An Argand Diagram for Two by Two Matrices

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  • 7/28/2019 An Argand Diagram for Two by Two Matrices


    An Argand Diagram for Two by Two Matrices

    Author(s): Tony CrillyReviewed work(s):Source: The Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 87, No. 509 (Jul., 2003), pp. 209-216Published by: The Mathematical AssociationStable URL: .

    Accessed: 28/07/2012 20:29

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    Mathematical Gazette.
  • 7/28/2019 An Argand Diagram for Two by Two Matrices


    AN ARGANDDIAGRAM ORTWOBYTWOMATRICES 209An Arganddiagramfor two by two matrices

    TONY CRILLYA vivid memoryof mine is of being shown thatcertain2 x 2 matriceswere 'really' complex numbers. The correspondencebetween matrices ofthe form

    w = (a -bb aandcomplexnumbers

    w = a + ibseemedmagicaland the additionalremark hat

    detW = a2 + b2 = Iw12was an unexpected bonus. The correspondencehas been examined invarious articlesin the Gazette[1, 2]. That it is an isomorphism s seen bycomparing

    a -b c -d a + c -(b + d)b a d c ,b + d a + c

    with(a + ib) + (c + id) = (a + c) + i(b + d),

    in the case of addition,and,in the case of multiplication,by comparinga -b 1c -d ac - bd -(ad + bc)ba ad+ b ac - bd

    with (a + ib)(c + id) = (ac - bd) + i(ad + bc).For a numericalexercise, we note W1 = 2 ) correspondsto the

    complex numberwl = 1 + 2i, andW2 = 1 to 2 = 3 - i. It canbe readily checked that WI + W2corresponds o wl + w2 and that W1W2corresponds o wlw2.

    This isomorphismallows us to representa 2 x 2 matrix of the type W(which we call a single complexnumbermatrix in what follows) as a pointon the Argand diagram (Figure 1). For instance Wl = 2correspondingo wl = 1 + 2i maybe representedas a pointin the planewith

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    210 THEMATHEMATICALAZErlITEx-y coordinates(1, 2). A matrix of the form 0 (a scalar matrix) isrepresentedby a point (a, 0) on the x-axis and in general any singlecomplex numbermatrix W = ( -b is representedby the point withx-yb acoordinates a, b).

    Ywl = 1 + 2i


    FIGURE:Thetraditionalrgand iagramordisplayingomplexnumbersIn this article we show how this 'matrix - complex number'

    isomorphismcan be extended to all 2 x 2 matrices(with real entries)andhow this can be used to framea pictorialrepresentation f these matricesonan 'Arganddiagram'.Thegeneral 2 x 2 matrixAs a first step, we observe thatany 2 x 2 matrixcan be writtenas thesumof two matrices:

    a y la -b y xA= a + .i /~6~ b a x -y

    Here a = a + y and 6 = a - y requiringthat a = j(a + 6) andy = (a - 6), and similarly b = ?(3- y), x = ?(/ + y). Hence thedecompositionof A is uniquethoughthe second matrix is not a truesinglecomplexnumbermatrix ike the first. However,by introducingE i0 1

    we havea y a -b+Ex -

    ; , ( b a y x 'so thatA = W + EZ

    wherebothW andZ aresingle complexnumbermatrices.

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    ANARGANDDIAGRAMORTWOBY TWOMATRICESThere is thus an isomorphic correspondenceA

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    THEMATHEMATICALAZEIlTEThus the matrixAo corresponds o (4 - 5i) + e (6 + 2i). We note that ATcorresponds o (4 + 5i) + e (6 + 2i) and Aol = is representedby (4 + 5i) + e(-6 - 2i).WilliamKingdon CliffordEntitiesof the form w + ez were studiedby the EnglishmathematicianW. K. Clifford (1845-1879) around the time in the 1870s when he wasreading and translatingHermannGrassmann'sAusdehnungslehre. Thisworkdeals withhigherdimensionalgeometrythrough inearalgebra,a workwhich was largelyneglectedwhen it was first published n 1841 and when asecond edition appeared in 1861. Clifford was thinking of w, z asquaterions and hence his designation 'biquaterions' for forms w + ez (oras he also expressedthem,as motors which were the sum of two rotors) [3,p. 196; 4, pp. 188-189]. As a departure rom the way we are consideringthem, Clifford assumed that the symbol e would commutewith both w andz. The correspondencebetween 2 x 2 matricesand linearalgebras s a richmathematical eam:expressing2 x 2 matrices n a differentway to the onewe haveused leadsto split quaternions 5].TheextendedArgand diagramFor this extension we representa matrix A by its pair of complexnumbers (w, z), and these are plotted individually in the plane as usual(Figure2). Since we aredealingwith orderedpairsof complexnumberswemust distinguishw from z in the diagram(we use a continuousline for wanda dashed ine to indicatethepositionof z).

    YA z/

    \ \ / x

    FIGURE:Argand iagramor2 x 2 matricesWe note thata matrixA is singular f, andonly if, its correspondingpair(w, z) lie on the circumferenceof the same circle since in this case, withk = detA, we have

    k = Iw1 - z12 = 0.


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    AN ARGAND DIAGRAMFOR TWOBY TWO MATRICESCommuting x 2 matricesThe complex numberrepresentation f 2 x 2 matrices as orderedpairsof complex numbersoffers a way of considering commutingmatrices. ForA, Ao representedby w + ez, wo + ezorespectively,we obtainconditionsfor A to commute withAo.

    Through the 'matrix

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    THEMATHEMATICALAZEI'Eobtain z = z 2 Zoand hence z = mzo where m = 2 is well definedanda real number.

    Multiplying he secondrequirement y z3we obtainImw = 1-2 Imw = 12Imwo,zo 1'm wooI2

    thatis, Im w = m ImWo.Case (ii) is of specialinterestandyields:

    Theorem2. If Aois not a single complexnumbermatrix, henAAo = AoAifandonly if z = mzo(z is 'in line' with zo),wherem is a real numbergivenby Imw = m mwo.The above discussion allows us to pinpointmatricesrepresentedon the'Argand diagram' (Figure 3) which commute with a given matrix Ao.Moreover, t is straightforwardo constructsuch matrices.

    A Az/// zo/

    , x

    W W W W WFIGURE:Argand iagramhowingheconstructionf commuting atricesWe are to construct A whose correspondentw + ez commutes withwo+ ezo, a procedurewe illustrate with a numericalexample. Recall the

    matrix Ao = 61 ) For this Ao we have already calculated thatwo = 4 - 5i and zo = 6 + 2i. We now find w + ez wherew = a + biandz = x + yi. Since Imw = m Imwo, we have b = -5m, andbecausez = mzo,z = m(6 + 2i). On the Arganddiagram Figure3), the familyofcomplex numbersw = a - 5mi lies along a horizontalstraight ine (for agiven choice of m) while z lies on the line throughthe origin and passingthrough zo. In this example, w + ez = (a - 5mi) + e(6m + 2mi).Convertingw + ez to matrix orm,we obtain

    A = (-a Sm + E 6m -2m = a + 2m llmA -5m a m a - 2m5m a 2m 6m m a - 2m'


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    AN ARGANDDIAGRAM ORTWOBY TWOMATRICESthe family of matrices which commutes with the given Ao. For example,'7 22A = is one matrix which commutes with Ao and the matrix2 -1

    5 33A = is another.,3 -7Conclusion

    It is possible to representany 2 x 2 matrixwith real entriesby w + ezin the planein a way reminiscentof the ordinaryArganddiagram. Thusanysuch matrixis in effect a double complex numbermatrixin distinctiontomatrices of the form W = b) which are single complex numberb amatrices. Care must be taken in representingarbitrarymatrices since theorder of the complex numbersw, z is importantand w + ez and z + ewrepresent different matrices in general. If preferred,a matrix can berepresentedon a pair of orthodoxArganddiagramssimultaneously. It maybe interestingto investigatethis furtherwith one diagram representing hecomplex number w and the other z, noting that representinga singlecomplexnumbermatrixW reduces to a single Arganddiagram since in thiscasez = 0).Further nvestigations

    Using two Argand diagramsside by side may be helpful in plotting'Mandelbrotype' sets generatedby the matrix terationA - A2 + C,

    an immediategeneralisationof the ordinaryMandelbrot terationz - z2 + c.Anotherexploitationof the extendedArgand diagramcould be madeinthe case of that other significantmathematicaldiscovery of the nineteenthcentury, he algebraof quaternions.These areexpressionsof the form

    q = a + bi + cj + dkandtheytoo canbe describedas orderedpairsof complexnumbers

    q = (a + bi) + (c + di)j.The symbol j plays the same role as e and whereas zj = jz*, like e, thedifferencewithquaternionss that 2 = -1.We have considered2 x 2 matricesfrom an elementaryviewpointbutthere is also an isomorphismbetween the algebraof 2 x 2 matriceswithreal number entries and a sub-algebraof 2 x 2 matrices with complexnumberentries:

    a y w z,

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    THEMATHEMATICALAZETTEThis lastrepresentation ives aneasy way to handle the multiplicationof theexpressionsw + ez. In the case of quaterions, the isomorphism s

    w -Z*q - w + z (w- Z W*andthe twin ArgandDiagrams n this case may be utilised for investigatingthe Mandelbrot quaterion mapping q --- q2 + c.AcknowledgementI would like to thankColin Fletcher,Lans Aleeson and the refereeforhelpfulcomments made on an earlierdraftof this article.References1. FrankGerrish,OrderedPairs,Math.Gaz.79 (March1995)pp. 30-46.2. Douglas Quadling, Q is for Quaterions, Math. Gaz. 63 (June 1979)pp. 98-110.3. William K. Clifford, A preliminary sketch of biquaternions,Proc.London Math.Soc., 4 (1873) pp. 381-395. Also Coll. Papers, (Reprint:1968) pp. 181-200.4. B. VanderWaerden,A history of algebra,Springer 1985).5. B. A. Rosenfel'd,tr. A. Shenitzer,A history of non-Euclideangeometry,Springer 1988). TONY CRILLY

    MiddlesexBusinessSchool, TheBurroughs,Hendon,LondonNW4 4BTe-mail:[email protected] irrational

    Sines,cosinesandtangentsweremy constantompanionsn my careeras anengineer. oachieve quare ndcircular ake insof equalarea equireshat hesidelengthof thesquareinmustbeexactly88.64% f the diameter f theround ne.Anumerateersonwould ememberhisratiobyrote.

    Nick Lordsaw this in a letterto the Daily Telegraphn April2003. Theimplications that = 3.14281984 recisely.

    Exams remorerecent han outhinkThe CambridgeMathematicalriposof 1904(possibly he oldestuniversityexaminationntheworld)...This unintendedmplicationromthe Gazetteof March2003 madeBryanThwaiteslad oknow hathe satthefortiethet of papers
