Ancient Civilizations of the Western Hemisphere

Ancient Civilizations of the Western Hemisphere Maya, Aztec, & Inca


Ancient Civilizations of the Western Hemisphere. Maya, Aztec, & Inca. Maya - Location. southern Mexico into northern Central America called the Yucatan Peninsula. Maya - Climate. dense, steamy rain forests. Maya – Time Period. 250 - 900 C.E. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Ancient Civilizations of the Western Hemisphere

Ancient Civilizations of the Western Hemisphere

Ancient Civilizations of the Western HemisphereMaya, Aztec, & Inca

Maya - Locationsouthern Mexico into northern Central America called the Yucatan PeninsulaMaya - Climatedense, steamy rain forests

Maya Time Period250 - 900 C.E. Mayan people live past 900 BUT the civilization disappears

Maya Governmentindependent city-states ruled by kings seen as god-king, established dynastiesMaya Key CityChichen ItzaBall Game:llamaliztli

Maya EconomyAgriculture maize, beans, squashTrade salt, flint, feathers, shells, honey, cacao, jade ornaments, textiles

Maya ReligionPolytheistic many godsPyramids dedicated to gods and famous rulersWorship included material offerings, bloodletting, human sacrifice Calendar 400 days, 20 months, 20 days each month365 day solar calendar, different gods ruled different daysMathematics and astronomy concept of zero, calendar planning

Maya Writing800 glyphs (symbols), on bark-paper called codex

Maya DeclineMayan cities were deserted and records stopped being keptPossible Reasons:war and conflict between city statesoveruse of landfamineenvironmental changeAztec - LocationCentral Mexico Valley of Mexico, Modern day Mexico City

Aztec - ClimateHot, large shallow lakes, good resources, fertile soil

Aztec Time Period1200 1521 C.E.

Aztec GovernmentTriple Alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan38 provincesEmperor with absolute powerloose control over empire with exceptionof tribute paymentsAztec Key CityTenochtitlan = capital

Aztec EconomyAgriculture maize, cacao beans, cottonTrading Network with Tenochtitlan as ultimate marketplace

Aztec ReligionPolytheisticBuilt temples and pyramids2 calendars Human sacrifices to sun godWho did they sacrifice???

Aztec WritingNo real mention writing system of pictures derived from earlier MesoAmerican culturesAztec DeclineMontezuma II reign rebelling tribesSpanish Cortez conquered Aztecs in 1521

Inca LocationAndes Mountains of South America Southern Peru

Inca ClimateMountainous

Inca Time Period1400- 1532 A.D.Inca GovernmentBelieved that ruler was a descendent from the Sun godNobility ruling families Bureaucracy used small groups to work for the common goodBuilt extensive road system to connect empire

Inca Key CityCuzco = capitalMachu Picchu mysterious religious center or royal resort

Inca EconomyRun by the state regulated production of goodsAgriculture on terraced hillsides maize and quinoa (grain)

Inca ReligionPolytheistic natural spirits of moons, stars, sun, thunder, etc. 2 CalendarsSacrifices

Partner Discussion QuestionWhat might this be used for???

Inca WritingNone, but had string/knot math/accounting system called quipu

Inca DeclineCivil War between two sons of a king and Pizarro