An Approach and Tool for Synchronous Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model...

An Approach and Tool for Synchronous Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations Hafsteinn Þór Einarsson Helmut Neukirchen University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland

Transcript of An Approach and Tool for Synchronous Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model...

Page 1: An Approach and Tool for Synchronous Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations Hafsteinn Þór Einarsson Helmut Neukirchen.

An Approach and Tool for Synchronous Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models

Using Model-to-Model Transformations

Hafsteinn Þór EinarssonHelmut Neukirchen

University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland

Page 2: An Approach and Tool for Synchronous Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations Hafsteinn Þór Einarsson Helmut Neukirchen.

Einarsson, Neukirchen: Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations



1. Motivation

2. Foundations

3. Related Work

4. Approach

5. Prototype tool

6. Discussion

Page 3: An Approach and Tool for Synchronous Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations Hafsteinn Þór Einarsson Helmut Neukirchen.

Einarsson, Neukirchen: Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations


1. Motivation Model-Driven Engineering (MDE):

Develop software based on high-level models instead of low-level source code.

Refactoring of models needed!

Most popular modeling language: Unified Modeling Language (UML) by

OMG. Refactoring of UML needed!

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Einarsson, Neukirchen: Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations


2. Foundations: UML Diagrams & Models UML := diagram + underlying model

Diagram is just a partial view of the model. Model does not contain any information related

to diagrams: No layout information!

Abstract syntax (=metamodel) of UML model: Defined using MOF (Meta Object Facility).

Concrete syntax of UML diagram: Defined using prose language and graphical


Page 5: An Approach and Tool for Synchronous Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations Hafsteinn Þór Einarsson Helmut Neukirchen.

Einarsson, Neukirchen: Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations


Foundations: XMI and UMLDI Standard formats for UML models and diagrams:

Model: XMI (XML Metadata Interchange) Applicable to anything that has a MOF-compliant metamodel.

As UML standard does not define diagrams in terms of MOF, XMI cannot be immediately used to store diagrams.

Diagram: UMLDI (UML Diagram Interchange): Introduces MOF-compliant metamodel for layout information

XMI can be used as well for storing diagrams. Contains only information not contained in the model.

Refer to model elements using GUID (Globally Unique Identifier).

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Einarsson, Neukirchen: Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations


UMLDI of diagram (excerpt):

XMI of model (excerpt):

Foundations: XMI/UMLDI Example

Definition of GUID

Reference to another model element using GUID

Name of element

Definition of Action node Layout


Layout information

Reference to model element using GUID

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Einarsson, Neukirchen: Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations


3. Related Work A couple of commercial UML editors

support simple refactorings: “Rename element”: is in fact just an

operation on the model. (Due to references, diagram will refer to the changed name in the model.)

A couple of academic tools support more advanced refactorings: However, only performed on the model. Diagrams will become inconsistent.

Page 8: An Approach and Tool for Synchronous Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations Hafsteinn Þór Einarsson Helmut Neukirchen.

Einarsson, Neukirchen: Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations


4. Approach Refactor model + diagram using Model to Model (M2M)

transformations. We use the transformation language

Query/View/Transformation (QVT). Standardised by OMG Natural choice for transforming UML. Flavours: QVT Relations (declarative), QVT Operational

(procedural). Applicable to any MOF-compliant model.

Both XMI and UMLDI are MOF-compliant: QVT can be used to transform UML model + diagram.

1 transformation for XMI + 1 transformation for UMLDI. Consistency of model + diagram preserved when applying

comparable transformations!

Page 9: An Approach and Tool for Synchronous Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations Hafsteinn Þór Einarsson Helmut Neukirchen.

Einarsson, Neukirchen: Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations


5. Prototype Tool Implemented refactoring plug-in for open-

source Eclipse UML editor Papyrus. Stores model in XMI, diagram in UMLDI format.

Eclipse M2M project provides QVTO engine. Implements QVT Operational language. Provides black-box approach:

Implement using Java functionality that is not present in QVTO.

Page 10: An Approach and Tool for Synchronous Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations Hafsteinn Þór Einarsson Helmut Neukirchen.

Einarsson, Neukirchen: Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations


Architecture Java invocation library:

User interface + glue code to invoke QVTO transformations.

QVTO transformations: The actual refactorings.

Java black-box library: Mainly needed because the

Eclipse QVTO implementation does not support the full QVT standard.

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Einarsson, Neukirchen: Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations


Sample Refactoring: Merge Actions Merge actions of activity

diagramBefore: After:

Summary: The action which is on the source-end (“first action”) of the connecting edge will be merged into the target-end action (“last action”).

Mechanics (to be applied on model and diagram):

Move the target of all incoming edges from first action to last action.

Add name of first action to name last action.

Remove the control flow edge that connects first and last action.

Remove first action.

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Einarsson, Neukirchen: Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations


Sample Merge Actions Implementation Refactor Diagram (simplified) (1 of 2)…transformation MergeActions(inout notation : NOTATION, inout uml : UML);configuration property toMerge1 : String;configuration property toMerge2 : String;property objToMerge1 : notation::Shape = null;property objToMerge2 : notation::Shape = null;…main() { notation.objectsOfType(Shape) -> getSelectedObjects(); notation.objectsOfType(Shape) -> map merge(); …}

query Shape::getSelectedObjects() : Void{ if (self.hasGlobalId(toMerge1)) then { objToMerge1 := self; } endif;

if (self.hasGlobalId(toMerge2)) then { objToMerge2 := self; } endif;}

Not shown: call of mapping to refactor model just like diagram

Type of input and output models of transformation

Input parameters: strings containing GUIDs of

elements selected in the editor.

Global variables: hold non-string reference to elements selected in


Query to convert string GUIDs into non-string references. (Called on every element of

type Shape.)

Call mapping to refactor diagram. (Called on every element of type Shape.)

Find out if current shape happens to have a GUID matching an

element selected in the editor: if yes, store reference in global


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Einarsson, Neukirchen: Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations


Sample Merge Actions Implementation Refactor Diagram (simplified) (2 of 2)

mapping inout notation::Shape::merge() when { self.hasGlobalId(toMerge1) } { var firstNode : Shape = null; var lastNode : Shape = null; var connectingEdge : Edge = null;

self.targetEdges->forEach(incoming) { if (incoming.source = objToMerge2) then { firstNode := objToMerge2; lastNode := objToMerge1; connectingEdge := incoming; } endif; }; … firstNode.oclAsType(Shape).targetEdges->forEach(incomingEdge) { := lastNode; }; notation.removeElement(connectingEdge); notation.removeElement(firstNode); }

Not shown: mapping to refactor model just like diagram was refactored (plus: adjust name of

activity node).

Mapping called on every Shape, however only applicable if Shape happens to be the Activity to be


getSelectedObjects() did not tell us which of the two

selected nodes is the first, which is the last: find out by investigating for each edges

that targets us whether it comes from the other node.

First step of actual refactoring mechanics: Move the target of all incoming edges in diagram from first

action to last action.

Further steps of actual refactoring mechanics: remove obsolete elements

from diagram.

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Einarsson, Neukirchen: Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations


6. Discussion By considering UML diagram as model (using UMLDI),

diagram can be refactored just like a UML model. QVT language useable for refactoring implementation.

More and more UML tools support QVT, XMI, UMLDI. QVT refactoring implementations exchangeable between tools!

QVTO advantage: procedural programmers feel familiar. QVTO disadvantage: procedural programming is awkward.

But having pattern matching/iterating is already nice and the fact that transformations are done on the model level (not on data structure level) is nice.

Implementation of 2 prototype refactorings is pretty short: 205 LOC of QVTO, 57 LOC of Java for the black-box library, 284

LOC of Java for user interface and glue code.

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Einarsson, Neukirchen: Refactoring of UML Diagrams and Models Using Model-to-Model Transformations


Discussion Other M2M languages may be better suited,

e.g. QVT Relations or languages specific to refactoring domain, e.g. Henshin.

Transformation of two related models not based on any formal foundations with respect to consistency.

Diskin and Czarnecki provide a formal algebraic framework for mapping changes applied to one model to another related model.

Not considered: speed (UML models are typically small).

Refactoring of QVT code itself needed!