An introduction to podcasting 110510 consortium inset

An introduction to PODCASTING INSET: 13/1/10 HDo


For use at Consortium INSET 11/5/10

Transcript of An introduction to podcasting 110510 consortium inset

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An introduction to PODCASTING

INSET: 13/1/10HDo

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What is a podcast?

A podcast is a digital media file or collection of files that is distributed over the internet. The files can then be played back on a computer or personal player (eg, an iPod).

The method by which podcasts are distributed is often called podcasting.

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Why use podcasts?

To cater for those with a preference for an auditory learning style

Can often support handouts given out in lessons/homework etc

Supporting revision

Students perceive as “different/more fun”

Useful if students have missed lessons

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What do you need?

A computer/laptop with some basic recording software, e.g. Audacity or WavePad

Microphone which connects to your machine (some computers may have microphones installed in them already)

Access to a broadband internet connection

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STEP 1: Downloading audio software

You can download some free audio software from Audacity. You can also pay for upgrades if you become addicted!

As well as the software, you need the LAME mp3 encoder. Instructions for download are found by clicking here.

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STEP 2: Recording your podcast

Plug in your microphone, open up Audacity, press the RECORD button and then start speaking!

You can use the pause button to take a quick break. Pressing it again will resume recording.

Press stop when you have finished. Don’t worry about saying things perfectly or rehearsing them too much as you can edit your tracks once you have finished them.

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STEP 3: Editing your track

You can tidy you work by cutting and pasting your track and adding effects – you can experiment by just clicking edit etc.

Ensure you SAVE your project as you go along.

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finished, you need to export your track as an mp3 – select this option from the FILE menu. Make sure you save it somewhere safe.

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You can save your file to your school’s Central Resources/VLE

You could post the mp3 to your department’s webpage on the school website

Find a free hosting website, eg

Use the embed code from this website and put on your blog/website etc

Or create a link to the podcast from your blog

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Using Create an account Create a new

channel and name it, eg. AS Music

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Create an episode Label it carefully

and tag it as well Upload a logo if

you wish Update the info

and then upload your mp3

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You should end up with…Podcast


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Embed your podcast on your blog

From your channel, go to Build-a-Player Highlight and copy the html code of your

podcast Embed this into a new post by changing

your setting to “Edit Html” – see next slide Ignore the Html warning and check the box

– change the width of your box to 450 if you can

Publish post – don’t be put off by the preview

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Build-a-playerEmbed code

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Before….(usual post for blogging)

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After….Click here to change to Html format

Paste your html code of your podcast below your text

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Things to consider…

Copyright. It is not possible to include music in your extracts unless you have a licence. If you would like to include music, you can create links to Spotify.

Click here to read more about copyright laws when podcasting

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Websites used in this presentation



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Examples of podcasts