An Experimental Study in the Second Grade of SMP Islam...

THE EFFECTIVENES OF DIARY JOURNAL TOWARD STUDENTS’ SIMPLE PAST TENSE MASTERY (An Experimental Study in the Second Grade of SMP Islam Malahayati Jakarta) “Skripsi” Presented to the Faculty of Educational Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in the Department of English Education By Ravenska Ningsih 1110014000040 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCE SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2017

Transcript of An Experimental Study in the Second Grade of SMP Islam...



(An Experimental Study in the Second Grade of SMP

Islam Malahayati Jakarta)


Presented to the Faculty of Educational Science in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in the Department of English Education


Ravenska Ningsih








The Effectivenes of Diary Journal

toward Students’ Simple Past Tense Mastery

(An Experimental Study in the Second Grade of SMP Islam

Malahayati Jakarta)


Presented to the Faculty of Educational Science in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in the Department of English Education


Ravenska Ningsih


Approved by the Advisor I Approved by the Advisor II

Nida Husna, M.Pd., M.A. TESOL Zaharil Anasy, M. Hum

NIP. 19720705 200312 2 002 NIP. 19761007 200710 1 002








In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful

All Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, who has given the writer His

love, guidance, and compassion to finish this last assignment in her study. Peace

and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad, peace may be upon him, and

also to his family, his companion, and his adherence.

This skripsi is presented to Department of English Education, Faculty of

Educational Science, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta as a

partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of S.Pd. (S-1).

The writer would like to express her great honor and deepest gratitude to her

beloved parents, her late father Udan Dachlan and her mother Yuningsih, and also

to her siblings, Evi Aulya Ningsih and Nina Ningsih who always give their

materials, prays, and motivation to finish the writer’s study. The last is the

writer’s husband, Asep Subandi who always supports in Skripsi writing process.

The writer also says deeply grateful to her advisors, Nida Husna, M.Pd.,

M.A. TESOL. and Zaharil Anasy, M. Hum, who guide the writer in finishing this

skripsi and also for the great contribution, time, guidance, kindness, and patience.

Her deepest gratitude also goes to those who have helped her in finishing

this skripsi, among others:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., the Dean of the Faculty of Educational


2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., the Head of Department of English Education.

3. Zaharil Anasyi, M. Hum., the Secretary of Department of English

Education and the Academic Advisor of English Educational B Class of


4. All lecturers at Department of English Education, for their knowledge,

motivation, and patience during her study at Department of English

Education and Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta.


5. All English teachers who have taught the writer and inspired her in

conducting her “skripsi”.

6. All her friends in Department of English Education whom she cannot

mention one by one.

Finally the writer truly realizes that this “skripsi” cannot be considered as a

perfect masterpiece. Therefore, with pleasure, hopefully to get suggestion and

criticism can make it better.

Jakarta, July 2017

Ravenska Ningsih



Ravenska Ningsih (1110014000040), The Effectivenes of Diary Journal Toward

Students’ Simple Past Tense Mastery (An Experimental Study In The Second Grade of

SMP Islam Malahayati). Skripsi of Bachelor Program (S1) at Department of English

Education, Faculty of Educational Science of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2017.

This research is purposed to know the empirical evidence about the effectivenes

of diary journal technique after being implemented on second grade students’ simple

past tense mastery at SMP Islam Malahayati.

The method used to conduct the research is quantitative with purposive

sampling. The participants were 62 students which are also counted as the population of

the research. Those participants were divided into two classes: 31 students for

experimental class (they were taken from class VIII.C) and 31 students for controlled

class (they were taken from class VIII.B). But in a pre-test and post-test meetings only

29 students who attended the class, so the researcher took sample 58 students. In the

beginning, the researcher gave the pre-test. Then, the experimental class was treated by

diary journals technique for ten meetings. While the control class was treated by th

technique which was regularly used by the English teacher in that school without diary

journals technique. After all treatments had been implemented, the researcher gave the

post-test that consisted of thirty multiple-choice questions which was same amount with

the pre-test where both pre-test and post-test had been tested by ANATES application to

measure their validities.

The researech findings showed the value of to was 8.6 and the value of t-table was

2.395 in the degree significance 1% then 1.673 in the degree significance 5% after all

statistical calculation gained from collected data. It means that tt is bigger than t-table

(1.673<8.6>2.395) so that according to statistical formula, Ha (Alternative Hypothesis)

was accepted and Ho (Null Hypothesis) was rejected. And also, based on Cohen’s d

explained that the result was 2.7 which indicated the large effect size. So, the diary

journal has strong relationship with simple past tense mastery. Hence, it can be

concluded that diary journals technique has significant effectiveness on second grade

students’ simple past tense mastery at SMP Islam Malahayati Jakarta.

Keywords: Diary Journal, Simple Past Tense, Mastery



Ravenska Ningsih (1110014000040), Efektivitas Teknik Catatan Harian terhadap

Penguasaan Waktu Masa Lampau Siswa Kelas Delapan di SMP Islam Malahayati.

Skripsi Program Sarjana (S1) Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu

Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2017.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bukti empiris tentang efektifitas

teknik diary journals terhadap penguasaan simple past tense siswa kelas delapan di SMP

Islam Malahayati Jakarta.

Metode yang digunakan dalam melaksanakan penelitian ini adalah quantitatif

dengan metode sampling purposive. Penelitian ini diikuti oleh 62 siswa sebagai

partisipan yang juga terhitung sebagai populasi dari penelitian ini. Partisipan tersebut

dibagi menjadi dua kelas yang terdiri dari 31 siswa untuk kelas eksperimen (diambil

dari kelas VIII.C) dan 31 siswa untuk kelas control (diambil dari kelas VIII.B). Pada

awal penelitian, peneliti memberikan pre-test. Kemudian, kelas eksperimen diajar

dengan teknik diary journals selama sepuluh kali pertemuan, dan di lain sisi pengajaran

di kelas kontrol menggunakan teknik yang biasa digunakan oleh guru bahasa inggris di

sekolah tersebut tanpa teknik diary journals. Setelah semua pengajaran (treatment) telah

terlaksana, peneliti memberikan post-test (tes purna) yang terdiri dari 30 soal pilihan

ganda sebagaimana jumlah soal dalam pre-test yang baik keduanya telah diuji dengan

aplikasi ANATES untuk mengukur tingkat validitasnya.

Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukkan nilai t-hitung 8.6 dan nilai t-tabel yaitu 2.395

pada signifikansi 1%, kemudian 1.673 pada signifikansi 5% sehingga sesuai dengan

rumus statistik, Ha telah diterima dan Ho ditolak. Dan juga, berdasarkan Cohen’s d

menjelaskan bahwa hasilnya adalah 2.7 yang artinya mengindikasikan ukuran efek yang

besar. Jadi diary journal memiliki hubungan yang erat denga penguasaan simple past

tense. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknik diary journal memiliki

keefektifan yang signifikan terhadap penguasaan simple past tense siswa di sekolah

SMP Islam Malahayati Jakarta.

Kata Kunci: Catatan Harian, Waktu Masa Lampau, Penguasaan




APPROVAL ...................................................................................................... i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ............................................................................... ii


ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... iv

ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. viii

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ x

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. ix

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study.................................................... 1

B. Identification of Problem ................................................... 4

C. Limitation of Problem ........................................................ 4

D. Formulation of Problem .................................................... 4

E. Objective of Study ............................................................. 5

F. Significance of Study ........................................................ 5

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ....................................... 6

A. Mastery of Simple Past tense ............................................. 6

1. Definition of Mastery ................................................... 6

2. Definition of Simple Past Tense .................................. 6

3. The Form of Simple Past Tense ................................... 7

4. The Use of Simple Past Tense ..................................... 10

B. Diary Journal ..................................................................... 11

1. Definition of Diary Journal ......................................... 11

2. The Use of Diary Journal ............................................. 12

3. The Function of Diary Journal ..................................... 13


4. How to Write Diary Journal? ...................................... 13

C. Advantages and Disadvantages of Diary Journal .............. 14

D. Teaching Simple Past Tense By Using Diary Journal ....... 17

E. Relevant Study ................................................................... 18

F. Theoretical Thinking .......................................................... 19

G. Research Hypothesis ......................................................... 20

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................... 21

A. Time and Place of the Research ......................................... 21

B. Population and Sample....................................................... 21

C. Method and Design of the Research .................................. 22

D. Instrument of the Research ................................................ 22

E. Data Collection Technique .................................................. 23

F. Data Analysis Technique ................................................... 23

G. Statistical Hypothesis ........................................................ 24

CHAPTER VI FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ........................................... 25

A. Research Findings .............................................................. 25

B. Data Analysis and Test of Hypothesis ............................... 28

1. Data Analysis ............................................................... 28

2. The Test of Hypothesis ................................................ 33

C. Data Interpretation ............................................................ 33

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................... 36

A. Conclusion ......................................................................... 36

B. Suggestion .......................................................................... 36

REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 38




Table 2.1 Examples of Irregular Verb .................................................................. 8

Table 4.1 The Students’ Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test in

Experimental Class ............................................................................... 25

Table 4.2 The Students’ Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Controlled Class. ... 27

Table 4.3 The Statistical Data of Both Experimental and Controlled Class ........ 28



Appendix 1: Kisi-Kisi Pre-Test and Post-Test Simple Past Tense

Appendix 2: Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test Exercises

Appendix 3: Students’ Diary Journal

Appendix 4: RPP Penelitian

Appendix 5: Surat Keterangan Bukti Penelitian

Appendix 6: Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi

Appendix 7: Daftar Ujian Referensi




A. Background of The Study

In Indonesia, English is the foreign language.English lesson is provided in the

whole levels of Indonesia education, from Elementary school, Junior High School,

Senior High School, and University level. As the foreign language in Indonesia,

English becomes one of main lessons at school. Even English becomes determining

lesson in final examination for third grade in Junior High School and Senior High

School. This indicates that Indonesian government is aware about the importance of

English for students’ future.

When students graduate from Senior High School, they need English skill as

one of requirements in some Universities. Also they will need it when they want to

apply an occupation that English skill is one of the prerequirement of that

occupation, for example applying at foreign company or big institution. That is why

students need to prepare for themselves in learning English.

Nowadays, people agree that grammar can not be ignored, because it is

important, and without good knowledge of grammar, development of learners’

languange can be constrained.1 Without knowing the grammar, students may be get

some difficulties in understanding the meaning of the sentence. Grammar is

supposed to be one of the important elements in learning English to support the four

language skills that has been mentioned above, therefore grammar is important to be

learned by second grade Junior High School students. Because they are expected to

be able to communicate both in spoken and in written using proper grammar on their

level as the second grade students. Supporting the explanation above, government

through English curriculum the current school based curriculum—(KTSP) stated that

the second year students of Junior High School need to master the Simple Past


1Jack C. Richards, Methodology in Language Teaching (An Anthology of Current Practice),

(New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 145.


However, the reality is different with the curriculum’s expectation. Based on

the writer’s observation at SMP Islam Malahayati Jakarta, the writer found some

difficulties which appeared in understanding grammar especially simple past tense. It

could be seen from students’ work, they were asked to do the task in thirty minutes,

but until the times up many of them could not fulfil the task. Many of students had

difficulties in recognising the form, understanding the meaning and applying the

simple past tense. In the other word, it can be said that they were confused to put the

right verb in the simple past tense sentences. This is also proven by Richards that

there are some students who know a lot of grammar but they can not use it for any

practical communicative.2

The second students’ difficulty of learning simple past tense is understanding

the system of language. The system of English is different with Indonesian language

as the students’ mother tongue. In English system there are three tenses, those are

past tense, present tense and future tense. In each tense there are certain verbs that

indicate the tense itself. For example, ‘I voted Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as

candidate of president last year‟that indicates the past tense and ‘I vote Prabowo

Subianto as candidate of president next year‟ that indicates the future tense.

Meanwhile, in Indonesia language only has one pattern. In past tense, present tense

or future tense still use the same pattern. For example, ‘Saya memilih Susilo

Bambang Yudhoyono sebagai calon presiden tahun lalu‟ and „Saya memilih

Prabowo Subianto sebagai calon presiden di tahun mendatang‟. There is no

different of verb form in Indonesia language whether the activity is done at past or

future tense.

The same problems of learning simple past tense also have been done by

other researchers.Such as Hidayah on her research with title The Effectiveness of

Peer Tutoring Towards Students‟ Understanding in Using Simple Past Tense that the

form of simple past tense is difficult for some students because there is different

pattern between students’ native language and English.3 In the rule itself, the verb are

divided into two categories, namely : irregular and regular verbs. They often feel

2Ibid., p. 146.

3Nur Hidayah, “The Effectiveness of Peer Tutoring Towards Students‟ Understanding in Using

Simple Past Tense”, Skripsi, (Jakarta: FITK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2014), p. 2.


confused how to memorize the verbs which belong to the irregular and regular ones.

Other researchers also proved that students make some mistakes in learning and

understanding the simple past tense because students are still influenced with the

grammatical formula of simple present.4 Meanwhile, Fradina had different finding

with the two previous researchers about the reason why students got difficulties in

learning simple past tense. The difficulties may arise from the nature of the system

itself or from difference between English and the learners’ mother tounge.5

Seeing those realities, the writer wonders about the causes of the problems.

Perhaps, students can be given more exercises, so that their learning can be more

interesting. The writer also found that the students were unmotivated to learn

grammar. Whereas,when writing activities, it is important to create motivating and

meaningful context, a reason and purpose for writing and also to ensure that the

children know about who they are writing for.6 One of teachers’ role is create the

students’ motivation to study.

There are many strategies that can be used to motivate the students, so that

their learning can be more intersting. The strategies can use the peer tutoring,

Contextual Teaching and Learning method (CTL), recount text, and one of them is

applying Diary Journal. Based on the writer’s experience when she was a student, the

writer loved to write everything that it had done on that day in her diary. She wrote

about school, her feeling on that day, the unforgettable moment, or events that

happened with friends and family.

By diary journal, students are accustomed to making the simple past

sentences correctly because they are asked to write diary journal twice a week. By

this way, the writer assumes that diary journal is one of the strategies which can help

students to master the simple past tense. It is also easier to write because diary

journal is written based on students’ experience. So it will be most interesting and

motivating.These opinions are supported by Read about the aims of diaryitself those

4Yudi Herdila, “Improving Students‟ Ability in Using Simple Past Tense Through Contextual

Teaching and Learning Method (CTL)”, Skripsi, (Jakarta: FITK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2013), p. 3. 5Dhita Fradina, “The Influence of Using Short Story Towards Students‟ Mastery of Simple Past

Tense”, Skripsi, (Jakarta: FITK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2013), p. 2. 6Carol Read, 500 Activities For The Primary Classroom, (Macmillan), p. 49.


are to write a personal diary, to take pleasure in writing about personal activities and

events, and to develop self-awarenes.7 Daily journal often has a positive impact on

children’s care and pride in their work, with diaries often beautifully illustrated and


Therefore, teaching simple past tense can be effective if the students are given

more exercises like diary journal. That is why the writer give the title of the paper,

“The Effectiveness of Diary Journal Toward Students’ Simple Past Tense Mastery

(An Experimental Study In The Second Grade of SMP Islam Malahayati


B. Identification of Problem

Based on the background of the study, there are some problems that can be


1. Students have difficulties in learning simple past tense form.

2. Students are confused to put the right form in the simple past tense sentenses.

3. Students still can not use simple past tense form into contextual sentences.

C. Limitation of Problem

In teaching English there are some kinds of tenses in grammar and also there

are some ways to be applied in teaching tense. In this paper, the writer limits the

study on simple past tense. The study itself focus on students’ simple past tense

mastery in using diary journal at the second grade of SMP Islam Malahayati Jakarta.

D. Formulation of Problem

The formulation of the problem in this paper are :

Is diary journal effective for students’ simple past tense mastery at the second

grade of SMP Islam Malahayati Jakarta?

7Read, op. cit., p. 69.


E. The Objective of The Study

In this study, the objective of this research are to know whether diary journal

iseffective forstudents’ simple past tense mastery at the second grade of SMP Islam

Malahayati Jakarta and what extend the effectiveness of diary journal in students’

simple past tense mastery.

F. Significance of Study

The result of this research is expected to be useful for:

1. Writer

The study is expected to give new experience and information to the

writer about how to improve students’ understanding of simple past tense in

using diary journal.

2. Further Researchers

This study can be an additional information for those who want to

experiment on teaching simple past tense at second grade Junior High School.

3. Students

By using diary journal, students are expected to understand the simple

past tense easier. It also can overcome the students’ difficulties in

comprehending the simple past tense.

4. English Teacher

The writer hopes that diary journal can be one of options to teach simple

past tense, so that it can increase students’ motivation in learning tenses.




A. Mastery of Simple Past Tense

1. Definition of Mastery

The term mastery from some experts has differences. Jhon M. Echols and

Hasan Shadily in their book stated that mastery is achievement of knowledge.

While according to Hornby, mastery is complete control of knowledge. In the same

line, Webster defined that mastery is the state of having control over something

superiority in competition, victory and eminent still or through knowledge.

Finally, from the some above definitions, it can be conclude that mastery is

an achievement of knowledge certain subject.

2. Definition of Simple Past Tense

Some grammarians define the simple past tense with many ways. Betty S.

Azar stated, ―The simple past indicates that an activity or situation began and ended

at a particular time in the past‖.1 Elaine P. Maimon and friends in A Writer’s

Resource stated, ―The past tense is used to indicate an action completed at a

specific time in the past‖.2 According to Nasrun Mahmud in English for Muslim

University Students said that ―The Simple Past Tense refers to a complete action or

series of complete actions that happened at a certain point or over a period of time

in the past‖.3 This state is supported by the statement of Elizabeth in her article The

Meaning and Discourse Function of the Past Tense in English, ―The past tense can

be used to describe situations which may still exist, objectively speaking, at the

time of speech if the purpose of the speaker is to present the information in terms of

its past psychological relevance‖.4 Nordquist also explained the simple past is

a verb tense (the second principal part of a verb) indicating action that occurred in

the past and which does not extend into the present. Verbs in English are irregular if

1Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding And Using English Grammar, (New Jersey: Pearson

Education, 1999), 3rd

ed. p. 27. 2Elaine P. Maimon, Janice H. Peritz and Kathleen Blake Yancey, A Writer’s Resource A

Handbook for Writing and Research, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007), 2nd

ed. p. 485. 3Nasrun Mahmud, English for Muslim University Students, (Jakarta: PT. Siwibakti Darma,

2010), 6th

ed. p. 14. 4Elizabeth Riddle, The Meaning and Discourse Function of the Past Tense in English, Teachers of

English to Speakers of Other Language, Inc. (TESOL), Vol. 20, No. 2, 1986, pp. 267—268.


they don't have the conventional -ed ending (such as asked or ended) in the past

tense and/or past participle forms. Contrast with Regular Verb.5

These below are most commonly recognized by teachers and most

consistently used by advanced students:

1) a. I had a BMW, but I sold it.

2) b. That wasmy pudding she ate.

In example 1a, the speaker no longer owns the car, and the act of selling is

over. In example 1b, the eating has finished, and the pudding no longer exist.

3) (Leaving a movie theater) That was a great movie.

Although the movie continues to be great, it is described in the past.

Elizabeth stated, ―First, common assumptions about the use of the past tense

are briefly identified, followed by a demonstration that the speaker‘s point of view

and communicative purpose play a crucial role in the selection of the past tense in

main clauses. Next, it is suggested that past tense should be analyzed as meaning

‗true in the past‘ and that the notion of completion is a contextually based


From the statement above, the writer concludes that simple past tense is a

tense that tell something happened in the past sometimes at habitual past.

3. The Form of Simple Past Tense

The simple past tense is one of the most common tenses in English. Its form

is the same with all subjects. It is usually formed by adding-ed to the verb. We call

this form as regular verbs. Although many verbs in English from their past tense

with –ed, some do not. We call this the second form as irregular verbs. This form is

often considered as the most difficult form to memorize. This opinion is supported

by Florence, ―Among the nineteenth century authors who were uncertain and

confused about the correct forms, historians cite names like Byron, Emerson, and

Whittier. This uncertainty and confusion, as teachers of English and other observant

listeners know, did not end with the nineteenth century. It is with us here and now

in the twentieth‖.7 The irregular verbshave some patterns. The only way to know

how an irregular verb will change in the past tense is to learn all of the irregular

verbs. The following are view of irregular verbs.


6Ibid., p. 268.

7Florance C. Bowles, Grammar in The Past Tense, Taylor and Francis, Ltd., Vol. 31, No. 5,

1957, p. 283.


Table 2.1

Examples of Irregular Verb

Base Form Past Tense Form

Catch Caught

Read Read

Cut Cut

Drink Drank

Write Wrote

Michael and Catherine explained that they use the simple past for

complete finished actions and often use it in stories.8

Patterns of Simple Past Tense:

1. Affirmative Statement

The formula are:


1. I wrote ten letters yesterday.

2. I visited my grandmother every month last year.


1. I was here last night.

2. They were in the park.

2. Negative Statement

The formula are:


8Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, The Good Grammar Book, (New York: Oxford

University Press, 2001).

Subject + verb 2 + object + adverb

Subject + to be (was/were) + adjective/adverb

Subject + did not + infinitive verb + object + adverb


1. The teacher did not take the score last week.

2. My parent did not give me any money last month.


1. I was not a stamp collector.

2. She was not absent yesterday.

3. Interrogative Statement

The formula are:


1. Did you study English last night?

2. Did she accompany you to meet lecturer yesterday?


1. Was she absent yesterday?

2. Were they excited on the concert last night?


1. Where did they live?

2. What did she give to you on your birthday?

3. When did your friend return your book?

4. Who did control the class?

5. How did your group finish this project?

Subject + was/were + not + adjective/adverb

Did + subject + infinitive verb + object + adverb?

Was/were + subject + adjective/adverb?

QW + did + Subject + infinitive verb + object + adverb?

QW + was/were + adjective/adverb/noun?



1. Who were here ten minutes ago?

2. When were the children here?

3. Where were the children ten minutes ago?

4. How was your condition last week?

4. The Use of Simple Past Tense

Here are some usages of simple past tense declared by George E Wishon

and Julia M. Burks in their book Let’s Write English9:

a. The simple past tense is used to report a state or activity which can be described

to a definite past time. A past adverbial is either expressed or else understood

from the context in which the simple past tense is used.

The airplane arrived at noon.

She finished her university studies at the age of twenty.

I saw him three years ago.

b. The simple past tense is also used for activities that occurred over a period of

time in the past, but are now finished, or that occurred at intervals in the past but

do not occur now.

Before the war, I worked for an insurance company.

I lived there for five years before 1995.

His mother wrote for him every day

c. The simple past tense of the verb use combines with to form an auxiliary which

is used to describe customary or habitual action in the past time.

I used to bea boy scout.

I used to get up at 5.30 every morning.

d. The simple past tense form of do as an auxiliary is used with the simple form of

the verb to express emphasis.

I did study for examination.

No matter what Lisa said, she did finish the work.

9George E Wishon and Julia M. Burks, Let’s Write English, (New York: Litton Educational

Publishing, Inc., 1980), pp. 195—196.


In Basic Grammar in Use, Murphy said that ―the simple past tense is often

ends –ed (regular verbs)‖.10

Example: Terry worked in a bank from 1987 to 1998.

But many verbs are irregular.

B. Diary Journal

1. Definition of Diary Journal

According to Irina Paperno, the diary is a text written in the first-person, in

separate installment, ideally on a daily basis, and for the purposes of giving writer‘s

personal experience in a day.11

In almost same meaning, Ron Miller and Rita

Seiden Miller said on their article that a diary journal means a kind of personal

writing about events in someone‘s everyday life that were connected with topics

and concepts discussed in the course.12

They also stated that ―students were advised

that the diary should be fun as well as a class assignment‖.

Meanwhile, Numrichsaid that a diary study is defined as a first person case

study that is reported in a journal.13

It was proven through an analysis of her diary

that individual language learning diaries in Tunisia, U.S. and Iran discovered

important individual, social and psychological variables in their language learning


Based on Diary Literature, diary is as same as form of autobiographical

writing, a regularly kept record of the diarist‘s activities and reflection.14

It is

written for the writer‘s use alone because the diary has a frankness that is unlike

writing done for publication. The editors also told that diary is useful for the

recording of social and political history.

In diary journal, the people write about what they do and what they learn,

they reflect on the day‘s events and draw conclusions about what they consider


The writers are free to develop their own writing style, to organize

their entry as they choose and to decorate the covers and the pages as they like.


Raymond Murphy with William R. Smalzer, Basic Grammar in Use, (New York: Cambridge

University Press, 2002), p. 22. 11

Irina Paperno, What Can Be Done with Diaries?, Wiley on behalf of The Editors and Board

of Trustees of the Russian Review, Vol. 63, No. 4, 2004, p. 562. 12

Ron Miller and Rita Seiden Miller, The Student’s Sociological Diary, American Sociological

Assosiation,Vol. 4, No. 1, 1976, pp. 67—82. 13

Carol Numrich, On Becoming a Language Teacher: Insight From Diary Studies, Teachers of

English to Speakers of Other Language, Inc. (TESOL), Vol. 30, No. 1, 1996, p. 131. 14

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Diary Literature, 15

Neal R. Remund. Diaries for Better Writing.The University of Chicago Press, Vol. 63, No. 5,

1963, p. 270.


Their entries reflect not only about what they learn, but also how they feel about

their learning, their school, their friends, their personal worth and their


Diary journal also can be a medium between the teacher and students

communicate transparently. The writer‘s opinion supported by Melrose that we

communicate and experience life through stories everyday of our life.16


there is private problem that students want to share and they can not tell directly,

diary journal will be most useful. Moreover, if teacher gave some feedback about

their journals, they would be so proud and consider that teacher respects of them.

So diary journal can develop a relationship between both of them.

2. The Use of Diary Journal

The use of diary journal is to develop students‘ understanding in using

simple past tense in writing daily experiences. When students are accustomed to

write diary journal, they can understand easily how to apply simple past tense in

sentences. Building students‘ habit in writing is not easy. Teachers should choose

the right method to encourage students to write. A diary is related to students‘ life,

it can be effective for those who do not like writing. Practice in writing about real

life situations also is as important as practice in using for academic purposes.17

There are many reasons why teachers consider that writing diary to be

useful. First, according to Jeremy the useful of writing diary is not only the benefit

of reflecting upon learning, but also the opportunities for freedom of expression, the

impact of journal writing on writing ability in general, and opportunity of students

to tell the private dialogue to teachers.18

When teachers tell that they will not show

the diary to anybody else, students will be more transparent to tell their own

experiences. Perhaps, it will also be able to solve problem of gap from both of


Moreover, if diary journal is successfully encouraged, it has a powerful

effect upon their motivation too, and they will be an autonomous learning in

writing. Like Jennifer said that the opportunity of journal writing may improve the

ability of students‘ writing for integrating their everyday language into academic



Andrew Melrose, Write for Children, (London: RoutledgeFalmer, 2002), p. 22. 17

S.H. Burton and J.A. Humphries, Mastering English Language, (New York: Palgrave, 1992),

p.10. 18

Jeremy Harmer, How To Teach Writing, (England: Longman, 2004), p. 126. 19

Jennifer A Moon, Learning Journal, (London: Designs and Patents Act, 1998), p. 44.


Meanwhile, Carol proposes that students‘ diary studies can be a useful

source of information to teacher educators. He also mentions some usefuls of

writing diary, diary studies have become a useful tool for L2 (Second Language)

learners to discover underlying factors that influence their succes in learning an L2.

Diary studies can also be used for more external forms of research, such as

observation and interviews. It can be an especially useful too for uncovering the

process by which new teachers to get expertise in teaching. The diary study, too,

can provide a documented account of new teachers‘ experience.20

The use of diary

journal also to develop critical thinking, to increase active learning, to enhance

problem-solving skills, and to facilitate learning from experience.

3. The Function of Diary Journal

Diary known as a dialy record, usually private, especially of the writer‘s

own experinces and observation. Diary journal is not only writing about personal

thing, but also can be a communication between students and teachers. Teachers

become aware about students‘ characters and life. Perhaps, teachers can help

students‘ problem after reading students‘ diary. However, teachers have to keep the

privacy of students‘ story from their friends, even other teachers.

Besides, diary journal can be a way for teachers to teach grammar,

especially simple past tense. Because diary journal tells about the events in the past,

so the writing have to use the simple past pattern. That is why Diary journal can be

appropriate way to learn simple past tense.

In this research, the writer wants to improve students‘grammar

understanding, especially in simple past tense. The writer as an observator and as

an English teacher want to apply the Diary Journal to know how effective the

writing diary in improving students English past tense.

4. How to Write Diary Journal ?

First, begin to write brief writing of scenes witnessed, for examples, in a

street, among people, at a public event. Write on workbook regularly everyday. If

you do not have anything you want to write, try free-writing.21

According to Nancy

in her book Writing Your Life story, ―Try to organise your daily routine so that you

have at least an hour or so at the same time each day because our minds are rather


Carol Numrich, On Becoming a Language Teacher: Insight From Diary Studies, Teachers of

English to Speakers of Other Language, Inc. (TESOL), Vol. 30, No. 1, 1996, p. 131. 21

Paul Mills, The Routledge Creative Writing Coursebook, (New York: Routledge, 2006), p.



like clocks, they work best if wound up regularly‖.22

Second, write the date in the

page of diary. The date is very important in writing diary journal, because it

indicates when the events happened. Next, draw some decorations on your page

diary, eg. picture, emoticon icon, etc. This will be an interesting writing. The last,

write your name at the end of your writing.

Here below is an example of diary journal:

Friday, 17September 2016

Today, I was very happy. I met Rina as my best friend at Gramedia. We

had not met since last year. She studied at Surabaya and did not come to

Jakarta for a year. I really missed her.

We talked each other about what happened to us since we were separate.

She never came to Jakarta becuase her parents also moved to stay at Surabaya

with her. I told that I missed her so much. I could not find other friends like her

to tell everything about my life. She was so best friend ever.

Rina had stayed at Jakarta since 2 weeks ago. I was disappointed because

she did not contact me. But I was so glad to hear that she and her parents had

moved to Jakarta and did not come back to Surabaya anymore. So we could

meet whenever we want.

C. Advantages and Disadvantages of Diary journal

There are some advantages and disadvantages in using diary journal. Here are

some of the advantages of diary journal :

1. The value of reflection

Journal provide an opportunity for students to think both about how they are

learning (why and how they achieve success) and about what they are learning

(aspects of the language and how it all fits together). So students can motivate

themselves to study and understand the simple past tense easier.Moreover, students

write their own thought, idea, feelings and their experience, so this learning can be

an interesting way for them. Besides, diary journal also helps students in self-

evaluating. They can distinguish which one the right and false thing if they reflect

with their writing.


Nancy Smith, Writing Your Life Story, (London: Judi Piatkus, 1993), p. 14.


2. Freedom of expression

Diary journal allows students to express feelings more freely than they

might do in public or in class. So they can write anything as much as he want.

Diary journal also can be a silent friend or keeper of secrets and listen to everything

with no judgement. There are not rules or boundaries about the content or style. So

students can write freely. That is why diary is the only form of writing that

encourage total freedom of expression.23

3. Developing writing skills

Diary journal helps learners write better day by day. They expand their

range of written expression and write greater ease and speed. Students also become

accustomed to merge word by word and use the simple past tense verb as often as

possible. So that students can develop their writing skills.

Elena give the same statement about this, writing personal journal will

become a good habit. When someone describe one experience, another one may

come up, and then suddenly remember another story that relates to these

experiences, and unconsciously have written many things.24

By diary journal,

students also can feel that their everyday life is important.

4. Student-teacher dialogue

When students write diary journal, they know that the teacher will read what

is written. This is a different kind of conversations, so students can tell anything

story even the secret one. This also can cause belief between students and teacher.

In this way, the teacher may respond the writing and become an interactive diary

journal. Like Tompkins said that dialogue journal provide the opportunity for real

communication between students and teacher.25

This can make transparency between students and teacher. In this case,

teacher always give good advise or response that support students in learning. Some


Jane Wood, Transformation Through Journal Writing (The Art of Self-Reflection For The

Helping Profession), (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012), p. 17. 24, (Published: Elena

Shvidko, July 10th

2015) 25

Victoria Isabell, Dialogue Journal: A Way to Encourage Emergent Writers, Eastern

Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU, 2010, p. 17.


students may be happy with this kind of response and they are comfortable to

express their feeling.

5. As a resource for teacher

Students journal are an useful resource for teachers. When students say how

they feel about things, teachers find responses to lesson segments26

.Students‘ diary

also become suggestion for teacher to teach based on the students‘ condition on that

day. Perhaps, by knowing the students‘ feeling, for example in a bad condition,

teacher can find more interesting way to teach on that day.

6. Develop students‘ creative and critical.

Students not only can develop their creative and critical, but also understand

their mistakes and correct their own errors.27

Moreover, students can see the last

writing that has been checked by teacher before make a new dairy, so students can

compare it and avoid the same mistake.

The feedback which is given by teacher also can help students‘ critical

thinking. When teacher responses the writing or gives some advices, the students

can develop their idea to make the next diary better. Like Fahimeh said that diary

journal provide opportunities to engage learners in a process of critical thinking.28

After explanation above about advantages of diary journal, below are the

disadvantages of diary journal:

1. Emerge the laziness for students.

If students look at diary journal as a task, they may be sometimes lazy to

write the diary.29

Perhaps, some students do not have any idea or do not know

what they have to write, but they are still forced to write. In another probability,

some students find diffulty about how to start writing or about what the topic

will share. Moreover, if students have other activities which is more interesting

than writing, they will prefer doing those activities to writing diary.


Jeremy Harmer, How To Teach Writing, (England: Longman, 2004), p. 126-127. 27

Kathleen Graves, Teachers as Course Developers, (USA: Cambridge University Press, 1996)

p. 124. 28

FahimehMarefat, The Impac of Diary Analysis on Teaching/Learning Writing,

AllamehTabatabaii University, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2002, p. 6. 29


diary-1, 2014


2. No solution provided.

Because of only writing about what happened on that day, sometimes

there is no solution for the problem that students write. It will be different with

sharing the problem face to face. If the story is about embarrassing moment or

other bad experiences, the students will hide away their diary. Even they make a

lockable diary.

3. No privacy.

People can see the diary journal if the writer does not keep it carefully. If

it is happened, the story in diary journal is not privacy anymore. That is why

there are some people make a lockable diary. This become a duty for teachers if

they want to read students‘ diary, they have to keep it and make it a secret thing.

So students and teacher can emerge belief each other.

4. Frustrated with the past.

The diarists may become frustrated with their past. It depends on what

diarists write. If diarists write about bad events, they can repeatedly feel the pain

from that events.This also may bring negative emotions that were long


But students can avoid this condition by only writing the happy


D. Teaching Simple Past Tense By Using Diary Journal

In the first meeting, the researcher explained about the aim of the research.

Then, the students were explained about definition, form, and usage of simple past

tense. Also, they were given the example of diary journal. The research explained

about how to write the diary. The students were asked to write the diary twice a week

and the diaries must be collected in every meeting. After that, the researcher would

give the feed back and correction about the students‘ writing. Then, students kept the

attention into the error, so they would not repeat the mistakes in the next diary.

30, 2013.


E. Relevant Study

This section presents some studies about simple past tense done by several

researchers. First, Putri‘s study about The Effectiveness of Using The Student Teams

Achievement Divisions (STAD) Technique Towards Students’ Understanding of The

Simple Past Tenseat eighth grade of SMP Trimulia Jakarta. In her study, she used a

quasi-experimental study as her research method. According to Putri, the students of

second year at SMP Trimuliafound the difficulties in learning rules and patterns of

simple past tense verbs. Students sometimes got confuse when they had to transform

the present form of the verb into the past form. After she tried to apply Student

Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) in teaching simple past tense, the result of

her study showed using STAD technique is effective in teaching the simple past


Second, research about simple past tense was also done by Fitriyanto, the

study was about The Effectiveness of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Technique on

Students’ Mastery of Simple Past Tense. In hisstudy, he used a quasi-experimental

study as his research method. Fitriyanto explained that using TGT technique in

teaching simple past tense at MTs N 13 Jakarta is more effective than without using

short story.32

Third, research about simple past tense was also done by Ridwan the study

was about The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Technique in Teaching Simple Past Tense in

the second grade of MTs Al-Ikhwan. She used an experimental research as her

research method. She concluded that Jigsaw technique is effective for teaching

simple past tense.33

In other studies, like the Putri and Fitriyanto‘s study had been conducted with

the similar method of research that is a quasi-experimental study. But the difference

is the usage of technique. Putri‘s study used STAD technique and Fitriyanto‘s study


Anita Putri, “The Effectiveness of Using The Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD)

Technique Towards Students’ Understanding of The Simple Past Tense, Skripsi, (Jakarta: FITK UIN

Syarif Hidayatullah, 2014), p. 28. 32

Hery Fitriyanto, “The Effectiveness of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Technique on

Students’ Mastery of Simple Past Tense”, Skripsi (Jakarta: FITK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2014), p.

18. 33

Siti Farida Ridwan, “The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Technique in Teaching Simple Past Tense”,

Skripsi (Jakarta: FITK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2014), p. 18.


used TGT technique in his research. Then, Ridwan‘s study used an experimental

study as her research method. The difference of writer‘s research and those previous

studies are the research design, the technique of research, and the place where the

research will be conducted. This study is an experimental research with Diary

Journal technique and the research will take place at SMP Malahayati.

F. Theoretical Thinking

Grammar is a description of the way language work. It explains many things.

For example, grammar tells us how to put the words all together correctly into

sentence. It also explains how word changes their form according to the way they are

used. Grammar is useful because it‘s enables us to make statement correctly.One of

the categories of grammar is tense, which indicates to the time reference. This study

focuses on simple past tense.

According to the statement above, it explains that grammar is really important

for understanding the language better especially for the language learners. In this

case the students also need to know how the word works and the changes of some

words in grammar. Therefore the grammar is really important to be learned.

In the line of the importance of studying grammar, the writer applies writing

diary journal method as the medium to teach studentsabout simple past tense. The

writer decided to choose diary journal method because the writer thought by using

writing diary journal the students get so many advantages, such as they can practice

their writing skill, they can record their improvement of English in their diary day by

day, they can apply the second verb directly by writing their own feeling and their

activities of the day. And the most important is the students can improve their

understanding after using simple past tense in their dairy, as writer‘s purpose of this


From the statements above the writer assumes that the using of diary journal

in teaching simple past tense has an effect on students‘ understanding in learning

grammar. So, the more teachers use the diary journal method, the more

understanding of using simple past tense students will have.


By using diary journal method, it makes the students think that their everyday

life are important. And it also makes students feel happy and enthusiastic to write

their past activities. Hence, writing diary journal hopefully can help students in

mastering the simple past tense.

G. Research Hypothesis

Based on the description above, diary journal technique has a huge effect on

students‘ simple past tense mastery if it is conducted properly according to its

designs while consider the local conditions and situations of the learners and also

considers the other theory which is related to learning and teaching concept as

explained previously. It means that there is different result between before and after

the implementation of diary journals technique on students‘ simple past tense

mastery when it is applied very well at the second grade of SMP Islam Malahayati





This chapter consists of place and time of research, population and sample,

method of the research, instrument of research, procedure of the research, data

analysis technique and statistical hypotheses.

A. Time and Place of The Research

The writer conducted the research on October 22nd

to November 13rd

, 2015.

The writer held the experiment of diary journal toward students’ simple past tense

mastery.This experiment was held at the second grade students of SMP Malahayati

Jakarta, which is located on JL. Bima No. 3 (Gongseng Raya) Cijantung, Pasar Rebo,

Jakarta Timur, 13770, Phone: (021) 8701744.

B. Population and Sample

The population of the research is second grade students of junior high school

which is devided into three classes and consists of 94 students. Because this study is

experimental, the researcher did not randomly assign participants to group. The

sample was collected by using purposeful sampling to take the sample in this

research. Purposeful sampling is a kind of sampling in which sample is selected by

the researcher which he/she believes that the sample can be the representatives of the


In this school, there are three classes as the population in this research, but the

writer chose only two classes as the sample. Those are class VIII.B which consists of

31 students and VIII.C which consists of 31 students. In the preliminary study, when

the writer interview the English teacher, she said that the English ability in class

VIII.B and VIII.C was not too different. Therefore, the sample of the study was

students in VIII.B and VIII.C. The writer took class VIII.C as the experimental class

and class VIII.B as the controlled class because the writer wants to know whether the

ability of class VIII.C will be higher than VIII.B after the treatment given.

1Jack R. Fraenkel & Norman E. Wallen, How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education,

(New York: McGraw-Hill Inc., 1993), p. 99.


C. Method and Design of the Research

In this research, the writer used the quantitative method. The researcher used

this method because the goal of this research is to establish possible cause and effect

between certain independent and dependent variables. Like Cresswell said “Because

experiments are controlled, they are the best of the quantitative designs to use to

establish probable cause and effect.”2 Moreover, with the experimental design, the

researcher can get the concrete result after using the data within certain statistical


The design of this research used a quasi-experimental study. Quasi-

experimental according to Cresswell is the research procedure which its individuals

are not randomly assigned3. This design had pre-test and post-test in this research to

measure the students’ achievement. This research consisted of an experimental class

and a controlled class which the researcher chose without any randomization. The

school only had three classes of eight grade. One of them was the smartest class.

Because of this class condition, the writer discussed with the English teacher about

the class which would be sample of the research. Classes which have similar ability

became the sample.

In this research, the researcher gave pre test in the first meeting before starting

the lesson and post test at the end of the last meeting. In experimental class was

given the treatment by using diary journal in learning simple past tense and without

using diary journal in the controlled class. The writer compared the results of two

classes of the second grade students of SMP Malahayati Jakarta, to know whether

diary journal is effective for students’ simple past tense mastery.

D. Instrument of the Research

To collect the data of this research, the writer gave a test as an instrument. The

researcher gave pre test in the first meeting before starting the lesson and post test at

the end of the last meeting. In experimental class was given the treatment by using

diary journal in learning simple past tense and without using diary journal in the

2John W. Cresswell, Educational Research, (Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2012), p. 295

3John W. Creswell, Research Design-Fourth Edition, (California: SAGE Publication, Inc.,

2014), p. 168


controlled class. Then, the students’ assignments were collected by the research.

From this, the writer compared the results of two classes of the second grade students

of SMP Malahayati Jakarta, to know whether diary journal is effective for students’

simple past tense mastery.

E. Data Collection Technique

In using data collection, the researcher did one way, that is giving test. This

research used test as the instrument of the research, which were pre-test and post-test

that organized for class VIII.B and class VIII.C. The intrument contained 30

questions of multiple choice. First, the writer took the pre-test. The pre-test was

conducted to know that the students in both classes have the same ability and to

know their earlier knowledge of simple past tense before the treatment. On the tenth

meeting, the writer gave the post-test, which had the same questions with the pre-

test, also to both classes. Then, the writer compared the scores of the pre-test and

post-test of experimental class and controlled classes.

F. Data Analysis Technique

After getting the pre-test and the post-test score as the data of the research, the

writer analyzed it by using statistic calculation of t-test formula in manual

calculation. T-test calculation is commonly called Cohen’s d4.

The t-test was calculated for three times. First, the writer compared the results

of pre-test of the experimental class and the controlled class to check the students’

background knowledge before they were given any treatment. Second, the writer

compared the results of post test of the experimental class and the controlled class.

The purpose of the t-test of post test was to know whether there was significant

difference of post test score between the experimental and the control class. Third,

the writer compared the gained score in the experimental class and the controlled

class. It answered whether the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted or rejected.

Here are the manual formulas to count the t-test.5

4 Daniel Muijs, Doing Quantitative Research in Education, (London: Sage Publications, 2004),

pp. 136—137. 5Anas Sudjono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta, PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008), p.



Mx : Mean of the Difference of Experiment Class

My : Mean of the Difference of Control Class

SEMx : Standard Error of Experiment Class

G. Statistical Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a statement in quantitative research in which the investigator

makes a prediction about the outcome of a relationship among the variables in the

research topic. The research is designed to find out whether there is an influence of

diary journal in learning simple past tense. To get answer of that hypothesis, the

writer proposes alternative hypothesis (Ha) and null hypothesis (Ho) as the


Ha : there was a significant difference toward students’ mastery in simple

past tense between those who were taught simple past tense by using diary


Ho : there was no significant difference toward students’ mastery in simple

past tense between those who were taught simple past tense by using diary





A. Research Findings

In this chapter, the writer makes the table of students scores from the

experimental class and the controlled class to know the results of the pre test and post

test whether using diary journal is effective for students’ simple past tense mastery at

second grade of SMP Islam Malahayati Jakarta.

There were thirty one students in experimental class, but only thirty students

who attended the class on taking the pre test score and twenty nine students who

attended the class on taking the pre test score in controlled class. So, the writer took

twenty nine students whom attended the class on taking the pre test and post test


In these tests, there are thirty items, every question would be given 1 score if

students answered the question correctly. Then 30 scores if students answered all of

the questions. From those right answers, scores divided into 3. So the scores for the

whole items are 10.

Table 4.1

The Students’ Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test

in Experimental Class










1 1 5,7 4,7

2 2,3 7,3 5

3 5,3 8,3 3

4 4,7 8,7 4

5 1,3 6,3 5

6 2,3 8 5,7

7 2 8,3 6,3

8 2 6,7 4,7

9 4 8,7 4,7

10 4,7 9 4,3

11 6 9,3 3,3











12 2 8,7 6,7

13 4,3 9,3 5

14 4,3 8 3,7

15 7,7 9,7 2

16 4 9 5

17 3,3 8,3 5

18 3,3 9 5,7

19 4,3 8 3,7

20 3,3 8,7 5,4

21 0,7 6,3 5,6

22 3 8 5

23 3,6 8 4,4

24 3,3 8,7 5,4

25 3 8,3 5,3

26 3 8,7 5,7

27 4,3 8,7 4,4

28 6,7 9 2,3

29 2 7,3 5,3

∑ 101,7 238 136,3


X1 = Pre-Test score of experimental class

X2 = Post-Test score of experimental class

X2-X1 = Gained score

Based on the table above, the writer concludes that the average score of the

pre-test and post-test of the experimental class are 3,5 and 8,2. In addition, the

average gain score is 4,7.

The following table consists of the scores of the students in controlled class :


Table 4.2

The Students’ Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test

in Controlled Class










1 4,7 8,3 3,6

2 4,7 7,3 2,6

3 3,7 6,7 3

4 4 7,3 3,3

5 4 7,7 3,7

6 4,3 7,7 3,4

7 4,3 8,7 4,4

8 7 9 2

9 5 8 3

10 6 9 3

11 4,3 8,7 4,4

12 5 8,3 3,3

13 4 7,7 3,7

14 3 5 2

15 4 8,3 4,3

16 3,7 6,7 3

17 4,3 6,7 2,4

18 8,7 9 0,3

19 6 9 3

20 4,7 7,7 3

21 1,7 5,3 3,6

22 4,3 8,3 4

23 2,7 6,7 4

24 3,7 5 1,3

25 7,3 8,3 1

26 5,3 7,3 2

27 2 2,7 0,7

28 4,7 7 2,3

29 5,7 8 2,3

∑ 132,8 215,4 82,6

Note :

Y1 = Pre-Test score of controlled class

Y2 = Post-Test score of controlled class

Y2-Y1 = Gained score


Based on the table above, the writer concludes that the average score of the

pre-test and post-test of the controlled class are 4,57 and 7,9. Then, for the average

gain score is 2,8.

1. Data Analysis

The following table is the calculation of the post-test both the experimental

class using Diary Journal toward students’ simple past tense mastery and the

controlled class.

Table 4.3

The Statistical Data of Both Experimental

and Controlled Classes

No X Y x Y x2 y


1 4,7 3,6 0,2 0,9 0,04 0,81

2 5 2,6 0,5 -0,1 0,25 0,01

3 3 3 -1,5 0,3 2,25 0,09

4 4 3,3 -0,5 0,6 0,25 0,36

5 5 3,7 0,5 1 0,25 1

6 5,7 3,4 1,2 0,7 1,44 0,49

7 6,3 4,4 1,8 1,7 3,24 2,89

8 4,7 2 0,2 -0,7 0,04 0,49

9 4,7 3 0,2 0,3 0,04 0,9

10 4,3 3 -0,2 0,3 0,04 0,9

11 3,3 4,4 -1,2 1,7 1,44 2.89

12 6,7 3,3 2,2 0,6 4,84 0,36

13 5 3,7 0,5 1 0,25 1

14 3,7 2 -0,8 -0,7 0,64 0,49

15 2 4,3 -2,5 1,6 6,25 2,56

16 5 3 0,5 0,3 0,25 0,9

17 5 2,4 0,5 -0,3 0,25 0,9

18 5,7 0,3 1,2 -2,4 1,44 5,76


No X Y x Y x2 y


19 3,7 3 -0,8 0,3 0,64 0,9

20 5,4 3 0,9 0,3 0,81 0,9

21 5,6 3,6 1,1 0,9 1,21 0,81

22 5 4 0,5 1,3 0,25 1,69

23 4,4 4 -0,1 1,3 0,01 1,69

24 5,4 1,3 0,9 -1,4 0,81 1,96

25 5,3 1 0,8 -1,7 0,64 2,89

26 5,7 2 1,2 -0,7 1,44 0,49

27 4,4 0,7 -0,1 -2 0,01 4

28 2,3 2,3 -2,2 -0,4 4.84 0,16

29 5,3 2,3 0,8 -0,4 0,64 0,16

∑X=136,3 ∑Y=82,6 ∑x=5,8 ∑y=4,3 ∑x2=34,46 ∑y



X = Gained score of the experimental class

Y = Gained score of the controlled class

x = The different score of X after compared with the mean of gained score of

the experimental class

y = The different score of Y after compared with the mean of gained score of

the controlled class

x2 = The square of the x score from experimental class

y2 = The square of the y score from controlled class

a. Determining mean I with the formula:

M1 = ∑

= ∑

= 4,7

b. Determining mean 2 with the formula:

M2 = ∑

= ∑

= 2,8


c. Determining the standard of deviation of variable 1:

SD1 = √∑

= √∑

= √

= √

= 0,87

d. Determining the standard of deviation of variable 2:

SD2 = √∑

= √∑

= √

= √

= 0,52

e. Determining the standard error mean of variable 1:

SEMI = √

= √

= √

= √

= 0,17


f. Determining the standard error mean of variable 2:

SEM2 = √

= √

= √

= √

= 0,13

g. Determining the standard error mean difference of M1 and M2:

SEM1-M2 = √

= √

= √

= √

= 0,22

h. Determining t-observation (to) :



= 8,6

i. Determining t-table in significance level 5% and 1% with df:

df = ( )

= ( )

= 56


N1 = The total number of experimental class

N2 = The total number of controlled class


SD1 = Standard deviation of experimental class

SD2 = Standard deviation of controlled class

Gained t-table:

S.L. = Significance Level

S.L. 5% = 1,673

S.L. 1% = 2,395

t-score = 1,673<8,6>2,395

j. Comparing the t-score and t-table:

In the table significance or t-table, we can see on the df = 56 and on the

degree of 5% and 1%, the results are 1,673 and 2,395. Then, the t-score is 8,6.

So, we can conclude that t-score is higher than t-table.

The measure of effect size (Cohen’s d)

In this part, the writer would give more evidence to measure the different

significance of experimental and controlled class. It would be used the formula

which is similar to formula of tt. The different is can be found on the final result on tt

table and Cohen’s d table as the indicator.


M1 = Mean for group A

M2 = Mean for group B

SD pooled =


Based on the table of Cohan’s d, the result of 2,7 is category large effect. It

means that there is a strong relationship between diary journal technique and simple

past tense mastery.

2. The Test of Hypothesis

The Statistical Hypothesis (Ho) :

There is no significant difference toward students’ mastery in simple past

tense between those who are taught simple past tense by using diary journal for

the second grade students of SMP Malahayati Jakarta.

The Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) :

There is a significant difference toward students’ mastery in simple past

tense between those who are taught simple past tense by using diary journal for

the second grade students of SMP Malahayati Jakarta.

B. Discussion

In the description of the data which was taken from twenty nine students of

experimental class, the table showed that the description of the experimental class

which had the mean of pre-test 3,5 before using diary journal technique. SMP Islam

Malahayati had minimum score of English subject, it was 70. It means that almost

students’ scores before using diary journal technique were under the minimum score.

This score was too low because students had not learned about simple past tense

before and there were some words in simple past form that they had just heard.

Because of this situation, it was important to help them in mastery the simple past

tense. Then, after the students were given the treatment of diary journal technique for

ten times, the researcher gave them the post-test on the tenth meeting. The mean of

students’ post-test score was 8,2. The score was above the standard score. It can be

seen that there was significant improvement on the mean score of experimental class

after using diary journal technique in simple past tense learning. It could be said that

most of the students in experimental class had understood about using the simple past

tense in sentences. In short, the students’ scores of experimental class in post-test

were higher than pre-test. Then, the mean of gained score was 4,7. The gained score

is difference between score which students learned simple past tense before using


diary journal and score which students learned simple past tense after using diary

journal. The different score was 4,7. That was a significant improvement. So, diary

journal was so effective in simple past tense mastery, especially for second grade

students at SMP Islam Malahayati.

From the result of statistical calculation, it indicates that the value of to is 8,6.

to is comparative test which used to know the difference of score between two group.

In this case, the test was used to measure the different score between experimental

class which used diary journal technique in learning simple past tense and controlled

class which learned simple past tense without diary journal technique.

To get to score of 8,6, based on book of Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan1, the

first step is we have to find out the mean of gained score (the difference between post

test and pre test score) of experimental and controlled class which each of class

consists of 29 students. Then, the result of mean score from experimental class’

students is 4,7. Meanwhile, the result of mean score from controlled class is 2,8.

After that, we need to find out the standard of deviation from both class. Standard

deviation is used for measuring how significant the score toward the mean score.

Each of score from experimental and controlled class is 0,87 and 0,57. These score

mean that if standard deviation’ score is higher so it is closer with the mean score of

each class. The experimental class has score 0,87, it means that this score is closer to

the mean score than the controlled class.

The next step is finding the standard error of each class. Standard error is

similar to standard deviation. The difference is standard deviation used for measuring

how significant the score toward the mean score more accurate. Then, each score of

experimental and controlled class is 0,17 and 0,13. It means that score of

experimental class is quite more accurate. Next, from those accuracy of score, we

find out the mean difference of standard error. This way can be done by square and

sum up the mean of standard error of both class, so the result is 8,6. From this score,

we can finally determine the comparative test or to which need the significant level as

the reference of the final conclusion.

1 Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. RajaGrafindo Persada, 2005),

pp. 314 —316.


In this paper the writer uses the significance level of 5% and 1%2. The

significance level itself is used to be tt as the symbol. In the significance level of 5%

and 1%, the values are 1,673 and 2,395 ( These score are attached on appendix).

Comparing the to with each value of the significance level, the results is 1,673 <8,6>

2,395. It means that both of the significant level (tt) is smaller than comparative test

(to). In statistics, it uses alternative hypothesis (Ha) if there is different result between

tt and to. Then, it uses null hypothesis (Ho) if the result both tt and to are same.

Because to score is higher than significance level, the writer can conclude that the

alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. In

short, there is significant difference toward students simple past tense mastery in

using diary journal.

Besides, the writer gives addition to support the success of diary journal

implementing in learning simple past tense. It is called Cohen’s d. If the tt only

determines the significant difference, here the Cohen’s d measures whether the effect

of significant relationship is strong or weak3. To measure this, firstly, we have to find

out the mean score of experimental and controlled class, each of them is 4,7 and 2,8.

This score has been calculated on tt formula. Then, we need to divide it into standard

deviation (SD) pooled. SD pooled itself is gotten from SD1 and SD2 which both of

them is summed and divide into 2. In this case, SD1 is 0,87 and SD2 is 0,52. These

also had been calculated on tt formula. So the result is 2,7. On table Cohen’s d

explain that there were three effect sizes, those are small, medium and large. Based

on the result above, 2,7 indicates the large effect size. So, it can be said that diary

journal technique has strong relationship with simple past tense mastery.

Based on Interpretation above, the writer concludes that diary journal has

great influence in learning simple past tense for the second grade students of SMP

Malahayati Jakarta.

2 Budi Susetyo, Statistika Untuk Analisis Data Penelitian, (Bandung: PT Refika Aditama,

2010), p. 142. 3 Daniel Muijs, Doing Quantitative Research in Education, (London: Sage Publications, 2004),

p. 136.




A. Conclusion

Based on the data in chapter IV, the writer conclude that using diary journal

in eight grade students’ simple past tense mastery of SMP Islam Malahayati is

effective. Learning by using diary journal has a great and positive influence in simple

past tense mastery.

There is significant different between score on the experimental class that

taught using diary journal and controlled class that taught without using diary journal

technique. It was proved by the data findings. The result of the statistic calculation

indicated that the value of to is 8,6 and based on the table, the value of df 56 with

significance level (tt) of 5% is 1,673 and significance level of 1% is 2,395.

Comparing to with each significance level, the writer found that to is higher than both

tt. It can be concluded that alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and null

hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Moreover, the effect size of using diary journal in simple

past tense mastery was 2,7. That was on category large effect based on the effect size

range of Cohen’s d. It can be conclude that there was strong relationship between

diary journal and simple past tense mastery.

In addition, using diary journal technique in learning the simple past tense can

help the students to overcome their difficulties in learning grammar. Diary journal

may become the alternative technique in teaching the simple past tense, because it

offers an interesting and contextual learning.

In summary, this research showed that using diary journal technique in simple

past tense mastery is effective for second grade students of SMP Islam Malahayati


B. Suggestion

There are some suggestions than can be given in relation to the conclusion.

The suggestions are:


1. The teachers have to find information to add their kowledge about the

technique of teaching grammar, so that students are not bored in learning


2. The teachers should be creative in the classrom and make the students feel

interested in the learning by creating a fresh atmosphere in teaching and

learning process. The teacher also can use diary journal technique in teaching

grammar to help the students’ simple past tense mastery.

3. The teachers should give some motivations by giving rewards, so that students

can do the task correctly. And teachers also let students to be active in learning




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