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  • 8/9/2019 Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine Volume 14 issue 3 2013 [doi 10.1016%2Fj.mpaic.2013.01.006] Hawthorne, …


    Total intravenousanaesthesiaChristopher Hawthorne

    Nick Sutcliffe

     Abstract Driven by better understanding of the pharmacokinetic principles

    involved and improvements in infusion pump technology, total intrave-

    nous anaesthesia (TIVA) has become more popular and has many poten-

    tial advantages. Safe and effective use of TIVA requires the practitioner to

    have a sound understanding of the pharmacokinetics involved and the

    pharmacokinetic behaviour of many drugs can be described by a three-

    compartment model. Mathematical modelling can be used to calculate

    the blood and theoretical effect-site concentrations of anaesthetic

    drugs for a given dosing regimen. Following consideration of the three-

    compartment model, manual regimes were developed to permit TIVA,

    but such regimes were insufficiently flexible to provide adequate anaes-

    thesia for all patients in all circumstances. Target controlled infusion

    (TCI) systems are computerized infusion systems capable of delivering

    variable infusion regimes based on a complex mathematical solution to

    the pharmacokinetic models. Such systems allow the anaesthetist to

    achieve and maintain any desired target drug concentration appropriate

    to an individual patient and level of surgical stimulation. TCI systems

    have facilitated the increased use of TIVA over the past decade such

    that this technique has become ‘mainstream’ throughout much of the


    Keywords   Effect-site; pharmacokinetics; propofol; target controlled

    infusion; three-compartment model; total intravenous anaesthesia

    Royal College of Anaesthetists CPD Matrix:  1A02, 2A10

    While intravenous induction of anaesthesia became widespread

    following the discovery of barbiturates in the 1930s, maintenance

    of anaesthesia using intravenous agents has only recently

    become commonplace. Prior to the discovery of propofol in the

    1970s, the intravenous hypnotic agents available were unsuitable

    for maintenance of anaesthesia due to an undesirable pharma-

    cokinetic profile (prolonged context sensitive half life), side-

    effects or toxicity. However, a better understanding of the

    pharmacokinetic principles involved, coupled with discovery of 

    the shorter-acting opioid analgesic agents such as alfentanil and

    remifentanil, and improvements in infusion pump technology

    facilitated development during the 1980s and 1990s of the tech-

    nique of total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA). TIVA, whereby

    anaesthesia is administered exclusively via the intravenous route

    has many potential advantages (Table 1).

    Pharmacokinetics of drug delivery 

    Safe and effective use of TIVA requires the practitioner to have

    a sound understanding of the pharmacokinetics involved.

    Following intravenous administration of a drug, the drug issimultaneously subjected to dilution, elimination and distribu-

    tion. The pharmacokinetic behaviour of many drugs can be

    described by a three-compartment model (Figure 1), but it must

    be understood that such compartments correspond to neither

    anatomic boundaries nor organs, but are a theoretical construct.

    It is inherent, however, that the blood volume lies within the

    central compartment.

    An intravenous drug is administered directly to the central

    compartment; from this central compartment, the drug is redis-

    tributed to peripheral compartments. Simultaneously, drug is

    eliminated from the central compartment by metabolism and

    excretion so it can be appreciated that, if the theoretical volumes

    of the compartments are known, and the rates at which drugmoves between compartments can be determined, then mathe-

    matical modelling can be used to calculate the drug concentra-

    tion in the central compartment.

    The administration of a bolus dose of a drug results in a peak

    (central compartment) concentration, which then decreases

    rapidly with time as the drug is redistributed into the peripheral

    compartments. Although such a rapid onset of action is desirable

    for the induction of anaesthesia with an intravenous agent,

    recovery of consciousness would be rapid without some form of 

    maintenance. Repeated single bolus doses can be used to main-

    tain a drug’s effect, but it is easy to understand how such ‘peaks

    and troughs’ in drug concentration can result in both toxic and

    subtherapeutic effects.When drugs are given by infusion at a constant rate, a steady-

    state drug concentration can be achieved, but to achieve such

    stability, a considerable time period is required. For instance,

    propofol would have to be infused for more than 24 hours to

    achieve steady state; a time frame clearly unsuitable for induc-

    tion of anaesthesia! For many drugs used in anaesthesia, the

    central compartment is not their site of action. Hypnotic anaes-

    thetic drugs exert their clinical effects on the brain, and it is the

    concentration at this ‘effect-site’, not the plasma concentration,

    that is responsible for anaesthetic effect. The addition of this

    fourth ‘effect-site’ compartment to the three-compartment model

    (Figure 1), complete with a rate constant (ke0) for movement of 

    Learning objectives

    After reading this article, you should be able to:

    C describe what happens to a drug following intravenous


    C appreciate the potential advantages of total intravenous

    anaesthesiaC understand the principles of target controlled infusion

    Christopher Hawthorne  MBChB FRCA  is a Clinical Research Fellow at the

    University of Glasgow, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared.

    Nick Sutcliffe  BSc MBChB MRCP FRCA   is a Consultant Anaesthetist at the

    Golden Jubilee Hospital, Clydebank, UK. Conflicts of interest: in the

     past, received honoraria from GSK, AZ, Braun and GE.


    ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 14:3   129    2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • 8/9/2019 Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine Volume 14 issue 3 2013 [doi 10.1016%2Fj.mpaic.2013.01.006] Hawthorne, …


    drug into and out of the compartment, allows the expected timecourse of any clinical effect to be modelled.

    TIVA via manual regimens

    By consideration of the three-compartment model the ‘BET’

    (bolus, elimination, transfer) scheme was developed dictating

    that to achieve TIVA three components would be required:

      an initial bolus (B) dose e to ‘fill’ the central compartment

    (and provide rapid induction of anaesthesia)

      a constant final infusion rate   e   maintaining central

    compartment concentration by matching the elimination

    (E) of drug once redistribution is complete and drug

    concentrations in peripheral and central compartments

    have equilibrated

      an interim infusion rate  e   maintaining central compart-

    ment concentration by matching the rates of transfer (T) of 

    drug from central to peripheral compartments.

    In 1988, Roberts et al.1 proposed such a regimen for the delivery

    of propofol anaesthesia. This regimen consists of a bolus of 

    1 mg/kg followed by an infusion of 10 mg/kg/hour for 10 minutes,

    reducing to 8 mg/kg/hour for a further 10 minutes, followed byan infusion of 6 mg/kg/minute for the duration of the surgery. It

    is designed to achieve rapidly and maintain a steady-state plasma

    propofol concentration of around 3  mg/ml.

    Unfortunately, this regimen fails to provide adequate anaes-

    thesia for all patients in all circumstances, risking excessive

    doses in some and proving inadequate in others. Subtle phar-

    macokinetic and pharmacodynamic variability between patients

    dictate the clinical effect of any given drug concentration and

    these differences, coupled with the need to vary depth of 

    anaesthesia to combat changing levels of surgical stimulation,

    necessitate the ability to quickly and reliably titrate drug

    concentration to effect.

    Target controlled infusion

    Target controlled infusion (TCI) systems are computerized infu-

    sion systems capable of delivering variable infusion regimens

    based on a complex mathematical solution to the pharmacoki-

    netic models. These allow the anaesthetist to achieve and to

    maintain any desired target drug concentration appropriate to an

    individual patient and level of surgical stimulation. After entering

    patient factors such as weight and age into the system, the

    anaesthetist can select, and when necessary adjust, the ‘target’

    drug concentration (Figure 2). This target can be either the

    plasma or the effect-site concentration.

    Effect-site TCI

    As can been seen from  Figure 2a, the delay for equilibration of 

    the effect-site concentration means that, although TCI delivers

    rapid stepwise changes in blood concentration, the anaesthetic

    effect on the patient is somewhat delayed. In clinical practice,

    this can be ameliorated by selecting an initial high blood target

    and thus ‘over-pressuring’ the system to achieve a rapid induc-

    tion, before reducing the target to a maintenance value. This is

    achieved automatically by adjusting the TCI algorithm in order to

    target an effect-site concentration. This method allows the blood

    concentration to rise transiently above the (effect-site) target

    value during an increase in target and below the target during

    Theoretical benefits of TIVA 

     Advantages of TIVA Comment 

    Separates provision of anaesthesia from ventilation Provides predictable anaesthesia in shared airway cases

    Reduced incidence of PONV Well-demonstrated reduction in PONV e  may even have antiemetic effects

    Reduced atmospheric pollution Compared to volatile e  both the local and general environment

    Rapid, clear-headed recovery Of particular value in a day surgery setting

    Easily titrated with TCI Allows rapid and predictable adjustments to depth of anaesthesia

    Safe in malignant hyperthermia No reports of MH with propofol

    Preservation of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction Theoretical improvement in oxygenation during one-lung anaesthesia

    Reduction in intracerebral pressure Reductions in cerebral metabolic rate and blood flow

    resulting overall in reduced ICP

    Little evidence of organ toxicity Liver, kidney and genetic damage seen with volatile anaesthetics

    PONV, postoperative nausea and vomiting; MH, malignant hyperthermia; ICP, intracranial pressure; TCI, target controlled infusion; TIVA, total intravenous anaesthesia.

    Table 1

    Three-compartment model

    Effect siteDrug input











    Figure 1


    ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 14:3   130    2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • 8/9/2019 Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine Volume 14 issue 3 2013 [doi 10.1016%2Fj.mpaic.2013.01.006] Hawthorne, …


    a decrease in selected target concentration (Figure 2b). This will

    result in more rapid changes in anaesthetic depth compared with

    using the same pharmacokinetic model for plasma targeted TCI.

    The apparent variation in effect-site equilibration seen between

    subjects may, however, lead to problems with this dosing

    strategy; there are very little published data concerning effect-site

    TCI. It is also important to recognize that the transient peaks inplasma drug concentration caused by the selection of an effect-

    site target may themselves have undesirable cardiovascular


    New models and equipment 

    Following the introduction of the ‘Diprifusor’, there was just one

    pharmacokinetic model available (Marsh2) for TCI of Diprivan

    1% and 2%. Syringe tag recognition avoided drug errors with

    both concentration and type of drug, but with the advent of open

    TCI, we have gained the flexibility of TCI for a number of drugs

    as well as different models for propofol, but we have lost the

    safety features of syringe tag recognition and created confusionaround the different pharmacokinetic models available for


    Most open TCI systems provide the option of either the Marsh

    or Schnider3 models for propofol and offer either plasma or

    effect-site mode in adults. The Marsh model adjusts compart-

    ment volumes based only on total body weight which means

    there is the potential to overdose both obese patients and the

    elderly. In practice, this can be corrected by selecting a reduced

    weight in the obese and a slightly lower target in the elderly. The

    Schnider model has the theoretical advantage of adjusting for the

    covariates of age, gender and height as well as body weight.

    However, the central compartment volume is fixed at 4.3 litres

    which means that the Schnider model is not suitable for plasma

    targeted TCI. There are also problems with the calculation of leanbody mass and complexities around dosing in effect-site targeted

    TCI making the Schnider model unsuitable for use in obese

    patients. Anaesthetists should therefore use the TCI system with

    which they have most experience and always titrate to clinical

    effect. Particular care should be taken in patient populations

    outwith those from whom the models were derived.


    Opioids are a key component of intravenous anaesthesia. Their

    ability to control the physiological responses to noxious stimuli

    makes them an essential part of any balanced anaesthetic


    The shorter-acting fentanyl derivatives are particularly suitedto use as part of a TIVA technique and TCI systems are now

    available for alfentanil, sufentanil and remifentanil. Similar to

    the benefits of TCI propofol over manual infusions, these systems

    provide advantages in stability of effect and ease of titration

    when compared to manual infusions or intermittent bolus tech-

    niques. Their major limitation is the need to provide longer-

    acting alternative analgesia before the infusion is discontinued.

    This is particularly true of remifentanil, which has established

    a position as ‘drug of choice’ for TIVA largely owing to its

    ‘ultrashort’ duration of action and context insensitive half life;

    conferring rapid and predictable offset of effects.   A


    1   Roberts FL, Dixon J, Lewis GTR, Tackley RM, Prys-Roberts C.

    Induction and maintenance of propofol anaesthesia. Anaesthesia

    1988;   43:   14e7.

    2   Marsh B, White M, Morton N, Kenny GN. Pharmacokinetic model driven

    infusion of propofol in children.  Br J Anaesth  1991;  67:  41e8.

    3   Schnider TW, Minto CF, Gambus PL, et al. The influence of method of 

    administration and covariates on the pharmacokinetics of propofol in

    adult volunteers.  Anesthesiol  1998;  88:  1170e82.


    Absalom A, Struys MMRF. An overview of TCI & TIVA. 2nd edn. Gent:Academia Press, 2006.

    Absalom AR, Mani V, De Smet T, Struys MM. Pharmacokinetic models for 

    propofoledefining and illuminating the devil in the detail. Br J Anaesth

    2009;  103:  26e37.

    White PF. Textbook of intravenous anaesthesia. 1st edn. Baltimore: Wil-

    liams & Wilkins, 1997.

    Figure 2


    ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 14:3   131    2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.