An Exploration of Non-Violitional Living

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  • 7/30/2019 An Exploration of Non-Violitional Living


    An exploration of non-volitional living

    Nothing perceived can be me or mine

    ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Cease identification with all phenomonality

    ~ Wei Wu Wei

    Why are we so unhappy? Because not everything goes our way. Because we

    dread doing the things we dont want to do, but have to do. And we cant do

    many things we want to do. All this boils down to the fact that we feel we are a

    person with desires that conflict with our circumstances and our

    responsibilities. In other words our volition is not always in line with what is

    happening or what should be done. An understanding of what-we-are and what

    the mind is can free us from this false sense of volition and remove the burden

    of our responsibilities. Then, we actually will be happy. Without even trying!

    1. You are not the mind.

    We have been taught that the mind is ourself, thinking.

    We cannot be the mind because we are what is perceiving the mind. Look for

    yourself right now! You are looking at thoughts from a higher (prior) level. We

    cannot perceive ourself just as our eye cannot see itself because it is what is

    looking. The mind cannot be ourself. The Chinese Chan master Hsi Yun

    (Huang Po) said, A perception cannot perceive. So, are you the perceptions

    (thoughts and feelings) or what is perceiving them?

    We feel we are the mind because of the way the mind itself works. The mind

    understands things by comparing perceptions and creating objective concepts

    of them so it can compare one concept with another. This is knowledge.

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    Naturally, it soon creates a concept of itself as me and there the trouble

    begins. Thus, the mind associates the sense of me with its operation and with

    the body and we believe and feel we are an

    individual, thinking, acting entity. This is the origin of all our suffering. Once

    we feel we are an individual we begin to see and evaluate everything as it

    relates to us as an individual. We become a thing in a universe of things. A very

    small, vulnerable, but supremely important (at least to ourself) individual, in a

    vast, infinite, seemingly purposeless, uncaring cosmos. We lose our original,

    true sense of identity with the Absolute.

    2. The mind goes its own way

    By watching our thoughts over a period of time, we can see that the mind is

    operating literally by itself . Thoughts just appear and keep on appearing

    automatically. We have this feeling that it is me who is thinking, but this is

    just a conditioned reflex caused by the concept of ourself as an individual. By

    watching thoughts we can see how they appear unbidden, uncalled. Just try

    not thinking for a even a few seconds and see that it is impossible. No me is

    controlling them. We may have the illusion of purposely thinking about a

    particular subject, but notice that the idea to purposely think about something

    comes by itself. Then we do it, automatically, but with the false feeling we are

    the decider. That feeling of being the decider is not us, it belongs to the mind.

    It is something we are perceiving.

    This is not proven in just a few minutes of thought watching. It often takes

    many months of diligent watching to really see it and to be convinced. This is

    because the conditioned feeling of being the thinker is so deep that the very

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    idea that the mind goes its own way seems ridiculous. But the payoff of this

    single discovery is enormous in terms of liberation and deeper understanding

    of ourselves and the universe.

    The very idea that the mind is operating by itself is unacceptable for most

    people because it seems to remove the control of the mind from the individual

    and allows the individual to cease accepting responsibility for his actions. Then

    they will do all the bad things they want. This is a valid reason from the point

    of view of an individual. Actually, because the mind conceives of itself as an

    individual, it uses this fear of harm to itself or reward for itself as a form of

    inhibition to keep from doing things that would be wrong (ultimately harmful

    to it or to its image of itself). However, this is not you, it is the mind regulating

    itself. This is where feelings of bondage and frustration come from. Because the

    mind conceives of itself as an individual, it accumulates conflicting needs and

    desires. The purpose is not just to release the inhibitions that keep us under

    control, but to dissolve the minds illusion of itself as an individual in charge of

    and identified with the mind. That will, at the same time begin to dissolve the

    inhibitions as well as the need for them because the conflicting needs and

    desires will go with the illusory self!

    3. You are not the doer.

    You have never done anything! Because the mind has conceived itself to be an

    individual it also conceives of itself as the Thinker and also the Actor or Doer.

    Yet it is not anyone. The mind is not a thing or entity but a process. The

    thinking process. Simply a process that is happening automatically, the same

    as the heart is beating automatically. This is why we cannot live the perfect life

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    even though we have been taught how a good person should act. We know we

    shouldnt get angry at our spouse or our children whom we love, but despite

    the greatest resolve, we still do. Why? Because we are not the thinker of our

    thoughts nor the doer of our actions. Because they are not our thoughts or our

    actions. We are not even the experiencer of the experience. What are we? We

    are what is perceiving the mind and that is not anyone.

    We are what is perceiving the doing, but we are not the doer. We never were.

    We have never done the bad things and we have never done the good things

    either. Thoughts are affected by the environment (such as this article), inner

    habits and tendencies, and by the minds concept of a me, but not by any

    actual me. We are incapable of interfering with the mind. Why? Because there

    is no one to interfere. We arent anyone. Thus, we absolutely cannot have any

    volition. The concept of being an individual is an invention of the mind itself. It

    is an artifact of the way the mind works. The feeling of volition is an illusion

    spawned by this concept of me.

    We can never find our own will (volition) in any action. Every so called action is

    actually an automatic re-action of the mind with an accompanying feeling of

    volition. It is not me, it is the mind automatically going its own way! Simply

    watch the mind. Be aware of it. Thats all that can be done because that is all

    we are doing right now. That is all we ever do. That is all we have ever done. It

    is the mind that thinks and feels otherwise and we are what is aware of what

    the mind thinks and feels. We are perfectly open, empty and still. We are not in

    space or time. We can never be affected in any way. We have no needs or

    desires whatever. We just shine brilliantly, effortlessly.

    We are what perceives what is appearing. In fact, it is because of this

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    perceiving that anything at all appears. What we are is the beingness of what

    appears. The isles or the am-ness, if you will of the very sense of I am. Another

    way to put it is that we are the Awareness in which everything appears (the

    here-now, the sense of presence, consciousness). See that we are simply and

    only the awareness of the mind while it goes its own way. Every sensation and

    feeling it has belongs to it, to manifestation not to ourself. With everything

    that appears in any way, we can say Not me, not me.

    We are the Watcher, not the thinker, or the doer, or the experiencer.

    Once this is deeply and completely understood, the mind can let go of its sense

    of volition and its sense of being an individual, relax and just be knowledge.

    Everything happens by itself. Everything happens as it should. Everything

    happens as it must.

    When the mind lets go of its sense of self and volition there is the deepest sense

    of complete peace and fulfillment. It is the Bliss spoken of by the ancient

    masters. All fear disappears.

    We are now looking from our true Source (as we always were but didnt realize)

    the timeless, spaceless

    Absolute. The unmanifest. This is what we all are. This is the ultimate source

    of our light of awareness. We are perceiving the manifest from its source, the

    unmanifest and it unfolds spacially and temporally as it eternally IS.

    -Galen Sharp