An introduction to Alpha360 Digital Ltd.

Alpha360 Digital Limited Suite B59 Northbridge House • Elm Street • Burnley • BB10 1PD 01282 714360 [email protected] company number 7151968 Welcome to Alpha360 Digital Limited July 2010


A introduction to Alpha360

Transcript of An introduction to Alpha360 Digital Ltd.

Alpha360 Digital Limited

Suite B59 Northbridge House • Elm Street • Burnley • BB10 1PD 01282 714360

[email protected] •

company number • 7151968

Welcome to Alpha360 Digital Limited

July 2010

Alpha360 Digital Limited

Suite B59 Northbridge House • Elm Street • Burnley • BB10 1PD 01282 714360

[email protected] •

company number • 7151968

Who are Alpha360?

Alpha360 are primarily experts in creating highly interactive applications for the Social Media world. We

also develop cutting edge bespoke websites and mobile applications. We are a full 360º operation

marrying beautiful design with functional technology.

Alpha360 Digital Limited is the sister company of modern-english media limited.

modern-english began life in Colne in early 2007 before moving to Manchester in 2008. Bruce Thomas

the Managing Director of modern-english is from Barrowford and Bruce has over 15 years of experience

working in the digital agency field. Mark Bennett is a web developer from Burnley and had worked with

Bruce on many key modern-english projects. It was decided that the two would team up and start

another East Lancashire business offering the same cutting edge professional service as modern-english

but at a cost level affordable to small to medium sized businesses. With 2 companies both employing

some of the best talent out there, every job is achievable, if it’s technically possible that is! We say the

only limit is your imagination.

We feel we have the strength and commitment as two companies to offer the highest quality service to

all of our clients both big and small.

Alpha360 Digital Limited

Suite B59 Northbridge House • Elm Street • Burnley • BB10 1PD 01282 714360

[email protected] •

company number • 7151968

What do Alpha360 do?

Social media is growing faster than any other online experience, we believe that it's far more powerful

to place your brand and message in one of the social media platforms than to tempt users away from

their preferred social media sites, if you can't beat them, join them! At the same time websites that offer

a fuller user experience are still an essential part of the marketing mix. We help brands start and

succeed in ‘the conversation’ by offering tools that work perfectly for the consumer.

Our specialist team has converged from many sectors of the creative industries, including web/online,

film & video animations and advertising and graphic design. Our ethos is ‘everything is possible’ and

we pride ourselves in delivering the very highest quality digital pieces.

Alpha360’s key services are:

• Website design

• Bespoke CMS (content management) solutions

• Wordpress and non bespoke CMS solutions

• Facebook profile creation / branding

• Twitter profile creation branding

• Facebook & social media applications

• Content managed Facebook page tab solutions

• Creative services, including design, animation, motion graphics

• Game development

• Mobile development including iPhone & Android handsets

• Film & Video services

Alpha360 Digital Limited

Suite B59 Northbridge House • Elm Street • Burnley • BB10 1PD 01282 714360

[email protected] •

company number • 7151968

Where do Alpha360 do it?

Alpha360 build digital solutions for the online world. We build websites that live on the World Wide Web

and we build and develop social media applications and interactive profiles that live inside platforms

and networks such as Facebook. We talk about Facebook as this is the biggest social network of all and

can be extremely effective as a marketing tool.

Below are some interesting Facebook statistics:

More than 450 million active users.

50% of our active users logon to Facebook in any given day.

More than 10 million users become fans of pages each day.

More than 8 billion minutes are spent on Facebook each day (worldwide).

Every month, more than 70% of Facebook users engage with applications.

Who do Alpha360 do it for? A small selection of our work

• Transdev. Burnley & Pendle. (work in progress) Better known as ‘The Witch Way’ bus service

from Pendle to Manchester. The requirement was to develop a Facebook profile with

shareable content tab. This social medial solution also includes a CMS for content and copy

changes. (log into Facebook and search for The Witch Way, we are still awaiting a URL for

this campaign. See the work at


• The English Cricket Board. Along with our sister company, modern-english, we won the

contract to provide the English cricket board with social media tools and applications

ahead of 140 other agencies nationwide. You can see the work we have created by visiting

• Office Image Interiors – Barrowford based business that required a website that would stand

the test of time and also be fully content managed. This was one of the first sites we created

in 2007 and it’s still working perfectly for the client.

Alpha360 Digital Limited

Suite B59 Northbridge House • Elm Street • Burnley • BB10 1PD 01282 714360

[email protected] •

company number • 7151968

Thanks for your time.

Alpha 360 Digital Ltd

Suite B59,

Northbridge House,

Elm Street Business Park,



BB10 1UD.

01282 714360

[email protected]