An application of Schur's lemma on irreducible sets of ... · 1. Introduction Continuum mechanics,...

f I JOURNAL OF RESEAR CH of the Not iona l Bureau of Stan dar ds - B. Math emati ca l Scienc es Vol. 77B, Nos. 3 and 4, July - December 1973 An Application of Lemma on Irreducible Sets of Matrices in Continuum Mechanics Jeffrey T. Fong Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234 (February 2, 1973) In a r ece nt s tudy of the th ermodyn a mi c r es trictions of a theory of com press ible, viscoe las ti c Auid s, Fong and Simmons ( ZAMP 23, No.5 (1972)) enco unt ered a problem of int egrat ing the followin g matrix identi t y: M[ H O,c( HTII1H ) HT - 0, ,(111) )- HO,c( HTH ) HT == 0, "" = == = = = = = = = = - , , wh e re U, c denotes the gradient of the scalar-valued func ti on U= U(C) wit h r espec t to its matrix argument C which is symmetric and positive-definit e_ Th e id en tit y is valid for eve ry symmetric positive- definite M and every unimodular H. Th e sy mbol HT de not es the transp ose of the matrix H. Th e so lution of the prob le m is presen ted here in detai l as an example of app lyin g, probab ly for th e first time, Schur's lemma on irred ucible sets of matrices in theoreti ca l c ontinuum mecha ni cs. Key words: Co ntinuum mec hani cs; elas ticit y; int eg ration; matrix ca lculus; matrix id entity ; matrix theor y; reducibi lit y; Sc hur 's lemma; s tr ain energy. 1. Introduction Continuum mec hani cs , or the mechanics of a deformable medium , d epen ds hea vily on the use of standard result s in matrix theory for the for mul a ti on of problems and their solutions. For exa mpl e, a "hyperelastic mat erial" is c hara ct erized by the following constitutive equation when the th er mal variables are ignored: (1.1) Her e T is the Ca uchy stress tensor with a matrix repr ese ntation Tt" which spec ifies the actual con ta ct for ce per unit area in the sp atial coo rdinat e system Xk, k = 1, 2 ,3. Th e symbol p s tand s for th t; mass d ens ity per unit volume assoc iat ed with a particle at X k. To de fin e F, the deformation gr a di- . e nt tensor with a matrix represe nta ti on we nee d to introdu ce a r eference configuration K with resp ec t to which eac h material particle is gi ven a coordinate label X a , 0' = 1, 2, 3. The de formation gradient matrix is then defined as F; = ax h" (X/3) /a X a. Th e scalar function a-(F) is called the s tr ain· e ner gy fun ction of the h yperelastic material. The symbol a- F stands f or the gradient of a- with respect to F, a ndi s, therefore, itself a matrix with its transpos e denot ed by a- dF)T. Equation (1.1) stat es th at the r es pon se of a hyperelast ic mate ri al is completely dete rmined for a given se t of values of p and F, prov id ed the for m of th e sca la r fun c ti on a- ca n be de termined e xp e ri me nt ally. As it stand s, a- depend s on a 3 X 3 matrix variable or a total of nine c omponents of the matrix A co mbinati on of physical requir emen t (strain ener gy mu st be fram e-indiffe rent) , and a standard result in matrix theory (polar decomposition of F in to a product of an ortho go nal R and a symmetri c U) reduces the AMS Subject Classification: 73 8 99; 20C 1 5. 73

Transcript of An application of Schur's lemma on irreducible sets of ... · 1. Introduction Continuum mechanics,...

Page 1: An application of Schur's lemma on irreducible sets of ... · 1. Introduction Continuum mechanics, or the mechanics of a deformable medium, depends heavily on the use

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JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the Notional Bureau of Stan dards - B. Mathem a ti ca l Sciences Vol. 77B, Nos. 3 and 4, July- December 1973

An Application of Schu~s Lemma on Irreducible Sets of Matrices in Continuum Mechanics

Jeffrey T. Fong

Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234

(February 2, 1973)

In a recent s tudy of the thermodynamic restrictions of a theory of com press ibl e, viscoelasti c Auid s, Fong and Simmons (ZAMP 23, No.5 (1972)) encountered a proble m of integrat ing the followin g matrix identi ty:

M[ H O,c( HTII1H )HT - 0 ,,(111) ) - HO,c( HTH )HT == 0 , "" = == = = = = = = = = -

, ,

whe re U, c de notes the gradi ent of the sca lar-valued fun c tion U= U( C) wit h respec t to it s matrix a rgume nt C which is symmetri c and positive-definit e_ The iden tit y is va lid for every sy mmetri c positive­definite M and every unimodular H. The symbol H T denotes the transpose of the matrix H. Th e so lution of the proble m is presen ted he re in detai l as an exa mple of app lying, probably for the firs t time , Schur's le mma on irred ucible sets of matri ces in theore ti ca l continuum mechanics.

Key words : Continuum mechanics; e lasti c ity; integration; matrix ca lculu s; matrix id entity ; matrix theory; reducibility; S chur's le mma; strain ene rgy.

1. Introduction

Continuum mechanics , or the mechanics of a deformable medium , depends heavily on the use of standard results in matrix theory for the formulation of problems and their solution s. For example, a "hyperelastic mate rial" is characterized by the following constit utive equation whe n th e th ermal variables are ignored:


Here T is the Cauchy stress tensor with a matrix representation Tt" which specifies the actual

contact force per unit area in the spatial coordinate system Xk, k = 1, 2,3. The symbo l p s tands for tht; mass density per unit volume associated with a particle at X k. To define F , the deformation gradi-

. e nt tensor with a matrix re prese ntation 'F~, we need to introduce a reference co nfiguration K with respect to which each material particle is gi ven a coordinate label X a , 0' = 1, 2, 3. The deformation gradient matrix is then defined as F; = ax h" (X/3) /a Xa. The scalar function a-(F) is called the s train· energy fun ction of the hyperelastic material. The symbol a- F stands for the gradient of a- with res pect to F , a ndi s, the refore, itse lf a matrix with its transpose denoted by a- dF)T. Equation (1.1) states that the res ponse of a hyperelast ic mate ri al is co mpletely dete rmined for a given se t of values of p and F , provided th e form of the sca la r fun ction a- can be de te rmined experi mentally. As it s tands, a- depends on a 3 X 3 matrix variable or a total of nine components of the matrix F~. A combination of physical require ment (strain energy mu st be fram e-indifferent) , and a standard result in matrix theory (po lar deco mpositi on of F in to a product of an orthogonal R and a symmetric U) reduces th e

AMS Subject Classification: 73899; 20C 15.


Page 2: An application of Schur's lemma on irreducible sets of ... · 1. Introduction Continuum mechanics, or the mechanics of a deformable medium, depends heavily on the use

number of variables in the function a from nine to six, i. e. , a(F) = a( U). For additional examples, see, e.g., Truesdell and Noll [1] ,1 Murnaghan [2], etc.

In a recent s tudy of the thermodynamic restrictions of a theory of compress ible , viscoelastic fluids, Fon g and Simmons [3] encountered the problem of integrating the followin g matrix iden tity:


where, U'e l denotes the gradient of a scalar·valued fun ction U = U( C) with respect to its matrix argument C whi ch is , by definition , symmetric and positive-definite . 2 • The identity is valid for every symmetric, positive-definite M and every unimodular H , i.e. , det H = 1. It turns out that the in- I

tegrability of (1.2) depends in a crucial way on two basic results in matrix theory. The purpose of this expository paper is to bring to the readers ' attention these results which are well-known to mathematicians but not necessarily to workers in continuum mechanics: Fact 1 The set of all symmetric, positive-definite matrices is irreducible. Fll ct 2 If a matrix Y commutes with each matrix of an irreducible set, then Y is a scalar matrix ,

i.e., Y = H.

In section 2, the notion of "reducibility" of a set of matrices is first defined. A proof relating the notion of "reducibility" with that of an invariant subspace is also given. In section 3, we prove "fact 1" with a scheme of reasoning essentially due to Newman [4]. In section 4 , we begin with I

Schur's lemma on irreducible sets of matrices and use it to prove "fact 2." The integration of (1.2) using both facts 1 and 2 is given in section 5. Finally , a discussion of the significance of the new result appears in section 6.

2. Reducibility of a Set of Matrices

We reproduce here the formal definition of the notion of "reducibility" of a set of matrices, d = {A(II x n)}. over the complex field, as presented by Newman [5]. The set d is said to be reducible if there exists a fixed, nonsingular matrix 5(1, x II) and fixed positive integers p, q, such that for each Ain d ,

S - l A S= (!L(P XP) = = = !2(q x /J)


The symbol 0 represents a block of zeros with, of course, p rows and q columns. If no such 5 can be found, the set d is said to be irreducible. Examples of reducible and irreducible sets of matrices are: Example 2.1 The set consisting of a single n X n matrix A alone , n > 1, is reducible.

Example 2.2 The set consisting of all 2 X 2 matrices of the form (~ -~) is reducible.

Example 2.3 The set consisting of ali n X n matrices of the form (~ @ with respect to some i

fixed partitioning is reducible. = =

Example 2.4 The set of all n X n column stochastic matrices having all column sums equal to 1 is red ucible.

Example 2.5 The set W' = { (~ D, G ~)} is irreducible.

Additional examples of irreducible sets will be given in the next section. For thos e reducible sets given in the abov e examples, the reader can find the corresponding fixed matrix 5 in the book by

I Figures in brackets indicate the lite rature re ferences at the end of thi s paper. 2 The scalar fun ction iJ, as it appears in reference [31. also de pends on a scala r pa rameter ,. i. c .• U = U(C, O. For our purposes here. thi s dependence is sup-

pressed for brevit y_ =


Page 3: An application of Schur's lemma on irreducible sets of ... · 1. Introduction Continuum mechanics, or the mechanics of a deformable medium, depends heavily on the use

Newman [51. We now wish to interpret th e notion of reducibilit y by provin g its equivale nce to the ex is te nce of an invariant subspace : Remark 2.1 Let V be the n-dimensional vector space over the co mplex field , and let .91= {A(lI xn)} be a set of matrices which is reducible. Then there exists a subspace W in V s uch that W is invariant under any sequen ce of transformations given by the matrices in the se t .if.

PROOF: Interpre ting matrices in .91 as transformati ons, we have


r valid for each v in V and each A in the reducible set d . Consider the set of vectors of the form

W = (Q (IJ X I») . - !(q x I)

(2 .3)

, Then we can de fin e a subs pace W co nsistin g of all the w 's with the property that W is invari a nt under matrix tran sform ations of the t ype

i.e., ( !!D Q) w = WI E - -

is necessaril y a n e le me nt of W. We nuw wi sh to s how that W is a lso inva ri ant unde r the se t ,#. Let S -1 w = Lt , i.e. , S Lt = w , andS Ltl = WI. Th en we have

Q) S U =S - I (!! E = - = D - -

Q) W=S - I W I = UI . E - = - -

Sin ce a fi xed trans formation matrix S when a pplied to all th e vec tors in a s ubs pace W does not a lte r the collection of vec tors in th at s ubs pace, we conclude th at th e redu cibility of. e1 impli es the exi st­e nce of an invariant subs pace Wund er .'7[.

Remark 2.2 Given a subspace W of the n-dime nsional vector space V and given a set of matrices .91= {A(ll x n)} under which W re mains invariant, then the set .91 is reducible.

PROOF: Let the subspace W be of dimension q, q < n, and let w be any vector in W. The n there exists a linear tra nsformation with matrix S such that every vector w can be brought to the form:


The condition that W is invariant under .91 implies {Aw} C {w}. Substituting the representation of w as given in (2.4) into the co ndition of invariance , we get


The statement (2_5) implies S - 1 AS must be of the form (~ ~). Hence the set .91 is reducible.


Page 4: An application of Schur's lemma on irreducible sets of ... · 1. Introduction Continuum mechanics, or the mechanics of a deformable medium, depends heavily on the use

- ---_ ... ------

Combining remarks 2.1 and 2.2, we arrive at the following useful result: Remark 2.3 A set of square matrices, .Yi= {A(lI xn)} , over the complex field is reducible, if, and. only if, there exists an invariant subspace under d .

3. Irreducibility of the Set of Symmetric, Positive-Definite Matrices

We now wish to use remark 2.3 to show whether a given set of matrices is reducible or not. The following remark is due to Newman [4]: Remark 3.1 The set of matrices consisting of a diagonal matrix with nonzero and distinct eigen· values, i.e., diag (AI, Az, . .. ,All), Ai 0/= Aj for i 0/= j, 1 ~ i,j ~ n , and a special matrix J= (jij), with lij= 1, 1 ~ i, j ~ n, is irreducible.

PROOF: Let x= (XI, Xt, ... , Xn) T be a nonzero vector in the n-dime nsion al vector space v. ' Let D be the diagonal matrix with nonzero, distinct eigenvalues, AI , ... ,An. The proof for reo mark 3.1 can be broken into three steps as follows : Step 1 For x 0/= 0, there exists a positive integer k such that D" x 0/= O. Suppose the statement is false , i.e. , Di x= 0 for 1 ~ i ~ n. Then it is possible to have the syste m:

1AIXI + A2x2+ . .... + AnXn= 0 A~XI + A~x2 + ... . . + A;,xn = 0

...... A';X I + A~x2 +. . + A;;xn = O.

(3.1 )

The system (3.1) has a nontrivial solution based on the hypothesis that x 0/= O. Hence the determinant must vanish, contrary to the well·known result that a determinant of the form:

~= = AIA2 ... An IT (Aj-Ai) 0/= 0, l ~ i < j ~ n

is never zero. Hence for x 0/= 0, there exists k such that

Step 2 We (1, 1,

no w calculate the vector JDkX and conclude that it is equivalent to the vector y =

, IF up to a nonzero scalar multiplying constant. Let us now calculate Dy, D 2y , , Dn - I y, and obtain the following set of vectors:

y= (1,1, .. ,IF,

Since the determinant is the well· known Vandermondian which is nonzero as long as the Ai are distinct, we conclude that the above form a linearly independent set of n vectors and span the space.

Step 3 Since the set d = {D, J} of matrices when applied to a nonzero vector x generates the entire space, there is no proper subspace invariant under d . Hence , by remark 2.3, the set d is irreducible.


---~ - - -----

Page 5: An application of Schur's lemma on irreducible sets of ... · 1. Introduction Continuum mechanics, or the mechanics of a deformable medium, depends heavily on the use

Since both matrices D and J as defined in remark 3.1 are symmetric, it is trivial to conclude that, Remark 3.2 The set of all symmetric matri ces of any order over the co mplex field is irreducible.

Since any symmetri c matrix can be made into a positive-definite symmetric one by the addition of a scalar matrix aI , where a is any nonzero scalar, and I is the ide ntity matrix, and it is easy to show that such an additio n does not affec t the property of reducibility of a given set of symmetric matrices, we conclude that, Remark 3.3 The set of all sym metric, positive-definite matrices of any order over the complex field is irreducibile. (This was stated earlier as "Fact 1.")

4. Shur's Lemma on Irreducible Sets of Matrices

We reproduce here the celebrated Schur's Lemma as stated in [5], p. 3: THEOREM (Schur's Lemma): Let si= {A}, f!lJ = {B} be irreducible sets of n X n matrices, m X m matrices respectively. Let M be a fixed m X n matrix which determines a 1 - 1 correspondence between si and f!lJ such that MA = BM. Then either M = 0 , or m = nand Mis nonsingular.

The proof for the above theore m is given in [5] and is omitted here for brevity. It is , however, instructive to re peat the proof for an important corollary as follows: COROLLARY: If a matrix Y commutes with each matrix of an irreducible set si, then Y is a scalar matrix, i.e., Y = AI.

PROOF: Let A be any eigenvalue of Y. Then Y - AI is singular. It is easy to see that the matrix Y - AI also co mmutes with eac h matrix of .# . Schur's le mma now implies that Y - 'AI must be O. He nce Y = AI.

This corollary was referred to earli e r in the introduction as "Fact 2."

5. Integration of the Matrix Identity (1.2)

Let us re write (1.2) by introducing Y= HU.~(H'/'H)H'/':

. . ft U.~(ftTMft)ftT- U,c(M ) = M- \~. (5.l)

. . Since U depends on a symmetric argum ent , the gradi ent U, c is necessarily sym metri c. This implies Y is symmetric as well as the left-hand sid e of (5 .1). S in ce M is sy mmetri c and positive-definite, M - t is also symmetric and positive-defin ite. The identity (5.1) tell s us that the product of two sy mmetric matrices, M- t and Y is also sym metric. A s ta ndard res ult in matrix theory says that the necessary and suffic ie nt condition for the product of two symmetri c matrices to be again symmetric is that the two matrices mus t commute. Hence M - tY= YM - t. Since (5.1) is true for every pos itive-defi nite, sym metri c M, and since the se t of all positive-definite, symmetric matri ces is irreducible (Fac t 1), the matrix Y must be a scalar. This completes the application of the co rollary to Schur's lemma as s ta ted in the last section (Fac t 2)_

With the matrix Y assuming the form of a scalar matrix 'A(H)/, we can write every term in (5.1) in the form of a total differential, i.e.,

dl}1}=d(U(M», - -

d~D=d('A(ft) In (det!!i).




For an expos ition of the use of matrix notation in the calculus of differentiable fun ct ions whose


Page 6: An application of Schur's lemma on irreducible sets of ... · 1. Introduction Continuum mechanics, or the mechanics of a deformable medium, depends heavily on the use

arguments are square matrices, see e.g., [6]. For our purposes here, it is sufficient to list the follow· ing formulas with which (5.2), (5.3), and (5.4) are derived:

Given E= i(1) ,we have dE =tr [E,~dJ]' (5.5 )

Given i (dJ = det d. (5.6 ) - -

, ,

Given i(4)=cf> (~4Q), we have i' :,= !rcf>d!!.:!£l!F. (5.7)

The identity (5.1) can now be integrated without difficulty:

, ,

U(ff: 1!IJ) - U(I'1) = A(lj) In (deq}1) + (3(11). (5 .8 )

Detailed steps for the determination of the scalar functions A(H) and (3(H), are given in [3]. It is the main purpose of this expository article to demonstrate that without the ma!hematical results in the theory of irreducible sets of matrices, an identity on the scalar function U in the form (5.8) would not have been derived.

6. Significance of New Result Based on Identity (5.8)

An important contribution an applied mathematician can make in the field of science and engineering is to reduce the total number of variables in a given problem through a series of ri gorous arguments, each of which can be further examined for its consistency with experiments. An example of this was given in the introduction of this paper where the strain energy function depends I

on six components of a symmetric matrix U instead of the nine co mponents of the matrix F. It is not surprising to many mathematicians that further simplification is possible by having the strain energy function to depend only on the three principal invariants of the symmetric matrix U. The physical basis for the reduction of the number of variables from six to three is known as the condi­tion of isotropy, where the hyperelastic material responds to an arbitrary deformation with no preference to its own orientation in an undistorted state.3 A rigorous characterization of an isotropic, hyperelastic material requires the experimental determination of a strain energy function, say,

W= W(L 1 , L2 , L3),where L1 , L2 , L3 are some special combin ations of the eigenvalues of the sym­metric matrix U. Recently Penn [7] reported the results of a series of experiments on the de­formation of a peroxide vulcanized, pure-gum, natural rubber. He concluded from his experiments that the strain energy func tion, in general, cannot be separated as a sum of two parts:


In attempting to explain this experimental result, Fong and Simmons [3] studied the thermo­dynamic restri ctions of a theory due to Bernstein, Kearsley, and Zapas [8, 9]. The theory was motivated , by that of hyperelastic materials by replacing, among, oth er things, the strain energy function W with a more genera l, time-dependent fun ction, U = U (C (t , T), t - T), where t and T denote, res pective ly, the present and some past time betwee n - 00 and t. An iden tity as given in

(1.2) on the gradie nt ;>f the func tion U was derived, and Schur's le mma was applied in arriving at

the identity (5.8) on U. Th e significance of (5.8), as disc ussed in [3] and [10], is best described in terms of a decomposition result based on (5.8):


:! ror a thorou gh treatme nt of the not ion of isotropy. see, e.g., Truesde ll & Noll [I] .


Page 7: An application of Schur's lemma on irreducible sets of ... · 1. Introduction Continuum mechanics, or the mechanics of a deformable medium, depends heavily on the use

Since the Bernstein-Kearsley-Zapa,s' theory is known to describe responses of hypere lasti c ma­teri a ls for so me s pecial forms of U, it is co nceivable that ~enn 's data [7J can be explained with

an a na logo us deco mposition on the strain energy function W :

(6 .3 )

Further significance of the reduction of the form of W as stated in (6.3) will a ppear in a forth co ming pape r [10].

I thank E. A. Kearsley, M. Newman, H. 1. Oser, R. W. Penn, and L. 1- Zapas , for their generous help and critical comments in the preparation of thi s exposition.

7. References

[11 Truesde ll , c.. a nd No ll , W .. Th e Non- ea r Fie ld Theories of ,\I ec hanics, Enc yc loped ia of Ph ys ics , 111/3, Ed. , S. Flugge (Sprin ge r,Ve rl ag , 1965).

[21 Murn aghan , F. D., Finit e Deformation of a n Elas ti c S" li d (Wile y, 1951 ; Dove r Re print , 1967). [31 Fon g, ). T. , and S immon s, J. A .. A decompf)s itif)n theorem on the sca la r p(lt e nti a l of a c ompress ibl e BKZ fluid . ). Appl.

Math. Phys. (ZAM P), 23, 780 (1972).

[41 Newma n. M .. privat e cOlllmun ica tion.

[51 Newma n. t\!. , Matrix Re present ation of Groups, Nat. Bur. S tand. (U .S.) , Appl. -\1 ath. Se r. 60 (1968).

[6J Fong, J. T. , Some e le mentary formulas in "matri x ca lculus" a nd th eir app li cations, J. Res. Na t. Bur. Stand. (U.S), 758 (Math. Sc i.), Nos . 3 & 4, 97- 105 (j uly- Dece mber 1971).

[71 Pe nn , R. W., Vo lum e C ha nges Acco mpanying th e Ext e ns ion of Rubbe r. Tra ns. Soc. Rh e o l. 14,509 (1970).

[81 Be rnstein, B., Kea rs ley, E. A .. and Zallas, I.. )., Th ermodyn am ics of Pe rfe ct Elas ti c F luid s, )' Res . Nat. Bur. S tan d. (U.S.) , 688 (Math . and Math. Phys.), No. 3, 103- 113 (jul y/- Sept. 1964).

[91 Be rn s te in. B. , Kea rs ley, E. A. , and Za pas, I.. J., Elasti c S tress-Strain Re lations in Pe rfect Elasti c Fluid s, Tran s. Soc. Rheol. 9 ,27 (1965).

rlOl Fon g, ). T. , On th e a pplicab ilit y of the Bern s te in · Kears ley·Zapas ' th eory ofincolllpress ible med ia to ma te rial s with nnit e

co mpressibilit y, to be publish ed . (P ape r 77B3&4- 380)