An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013

Transcript of An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

Page 1: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

An RDF and XML DatabaseJohn Snelson, Lead Engineer23rd October 2013

Page 2: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

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Page 3: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

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Data ≠


Page 4: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

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Data +Context =Information

Page 5: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

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Dynamic Semantic PublishingBBC Sports

Size and Complexity: # of athletes # of teams # of assets (match

reports, statistics, etc.) # of relations (facts)

Rich user experience See information in

context Personalize content Easy navigation Intelligently serve ads

(outside of UK)

Manageable Static pages? Too

many, changing too fast

Limited number of journalists

Automate as much as possible

The Challenge Goals

Page 6: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

Slide 6 Copyright © 2013 MarkLogic® Corporation. All rights reserved.

Dynamic Semantic PublishingA Solution

Store, manage documents

Stories Blogs Feeds Profiles

Store, manage values Statistics

Full-Text search Performance,

scalability Robustness

Metadata about documents

Tagged by journalists Added

(semi-)automatically Inferred

Facts reported by journalists

Linked Open Data for real-world facts

XML Database Triple Store

Page 7: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

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played in

plays in

plays for

Dynamic Semantic PublishingUnderstanding Data

Page 8: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

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Dynamic Semantic PublishingScaling Up

Page 9: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

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What is RDF?










:place5 :first-name:person4 “John”

Page 10: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

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What is RDF?

• Schema-less• Triple granularity• Open world assumption• Joins - the cost of granularity


Page 11: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

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Data stored in Triples

Expressed as Subject : Predicate : Object


"John Smith" : livesIn : "London""London" : isIn : "England"

What is Semantics?

Page 12: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

Slide 12 Copyright © 2013 MarkLogic® Corporation. All rights reserved.

Data stored in Triples

Expressed as Subject : Predicate : Object


"John Smith" : livesIn : "London""London" : isIn : "England"

Rules tell us something about the triples


If (A livesIn X) AND (X isIn Y) then (A livesIn Y)

Inference: "John Smith" : livesIn : "England"

What is Semantics?

Page 13: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

Slide 13 Copyright © 2013 MarkLogic® Corporation. All rights reserved.

Data stored in Triples

Expressed as Subject : Predicate : Object


"John Smith" : livesIn : "London""London" : isIn : "England"

Rules tell us something about the triples

What is Semantics?

"John Smith" "England"livesIn



Page 14: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

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Semantics Architecture




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Triple Index

• 3 triple orders• Cached for performance• Works seamlessly with other indexes• Security• 150 bytes per triple on disk• Billions of triples per host• Scaling out horizontally


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RDF Loading


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Triples Embedded in Documents

…<sem:triple> <sem:subject> </sem:subject> <sem:predicate> </sem:predicate> <sem:object datatype=""> Lawford </sem:object></sem:triple>…

Page 18: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

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Content, Data, and Semantics


<title>Suspicious vehicle…Suspicious vehicle near airport






<type>suspicious activity

<category>suspicious vehicle













<object>ABC 123

<description>A blue van…A blue van with license plate ABC 123 was observed parked behind the airport sign…




















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Content, Data, and Semantics



Suspicious vehicle…





suspicious activity


suspicious vehicle







A blue van…










ABC 123<predicate>








Unstructured full-




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RDF Values


“string value”^^xs:string


“2013-04-09”^^xs:date “bonjour”@fr



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Datatype Mapping

Datatype SPARQL XQuery

Typed Literal



IRI <> sem:iri(“http://”)

Blank Node _:blank1 sem:blank(“…”)

Simple Literal “simple” xs:string(“simple”)

Language “bonjour”@frTaggedLiteral


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• Executed using the triple index• SPARQL 1.0 + much of SPARQL 1.1• Cost-based optimization• Join ordering and algorithms

select * where { ?person :birth-place ?place; :first-name “John”}


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Executing SPARQL

sem:sparql(“ prefix : <> select * { ?person :first-name ?first; :last-name ?last; :alma-mater [:ivy-league :true] }”, map:entry(“first”,“John”), (), cts:collection-query(“mycollection”))

Page 24: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

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Returning Binding Solutions

select * where { ?person :birth-place :place5}

select * where { ?person :birth-place ?place; :first-name “John”}

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Solution Results

person place

:person22 :place13

:person4 :place5


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SPARQL Query Results XML Format

sem:query-result-serialize( sem:sparql(“select * { … }”), “xml”)

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Returning Triples

describe :person4

construct { ?bp :uses-name ?fn} where { ?person :birth-place ?bp; :first-name ?fn}

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Triple Resultssem:triple

:place0 :uses-name “Ethel”, “Jeffrey”, “Kara” .:place1 :uses-name “Edward”, “James” .:place10 :uses-name “Robert”, “Sheila”, “Stephen” .


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Querying Named Graphs

select *from <http://my_graph>where { ?s ?p ?o }

select * where { graph <http://my_graph> { ?s ?p ?o }}


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Restricting The Datasets

let $options := “properties”let $query := cts:and-query( cts:directory-query(“/triples/”), cts:element-range-query( xs:QName(“date”),“>”,$date) )return sem:sparql(“…”,(),(), $options,$query)

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Creating Triples

• sem:triple()• sem:rdf-parse()• sem:rdf-get()• sem:rdf-builder()

• sem:rdf-load()• sem:rdf-insert()

Returning sem:triple values

Inserting to a database

Page 32: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

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Graph Store API

declare function graph-insert(

$graphname as sem:iri,

$triples as sem:triple*,

[$permissions as element(sec:permission)*,

$collections as xs:string*,

$quality as xs:int?,

$forest-ids as xs:unsignedLong*]

) as xs:string*;

declare function graph-delete(

$graphname as sem:iri

) as empty-sequence();

Page 33: An RDF and XML Database John Snelson, Lead Engineer 23 rd October 2013.

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• Semantics can enhance your data-oriented and search applications.• XQuery and SPARQL work well together.• A combination RDF and XML database simplifies working with the technologies together.• Try MarkLogic 7:

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