An Upper Bound on Locally Recoverable Codes Viveck R. Cadambe (MIT) Arya Mazumdar (University of...

An Upper Bound on Locally Recoverable Codes Viveck R. Cadambe (MIT) Arya Mazumdar (University of Minnesota)

Transcript of An Upper Bound on Locally Recoverable Codes Viveck R. Cadambe (MIT) Arya Mazumdar (University of...

An Upper Bound on Locally Recoverable Codes

Viveck R. Cadambe (MIT)Arya Mazumdar (University of Minnesota)


Failure Tolerance versus Storage versus Access:

Erasure Codes: Classical Trade-off

codeword-symbol (storage node)


Failure Tolerance versus Storage versus Access:

Erasure Codes: Classical Trade-off

codeword-symbol (storage node)


Failure Tolerance versus Storage versus Access:

Erasure Codes: Recently studied trade-off

codeword-symbol (storage node)


Failure Tolerance versus Storage versus Access*:

* Locality important in practice [Huang et. al. 2012, Sathiamoorthy et. al. 2013]* Repair bandwidth is another measure [See a survey by Datta and Oggier 2013]

codeword-symbol (storage node)

Erasure Codes: Recently studied trade-off

Trade-off between distance and rate

Singleton Bound

Trade-off between distance and rate

Singleton Bound

Singleton Bound

Trade-off between distance and rate

Singleton Bound

Singleton Bound

Trade-off between distance and rate and locality?

Singleton Bound

[Gopalan et. al. 11, Papailiopoulous et. al. 12]

Singleton Bound

Singleton Bound[Gopalan et. al.]

Trade-off between distance and rate and locality?

MRRW Bounds are best known locality-unaware bounds

[Gopalan et. al.]

MRRW bound

Singleton Bound

Trade-off between distance and rate and locality?

[Gopalan et. al. 11, Papailiopoulous et. al. 12]

Main Result: A New Upper bound on the price of locality

This talk!

[Gopalan et. al.]

MRRW bound

Our Bound

• At least as strong as previously derived bounds.- Information theoretic (also applicable for non-linear codes )

• At least as strong as previously derived bounds.- Information theoretic (also applicable for non-linear codes )

• Analytical insights from Plotkin Bound:


• At least as strong as previously derived bounds.- Information theoretic (also applicable for non-linear codes )

• Analytical insights from Plotkin Bound:

• A bound on the capacity of a particular multicast network for a fixed alphabet (field) size.

• Because of achievability of [Papailiopoulous et. al. 12]


Open Question What is the largest distance achievable by a locally recoverable code, for a fixed alphabet and locality?

Our Bound

A naïve code

A naïve code:

Gallager’s LDPC ensemble seems to do better

Thank you.

Proof Sketch

In the code, t(r+1) nodes that contain tr “q-its of information”, for a certain range of t

Remove Locality-induced Redundancy

Measure Locality-induced Redundancy