Analisa Surat Khabar

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Minggu 1 [11 September 2014] Analisis Isu AntarabangsaTitleA Look At Obamas Strategy For Defeating The Islamic State 24th September 2014

Main Points1. Obama prepared to address the nation about his plan to defeat the Islamic State.2. Obama has executive authority to expand a month old air campaign against the Sunni military into Syria where the group is the strongest but also said he would be grateful for congressional support.3. Senate Demoratic leaders started working on a bill that would let the United States train foreign troops fighting the Islamic State on the ground.4. There is a rekuctance among the kingdoms Sunni ruling family to get involved in a campaign targeting Sunni militants.

Purpose Of The ArticleTo inform

Choice Of The PurposePresident Barrack Obama hosted a meeting with congressional leaders at the Oval Office on Tuesday. The meeting was one of many this week as he prepared to address the nation about his plan to defeat the Islamic State This phrase is the subject of the whole article. Obamas meeting this week as he prepared to tell nation about his plan to defeat the Islamic State.

Tone Of The ArticleSerious

Choice Of Tone With Evidence From TextMuch of this newspaper article is written in a serious way. Obama tell that he really want to defeat the Islamic State, for example ;The president has now declared that defeating ISIL ( an acronym for another name for the group) is his objective, and that is a very good start, but American dont want a lecture .

Words That Are UnfamilliarReluctance (adj.) struggling in opposition Coalition (adj.) a combination or alliance especially a temporary one between persons, factions, states, etc.