Analysis Of Covers

Front Cover 1 Front Cover 2 Front Cover 3 Front Cover 4 Front Cover 5 Front Cover 6 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Series1 Jamie= “ I really like Digipak front cover three as the yellow adds a pop to it. I believe it is also the best in terms of layout as it flows better. My second favorite would be the second one as I like the use of a range of colours however not particularly those colours together.” Michael= “ I really like Digipak front cover two because of the colours. I think that the artwork is great too. However the green font is also quite effective on its own.’ Hanna= “ I really like Digipak front cover three because its quite bold and the colour may suggest a theme or regency or loyalty which is the theme through one or two of the songs on the album”. Jessica= “ I like digipak front cover three also as I think the font is clearer and its better to have the smaller text in a darker colour to keep it in balance with the rest of the title. I don’t like number two because of the mish mash of colours used. I also don’t think that its entirely reflective of the rock folk genre either.”

Transcript of Analysis Of Covers

Page 1: Analysis Of Covers

Front Cover 1 Front

Cover 2 Front Cover 3 Front

Cover 4 Front Cover 5 Front

Cover 6










Jamie= “ I really like Digipak front cover three as the yellow adds a pop to it. I believe it is also the best in terms of layout as it flows better. My second favorite would be the second one as I like the use of a range of colours however not particularly those colours together.”

Michael= “ I really like Digipak front cover two because of the colours. I think that the artwork is great too. However the green font is also quite effective on its own.’

Hanna= “ I really like Digipak front cover three because its quite bold and the colour may suggest a theme or regency or loyalty which is the theme through one or two of the songs on the album”.

Jessica= “ I like digipak front cover three also as I think the font is clearer and its better to have the smaller text in a darker colour to keep it in balance with the rest of the title. I don’t like number two because of the mish mash of colours used. I also don’t think that its entirely reflective of the rock folk genre either.”