An-Noor September 2013

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  • 7/29/2019 An-Noor September 2013


    3 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434Editorial

    Exam TimeBy: Maulana Ilyas Patel Sahib

    O Allah, please help me to get an A. OAllah, at least let me get a good pass. O

    Allah, save me from failing.

    These are some of the fervent duas made

    in utmost humility at this time of the year.

    Many are aspiring for an A while others are

    just praying that they do not fail. Together

    with fervently praying, thousands of learners

    burn the midnight oil, sacrifice many leisures

    and pleasures and toil hard to pass the examsor to excel. Let alone the learners, even their

    parents and other relatives are praying for

    their success.


    While every learner is certainlyencouraged to do his best, the reality of the

    success of the exams at school or university

    should never be forgotten. It is a very minute

    success with extremely temporary benefit. At

    the most, it will help one for some years toearn a living. In some cases it is not even for a

    few days. Some people passed, celebrated,

    andpassed away before the next morning.

    Therefore, while working hard to pass, never
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    4 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434

    forget that one day one will also pass away.

    One should also prepare for that day.

    Upon passing away, there will be an

    immediate exam in the grave. Every person

    will be questioned about who was his Rabb

    (Sustainer), what was his religion and he will

    be asked about the personality of Rasulullah

    (Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam). The questions of

    this exam have not just been leaked they

    have been openly announced. The answers

    however will be dependant on ones actions in

    this world, not ones knowledge. The one who

    obeyed Allah Ta`ala will exclaim, Rabbi Allah(My Rabb is Allah.). The one who followed his

    desires against the commands of Allah will

    say: Alas, I do not know. The same applies

    to the other questions.

    DAY OF JUDGEMENTSimilarly, on the Day of Judgement there

    will be an exam. Every person will be

    questioned about how he spent his life, and

    specifically how he spent his youth, what was

    the manner of earning his wealth and wheredid he spend it and how much did he practise

    upon his knowledge. The results of this exam

    are serious. It is a matter of heaven or hell.

    May Allah Ta`ala grant us Jannah and save us

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    5 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434

    from Jahannum. Hence, never forget the main

    exam. Prepare for that NOW, since it could

    commence at any moment.


    Furthermore, when the results of the

    miniscule exams are announced, how does one

    celebrate? By performing two rakaats of

    Salaat-ush-Shukr (salaah of thanksgiving),

    giving sadaqah (charity) and pledging to Allah

    Ta`ala to remain obedient to Him, or by

    participating in sinful parties and other vices?

    When the good news comes, will we forgetAllah Ta`ala, the One who we begged for help

    to pass? Will we stop going to the Musjid and

    instead head for the clubs and vice dens??? It

    is indeed an occasion to cry, nay... to sob and

    shed tears of blood, if we express our joy in amanner that violates the commands of our

    Most Merciful and Most Kind Allah who enabled

    us to pass. Moreover, we would be failing in

    the main exams if we celebrate our passing by

    engaging in sin.May Allah Ta`ala keep us steadfast on

    Deen and help us to pass the exams in the

    grave and Hereafter. Aameen.

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    6 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434

    TAFSEER( C o m m e n t a r y o f t h e H o l y

    Q u r a n )By: Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi Sahib(Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

    SURAH AL-BAQARAHNote: This part of Tafseer is the remaining portion of Surah Al-Baqarah Tafseer and hence connected with the previous chapter ofSurah Al-Baqarah Tafseer.

    In order to emphasize what the present verse

    has said, the next verse tells the story of another

    group of earlier transgressors and of the dreadful

    punishment which overtook them all of a sudden.

    Verse 65 - 66



    And certainly you have known those amongyou who transgressed in (the matter of) the

    Sabbath. So, we said to them, Become apes,living in disgrace. Thus, we made it a deterrentfor those around and after them and a lessonfor the God fearing. (Verse 65 66)

    The episode belongs to the time of Sayyidina

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    7 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434Dawud (Alaihis salam) Allah Taala had appointed

    Saturday as the Sabbath, or the sacred day, for the

    Israelites; it was specially set apart for prayers and

    worship, and hence fishing was prohibited on this day.

    But these people lived on the sea-shore, and were very

    fond of fish. Al-Qurtubi says that the Israelites, at first,

    invented all sorts of clever pretences for catching fish

    on Saturday, and gradually started doing so openly.

    There now grew a division amongst them on this point.

    On the one hand were these transgressors, and, on the

    other, some scholars and pious men who tried to

    dissuade them from such disobedience. When the

    former paid no heed to them, the latter broke away

    altogether from the sinners, and began to live in a

    separate part of the town. One day they felt no sound

    was coming from the other part of the town. Growing

    curious, they went there and found that all the

    transgressors had been changed into apes. Qatadah

    says that the young ones had become apes, and the

    old ones swine. The apes could recognize their

    relatives and friends, and would approach them

    weeping out of remorse, and seeking their sympathy

    and help. Then all of them died after three days.

    As to the question whether the apes and the

    swine we see today bear any kinship to these

    Israelites who had been metamorphosed, the

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    8 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434correct position is that people who have been

    metamorphosed into beasts by Allah Taala as a

    punishment cease to breed, and leave no progeny

    behind. According to a hadith reported by Imam

    Muslim from the blessed Companion Hazrat

    Abdullah ibn Masud (Raziyallahu anhu), some

    people asked Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi

    Wasallam) whether the apes and the swine were the

    descendants of the metamorphosed Jews. Hazrat

    Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) reminded them that

    apes and swine existed in the world even before, and

    said that when Allah Taala sends down this particular

    kind of punishment on a people, the race comes to an

    end with this, and there is no further breeding.1

    1 Some modernizing Muslims have tried to explain away this

    metamorphosis by suggesting that these disobedient Jews did not actually

    and physically turn into beasts, but that the change was only psychological in

    so far as they acquired the evil characteristics of apes and swine. To say such

    a thing is to deny an explicit statement of the Holy Quran, which no Muslimcan do, if he wishes to remain a Muslim. Moreover, in denying the

    possibility of physical change, the modernizers are also denying the power

    of Allah Taala and putting limitations on it. Even as a piece of literary

    exegesis, the modernist interpretation is flimsy. For, even before the

    punishment fell on them, these Jews had been displaying the moral and

    psychological traits of beasts: the greed of swine and the craftiness of apes.

    Where was, then, the change which the Holy Quran declares to be a

    punishment for the offenders and a warning for others? Our modernists are,in fact, all too ready to swallow without batting an eye-lid the most

    preposterous and unfounded notions, only if they come from the West. So,

    they have complete certitude with regard to Darwins speculation, that the

    apes evolved into man, although no verifiable data has yet been gathered to

    support the contention; but when it comes to the statement in the Holy

    Quran that men were changed into apes, they look askance at it, although

    this kind of change is rationally and logically as possible as the other.

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    9 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434 (To be continued, Insha Allah)

    Tas-heelul Ahadeeth

    Translation:Sayyidia Abu Saeed Khudri (Raziyallahu anhu)

    reports that Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)

    said: Do no abuse (swear) my Sahabah (companions)

    (Raziyallahu anhum), for if one of you were to spend the

    equivalent of mount Uhud in gold (in the path of Allah

    Taala) he would not reach the mud nor half-a-mud of

    my Sahabah. (Bukhari)

    Commentary:The mudd was a measurement prevalent

    during the time of Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi

    Wasallam) and his Sahabah (Raziyallahu anhum). In

    present times the mudd would equal approximately

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    10 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 14343.296Kg of wheat. If the people of the latter

    generations spend gold equivalent to Mount Uhud

    (in the path of Allah Taala, charity etc), they would

    never attain the reward earned by the Sahabahs

    mudd and half-a-mudd. This Hadeeth clearly

    illustrates the status of the Sahabah in the eyes of

    Allah Taala and His Rasul (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).The Quran and the teachings of Hazrat Rasulullah

    (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) have reached us through

    these illustrious personalities. It is therefore

    imperative that we revere them at all times.

    Lesson:1. We must always respect the Sahabah.

    2. We cannot equal the sacrifices and

    contributions of the Sahabah (Raziyallahu

    anhum) irrespective of what we do.


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    11 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434Sayyidia Muadh bin Jabal (Raziyallahu anhu)

    narrates that he heard Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi

    Wasallam) saying: My love is incumbent for those who

    love each other for my pleasure, sit with each other for

    my pleasure, visit each other for my pleasure and

    spend on each other for my pleasure. (Malik)

    Commentary:There is probably no religion in the world that

    denies the virtue of the qualities mentioned in this

    Hadeeth. We however learn form this Hadeeth that

    these qualities are so beloved in the eyes of Allah

    Taala that he would most undoubtedly shower His

    love upon those who possess such qualities on

    condition that they were done for the pleasure of

    Allah Taala. Any action, no matter how insignificant it

    my seen, could be the source of untold reward from

    Allah Taala if done solely for His pleasure.

    Lesson:1. Whatever is done for the pleasure of Allah

    Taala will reap tremendous rewards, even

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    12 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434mundane things as meeting friends and

    visiting one another.


    Nabi s Love for Children

    By: Maulana Abu Talhah Muhammad Izharul

    Hasan Mahmood SahibTranslated By: Mufti Afzal Husain Elias Sahib


    A person who takes care of an orphan child:Hazrat Suhail Ibn Saad (Raziyallahu Anhu) narrates

    that Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said,

    The person who takes care of an orphan child and I

    will be as close as these two fingers in Jannat. (He

    indicated by raising his index and middle fingers.)(Bukhari Shareef)

    It has bee narrated in another Hadith that

    Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said:

    The best of Muslim homes is that home

    wherein an orphan is taken care of andshown kindness to and the worst ofMuslim homes in that home wherein anorphan is ill-treated. (Ibn majah)

    Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is

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    13 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434reported to have said that the one who passes his

    hand over the head of an orphan for the pleasure of

    Allah Taala will receive a reward for every strand of

    hair on the head of the child. He who takes care of an

    orphan child will be as close as these two fingers to

    me in Jannat. (Indicating to their closeness by means

    of his index and middle fingers.) (Mussaad-e-Ahmed)

    Our beloved master showed great love and

    affection towards children in general, but the love he

    showed to an orphan child is unimaginable. This is

    greatly due to the fact that he was an orphan himself.

    Therefore he devoted special attention towards them

    and encouraged taking care of them. Secondly, since

    an orphan has no shoulder to lean on, Islam and the

    Quran stress on showing love, taking care and

    keeping happy an orphan child.

    Look for a youngster who will beable to serve me:

    Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Hantab says on the authority

    of Hazrat Anas (Raziyallahu Anhu) that Hazrat Nabi Akram

    (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) asked Abu Talha to bring such a

    young child to him who would be able to serve him. So,Hazrat Abu Talha (Raziyallahu Anhu) put him (Hazrat Anas

    Raziyallahu Anhu) behind him on his conveyance and

    proceeded to Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).

    Hazrat Anas (Raziyallahu Anhu) says that in this way he

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    14 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434served Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) until

    the battle of Khaibar. Whenever Hazrat Nabi Akram

    (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would halt at any place he would

    read the following dua:

    Allaahuma ini auzhu bika minalhummi wal huzni wal ajzi wal kasli walbukhli wal jubni wa dhalid dayni wa


    Translation: O Allah I seek refuge in You from all

    forms of worries and grief and from weakness and

    laziness and from miserliness and cowardliness and

    from being overwhelmed by debts and being

    overpowered by people. (Bukhari Shareef)

    Her child was with her:

    Hazrat Anas Ibn Maalik (Raziyallahu Anhu) narrates

    that a woman came along with her child to Hazrat

    Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). After engaging in

    some conversation with Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu

    Alaihi Wasallam) he began to praise her and said, The

    Ansaar are beloved to me, but you are twice as

    beloved. (Bukhari Shareef)

    Beloved children, those who migrated fromMakkah to Madinah with Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu

    Alaihi Wasallam) were indeed very beloved to him due to

    their sacrifices and firm Imam. As for those who

    resided in Madinah, the Ansaar, they were beloved to

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    15 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434him for they gave preference to him and showed

    more love to him than their wealth, family, tribes and

    honour. Above all, they followed him in total.

    (To be concluded, Insha Allah)




    From the teachings and advices of Faqeehul Ummat,Hadhrat Mufti

    Mahmood Hasan Gangohi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

    Compiled by: Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Rahmatullah Sahib Kashmiri(Daamat Barakatuhum)

    Hazrat Maulana llyaas (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)After Salah, I decided to go to another Masjid

    because of the intense heat and the huge crowd. I

    discreetly slipped away. After searching for a while, Ifound another Masjid but it was hot there as well.

    However, there was no crowd. I sat down in the

    courtyard of the Masjid to take a rest when I heard the

    sound of tilaawat (recitation) of Qur-aan Shareef echoing

    towards me from within the Masjid. Someone was

    peacefully reciting the Quraan Shareef in this intenseheat. Upon looking carefully, I realised it was Hadhrat

    Moulana Ilyaas Saahib(Rahmatullahi Alaihi). He had also left

    the Ijtima like myself, but I left to get some comfort and

    rest, whereas he had come out to find some quiet place to

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    16 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434perform his Awwaabeen Salah.

    Moulana Ilyaas(Rahmatullahi Alaihi)used to say, Myexhaustion is dispelled by means of Salah.

    Hadhrat had travelled extensively through out

    Mewat. He did not get an opportunity to rest at any place.

    The jamaat reached its destination at the latter portion of

    the night. Whilst the others retired to bed, HadhratMoulana quietly woke up and started his Salah. This was

    their deep love for Allah Taala.

    Maulana Ahmad Shah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)Maulana Ahmad Shah was a student and mureed of

    Hazrat Gangohi(Rahmatullahi Alaihi). He was very thin and

    short. His beard and hair was white (grey). He was a

    resident of Hasanpur, Muraadabaad.

    He once mentioned to Maulana Ihtishaamul Hasan Sahib

    (Rahmatullahi Alaihi), Brother, I am going to a certain place.Please come with me. Those people have invited me. They

    want to erect a building and want me to lay the foundation.

    Join me so that I may lay the foundation with your hands.

    Maulana Ihtishaam Sahib(Rahmatullahi Alaihi)accepted the offer.

    Maulana Ahmad Shah appointed Maulana Ihtishaam Sahib

    as the ameer of the journey and they both proceeded.

    On the way Maulana Ahmad Shah Sahib fell very ill

    with a severe bout of diarrhoea. He was in the habit of

    remaining in wudhu all the time. He woke up many times

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    17 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434at night to relieve himself.

    When they reached their destination, MaulanaIhtishaam Sahib, seeing his condition said to him, Hazrat,

    your ameer is now instructing you that tonight you

    should not wake up for Tahajjud because your health has

    deteriorated alot. Hearing this, Maulana Ahmad Shah

    kept silent. When about a quarter hour was left for subh

    saadiq, he gripped the toe of Maulana Ihtishaam Sahib

    and shook it. He woke up to find Maulana Ahmad Shah

    weeping bitterly. Tears were streaming down his eyes. In

    shock, Maulana Ihtishaam Sahib asked him, Hazrat, what

    is the matter? He replied, Its been 57 years since I had

    taken bay-at at the hands of Hazrat Maulana Gangohi(Rahmatullahi Alaihi). From then until today not a single

    tahajjud has been missed by me. You are the Ameer of the

    journey and you have forbidden me (from performing

    tahajjud). I beg of you in the name of Hazrat Gangohi

    (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)to please grant me permission to perform

    tahajjud. Maulana Ihtishaam Sahib who was by nowshocked, gave him permission saying, Go go You may

    perform your tahajjud.

    One person saw a disabled man dragging himself on

    the road. He asked him, Who are you? Where do you

    come from? Where are you heading to? He replied, I amcoming from Samarqand. I am going to visit the Baitullah

    Shareef in Makkah Mukarramah. The person then asked

    him, When did you begin this journey? He replied, Ten

    years ago.

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    18 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434(To be concluded, Insha Allah)


    Statements andAnecdotes of Faqeehul-Ummat Hazrat Mufti

    Mahmood HasanGangohi ..

    Compiled By: Mufti Farooq Meeruti Sahib Daamat Barakatuhum

    Will the janat also enjoy from the bounties

    of jannah?

    It is explicitly mentioned in the Quran that the

    Jinnaat will be punished in Jahannum for their sinning

    and kufr (disbelief). Allah Taala says in the Quran:

    (On you will be sent a flame of fire

    and a smoke. Then no defense will

    you have.) [55:35]

    In another verse Allah Taala says:

    (I will fill Jahannum with jinn and

    man.) [11:119]

  • 7/29/2019 An-Noor September 2013


    19 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434As far as their enjoying the bounties of Jannah,

    then there is no explicit mention of it in the Quran or

    Hadeeth. Therefore, Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah

    (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)remained silent on this issue.

    [The following appears in Al-Ashbah wan-Nazaair,

    Pg 226:

    Translation: There is no difference ofopinion in the Jinns being responsibleto fulfill Sharee obligations. Thebelieving jinn will enter Jannah andthe kaafir Jinn will enter Jahannum.The only difference that arises is withregards to the reward of the obedientjinn. Bazzaaziyyah (a fiqh kitaab) has

    adopted a view that is different toothers. He says that the jinn will notreceive any reward. In the tafseers itappears that Imam Abu Hanifah hasremained silent on this subject.)

    What was done to the copies of the Quran

    other than those prepared by Hazrat Uthmaan(Raziyallahu anhu)

    It is recorded in As-Siyar-ul-Kabeer (a book of

    Imam Muhammad (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)that the copies of

    the Quran other than those prepared by Hazrat

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    20 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434Uthman (Raziyallahu anhu) were torn. (Those copies of the

    Quran were not in accordance to the Quraishi dialect

    although initially permission was granted to recite them

    for the sake of ease). The word (he burnt it) appears

    in some narrations.

    In other narrations the word (he burnt it)

    appears. On the basis of this narration the fuqaha have

    allowed the burning of frayed Islamic literature although

    this is not the best option. The better option would be to

    bury them in such a place on which people do not walk.1

    (Ad-Durr-ul-Mukhtaar, Vol 5, Pg 271).

    Serpent taking over a treasure

    Hafiz Ibnu Qayyim (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) has written in


    Whenever a treasure is buried a

    serpent takes hold of it.

    Someone then said, Hazrat! It seems that the

    reason is that it has some familiarity with the

    treasure, therefore, on the Day of Qiyamah, the un-

    discharged wealth of Zakaat will turn into a serpent

    Hazrat then said, It appears in the Quran.

    1 It should be buried in such a way that the bare pages should not be placed

    on the ground. Rather, it should first be wrapped in a clean piece of cloth and

    then a slate etc. should be placed over it before heaping the sand over it.

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    21 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434(The wealth that they covetously

    withheld shall be tied to their necks

    on the Day of Resurrection.) [3:180]

    It is mentioned in the hadeeth that the wealth

    will speak out: (I am your wealth. I am

    your treasure.)

    (To be continued, Insha Allah)


    Potions for theHeart

    A Translation ofDawa-e-Dill

    By: Hazrat Peer Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqashbandi SahibDaamat-Barakatuhum

    Become a sincere and active Aalim

    Continued from the previous issue

    The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)

    Allah Taala blessed him with Ilm and made

    him the leader of the first and last generations of this

    world. How much knowledge he had! Allah Taala

    says in the Quran that, O My beloved:

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    22 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434And has taught you what you did not

    know. The grace of Allah Taala on

    you has always been great.

    [An-Nisa 04:113 Only relevant

    portion of the Aayah is documented]

    We get many more such examples from the

    Holy Quran, that the honour and high status heattained were the result of his Ilm.

    What is Ilm?

    I once had the honour of sitting in the

    company of Hazrat Mufti Shafi Sahib (Rahmatullahi

    Alaihi). He was asking the students about the meaning ofIlm. Someone said knowledge, another said

    recognition; everyone was giving their opinions, while

    Hazrat remained silent. A little while later one student

    told him, Hazrat, please tell us, The knowledge of the

    elders is of a higher level; his explanation was amazing.

    He said,

    Ilm is that radiance, after the

    attainment of which one cannot rest

    without putting it into practice. If you

    have this, then you have ilm.

    Otherwise, you are just carrying aburden.

    In the Holy Quran, Allah Taala likens the

    scholars of Bani Israeel, Balam Ibn Baoor, to dogs.

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    23 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434

    If we so willed but he clung to theearth and followed his desires.

    [Al-Araf 7:176 only relevant portion

    of the Aayah is documented]

    They followed their own desires,

    So, his example is like the example of a dog.

    [Al-araaf 07:176 only believe portion of the ayab

    is documented

    (To be Concluded, Insha-Allah)

    Family Bond


    By: Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullaah Mukhtaar SahibTranslated by: Jenab Rafiq Abdurrahmaan Sahib

    (Continued from the previous issue)

    Responsibility for community training

    Taqwa alone is the source of social virtues andperfection. The only way to keep away from

    corruption, mischief and sins is by adopting taqwa in

    ones life.

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    24 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434Here are some examples of the influence

    taqwaa has on the character and actions of people.

    Different valuable garments were available at

    the shop of Sayyidina Younis bin Ubaid (Raziyallahu

    anhu). During his absence, the nephew sold a

    garment valued at two hundred dirhams for double its

    value to a Bedouin. Sayyidina Younis (Raziyallahuanhu) met the buyer after he had offered his salah. He

    asked him, How much did you pay for this? Four

    hundred dirhams. Sayyidina Younis asked him to

    return the garment to his shop as the price was two

    hundred dirhams. But where I live, it is worth fivehundred dirhams and I have bought it of my own

    accord, the Bedouin argued. No, come with me

    please! At the shop, he returned two hundred

    dirhams to the man and reprimanded his nephew for

    being careless.The incident concerning mother and her

    daughter is well known. The mother told her daughter

    to add water to milk. The daughter reminded her that

    the Amirul Mumineen (Commander of the Faithful)

    had prohibited it. The mother protested, The amirulMumineen is not here! The daughter then reminded

    her, But Allah is watching us. This is taqwa. It is a

    firm belief that Allah Taala is present and watching.

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    25 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434We must ensure that our children grow to this level of

    imaan very early in their values.


    Brotherliness develops a sense of mildness,

    love and respect for fellow Muslims. A sense of co-

    operation is aroused for selflessness, compassion

    and forgiveness for each other, inspite of the ability to

    retaliate. It also saves them from doing anything that

    might harm others, or injure their honour and nobility.

    Islam emphasizes the cultivation of brotherly feelings

    only for the sake of Allah Taala Most High.

    (To be continued, Insha Allah)

    Great Personality

    Rahimahullahu Taala

    By: Allamah Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Salihi Dimashqi Shafii Rahmatullah Alayhi

    (Continued from the previous issue)

    Imam Sahibs jurisprudential skill in the

    light of the other Imams views

    Hazrat Rabi Ibn Sulaman narrates that he

    heard Hazrat Imam Shafe (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) saying:

    The people are all dependents of Hazrat Imam Abu

    Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) in the field of Fiqh. Iman

  • 7/29/2019 An-Noor September 2013


    26 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434shafe is also reported to have said: I havent seen a

    greater Faqih (jurist) than Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah

    (Rahmatullahi Alaihi). According to Khatib Baghdadi, the

    words I havent seen appearing int his narration means

    I havent come across because Imam Shafe did not see

    Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi).

    Hazrat Abdul-Qasim Ibn Kaus (Rahmatullahi

    Alaihi) narrates that Hazrat Imam Shafi (Rahmatullahi

    Alaihi) said: The person who did not study Hazrat Imam

    Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)s books cannot excel in

    IIm nor can he ever become a Faqih (jurist).

    Hazrat Abu Yaqoob Yousuf Ibn Ahmad Makki

    (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) narrates from Harmalah that Hazrat

    Imam Shafe (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) said Both Hazrat

    Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) and his Faqih

    were admittedly indisputable.

    4. Hazrat Sufyan Ibn Uyayah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) Khatib Baghdadi narrates that Hazrat Sufyan Ibn

    Uyaynah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) said: My vision has not

    fallen upon anyone like Hazrat Abu Hanifah

    (Rahmatullahi Alaihi).

    Hazrat Qadi Abu Abdullah Sayrami (RahmatullahiAlaihi) narrates that Sufyan Ibn Uyaynah is reported to

    have advised: He who wishes to learn Ilmul Maghazi (the

    study of the military expeditions of Hazrat Rasulullah

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    27 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434

    (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), should proceed to

    Madinah Munawarah and if he wishes to studythe laws of Hajj, he should proceed to Makkah

    Mukaramah. And as for he who wishes to

    become well-versed with the science of Fiqh, he

    should set out for Kufah and sit in the study-circle

    of the students of Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah(Rahmatullahi Alaihi).

    It has been reported that Hazrat Sufyan Ibn

    Uyaynah said: There are only four (pre-eminent) Ulama

    in our times; Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas (Rahmatullahi

    Alaihi), Hazrat Shabi, Harzat Imam Abu Hanifah andHazrat Sufyan Thawri (Rahmatullahi Alaihim)

    5. Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Mubarak (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

    Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Mubarak (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

    is reported to have said, Hazrat Imam Abu hanifah

    (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) was the most eminent of all jurists. I

    havent witnessed anyone as skilled as him in the field of

    fiqh (Jurisprudence).

    Hazrat Khatib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) narrates that

    Hafiz Abdur Razaq Ibn Humam (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

    said that he heard Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Mubarak saying:

    If anyone had the right to employ logical reasoning in

    Dini issues, then Abu Hanifah would have had the right to

    employ logical reasoning.

  • 7/29/2019 An-Noor September 2013


    28 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434Hazrat Khatib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) has also

    narrated that Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Mubarak (Rahmatullahi

    Alaihi) is reported to have said: Hazrat Imam Abu

    Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) was an Ayat (a sign). One

    person sitting there enquired: O Abu Abdur Rehman

    (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)! Was he an Ayat (sign) of goodness

    or of evil? he replied: How! The word Ayat is only used

    for goodness and not for evil as the Arabs say, He is a

    Ghayat (ultimate) in evil and Ayat (sign) in goodness. He

    thereafter recited the following verse: And We had made

    the son of Hazrat Maryan and his mother an Ayat (sign of

    Our Power).

    (To be continued, Insha- Allah)

    Childrens Corner

    StoryEdited By: Mufti Afzal Husain Elias Sahib


    Once when a lion was asleep in his den, a

    little mouse began running up and down in

    search of some food. This soon woke the lion

    up and he placed his huge paw upon the

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    29 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434

    mouse. As he opened his big jaws to swallow

    him, the mouse begged, Pardon, O King!Please forgive me this time and I shall never

    forget it. Who knows, I may be able to do your

    good turn some day.

    The lion was so amused at the idea of the

    mouse being able to help him that he lifted up his

    paw and let him go. Some time later the lion was

    out in the jungle when he was caught in a trap set

    by some hunters. As he lay there unable to move,

    he prayed to Allah Taala for help.

    Just then the little mouse and his friends

    happened to pass by and saw the said plight in

    which the lion was. Remembering the favour

    that the lion did for him, the mouse and his

    many friends soon gnawed away the ropes with

    their razor sharp teeth.

    Was I not right said the little mouse,

    little friends may prove to be great friends and

    none may be looked upon as unimportant. The

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    30 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434

    lion agreed and thanked Allah Taala for his

    freedom and safety.

    Friends! Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu

    alaihi wasallam), has told us that if we have

    mercy upon those on earth. Allah in the skies will

    them have mercy upon us.

    Letters to the Editor

    The esteemed readers ofAN-NOOR mayfeel free to send their letters on email

    address as follows:

    [email protected]

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    31 September 2013 Zeeqadah - 1434


    UP Fayyaz Ahmad Zaroo