Analysis of Mad Men

Mad men In the opening shots, the films uses an over the shoulder medium close up, the show the setting and the clothes in which Don Draper is wearing, as he’s wearing quite suave clothing, this gives the impression that he has power and quite superior. It also gives the impression that he’s been wearing or is working in this case. This is followed by a double shot which is also a medium long shot of the two waiters, it shows the two opposing races of the time as the white man is much taller than the black one and is talking down to him, he is also wearing a different jacket to him which shows the injustice at the time as it shows that he has more power. Even by the conversing, you are aware that he is only talking to them as he believes the black man is bothering Don Draper. It uses a point of view shot, this is showing us what Don Draper is actually doing there, he’s writing notes down of the conversation which shows us that he is marketing cigarettes; this also shows the time period as they are paying people to advertise them and not broadcast adverts on TV as they weren’t around or highly used then. Therefore this was the best way to market them to persuade people to buy them. Also he seems to be focusing on advertising them to men which shows that smoking may be considered more masculine at this time and that woman are more weary of the consequences on your health. There’s also the use of double shots, this is to show the setting and the people of the time in couples and their fashion, as they are smoking in a bar this shows that it is set in the past as its illegal to do so now. There appears to be no women alone, only with men and the bar seems to be quite male dominated. When Don Draper goes to the Midge’s apartment, there’s a use of shallow focus, this shows the dominance of the woman and how she’s pouring them both a drink out which may be considered un lady like, although she is also pouring it out for Don Draper which is seen as polite. This shot shows the interior of the apartment, to show the power of the woman as not many women at this time had business power and their own apartment. Therefore this shows that she is quite independent and that Don Draper may be seen as ‘weaker than her’. A long shot is used, identifying what she is wearing, she has trousers on and a male t shirt which is quite unusual for the time period as woman tended to be very lady like and wear skirts as for her, she seems to be wearing one of his shirts as this is shown later on in the episode, that he in fact has draw full of them at work. This shows how she has power over him and knows what he wants. There’s the use of a birds eye view, to identify the location, it shows us that its early in the day and that there’s going to be a lot of people with power in the city compared to the countryside, this is because of all the business work and it looks like people are travelling to work at this time. As its set in the 1950s, this also shows the cars and buildings are the time so you are able to see the architecture of the time. The camera also uses a tilted shot and moving to follow the people in the building, this shows the clothes of the time and how much more male dominated the working scene is, this is also backed up in conversations take place when even the woman say, “simple enough for woman to use,” in the office. This allows us to see the setting and introduce us to what the people are like at the time. In the lift, they use a deep focus so that you recognise the three men’s power, by their conversations, you can tell they don’t have much respect for woman by the way they look at the woman in the lift and how they believe their friend will ‘sink’ when they get married. Their power is also seen in the setting as the men have their own private offices. The women are all in one large space and are even ignored by the men in the office, which shows the major difference between the two genders in the working area.



Transcript of Analysis of Mad Men

Page 1: Analysis of Mad Men

Mad men In the opening shots, the films uses an over the shoulder medium close up, the show the setting and the clothes in which Don Draper is wearing, as he’s wearing quite suave clothing, this gives the impression that he has power and quite superior. It also gives the impression that he’s been wearing or is working in this case. This is followed by a double shot which is also a medium long shot of the two waiters, it shows the two opposing races of the time as the white man is much taller than the black one and is talking down to him, he is also wearing a different jacket to him which shows the injustice at the time as it shows that he has more power. Even by the conversing, you are aware that he is only talking to them as he believes the black man is bothering Don Draper.It uses a point of view shot, this is showing us what Don Draper is actually doing there, he’s writing notes down of the conversation which shows us that he is marketing cigarettes; this also shows the time period as they are paying people to advertise them and not broadcast adverts on TV as they weren’t around or highly used then. Therefore this was the best way to market them to persuade people to buy them. Also he seems to be focusing on advertising them to men which shows that smoking may be considered more masculine at this time and that woman are more weary of the consequences on your health.There’s also the use of double shots, this is to show the setting and the people of the time in couples and their fashion, as they are smoking in a bar this shows that it is set in the past as its illegal to do so now. There appears to be no women alone, only with men and the bar seems to be quite male dominated. When Don Draper goes to the Midge’s apartment, there’s a use of shallow focus, this shows the dominance of the woman and how she’s pouring them both a drink out which may be considered un lady like, although she is also pouring it out for Don Draper which is seen as polite. This shot shows the interior of the apartment, to show the power of the woman as not many women at this time had business power and their own apartment. Therefore this shows that she is quite independent and that Don Draper may be seen as ‘weaker than her’.A long shot is used, identifying what she is wearing, she has trousers on and a male t shirt which is quite unusual for the time period as woman tended to be very lady like and wear skirts as for her, she seems to be wearing one of his shirts as this is shown later on in the episode, that he in fact has draw full of them at work. This shows how she has power over him and knows what he wants.There’s the use of a birds eye view, to identify the location, it shows us that its early in the day and that there’s going to be a lot of people with power in the city compared to the countryside, this is because of all the business work and it looks like people are travelling to work at this time. As its set in the 1950s, this also shows the cars and buildings are the time so you are able to see the architecture of the time. The camera also uses a tilted shot and moving to follow the people in the building, this shows the clothes of the time and how much more male dominated the working scene is, this is also backed up in conversations take place when even the woman say, “simple enough for woman to use,” in the office. This allows us to see the setting and introduce us to what the people are like at the time.In the lift, they use a deep focus so that you recognise the three men’s power, by their conversations, you can tell they don’t have much respect for woman by the way they look at the woman in the lift and how they believe their friend will ‘sink’ when they get married. Their power is also seen in the setting as the men have their own private offices. The women are all in one large space and are even ignored by the men in the office, which shows the major difference between the two genders in the working area.