Analysis of Front Cover, Contents and Double

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  • 8/2/2019 Analysis of Front Cover, Contents and Double


    Analysis of Front Cover,Contents and Double Spread

    from NME (Dizzee Rascaledition)

    By Max Qayyum

  • 8/2/2019 Analysis of Front Cover, Contents and Double


    Red masthead

    The masthead is NMEswell known logo.


    Stands out on thecover and highlightsan important story.

    Main anchoring cover line

    Makes the main story in the magazinestand out and clear.



    Tells audience about other artists in themagazine, helping appeal to a wider audience.


    Tells audience about extrasin the magazine, giving themmore reasons to purchase it.

    Medium longshot

    Shows all of Dizzees body

    except for parts of his legsand arms. He looks happyand inviting by lookingdirectly at the camera andsmiling.

    Cover linesTells the readers aboutother stories in themagazine. Dizzee Rascalnoticeably stands out ashe is a hip-hop artists andthe majority of the othersare alternative/indie

    artists.Pull quoteA quote from the mainarticle inside themagazine, makingaudiences want toread on.

    Front Cover

    House style

    The prominent red and black colours are

    used with the NME logo in the top leftcorner and sans serif fonts used.

  • 8/2/2019 Analysis of Front Cover, Contents and Double


    Target Audience


    Hip-hop artists

    Whilst the majority ofartists in the cover linesare alternative/rock/indie,

    the main image is ofDizzee Rascal, a hip-hopartist. Jay-Z is alsomentioned in the footer,even though the NME isknown as more of a rock-

    oriented monthlypublication.

    The target audiencewould be males around16-24 years old.

    This issue costs 2.30.The social classes its

    aimed at could be C1C2.

  • 8/2/2019 Analysis of Front Cover, Contents and Double



    Reuses the logoused for themasthead on thefront cover andcontinues the housestyle.


    Used to separate thedifferent types of articlein the magazine,allowing readers to findwhat they want quickly.

    ContentsThese are the mainarticles in theissue.

    Band index

    A list of all of the

    artists in themagazine.

    A short introduction to thistouring special issue of

    the magazine by theeditor.


    An advert encouragingreaders to subscribe tothe magazine

    Medium shot

    Medium shot of LittleBoots (mentioned in the

    introduction below),canted angle. The tourbus relates to theintroduction below.

    Date of magazinerelease


    House style

    The prominent red and black colours areused with the NME logo repeated and sansserif fonts used.

  • 8/2/2019 Analysis of Front Cover, Contents and Double


    Mise En Scene

    Bottles and the stereo/etcare used as props. The

    texts wraps around thisimage.

    Article title

    Play on words relatingto Dizzee tagging in

    the adjacent photo.



    Drop Capital

    Leads into the article.

    Main Image

    Shows Dizzee

    standing by a graffitiwall (a big part ofthe mise-en-scene)holding spray paintand looking shifty.This is a referenceto the from tags

    part of the title ofthe article.


    Gives a shortintroduction tothe article.

    Page numberand also reusesNMEs logo

    along with date.

    Double Page SpreadHouse styleThe same background from the front coveris used in the image of Dizzee. Sans seriffonts are used throughout and the logo isrepeated.

  • 8/2/2019 Analysis of Front Cover, Contents and Double


    Written Article

    The article is about Dizzees

    rise to fame as implied by thetitle and is described as his

    story, written in 2009.

    The article is split into 4

    columns of around 100 wordseach and refers frequently tothe image of Dizzee which isadjacent.

    The article seems quiteinformal and laid back withlots of observations aboutDizzees actions and
