Ancillary research


Transcript of Ancillary research

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Conventions of double page spread magazine

main image which is relevant to the articleHeading Long and bold - Stands out.


Laid out in 2-4 columns

journalists name.

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Form of double page spread magazines There are many different forms of double

page spreads. They all serve different purposes, and therefore different types of magazines use different types of forms such as ;

1. Interview.2. Photography Spread.3. Informative Article.4. Advertisement.5. Fashion Piece.

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Advertisement spread

An advertisement is marketing something to the audience, in a music magazine this can include concert advertisements and festival advertising.Some examples of advertisements.advertisement

A fashion piece normally contains information and an image often having the image on the majority of the page and then small part of text where the clothes came from.Some examples of fashion pieces.

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Fashion piece spread

A fashion piece normally contains information and an image often having the image on the majority of the page and then small part of text where the clothes came from.

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Informative spread

An informative article, does what it says in the name, it informs you of something. Whether it is a new band or artist, or a new clothing range.They often include photos and texts.

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Photography spread

A photography spread is when a photograph or series of photographs take up the whole two pages.They often have little or no text on them, to emphasis the image.

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Pull quote


Main Image

Enter Shikari

Teenagers love them

Young band with fast, upbeat songs


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How the style of the article matches the style of the front cover?

Rock font, bold titles, big images, bright colours red, white and yellow

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target audience

TEENAGERS love to party, drink , rebellious teens, getting stoned

Alcohol in his hand Concerts

of band

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grungy sans serif font


Pull Quote

How conventions of double page is met

Big image of band is main image

Two columns

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popular artist that is interesting to the readers of this magazine.

The white background helps the text and the image to stand out more, making it look more attractive and easy to read.

The Language used on this cover is quite basic and there are a limited number of words, and are mainly just quotes from the articles. The text on this cover is mainly titles from the articles featured which appeal to the target audience because they are things that they would be interested in.

The images are simple and the layout is kept basic / formal with the images in boxes and splashes.

11-14 is target audience

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Q magazine

Drop caps- convention of double page spread

Two columns

Red l for lady gaga name, connotation of supernatural as lady gaga has interests in these kinds of theme

Red, black, white colours used- creates mood of page- rock, dark and evil, connotates with songs lady gaga sings – e.g. beautiful monster, he ate my heart

Small title

Facial expression connotates mood of double page spread and what kind of artist she is – dark, unusual

San serif

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The sun

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It also uses a large title to draw attention from the viewer, making it instantly recognizable

the rule of thirds using the main image in the center drawing the most attention.

The text and information is kept at the bottom of the page following a fairly conventional layout for a double page spread

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The Independent