Ancient World Newspaper

The Ancient World December 11th, 2015 Underwater city found! Read page 15. Cltural suplements. Page 5. Explorers visit the ancient civilizations and discover how they lived and what were the resources advantage for their development. Ancient gastronomy Page 8. Be the first to know about your ancestors and know their technologies, experiments and discoveries, both the tools they used in their everyday life for survival, either to hunt, to farm or build homes and monuments. 1 1

Transcript of Ancient World Newspaper

Page 1: Ancient World Newspaper

The Ancient World

December 11th, 2015

Underwater city found! Read page 15.

Cltural suplements. Page 5.

Explorers visit the ancient civilizations and discover how they lived and what were the resources advantage for their development.

Ancient gastronomy Page 8.

Be the first to know about your ancestors and know their technologies, experiments and discoveries, both the tools they used in their everyday life for survival, either to hunt, to farm or build homes and monuments.



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Cultural Influence Zones

December 11th, 2015

The geographical location was very important to ancient civilizations, since it depended on their quality of life, because if the natural resources that were around were favorable could have better resources to develop better as a civilization, but those who did not have these, had to adapt to opportunities they had.

Greece developed along the coasts and islands of the Mediterranean Sea

The Egyptian zone was developed in the valley of the Nile River in northeastern Africa.

Mesopotamia means "land between two rivers", is located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern-day Iraq.

China developed around the Hoang-Ho and Yang-Tse-Kiang rivers in the current country of China in Asia.

India developed northwest of India today, near the Nile River.

Rome is located on the peninsula of Italy, near the Tiber river.


Ancient World

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Natural RegionsNatural regions are what distinguish the vegetation, fauna and climate of each region.

Mesopotamia encompasses the jungle, desert and steppe and meadow. Their climates were dry steppe, tropical with rainfall throughout the year and dry desert.

Egypt cover only desert and its climate is dry desert, because it was on the equator.

China was in an area of jungle, forest and tundra. The climate was tropical and temperate with rainfall throughout the year and was otherwise polar tundra.

December 11th, 2015


Ancient World

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India occupied desert and jungle. Its climate is tropical with monsoon rains and dry desert.

Greece was in a Mediterranean region and jungle. The climate was temperate with winter rains.

Rome covered the Mediterranean region. Its climate is temperate with winter rainfall and mild with rain all year.

December 11th, 2015


Ancient World

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Cultural Suplement

Ancient civilizations left us a rich cultural heritage, thanks to them we have a better lifestyle.

Mesopotamia began with the principles of wheeled transport, which used to travel to distant lands and exchange goods with other territories. It is plowing, who used to make the process of planting much easier was also created. Astronomy and the horoscope, who used to know the movement of the stars and astrology were the sciences they found.

Thanks to the invention of makeup from the Egyptians, women can make us beautiful and funny clowns, they also created the mint paste, which is necessary for the care of our teeth. Timing is critical so we could organize our activities, so they invented the clock, which allows us to take it.

December 11th, 2015

Mesopotamia Horoscope

Egyptian makeup5

Ancient World

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China inherited us the compass, which we use to locate the paper, which serves to write and draw, gunpowder, used for artificial arms and fires the truck to carry heavy things, and seeders to facilitate planting crops.

India inherited us the Arabic numerals (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.9), the rule that allows us to measure distances in centimeters, buttons, which we used to fasten our garment of clothing, shampoo, we used to swim to wash your hair, silk, used to make cloth, the public baths and drainage.

December 11th, 2015




Seeding machine


Ancient World

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Greece invented the odometer, a device that measures the distance traveled by a vehicle, the water mill, which used to grind grain, alarm clock, the concept democracy (demo kratos, in Latin), meaning "government the people ", and philosophy, the ancient Greeks developed as a discipline that dealt with how to understand the world around them.

Rome gave us the paper, allowing us to learn about news, roads, which were wanting to move to conquer territories, aqueducts, that transferred the water to cities, language because Latin is the Spanish base, and the right, which many laws governing social life are derived.

December 11th, 2015




Ancient World

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GastronomyFoods that distinguish the different ancient civilizations.Mesopotamia, one of the oldest civilizations, began with the cultivation of food and animal care.

China, however, offers us its fish, and sauces and soups that are used with it for flavor. It also produces rice, which is their main food.

Greece produces grapes, and they can make wine. The Greek people get their main food of the sea. In the field the birds are raised for consumption of poultry, pork, goat or lamb. Most of the population in the Greek civilization feeds mainly on bread.

Come to Egypt and enjoy the dried fish and bread, along with the wonderful view that gives us the Nile!

December 11th, 2015

In India, for example, you can try our fruits and vegetables as well as animal care for ourselves.

Greek diet


Ancient World

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December 11th, 2015Ancient World


Different forms of government that were ancient civilizations.

Rome had 3 periods: Monarchy, Republic and Empire. The Monarchy began the year 753 B.C. and he ended in 509 BCE, ruled by a king who made all the decisions. The Republic began in 509 B.C. and finished in 27 BC, it was a Senate of 300 members. The Empire was the last period, he covered the year 27 BC to 476 AD, it was the first emperor Caesar Augustus.

China was an Empire, the reason is because they conquered many places and because they also expanded their culture.

Yong Zheng Emperor

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Mesopotamia was a theocratic monarchy, "theo" means God and "cratic" government.

Egypt had a government of Republic, and theocratic monarchy. It consists of a pharaoh who ruled the people and also believed the gods gave them power ..

India is a federal republic with a president elected for five years by the state and national parliament ampleas Indio.

In the town of Athens, located in Greece, it began a system of government called democracy, people she could comment on the form of government.

Ancient World December 11th, 2015


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EconomyDecember 11th, 2015

The economic activitities were fundamental for the development of the ancient civilizations.

Mesopotamia practiced agriculture, which was the main activity, cattle raising and trading. They especially traded sheep and wheat.

Each year the Nile river flooded the earth, so it made it richer. That made Egypt practice agriculture. They also took care of pigs, cows, and goats, who provided products like meat, cheese and milk.


Ancient World

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China practiced agriculture, they especially cultivated tea, they also traded.

Interesting fact!

Did you know that the Chinese people were the first ones to create and use bills?

India practiced agriculture and cattle raising.

Greece practiced agriculture, they cultivated grapes and olives. They also took care of animals.


Ancient World December 11th, 2015

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In India, come to see the beautiful festival of Dasehra and meet the big and colorful elephants.


Come to Greece to meet the finalists of the Olympic Games, that were made to honor their gods.


Ancient World December 11th, 2015


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Enjoy the great fights of the gladiators in the roman Coliseum, to see who is getting the freedom from the slavery.

In China there is a festival called “The Light Festival” with many fireworks to illuminate the sky.

In China the fights were an entertainment sport and very important in the Imperial China. Nowadays it’s still an attraction in festivals and fairs.

Ancient World December 11th, 2015


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Historic discovery

Two Egyptian cities suddenly sunk under the waves of the Mediterranean Sea 1,200 years ago. The cities of Thonis-Heracleion and Canopus were important ports near the Nile delta and they were destroyed suddenly in the 8th century. Archeologists believe that an earthquake made liquid the clay above which the two cities were built.

Ancient World December 11th, 2015


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1. In this civilization there are varieties of wines and olive oils.2. Name of the numbers we use today.3. meant for the Greeks "people's government".4. It was fundamental to the development of ancient civilizations activity.5. Name the longest river in all ancient civilizations.6. Near the sea developed Greece, coasts and islands near the area.7. This invention helped develop astronomy.8. A device that measures the distance traveled by a vehicle

Ancient World December 11th, 2015