Analysis of front covers

Vibe magazine has it’s masthead close to the top with a cover line above it, this is not a conventional formality in magazine as the masthead is usually directly at the top of the magazine. The masthead is also behind the cover star, this means that VIBE expects it’s readers to be familiar with the masthead and to recognise it without it being prominent. The cover star is Kanye West, who is a global superstar. He is making direct eye contact with the audience of the magazine to familiarise the audience with him within the magazine.

Transcript of Analysis of front covers

Vibe magazine has it’s masthead close to the top with a cover line above it, this is not a conventional formality in magazine as the masthead is usually directly at the top of the magazine. The masthead is also behind the cover star, this means that VIBE expects it’s readers to be familiar with the masthead and to recognise it without it being prominent. The cover star is Kanye West, who is a global superstar. He is making direct eye contact with the audience of the magazine to familiarise the audience with him within the magazine.

Kerrang magazine also doesn’t follow the typical conventions of having the masthead directly at the top of the magazine, it has it under a bar with 2 cover lines as opposed to vibe which only has the one, which makes it even more unconventional. The coverstars are All Time Low, they are a big band in their genre which is the genre that Kerrang is typically known for. So therefore the direct eye contact and gestures to the audience will familiarise them with the magazine because they recognise them.

NME challenges the conventions of a magazine by having the masthead in the top right corner of the magazine, the cover lines are also split into a row of three across the bottom, only NME does this with their magazines to make the cover stand out from their competition. The cover stars are the Arctic Monkeys, they are a globally recognised band and therefore the familiarity is there, the lead singer has sunglasses to give himself a cooler image and to make himself stand out from the other members, plus as the Arctic Monkeys are the representation of their genre, this would attract more readers to this particular issue and therefore they may buy more issues.