An open and affirming congregation of the United...

An open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ February 25, 2018 at 10 am Fourth Sunday of Black History Month Second Sunday in Lent “Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those they oppress.” Frederick Douglass Welcome to our worship service. Please join us for refreshments and time for fellowship immediately following the service. PRELUDE Chorale Prelude Daniel Turk GATHERING SONG (see insert) We’ve Come This Far By Faith WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS CONGREGATIONAL GREETING Rev. Jim and Rev. Heike

Transcript of An open and affirming congregation of the United...



An open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ

February 25, 2018 at 10 am Fourth Sunday of Black History Month 

Second Sunday in Lent 

“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you

have found the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with

either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those they oppress.”

Frederick Douglass

Welcome to our worship service. Please join us for refreshments and time for fellowship immediately following the service.

PRELUDE Chorale Prelude Daniel Turk GATHERING SONG (see insert) We’ve Come This Far By Faith  WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS CONGREGATIONAL GREETING Rev. Jim and Rev. Heike




A Circle expands forever It covers all who wish to hold hands And its size depends on each other It is a vision of solidarity It turns outwards to interact with the outside And inward for self critique A circle expands forever It is a vision of accountability It grows as the other is moved to grow A circle must have a centre But a single dot does not make a Circle One tree does not make a forest A circle, a vision of cooperation, mutuality and care (poem by Ghanaian theologian Mercy Amba Oduyoye)

PROCESSIONAL HYMN #83 (Red, Pilgrim ) If thou but suffer God to Guide thee TIME FOR CHILDREN (Children leave for Sunday School after Time for Children) ANTHEM Still, Still With Thee Fred Gramann(b. 1950) Maggie Furtak - Alto solo Bruce Goody - Flute


Busy, normal people: the world is here. Can you hear it wailing, crying, whispering? Listen: the world is here. Don't you hear it, Praying and sighing and groaning for wholeness? Sighing and whispering: wholeness, wholeness, wholeness? An arduous, tiresome, difficult journey towards wholeness. God, who gives us strength of body, make us whole. We yearn to experience wholeness in our innermost being: In health and prosperity, we continue



to feel unwell, Unfulfilled, or half-filled. There is a hollowness in our pretended well-being: Our spirits cry out for the well-being of the whole human family. Wholeness means healing the hurt, Working with Christ to heal the hurt, Seeing and feeling the suffering of others, Standing alongside them. Their loss of dignity is not their loss: It is the loss of our human dignity, We busy, "normal" people. The person next to you: with a different language and culture, With a different skin or hair color- It is God's diversity, making an unbroken rainbow circle- Our covenant of peace with God, encircling the whole of humanity. God, who gives us strength of body, make us whole. Amen. (adapted from "An African Call for Life in An African Prayer Book) (two minutes of silence for meditation)


Anyone in Christ becomes a new person altogether; the past is finished and gone, everything has become fresh and new. Friends believe the good news of the Gospel In Jesus Christ, all things are possible. We are a new creation. Amen.

Lenten Kyrie (see insert) Kyrie, eleison, Christe, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. (Ancient, Greek, Lord, have mercy, Christ have mercy). CONTEMPORARY READING (ubuntu is a Zulu word meaning humanity toward others, compassion) "God's invitation to wholeness always includes more than ourselves. God's invitation to whole-ness is ubuntu... In a life of wholeness we may face brokenness and endure woundedness, but



our suffering will not be meaningless. Meaningless suffering is soul-destroying. Time and again I have been with people who have undergone unspeakable anguish. I have listened to people who have been subjected to brutal torture. I have sat with people who have borne terri-ble loss. Some could find no meaning in their suffering. Years after the horror had passed, the memories still held them hostage. Others, like my former colleague Tom Manthata, ...When he came out of prison he spoke to his friends in the Council of Churches. "Let us not be consumed by bitterness," he said... Tom may not be described as an artist in the ordinary sense, but he wove meaning for all of us from the threads of his suffering." (from Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Rev. Canon Mpho Tutu van Furth, Made For Goodness) Gospel Mark 8:31-38 Then Jesus began to teach them that the Human One, the Representative Person must undergo great suffering, and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again. Jesus said all this quite openly. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. But turning and looking at his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said, ‘Get behind me, Satan! For you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.’ Jesus called the crowd with his disciples, and said to them, ‘If any want to become my follow-ers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gos-pel, will save it. For what will it profit them to gain the whole world and forfeit their life? In-deed, what can they give in return for their life? Those who are ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of them the Human One, the People’s Repre-sentative, will also be ashamed when that one comes in the glory of the Creator with the holy angels.’ HYMN (see insert) Kumbayah/Come By Here SERMON Jim Mitulski HYMN #204 (Black, New Century) Take Up Your Cross,” The Savior Said  COMMUNITY PRAYERS  

Concerns and Celebrations  

Prayers for Our Friends and Families, Our Church, Our Community, and the World. Lord’s Prayer (please pray whatever form is familiar to you; many choose to pray Our Father, Our Mother, Our Father and Mother, Our Creator, or Our Maker, or Father/Mother God...debts/debtors or trespasses/those who trespass…)   OFFERING OF TITHES AND GIFTS

In each of our pews today is a black friendship book which we encourage you to fill out and



pass to the person next to you during the offering. If you have been with us before, just put down your name, but if you are new today, please let us know who you are. Thanks!

Offertory Anthem Dance of The Blessed Spirits C. W. Gluck(1714 - 1787) * Lenten Doxology text by Isaac Watts (1707) tune by Lowell Mason (1825) NCH #224 v. 4, alt.   Were the whole realm of nature of mine,  that were an offering far too small.  Love so amazing, so divine,  Demands my soul, my life, my all. Prayer of Dedication CLOSING HYMN #473 (Black, New Century) Blessed Assurance BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Le Printemps I. Albeniz (1860 - 1909) Worship Assistant: Nancy Fischer Deacons: Phil Gotwals, Patty Morrison Altar Guild: Denice Koljonen Ushers: Craig Morrison, Eric Slosser, Valerie Kistler Flowers: Joann Seiden Flower Delivery: Joanne Seiden

A special thank you to Bruce Goody for his special gift of music this morning.

The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Billy Cotton, Joseph Cotton, and Edna and Bill Doughman by the Cotton family.



Church Covenant We strive to be a joyful, welcoming Christian Community. We seek to be faithful in a world torn by suffering, injustice, oppression, and war. We are inspired by God, Christ’s Ministry, and the examples of other faithful people. We join together in worship and song, fellowship, study, and mission to embrace the risks and challenges of continuing Christ’s ministry We struggle to live out our faith in the world by furthering justice and peace, witnessing to the truth, and proclaiming God’s love and mercy for all people. Open and Affirming Statement As a covenant community we are committed to the belief that all people are created equal before God. In affirmation of the inclusive love of Christ Jesus, we welcome persons of any race, gender, age, sexual orientation, ability and economic circumstance to full participation in our community life and ministry. We strive to reflect these beliefs in the language and content of our worship and in our lives together. (This statement adopted in 2000, reflects the welcome of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender peo-ple and their friends and families.)



2/18/2018 Collections* = $ 5,060 2/18/2018 Worship Attendance = 64 people January Electronic Pledge Amount: $21,668.19 Please contact the church office 781-444-2510 or [email protected] to find out how you can give electronically. *Collection amount does not include additional pledges received elec-tronically. Our current pledge amount for 2018 is $390,418.00. This represents a budget short-fall of $59,582 for the year. The Board is responsible for the overall administrative life of the church including buildings, finances, personnel and the overall health of the church. Moderator: Jackie Allen Clerk: Jane Brand Term Ends 2019: Jim Conroy, Diane Rees, Kristin Mollerus Term Ends 2020: Howard Sesso, Kenneth Allen, Barbra Morton, Amanda Angel Term Ends 2021: Craig Morrison, Scott Lively, Amy Hurley The Deacons are responsible for the spiritual life and well-being of the church. Term Ends 2019: Rick Devereux, Dibby Moder, Scott Stewart, Carol Miller, Jean Veigas Term Ends 2020: Kevin Blume, Paul Brown, Jane Clayton– Matthews, Sue Cotton, Lucy Slosser Term Ends 2021: Jim Ruetenik, Phil Gotwals, KM Abraham, Patty Morrison, Janet Rubenstein The Outreach Committee advocates to the church and its members about important issues re-lating to social justice in our church, community, city state and the world. They provide opportu-nities to volunteer and guide us in financial giving. We aim to give 15% of our income from pledges to the church to Outreach financial giving. Term Ends 2019: Bill Rees, Fred Moder, Hiroko Hardebeck Term Ends 2020: Carol Brown, Mi Herzog, Tom Mollerus Term Ends 2021: Lynn Gotwals, Connie Kaufmann



Welcome to all who are new or here for the first time! If you are interested in learning more about our church, please email Rev. Jim at [email protected], Rev Heike at [email protected] or call the office at 781-444-2510 to set up a conversation. For updates on church life, our family ministries, Christian Education and Youth Ministries follow us at: @NeedhamUCC on Instagram Congregational Church of Needham UCC on Facebook @needhamucc on Twitter Please silence your cell phone before attending the service. You can Check In on Facebook and let peo-ple know you are here. Feel free to Tweet, Snapchat, or Instagram during the service. If you would like or need a hearing device an usher will be able to assist you. Children’s Childcare is offered for infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers in the Nursery located downstairs during the service.

Rev. Jim Mitulski’s Office Hours Please contact the church office to schedule an appointment during his office hours of   

 Tuesday & Wednesday 2‐6pm; Thursday 2‐5pm Evening hours are also available by appointment. *If these  mes do not work for you please contact the office for alternate availability.  

Interim Senior Minister—The Rev. Jim Mitulski [email protected] 781‐444‐2510, ext. 106  

Church Administrator—Danielle Jurdan [email protected] 781‐444‐2510, ext. 101 

Associate Minister—The Rev. Heike Werder [email protected] 781‐444‐2510, ext. 105  

Office Assistant & Bookkeeper—Cindy Sullivan [email protected] 781‐444‐2510, ext. 100  

Director of Children &Youth Ministries—Madelyn Downer [email protected] 781‐444‐2510, ext. 104  

Music Director—Valerie Becker [email protected] 

Organist/Accompanist—Sangyoung Kim  Handyman—Bill Donovan  

Housekeeper—Sanira Alchaar   



www.needhamucc.orgFacebook: Congrega onal Church of Needham UCC   Twi er @needhamucc  Instagram: needhamucc 781‐444‐2510of [email protected]

    The Rev. Dr. Paul Clayton, Pastor Emeritus





February 25, 2018 

Transition Team The strong participation by the congregation in the focus group meetings and survey has provided the Transition Team with valuable information to complete the Church Pro-file. During the next several weeks we will be going over the data and organizing the feedback for the Profile. At the same time the Team will be engaged in The Who is Our Neighbor portion of the Profile process. We have completed interviewing community leaders to hear their perspective on the community and our Church and how we may be supportive. We expect to have all of these activities completed in the next few weeks and hope to complete the Profile work by the middle of March. The Reverend Wendy Vander Hart from the Mass. Conference UCC will then review and validate the Profile. As always, please e-mail us at [email protected] if you have questions. The Transition Team: Deb Abraham, Alan Clayton-Matthews, Diana Conroy, Claudia Darmofal, Frank Lupino, Carl Madsen, Barbra Morton, Heather Salerno, Reverend Jim Mitulski TODAY! Responses to Suffering and Loss: Where now is our God? It seems like our town has experienced a lot of grief and loss lately, and whether or not you have been touched by those losses, our own lives are touched by loss or change from time to time. Our spirituality can be comforting to us, even when we find it hard to feel God's closeness and God's presence. You are invited to a spiritual conversation with Rev. Jim after church where we will look at some resources in the bible, share our own stories and pray together at the end. All welcome. 11:30 to 12:45 on Sunday February 25 CHURCH DIRECTORY! Our church directory is almost ready to print. Please find a draft in the copy room and make sure your address information is correct. If you would like to be listed in the church directory and are new, please email [email protected] or drop Danielle a note in her mailbox in the copy room or the box on her door. Pictures will be accepted until 3/9. Interfaith “Spotlight: Boston. Racism. Image. Reality.” Discussion Series: Part 2 Tuesday, February 27th, 7-8:30 pm at First Baptist Church of Needham: Were you shaken, intrigued, or befuddled by the Boston Globe Spotlight team’s latest series on Boston and racism? Are you curious how Needham and other MetroWest communities reflect this series’ insights and exposures? With our neighbors at First Baptist and First Parish Needham U.U. Churches, we will discuss this important series. For our second discussion, please read the articles on Bos-ton colleges (December 13th), Boston sports and fans (December 14th), and Boston politics




(December 15th); the Spotlight series is available online at or through the Needham Free Public Library. The final discussion will be March 27th at 7 pm at the Congrega-tional Church. All are welcome, regardless of attendance at prior discussions. Community Interfaith Discussion—Interfaith Book Club of the Islamic Center of Boston, Wayland invites you to a discussion of Sacred Ground; Pluralism, Prejudice, and the Promise of America by Eboo Patel (reading the book is not a requirement to join the discussion). March 4, 3:00-5:00 PM at ICB Wayland (126 Boston Post Road, Wayland). For questions and to RSVP contact [email protected] Recipes for Congregational Cookbook We are still collecting recipes for the Congregational Cookbook! If you have a favorite recipe, please send it to [email protected] by the end of February. Thank you for contributing! Trivia Night is Saturday, March 3rd, beginning at 5:00 PM! Join in the fun at Trivia Night! Come with a team of 8 (don’t forget to think of a fun name!) or join a team when you arrive. Trivia will be a bit of everything - pop culture, history, current events, Bible trivia, all mixed together! You are welcome to bring dinner with you; small snacks and beverages will be availa-ble by donation. Questions? Email [email protected] Guatemala Reportback: March 11, 11:30 am, Linden Hall Please plan to join us for the Reportback by the church's February delegation to Santa Maria Tzeja. Our delegation of 4 high school youth and 7 adults looks forward to sharing highlights of their experiences and photos with you. If you've ever thought about going on a delegation or simply want to know more about the partnership, this is a great way to do it! Light refreshments will be served. Do you enjoy singing? The Choir extends an invitation to all who like to sing. Just bring your voice to church on any Sunday morning at 8:30. We practice pieces for the service and perhaps for the next week as well. We have an evening rehearsal just once a month on the first Thurs-day at 7:30, where we preview the music for the coming four weeks. In February we sing spir-ituals. They are fun to sing and so it is a good time to give choir a try. If you wish to sing only one time, now and again or every week, you are welcome. CHIMING SUBS NEEDED! If you want a fun, spur-of-the-moment musical experience, an opportunity to try chiming with no regular commitment that would also be helping our Friendly Chimers, please just join our rehearsals after church from 11:30-12:15. ANY SUNDAY! ANY AGE! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED, though reading music helps (just 2 notes). Come to the sanctuary, ready to enjoy yourself while helping out our Chimers. THANKS! ECO WORDS IDEAS FOR A GREEN LENT Go meat free a couple of days a week; Go zero-waste or plastic-free; Reduce food waste; Cook from scratch for all of Lent; "Fast" from excess water use; Try a buy-nothing challenge; Be a minimalist; Change your mode




of transportation; Establish a strong morning routine; Do a digital detox Read the March issue of the Focus or check out the EMT bulletin board for more details on how to implement these ideas

Family & Youth Ministries

April 2018 Vacation Bible School (VBS) runs Tuesday, April 16-Friday, April 20, 9:00 AM-1:00 PM each day. Children use arts and crafts, science, story and theater, games, and cooking to explore the themes of love, courage, faith, and hope. A gluten-free snack is provided. Students should bring a bagged lunch, change of clothes, water bottle, and sunscreen. Sign up at First Formal Communion Workshops are offered to students in second grade (as well as older students who weren’t able to participate previously) and help children learn more about our Protestant understanding of Communion in the United Church of Christ. Workshops will be held: Sunday, March 18, 2:00-3:30 & Sunday, April 22, 11:30-1:00. First Formal Commun-ion will be celebrated during the 10:00 AM worship service on Sunday, May 6. Please sign up in advance by emailing Maddie at [email protected]. Walking through Loss with Teens: a Forum for Parents of High School Students Thursday, March 8: 6:30-8:30 PM Parents of High School students are invited to join Maddie and Heike for this discussion on how to be present for grieving teens. We will provide resources for parents and a hot meal to nourish you for this conversation. Please RSVP to Maddie at [email protected]. Maddie’s Open Office Hours are available to our High School Students. Open Office Hours take place at the church and are offered on a drop-in basis. Community office hours take place at Dunkin’ on Highland and are drop-in as well. Students can also schedule to meet with Maddie outside of these office hours if the offered times don’t work. Tuesday, March 6: 2:45-4:00 PM: Community office hours at Dunkin on Highland and Tuesday, March 20: 2:45-4:00 PM: Open office hours at the church Senior High Half Day Lunch with Maddie & Heike: Senior High students are invited to join us at the church after school on Wednesday, March 7 time together with a delicious hot lunch. Friends are welcome to join! RSVP is not required but is helpful - if you know you’re coming beforehand, email Maddie at [email protected].

JR High Youth Retreat: Friday, March 9, 7p - Saturday, March 10, 2p: Let’s come together for faithful fellowship and discussion. Sign up using the form outside Maddie’s office or email Maddie [email protected].




Sunday February 25th

8:30 am 10:00 am 11:30 am 2:30 pm 5:00 pm

Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary Worship, Sanctuary

Rev. Jim Responses to Suffering and Loss, Fellowship Hall

Friendly Chimers, Sanctuary Meditation w/ Sue Findlay, Chapel

Choir Concert Rehearsal, Sanctuary Youth Group Game Night

Monday February 26th

9:00 am 6:00 pm

Cancer Support Group, Reception Room Confirmation Class, Library

Wednesday February 28th

7:00 pm Lenten Vespers, Guest Preacher Rev. Kate Carlisle (Presbyterian Church Needham),


Thursday March 1st

12:00 pm 7:30 pm

Lenten Lunch, Library Choir Practice, Linden AB

Saturday March 3rd

5:00 pm Youth Group Fundraiser—Trivia Night

Sunday March 4th

8:30 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 7:00 pm

Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary Worship, Sanctuary

Senior High Mission Trip Information Meeting Friendly Chimers, Sanctuary Pilgrim Book Group, Library Guatemala Meeting, Library

Monday March 5th

9:00 am 6:00 pm

Cancer Support Group, Reception Room Confirmation Class, Library

Tuesday March 6th

6:00 pm Community Dinner, Linden Hall

Wednesday March 7th

12:00 pm 7:00 pm

Senior High Lunch, Library Lenten Vespers, Chapel

Thursday March 8th

12:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm

Lenten Lunch, Library Dinner & Discussion: How to Grieve with

Teens Choir Practice, Linden AB










