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  • An Exclusive Interview with Dr. John Demartini by Saskia Röell “Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness & Creating Wealth”

    p. 2 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

    Saskia Röell: Welcome, Dr. Demartini. Dr. Demartini: Thank you for having me. Saskia Röell: I ask every guest who comes on this show what happens when you have a Soul’s path that’s been calling you forever, and at some point in your life you open that door and say goodbye to your small self and hello to your Soul? Can you relate to that? Do you have an episode when you clearly felt you did that? Dr. Demartini: Absolutely. I think that’s a beautifully stated approach. Many people subordinate to outer influences and let the world on the outside direct them reactively instead of letting the voice and the vision on the inside guide them from the Soul. When people are truly, authentically guided from within, they empower the more expanded space and time-horizoned individual, rather than the shrunken person who ends up the shrink’s office when he tries to be somebody he’s not. That’s a beautiful statement. I think the most integrated, most ontological, and most true being we are, the Soul, is the one that is empowered, expansive, truly inspiring, creative, and possessing ingenuity. That’s the person we’re here to be. When we’re not living true to that, we create the signs and symptoms as a feedback mechanism in our life to get us to be. Saskia Röell: You are such an example. I’ve read about you. I want to give this to all of the listeners because I think it’s so inspiring to talk about letting the outside world not influence us. When you were seven, your first-grade teacher said to your and your parents that you had a learning disability and would never read, write, and communicate. You would never amount to anything or go very far in life. Yet here you are, the world’s leading authority on human behavior and personal empowerment. How did you do that? How did you break out of that stigma? Dr. Demartini: I listened to my first-grade teacher from age seven to about 17, and that led me to dropping out of school, living on the streets, and eventually nearly dying. Shortly after almost dying I had the opportunity to meet a gentleman named Paul Bragg, the founder of a lot of health movements. In fact, Jack LaLanne was a student of his, as was Harvey Kellogg. Many great people from the last century were students of this gentleman. I had the opportunity to meet him in 1972 one night as he lectured, and that was the turning point in my life. He believed in me more than I believed in me. He saw possibilities and believed that we had this incredible powerful inside to do something. He’s the one, that night, who changed my life. Ever since that night, I’ve had a dream to travel the world and do that same thing for other people. That was a major shift in my life almost 40 years ago. Saskia Röell: What did he say to you? Dr. Demartini: I stepped into this little recreation hall that had 35 young teenaged to 20-year-old students in it, a yoga instructor, and this man who was the guest speaker. The woman yogi introduced him, and he said, “We have a body, we have a mind, and we have a soul. The body must be guided by the mind, and the mind must be directed by the soul to maximize our awareness and potential.

  • An Exclusive Interview with Dr. John Demartini by Saskia Röell “Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness & Creating Wealth”

    p. 3 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

    “We must set goals for ourselves, our families, our communities, our cities, our states, our nations, our world, and beyond for at least 120 years, minimum. We have within us a power that surpasses all things around us, and we have to access that inner core, that inner driving mechanism, to maximize who we are. That power is the immortal within us, and nothing mortal on the outside can interfere with the immortal driver from within if we access it.” He said, “There’s no limit on that capacity except for the limits we pose on it.” That was a night of gem after gem of inspiration, and meeting him was the turning point. I never met anybody like that until then. Saskia Röell: That’s amazing. You clearly took that home. But where do we lose ourselves and that beauty that should be taught in every school? Dr. Demartini: I think what happens is this. Basically, in a social structure that has a class of people who have different specialties, needs, values and different levels of empowerment, it’s very common for them to subordinate the people on the outside and assume that the people around them have things they don’t. When they do, they’re too humble to admit what they have inside them. Thus, they end up shrinking and injecting the values of others into their lives and questioning their own knowing. They block out their own intuitive knowing and start trying to be someone they’re not. Usually, at around age 40 or 50 when they hit the midlife area, they think, “I’ve been on a path that’s not me. It’s time for me to wake up and realize what is me.” I do what I can to help people identify what is truly inspiring and valuable to them, what is the most authentic them, and then assist them in waking that up. It’s profound, what it’s capable of doing. What we’re capable of doing when we’re authentic is unbelievable. Saskia Röell: Do you think it has any relationship to our wealth if we really step into our Soul’s potential? Dr. Demartini: Absolutely. Wealth means wellbeing, whole being. When we’re integrated and authentic, we have our most genuine wealth. I wrote an article for Prestige magazine on genuine wealth and talked about how everybody, according to what’s really meaningful and most important and valuable to their lives, always has wealth and expresses wealth in that form. Whatever is really important to us is our wealth. If we have a value on family, then our family and children are our fortunes. You couldn’t pay us to get rid of them, they’re so valuable to us. If our value is spirituality, business, fitness, or whatever it is, that’s where our wealth is. Saskia Röell: We’re almost ready to go to a break, but I would love to expand on the wealth we’re talking about. For all of you listening, you’re listening to Your Soul Guidance with Saskia. We have an amazing guest, Dr. Demartini, who is going to talk about “Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness and Creating Wealth.” We are going deeper into this topic when we come back after the break. Stay tuned, and we will be right back. [Break #1]

  • An Exclusive Interview with Dr. John Demartini by Saskia Röell “Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness & Creating Wealth”

    p. 4 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

    You’re now back on Your Soul Guidance with Saskia, and today we have the honor to talk with our special guest, Dr. John Demartini, who just told me he landed this morning from Cape Town in Africa to be here with us. Amazing! I want to make sure everyone knows how to contact Dr. John Demartini. Could you give us your information and let us know if you have an event or something special coming up? Dr. Demartini: I’d be glad to. They can find me on my website, which is, or they can go to Facebook. We have all kinds of information on the website and Facebook to keep people busy for the rest of their lives, I think. I’m in Houston right this minute, and I’m doing a program at Unity Church tonight on “Achieving Goals and Awakening Immortal Legacies.” For the next three days I’m doing a program called “Master Planning for Life,” and people from all over are coming in for that. Each day is different. I’m doing one on genetics on Monday, so it depends on the topic and where we are. If people go to the website, it will give an update on at least the public programs we do, but not all the private ones. Saskia Röell: Let’s go right back into our topic. Before the break we were talking about wealth, how to create it, and what wealth really is. Can you expand on that a little more? Dr. Demartini: I’d love to. Everybody lives by a set of priorities and values, things that are most important to least important in their lives. That hierarchy or structure of values dictates their destiny, how they see the world, how they make decisions, and what they act upon. Every decision is always based on what they think will give them the greatest advantage over disadvantage and the greatest reward over risk. That set of values is the number one thing that determines the financial prosperity of an individual. For instance, if they have a high value on Jimmy Choo shoes—and I’m joking a little bit here—but they have a low value on saving and investing money, whatever money they actually acquire from working will immediately be spent according to their values. What will happen is that the second they get money they’ll buy shoes, but they won’t save. By immediately gratifying things instead of having long-term vision, they’ll end up having their money go into ‘depreciables’ instead of ‘appreciables’. People who never have their money working for them are always going to work their lives for money. The key is to have a value on saving, investing, and actually building wealth so the money, when it comes in, is saved first and invested. Then it can start working for you so you can become its master and not its slave. You have to value wealth. I sometimes stand in front of thousands of people and ask them, “How many of you want to be wealthy?” They all put their hands up. Then I say, “How many are you are financially wealthy?” and most of them put their hands down. The reason is that they have a sort of delusion that they’re going to be wealthy somehow without having the values and the strategies it takes, and without taking initiative and action. It’s very important to really and truly value it. Most people think they do, but they really value what it will bring, instead of valuing saving and investing money and having it work for them. Saskia Röell: Why do some people struggle and other people prosper? There is clearly a difference.

  • An Exclusive Interview with Dr. John Demartini by Saskia Röell “Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness & Creating Wealth”

    p. 5 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

    Dr. Demartini: I’ve been speaking for almost 40 years now, but when I first started in my speaking career I didn’t value myself, and I had love donations. People must not have loved me very much because they didn’t want to put anything in my little bowl. I finally said ‘minimum love donation’, and then ‘minimum fee’. Once I valued myself, the world began to. Until you value you, the world won’t. Until you invest in you, the world won’t. Until you pay yourself first, the world won’t. The world on the outside is going to reflect what’s going on the inside, and your values determine what’s going on the inside. It’s not how much money you make that counts; it’s how you manage what you make, and the hierarchy of your values dictates how you manage it. I know a guy who made $6 million a year, but had to borrow money to pay his taxes, and I know a lady who made $2,000 a month and had $400 saved every month. Thus, it’s not how much they make; it’s how they manage it. Their values are dictating it. I had to learn to value myself and how to value money. The moment I did, my prosperity changed from a person who was just barely scratching by every month to, now, a very financially independent person. It’s because I started to have a value shift and a transformation in my perspective about wealth. Saskia Röell: How do we shift our worthiness or value? I know you have a beautiful quote I read: “No matter what you’ve done or not done, you are worthy of love.” Dr. Demartini: That’s so true. Many people are sitting there feeling shame and guilt. They’re beating themselves up, thinking they made a mistake. The only reason they think they’ve made a mistake is because they’ve somehow subordinated to the people on the outside, injected the values of others, and expected themselves to live in other people’s values instead of their own when, in fact, their own values made them make the decisions they did. They did things according to what was important to them at the time. People keep subordinating and shaming themselves, and that’s the number one thing that Napoleon Hill and Foster Hibbard claimed was the source of stopping people from having wealth: shame and guilt. It creates a minimization of self. Here’s what I say: Everything you’ve ever done in your life that you’re beating yourself up about, write down what it is and who is affected by it. Write down how it served you and how it served them until you’re grateful. Realize there are no mistakes, ultimately. It’s all-serving. It’s never what happens to you; it’s how you respond to it. Robbing other people of their accountability for their own experiences and blaming yourself for things is not the answer. It’s wise to find out how it’s served you, how it’s served others, and go on and appreciate your life. The second thing is to actually sit down and write down the benefits of doing a business that serves people. It’s interesting that people have a fantasy that money is going to just come bopping into their lives without being of service, but that’s not how it works. The people I know who have money are people who work and serve, and they do things that are of value to people. I live on a ship, and there are 19 billionaires who live on this ship with me. These people all work and have massive companies that have affected people all over the world. The reason they have wealth is because they’ve served a vast number of people across the world. You have to have a value on doing that, so I always tell people to write a couple hundred benefits of building a business that serves people.

  • An Exclusive Interview with Dr. John Demartini by Saskia Röell “Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness & Creating Wealth”

    p. 6 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

    It’s a kind of fantasy to think you’re going to get money without service. I serve every day, and that’s why I have money. You have to have a value on grounding yourself, being of service, finding out what people need in the world, and then caring enough about humanity to go find a need to fill. Take your talents and inspirations and fill those needs. That’s the source of money. Money is an exchange for services rendered, and it’s a great vehicle for that. Then you want to write down the benefits of actually building that business, of saving money, investing money, accumulating money, as well as a benefit of having a cause that inspires you so you can leave a legacy with that money as a contribution back to the world. If you put the benefits of each of those six things in place, your consciousness will raise the value of money in your life, and the second you do you’ll see opportunities to act on them and start manifesting prosperity consciousness. Saskia Röell: Do you believe we all have a Soul purpose that can serve? Dr. Demartini: The ancient Greeks said that in the hierarchy of one’s values, the highest value was called the ‘telos’. The ‘telos’ was the end in mind. The ancient Greeks knew it was so important that they made a whole study out of it that they called ‘teleology’, which is the study of meaning and purpose. Everybody has a purpose and a most meaningful thing that inspires them from within, and that’s their highest value. That’s what they value most in their life. In my life, it’s teaching. Yours is getting great messages to the world about the soul. Chris’ is bringing a message out to the world, if you will, through the media. Whatever those highest values are, that’s our mission. If we can organize a life of service around that, we’ve just awakened the most important thing we can do. This is, as Steve Jobs said, doing what you love, loving what you do, and getting paid for it. Then your vocation and vacation are the same, and you don’t have to schizophrenically divide yourself up between work and getting away from work. Saskia Röell: That’s so true. I love that: vocation and vacation are the same. Dr. Demartini: I actually love what I do. I don’t think about it; I do it every day. I don’t feel like I’m working even though I put in long hours. I don’t think about; I love doing it. I don’t know of anything else I’d rather be doing. It’s what I love doing. Saskia Röell: I’m going to be speaking on a cruise next week, and I have all this time suddenly. I’m a mother of five, and then I’m there. What I look forward to is to start creating more programs to teach and write, and that’s a vacation for me. I was actually smiling thinking about it. Dr. Demartini: I did the same thing. I was just on my ship and did the same thing. I worked on new products and programs and a book. I love it. I love researching, writing, traveling, and teaching. Saskia Röell: Exactly! It’s such a joy. Do you think it takes courage to step into your Soul’s shoes?

  • An Exclusive Interview with Dr. John Demartini by Saskia Röell “Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness & Creating Wealth”

    p. 7 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

    Dr. Demartini: The courage is not so much courage of being true to yourself; that’s the most inspiring state you can be in. The courage is to actually overcome the seven fears that immobilize people from being authentic. Can I outline and share those? Saskia Röell: I’d love that. We have, probably, about one minute, but let’s go into that. I’d love to hear that after the break, but please start. Dr. Demartini: I’ll do them really quickly. The first fear is the fear of breaking the morals and ethics of some spiritual authority. The second fear is the fear of not being intelligent, smart, or degreed enough. The third fear is the fear of failure. The fourth one is the fear of losing money or not making money. The fifth is losing the respect of loved ones. The next one is the fear of rejection, and the last one is the fear of ill health, death, disease, or not having beauty or ‘handsomness’. Those seven fears block the sunny truth of the heart that’s whispering to us and guiding us through intuition to live an inspired life. If we let those fears rule us, we’ll live a mediocre life and shrink. However, if we break through those fears, we’ll live an extraordinary life and expand. Saskia Röell: After the break, I would love you to repeat those one more time. I think it’s so good for everybody who is listening to hear that one more time. For anyone who wants to connect with Dr. John Demartini, go to his website at If you want to know more about Soul Coaching and living your life through your Soul, you can go to and get the 21-day free training to get started. Stay tuned. We will be right back after the break. [Break #2] You’re back on Your Soul Guidance with Saskia, and we’re talking with our special guest today, Dr. John Demartini. First, I want to ask you, “Is your Soul talking to you yet?” If you’d like to open the door to your Soul, shine your full potential, and begin to live that life you secretly dream about, go to and check out Soul Reading, Soul Guidance Reading, and Soul Coaching. Get your free training. If you want to know more about Dr. John Demartini, go to Now I want to go over, one more time, the seven fears you mentioned before the break, Dr. Demartini. Could you mention them one more time? I think it’s good for everybody. Dr. Demartini: Certainly. You said I had about a minute, so I had to go through them quickly, but I’ll do it a little slower this time. Any area of our life that we do not empower, we will automatically be overpowered in. We’re never victims of over-empowerment. We’re simply not empowered. There are seven primary areas that we can empower, and our journey is to do that. These seven areas are: our spiritual quest, our mind development, our career, our finances, our family, our social leadership, and our physical health and wellbeing. Some people have divided these areas of life into six, eight, or ten, but I use seven. These seven areas are also the seven powers: the power of a spiritual mission, the power of mental genius, the power of great achievement, the power of great fortune, the power of love and intimacy, the human quest for social power and leadership, and the human quest for physical health and wellbeing.

  • An Exclusive Interview with Dr. John Demartini by Saskia Röell “Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness & Creating Wealth”

    p. 8 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

    If we awaken and empower these seven areas, that’s what we end up with. However, they can also be the seven fears that block us. One of those seven fears is the fear of breaking the morals and ethics of some spiritual authority. That means that we’re not honoring our own Soul, and we’re subordinating and minimizing what its whispering, intuitions, and inspirations are guiding us to do. We’re listening and feeling too humble to admit that what we have in the world is great. What we do is to subordinate to people on the outside—sometimes religious leaders and spiritual gurus—and we let them dictate our destiny instead of our self, only to eventually realize that that’s going to erode us. This is because if we don’t listen to what’s within and only listen to what’s without, we eventually get ‘turmoiled’ and break down. Those feedback mechanisms are guiding us to be authentic. We’re not here to subordinate to people on the outside. We’re not here to sit in the shadows of anyone. We’re here to stand on the shoulders of giants. That’s the first fear. The second fear is the fear of not being intelligent, creative, imaginative, degreed, or knowledgeable enough. This, again, is subordination to somebody we think has more intelligence. The truth is that we all have great intelligence, but it may not be in the same areas. Thus, we’ll think, “They have intelligence in this area and I don’t; therefore, they’re more intelligent.” They’re not more intelligent. They don’t know about your life. They don’t have a PhD in your own life, but you’re not honoring your own life, so you think their form of intelligence is better than your form. When you do that, you subordinate. You compare yourself to others and then doubt your own knowing. This holds you back from taking action and being courageous enough to live authentically intellectually. The third one is the fear of failure. The only time we ever feel that is when we’re around people we think have more achievements than we do. We’re not recognizing ours or exercising reflective awareness. We’re disowning what we have and what we’ve achieved. We’re not recognizing it, documenting it, and showing to ourselves what we have achieved. We minimize, and when we do we inject their expectations in our life and try to live according to others. Thus, we end up working for other people out of security instead of shining out of extraordinary entrepreneurship. The next fear is the fear of losing money or not making money. This is basically the prosperity destroyer, because we’re now comparing ourselves to people we think have more wealth than us instead of realizing the form of our wealth is always in our values. If we’re totally dedicated to children, our wealth may be in the beautiful children we have. If we’re dedicated to physical fitness or yoga, then we have great bodies and great health regimes going. Unless we value money, cash wealth, and start to invest in and understand the laws of economics, we’re going to have wealth in another form, but not in the form we’re subordinating to. Thus, we have to realize that we have wealth in our own values, and not subordinate to someone else’s and expect it to be in some form that’s not matching our values. The next fear is the fear of losing loved ones or the respect of loved ones. I’ve seen this over and over again. People are afraid to upset their parents or loved ones; or they have fear of losing their wife or husband. They basically immobilize themselves and stop what’s really important to them for fear of being rejected and lost from those people.

  • An Exclusive Interview with Dr. John Demartini by Saskia Röell “Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness & Creating Wealth”

    p. 9 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

    This keeps them from being authentic. I see this when people first get into relationships. They put on facades instead of being themselves. Then they have to spend their lives trying to be themselves in the relationship. The next fear is the fear of feeling rejection from people and not having power socially. The only time people’s opinions on the outside of you matter more than your own is when you’ve given them power of their opinion over your own. If you value your own opinion, it doesn’t matter what people say. I get people on blogs who like me and dislike me, but I can’t let either of those distract me from what’s true for me. The last one is the fear of not having the health, vitality, beauty, handsomeness, or the body. That’s because we’re comparing ourselves to somebody else. There’s a lady, and I think her name is Amy Purdy, who had meningitis and had her two legs removed. Yet she’s out there doing inspiring things, and she got a gold medal. The physical body is not in the way; it’s on the way. There are no obstructions; there are instructions. A person can let any of those seven fears stop them from living an extraordinary life. Saskia Röell: I actually saw Amy Purdy’s speech. She lost both legs, I think from the knee down. She’s so inspiring. It has enabled her to have a phenomenal career of service, which she’s doing now. Dr. Demartini: It’s interesting that I got a letter from a lady named Lillian Too in Australia, and she has book out called Master Practitioners. She sent me an email and said she contacted Amy and said, “You need to go meet Dr. Demartini.” Amy said, “You’re not going to believe this. What synchronicity! I’m reading his book right now.” We’re all connected in this synchronistic small world, if you will. We’re all on the same journey of studying our Soul’s message and living authentically. Saskia Röell: Isn’t it amazing? I just sent her an email two days ago. Dr. Demartini: We’re all synchronistic. That’s the beauty of it. The more authentic you are, the more synchronicity you see. Saskia Röell: Isn’t it amazing that we get into the flow? How come, if we are our true self, life flows so well? Dr. Demartini: I always say that when you’re living according to your highest values—your true self, the ontological being you are, the Soul, if you will—and true to ourselves, we are willing to embrace both the positives and negatives, the pains and pleasures, both sides equally. We see things as instructive, not obstructive. We see things on the way, not in the way. We become masters of our destiny, not victims of our history. However, if we’re not living authentically, if we subordinate and try to be somebody we’re not, we’re designed to run into resistance to try to get us back to being truly who we are. We’re designed to have all the symptoms and signs in our life, which are feedback mechanisms, so we can be true. The world is actually working on our behalf. Ultimately, these things try to help us become soulful. Saskia Röell: Something else I came across when I was diving a little deeper into your work is that when you were 18 you read the book from William Leibniz, Discourse on Metaphysics, in which he talks about

  • An Exclusive Interview with Dr. John Demartini by Saskia Röell “Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness & Creating Wealth”

    p. 10 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

    the divine perfection, love, and order. He said very few people ever came to experience this highly ordered awareness, but that it changed their lives forever. What did that do for you? Dr. Demartini: I slept on the floor in my parents’ house when I read that book. I read Theodicy, Monadology, and Discourse of Metaphysics by Leibniz. I also read his work on his contribution to calculus and mathematics. I was reading that, and I saw in the first chapter what he called divine perfection, divine beauty, and divine order. I got tears in my eyes and said, “Somehow I know that there’s some wisdom in this, and there is somehow an intuition about it. “I just know that somehow I want to dedicate my life to knowing what this hidden order is, the order sitting in the random chaos, if you will.” I went out and started looking at the mathematicians and studying all the mathematicians I could get my hands on to find the answer to the question: “What is beauty?” I came upon Greeks who said there are symmetry, proportion and order. Then I thought in theological constructs that if divinity was omnipresent, that means there must be symmetry, proportion, and order in all things. I went on a quest to try to find the hidden order in things that I saw, and that led me to study perceptions and brain functions to try to figure out how we perceive and what influences our perceptions. I created a method called The Demartini Method. The purpose of it is designed to help people uncover that hidden order so they can actually say ‘thank you’ and feel there is grace in life, instead of sitting there and being frustrated by the so-called chaos that doesn’t actually exist but appears to exist. Saskia Röell: What is the hardest part of our human nature? Dr. Demartini: I think it’s not having reflective awareness. I always say that whatever we see in people around us we must find within us. I went through the Oxford English Dictionary, through 4,628 traits, and circled every trait in the dictionary I saw in a human being. Then I asked myself, “Who do I know who is the most extreme example of this trait?” Then I asked, “Where do I have that trait as much as I see in the most extreme example?” To my surprise, I discovered that I had every one of those traits. No matter what anybody said about me, it was true, even though it might not be in the form they said. I realized, as Plato said, that all learning is recollection; it’s recollecting the realization that we have everything. Schopenhauer says we become our true selves to the degree that we make everyone and everything else our self. I realized then that if I can identify whatever I see in people around me within me, I’ve just liberated myself from the bondage of dissociation from people and embraced them as one with myself. This allowed me to live by the Soul more so than the senses. Our senses can be fooled by the biases of our evaluations, but the Soul guides us unconditionally to the truth of love. Saskia Röell: That’s beautiful. I so truly believe in the Soul’s guidance. Looking at my own life with my family of seven, we gave up on the spur of the moment our house, jobs, and businesses in Holland and just came to America. It was a Soul-guided decision. People say, “You must have had a lot of courage,” and I said, “Do you know what? That was one of those decisions about which I had not an ounce of fear.”

  • An Exclusive Interview with Dr. John Demartini by Saskia Röell “Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness & Creating Wealth”

    p. 11 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

    We didn’t bring money. We had five kids who didn’t speak a word of English, but it was so Soul-guided. It was so true. That’s what life is about, and it was absolutely in the flow. Yes, I can totally agree with what you’re saying. Now, we’re heading to a break so stay tuned, everybody. We have a great guest, Dr. John Demartini, who will talk more about your prosperity consciousness after the break. [Break #3] You’re back on Your Soul Guidance with Saskia, and today we are talking with our special guest, Dr. Demartini, about “Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness and Creating Wealth.” For anybody who wants to connect with you, Dr. Demartini, can you give your website and any special events you’re promoting? Dr. Demartini: The website is My name is John, so you can look that up. On the website is a list of all kinds of things: radio shows, television shows, media, talks I’m doing, books and products. There are all kinds of things, and you could spend a whole life on there, I think. There is also Facebook; just use my name. There are inspirational messages and all kinds of videos on there each day for people. I’m also doing programs. Tonight I’m speaking at Unity Church in Houston, Texas, on “Achieving Goals and Leaving Immortal Legacies.” Tomorrow I’m starting “Master Planning for Life,” which is a three-day experience. We have people from all over the world coming for that. I have a program on Monday on genetics. Each day next week is different. If your listeners go the website, they can get a sense of some of the programs we do, as well as other things we’re doing all around the world. Saskia Röell: Thank you so much. I want to ask you what is a really great step for people to take to change their prosperity mindset? Dr. Demartini: The first thing I tell people to do is to identify what is valuable. Many people have delusions about what they have as values in their lives. If people go to my website and look under Value Determination on the menu, there’s a four-page summary of exactly how to determine what is truly important to you. Whatever it is that’s highest will be the direction of your mission and soul. It’s a great little tool for helping to do that. It’s not based on what you think it is; it’s based on what your life demonstrates it is. It’s a new twist on it and is really an eye-opener. I would encourage people to do that so they’ll know what’s really valuable to them and so they can organize their life accordingly. Whenever you set your life according to your ABCs, your highest priorities, you grow in self-worth. However, whenever you don’t, the XYZs, you lower self-worth. Identify what’s valuable, and then set goals accordingly. Delegate lower-priority things, get on to higher-priority things, organize your life, and fill your day with things that inspire you instead of things that don’t. That’s Parkinson’s Law, which states that if you don’t fill your day with things that inspire you, it will automatically fill with things that don’t. Thus, you have to go fill your day. Nobody is going to get up in the morning and dedicate his life to you; you have to do it. You have to organize it that way. Whatever you do that’s a service, take a portion of

  • An Exclusive Interview with Dr. John Demartini by Saskia Röell “Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness & Creating Wealth”

    p. 12 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

    whatever you do and save it. When you start to save money, when you start to manage money wisely, you start to attract more money to manage. When you start to invest it wisely, you attract more money to invest. Money automatically circulates in the economy from those who value it least and manage it poorly to those who value it most and manage it wisely. It automatically circulates. Once you start doing that, you start attracting bigger opportunities to make more income to be able to serve more people. Saskia Röell: Sometimes you hear, “Money is a metaphor for…” Do you believe that? Dr. Demartini: It has many different metaphors, so I would have to see what the metaphor is. When looking at the origin of money, many people associate pain or pleasure, positive or negative, or good or evil. However, that’s unwise. Money is neutral. It is neither good nor evil. It has no connotation whatsoever. It’s simply a means of exchanging one person’s values for another person’s values. It’s the main way of having fair exchange in the trade system of society. It’s there to deal with the differences in classes and values in the marketplace for people’s services. Once you understand what its purpose is, it’s not a connotation of morals and ethics or good and bad. If somebody does something with money that you like and that matches your values, you tend to label it as good. However, people who understand wealth don’t put good and bad on money. They see it for what it is. It’s a way of exchanging one person’s service for another person’s service. That’s it. Once you do and you neutralize your perception of it, you don’t see it as good or bad, and you realize that the way to grow it is to make sure you’re serving people. If you dedicate your life humanitarianly to make a vast contribution of service across the world, there is nothing stopping you from having a vast reward financially. Saskia Röell: Where does gratitude come in, Dr. Demartini? Dr. Demartini: I wrote a book called How to Make One Hell of a Profit and Still Get In to Heaven. I believe that heaven is gratitude and hell is ingratitude, and that if you’re grateful for what you are able to do for others and grateful for the rewards of doing it, you have, in a sense, the heavenly state. I think gratitude is the key that opens up the gateway to the heart, and inside the heart is love. Out comes love, which is the light of the soul, and it automatically transforms opportunity in front of you. I have the largest collection of gratitudes of anybody I know on earth. There may be somebody out there, but I haven’t met him yet. I have a vast collection, a 1,037-page document in 10-point font size with barely one-inch margins of nothing but gratitudes that I keep every day. I’ve been doing that for years, and I keep it ongoing. Saskia Röell: What do you do? Can you explain that? What do you do with that? Dr. Demartini: Every night, and sometimes during the day, I document—you and this show will be on there tonight—what I was able to do or whatever I had the opportunity to experience, whether intended or not intended, and whatever I got to learn. I write down what I am grateful for, and I do it in this way: “I had the opportunity to learn this,” “I had the opportunity to talk to this person,” “I had the opportunity to do this show,” “I had the opportunity to have this experience or challenge.”

  • An Exclusive Interview with Dr. John Demartini by Saskia Röell “Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness & Creating Wealth”

    p. 13 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

    I write down whatever it is I experienced that day. I document it as a gratitude journal every day. It’s a vast list. When people read it they get tears in their eyes. It’s a very inspiring list. Saskia Röell: I believe it’s the most beautiful thing to do. I once hosted a call for a year every morning for one-half hour in which everybody expressed their gratitude, and it was amazing. I once expressed gratitude to a plant that had turned its face completely in the other direction. The next morning I came back and that plant had completely turned around. To me, it was like a miracle when I saw that. Dr. Demartini: It’s amazing the influence we have on things around us. I was born on Thanksgiving Day, so I think I was destined to be grateful. Saskia Röell: You are! We have about a minute to go, and I want to ask if there is anything you want to say or give to the listeners as inspirational tips for today? Dr. Demartini: No matter what you’ve done or not done, you’re worthy of love. That’s where we started. I would say to start documenting what you do accomplish and what you do fulfill in your life so you can see that growing. When you’re grateful for what you have, you get more to be grateful for. Then I would go to my website to the Value Determination and determine what’s really important to you. Start targeting your actions into things that are really inspiring to you, instead of continuing to do desperate things. See if you can’t delegate the things that are lower in priority to other people. You’ll grow if you do. Know that the greater the service you provide the world, the greater the rewards you’ll have in life. Find a way of doing whatever talent or service you have. Get it out and serve people. Dedicate your life to doing something vast. We’re not here to shrink; we’re here to shine. We’re not here to sit and talk about how things aren’t working; we’re here to talk about what we can do. Go make a difference. I think that’s the wisest thing I can say. Know that no matter what you’ve experienced, it’s on the way, not in the way. Perceive it that way, that it’s the quality of your life. The quality of your life is based on the quality of the questions you ask. If you ask questions like, “How is this helping me fulfill my mission on earth?” you’ll go farther than if you don’t. Saskia Röell: That is so beautiful. You have so much wisdom to share. For anyone who wants to connect with you, can you share your website one more time? Dr. Demartini: It’s If you type in ‘Demartini’ you’ll sooner or later come to me and my home page. Saskia Röell: This has been so beautiful, and I’m sure everybody is so inspired. I want to tell everybody to trust that voice of your Soul. It will bring you to your destiny. Are you sitting here today thinking, “I’ve always wanted to write that book,” “birth that baby,” “find my soul mate,” “change my career,” “move to Italy,” or “travel all over the world, but who am I kidding?” You are not kidding anyone. This is your Soul calling you. Where do you need courage to move forward? If you want to go to, I have a beautiful 21-Day Roadmap to Your Dreams. That’s the heart of what I do. Every day I get emails from people who are opening the door to their Soul and not holding back anymore.

  • An Exclusive Interview with Dr. John Demartini by Saskia Röell “Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness & Creating Wealth”

    p. 14 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

    I want to thank my special guest today, Dr. Demartini, for sharing such great information. I also want to thank all of you for tuning into Your Soul Guidance with Saskia. I had a wonderful time. Join me next Thursday at 3:00 PM ET/2:00 PM CT/12:00 PM PT. Next week I have a show together with Pat Hastings about “The Down and Dirty About Stepping Out in Faith.” Have a great week, and thank you so much, Dr. Demartini.

    Dr. John Demartini is a human behavioral specialist, educator and international authority on maximizing human awareness and potential. His studies have spanned numerous disciplines and his teachings provide answers and solutions to many of life's questions and challenges. He has written over 40 published books and 170 manuscripts and has produced over 60 CD and DVD educational products. As an educator, he constantly travels the globe teaching students from all backgrounds and disciplines the workings of human behavior, how to understand and transform social dynamics and how to activate potential by understanding human nature. To

    date he has taught his principles and methodologies in 60 countries and has millions of corresponding students in most countries across the world. Dr. Demartini is founder of the Demartini Institute, originator of the Demartini Method® and resides in the United States, Australia and on The World of ResidenSea. For more information on Dr John Demartini and upcoming events contact The Demartini Institute: [email protected] or +1 713 850 1234. Website:

    Imagine waking up one morning feeling completely fearless and ready to do whatever it takes to follow your biggest dreams. My name is Saskia Röell and that morning came for me in the year 2000. It was an April morning when I woke up and heard the calling of my Soul. She was LOUD AND CLEAR. Telling me that our family of seven was to move to America. We had to let go of our wonderful life. Give up everything that was safe and successful. I listened, followed my purpose and took the leap.

    We came to America with five children and one suitcase. Without jobs or contacts, hardly any money, and five kids who didn’t speak a word of English we felt like the pilgrims. I know about all the trials and tribulations when you follow your calling. I know what it takes to breakthrough limitations and challenges. I’ve reinvented my life multiple times in order to follow my purpose. In that process I’ve let go of my country, my marriage, my family, my animals, my friends, my jobs, all of which I dearly loved.

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  • An Exclusive Interview with Dr. John Demartini by Saskia Röell “Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness & Creating Wealth”

    p. 15 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

    In that journey I’ve been held gunpoint in the jungles of Africa, lived with a Bedouin tribe in the desert of Egypt, cleaned temples in Japan, swam with the sharks in the Ivory Coast, brought our kids to the Dalai Lama to be blessed, and so much more. Flew in a burning plane when we made the big crossing to re invent our lives and come to America. But it brought me so much more. I found my soul mate, 5 beautiful children, the house of my dreams in the land of my dreams, and the work I am passionate about. Ten years later I am a Soul Purpose Coach, radio host (with 400,000 listeners), bestselling author, co- author with Jack Canfield, and Deepak Chopra, inspirational speaker, matrix energetic healer, and mother of five. I’ve helped thousands of people successfully reach their highest purpose and live their dreams. My life is living proof that if I can do it you can too. Nothing has ever stopped me from living my purpose, and I believe that you can be unstoppable too when you realize how magnificent you are.

    Saskia Röell / Your Soul Guidance /