Anaerobic digestion & markets for digestates David Tompkins Agriculture Sector Specialist.

Anaerobic digestion & markets for digestates David Tompkins Agriculture Sector Specialist

Transcript of Anaerobic digestion & markets for digestates David Tompkins Agriculture Sector Specialist.

Anaerobic digestion & markets for digestates

David TompkinsAgriculture Sector Specialist

WRAP’s vision is a world without waste, where resources are used sustainably.

We help businesses, individuals and communities reap the benefits of reducing waste, developing sustainable products and using resources in an efficient way.

About WRAP

Focus on food waste

Reduction and re-use of food and drink wastes 16Mt of post-farm gate food and drink waste 5.3 Mt of avoidable household food waste

– Representing over 20 million tonnes of CO2e– 3% of total UK GHG emissions– 6% of total UK water footprint– 1 in 4 cars on the road in the UK

Ideally this waste would be prevented– Where this is not possible, it should be

recycled– Composting offers one solution– AD offers another – with the advantage of

renewable energy

Main WRAP driver

Anaerobic digestion (AD)

Anaerobic digestion (AD)



Industrial processes

AD in the UK

107 operational facilities 44 farm-fed (manures, slurries,

crops) 47 food-waste-fed (households) 16 industry-fed (distilleries,

dairies) Total capacity ~5Mtpa ~ 230 more plants in planning

Classification by input: Manures and purpose-grown crops Waste-derived:

– Source-segregated– Mixed

Biosolids and co-digestates

AD can be: Wet (<15% DM) or dry Mesophilic (35 - 40°C) or

thermophilic (55 - 60°C)

Types of digestate

Digestate regulations

WRAP focusses on digestates derived from source-segregated wastes, including:– Food processing residues– Kitchen waste– Crop processing residues

As soon as a waste is mixed with non-waste, the whole mix becomes a waste

BUT… there is a way out of this

[Digestates derived from manures and purpose-grown crops not normally regulated]

To transform ‘waste’ digestates into ‘products’ Two parts:

– Anaerobic Digestate Quality Protocol– Approved specification (PAS110)

If an operator complies with both and is independently certified to both, then the biofertiliser is no longer a waste and can be used as a product

BUT, ADQP lists allowable markets

Digestate regulations

PAS110 specification includes limits on: E. coli and Salmonella PTEs (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn) Digestate stability Physical contaminants

PAS110 specification requires tests for: pH Total nutrients & ammonium-N Dry matter

Digestate regulations

WRAP’s market development work

>99% digestate is used in agriculture– Replicated field experiments across the UK–– Biofertiliser Matrix

Other uses– Brownfield restoration and regeneration

(particularly energy crops)– Soil manufacture – Turf establishment– Sports and amenity turf maintenance

As an ingredient in growing media As a liquid feed for containerised strawberry

production In soil-less hydroponic trials

Key questions:– Can digestate be used in these

applications?– What are the constraints?– Can these be overcome?– Are there business benefits?– Should the ADQP be changed?

Horticulture pre-feasibility trials

Thank you

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