An Noor, May 2014

3 May 2014 Rajabul-Murajjab1435 Editorial The Gift of Me'raj By: Hazrat Maulana Ilyas Patel Sahib On the twenty seventh of Rajab the Musjids will be full. People will gather to listen to talks being delivered regarding the great incident of Me’raj. After the talks are over, by and large we return home with the miracle of Me’raj and its message forgotten until the following year. Unlike us, the Sahaabah (Raziyallahu Anhum) and the Tabi'een (those who came after the Sahaabah) never set aside any particular day for the discussion of the incident of Me’raj. Hence even the scholars of the first century differed with regard to the actual date when Me’raj occurred (See Fathul Bari, vol.7, pg.203 and Ruhul Ma’aani, vol.15, pg.6). The Sahaabah (Raziyallahu Anhum) and the Tabi'een (Rahimahumullah) had no need to set aside any particular day for this discussion. They regularly and frequently discussed the Ahadith

Transcript of An Noor, May 2014

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3 May 2014 Rajabul-Murajjab1435


The Gift of Me'rajBy: Hazrat Maulana Ilyas Patel Sahib

On the twenty seventh of Rajab the Musjids will be full. People will gather to listen to talks being delivered regarding the great incident of Me’raj. After the talks are over, by and large we return home with the miracle of Me’raj and its message forgotten until the following year.

Unlike us, the Sahaabah (Raziyallahu Anhum) and the Tabi'een (those who came after the Sahaabah) never set aside any particular day for the discussion of the incident of Me’raj. Hence even the scholars of the first century differed with regard to the actual date when Me’raj occurred (See Fathul Bari, vol.7, pg.203 and

Ruhul Ma’aani, vol.15, pg.6). The Sahaabah (Raziyallahu

Anhum)  and the Tabi'een (Rahimahumullah) had no need to set aside any particular day for this discussion. They regularly and frequently discussed the Ahadith with regard to all aspects of the life of Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). They lived the message of Me’raj every day of their lives. PARTING ADVICE

While there are many aspects that are related to Me’raj, the most important thing that pertains to us daily is the gift that was granted to Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) on the occasion of Me’raj. When Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)

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proceeded to the seven heavens and beyond and met His Rabb, Allah Ta’ala, he was granted the gift of Salah. Such was the importance of Salah that its injunction was not revealed while Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) walked on the earth. Rather it was saved for this special occasion beyond the seven heavens. Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) also greatly explained its importance throughout his life - to the extent that his parting advice when he left this world was with regard to upholding the injunction of Salah.

TAKE STOCKWhen we gather to discuss the occasion of

Me’raj, we should take stock of our Salah - the gift of Me’raj. Firstly, am I performing my five Salah daily? Do I commence my day with missing Fajar? Do I remember the gift of Me’raj at the time of Fajar? At the time of Fajar do I remember the impassioned plea of Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) as he parted from this world with regard to upholding the injunction of Salah?

The same should be considered with regard to Zuhar and Asr - when the tills are ringing and with regard to Maghrib and Esha when other distractions are in the way.

HAPHAZARDLYFurthermore how do I perform my Salah? Is it

in the manner that Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam) performed it or is it performed haphazardly

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and in extreme haste? Have I gained concentration in Salah? Also, do I perform it with Jama’at (which is waajib for adult males) in the Musjid? Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is reported to have said: “By that Being who has control over my life, I intend asking the youngsters to gather some firewood. I would then instruct somebody to call out the Azaan and perform the Salah while I go and set fire to the homes of those people who perform their Salah in their houses without any proper excuse” (Abu Dawood #549/Ahmad #8903).

Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood (Raziyallahu Anhu) says: “The one who wishes to meet Allah Ta’ala as a Muslim on the Day of Judgement should be punctual in the performance of his Salah on hearing the Azaan. Allah Ta’ala has prescribed the clear ways of guidance for His Rasul (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). These Salah too are among those ways of guidance. If you too will adopt the way of those who perform their Salah at their homes, you will be abandoning the way of Rasul (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), hence you would be led astray. The one who performs Wuzu and leaves for the Musjid, for every step he takes he gets one reward, one of his sins are forgiven and his stages are elevated in Jannah. In the time of Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) only an open hypocrite would not join the Jama’at. Even a sick person would be carried by two people and brought to the Musjid to perform his Salah with Jama’at” (Muslim #654).

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Salah is not only an injunction of Allah Ta’ala and a responsibility and duty upon His servants, it is also a means of acquiring one’s worldly needs. It is a means of averting calamities and hardships. It is reported in a Hadith that whenever any matter perturbed Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) he immediately resorted to Salah (Abu Dawood #1321). The Sahaabah (Raziyallahu Anhum) sought the solution to any problem by first resorting to Salah. When discussing Me’raj, we need to take stock of how much we resort to the gift of Me’raj to solve our problems and difficulties.

SUMMITS AND SEMINARSWhile there are many reasons for the present

pitiful condition of the Ummah throughout the world, one of the main reasons is the neglect of this fundamental injunction of Deen. While our conferences, summits, workshops and seminars may come up with many worthy resolutions, it is of prior importance that an all out effort is made to bring the entire Ummah onto the punctual performance of the five daily Salah (in the correct manner with all its etiquette being observed). Without this it will be wishful thinking to expect the degradation of the Ummah to change for the better. With the proper fulfillment of Salah and all the other injunctions of Deen, the help of Allah Ta’ala will be with us. Then minimal effort will make us victorious and gain us the best of both worlds.

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TAFSEER( C o m m e n t a r y o f t h e H o l y

Q u r ’ a n )By: Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

SURAH AL-BAQARAHNote: This part of Tafseer is the remaining portion of Surah Al-Baqarah Tafseer and hence connected with the previous chapter of Surah Al-Baqarah Tafseer.



And they say, “The fire shall not touch us but for a few days.” Say, “Have you taken a pledge from Allah and Allah will not go against His promise? Or, do you say about Allah what you do not know?” (Verse 80)

The claim of the Jews that they would not be sent to Hell for their sins, or, if at all, only for a few days, has been interpreted by the Commentators in different ways. One of them is as follows:

The principle is common to all the Shari’ahs that if a believer commits sins, he will receive a punishment

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in Hell for some time and in accordance with the degree and nature of his sins, but as he possesses Iman (faith), he will not be assigned to Hell for ever, and will be released after having served his term. Now, the argument on which the assertion of the Jews was based was that since the Shari’ah of Sayyidina Musa Alaihis Salaam had not, in their view, been abrogated, they were true believers (Mumins), and had not turned into infidels (kafirs) by denying the prophet hood of Sayyidina Isa (Jesus) Alaihis Salaam and of Sayyidina Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam; hence – so the argument ran – if they were sent to Hell in punishment of some sin, they would again be taken out after a few days. This false assertion is, thus based on another false assertion. The Torah never declares that the Shari’ah of Sayyidina Musa Alaihis Salaam is meant to last for ever. To claim perpetuity for it is an unfounded and false assertion, and hence the Jews who made such a claim and denied the prophet hood of Sayyidina Isa Alaihis Salaam and Sayyidina Hazrat Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam, must on account of this denial be held to be infidels and disbelievers (Kaafirs). And no Book of Allah Ta’ala holds out to the infidels the promise that they would be released from Hell after a while. The present verse refers to such a promise as the “pledge of Allah Ta’ala”. Since Allah Ta’ala has never made such a promise, it goes to show that the

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Jews were making a baseless claim. (To be continued, Insha-Allah)

Tas-heelul Ahadeeth

]Translation: Sayyidna Ibn Umar (Raziyallahu-anhuma) narrates

that a person came to Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam and asked: ‘O messenger of Allah Ta’ala, how often should I forgive the servant?’ He replied: ‘Seventy times daily’ (Tirmidhi, Dawood).

Commentary: The number ‘70’ is used in the Arabic language

to denote excess and abundance. This Hadith therefore means that we should as far as possible overlook the faults/mistakes of our servants and other su-ordinates.

Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that “Your slaves are your brothers”. We should remember that if our slaves are our brothers, our servants are to a much greater extent also your brothers. (This analogy is

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based on the fact that while a man literally owns his slaves, he does not own his servant/employee).

We understand from the teachings of Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam that:

1. The servant should not be burdened with tasks/duties that are beyond his capacity.

2. The employer should assist him if his task is difficult.

3. The employer should not delay in paying him – in the words of the hadeeth, he should pay him before “his sweat (perspiration)dries”.

Lesson: Overlook the faults and mistakes of those who are

under our care.

Translation: It is narrated from Sayyidina Ubay bin Ka’b

(radhiyallahu anhu) that Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam said:“My example in relationship to the rest of the

Ambiya is like that of a man who built a house. He

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beautified and completed the house but omitted one brick which he did not put in place. Thus the people began walking around the house, marveling at it and saying: if only this brick was completed (i.e, put in place). I am like that brick in relation to the other Ambiya.” (Ahmed, Nisa’I Tirmidhi)

Commentary: In this hadeeth Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam is figuratively explaining one of the most fundamental beliefs in Islam viz. Khatm-e-Nubuwwat (finality of prophethood). Many ayat and Ahadeeth prove that Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is the last and final Nabi and Rasool of Allah Ta’ala. Mufti Muhammad Shafi (Rahmatullahi alahi), a famous commentator of the Qu’ran and the former head Mufti of Pakistan, has listed more than one hundred ayat and two hundred Ahadeetn in this regard. The most famous ayah in substantiation of our belief is: “Muhammad is not the father of any of your men (because all his male off-spring passed away in infancy), but he is the Rasool of Allah Ta’ala and the seal of the prophets (i.e, just as the seal is placed at the end of the letter, Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is the last of the Ambiya)”

In one Hadeeth Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam says: “Risalat and Nubuwwat have certainly come to an end. Therefore there will be no Rasool or

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Nabi after me.” (Ahmed, Tirmidhi) In the above mentioned Hadeeth Hazrat

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam compares the message of the Ambiya to a beautiful built house. The bricks of the house are the Ambiya. Although the house is very beautiful and charming, one brick was still to be put in place. This last ‘brick’ is Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. After his arrival (nubuwaat) there is no need for another ‘brick’ (meaning that Deen is now complete and perfect – there is thus no need for another Nabi and Rasool).

Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

predicted the appearance of many false claimants of Nubuwwat before Qiyamat. One of the most recent claimants of false Nubuwwat was Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani. His adherents still propagate his message of batil (falsehood) throughout the world. We must always be wary of them and never be deceived by their lives. May Allah Ta’ala protect our Imaan. Aameen.

Lesson: Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was the

final prophet. No other prophet will come till the day of


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Any person claiming prophethood is a liar and cannot be a Muslim.

Seerat-e-PaakNabi ’s Love for Children

By: Hazrat Maulana Abu Talhah Muhammad Izharul Hasan Mahmood Sahib

Translated By: Hazrat Mufti Afzal Husain Elias Sahib LOVE SHOWN TOWARDS

CHILDREN IN GENERAL Do not make a live object

your target, children: Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi-Wasallam) once saw a few children from amongst the Ansaar playing at a certain spot. Since Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi-

Wasallam) had encouraged archery, these children had tried a chicken and made it their target. Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi- Wasallam) immediately stopped them and told them not to cause pain to something with life in this manner. (Musnad-e-Ahmad)

Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi- Wasallam) himself used to practice archery and so did the Sahabah Raziyallahu Anhu practice archery. That is why in the above mentioned incident we find that he did not discourage them from archery, but he prohibited them from making a live object the target when practicing. Leave alone Human Beibgs, Islam prohibits one from causing harm to

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animals even!On one occasion Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi-

Wasallam) noticed that a person had set alight an ant hill. He immediately prohibited him from this and told him that only Allah Ta’ala has the right to inflict punishment by means of fire.

Take the name and partake of the meals dear son:

There used to be a young Sahabi Raziyallahu Anhu by the name of Umar Ibn Abi Salamah Raziyallahu Anhu in the spiritual care of Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi-

Wasallam). He was one day sitting and partaking of meals with Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi- Wasallam). He himself narrates that he had been eating in a manner whereby he was taking food from all ends of the utensil. Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi- Wasallam) noticed this and addressed him saying, “Dear son, take the name of Allah Ta’ala before eating, eat using the right hand and eat from that which is directly in front of you.” He says that ever since this occasion he always practiced on the teaching of Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi- Wasallam). (Bukhari)

Do you not see with what love and affection our master Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi- Wasallam) trained and nurtured the children? In this way he taught them the Islamic etiquettes of life.

Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi-Wasallam)

removes a date from the mouth of his grandson:

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Hazrat Abu Hurairah Raziyallahu Anhu narrates that on one occasion when the time of harvesting the dates had approached, and the Sahabah Raziyallahu Anhum began to bring the agricultural tax due on them and that which they had intended giving away in charity to Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi- Wasallam), a large heap of dates had collected. Hazrat Hasan Raziyallahu Anhu and Hazrat Husain Raziyallahu

Anhu were little children at that time and had been playing nearby the heap of dates. One of them picked up a date and put it into his mouth. Suddenly Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi- Wasallam) gaze fell on him. He immediately went up to him, placed his finger in his mouth and removed the date saying, “Dear son, remember that we cannot accept charity.” (In other words it is not permissible for the family of Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-

Alaihi- Wasallam) to accept charity.)Under the same chapter in another narration it is

mentioned that Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi- Wasallam)

used the words [Kakh kakh] (spit it out! Spit it out!) to remove the date from the child’s mouth. (Bukhari) In the narration of Musnad-e-eAhmad the child who picked up the date is said to be Hazrat Hasan Raziyallahu Anhu.

By way of example Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-

Alaihi- Wasallam) has illustrated to us that children should be taught with love and affection, but when it comes to the commands of Allah Ta’ala, and then no one but Allah Ta’ala is taken into consideration. Those dates were meant for the poor Muslims therefore Hazrat Nabi Akram

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(Sallallahu-Alaihi- Wasallam) did not allow his grandson to eat a single date from it as it should only reach those who have a right in it.

(To be continued, Insha Allah)ADVICES


HAZRAT RASULULLAH From the teachings and advices of Faqeehul-Ummat, Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Sahib Gangohi (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi)

Compiled by: Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Rahmatullah Sahib Kashmiri (Daamat- Barakatuhum)

(Continued from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

Questions posed to Hazrat Mufti Sahib (Rahmatullahi-alaihi)

Question FourQuestion: "Hazrat, what is the feeling when making ziyaarat of Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)?"Answer: "Once, a student who had just begun Dorah (his final Hadith year) came to me and said, ‘I am very eager to see Hazrat Nabi-e-Kareem (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) in my dream.’ I told him, ‘Have patience. Don't be hasty.’ He insisted, "It's my hearts desire to make ziyaarat." I gave him something to read and he went away.

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One or two days later, he came back looking very worried. He was crying and shivering. He read Fajr Salah close to me. After Salah he told me that he had made ziyaarat of Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). What had he seen? He saw a piece of paper with Hazrat Nabi-e-Kareem's (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) name written on it. He said, ‘When the name of Hazrat Nabi-e-Kareem (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) appeared, I felt as if my soul was about to depart.’ He had not made ziyaarat (of Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)). He had made ziyaarat of his blessed name only. I said, ‘Oh silly child, I told you at first to be patient but you did not listen.’ Anyway, after some time he gradually began making ziyaarat.”

Hazrat Sheikhul Hadith (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) once had an eye operation in Aligarh. I went to visit him and enquired how he was feeling. He replied, "I cannot fall asleep and recited a couplet:

(In the absence (of my Beloved), sleep also has vowed not to come to me so

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the hope of seeing him in my dream is also lost)"

Hence, Allah Ta'ala blesses those who are acquainted with this field. They make ziyaarat on numerous occasions. Some make ziyaarat daily. They are called Sahib-e-Huzoori. They exist nowadays as well. They mention this to us also. There is no reason to deny their statements. Some incidents concerning Hazrat Sheikhul Hadith Maulana Zakariyya (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

Hazrat Sheikh, Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) intended to go from India to Madinah Tayyibah. Prior to his departure, someone dreamt that Hazrat Nabi-e-Kareem (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was awaiting Hazrat Sheikh`s arrival in Masjidun Nabawi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Many people were assembled there as well, but he could not recognize any one of them. Hazrat Sheikh's luggage began to arrive. Hazrat Nabi-e-Kareem (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was saying, "Keep this (piece of luggage) here and keep that there."

Muaanaqah (embraced) with Hazrat Sheikh (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) and exclaimed, "O! Maulvi

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Thereafter, Hazrat Sheikh (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) arrived. Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) made Zakariyya has become very weak." Then he said, "All right, bring a certain medicine." Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)

administered the medicine to Hazrat Sheikh (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) with his own mubaarak hands. The person who saw the dream could not remember the name of the medicine. A letter comes from Hijaaz to India for an interpretation. “The name of the medicine is forgotten. What should we do?”

(To be concluded, Insha-Allah)


Statements and Anecdotes of Faqeehul-Ummat, Hazrat Maulana Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi Sahib ..

Compiled By: Hazrat Maulana Mufti Farooq Meeruti Sahib (Daamat- Barakatuhum)

Matters pertaining to HadithThe buraaq of Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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If a person today keeps the vast treasure of ahaadeeth before him and wishes to collate such ahaadeeth that not a single hadeeth is contradicted it will prove very difficult. Therefore one should simply rely on Hazrat Imaam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alaihi and follow hatever he said. Hazrat Maulana Idrees Khandhalwi Rahmatullahi Alaihi once was very engrossed in research in his room. He used to keep many kitaabs in his room due to his great zeal for research.

Someone asked him, “Hazrat! What are you searching for?” He replied, “I am searching for information regarding the buraaq as to where it had gone after Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam tied it to the stone at Bait-ul-Maqdis. I cannot find it i.e. after Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam visited the heavens, Jannah and returned to Bait-ul-Maqdis, did he return home by means of the buraaq or did he return walking?”

This is how uneasy he would become.Narrations on the prohibition of amassing wealth

Hazrat Abu Zar Ghifaari Raziyallahu Anhu regarded those ahaadeeth on the prohibition of amassing wealth as general and applicable to all. The other Sahaabah Raziyallahu Anhum believed that those ahaadeeth were specific to the ashaab-us-suffah Raziyallahu Anhum.

One sahaabi Raziyallahu Anhu from the ashaab-us-suffah Raziyallahu Anhum had passed away and a gold coin was found among his belongings. Seeing this, Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said:

(A person owning one gold

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coin will be branded once by the fire of Jahannum and the person owning two gold coins will be branded twice by the fire of Jahannum.)

The Sahaabah Raziyallahu Anhum believed that this hadeeth only referred to the ashaab-us-suffah Raziyallahu Anhum who were not allowed to earn and amass wealth. A platform was built for them and this was their home. Feeding arrangements were made in this manner that the Ansaar Raziyallahu Anhum used to bring bunches of dates and hang them in the musjid. Thereafter, a Sahaabi Raziyallahu Anhu of the ashaab-us-suffah Raziyallahu Anhum would take from it according to his needs and requirements.

Once, Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had come to them whilst they were sitting in a group. One of them was reciting the Qur’aan and the rest were listening. Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam sat amongst them and asked, “What are you doing?” They replied that they were reciting the Qur’aan. At that time their condition was such that some of them only had one chaadar (shawl), some of them only had one lungi; another had only a kurta, to the extent that one Sahaabi Raziyallahu Anhu did not even have sufficient clothing to cover his body. He used part of the clothing of another Sahaabi Raziyallahu Anhu to cover himself.

These people did not have permission to keep any wealth with them. The majority of the Sahaabah Raziyallahu Anhum understood it in this manner. On the other hand, Hazrat Abu Zar Ghifaari Raziyallahu Anhu believed that this law was general and applicable to everyone. It was for this reason that he was banned from speaking out about this.

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In Sunan-ud-Daarimi it is reported that once Hazrat Abu Zar Ghifaari Raziyallahu Anhu was explaining masaa’il to people at the middle jamarah (pillar that is pelted during Hajj). Somebody approached him and said, “You are explaining these masaa’il very comfortably and with a lot of enjoyment, whereas you are banned from speaking.”

Hazrat Abu Zar Ghifaari Raziyallahu Anhu replied, “If a sword is put to my neck to slay me and I am able to explain a mas’alah before I am slain then too I would explain the mas’alah instead of trying to save my life.”

Hazrat Abu Zar Raziyallahu Anhu was so firm that he eventually was asked to leave Madinah and settle in a place called Rabzah. He used to live here with his wife and one servant. Someone once came up to him and said, “I wish to serve you and derive benefit from you.” He replied, “There is one condition – just as we have certain conditions for admission into the madrasah – and that is whenever I ask you to spend of my wealth, you are to immediately spend the best of it.”

Once, a group of people had settled around the waterhole. Hazrat Abu Zar Ghifaari Raziyallahu Anhu sent his servant to inspect as to how many families were in that group. He then ordered him to slaughter a camel and cut the meat up into portions in accordance to the number of families present there, and distribute it amongst them. He also ordered him to keep one portion of meat for themselves.

As the servant brought the camel, Hazrat Abu Zar Ghifaari Raziyallahu Anhu became greatly upset and said, “You had promised to always bring the best.”

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The servant said, “I had initially taken out the best one but then the thought passed my mind that this camel is quite strong and you will need it as a means of transport. So I brought the second best camel which is also quite strong but not as strong as the first.”

Hazrat Abu Zar Ghifaari Raziyallahu Anhu said, “Listen! The day when I will be in need will be the Day of Qiyaamah when nobody will be able to assist anybody else. I have absolutely no need for wealth in the dunya (world).”

(Hazrat then told me (the compiler), “Have you understood?”)

The day that I will be in need will be in the aakhirah (hereafter). I have no need for wealth in the dunya. So will you people accept wholeheartedly that I have no need for wealth in the dunya? Will you then understand this to apply to all?

(To be continued, Insha-Allah)


Potions for the HeartA Translation of Dawa-e-Dill

By: Hazrat Peer Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqashbandi Sahib Daamat-Barakatuhum

Continued from the previous issue of AN-NOOR

Become a sincere and active Aalim

The importance of sincerity

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A deficit in Ilm can be made up by actions, and a deficit in actions can be made up by sincerity. However, a deficiency in sincerity cannot be made for the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala, this is what will be sufficient. Allah Ta’ala accepts the deeds of the person who acts upon his Ilm for Allah Ta’ala’s sake only. The scholars of Deoband were granted total acceptance throughout the world because of their Ikhlas.

These pious people were the Taj Mahal of Ikhlaas. Where Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanotwi (Rahmatullahi alaihi) was layin the foundation stone of Darul Uloom Deoband, very many pious elders were also present. Harat said, “Toady, I will call upon such a personality to lay the foundation stone who, in his lifetime, has never even intended to commit a major sin.” There was an elder present by the name of “Mansha”. He was not very tall, but he was big in the sight of Allah Ta’ala. He used to earn his livelihood by cutting grass and selling it. He would save a little money daily, and in the end would have enough to be able to feed all the teachers of Darul Uloom Deoband once a year. The teachers of the Darul Uloom wrote in their books that they would longingly await that invitation. The reason they gave for this was for forty days after having eaten that meal, the congregation in the Masjid would increase.

Therefore, the first step is the acquisition of Ilm. The second step is acting upon that Ilm, and the third is

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having sincerity in those actions.

When those there things are together, then Allah Ta’ala accepts that deed. It then becomes a source of strength. May Allah Ta’ala bestow these three blessings on us all, May He illuminate our chests with the Noor of Ilm, and May Allah Ta’ala give us the ability to act upon our knowledge, Aameen!

How were our pious elders and how we are today?

There are times of gross inactivity; the heart sheds tears of blood. Our pious predecessors, due to their excessive thirst for knowledge, used to spend more on their night-oil than on their monthly food expenses!

Today the children of these pious people are accustomed to comfort. Their elders would sit all night on straw mats and pray their Fajr with the wudhu of the Isha prayer. The youth, on the other hand, now sleeps comfortably all night on soft beds. Their elders would begin the morning with the Holy Qur’an; these youngsters greet the day with the morning paper! When giving the Friday Khutbah, our pious elders would refer to the books of the ‘Sihah Sitta’, and today the Imams look for Friday sermons in the newspapers.

Just reflect: where have we reached today?

We therefore need to develop a thirst for Ilm and the ability to act upon it with total sincerity.

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A Point to noteSometimes Shaitaan (Satan) deceives us by

telling us,

Complete your studies, then you can perform the actions altogetherWhenever you get such thought in your mind,

you should understand that it is form Shaitaan.

The person who follows such thoughts is deprived of the ability to act upon his deeds. The one who acts as soon he learns is granted steadfastness by Allah Ta’ala. Therefore, one should study with the intention of putting the Ilm into practice as soon as it is acquired.

(To be Concluded, Insha-Allah)Family Bond


By: Hazrat Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullaah Mukhtaar SahibTranslated by: Jenab Rafiq Abdurrahmaan Sahib

(Continued from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

To be good to parents is superior to jihad in the cause of Allah Ta’ala When a person sought the permission of the

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Noble Rasool (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) to participate in jihad, he enquired if his parents were alive. On being told that they were, he exhorted the man to perform jihad in their services; that is, serve them unflinchingly.1 Similarly, when Sayyidina Jahimah (Raziyallahu-Anhu) asked to be allowed to take part in jihad, the Noble Rasool (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), advised him “Serve your mother, janah lies beneath her feet.”2

To make dua for parents after they have died and to respect their friends

The Noble Qur’an also counsels one to make dua for parents3. When offspring make dua for parents, the ranks of parents are elevated. It will be asked, “O Lord, how did this happen?”

The Lord will reply, “Your son had made dua for you4. Someone once asked whether his parents had any right over him once they had died. Our beloved Noble Rasool (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), confirmed that they had: “Offer the funeral prayers, seek forgiveness for them, fulfill their obligations, respect their friends and he kind and courteous to

1 Bukhari2 Ahmad and Nasaa’ee3 Surah Isra [Banii Israiel], 17:244 Bukhari (Adabul Mufrad)

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their relatives.1

On a path to Makkah Mukaramah, Sayydina Ibn Umar (Radiyallahu anhu), me someone. Sayyidina Ibn Umar (Radiyallahu anhu) greeted him, let him sit with him one the donkey and gave him the amamah (turban) he was wearing on his head. When asked the reason for honouring the person, he said, “His father was a friend of my father. I have seen in a hadith that piety of the highest order is to honour the friend of one’s parents.”2

In showing respect, the mother enjoys a preferential treatment over the father

Once, the Noble Rasool (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), gave the command thrice that one must treat one’s mother with courtesy. Only the fourth time he mentioned the father.3 The pangs of birth that a mother endures cannot be requited in any manner, not even if a son carries her on his shoulders and makes tawaaf around the Kabah and carries her during hajj4. A mother suffers much pain and agony; more than a father does, when she carries her child in her womb, give sbirth, nourishes with her milk and rears the child while it grows. Therefore, it has been 1 Abu Dawood, Ibn Maajah, Hakim.2 Majma-uz. Zawaa-id.3 Bukhari4 Ibn Kathir

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commanded to be more courteous to the mother than to the father.1

In any case, it is natural for a mother to be more loving and compassionate than a father. When a child receives motherly love and doting treatment, the child sometimes becomes careless in treating her. The shariah, however, enjoins one to be more civil to one’s mother. Her love for her children causes her to forgive every act of disobedience, and when finding them in difficulty she clutches them to her bosom.

(To be continued, Insha-Allah)

Great Personality

Rahimahullahu Ta’ala

By: Hazrat Allamah Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Salihi Dimashqi Shafi’i Rahmatullahi-Alaihi

(Continued from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

Hazrat Imam Sahib’s jurisprudential skill in the light of the other Imams

19. Hazrat Mus’ir Ibn Kudam (Rahmatullahi-alaihi)

He also narrates from Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Mubara (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) that he saw Hazrat Mus’ir Ibn Kudam (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) in the Majlis of Hazrat Abu 1 Tirmidhi

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Hanifah (Rahmatullahi-alaihi). He says that he saw Hazrat Mus’ir asking him questions as well. Thereafter he said: “I haven’t seen any dark-haired Faqih greater than Hazrat Abu Hanifan (Rahmatullahi-alaihi).”

Hazrat Saymari (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) narrates that Hazrat Mus’ir Ibn Kudam (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) said: “I envy only two personalities in Kufa; Hazrat Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) in his Fiqh and Hazrat Hasan Ibn Salih in his Zuhd (abstinence).”

Hazrat Yaqub Yusuf Ibn Ahmad Makki (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) narrates that Hazrat Ubaidullah Ibn Musa (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) said: “I heard Hazrat Mus’ir Ibn Kudam (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) saying, “May Allah Ta’ala shower His mercy upon Hazrat Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi-

alaihi). He was undoubtedly a Faqih and a great Alim.”

20. Hazrat Isa Ibn Yunus (Rahmatullahi-alaihi)

Hazrat Yaqub Ibn Ahmad Makki (Rahmatullahi-alaihi)

narrates from Hazrat Sulayman Shaz Kufi (Rahmatullahi-

alaihi) that Hazrat Isa Ibn Yunus told him: “Don’t ever talk ill of Abu Hanifah and don’t ever believe anyone talking ill about him because by Allah Ta’ala! I have’t seen anyone more virtuous and more learned in Fiqh than him.”

21. Hazrat Hafiz Mu’ammar (Rahmatullahi-alaihi)

Hazrat Khatib (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) narrates that Hafiz Hafiz Mu’ammar (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) said: “I don’t know of anyone who can speak about Fiqh to Hazrat Abu

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Hanifah (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) nor am I aware of anyone who is more apt than him in drawing analogies and expounding the Shari texts. Also I haven’t seen anyone more fearful than him in regards to introducing anything doubtful in the Din of Allah Ta’ala.

22. Hazrat Abu Jafar Razi (Rahmatullahi-alaihi)

Hazrat Khatib (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) narrates that Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abu Jafar Razi (Rahmatullahi-alaihi)

said: “I haven’t seen a greater Faqih and a more pious man than Hazrat Abu hanifah (Rahmatullahi-alaihi).”

23. Hazrat Fudail Ibn Iyad (Rahmatullahi-alaihi)

Hazrat Khatib (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) narrates that Fudail Ibn Iyaad Said: “Abu Hanifah was a great jurist. He was renowned for his Fiqh and piety. He was very affluent and this affluence was bestowed upon those who used to frequent his Majlis. He was a very famous personage. Day and night he was patiently engrossed in imparting religious education. He was a very silent man but when any issue concerning lawful and unlawful cropped up, he would most skillfully and corroboratively establish the truth. He would stay very far away from kings and rulers.”

24. Hazrat Imam Abu Yusuf (Rahmatullahi-alaihi)

Hazrat Khatib (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) narrates that Hazrat Imam Abu Yusuf said: “I make Dua for Hazrat Abu Hanifah even before I make Dua for my parents

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because I heard Hazrat Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi-alaihi)

saying that he makes Dua for Hazrat Imam Hammad (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) (his Ustad) even before he makes Dua for his parents.”

Hazrat Saymari (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) narrates that Harzat Yahya Ibn Aktham (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) said: “Whenever Hazrat Imam Abu Yusuf (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) was asked about any injunction, he would respond to it and add. “This is the opinion of Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) and he who makes Hazrat Abu Hanifah and intermediary between himself and Allah Ta’ala, he will turn out to be sincere in his Din.” (To be continued, Insha-Allah)

Letters to the Editor

Shock and outrageDear Editor,

Muhammad AzharDarish-Kadal Chowk Srinagar

Attention Pleasee The esteemed readers of AN-NOOR may feel free to send their

letters on email address as follows:

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[email protected]


Fayyaz Ahmad Zaroo

Faiz-e-Aam Secondary School (F.A.S.S.).A Unit Of Darul Uloom Raheemiyyah Bandipora (D.U.R.B.).

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As it has already been brought to the kind notice of our esteemed readers in particular and to public in general (Ref.: Eng. An Noor March-2012) that F.A.S.S., a sister concern of D.U.R.B., has been uplifted and modernized keeping the growing cases of apostasy (Irtidaad) in consideration.

In this connection, the school has already been face lifted, improved and rejuvenated in accordance to the modern and contemporary need of the time academically and infrastructurally as well. The current building, from which it is running its modus-operandi is up to the mark, however, increasing number of students demanded a spacious building which will easily accommodate the growing rolls of F.A.S.S. Therefore, administration of D.U.R.B., decided to go for a new building adjacent to the current one, which at present is under construction as well alhamdullillah.

Therefore, Muslim brothers and sisters are requested to take part in this noble cause by donating wholeheartedly for this project, thus, providing an excellent opportunity to the ummah for making sadaqah-e-jaariyah for ones own self or beloved ones.

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