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Open Day 2009

Bachelor of Public Relations

School of Communication, International Studies and Languages

September Career Information Sessions

Experience…Education, Arts & Social Sciences

Tuesday 8 September 2009Magill campus

Tours commence at 3 pmInformation sessions commence at 5 pm

Visit the campus where you’ll study.Register your attendance:

Public Relations

Program Structure

• 3 year degree• Only PR degree in South Australia• PRIA (Public Relations Institute of Australia) accredited

program• Local – National – International opportunities• Internships and placements for all students• Royce Scholarships: overseas travel and research $5000 -


Entry Requirements

• Satac Code: 444251

• TER for 2009: 65.05

Alternative pathways:

• TAFE• STAT special entry• International Baccalaureate Diploma• University Foundation Studies program

Where might you work

•A public relations consultancy managing many different clients

•A government organisation managing heritage housing or campaigns to save water

•A football, soccer or sporting club

•A private organisation managing sun products, housing and new estates

•A non profit organisation increasing awareness about kids in need, cancer care or animal welfare

•Public relations is DIVERSE

Program Structure

Structure of MBPB

Professional Majors (7 courses)

Public Relations Theory & Practice

Public Relations Writing

Strategic Creative Public Relations

Public Relations Issues & Crisis Management

Corporate & International Public Relations

Communication Management & Leadership

Internship or Placement

Professional Concentrations (3 courses)

Professional Public Relations Texts

Marketing Principles: Trading & Exchange

Buyer & Consumer Behaviour

Program Structure

Structure of MBPB

Public Relations Elective choice (1 course)Journalism EthicsCreative Industries & EthicsAccounting, Decisions & AccountabilityBusiness Information SystemsStatistical Analysis in Businessorstudent choice with PD approval

Sub-Major (6 courses) suggestions:

Health Science




Foundation Courses (4 courses)

Focussing on the media from Australian

International perspectives

Indigenous Course (1 course)

Free choice elective (1 course)

Program Structure

Enrolment Options

Offered Full time or Part time –

Internal mode – lectures, tutorials, seminars, workshop; some online content

Contact hours vary according to individual program structure.

A normal full time study load could include four lectures per week and eight tutorials plus time to research topics and work in a time.

Public Relations

PR: What practitioners say?

• Public relations helps a practitioner understand

how society and communities work

• What makes people tick?

• What are their priorities?

• How you can package messages that people will

listen to and act on?

PR : A word from the Public Relations President

Tracy Jones

As national president of the Public Relations Institute of

Australia (PRIA), Tracy Jones believes public relations

professionals have the capacity to contribute to the

development of business, government, and the community.

‘Our role involves so much more than just writing media

releases these days,’ said the Darwin-based public

relations consultancy principal.

‘When we do our job well, we can change the way people

think, feel, and act.’

PR in contemporary society

Tracy Jones believes public relations professionals have the capacity to contribute to the development of business, government, and the community. ‘I wanted to look past tomorrow’s headline,’ she says.

Her advice to new public relations graduates is to work with people they admire and ‘learn, learn, learn’.

The best people in our profession understand the difference between promotion and real public relations. The term public relations implies that a relationship is formed—and that only happens in an environment of honesty and trust. That says a lot about how we should go about our work.


From the PR world

Sheryl Fewster, senior public sector practitioner says that you need:

•an enquiring mind•project management skills•the ability to multitask•build rapport and have empathy•the ability to distil ideas down to one sentence and communicate clearly•confidence •knowing when to stop talking and listen•knowing when to ask for help•having good networks for finding information and to get things done•not to be terrified by a blank sheet of paper, and being able to get ideas down in writing quickly.

Contact details

Program Director:

Dr Joy Chia 08 8302 [email protected]

Program Support Officer:

Rosie Paradiso 08 8302 [email protected]

September Career Information Sessions

Experience…Education, Arts & Social Sciences

Tuesday 8 September 2009Magill campus

Tours commence at 3 pmInformation sessions commence at 5 pm

Visit the campus where you’ll study.Register your attendance: