Ancient Egypt Pre History

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    as there is little left to see; in 1ell Amarna the tomb car+ings are in an ad+anced state of decay; in El

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    1hree @emale Musicians from the 1omb of Na*ht $ 0222 ynastyC)D( B! %o& much longer &ill they remain Blac*4

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    Example of the White mans handi&or*

    No!" !#" Libyan an$ A%ia!i& ar" $"pi&!"$ a% '#i!"(

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    1he A!1>AL tomb painting3



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    !ompare the racist nonsense of %einrich +on Minutoli, &ith this Cth dynasty relief that theE.P12AN" made Note the libyans %ead$feathers on the left


    C: -ameses 22 &as a !aucasian &ith -ed %air/

    1his is one of the sillier lies/ At the time of his death, -ameses 22 &as approximately =D years old 1he only hair color people=D years old ha+e is W%21E33 As documented at the time of his F"upposedF Mummies un&rapping, and by subse?uent studies$ his hair &as &hite and colored &ith %enna

    G: Many Egyptian Pharaohs &ere !aucasian/ as proof of that, pictures of Mummies li*e the one belo& 9left: are bandiedabout

    Alexander entered Egypt in late October ''G B! And from then until H)( A, &hen the 2slamist too* o+er, Egypt had beenruled by White ree*s and -omans, &ho assumed all the paraphernalia and customs of an Egyptian Pharaoh $ including



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    "tatues and Mummification $ for =IG years 1hat ma*es for =IG years of White statues and Mummies $ &hich is ample supplyfor the 1ur*s of Egypt, and the Europeans, to s&ap and mix and misidentify, to their hearts content !onsidering the trac*record of the 1ur*s of Egypt, and the Europeans &ho control Egyptian artifacts $ the surprise is that they allo& AN. realartifacts of Blac* Egyptians to see the light of day

    ree* Mummy and "tatues

    And &ho hasnJt seen this ree* Pharaoh or thisree* Priest/ passed$off as Egyptians4


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    As a helpful hint for those loo*ing for &ays to ascertain the truthfulness of Mummy claims; it should be remembered that theancient Egyptians $ Men and Women $ sha+ed their heads and &ore &igs, for comfort and cleanliness in the hot climate 1heonly exception &as -oyal Princes, &ho &ere allo&ed to ha+e a Fside loc*F of hair 1he &igs that they &ore could be made

    from any number of materials, including human hair


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    -egarding the reference to -ameses 22 abo+e/ 1he &ords Fat the time of his F"upposedF Mummies un&rappingF &erepurposefully used Because as stated abo+e, it &as the custom of ALL Egyptians to sha+e their heads $ yet his F"upposedFMummy has hair And though there is no e+idence that it is really his mummy, and as &e *no&, the people in+ol+ed are*no&n to lie about such things 1he benefit of the doubt is here gi+en, because at the time of his death, -ameses 22 &as a+ery old man; arthritic and in +ery poor condition 1herefore it is possible that he &ould ha+e been unable to suffer ha+ing hishead sha+ed, and opted for hair coloring instead $ if itJs his Mummy

    2t is also surprising that ALL White scientists donJt seem to *no& of the "henanigans of the curators of EgyptJsartifacts Note aston MasperoJs reported surprise at the -EAL appearance of 1hutmose 222, at the time of his

    Mummies un&rapping/


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    Additionally/ 1he reason the &orld is so fascinated by the genetics of

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    Which is the -EAL

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    22 reat, but &e are left to &onder ho& -ameses 22 managed to get his hands onall of those statues, e+en those made after he &as dead; and &hat about "umerianstatues4 "eeing as ho& the same thing &as done to them too, truly ama6ing

    Putting aside that nonsense from the British Museum, let us loo* at some examplesof defacement of Blac* artifacts by White people One of the best examples is of the&ife of the aforementioned Pharaoh Amenhotep 222, ueen 1iy 1he Egyptians oftenused FfaienceF a finely gla6ed ceramic material, to ma*e small statues and #e&elryBeing a brittle material, faience &ould brea* if it &as filed do&n, and it &ould beimpossible to patch it to ma*e it loo* natural after modification 1hus ueen 1iyJssmall faience statue belo& has her natural nose $ compare that to her bust


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    Perhaps the most blatant3


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    1he case of %emiunu

    %emiunu &as a son of prince Nefermaat,son of

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    1his is %emiunuJs randfather,

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    %emiunu today


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    2n one of the most blatant

    examples of racist White hubris/White people had theunmitigated gall to put the faceof a White man, on a Blac* mansbody3

    "urely &hen pressed on this matter, &hites &ill say;&ell it &as accidental But they had access to these+ery same statues, and many more 1here &ere ampleexamples of %emiunuJs familyJs appearance andfeatures

    1his is #ust another episode, in the White mans ongoingprogram to &rite Blac*s out$of$history, and replacethem &ith Whites

    1his because &hile Blac*s &ere MA

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    1he @orgeries and @a*es


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    2n the case of the t&o statues abo+e/ the stupidity of the forgers is sublime A complete

    list of the errors &ould ta*e the &hole page, but here are #ust a fe& 1he Egyptians &erefastidious about remo+ing facial and head hair $ thatJs &hy they &ore &igs A -oyal Prince&ith a full head of hair and a mustache &ould ha+e been unthin*able Plus, !aucasians didnot reach the middle east until &ell after C,G(( B! $ -a$%otep is completely out of the?uestion ueen 1etisheri $ it is hard to tell &ith the nose, but the style and loo* is all&rong for an Egyptian statue


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    1he 1ur*s of North Africa and the Middle East/ together &ith Europeans, both in Europe, and around the World; ha+e done

    horrible, destructi+e, disrespectful things to Man*indJs precious inheritance $ the Artifacts of the Ancient Blac*s 1hey playedno meaningful part in Man*indJs formati+e years, and those in+ol+ed *no& it But resentful pi?ue, together &ith false pride,compels them to try and force a false place for themsel+es in Man*indJs history, &hen there really is none And sadly, itseems lost on them, that all they ha+e really accomplished, is to guarantee that those that proceed them, &ill do the same tothem

    No& bac* to %istory/

    Many no& belie+e that ci+ili6ation may ha+e had itJs beginnings in "outh Africa !lic* here for a page on recent finds in "outhAfrica

    1he next fe& pages, though spea*ing specifically of Egypt, are typical of ancient man All dates presented in pre$historic andearly historic times of Egypt and the other ci+ili6ations, are largely guesses 1he methods most often used to date artifactsand remains, namely carbon$C) and potassium$argon decay, are not +ery useful in calculating dates in the Lo&er and earlyMiddle Paleolithic eras 9stone ages:, and other methods for later times, are no better As an example/ many date the "phinxof Egypt to be more than CG,((( years old, but it is con+entionally dated at ),D(( years old, ?uite a difference "o please ta*ethe dates gi+en as a guesstimate $ a con+enient point of reference, nothing more

    1he beginnings of ci+ili6ation

    2n Egypt, sometime around )(,((( to CD,((( years ago, the rains started to diminish, and the "ahara, &hich had been afertile land, started to dry up, and &as becoming a desert @leeing the ad+ancing desert, many of the people that &ere li+ingin the area started to migrated closer to the only dependable source of fresh &ater $ the Nile -i+er O+er the follo&ingthousands of years, the "ahara became a total desert, completely incapable of supporting human life except for the OasisJ Bythen, the people of the area had already mo+ed to the Nile -i+er 0alley And it is here in the Nile 0alley, &here as these early


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    %erodotus 9)( B!:

    ree* author of the great narrati+e history, the History of the reco$Persian Wars %o&e+er, one &ould be better off thin*ingof %erodotus as a storyteller rather than as a historian, his accounts are often fanciful

    Please +isit the FAdditional Material AreaF for many more photographs ofeach ci+ili6ation, and related material R!lic*S

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