Analysis of Pervasive Games Based Learning Systems Requirements Using Game Theory

ANALYSIS OF PERVASIVE GAMES BASED LEARNING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS USING GAME THEORY Yemna MEJBRI Maha KHEMAJA Kaouther RAIES University of Manouba University of Sousse University of Sfax Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality TEEM’16 NOVEMBER 2-4, 2016 | SALAMANCA, SPAIN National School of Computer Scienc Prince Research Group

Transcript of Analysis of Pervasive Games Based Learning Systems Requirements Using Game Theory

Page 1: Analysis of Pervasive Games Based Learning Systems Requirements Using Game Theory




University of Manouba University of Sousse University of Sfax

Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality TEEM’16


 National School of Computer SciencesPrince Research Group

Page 2: Analysis of Pervasive Games Based Learning Systems Requirements Using Game Theory


o Introduction

o Agile Requirements Modeling Techniques

o Game Theory

o Related works

o The method

o Conclusion and future works2

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Pervasive Computing pervades our daily life.

When we talk about pervasive computing, we usually think of anywhere, anytime, any data and any device.

Information technology has changed a lot the way of learning and specially, it has affected Games Based Learning.

Context-awareness is the most important issue of such a Pervasive Games Based Learning Systems.


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Requirements of PGBLSs players change following the highly dynamic environments.

Rapid changes in player/learner preferences makes pre-specified requirements inappropriate.

PGBLSs Analysts need sophisticated Analysis techniques.

How addressing Analysis of PGBLS users’ requirements by making use of Game theory principles?


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Agile Requirements Modeling Techniques


o There are number of Agile requirements prioritization methods [1]

• The Numeral Assignment Technique (NAT),

• The Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP),

• The Value Oriented Prioritizations (VOP) ,

• The Cumulative Voting (CV),

• The Binary Search Tree (BST),

• The Planning Game (PG),

• …

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Game Theory (1/2)


o Game theory [3] is a mathematical tool that describes and analyzes behaviors in

strategic situations.

o Game theory is a useful tool that can be adopted to model and analyze the

interactions among self-interested users and further identify the requirements and

features that are the most likely to address the users’ outcomes.

o Users in a PGBL environment need to compete with each others for gaining

resources and valuable outcomes.

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Game Theory (2/2)


o More cooperation between the various end users and this will lead to more resolution

of requirements conflicts.

o Framework for studying the strategic actions of individual decision makers to develop

more broadly acceptable solutions.

o Identify and interpret the behaviors of parties in conflicts and describe how

interactions of different parties who give priority to their own objectives rather than

systems objectives result in a systems evolution [4].

o Provide an effective and precise language for discussing requirements conflicts

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RELATED WORKS Research Description

Hoh [5] He addressed the problem of identifying and resolving conflicts

among quality-attribute requirements from multiple stakeholders

and also examined what the effective models and support systems

are for the task of the conflict identification and resolution.

Ajienka [6] He aimed to resolve software stakeholders requirements conflicts in

software projects. He studied the applicability of mathematical

concepts and models in conflict resolution and this led to the review

the applicability of the concepts of ‘Game Theory’ to software

project management and stakeholder conflicts resolution through

cooperative games.


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Manual analysis of PGBLSs requirements with Game Theory concepts

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o The application of Game Theory enables the identification of equilibria among the players’ strategies and as a result enables the prioritization of their needs.

o Game Theory concepts are expressed in a natural pseudo language based on mathematics and could not be used in an automatic processing

o The process of Analysis should be automated because game theory is difficult to be processed automatically when users are not Game Theory skilled.


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o PGBLSs requirements must be formalized in such a way that they can then be checked and updated automatically.

o This requires a formalism that must be flexible and adaptable to the dynamic aspect of the context.

o Since ontologies [7] allow formally presenting sharing and reusing knowledge and also describing reasoning on that knowledge.

o According to Studer [8] “an ontology is a formal and explicit specification of a shared conceptualization”.

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Requirements’ Ontology Specific to PGBLSs (RO)

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The game theory ontology (GTO)

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The Automatic Analysis Process

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CONCLUSION PGBLSs requirements analysis since it formally mimics the conflict problem in a

PGBL scenario.

The identification of equilibria among the players’ strategies and as a result enables the prioritization of their needs.

Test case of such scenarios and exploit their analysis in order to provide automatic PGBLSs requirements analysis.


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[1] Mohammad ShabbirHasan. 2010. An Evaluation of Software Requirement Prioritization Techniques. (IJCSIS) Vol. 8, No.9[2] Boehm BW, Ross R. 1989. Theory-W software project management: Principles and examples. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 15(7):902T916 [3] Guerrien, B. 1995. la Théorie des Jeux, 2ème édition ISBN 2-7178-2737-4, Ed.ECONOMICA, Paris[4] Madani, K. 2010. Game theory and water resources. Journal of Hydrology, 381(3), pp.225—238.[5] In, H. 1998. Conflict identification and resolution for software attribute requirements. PhD University of Southern California.[6] Nemitari Ajienka. 2014. An Application of Game Theory in the Resolution of Stakeholders Requirements Conflicts in the Context of Software Development Projects, University of Birmingham. [7] In J. Doyle, E. Sandewall and P. Torasso (eds.).1994. Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference (KR94). Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA: 270-280. [8] Studer, R., Benjamins, V.R. and Fensel, D. 1998. Knowledge engineering: Principales and methods, online [available]:

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Thank you for your attention !

Yemna MEJBRI Maha KHEMAJA Kaouther [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]