Analysis 3 thriller frames sulieman


Transcript of Analysis 3 thriller frames sulieman

Page 1: Analysis 3 thriller frames sulieman


Page 2: Analysis 3 thriller frames sulieman

As you can see from the frame of this thriller film the lady is presented as an antagonist as she has the vampire teeth. Also the lighting in the film portrays the antagonist is the main character, as a villain as the light is focused on her face shows she is the main character. the women has a red teeth the color of her teeth which Is red represents blood which also represents her as a antagonist. Also the shape of her teeth Is also a big factor as the shape of her teeth represents her as a vampire, this shows that she is an antagonist that likes blood. Her hair also presents the character as a evil and cruel character, this is because she has grey hair, the color grey represents darkness and dullness which portrays her as a character and as an antagonist as we go back to the lighting the lighting in the frame shows the life she lives, she lives in darkness and her life is dull which again shows her as a character.

Page 3: Analysis 3 thriller frames sulieman

The second frame is a frame were there is a protagonist and an antagonist there is a women and a man the women is portrayed as weak and has no power the use of the low angle shot shows the women sleeping and powerless and has no power over what the man is doing to her. Also the use of mise-en-scene in what the antagonist which is the man is wearing, he is wearing a mask the use of him wearing a mask shows he is portrayed as a villain and the man has the upmost power over the women. Also the lighting used in the frame is very dim and blurry from the outside and is focused on the 2 main characters which are the women and the man.

Page 4: Analysis 3 thriller frames sulieman

As you can see from the third frame the man is looking powerless for example the man is looking scared and worried as you can see the mise-en-scene used in the frame with the man is portrayed as a scared and worried man as you can see the man is wearing a t-shirt with blood all over the shirt this is a sign of a man who is a fighter and is worried for his life as all of his survivors are dead also the use of the high angle shot shows that the man is really scared for his life and is worried about death.