Anatomical Terminology

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Belgorod State National Research University” Department of French language S.A.Androsova, Y. G. Sinelnikov LATIN IN ANATOMICAL TERMINOLOGY for English-speaking medical students 1


Latin Terminology of anatomical terms

Transcript of Anatomical Terminology

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Belgorod State National Research University

Department of French language

S.A.Androsova, Y. G. SinelnikovLATIN


for English-speaking medical students

Belgorod 2013


81.46173+5 66

Approved for publication by the decision of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the faculty of Roman and German philologyof NRU Belgorod State UniversityAuthors:Androsova S.A., Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of French Language, Belgorod State National Research University;

Sinelnikov Y.G., Ph.D. in Philology, Head of the Department of French Language, Professor, Belgorod State National Research UniversityReaders:

Chekulay I.V., Doctor of Philology, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Interculturalcommunication, Professor, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture;Sinelnikova I.I.,Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor of theDepartment of French Language, Belgorod State National Research University.

66Androsova S.A.

Latin in Anatomical Terminology. For English-speaking medical students /S.A. Androsova, Y.G. Sinelnikov. Belgorod:PH Belgorod NRU Belgorod State University, 2013. 88 p.

ISBN 978-5-9571-0796-5This manual is a guide in the Latin language in Anatomical Terminology for foreign students of the medical department. The aim of the book is the study of the International Anatomo-Histological Nomenclature on the basis of the Latin grammar.



Androsova S.A.,SinelnikovY.G.,2013ISBN978-5-9571-0796-5 Belgorod State National Research University, 2013

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ISBN 978-5-9571-0796-5

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ContentsPREFACE ..6



Noun and its grammatical categories Structure of anatomical terms (consisting of nouns)..17











PrefaceInvia est in medicina via sine lingua Latina. There is no way into medicine without the Latin language.Textbook Latin in Anatomical Terminology introduces students to the Latin and Greek medical terms that are commonly used in Anatomy and Histology.The main purpose of the study of Latin terminology at medical faculties is primarily to provide students andfuture clinicians with a functional instruction onprecise and linguistically correct usage of the terminological apparatus.Anatomical terminology is the foundation of medical terminology and Latin is the international anatomical language, an international language of physicians. The international version of anatomical nomenclature remains Latin in the full extent.No less than 75 % of the vocabulary of anatomy is derived from Greek and Latin words. All of the anatomical nomenclatures produced so far have used Latin as their base. Only Latin is the international basis for creating equivalent terms in other languages.The revision of modern anatomical terminology was initiated in 1887.The first official Latin anatomical nomenclature was introduced at a congress of the Anatomische Gesellschaft in Basle in 1895. The last edition, called Terminologia Anatomica, was introduced by the International Anatomical Nomenclature Committee, accepted by the International Federation of Association of Anatomists(IFAA)and published in 1998. Latin as a dead language does not develop and does not belong to any country or nation. It has a number of advantages that classical languages offer, its constancy, international character and neutrality.

The aim of the manual is to achieve an active command of basic grammatical phenomena and rules with a special stress on the system of the Latin language and on the specific character of anatomo-histological terminology, and that to the extent that enables an active use of Latin and Greek anatomical terms and promote further own work with them. While working with this manual medical students learn how toread and stress Latin words and word combinations, they become familiar with structure of anatomical terms, learn grammatical categories of Latin nouns and adjectives, learn how to determine the stem, the gender and the declension of nouns and adjectives, learn how to make grammatical agreement of adjectives with nouns, they become familiar with the structure of muscle names, with the role of prefixion in the formation of anatomical and histological terms and learn the principal Latin and Greek prefixes used in the anatomical terminology,learn how to form the Nominative and Genitive plural forms of nouns and adjectives in the anatomical terminology.All grammar rules given in the textbook are for the anatomical terminology only.A great deal of training exercices helps to form firm skills and habits in analysis, interpretation and construction of anatomical terms.The book is intended for foreign students of the medical department studying their profession in English.


The Latin alphabet contains 25 letters: six vowels and nineteen consonants.LetterNamePronunciationExamples



Cctse[ts]before e , i, y, ae, oe[k] in other positionscervix, cystis, caecum

caput, costa, crista





Hhhaintermediate between

[h] and [g]homo, hiatus

Iii[i]inferior, internus

Jjyot[j]jugularis, major


Llel[l] very softlylabium, pelvinus





Qqkuis always used in the combination with letter uand is pronounced like [kw]squama, quadratus


Sses[z] between two vowels or between a vowel and the voiced consonant m, n, r , l[s] in other positions

pulposus, transitorius, extensio

musculus, capsula, os sacrum






(is used only in the words of the Greek origin)ypsilon, igrek[i]tympanum

Zzzeta[z] in the words of the Greek origin

[ts] in the words borrowed from modern languageszygoma

Zincum (German), influenza (Spanish)

There are two diphthongs in the Latin language. Diphthong is a combination of two vowels pronounced like two vowel sounds and making together one syllable.

au [au]: auris

eu [eu]: pleura

There are two digraphs in the Latin language. Digraph is a group of two letters representing one sound.

ae[e]:vertebrae, peritonaeum


Two dots placed over the letter eindicate that ae or oe are not digraphs, their letters denote different sounds and they are read separately: ar, diplo.

There is a particular pronunciation of some letter combinations:

ngu[ngv] before vowels: lingua, sanguis

[ngu] before consonants: angulus, lingula

ti[tsi] before vowels: spatium, articulatio, eminentia

[ti] before consonants and after s, t, x: tibia, ostium

su[sv] before vowels a, e: suavis

[su] in different syllables: sulcus




th[h]: nucha[f]: xiphoideus, raphe

[r]: rhexis

[t]: thorax

EXERCIsES 1. Read the following words paying special attention to the vowels:Ala, mnor, artria, lmina, abdmen, fvea, fbula, fmur, lnea spera, plma, infundbulum, rgio, infrior, antrior, membrna, manbrium strni, vna, hmerus, gingva, lna, vula, hpar, hypoglssus, hypogstrium, hypothlamus.2. Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation of diphthongs and digraphs:

- uris, plura,auriculris,pseudomembrna,aurcula,neurocrnium, caudlis,- cstae, incisrae, lae scri coelacae,oedma, lneae transvrsae,cacus, oesphagus,crpus vescae flleae,rgio glutaa, peronaus,- ar,uropoticus, dplo, haematopoticus.

3. Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation of the letter c:

- medicna, crebrum, cylndricus, cacus, scer, fcies, crvix,cciput, vscera, - corna, actus, dctus,crnium,crsta, csta,cput,crpus, colmna, cvum, cllum,canlis, slcus, rcus, crnu,

- crnu coccygum,fscia cerviclis, dctus hepticus commnis, fascculus cunetus.4. Read the following words paying attention to the lettersi and j:- intestnum, pries infrior, ilacus,

- junctra, jgum, jugulris, jejnum, conjunctva,

- canlis palatnus mjor, fssa infratemporlis, tubrculum mjus.5. Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation of the letter s:- brsa, cpsula, os, msculus, dscus, strnum, spna, lbus, ltus, ngulus, accessrius, imprssio, snus, sigmodeus, segmntum,fissra,- adipsus, fibrsus, compsitus, pulpsus, tubersitas, nsus, squamsus, mesentrium,mesogstrium, mucsus, nasolacrimlis,bsis,extnsio, transitrius, transvrsus, plsma, organsmus, chisma,platsma,- bsis ssis scri, procssus suprior, os scrum, fssa incisva, sptum nsi, canlis hypoglosslis, dens incisvus,procssus stylodeus,pars petrsa, slcus snus transvrsi.6. Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation of the letters x and z :- mximus, flxio, pex, rdix, dxter,smplex, pllex, txtus, - zygma, Zncum, zna, horizontlis, zygomticus.

7.Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation of different letter combinations:- nguis, inguinlis, snguis,lingulris,lngua,lngula, ngulus, triangulris,- tbia, tstis, stium, ctis, carticus, acsticus, hepticus, articultio, substntia, sptium, eminntia, protuberntia, addctio, abdctio, - ncha, chle, chrda, brchium, cncha, trochnter, trochleris, brnchus, arachnodea, ischidicus, - phrynx, xiphodeus, phlanx, diaphrgma, apphysis, encphalon, sphncter, lmpha, hemisphrium, phrnicus, - rhphe, rhinlis,

- nthropos,thyreodeus, thrax, thmus, thlamus, ethmoidlis, urthra,- qua, squamsus, qudriceps,quadrtus, aquaedctus, inaequlis,- squma occipitlis,lmina quadrigmina, distntia trochantrica,dctus choldochus, vrtebra qunta, lnea oblqua, os trquetrum, sptia intercostlia, ngulus mandbulae.8. Read correctly:

Lnea nchae suprior, tubrculum pharyngum, os sphenoidle, fssa hypophysilis, labyrnthus ethmoidlis, kyphsis, hemisphrium, sectines hypothlami, os scaphodeum, phalnges, smphysis, sthmus, trncus brachicephlicus, artria ophthlmica, vna saphna, ndus lymphticus, dctus thorcicus, spinothalmicus, pars sympthica, cvum subarachnoidle, os schii, incisra ischidica mjor, aquaedctus mesencphali, formina nutrcia, substntia spongisa, articultio hmeri, artria stylomastodea, nulus inguinlis superficilis.WORD STRESS IN LATIN

One of the syllables in a Latin word is always more accentuated than the others. We say that the syllable is stressed. To determine which syllable is stressed the word should be divided into syllables. Every Latin word has as many syllables as it has vowels or diphthongs. In Latin syllables are counted from the end of a word.

Examples:glandula(gland) glan-du-la


articulatio (joint) ar-ti-cu-la-ti-o


The main rules for the position of an accent in Latin1. The final syllable of a word is not stressed.2. In disyllabic words (consisting of two syllables) the second syllable (from the end) is always stressed.Examples: cput, dxter, ndus.3. In polysyllabic words (consisting of more than two syllables) the second or the third syllable from the end of the word is stressed.To stress correctly a polysyllabicLatin word you should:

1) divide a word into its syllables,

2) find the next to last syllable,

3) determine whether the next to last syllable is stressed or not. If the next to last syllable is not stressed, the accent is shifted to the third syllable from the end of the word.

The basic rules when the next to last syllable is stressed/not stressed: Next to last syllable is stressed:

1)if it contains a diphthong such as ae,oe:peritonaum, peronaus; 2) if a vowel of this syllable is followed by two or more consonants or letters x, z: ligamntum, complxus;

3) if it contains such suffixes as-al-, -ar-, -at-, -in-, -ur-, -os-, -iv-: medilis, fibrsus.

Next to last syllable is not stressed:

1)if its vowel is followed by another vowel: artria, antrior;

2) if its vowel is followed by such letter combinations as br, pl, tr: vrtebra, trquetrus;

3) if its vowel is followed by diagraphs ch, ph, th, rh: choldochus;4) if it contains such suffixes as-ic-, -it-, -ol-, -ul-, -cul-: lngula, plvicus.If the word cant be read according to any stress rule you should consult a dictionary.Stressed syllables are graphically signed by a stroke ():pylrus pylrus.Unstressed syllables are indicated by acircumflex () on the vowel: skelton skleton.ExerciseStress the following words observing the rules of Latin word-stressing and explain them:

- bursa, cavum,bulbus,cauda,collum,cornu,ramus,costa, apex, arcus,minor, manus, vomer, sternum, sella, larynx,-columna, processus, cerebrum,palpebra, profundus, transversus, internus,linea,tibia, sinister,facies,anatomia,externus, maxilla,substantia, eminentia,ligamentum, vertebra,apertura, anulus, angulus, foveola, incisura, thoracicus, tuberculum, spinosus, opticus, articularis, ventriculus, cervicalis, fissura, vertebralis, lateralis, lumbalis, fossula, glandula, scapula, clavicula, gastricus, maxillaris, squamosus, venosus, incisivus, junctura,basilaris, mandibula, musculus, pelvinus, epigastrium, quadruplex, digitatus, cribrosus, clavicularis, mentalis, pubicus, glomerulus,

- coccygus,alae vomris, duodnum, sacrococcygus, tracha, orgnon, pylrus, orbta oculi, peritonum, carpus, os coccgis, nervus trigemnus, metathalmus, minmus, lamna, formen, tuberostas pterygoidea, extremtas,

- cavtas orispropria,costa fluctuans, vertebra thoracica, columna vertebralis, processus articularis superior, tuberculum anterius, facies articularis anterior, sulcus arteriae vertebralis, cartilgo thyroidea,nucleus pulposus, anulus fibrosus, ligamentum longitutinale anterius, juncturae columnae vertebralis et cranii, articulatio atlantooccipitalis, canalis vertebralis, sulcus costovertebralis minor, incisurae costales, ligamentum captis costae, spatia intercostalia, apertura thorcis superior, angulus infrasternalis, fissura sterni, medulla ossium, arcus vertebrae, membrum inferius, processus transversus, substantia compacta, palpebra superior, corpus maxillae, facies poplitea, atrium meatus medii,ductus choledochus, vesca urinaria,hiatus sacralis, incisura supraorbitalis, fossa pterygopalatina, vagina processus styloidei,processus zygomaticus, hamulus pterygoideus, sulcus pulmonalis, formen spinosum, fossa glandulae lacrimalis, palatum osseum,pars squamosa, nodi pancreatici, foveolae granulares, incisura vertebralis, bifurcatio trachae, articulatio captis costae.

Noun and its grammatical categoriesThe grammatical categories of a noun are as follows:

1.Gender (masculine (masculinum m), feminine (femininum f) and neuter (neutrum n)). The gender is determined by the ending of Nominative singular (see Table 1). Thus, nouns ending in -aand-esare feminine: scapula (shoulder blade), nouns ending in -usand -erare masculine: musculus (muscle), nouns ending in -um, -uand -onare neuter: cranium (skull), etc.

2. Number (singular (singularis) and plural (pluralis)).In Latin the ending of the plural varies according to the gender and declension.3. Case (there are six cases in Latin, but only two cases are used in the Anatomo-Histological Terminology: Nominative (Nominativus Nom.) and Genitive (Genetivus Gen.)).

* * *

You should learn Latin nouns in their Dictionary Form. The dictionary form of a noun consists of three components: 1) the full form of Nominative singular;

2) the Genitive singular ending;

3) the designation of gender (with the letters m, f, n).

For example, the dictionary form of the noun rib is costa, ae f. It means that in Nom. case rib is costa, in Gen. case costae, and that this noun is of feminine gender. If the noun consists of only one syllable, in its dictionary form the full Genitive form is used. E.g.: os, ossis n (bone).To make a Genitive form from the Nominative form you should determine the stem of the noun. To determine the stem you should detach the ending from the noun (Nom. ending and Gen. ending). E.g.:crista, ae f crist- (the stem) cristae (Gen.); collum, i n coll- (the stem) colli (Gen.); vomer, ris m vomr- (the stem) vomris (Gen.); caput, tis n capt- (the stem) captis (Gen.); facies, i f faci- (the stem) facii (Gen.). * * *

4. Declension (there are five declensions in Latin).The declension is determined by the Genitive singular endings (see Table 1).

Table 1. The endings of Nominative and Genitive singular nouns

of all declensions.



Nominative singular

endings aus






First declension. The nouns of feminine which end in -a are ascribed to the first declension. The Genitive form of the first declension nouns ends in -ae. E.g.: vertebra, ae f vertebra; fossa, ae f shallow depression, cavity.

Second declension.To the second declension are referred masculines which end in -us and -er, and neuters which end in -um, -on. In the anatomical terminology there are no nouns of the 2nd declension which end in -er. The Genitive form of the second declension nouns ends in -i. E.g.: nasus, i m nose; ligamentum, i n ligament.Third declension.The third declension includes nouns of all the three genders which have different endings in Nominative singular and -is in Genitive singular.E.g.: pollex, cis m thumb; regio, nis f region; os, ossis n bone.

Fourth declension.The fourth declension includes masculines which end in -us, and the neuters which end with -u. The Genitive singular form of these nouns ends in -us. E.g.: plexus, us m network; genu, us n knee.

Fifth declension. The fifth declension includes nouns of feminine which end in -es in Nominative singular and in -ei in Genitive singular. E.g.: facies, ei f surface, face.LIST OF NOUNS USED IN THE ANATOMICAL TERMINOLOGY


1st declension

ala, ae fwing

ampulla, ae fampule, ampoule

aorta, ae fmain artery of body

apertura, ae faperture, opening

arachnoidea, ae farachnoid membrane

arteria, ae fartery

bucca, ae fcheek

bursa, ae fpouch, sac, bag

capsula, ae fcapsule, membrane or saclike structure

chorda, ae fcord

clavicula, ae f clavicle, collar-bone

cochlea, ae fcochlea

columna, ae fcolumn, pillar

commissura, ae fcommissure, connection

concha, ae fconcha, shell, turbinated bone

conjunctiva, ae f

(tunica conjunctiva)conjunctive tunic

cornea, ae fcornea, tough transparent part of the eyeball, covering the pupil and iris

costa, ae frib

crista, ae fcrest, ridge

eminentia, ae feminence

fascia, ae ffascia, band, fillet

fibula, ae ffibula, splint-bone, long, thin outer bone from knee to ankle

fissura, ae ffissure, narrow slit

flexura, ae f flexion

fossa, ae fshallow depression or cavity (longitudinal in shape), fossa, trench, ditch

fovea, ae fa cup-shaped depression or small pit

foveola, ae ffoveola

gingiva, ae fgum

glandula, ae fgland

incisura, ae fnotch, incisure, slit

junctura, ae fjunction

lamna, ae fplate

linea, ae fline

lingua, ae f tongue

lingula, ae flingula, small


lympha, ae flymph

mamma, ae fmammary gland

mandibula, ae flower jaw,


massa, ae fmass

maxilla, ae fupper jaw, maxilla

medulla, ae fmedulla, marrow, any soft marrow-like structure

medulla ossiumbone marrow

medulla spinalisspinal cord, spinal marrow

membrna, ae fmembrane, skin or membrane that covers parts of the body; a thin sheet or layer of tissue; the lining of a cavity, septum or partition

mucosa, ae f

(tunica mucosa)mucous tunic or membrane

nucha, ae fnape of neck

orbta, ae feyesocket

palma, ae fpalm

palpebra, ae feyelid

papilla, ae fpapilla

patella, ae f patella, knee cup

pleura, ae fmembrane lining chest and covering lungs

plica, ae f fold, crease

porta, ae f entry

protuberantia, ae fprotuberance

pulpa, ae fpulpa, pulp

retina, ae fretina, nervous

tunic of the eyeball

scapula, ae fshoulder blade, scapula

sella, ae fsaddle

spina, ae fspine, backbone

squama, ae fsquama; scale

substantia, ae fsubstance, material

tibia, ae fshinbone, larger of two bones of leg, tibia

tonsilla, ae ftonsil

trochlea, ae ftrochlea, pulley

tuba, ae ftube

tunica,ae f coat, covering,


ulna, ae fulna; the bone of the elbow, medial bone of forearm

uvula, ae flingula

vagina, ae fsheath, vagina

valva, ae fvalve

valvula, ae fsmall valva; valvule

vena, ae fvein

vena portae portal vein

vertebra, ae fvertebra, each segment of vertebral column

2nd declension

masculine gender

aditus, i menter

alveolus, i malveole

angulus, i mangle

anus, i manus

bulbus, i mbulb; any rounded mass

calcaneus, i mcalcaneus, calcaneum, a large bone forming the heel

canaliculus, i msmall canal

carpus, i mwrist

choledochus, i mcommon bile duct

circulus, i mcircle

digitus, i m finger; toe

gallus, i mcock

gyrus, i mgyrus, convolution

fasciculus, i mfascicle, fasciculus

fonticulus, i mfontanel, fonticulus

fundus, i mbottom

humrus, i m humerus, humeral bone

labyrinthus, i mlabyrinth

lobus, i mlobe

meniscus, i mmeniscus

musculus, i mmuscle

nasus, i mnose

nervus, i mnerve

nodulus, i mnodulus, small


nodus, i mnode

nucleus, i mspheroid body within a cell,


oculus, i meye

oesophgus, i mesophagus

pediculus, i mpedicle, small foot

porus, i mopening, pore

radius, i mthicker and shorter bone of forearm, radius, radial bone

ramus, i mbranch

sulcus, i mfurrow, groove, sulcus

talus, i mankle bone, talus

thalmus, i mthalamus

thymus, i mthymus

truncus, i mtrunk

uterus, i muterus, womb

ventriculus, i mstomach; ventricle (of the heart, brain,etc. )

neuter gender

acetabulum, i nacetabulum, cotyloid (cup-like) cavity, coxal cavity

acromion, i n shoulder appendix, acromial process

amnion, i namnion

antrum, i ncavity

atrium, i nfirst chamber of heart, atrium

brachium, i nupper arm, shoulder

caecum, i ncecum, blind gut

cavum, i ncavity, channel

cerebellum, i ncerebellum

cerebrum, i ncerebrum, larger portion of brain

cingulum, i ngirdle

collum, i nneck, neck-like

portion of organ

colon, i n colon, large intestine

cranium, i nskull

crassum, i n(intestinum crassum)large


dorsum, i nback

duodenum, i n duodenum

enamlum, i nenamelum,


encephlon, i nbrain

frenulum, i nfrenulum, bridle

ganglion, i nnervous node, nervous knot, ganglion

ileum, i niliac intestine

infundibulum, i nfunnel

intestinum, i nintestine

intestinum tenuesmall intestine

ischium, i nseat, ischium

jejunum, i n jejunum, empty


jugum, i neminence

labium, i nlip

ligamentum, i n ligament

manubrium, i nmanubrium

membrum, i nmember, extremity, limb

mesenterium, i nmesentery

mesogastrium, i nmiddle part of abdomen

neurocranium, i nskull

olecrnon, i n tip of elbow, elbow appendix

orgnon, i norgan

ostium, i nmouth, aperture, opening, orifice, entrance

ovarium, i novary

ovum, i novum, egg cell

palatum, i npalate, roof of mouth

periton(a)eum, i nperitoneum

rectum, i nrectum, straight


retinaculum, i nretinaculum, halter, band

septum, i npartition, membrane, dividing wall

skelton, i nskeleton

spatium, i nspace

sternum, i nbreast bone

stratum, i nlayer

supercilium, i neyebrow

tuberculum, i ntubercle; small rounded swelling

tympnum, i ntympanum, drum

vestibulum, i nvestibule, enclosed space like a lobby

3rd declension

masculine gender

apex, icis mapex, top, tip, summit, the extremity ofa conical structure

atlas, antis matlas, the1st cervical vertebra

axis, is maxis, the second cervical vertebra

canalis, is mcanal, some tubular structure

coccyx, gismtailbone, coccyx, coccygeal bone

cortex, icis mcortex, bark

dens, dentis mtooth

fornix, icis march, fornix, arc, vault

hallux, cis mgreat toe

homo, nis mman; a human being

humor, ris mhumor; any clear fluid (one of the elemental body fluids)

index, icis mindex finger, forefinger

larynx, ngis mlarynx, organ of voice production

lien, linis mspleen

margo, nis medge, margin, border

paries, tis mwall

pes, pedis mfoot

pharynx, ngis mpharynx, throat, joint opening of gullet and windpipe

pollex, icis mthumb

pulmo, nis mlung

ren, renis mkidney

sanguis, nismblood

splen,splenis mspleen

stapes, dis mstapes, stirrup (the smallest of the

three auditory ossicles)

tendo, nis msinew, tendon

thorax, cismchest, breastplate, thorax

trochanter, ris mtrochanter

unguis, is mnail

ureter, ris mureter, urinary canal

venter, tris mventer , wide swelling part of a muscle

vertex, icis mvertex, the topmost point (as of the vault of the skull)

vomer, ris mvomer, ploughshare, flat bone, forming nasal septum

feminine gender

appendix, cis fappendage, process, appendix

articulatio, nis fjoint

auris, is fear

basis, is fbase

bifurcatio, nis fbifurcation

bilis, is fbile

calx, calcis fheel, calx

cartilgo, nis fcartilage

carotis, idis f = arteria carotiscarotid artery

cavtas, atis fcavity

cervix, cis fcervix (of the uterus, urinary bladder, tooth),neck

cutis, is fskin

frons, frontis fforehead

gaster, tris fstomach

glandula parotis

(Gen. glandulae parotidis)

Syn. glandula parotidea parotid gland

impressio, onis fimpression, deepening

incus, dis fanvil, incus

iris,idis firis of eye,


lens, lentis flens transparent part of the eye, behind the pupil, through which light is refracted

mater, tris f

medullary tunic, membrane of brain or spinal cord

dura mater = pachymeninx (Gen. durae matris)hard medullary tunic

pia mater= leptomeninx

(Gen. piae matris)soft medullary tunic

meninx,ngis fmedullary tunic

pars, partis fpart

pelvis, is fpelvis, basin

pelvis renalisrenal pelvis

phalanx, ngis fbone in a finger or toe, phalanx

pubes, is fgenitals

pyramis, idis fpyramid

radix, cis froot

raphe, es fraphe

regio, nis fregion

salus, tis fhealth

tuberositas, atis ftuberosity, elevation,esp.from the surface of the bone

neuter gender

abdmen, nis nabdomen, belly

caput, tis nhead

chiasma, tis nchiasm,crossing

cor, cordis nheart

corpus, ris n body

crus, cruris nleg, crus, shank, limb, any structure resembling a leg

diaphragma, tis ndiaphragm, septum between thorax and abdomen

fel, fellis nbile

femur, ris n femur, hip, thigh-bone

formen, nis nopening, foramen, an aperture or perforation

glomus, ris nglome, glomus

hepar, tis nliver

nomen, nis nname

occiput, itis n occiput, the back of the head

os, oris nmouth

os, ossis nbone

pancreas, tis npancreas, salivary gland of the


platysma, tis nsubcutaneous neck muscle

pecten, nis ncomb, crest

pectus, ris nchest,breast, anterior wall of chest or thorax, pectus

rete, is nnetwork

stroma, tis nstroma,the framework (usually of connective


systma, tis nsystem

tegmen, nis nroof

tempus, ris n temple; time

tuber, ris ntuber

vas, vasis nvessel

zygma, tis ncheek-bone

4th declension

aquaeductus, us mwater duct, aqueduct

arcus, us march

audtus, us mhearing, audition, acusis

cornu, us nhorn-shaped process, horn

ductus, us mduct, canal, tubular structure

genu, us n knee

hiatus, us mopening, ostium,


meatus, us m passage, tract,


plexus, us mplexus, brade,

network or interjoining of nerves and blood vessels or of lymphatic vessels

processus, us m process, appendix, projection, outgrowth

recessus, us mrecess, socket, hollow, recessus

sinus, us mhollow, cavity, sinus, channel

textus, us mtissue

tractus, us mtract, path, way, track

5th declension

facies, i fface, surface


1. Define the declension of the nouns and their stems; translate into English:

Ala, ae f; facies, i f; pars, partis f; nervus, i m; plexus, us m; ramus, i m; ligamentum, i n; genu, us n; vertebra, ae f; systma, tis n; tympanum, i n; arcus,us m; formen, nis n; linea, ae f; sulcus, i m; sella, ae f; cornu, us n; ostium, i n; columna, ae f; angulus, i m; os, ossis n; sinus, us m; costa, ae f; sternum, i n; skelton, i n; musculus, i m; scapula, ae f; colon, i n; dens, dentis m; cartilgo, nis f; tuber, ris n; hiatus, us m; canalis, is m; rete, is n; lingua, ae f; chorda, ae f; femur, ris n; cervix, cis f; articulatio, nis f; fonticulus, i m;acetabulum, i n; carpus, i m; cor, cordis n; crus, cruris n.

2. Define the gender of the nouns; translate into English:Vertebra, ae ; arcus,us ; linea, ae ; sulcus, i ; facies, i ; ganglion, i ; ostium, i ; sella, ae ; textus, us ; vestibulum, i ; clavicula, ae ; tympnum, i ; thalmus, i ; septum, i ; substantia, ae ; encephlon, i ; oculus, i ; nasus, i ; arcus, us ; scapula, ae ; acromion, i ; lingua, ae ; mandibula, ae ; cranium, i ; processus, us ; dorsum, i ; incisura, ae ; cerebrum, i ; tuberculum, i ; sinus, us ; maxilla, ae ; palatum, i ; cornu, us ; meatus, us ; humrus, i ; lympha, ae ; olecrnon , i ; concha, ae ; ductus, us ; ramus, i .3. Write the endings of the Genitive singular; define the gender where possible; translate into English:

septum sept (II)recessus recess (IV)

dens dent (III)species speci (V)

zygma zygomt (III) rete ret (III)

concha conch (I)genu gen (IV)

caput capit (III)axis ax (III)

plexus plex (IV)canalis canal (III)

fovea fove (I)superficies superfici (V)

formen foramn (III)pleura pleur (I)

oculus ocul (II)pecten pectn (III)

4. Make up the dictionary form of the nouns and translate them into English:

Arcus, bulbus, flexura, incisura, plica, sulcus, cornu, lingua, ramus, nasus, amnion, tuberculum, porus, septum, scapula, collum, ganglion, aditus, colon, lingula, sinus, orgnon, manubrium, nodus, papilla, musculus, textus, facies.Structure of anatomical terms

(CONSISTING OF NOUNS)The anatomical term is a word used to name a definite unit or structure of a human body. Anatomical terms may consist of one, two, three, four and more words (up to 8). Mind, that they are for the most part combinations of words, consisting of a noun the nucleus of any term and some attributes to it, which may be expressed either by nouns in Genitive case (no agreement with the nucleus), or by adjectives, having agreement in number, gender and case with the corresponding noun.While working with anatomical terms, mind the main rule: in Latin any term starts with a noun in Nominative case, the nouns in Genitive case follow it.

In order to translate the term (consisting of nouns) into English you should make the analysis as follows:

spina scapulae

- determine the part of speech of each word:N. N.

spina scapulae- determine the case of each word:

N. N.

spina scapulaeNom. Gen.

- translate the term keeping in mind the main rule: at first you should translate the words in Nominative case and only then the words in Genitive case, placing before the Genetive wordsthe preposition of:

spineof shoulder boneIn order to translate the term (consisting of nouns) into Latin you should make the analysis as follows:

base of skull- determine the part of speech of each word:

N. N.

base of skull- determine the case of each word:

N. N.

base of skullNom. Gen.

N.B. The words standing before the preposition of are in Nominative case, the words after the preposition of are in Genitive case.

- remember the dictionary form of each word:

base basis, is fskull cranium, i nThus, the translation of the term is:

basis cranii

N.B. cohlear = of cochleacostal = of rib

cranial = of skull

aortic = of aorta

nasal = of nose

mandibular = of lower jaw

cranial = of skull

vertebral = of vertebra

cervical = of neckEXERCIsES

1. Translate the terms into English:

Arcus vertebrae, facies acromii, sulcus sinus, raphe palati, skelton membri, fossa glandulae,septum nasi, manubrium sterni, crista tuberculi, processus radii, caput fibulae,corpus tibiae, linea nuchae, basis cranii, angulus mandibulae, tuber maxillae,caput radii, ligamentum patellae, collum dentis, tuberculum dentis, os cranii, collum costae, arteria genus, crista capitis costae, tuberculum costae, canaliculus vestibuli, apertura canaliculi vestibuli, fossa olecrni, capitulum humeri, medulla ovarii, corpus cerebelli, fundus uteri.

2. Translate the terms into Latin:

Body of vertebra, sulcus of vomer, head of rib, aortic arch, base of skull, neck of radius, nasal cavity, nasal passage, neck of scapula, mandibular notch, muscle of neck, cranial suture, head of humerus, base of patella, crest of neck of rib, ligament of tubercle of rib, plate of arch of vertebra.3. Translate the terms into English:

Collum radii, caput humeri, caput mandibulae, os digiti, sulcus arteriae, vagina musculi, basis patellae, facies maxillae, foramen mandibulae, corpus costae, chorda tympani, tuberositas ulnae, aqueductus vestibuli, trochlea humeri, incisura acetabuli, membrana sterni, frenulum linguae, tuberculum sellae, facies maxillae, fossa acetabuli, cornu pulpae, fossa olecrni, sulcus papillae, dorsum nasi, linea nuchae.

4. Translate the terms into Latin:Muscle of neck, capsule of nerve node, back of saddle, tuber of upper jaw, neck of shoulder blade, sheath of process, aperture of cohlear canaliculus, crest of costal head, ligament of costal tubercle, plate of arch of vertebra, wing of cocks crest, aperture of aqueduct of vestibule, vestibule of nose, surface of costal tubercle, dividing wall of nose, base of cochlea, small pit of process, small foot of arch of vertebra.

5. Translate the terms into English:Collum costae, incisura mandibulae, angulus costae, collum scapulae, corpus fibulae, radix dentis, corpus humri, angulus mandibulae, corpus tibiae, radix linguae, collum radii, caput humeri, os digiti, sulcus sinus, basis patellae, musculus corpris, arcus aortae, tuberculum humri, facies maxillae, foramen mandibulae, caput mandibulae, arteria genus.

6. Translate the terms into Latin:Bone of skull, first chamber of heart, arch of vertebra, head of mandible, foramen of mandible, ligament of scapula, head of radius, nasal septum, depression of process, mandibular notch, pedicle of arch of vertebra, surface of tubercle of rib, plate of process, nucleus of horn, cortex of cerebellum, cortex of brain.Latin muscle names

The Latin muscle names are composed of two elements: 1) the first element is the noun muscle musculus usually abbreviated as m.;2) the second element is a masculine noun ending in -or (-ris for Gen.) or -er (-ris for Gen.). E.g.: musculus flexor (flexor muscle). The Latin muscle names are usually translated into English without a word muscle, cf.: musculusmasseter chewer;musculuslevator elevator.Most of the muscle names are not translated but transliterated, i.e. reproduced with the Latin letters. E.g.: musculus pronator pronator.Memorize the names of the following muscles according to their function:

m. abductor abductor muscle (taking away)

m. adductor adductor muscle (bringing together)

m. buccinator buccinator muscle (cheek muscle)m. constrictor constrictor muscle (shortening)m. corrugator corrugator muscle (wrinkler muscle)

m. depressor depressor muscle (bringing down)m. dilatator dilator muscle (widening)

m. extensor extensor muscle (stretching)

m. flexor flexor muscle (bending)

m. levator elevator muscle (raising)

m. masseter masticatory muscle (chewing muscle)m. pronator pronator muscle (turning inward face downward)

m. rotator rotator muscle (turning round)m. sphincter sphincter muscle (narrowing)m. supinator supinator muscle (turning outward face upward)

m. tensor tensor muscle (straining)

In any Latin multiple-word term a noun denoting an organ whichexperiences the action of a muscle, is always used in the Genitive Case. It is interpreted into English either with the help ofan of phrase put at the end of the term, or by preserving Latin name ofthe organ put after the noun designating function and before the noun muscle.E.g.:Lat. Musculus tensor tympani (Gen. )

Engl. Tensor tympani muscle or tensor muscle of tympanumLat. Musculus depressor labii(Gen. )

Engl. Depressor labii muscleor depressor muscle of lip


Translate the terms into English:

Musculus dilatator pupillae,musculus levator scapulae, musculus rotator cervicis, musculusconstrictor pharyngis, musculus buccinator, musculus depressor anguli oris, musculus extensorindicis, musculus sphincter ani, musculus corrugator supercilii.LATINADJECTIVES

According to their endings Latin adjectives used in Anatomy can be divided into two groups: the first and the second group (see Table 2).The 1st group of adjectives:

The adjectives of the 1st group have different forms for every gender. In Nominative case for masculine gender they have -us, for feminine gender -a, for neuter gender -um. In Genitive case for masculine and neuter gender they have -i, for feminine gender -ae. So, the dictionary form of the adjectives of the 1st group consists of three components: 1) adjective in the masculine form; 2) the feminine ending; 3) the neuter ending.

E.g.: transversus, a, um (transverse): transversus (m)

transversa (f)

transversum (n)

The stem of the 1st group adjectives is obtained from the Nominative form by removing the gender ending:transversus, a, um(Nom.) transvers- (the stem) transversi, ae, i (Gen.).The adjectives ending in er fall also into this adjective group. In the anatomical terminology only some of them are used. E.g.:dexter (right), sinister (left), liber (free), ruber (red). As for the stem of adjectives with the ending er in masculine it is obtained from the Nominative form by removing the feminine ending: dexter, tra, trum (Nom.) dextr- (the stem) dextri, ae, i (Gen.); sinister, tra, trum (Nom.) sinistr- (the stem) sinistri, ae, i (Gen.); liber, ra, rum (Nom.) liber- (the stem) liberi, ae, i (Gen.); ruber, bra, brum (Nom.) rubr- (the stem) rubri, ae, i (Gen.).

The 2nd group of adjectives:The adjectives of the 2nd group have identical Nominative masculine and feminine forms ending in -is and the neuter ending -e. The Genitive form is identical for all genders, it is -is. So, the dictionary form of the adjectives of the 2nd group consists of two components: 1) adjective in the masculine and feminine form; 2) the neuter ending.E.g.: frontalis, e (frontal): frontalis (m)

frontalis (f)

frontale (n)The stem of the 2nd group adjectives is obtained from the Nominative form by removing the gender ending:vertebralis, e(Nom.) vertebral- (the stem) vertebralis (Gen.).In the anatomical terminology some adjectives of one form for all genders are used. They have the ending -ex or -es and are included into the 2nd group of adjectives. In the dictionary form of such adjectives the Nominative form (common for all genders) is first indicated, and then the Genitive ending with the stem part.E.g.: simplex, icis (simple); multiplex, icis (multiple); teres, tis (round). The stem of such adjectives is obtained from the Genitive form singular by removing the ending: simplex, icis simplic- (the stem); multiplex, icis multiplic- (the stem); teres, tis teret- (the stem).E.g.: simplex, icis (simple): simplex (m, f,n) (Nom.)

simplicis (m, f,n) (Gen.)

Like in English, there are three degrees of comparison of adjectives in Latin: the positive degree, the comparative degree and the superlative degree.The positive degree.It is the basic form of adjective, by which it is presented in the dictionaries: latus, a, um(wide).The comparative degree.There are some adjectives in comparative degree used in the Anatomical terminology (see LM 2). The dictionary form of these adjectives has two components: 1) Nominative singular masculine and feminine form with the suffix -ior; 2) suffix -iusof the Nominative singular neuter form.E.g.:anterior, ius (anterior, front): anterior (m)

anterior (f)

anterius (n)

The stem of the adjectives in the comparative degree coincides with the Nominative masculine and feminine form terminated by -ior. The Genitive singular form for all the genders in the comparative degree is formed by adding the ending -is to the stem. E.g.:anterior, ius (Nom.) anterior- (the stem) anterioris (m, f,n) (Gen.).The adjectives in the comparative degree are placed on the last position: E.g.: nervus cutaneus brachii lateralis inferior inferior lateral cutaneous nerve of arm.There are some pecularities in the use of adjectives magnus, a, um great (positive degree) and major, us greater (comparative degree); parvus, a, um small, little (positive degree) and minor, us lesser (comparative degree). In the Anatomical terminology the Comparative degree of theseadjectives denotes twin anatomical formations (ala major et ala minor; tuberculum majus et tuberculum minus) and when describing an oddanatomical formation, we use the Positive degree of these adjectives (foramen occipitale magnum). Remember, that the majority of anatomicalformations are twins, that is the reason for extensive use of the adjectivesmajor, us and minor, us in Anatomy.The superlative degree. There are some adjectives in superlative degree used in the Anatomical terminology (see LM 2). The superlative degree of adjectives ending in us, a, um is formed by adding the suffix -issim- and the endings us, a, um to the base of the Positive degree. E.g.:longus, a, um (long) longissimus, a, um (the longest). The superlative degree of adjectives ending in er, a, um is formed by adding the suffix -rim- and the endings us, a, um to the form of the masculine gender. E.g.: ruber, bra, brum (red) ruberrimus, a, um (the reddest).The dictionary form of the adjectives in the superlative degree coincides with the dictionary form of the 1st group adjectives and consists of three components: 1) adjective in the masculine form; 2) the feminine ending; 3) the neuter ending.There are special forms of superlative degree of some adjectives. E.g.: maximus, a, um (the greatest).As the adjectives of the 1st group, adjectives in the superlative degree have the masculine and neuter genitive ending -i, and the feminine genitive ending -ae.E.g.: maximus, a, um (Nom.) maxim- (the stem) maximi, ae, i (Gen.).Compound adjectives

Compound adjectives include two or three roots (bases) and are usedto denote anatomical formations, connecting two organsor belonging to two organs. The combining vowel -o-is used to connect the bases of compound adjectives. Mind, that Latin bases are preserved in the English equivalents ofsuch adjectives.E.g.: nervus musculocutaneus musculocutaneous nerve; musculus stylopharyngeus stylopharyngeal muscle.Table 2m fn

the 1st group of adjectives and adjectives in superlative degreeNom.-us


Gen. -i-ae-i

the 2nd group of adjectivesNom.-is-e

Gen. -is

adjectives in comparative degreeNom.-or-us

Gen. -oris

Most of the adjectives in the Anatomo-Histological Nomenclature are formed from nouns with the help of the suffixes which have definite meanings:

-al-, -ar-(is, e) pertaining to the structure named in the root. E.g.: costa (rib) costalis (relating to a rib)

-at- (us, a, um)possessing (Engl. -ate)

-os- (us, a, um)having plenty of (Engl. -ous)

-iv- (us, a, um)able to do something(Engl. -ive)

-id+e- (us, a, um) resembling (Engl. -oid (al))

-id+al- (is, e) in the shape of

-in- (us, a, um) pertaining to (Engl. -ine)

-ic-(us, a, um) pertaining to (Engl. -ic)

-e- (us,a,um)pertaining to (Engl. -eal); consisting of a substance(Engl. -eous).LIST OF ADJECTIVES USED IN THE ANATOMICAL TERMINOLOGY

(LEXICAL MINIMUM 2 / LM 2)1st group of adjectives

accessorius,a, umaccessory, additional

acusticus, a, umauditory, acoustic

adiposus, a, umadipose, fatty

albus, a, umwhite

anatomicus, a, umanatomical

aorticus, a, umaortic, aortal

aquosus, a, umaqueous,

hydrous, watery

arteriosus, a, umarterial

asper, ra, rumasperous

bilfer, ra, rumgall, bile

biliosus, a, umbilious

calcaneus, a, umcalcaneal

cardicus, a, umcardiac

caroticus, a, um(is used with the names of different structures, excluding the artery)carotid

carpeus, a, umcarpal

cavernosus, a, umcavernous

cavus, a, umcaval, hollow

coccygus, a, umcoccygeal

coelicus, a, umbelly, womb,


compactus, a, umcompact

compostus, a, umcomplex

coronarius, a, umcoronary

cuneatus, a, umwedge-shaped,


cutaneus, a, umcutaneous, relating to the skin

cylindricus, a, umcylindrical

dexter, tra, trumright

durus, a, umhard, solid

fibrosus, a, umfibrous

flavus, a, umyellow

gastricus, a, umgastric

glutaeus, a, umpertaining to buttocks

hyoideus, a, umhyoid (denoting os hyoideum bone under the tongue)

hypoglossus, a, um hypoglossal (denoting nervus hypoglossus nerve under the tongue)

iliacus, a, umiliac

incisivus, a, umincisive, cutting, sharp

internus, a, uminternal

ischiadicus, a umischial, sciatic

laryngeus, a, umlaryngeal

latus, a,umbroad

liber, ra, rumfree

lobatus, a, um

lobulose, lobulous, lobulated

longus, a, umlong

lymphaticus, a, umlymphatic

magnus, a, umlarge, great

massetericus, a, ummasticatory, chewing

mastoideus, a, ummammiform, mastoid, breast shaped

medius, a, ummiddle

membranaceus, a, ummembranous

mucosus, a, ummucous

nervosus, a, umnervous

niger, gra, grumblack

nutricius, a, umnutritious

obliquus, a, umoblique, slanted

obturatorius, a, umobturative

oesophagus, a, umesophageal

ophthalmicus, a, umocular,


opticus, a, umoptic, visual

osseus, a, umbony, osseous

palatinus, a, umpalatine, palatal

parvus, a, umlittle, small

pelvinus, a, umpelvic

peron(a)eus, a, umfibular, peroneal, relating to fibula

petrosus, a, umstony, petrous, petrosal, relating to petrous portion of temporal bone

pius, a, umsoft

pharyngeus, a, umpharyngeal

planus, a, umflat, plane

popliteus, a, umpopliteal

profundus, a, umdeep

proprius,a, umproper

pterygoideus, a, umwing-shaped, pterygoid

pulposus, a, umpulposus

pyloricus, a, umpyloric

quadratus, a, umsquare

quadrigemnus, a, umquadrigeminal

rectus, a, umstraight

respiratorius, a, umrespiratory

rotundus, a, umround

ruber, bra, brumred

sacer, cra, crumsacral (for bone)

sanguineus, a, umblood, sanguiferous

sanus, a, umhealthy

scalnus, a, umstairs-shaped

scaphoideus, a, umscaphoid, navicular, keel-shaped, boatshaped

serratus, a, umserrate

sinister, tra, trumleft

sinusoideus, a, umsinusoid

squamosus, a, umsquamous,squamate, scaly, covered with scales

spinosus, a, umspinous, thorny

spongiosus, a, umspongy

spurius, a, umfalse

thoracicus, a, umthoracic

thyreoideus, a, umthyroid, in the shape of a shield

transitorius, a, umtransitory

transversus, a, umtransverse

trapezoideus, a umtrapezoid, resembling a trapezium

triquetrus, a, umtriangular, trihedral

tympanicus, a, umtympanic

uropoticus, a, umurinogenous

vagus, a, umvage, wandering, vagus

venosus, a, umvenous

vitreus, a, umhyaline, hyaloid, vitreous

xiphoideus, a, umswordshaped

zygomaticus, a, umzygomatic

2nd group of adjectives

alaris, erelating to a wing, winged, alar

alveolaris, ealveolar

anularis, ering-shaped

arciformis, earch-shaped, arciform

articularis, earticular, related to a joint

auricularis, eauricular

biliaris, ebiliary

brevis, eshort

capillaris, ecapillary

caudalis, ecaudal

centralis, ecentral

cerebralis, erelating to larger brain, cerebral

cervicalis, ecervical, relating to the neck

ciliaris, eciliary

cochlearis, ecochlear

communis, ecommon

costalis, ecostal

cranialis, ecranial

cuneiformis, ewedge-shaped, cuneiform

dentalis, edental

dorsalis, e dorsal, pertaining to the back

ethmoidalis, esieve-shaped,


facialis, efacial, pertaining to the surface or face

fibularis, efibular, relating to the fibula

frontalis, efrontal, referring to the frontal bone

horizontalis, ehorizontal

inguinalis, einguinal

intestinalis, eintestinal

jugularis, erelating to the throat or neck, jugular

lacrimalis, elacrimal

lateralis, elateral

lingualis, elingual

longitudinalis, elongitudinal, lengthwise

lumbalis, elumbar

mandibularis, erelating to the lower jaw, mandibular

maxillaris, erelating to the upper jaw, maxillary

medialis, emedial

mentalis, emental

moblis, emobile

molaris, emolar

muscularis, emuscular, pertaining to a muscle

nasalis, erelating to the nose, nasal

navicularis, enavicular, keel-shaped, boat-shaped

occipitalis, eoccipital, relating to the occiput

orbitalis, eorbital

ovalis, eoval

parietalis, eparietal, relating to the wall of any cavity

pectoralis, epectoral

pleuralis, epleural


rectalis, erectal

renalis, erenal

sacciformis, esacciform, saccular, bursiform

sagittalis, esagital

semilunaris, esemilunar

sphenoidalis, ewedge-shaped, sphenoid

spinalis, erelating to any spine or spinous process; relating to the vertebral column; spinal

sternalis, esternal

sublingualis, esublingual (any structure except bone and nerve)

superficialis, esuperficial

synovialis, esynovial

temporalis, etemporal, relating to the temple

tenuis, ethin (used in the name of the small intestine)

tibialis, etibial

triangularis, etriangular

trigeminalis, etrigeminal

trochlearis, etrochlear

vaginalis, evaginal

ventralis, eventral, pertaining to the front

vermiformis, evermiform, vermicular, lumbrical

vertebralis, evertebral, relating to a vertebra



defrens, entisdeferent,


simplex, icissimple

teres, tisround

triceps,ipitistriceps, tricephalous

quadriceps, ipitisquadriceps, fourcephalous

multiplex, icismultiple

Adjectives in comparative degree

albior, iuswhiter

anterior, iusanterior, in front of

inferior, iuslower, inferior, below

latior, iusbroader, wider

longior, iuslonger

major, usgreater, major

minor, uslesser, minor

posterior, iusback, posterior, behind

simplicior, iussimpler

superior, iushigher, upper,

superior, above

Adjectives in superlative degree

minmus, a, umthe smallest, the least

suprmus, a, umsupreme,

the highest (when the highest position is meant)

latissmus, a, umthe widest

longissmus, a, umthe longest

maxmus, a, umthe greatest, the largest (when the highest quantity is characterized)


1. Write the dictionary form of the adjectives and translate them:

Rectus, transversus, spinosus, latus, cervicalis, anterior, osseus, spinalis, superior, ethmoidalis, obliquus, brevior, costalis, vertebralis, posterior, zygomaticus, orbitalis, simplex. 2. Construct adjectives in their feminine gender form:

Coccygeus, medianus, sacer, major, thoracicus, spongiosus,simplicior, quadriceps, pterygoideus, mastoideus, ruber.3. Construct adjectives in their neuter gender form:

Pterygoideus, dentalis, longus, palatinus, minor, sphenoidalis, frontalis, articularis, scapularis, longior, nutricius, ovalis, pelvinus, cerebralis, inferior.


In all Latin terms the position of adjectives is after the noun with which it has grammatical agreement.To agree a noun and an adjective means to use them in the same Gender, Number and Case.

In order to translate the terms (consisting of nouns and adjectives) into Englishyou should make the analysis as follows:

foramen vertebrale

- determine the part of speech of each word:N. Adj.

foramen vertebrale

- remember the dictionary form of the noun and translate it: formen, nis n opening; by the ending given in the term you define its case: Nominative. The adjective after the noun in Nominitive is also in Nominative:

N. Adj.

foramen vertebrale


- remember the dictionary form of the adjective and translate it: vertebralis, e vertebral;- translate the term:

vertebral openingIn order to translate the terms (consisting of nouns and adjectives) into Latin you should make the analysis as follows:

stony nerve

- determine the part of speech of each word:Adj.N.

stony nerve- determine the case of each word:


stony nerve


- remember the dictionary form of the noun: nerve nervus, i m;- remember the dictionary form of the adjective: stony petrosus, a, um;

- translate the term keeping in mind that in Latin any term starts with a noun, then the adjective (agreed with the noun by gender, number and case) is used:

nervus petrosus


1. Make up grammatical agreement of the following adjectives with the given nouns and translate the ready terms:sulcus, i m

os, ossis n

processus, us m

arteria, ae f

formen, nis npalatinus, a, umsulcus, i m

ligamentum, i n

linea, ae f

crista, ae f

caput, itis ntransversus, a, um

tuberculum, i n facies, i f

processus, us m

cavitas, atis farticularis, esutura, ae f

angulus, i m

tuber, ris n

incisura, ae ffrontalis, e

musculus, i m

fossa, ae f

fovea, ae fpterygoideus, a umplexus, us m

sinus, us m

valvula, ae fvenosus, a, um

formen, nis n

canalis, is mvertebralis, enasus, i m

facies, i fexternus, a, um

ligamentum, i n

radix, cis flateralis, ecanalis, is m

tuberculum, i ncaroticus, a, um

arcus, us m

os, ossis nzygomaticus, a, umfacies, i f

ganglion, i ninternus, a, um

2. Translate the terms into English:

Vertebra thoracica, ductus bilfer, os frontale, arcus costalis, tuberculum pharyngeum, glandula alveolaris simplex, sinus maxillaris, facies articularis, hiatus oesophagus, sulcus major, processus articularis, cornu sacrale, crista sacralis, nervus opticus, arteria ophthalmica, circulus arteriosus et circulus venosus, nervus vagus, peritoneum parietale, plexus arteriosus, tonsilla palatina, vesica biliaris, hiatus aorticus, arteria coronaria dextra, columna vertebralis,foramen vertebrale,caput majus, processus transversus,sutura squamosa, palatum durum, formen sacrale pelvinum,linea transversa, os temporale, foramen superius.

3. Translate into Latin making agreement between nouns and adjectives:

Transverse (groove, line, ligament), anterior (sulcus, tubercle, crest, opening, ligament), vertebral (canal, notch, foramen), articular (process, surface, tubercle), lower (sinus, part, spine), pterygoid (muscle, fossa), posterior (arch, surface, ligament), palatal (process, bone, groove), mastoid (process, part), frontal (angle, suture, tuber), higher (process, opening).4. Open the brakets using the correct form of adjectives and translate the terms into English:

Tuber (occipitalis; externus; frontalis; major; minor; ischiadicus; parietalis), ren (dexter; mobilis; sinister; lobatus), facies (articularis; carpeus), foramen (occipitalis; magnus; mentalis; incisivus; mastoideus), pulmo (dexter; sinister), musculus (externus), paries (lateralis; jugularis; anterior; tympanicus), ligamentum (dorsalis; profundus), ductus (hepaticus communis), venter (posterior; frontalis), substantia (albus; niger), os (parietalis; temporalis; frontalis; palatinus; occipitalis; lacrimalis; calcaneus; hyoideus; zygomaticus; sacer; nasalis; sphenoidalis; ethmoidalis; scaphoideus), mater (pius; durus), cavitas (pleuralis; articularis; medullaris), margo (anterior; frontalis; dexter), auris (internus; externus; medius), cartilago (costalis; alaris; articularis; major), pars (osseus; lateralis; anterior; dexter), vas (lymphaticus; sanguineus; capillaris), systma (centralis; nervosus; lymphaticus), caput (longus; transversus; lateralis; brevis), crus (sinister; lateralis; brevis; simplex; anterior), hepar (mobilis; lobatus; major), pes (calcaneus; planus), trochanter (major; minor), humor (vitreus; aquosus), liquor (cerebrospinalis; flavus), cor (adiposus).

5. Translate the terms into Latinmaking agreement between nouns and adjectives in brackets:Crest (transverse, tympanic, sphenoid, nasal, iliac, ethmoid), vertebra (cervical, thoracic, sacral, dorsal), surface (lateral, medial, dorsal, cerebral, inferior,articular, temporal), bone (frontal, palatine, nasal, ethmoid, occipital, hyoid, zygomatic, sacral), process (transverse, articular, ethmoid, palatine, frontal, temporal, sphenoid), foramen (round, occipital, spinous, vertebral, ethmoidal, frontal, greater, palatine), depression (oval) (iliac, jugular, lesser, mandibular,mastoid, petrosal, pterygoid), groove (aortic, ethmoidal, superior, frontal, mediane, palatine, temporal, transverse, occipital), fovea (superior, anterior, articular, ethmoid, temporal), spine (anterior, nasal, posterior iliac), muscle (teres major, teres minor, articular, biceps, brachioradial,brachial,cephalopharyngeal, the longest), ligament (gastrocolic, iliofemoral, thyrohyoid, posterior,sacrococcygeal, round, transverse), horn (anterior, sacral, superior).6. Translate into English the following Latin names of bones:

Os parietale, os temporale, maxilla, os frontale, os palatinum, ospubis, os occipitale, humerus, ulna, os coxae, os lacrimale,calcaneus, os hyoideum, os zygomaticum, radius, os coccgis, os sacrum, os nasale, os sphenoidale, patella, os ethmoidale, os scaphoideum, os naviculare, os ischii.7. Translate the following terms into Latin according to grammatical agreement:

Lateral ligament, arch-shaped crest, pharyngeal network,supreme nasal concha, palatine process, pulmonary surface, simple joint, medial root, deep cervical lymphatic node, medial head, right plate, the widest back muscle, oval opening, thoracic fascia,sublingual bone, occipital angle, transverse palatine raphe, costal surface, vertebral nerve node,the longest chest muscle, sacral canal, stony branch, internal capsule,the longest muscle of neck,frontal tuber, middle temporal artery, spinous opening, parietal lobe,gluteus maximus muscle, superficial vein, costal arch, frontal crest.

8. Translate the terms into English:Scapula dextra, cornu majus et minus, os occipitale, vena profunda, processus spinosus, processus articularis, foramen spinosum, incisura ischiadica major, foramen vertebrale, ganglion pterygopalatinum, facies posterior, os nasale, os ethmoidale, ligamentum posterius, vertebra thoracica, sinus petrosus, os palatinum, pars petrosa, os sacrum, facies anterior, angulus inferior, ganglion superius, cornu majus, pelvis minor, arcus posterior, radix anterior, ductus nasolacrimalis, tuberculum majus, substantia compacta et substantia spongiosa.9. Form Genitive singular of the adjectives:

Spinosus (m), spinosa (f), spinosum (n), spinalis (m), spinalis (f), spinale (n), transversus (m),transversa (f), transversum (n), superior (m), superior (f), superius (n), osseus (m), ossea (f), osseum (n), ethmoidalis (m), ethmoidalis (f), ethmoidale (n), simplicior(m), simplicior(f), simplicius(n), anterior (m), anterior (f), anterius (n), pterygoideus (m), pterygoidea (f), pterygoideum (n), posterior (m), posterior (f), posterius (n), sphenoidalis (m), sphenoidalis (f), sphenoidale (n), inferior (m), inferior (f), inferius (n).

10. Make up Genitive forms of the following adjectives: Vertebralis, e; medius, a, um; internus, a, um; temporalis, e; lumbalis, e; nutricius, a, um; flavus, a, um; cervicalis, e; latior, ius; lymphaticus, a, um; thoracicus, a, um; minor, us; sinister, tra, trum; albior, ius; pyloricus, a, um; lateralis, e; osseus, a, um; major, jus.11. Translate the terms into Latinmaking agreement between nouns and adjectives in brackets. Put the terms into the Genitive singular:Cavity (proper, medullary, pleural, tympanic, articular), tuberosity (costal, deltoid, iliac, pterygoid, masseteric), ear (external, internal), part (abdominal, alar, anterior, cardiac, cervical, clavicular, costal,right, horizontal, inferior, mastoid, osseous, petrous), cartilage (costal, greater alar, lesser alar, articular, thyroid), joint (composite, fibrous, simple, synovial), canal (pterygoid, optic, mandibular, vertebral, sacral, carotid, facial), vessel (lymphatic, capillary, collateral, blood), region (deltoid, anterior, femoral, lateral, calcaneal), root (medial, lateral), axis (transverse, horizontal, thoracic, optic, mandibular, long), margin (anterior, right, frontal, lateral, mastoid, occipital, squamous), foramen (sciatic, internal, oval, round, incisive, alveolar, palatine,greater, lesser, sphenoid, mastoid), leg; anything resembling a leg (right, left, lateral, short, long, medial,simple, anterior), head (long, short, deep, slanting, transverse, lateral), body (adipous, ciliary, cavernous), kidney (right, left, mobile, lobous), spleen (accessory, mobile), network (articulary, arterial, lymphatic), system (central nervous, lymphatic), liver (mobile).12. Translate the terms into Latin and put them into Genitive case:

Oval foramen, middle temporal artery, greater sulcus, transverse palatine suture, sacral horn, superior slit, articular surface, lower lip, iliac spine, posterior arch, iliac tubercle, medial sacral crest, spinous foramen, temporal bone, greater head, transverse line, posterior obturative tubercle, greater wing, vertebral column, squamous suture, sacral bone, superior opening, anterior surface, lower angle, greater horn, superior nerve node, small pelvis, greater tubercle, anterior root, posterior arch.PREFIXES IN THE ANATOMICAL TERMINOLOGY

It is known that the body or organs of the body may be sectioned according to planes of reference. These include a midsagittal plane that runs vertically through a structure, dividing it into right and left halves; a sagittal plane that runs vertically through a structure, dividing it into right and left portions; a coronal (frontal) plane that runs vertically through a structure, dividing it into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions; and a transverse (cross-sectional) plane that runs horizontally through a structure, dividing it into upper and lower portions.In the anatomical terminology a great variety of terms with the spatial location meaning is used. The fundamental importance in this aspect have Latin and Greek prefixes as follows:PrefixesMeaning of the prefixesExamples


ante-before, precedingantebrachium (forearm)

pre-before, ahead ofpresacralis (presacral)

post-after, behindpostaortalis (postaortal)

retro-back, behindretrocavalis (retrocaval)


supra-abovesupraauricularis (supra-auricular)

epi-on; upon; overepigastrium (epigastrium)

infra-under; belowinfraspinalis (infraspinal)

sub-under; belowsubarachnoidalis (subarachnoid)

hypo-below; incomplete; deficienthypochondrium (hypochondrium)


intra-withinintramuscularis (intramuscular)

endo-withinendocervicalis (endocervical)

extra-outside of; beyondextracapsularis (extracapsular)


inter-betweenintervertebralis (intervertebral)

meso-middlemesogastrium (mesogastrium)


ad-to; towardadductor (adductor)

ab-from; away fromabductor (abductor)

beside, around

para-beside; beyond; aroundparaduodenalis (paraduodenal)

peri- surrounding (outer)pericardium (pericardium)

together, joined

syn-together; joinedsynarthrosis (synarthrosis)

co-, com-(con-)togethercommissura (commissure)


1. antebrachium, i nforearm

2. collateralis, ecollateral

3. epigastrium, i nepigastrium

4. hypogastrium, i nhypogastrium

5. infraclavicularis, einfraclavicular

6. infraorbitalis, einfraorbital

7. infraspinatus, a, uminfraspinatus

8. interalveolaris, einteralveolar

9. intercostalis, eintercostal

10. interglobularis, einterglobular

11. interlobaris, einterlobar

12. interlobularis, einterlobular

13. intermuscularis, eintermuscular

14. interosseus, a, uminterosseal, interosseous

15. interradicularis, einterradicular

16. interspinalis, einterspinal

17. interspinosus, a, uminterspinal

18. intracranialis, eintracranial

19. retromandibularis, eretromandibular

20. subclavius, a, umsubclavicular

21. subcutaneus, a, umsubcutaneous

22. sublingualis, esublingual

23. submandibularis, esubmandibular

24. suboccipitalis, esuboccipital

25. supraclavicularis, esupraclavicular

26. suprarenalis, esuprarenal

27. suprascapularis, esuprascapularis

EXERCISES1. Make up new words using prefixes and translate into English explaining their meaning:Extra- (cellularis, e; capsularis, e), intra- (cranialis, e; glandularis, e), infra- (orbitalis, e; patellaris, e), supra- (clavicularis, e; scapularis, e; renalis, e), para- (sternalis, e; vertebralis, e), inter- (costalis, e; osseus, a, um; alveolaris, e), pre- (centralis,e; axillaris, e), retro- (mandibularis, e), sub- (cutaneus, a, um; lingualis, e). 2. Translate into English:

Facies interlobaris, fossa infraclavicularis, pars intracranialis, margo interosseus, arteria suprascapularis, septum intermusculare cruris anterius, musculus infraspinatus, arteria suprarenalis media, membrana intercostalis interna.

3. Translate into Latin:

Interlobar artery, preoccipital notch, suprapleural membrane, submandibular gland, interclavicular ligament, intermandibular suture, intraglandular lymphatic node, supraorbital vein, common interosseal artery, fascia of forearm.4. Translate into Latin, give the dictionary form of each word and explain the meaning of prefixes:

Forearm, collateral, epigastrium, hypogastrium, infraclavicular, infraorbital, infraspinatus, intercostal, interlobar, intermuscular, interosseal, interspinal, intracranial, retromandibular, subclavicular, subcutaneous, sublingual, submandibular, suboccipital, supraclavicular, suprarenal, suprascapularis.STRUCTURE OF MULTIPLE-WORD ANATOMICAL TERMSIn order to translate multiword terms into English you should make the analysis as follows:

lamina horizontalis ossis palatini- determine the part of speech of each word: N. Adj. N. Adj.

lamina horizontalis ossis palatini- determine the case of each word (remember that the first noun is always in Nom., all other nouns are in Gen. and that in most cases adjectives after the noun in Nom. are also in Nom., adjectives after the noun in Gen. are also in Gen., but pay attention to the words endings): N. Adj. N. Adj.

lamina horizontalis ossis palatini

Nom. Nom. Gen. Gen.

- at first translate the Nominative words and start by the adjective, only then the Genitive words and start by the adjective too, place the preposition of between the Nom. and Gen. word combinations:

horizontal plate of palatine bone

If anatomical terms consist of more than two words and include nouns and adjectives, in order to translate such terms into Latin you should make the analysis as follows:

fibrous capsule of thyroid gland- determine the part of speech of each word: Adj. N. Adj. N.

fibrous capsule of thyroid gland- determine the case of each word(remember that the words standing before the preposition of are in Nominative case, the words after the preposition of are in Genitive case):

Adj. N. Adj. N.

fibrous capsule of thyroid gland Nom. Nom. Gen. Gen.

- remember the dictionary form of each word, translate them and make the corresponding agreements between nouns and adjectives:

} capsula fibrosa

capsule capsula, ae f

fibrous fibrosus, a, um } glandula thyroidea

gland glandula, ae f thyroid thyroideus, a, um

in Gen.

glandulae thyroideae

- translate the term (at first Nominative words, then the preposition ofand the words in Genitive case):

capsula fibrosa glandulae thyroideae


1. Translate the terms into English:Lamina orbitalis ossis ethmoidalis, arcus vertebrae, basis ossis sacri, labium mediale lineae asperae, linea temporalis superior, sulcus sinus sigmoidei, facies articularis capitis fibulae, tuber maxillae, tunica mucosa linguae, facies maxillae, tuberculum mediale processus posterioris tali, foramen vertebrale, facies articularis acromii,corpus vertebrae thoracicae,sulcus sinus petrosi, hiatus canalis nervi petrosi minoris, lamina horizontalis ossis palatini, arteria temporalis media, sulcus arteriae temporalis mediae, caput fibulae, facies partis petrosae, pars lateralis ossis occipitalis.2. Translate the terms into Latin:

Ligament of vertebral column, ulnar flexor muscle of wrist, palatal tuber of maxilla, articular process of vertebra, bony septum of nose, articular tuber of vertebra, palatine process of upper jaw, valve of coronary sinus, ligament of vertebral column, groove of occipital artery, depressor muscle of eyebrow, squama of occipital bone, arch of thoracic duct, middle fossa of skull, left lumbar trunk, fibrous capsule of thyroid gland, furrow of occipital artery, aperture of frontal sinus, osseus nasal septum, extensor muscle of little finger, depressor muscle of lower lip.

3. Translate the terms into English:Tuberculum obturatorium posterius, processus superior, ramus superior, labium inferius, ala major, facies anterior partis petrosae, fovea articularis processus articularis superioris, ala minor ossis sphenoidalis, arcus dentalis inferior, processus articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis, ramus dexter venae portae, musculus palpebrae superioris, crista tuberculi majoris, sulcus nervi petrosi majoris, caput superius musculi pterygoidei lateralis, pars lateralis ossis occipitalis, nervus cutaneus brachii lateralis inferior, processus maxillaris conchae nasalis inferioris, ligamentum longitudinale anterius columnae vertebralis.

4. Translate the terms into Latin:

Tensor muscle of tympanic membrane, superior process,greater ischiadic slit, superior branch, cortex of lymphatic node, inferior constrictor muscle of pharynx, posterior arch, dura mater of brain, posterior surface, smaller and greater horn, posterior ligament,elevator muscle of thyroid gland, depressor muscle of lower lip, small (great) trochanter, heart apex, left (right) lung, medial surface of lung, floor of tympanic cavity, wedge-shaped bone, membranous wall of trachea, frontal wall of stomach, small horn of sublingual bone, zygomatic process of temporal bone, ethmoidal sulcus of nasal bone, notch of heart apex, sphincter muscle of urinary bladder, wrinkler muscle of eyebrow.5. Translate the terms into English:Cavitas medullaris, basis cranii externa, cartilago thyroidea, cartilago alaris major, margo inferior pulmonis sinistri, auris externa, bifurcatio tracheae, basis pyramidis renalis, musculus sternothyroideus, margo uteri dexter, axis bulbi externus, pancreas accessorium, pars libera gingivae, cartilago septi nasi, sinus sphenoparietalis, cavitas oris propria, labyrinthus osseus auris internae, terminatio nervi cutis, vas lymphaticum superficiale, canalis palatinus major, caput pancreatis, regio thoracis posterior, suturazygomaticomaxillaris, sanguis venosus et arteriosus.6. Translate the terms into Latin:

Dura mater of brain, pyloric canal, fornix of stomach, canal of great stony nerve, angle of stomach, fornix of pharynx, ring-shaped part of fibrous vagina, sholder joint, capsule of pancreas, tympanic cavity of middle ear, greater palatine canal, cartilage of nasal septum, inferior constrictor of pharynx, superficial lymphatic vessel, posterior nucleus of trapezoid body, internal carotid artery, base of heart, apex of heart, root of lung, cavity of uterus, renal pelvis, thyroid cartilage, pylorus part, left lobe of lung, ventricle of larynx, superior constrictor of larynx, capsule of pancreas, external oblique muscle of stomach, mucous membrane of mouth, cardiac impression of lung, body of mammary gland, spinal muscle of neck, the longest muscle of head, canal of neck of uterus, frontal region of face, external base of skull, wing of vomer, membranous wall of trachea, short radial extensor muscle of wrist.7. Translate the terms into English:

Spina nasalis anterior, cor sanum, sulcus palatinus minor, fissura orbitalissuperior, vena laryngea inferior, facies articularis anterior, linea temporalissuperior, tuberculum posterius atlantis, processus articularis superior, linea nuchae superior, fossa craniianterior, ala major ossis sphenodalis, foramen ischiadicum minus, arcusposterior atlantis, ligamentum capitis fibulae posterius, tuberculum humeriminus, ligamentum transversum scapulae superius, sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris, facies temporalis alae majoris, ramusdexter venae portae, processus articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis,ostium venae cavae inferioris, sulcus nervi petrosi majoris, skeletonmembri superioris, ala minor ossis sphenoidalis, ligamentum capitis fibulaeanterius, meatus nasi inferior.8. Translate the terms into Latin:Lateral horn of spinal cord, temporal bone, greater round muscle, body of thoracic vertebra,frontal bone, lesser round muscle, zygomatic process of frontal bone,right jugulartrunk,palatine bone, petrosal sinus, groove of petrosal sinus, lateral pterygoidmuscle, anterior spinal artery, venous plexus, greater straight muscle ofhead, broad ligament of uterus, superior cervical neural knot,muscular plate of mucous membrane of esophagus, sciatic bag of gluteus maximus muscle, greater sciatic foramen,ethmoid crest of frontal process of upper jaw, lesser tubercle of humerus, superiorand middle nasal shell, alar process of ethmoid bone, mandibular notch.9. Translate the terms into English:

Sulcus parietooccipitalis, musculusstylopharyngeus, plexus cervicobrachialis, ligamentum sacrococcygeumdorsale profundum, os longum, os breve, ligamentum teres, ligamentum latum, cornumajus, musculus teres major, crus osseumsimplex, musculus quadriceps, ductus sublingualis major, glandulaalveolaris simplex, arcus palatoglossus, lamina muscularis mucosae oesophagi, gaster sana, musculus latissimus dorsi, cavum peritonei, tunica muscularis oesophagi,tunica mucosa tracheae, caput breve musculi bicipitis brachii, corpus ossishyoidei, spina iliaca anterior superior, tuberculum humeri minus, caputlongum musculi bicipitis femoris, flexura duodenojejunalis, musculus triceps, musculus teres minor, bursa musculi teretismajoris, musculus biceps femoris, caput longum musculi tricipitis brachii,glandula alveolaris simplex, intestinum tenue.10. Translate the terms into Latin:Wing of ploughshare, cerebellar cortex, ethmoid groove of nasalbone,cerebral cortex, cortex of lymph node, greater and lesser trochanter, tip of heart, right and left lung, hyoid bone, dura mater of brain, elevator muscle of rib, frontal tuber,groove of ploughshare, medial surface of lung, cardiac notch of lung, temporal process of zygomatic bone, sphenoid bone, anterior wall of stomach, lesser horn of hyoidbone, notch of tip of heart, anterior venter, ischial tuber,cerebrospinal liquid, jugular wall, tip of posterior horn, long flexor muscle of thumb.11. Translate the terms into English:

Pulmo dexter, pulmo sinister, apex pulmonis dextri, cortex glandulaesuprarenalis, facies pulmonis, lobus pulmonis superior, fissura horizontalispulmonis dextri, tuber frontale, homo sanus, tuber parietale, atrium cordis, os frontale,pars thoracica, pyramis renalis, basis pyramidis renalis,margo uteri dexter, musculus adductor hallucis, cortex lentis, axislentis, facies posterior lentis, pancreas accessorium,paries tympanicus ductus cochlearis, dura materencephali, tunica mucosa ventriculi, ventriculus sinister cordis,trochanter major, cor pulmonale, pia mater encephali, tuber ossis ischii,vertex cranii.12. Translate the terms into English:

Cavitas medullaris, basis cranii externa, cartilago thyroidea, pars thoracica, pyramis medullae oblongatae, glandula parotis accessoria, cartilago alaris major, os parietale, os hyoideum, os planum, os nasale, apex pulmonis sinistri, paries mastoideus, margo inferior pulmonis sinistri, auris externa, tuberositas phalangis distalis, phalanx media, basis phalangis mediae, apex patellae, pars endocrina pancreatis, radix dentis, cervix dentis.NOMINATIVE PLURAL OF NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES

To form the Nominative plural of the noun it is necessary:

- to remember the dictionary form of the noun in order to define the declension and gender of the term;

- to single out the base of the noun in order to attach the corresponding ending in the Nominative plural to it.Nouns endings in Nominative pluralDeclensionIIIIIIIVV

Genderfmnm, fnmnf

Endings-ae-i-a-es-a -us-ua-es

E.g.: vena, ae f (vein) venae (veins); nervus, i m (nerve) nervi (nerves); foramen, inis n (opening) foramina (openings); facies, ei f (surface) facies (surfaces).

PS: There is one neuter noun of the 3rd declension which has the Nominative plural ending -ia: rete, is n (network)retia (networks).ADJECTIVES endings in Nominative pluralGroupNominative plural endings


Adjectives of the 1st group + adjectives in superlative degree-i-ae-a

Adjectives of the 2nd group-es-ia

Adjectives in comparative degree-es-a

E.g.: latus, a, um (wide) lati, latae, lata; vertebralis, e (vertebral) vertebrales, vertebralia; minor, us (small) minores, minora.All neuter nouns irrespective of their declension as well as all adjectives in the neuter form in Nominative plural end in -(or in -ia). Nominative plural endings

nm, f


the same as in Gen. sing.-es

- adjectives of the 2nd group

- adjectives in the comparative degree


-ia-ua- adjectives of the 1st group

- adjectives in the superlative degree

-only one noun:

rete retia

- adjectives of the 2nd group

-nouns in -u

Abbreviations used in the anatomical terminology

Singular form Plural form

a. arteriaaa. - arteriae

b. bursabb. - bursae

gl. - glandulagll. - glandulae

for. - foramenforr. - foramina

lig. - ligamentumligg. - ligamenta

m. - musculusmm. - musculi

n. - nervusnn. - nervi

r. - ramusrr. - rami

vag. - vaginavagg. - vaginae

v. - venavv. venae

NB! In many cases medical terms are borrowed from Latin into the Endlish medical terminology without any change even in the flexions (direct borrowings). In these cases they preserve Latin rules for forming plurals in English. E.g.: Engl. sing.vertebraEngl. plur.vertebrae; Engl. sing.bronchusEngl. plur.bronchi; Engl. sing.ovumEngl. plur.ova;Engl. sing.apexEngl. plur.apices.Some exceptions to this rule are for the nouns of the 4th declension:Lat. sing.sinusLat. plur.sinusEngl. sing.sinusEngl. plur.sinusesExercises

1. Make up Nominative plural of the following nouns:

Ala, ae f; bursa, ae f; margo, inis m; dens, dentis m; os, ossis n; arteria, ae f; articulatio, onis f; paries, etis m; arcus, us m; foramen, inis n; fundus, i m; crus, cruris n; sinus, us m; digitus, i m; cornu, us n; facies, ei f; alveolus, i m; septum, i n; ligamentum, i n; ductus, us m; cellula, ae f; gyrus, i m; plexus, us m; appendix, icis f; pyramis, idis f.

2. Make up Nominative plural of the following adjectives paying attention to their group, degree and gender:

Dorsale, zygomaticum, liber, major, latissimus, buccalis, lata, anterior, labiale, posterius, maxima, craniale, vertebralis, brevis, proprium, thyroideum, flava, osseus, simplicissimus, bronchialis, sacrale, longus, alaris, latissimum, minima.3. Give the Dictionary form of the nouns, determine their declension and translate into English:

Venae, cilia, palpebrae, tubera, retia, ganglia, cornua, labia, vasa, meninges, dentes, processus, juncturae, alveoli, sinus, musculi, cartilagines, canales, partes, arteriae, rami, aures, radices, tuberositates, alae, vertebrae, sulci, ligamenta. 4. Observe the Nominative plural endings of the words in the following anatomical terms and explain them:

Alveoli dentales (dental alveoli), spatia interglobularia (interglobular spaces), valvulae venosae (venous valvulae), nomina anatomica (anatomical names), juga alveolaria (alveolar eminences), venae intercostales anteriores (anterior intercostal venae), labia oris (lips of mouth), canaliculi dentales (dental small canales), facies articulares (articular surfaces), ductus sublinguales minores (minor sublingual ducts), vasa sinusoidea lienis (sinusoid vessels of spleen), crura ossea (bony crura), arteriae ciliares posteriores longae (long posterior ciliary arteries).

5. Translate into Latin. Make up Nominative plural forms: Carotic (tuber, sulcus, canal), lymphatic (vessel, node, valve), incisive (canal, opening, fossa), articular (cavity, process, cartilage), nasal (concha, bone, opening), anterior (margin, surface, septum), palatine (tonsil, process), jugular (tubercle, slit, process), wing-shaped (canal, process, fossa), ethmoidal (crest, bone, foramen), occipital (region, lobe, opening), mammiform (process, incisure, opening), lower (wall, fissure, arch), transverse (process, lobe, ligament, artery), posterior (horn, nucleus, surface).

6. Form Nominative plural of the following terms and translate them into English:

Processus ciliaris, arteria gastrica brevis, nodus lymphaticus lumbalis, glandula lingualis, ganglion thoracicum, vena nasalis externa.

7. Choose for the nouns in Nominative plural the corresponding adjectives given in brackets and translate the terms:

Nodi (epigastrici, dextri, profunda, internae, lumbales, lymphatici, pectoralia, pulmonales, iliaci, occipitales, regionales, mastoidei), ligamenta (interspinalia, flava, palmaria, cruciata, interosseae, alaria, dorsalia, intercarpei), dentes (incisivi, molares, longae, canini, permanentes, major, minores),plexus (iliaci, rectales, inferiores, gastrici, medii, medianae, viscerales, vasculares), foramina (ethmoidalia, minora, nervosae, palatini).

8. Translate into English:

Arteriae ciliares posteriores, nervi craniales, musculi subcostales, ganglia cardiaca, partes orbitales ossis frontalis, pyramides renales, nervi spinales, spatium intercostale, meatus acustici, sinus intermedii, suturae cranii, vasa sanguinea retinae, venae rectales inferiores, venulae rectae, rami cardiaci cervicales inferiores, plexus venosi vertebales interni, regiones membri inferioris, radices spinales, incisurae cartilaginis, ductus sublinguales minores, nomina anatomica, canales palatini minores, tubercula dentis, plicae gastricae, venae intercostales inferiores, arteriae ciliares posteriores longae, vasa lymphatica superficialia, cartilagines alares minores, cartilagines nasales accessoriae, gyri temporales transversi, ossa membri inferioris, venae digitales dorsales pedis, musculi suboccipitales, ductus sublinguales minores.9. Translate into Latin:

Inferior veins of cerebrum, pectoral cardiac branches, lesser sublingual ducts, dorsal branches of tongue, anterior superior alveolar arteries, transverse folds of rectum, iliac plexuses, lesser palatine canals, posterior superior alveolar foramina, pelvic ganglia, pterygoid processes of sphenoid bone, sinuses of aorta, muscles of back, short gastric veins, interphalangeal articulations of foot, synovial bags and sheaths.

10. Read the terms in their full form; translate them into English:

Mm. interspinales,gll. intestinales, vv. centrales, rr. orbitales, vagg. synoviales, mm. interossei, bb. trochantericae, aa. nutriciae, nn. cardiaci, forr. palatina minora, aa. superiores, nn. profundi, rr. oesophagei, aa. sigmoideae.GENITIVE PLURAL OF NOUNS AND ADJECTIVESTo form the Genitive plural of the noun it is necessary:

- to remember the dictionary form of the noun in order to define the declension and gender of the term;

- to single out the base of the noun in order to attach the corresponding ending in the Genitive plural to it.nouns Genitive plural endings


Endings of Genitive plural- rum- rum- um,

- ium- uum- rum

E.g.: vena, ae f (vein) venrum (of veins);nervus, i m (nerve) nervrum (of nerves); cornu, us n (horn) cornuum (of horns); facies, ei f (surface) facirum (of surfaces).Nouns of the 3rd declension end by -um if they have unequal number of syllables in Nominative and Genitive, which stem is terminated by one consonant: foramen, inis n foramin-um;pulmo, onis m pulmon-um.Nouns of the 3rd declension end by -ium:

- if they have equal number of syllables in Nominative and Genitive:auris, is faur-ium;- if they have unequal number of syllables in Nominative and Genitive and their stem is terminated by two consonants:dens, dentis m dent-ium;os, ossis n oss-ium.

Exception: vas, vasis nvasorum. The nouns fauces, ium f fauces and lumbi, orum loins are used only in plural form.ADJECTIVESGENITIVE pluralendingsGroupGenitive plural endings


Adjectives of the 1st group + adjectives in superlative degree- rum- rum- rum

Adjectives of the 2nd group-ium

Adjectives in comparative degree-um

E.g.:longus, a, um longrum, rum, rum; maximus, a, um maximrum, rum, rum; brevis, ebrevium; anterior, ius anteriorum.Exercises1. Determine the declension of each word, give the dictionary form:Capsularum, palpebrarum, facierum, angulorum, digitorum, arteriarum, plexuum, foraminum, cavorum, ligamentorum, gingivarum, arcuum, processuum, canalium, tendinum, cingulorum.

2. Translate into Latin. Give