthe uoisable on himself. It was just a matter of time before he would be consumed by the emanations and currents of the spell.

    Druids were creatures of abomination,and terror. They were considered a myth bymost races,but the elves claimed to have seen them sacrificing humans on the al

    tar of mazaha.The cloudy sky cleared for a moment and under the moonlight Averybeheld a sight that made him stop dead in his tracks.. In neither dream nor reality had he seen anything like it.At least a hundred human Bodies lay motionlessatop a black slab.He could clearly see gaping holes in their chests. It was a druid custom ,to sacrifice a beating heart to the lichking ,he was stunned. He wasnt expecting this. He had to tell jharakal about what hes seen. Would anyone believe him? Emotions flooded his entire mind. anguish, fear, and anger welled inside him. . To appease the lichking they sacrificed humans on the altar of mazaha . They created a realm for themselves, within aveneon.He ran to the nearest tree and dropped to the ground beside it. . All the stories he had heard were true after all. Druids were real , and a hundred people or more were dead . "I will not let the druids get away with their demented rituals.We have to teleport back to azaheim and tell Jharakal everything" "have you lostyour bloody mind?,if we leave now, we'll lose three days, Jharakal wudnt be ple

    ased at all"."There is another way". "what?" "let us circle the alcazar to finda weaklink. Our combined strenght should be enough to bring it down"."circle thealcazar?,forget it! Just looking at it gives me the creeps.I aint going within

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    a mile of that abyss". "Well then, I guess ill have to do it by myself" . Averywas about to get up, when a sudden movement in the nearby trees made him sit down again."You were..." "SHHH someones comin" Avery signalled in the direction ofthe movement.Ron squinted in that direction but couldnt see much. "What is it?"."I dont know, but Its stopped now"

    MagicHumans ruled the world for centuries.

    "GET out of my house you lazy soundrel. I think iv done enough and more to repaythe debt to your parents , so off with you and never set foot into this house o

    r my lands again ". "I plough your fields, i toil all day to please you. can younot forgive a small fault?. "SMALL"? you led two of my milking cows into the hu

    ngry jaws of a balanar. you lack foresight , you stupid oaf, be off with you this instant. i need not justify anything to you.

    An arrow came whizzing past the old mans head. It missed by an inch or two.Avery

    ducked below the open windows. The old man was too late. A second arrow found its mark .It struck him right between his eyes, and he dropped dead. Every musclein avery's body seemed to freeze. His mind wanted him to run for his life, but

    he could not budge. he lay motionless on the cold floor. "what do i do?", he kept repeating these words over and over again. A minute passed, it seemed like ten. everything was quiet outside. A pool of blood had formed a little distance away from where he lay. he gathered every bit of mental energy he had left , to gethis body off the ground. The door was open. He made a run for it. another arrowwhizzed past his head. He was running as fast as he could. He shot across the f

    ield and over the fence into the forest. He kept running withought pausing to take a break.hE did not know where he was going but that "i cannot die., i dont want to die". finally out of breath he fell to the ground