Analysing screen shots from Once Upon a Time in America

The character (‘Noodles’) is wearing the typical trilby and overcoat, an outfit that was frequently worn in the thriller genre, especially in the crime/gangster sub- genre. The clothing quickly tells the audience that the character is potentially a gangster or similar. Noodles is wielding a gun, this shows that he is threatening and also is a character that poses’ power. Guns are props that are often used in thrillers to deal out death by many different character types. The worms eye shot is used to brilliant effect in this scene, distorting and confusing the view for the audience at the same time due to the slight tilt. The worms eye shot is used to give the audience a perspective of the character looking up from the floor and is effective in engaging the audience. The dimly lit room symbolises the nature of the genre, this type of lighting could also be called chiaroscuro which literally means light on dark. This sort of dark lighting helps to cast shadows across characters in able to mask their identity, making them seem mysterious. Noodle is wearing a red tie, the colour red could symbolise many things, for example anger, passion/se duction and blood. In this case it is most likely to be anger or blood as Noodles is seen to be pointing a gun with a stern look on his face


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Transcript of Analysing screen shots from Once Upon a Time in America

Page 1: Analysing screen shots from Once Upon a Time in America

The character (‘Noodles’) is wearing the typical trilby and overcoat, an outfit that was frequently worn in the thriller genre, especially in the crime/gangster sub-genre. The clothing quickly tells the audience that the character is potentially a gangster or similar.

Noodles is wielding a gun, this shows that he is threatening and also is a character that poses’ power. Guns are props that are often used in thrillers to deal out death by many different character types.

The worms eye shot is used to brilliant effect in this scene, distorting and confusing the view for the audience at the same time due to the slight tilt. The worms eye shot is used to give the audience a perspective of the character looking up from the floor and is effective in engaging the audience.

The dimly lit room symbolises the nature of the genre, this type of lighting could also be called chiaroscuro which literally means light on dark. This sort of dark lighting helps to cast shadows across characters in able to mask their identity, making them seem mysterious.

Noodle is wearing a red tie, the colour red could symbolise many things, for example anger, passion/seduction and blood. In this case it is most likely to be anger or blood as Noodles is seen to be pointing a gun with a stern look on his face

Page 2: Analysing screen shots from Once Upon a Time in America

Again the bent cops are seen wearing the typical trilby and overcoat seen in gangster/crime thrillers often. This outfit is also seen a lot in classic noir thrillers, therefore Leone could be paying tribute these films.

The fact the femme fatale character (Eve) is left dead in the foreground of this shot shows that Leone is trying to install fear and brutality in to the audience as there is no hiding it. The other characters show no remorse, continuing their conversation whilst Eve is laying dead in front of them.

Even though the lighting is non-ambient it still creates a dimly lit environment, signifying the thriller genre. Note that the lamp is on but it is covered by a yellow tinted lampshade, this will give the light in the room a yellowish hue radiating from the corner, adding to the atmosphere created by the set lighting.

The bent cops are wearing dark clothing which shows that they are the bad or evil ones in this scene.

Eve is seen to be wearing quite glamorous clothing which can be usual for the femme fatale type character as they are portrayed to be seductive but dangerous at the same time, which is most probably why she is killed very early on in the film, she presents a threat to the cops. Eve’s blouse is a similar shade of colour to the lamp, this could be to show Eve as a shady character.

The three bent cops are framed by the archway in the room, showing that these three are associated with each other but also that they are a threat because they are blocking the exit.

Page 3: Analysing screen shots from Once Upon a Time in America

The wet gleaming streets symbolise the genre, the combination of the dark moody rain reflecting the light. This is a result of non-ambient light to create a noir lighting or chiaroscuro lighting effect.

The dead bodies laid out on the street are a constant reminder for the audience regarding death and the reality of it in the real world. It also shows that Leone is not afraid of showing these kind of images, he wants to show a perhaps glorified version of what actually happened during the times of prohibition.

Again these mean are wearing the dark suits, showing that they were most probably the result of gang related violence, possibly a rival gang hit or even some cops who went looking where they shouldn’t have been.

It is supposedly night time, which creates an impression of darkness upon the audience, a time where acts such as murder were more easily committed. This could play on the audiences’ minds, making them wary of the dark knowing what it can bring.

Page 4: Analysing screen shots from Once Upon a Time in America

Evidence of a boxing club, often the center for shady operations or illegal betting. This would be an ideal location to find information about the local criminal world as people would come in and out frequently.

The character in this scene, ‘Fat Moe’, has his face almost completely covered in blood which shows that Moe has already been subject to a lengthy beating and possibly some form of torture. This means that the cops will go to any lengths to find the man they are looking for and Moe must have some very important information to earn this beating, although the cops are intent on not shooting him, perhaps suggesting that he is very valuable to them.

Both the characters are wearing dark clothing, the audience already know that the cops are supposedly the bad guys or the villains, but does this mean that Moe must be too? His first appearance is a victim, but he wouldn’t of ended up in the grim situation without having to have done something before it, hence the dark clothing.

The gun in the mouth of Moe creates a lot of tension in the audience as a mans life hangs in the balance. The close up shot allows the audience to engage with the characters emotions, to feel his fear and also the cops ruthlessness.

Page 5: Analysing screen shots from Once Upon a Time in America

The cold horizontal bars create a prison like atmosphere, suggesting that there is nowhere for Eve to run as the cops, and her fate, approaches.

The bullet holes act as a warning to Eve, telling her to leave immediately but unfortunately she doesn’t have enough time. The bullet holes also create a sense of foreboding, someone else was killed here and Eve is about to suffer the same ending.

Eve is cast in the shadows, further cementing her stereotype as a femme fatale. This is because she is covered by darkness showing that she could be a dangerous or deviant character who is up to no good. This is a generic convention of women in the thriller genre and many other genres too, they are portrayed mostly as either seductive and dangerous or loyal housewives who are unable to fend for themselves (for example the Godfather)