Anatomy of Event Name Badges

Anatomy of Event Name Badges

Transcript of Anatomy of Event Name Badges

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Anatomy of Event Name Badges

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In order to make an event successful, the organizers carry on many things. They check up on every tiny detail and work accordingly to make the event flawless. Name badges are one of the important elements of events. Separate name tags are given to guests, participants, organizers, special guest, etc. Here we discuss some details about name badges or tags used for events.

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What kind of name badge used depends on the event. If its, an informal event, then probably "Hello, my name is" sticker badges will be used. For any other occasion, these sticker badges say “tacky, unprofessional.” For formal events the badge should appear professional, whether they’re humble common laser or inkjet printed cards in plastic pouches, laminated badges, or fancy badges with magnetic stripes or RFID.

Kind of name badge.

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The size of the badge depends on how much information you’re putting on the badge. The bigger the badge the bigger the type can be, and bigger badges are less liable to flip around as attendees move about. The only negative of big badges is that they are a little bit costly.

Size of name badge.

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Primary importance should be given to the name. It should be huge and readable from a distance. The name of the company or organization you represent. Holograms if you really need them for security purposes. A logo or event name. Badge wearer’s role at the event.

What goes on the badge?

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The font size of the badge should be large enough so that you can read someone’s name at least ten feet away. Make the first name the largest, the last name a bit smaller. If the badge is small, don’t reduce the font size for everyone to fit a few long names; instead print those badges separately using an appropriately smaller font.

Layout and design.

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There are different types of ways in which the name badge can be designed for attaching to the cloth. Some are Pin Badges, Sticker Badges, Clip Badges, Lanyard Badges, Magnetic Badges, etc.

Method of attachment.

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If you are not planning to print the program schedules on the back of your badge, consider duplicating the front there. Then it won’t matter which side shows.

One side or two sided badges.

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Presently people are educated about the benefit of reusable things. A lot of resources can be saved by this. There are badges these days that are promoted as recyclable; the plastic pouches are biodegradable.

Consider recyclable badges.

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Name Badges International is a perfect choice for gorgeous, quality name badges. A wide variety of options are available for you to choose from. They have experience in supplying name badges in the fields of hospitality, retail, personal and professional services, public bodies, airlines, the financial sector, travel, in fact just about any employee or customer interface.