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    (A Case Study of the First year students of SMU PGRI 22 Serpong)

    A 'Skripsi'

    Presented to the Faculty ofTarbiyah and Teachers' Training

    In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata-I (SI)


    DIAN ISROWATI 9914015778

    English Department

    The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training

    Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University


    1424 H/ 2003 M


    (A Case Study of the First year students of SMU PGRI 22 Serpong)

    A Skripsi

    Presented to the Faculty ofTarbiyah and Teachers' Training

    In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata-I (SI)


    DIANISROWATI 9914015778

    Approved by:


    Mas'ud Mada, MA 150 012951

    English Department

    The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training

    Syarif liidayatullah State Islamic University


    1424 I-II 2003 1'1



    ERRORS IN SUMMATIVE TEST (A Case Study of the First year students of

    SMU PGRI 22 Serpong) was examined at examination session of the Faculty of

    Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah

    Jakarta on Thursday, October 2, 2003. This 'skripsi' has fulfilled the requirements for

    the Degree of Strata- I (S 1) at the English Department.


    Exn1iner1 !

    ,.~ r - ..._

    Drs. Svau M.Pd. NIP. 150 246 289

    Jakarta, October 2, 2003

    Examination Committee

    The Secretary of Committee

    Drs. H. Mahsusi MD. MM. NIP. 150 233 Q73

    Examiner II

    ( ~!Vt~-

    Drs. H. A. MunirSoLi, M.Ed. NIP. 150 050 682


    In tfie name of }l ffafi, 'Ifie

  • 3. All lecturers in English Depaitment, for teaching precious knowledge, sharing

    philosophy of life, and for giving wondertUI study experiences.

    4. Her best friends: Nina, Iin, Nine, Sharon, Arna, Fitri, Yatie, Ika and Rahmy,

    K' Moel (for being her kind roommate), her KKN's friends, all her friends in

    class A, and others that the writer cannot mention one by one, thanks for being

    her friends and a wonderful time in campus.

    She should also like to express her appreciation to Drs. H. Didi Suhendi M,

    :ll.1Pd, the Head Master of SMU PGRI 22 Serpong, and Drs. H. Muhammad Halirni as

    the Vice head Master, to give me an opportunity to do research in the school, Mrs.

    Sumiati Roebyo, the English teacher of the first class, for her help, contribution and

    kindness. And also for all the first students, especially for class 1.1 and 1.2, who was

    being the sample in this 'skripsi'.

    Finally, the writer hopes some suggestions and critics from the readers for this

    very simple paper and it will have some value, although she admits that it is far from

    being perfect.

    Ciputat, September 2003

    The Writer



    Acknowledgement. .......................................................................................... .

    Table of Contents ............................................................................................. . 111

    List of Table .................................................................................................... . v

    CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION........................ ....... ................................ I

    A. Background of the Study.................................................... I

    B. Scope of the Study............................................................. 4

    C. Statement of the Problem................................................... 4

    D. Objective of the Study........................................................ 4

    E. ~fothod of the Study.......................................................... 5

    F. Organization of Writing. . .... 5


  • C. Curriculum & Test . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 14

    1. Definition of Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    " English Curriculum of 1994 .......................................... 16

    3. Syllabus . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. . ... ... ... .. ... ... . ..... .. .. 19

    4. Test.............................................................................. 20


    A. Research Methodology....................................................... 22

    I. Purpose of Research . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. ... ... ... ... .. ... . ..... .. 22

    2. Place and Time.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    3. Population and Sample ..... ')') ...................................... ---4. Instrument of Research............................................... . 23

    5. Techniques of Data Collecting...................................... 23

    6. Technique of Data Analysis ......................................... 24

    7. Procedures of Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

    B. Research Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 24

    1. Data Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

    2. Data Analysis . .. .. . .. . .. ... . . . ... . .. .. ... .. . .. . .. . .. ... .. . ... .. . ... . . ....... 25

    3. Data Interpretation....................................................... 29

    CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................. 31

    A. Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. .. . .. ... .. . .. . .. ... ... . .. ... .. . .. . .. . 31

    B. Suggestion......................................................................... 31






    1. Table!. Grammar Area and Each Item .. . ..................................... 25

    2. Table2. Frequency of Error in Tenses .............................................. 25

    3. Table 3. Frequency of Error in Indirect Command ................................ 26

    4. Table 4. Frequency of Error in Modal. .............................................. 27

    5. Table 5. Frequency of Error in Sub-Clause ......................................... 27

    6. Table 6. Frequency of Error in Object Pronoun .................................... 28

    7. Table 7. Frequency of Error in Adjective Clause ................................. 28

    8. Table 8. The Sequence of Grammar Area Based on

    Its High Frequency of Error. .............................................. 29




    A. Background of the Study

    English is one of the language which is widely used all over the world.

    Therefore, although Indonesian is officially used as national language, however

    English is considered as the first foreign language which is taught in Indonesian

    schools. Being aware of the important of English, the government of Indonesia

    occupied it as the only compulsory foreign language subject taught at the formal

    education from the Secondary School up to the university. By the students have

    passed through these years of learning English, they are expected to acquire some

    abilities, those are: the ability to read and understand English books, the ability to

    speak English, and the ability to write in English.

    The general aim of language teaching is that the students should learn the

    language, covering pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar by practising the fourth

    basic skills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Furthermore, the fourth basic

    skills are used for communicatio~ To be able to communicate in English, besides

    having enough vocabulary, the students have to master grammar or structure.

    Grammar or structure is one of the language aspect which is taught to every

    language learners. It is as the basic knowledge and as an important role in

    understanding the English language. Dowson pointed out, "structure is the heart of

  • 2

    language and it is very important that learners thoroughly use."1 It means that by

    understanding the structure points, the students can understand and predict the

    language system and how the language is naturally constructed and used to develop

    their language skills.

    In teaching learning process, there are generally some aspects that cannot be

    separated. There are the students, the teachers, the materials, the objective of

    instructions, the methods, and the instruments. We need some instruments to measure

    the result of English teaching activity. One of the instruments influence the English

    teaching and learning process is a test or evaluation. The evaluation is an effort,

    which is done, to determine whether the educational objective and the instructional

    objective has been reach or not. By giving the test, teachers can get the feedback of

    all their instructional programs, students' achivement on what they taught and the

    process of delivering the materials.

    At school, learning and teaching activities are usually use formative and

    summative tests. The formative test is usually made by the teacher of each class and

    given at the end of lesson unit and the summative test is usually made by the team

    and given at the end of each term or at the end of the school year and it is held in

    every school together in the same time.

    1 Colin Dawson, Teaching English as a foreign Language, Practical Guide, (London: Harrap limited. 1984 ). p.17

  • 3

    The materials in the summative test must be based on the curriculum. But in

    fact, the contents of test which is made by the team, sometimes is not suitable with

    the materials of curriculum or far from the topics of curriculum.

    The test is served to motivate the learner and to give unity to the portions of the

    material ceing studied at different times. Test is a kind of academic capability,

    sending useful indications back to the teaching center, allowing the teacher to re-

    orient thev ""'k to overcome weakness and difficulties. Test should be deviced to

    prove the skills and abiEties, and if the instruction has been good, all well motivated

    and r.ormally intelligent student ought to be able to show their excellence on the te'L

    English as a foreign language teaching has been based on grammar, and unlike

    various measure of communicative skills, there is general agreement on what the test.

    Gramm'!r items, such as auxiliary verbs, are easy to identify, and error in grammatical

    can be quickly spotted and ~ounted. Grammar tests are designed to measure >tudent

    proficiency in matters ranging from inflections (bottle-bottles) to syntax. Syntax

    involves the relationship of word order, use of the negative, question forms, and


    In the first language acquisition or rn a second language learning, error is a

    natural phenomenon that occurs when students learning or doing the test It is

    unavoidable before correct grarr.mar rules are completely internalized.

    'Harold S. Ma

  • 4

    Based on Lhl: explanation above, the writer tries to discuss about students'

    grammatical errors in summative test, which have been done by the first year students

    of S\1U PGRI 22 Serpong"

    B, Scope of the Study

    l t is necessary to make a limitation of the problem. In this skripsi, the

    writer limits the discussion on the grammatical errors are commonly made by

    the students in Summative test The explenation will serve in the highest

    frequency of error only.

    C. Staterr.ent of the Problem

    I3ascd on limitation above, the writer would like to formulate the problem

    as follow "What kinds of grammatical errors are commonly made hy the students

    in summative test?"

    C. Objective of the Study

    The objective of the study in this 'skripsi' is to find out the students'

    grammatical lrrors are commoqly made in English summative test. Besides that, this

    'skripsi' is expected ',o be prcfour:d the writers' knowledge in the field of English

    language test especially in grammar and to other English teachers.

  • 5

    D. Method of the Study

    The study is based on the field and library research in collecting data. In

    library research, she tries to study and analyze some theories by reading the books

    related to the topic and complete the study to find out the theories bearing on.

    The field research was carried out at Sl\1U PGRI 22 Serpong Tangerang. The

    writer wants to get the grammatical errors data which is commonly made by the first

    year students in English summative test.

    E. Organization of Writing

    The writer arranges this 'skripsi' into four chapters. Chapter one is an

    introduction which explains about background of the study, scope of the study,

    statement of the study, objective of the study, method of the study, and organization

    of writing.

    Chapter two is theoretical framework. It is divided into three sub-chapters.

    The first is grammar, the second is error, and the third is curriculum and test.

    Chapter three is research methodology and finding. Research methodology

    consist of purpose of research, place and time of research, population and sampel,

    instrument of research, technique of data collecting, technique of data analysis, and

    the prosedure of research. While research finding consist of data description, data

    analysis, and data interpretation.

    Finally, chapter four is about conclusion and suggestion based on the study.

    And bibliography is also include at the end of this study.



    A. Grammar

    I. Definition of Grammar

    To communicate clearly, accurately, powerfully, precisely, and

    effectively, we need the knowledge of grammar as the rules of language.

    Cobbett wrote:

    Grammar ... teaches us how to make use of words; that is to say, it teaches us how to make use of them in the proper manner ... to be able to choose the words which ought to be placed, we must be acquainted with certain principles and rules; and these principles and rules constitute what is called Grammar. (Cobbett, 1819)3

    On the recent dictionary oflinguistic terminology, grammar is:

    I) An analysis of the structure of the language, either as encountered in a corpus of speech or writing (a performance grammar) or as predictive of a speakers' knowledge (a competence grammar). A contrast is often drawing between descriptive grammars, which tries to establish rules of the correct use of language in society. 2) An analysis of that structural property which define human language (a universal grammar). 3) A level of structural organization, which can be studied independently of phonology and semantic.4

    3 David Nunan. Second language Teaching and learning, (New York: Heinle & Heinle Publisher, l 999), p. 96

    4 !bid. p. 97


  • 7

    In Oxford Dictionary wrote that grammar is "the rule in a language,

    for changing the form of words and combining them into sentences."5

    The knowledge of grammar is very important to express what we want

    to say and interpreting correctly not only the basic meaning of what someone

    has been said but also to force the utterance of piece of writing.

    2. Some Common Error in Grammar

    Grammar deals \\~th words and their relationship to each other, it

    includes discussion of the form of the words, and the used of phrases, clauses

    and sentences, their tenses and cases. Because of its complexity, it is logical if

    there are many students who make many errors in grammar.

    Based on an experience of some English teachers and lecturers, and

    based on the studies done by some English students, and referred to the

    Reinhart' s book "Testing Your English Grammar", concluded that there are

    17 common areas of grammar that the learners usually make some e1Tors.

    There are:

    a. Noun

    b. Agreement

    c. Tenses

    d. Passive Voice

    ; Oxford Advanced L~rncrs' Dictionary, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995). Fifth Edition, p. 517

  • 8

    e. Comparison

    f Modals

    a Adverb and Adjective o

    h. Adjective ending in -ing and -ed

    1. Gerund and Infinitive

    J. That and Interrogative Clauses

    k. Sentence Structure

    I. If (Conditional) Clause

    m. Wish

    n. Negative Adverb

    o. That clauses containing the bare infinitive

    p. So and such

    q. Preposition6

    In this 'skripsi' the writer tries to analyze the students' grammatical

    errors in their summative test. The test has 6 grammar areas; there are tense,

    indirect command, modal, sub-clause, subject pronoun, and adjective- clause.

    B. Error Analysis

    It is unavoidable that the learner does some errors in his language learning

    process. The realization of the second language learners' errors is important for

    6 Susan M. Reinhart. Testing Your English Grammar, (Michigan: The University of Michigan Press, 1985), p. vii

  • 9

    understanding of a foreign language learning process and planning of a course. In

    other words, errors give sign to the teachers and researchers how target language

    learning is successfully achieved.

    The study of learners' errors called error analysis. It is a way of looking at

    errors made by the learners of target language. Since the analysis is based on factual

    data of learners' errors. As Corder (1967: 167) noted: "A learners' errors ... are

    significant in [that] they provide to the researcher evidence of how language is

    learned or acquired, what strategies or procedures the learner is employing in the

    discovery of the language." 7

    1. Definition of Error

    To get clear understanding about error, several opinions have given some

    linguists should be observed among others. Dullay defined error as "The

    flawed side of learner speech or writing. They are those part of conversation

    or composition that deviate from some selected norm of mature language

    performance. "8 Then Douglas Brown said: "Put in other way, an error is a

    noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of a native speaker, reflecting the

    interlanguage competence of the learner".9 In addition, Henry Guntur Tarigan

    and Djago Tarigan. said:

    H. Douglas Bro\\n, Principle of Language learning and Teaching, (New York, Prentice Hall Regents. l 987) p. l 70

    'Dullay ct all. Language Two, (New York: Oxford University Press. 1982), p.138

    9 H. Douglas Bro\nl. foe. Cit.

  • "Sebaliknya, kesalahan disebabkan factor kompetensi. Artinya siswa memang belum memahami sistem linguistik bahasa yang digunakan. Kesalahan biasanya terjadi secara konsisten, jadi secara sistematik". (In contrast, error is caused by a competence factor. It means that the students have not understood the used of the target language linguistic system yet. In a common, error is happened consistently. Tl . . ) IO ms, tt ts systemallc .


    From those opinions about error, it can be concluded that error, which

    are linguists explained in their own term, are something to do with

    unacceptable and inappropriate forms of the grammar of the target language

    and the competence of the foreign language learners.

    Error is usually compared v-tith mistake. It is important to make

    distinction between error and mistake, because they are technically two

    different phenomena. In order to analyze learners' errors m proper

    perspective, it is a crucial point to make a distinction between error and

    mistake. A mistake refers to a performance error that is either a random guess

    or a 'slip', in that it is a failure to utilize a known system correctly. Native

    speakers are normally capable of recognizing and correcting such "lapses" or

    mistakes, which are not the result of a deficiency in competence but the result

    of some sort of breakdown or imperfection in the process of producing

    speech. 11

    '" Henry Guntur Tarigan & Djago Tarigan. Pengajaran Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa, (Bandung: Angkasa. 1988). Cct. Kc 10, p. 75-76

    11 H. Douglas Bro\\n. Loe. C~it

  • Corder distinguished between error and mistake. According to him:

    "'Performance errors have been called 'mistakes' while the term errors' was reserved for the systematic deviations due to the learner is still developing knowledge of the second language rule system."12

    2. The Goal of Error Analysis


    Speaking about the goal of error analysis, it is for pragmatic use.

    Sridhar in Co111rastire Analysis, Error, and Inter/anguage wrote:

    It was believed that error analysis, by identifying the areas of difficulty for the learner, could help in (i) determining the sequence of presentation of target items in textbook and classroom, with the difficult items following the easier ones: (ii) deciding the relative degree of emphasis, explanation and practice required in putting across various items in the target language; (iii) devising remedial lesson and exercises, and finally (iv) selecting items for testing the I ' fi . n earners pro 1c1ency.

    According to Corder, error analysis has two functions "the first is a

    theoretical one and the second is a practical one." 14

    The most practical use of the analysis of the error is the teachers. It is

    designing pedagogical material and strategies. Dullay stated that studying

    learners' errors serves two major purposes:

    I) It provides data from which inferences about the nature of language learning process can be made: & 2) It indicates to teachers and curriculum developers, which part of the target language

    12 Dullay, cl all, Op. Cit, p. 139

    13 Jacek Fisiak (cd), Contrastive linguistics and the language Teacher, (England: Pentagon Press Lid .. 1981). p. 221-222

    11 S. Pit. Corder. Error Ana(vsis and Jnterlanguage, (New York: Oxford University Press,

    1981), p. 45

  • students have most difficulty producing correctly and which errors types detract most from a learners' ability to communicate ffi . l ,, 15 e ecuvey.


    The theoretical aspect of error analysis is part of the methodology of

    investigating the language learning process.

    3. Procedure of Error analysis

    In the language teaching, either a native language or a second

    language teaching, study about learner' errors is very important. As the writer

    said before that error analysis is a way of looking at the errors made by the

    learners of a target language. There are some procedures in error analysis,

    such as a san1ple collection, identification of the sample, error explanation,

    and error classification.

    Based on these procedures, Tarigan defined error analysis as:

    "Suatu prosedur kerja, yang biasa digunakan oleh para peneliti dan guru bahasa, yang meliputi pengumpulan sampel, penjelasan kesalahan tersebut, pengklasifikasian kesalahan itu berdasarkan penyebabnya, serta pengevaluasian atau penilaian taraf keseriusan kesalahan itu." (A procedure, which is usually used by language researcher and teachers and which coves sample collection, error explanation, error classification, which are based on the cause of errors and evaluation of seriousness of error). 16

    Corder ( 1994) suggest the following steps in error analysis research:

    a. Collection of a sample of learner language b. Identification of error c. Description of error

    15 Dullay. ct all. Op. Cit, p. 138

    16 Hen!) Guntur Tarigan & Djago Tarigan, Op.Cit, p. 70

  • 13

    d. Explanation of error e. Evaluation of error17

    Roger T. Bell said: " ... a step by step the procedure which teachers

    can follow in order to recognize when error has occurred, describe what it is

    and explain why it exists." 18

    The first step in the process of analysis is recognition or identification

    of errors. It crucially depends on correct interpretation of the learners'

    intentions. It can be arrived by authoritative interpretation or plausible


    It is called authoritative interpretation when the learner is asked in his

    mother tongue what he is intended to express with his utterance of the target

    language. In contrast, plausible interpretation is the learner is not available for

    consultation; we interpret his utterance on the basis of the learners' utterance.

    Theo Van Els stated:

    Corder differenties between: - an authoritative interpretation: if the learner is available, we can ask him to express his attentions in his mother tongue, and then translate his utterance into the target language, using what ever we can glean from his original attempt as a guide to the form he aimed at; - a plausible interpretation: if the learner is absent, we have to do the best we can to infer what he intended to say from his utterance, its context and what ever we know about him and his knowledge of the world and the target language. 19

    17 Rod Ellis, The Study of Second Language, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995), p. 48

    18 Roger T. Bell, An introduction to Applied Linguistics: Approach and Method in Language Teaching, (London: Bastforc! As;adernic and Education Ltd, 1981), First edition, p. 171

    1' Theo Van Els, ct all, Applied linguistics and The Learning Teaching of Foreign Langu11gc, (London: Edward Arnold Ltd., J 991 ). Fi11!1 Edition, p. 52-53

  • 14

    The second step is the describing error. It begins only when an

    identification stage has taken place. The description of learner errors involves

    a comparison of the learners' idiosyncratic utterances with a reconstruction of

    those utterances in the target language. It requires, therefore, attention to the

    surface properties of the learners' utterances.

    Finally, the last step in the process of analysis is the explanation of

    error that can be regarded as a linguistic problem. This step attempts to

    account for how and why the learners' errors happen.

    C. Curriculum and Test

    I. Definition of Curriculum

    The curriculum is derived from Greek language 'curriculum'. It means

    a running course or race course, especially a chariot race course'. It is also

    derived from French language 'curier' which means 'to run'. At the time,

    curriculum is defined as the subject, which should be followed by the pupils

    or students to achieve a certificatew

    Stenhouse defines the curriculum as:

    "An attempt to communicate the essential principles and features of educational proposal in such a form. It is open to critical scrutiny and capable of effective translation into practice". (Stenhouse, 19775:4)21

    '" S. Nasution. Pengembangan Kurikulum, (Bandung: PT.Citra Aditya Balcti, 1993), p. 9

    " David Nunan, The learner-centered Curriculum, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989), p. 13

  • 15

    Curriculum is needed by the teacher in teaching and learning process

    to achieve the aim of the school or institution. Curriculum is the intention and

    the plan, and its implementation in teaching and learning process involves the

    teacher and the student.

    Rodgers in Syllabus Design, Curriculum Development and Polity

    Determination wrote:

    The curriculum is a far broader concept. Curriculum is all those activities in which children engage under the auspices of the school. This includes not only what pupils learn, but also how they learn it, and how the teacher help them learn, using what supporting materials, styles, and methods of assessment, in what kind of facilities. 22

    The teacher ought to give the students the opportunities to be active in

    learning. Based on the curriculum, the teachers have to motivate their

    students, help them learn, so the purpose of teaching process can be achieved.

    In the class, the teacher should be creative in developing the teaching learning


    Such a curriculum will contain similar element to those contain in the

    traditional curriculum development, that is planning (including needs analysis,

    goal and object setting), implementation (including methodology and material

    development) and evaluation. The key deference between learner-centered

    and traditional curriculum is a collaborative effort between teacher and

    22 Robert Keith JolUJSon (cd), 77ie second language Curriculum, (New York: Cambridge University Press. 1989). p. 26

  • 16

    learner, since learners are closely involved in the decision-making process

    regarding the content of the curriculum and how it is taught.23

    The key elements in the curriculum model proposed as follows: initial

    planning procedures (including data selection of learning activities and

    material), and ongoing monitoring, assessment and evaluation. By these key

    elements, the curriculum expected can be organized well and successful.

    2. English Curriculum of 1994

    In curriculum 1994 stated that the general objective of English

    language is to develop students' competence to communicate in the target

    language in real communicative context. In communicative competence, there

    are four elements, which should master by the students.

    According to Michael Canale (1983), "Communicative competence

    consist of four competences, there are grammatical competence,

    sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence.

    Grammatical competence deals with mastery of verbal and non verbal of

    linguistic codes. It is includes mastery of vocabularies, words, sentences, and

    . . 24 pronunc1at1on.

    " David Nunan. The /earner-centered Curriculum, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989), p. l

    ' Nuril Huda. Communicative ..Jpproach, English Language Education, Vol. I, No. 1, July. 1995, p. 31

  • 17

    From the statement above, grammar aspect is very important m

    communicative competence. When we communicate with other people,

    grammar used to interpret and convey literal meaning of utterances. So it

    keeps an important role in communication.

    The introduction of English Curriculum of 1994 consists of:

    a. The Objective

    According to Garis-Garis Besar Program Pengajaran 1994 (GBPP)

    of the Department of Education and Culture, that the purpose oflearning

    English in Senior High School is:

    "Pada akhir sekolah menengah umum siswa memiliki keterampilan membaca, menyimak, berbicara, dan menulis dalam bahasa lnggris melalui tema yang dipilih berdasarkan: tingkat perkembangan dan minat mereka, tingkat penguasaan kosa kata (lebih kurang 2500 kosa kata untuk Program IP A dan IPS, dan lebih kurang 3000 kosa kata untuk Program Bahasa),dan tata bahasa yang sesuai." (In the end of study, the students have to able in fourth basic skills; reading, listening, speaking, and writing in the English language, which is suitable with the theme basis on knowledge development and interest of student, mastery in vocabulary (about 1500 vocabularies for science and social program, and about 3000 vocabularies for language program) and suitable language system. 25

    As we know that the purpose of learning language especially a

    second or a foreign language is able to communicate directly in the

    language. In other hand, the students have to able to communicate in real

    communicative context.

    " Depa rte men Pcndidikan clan kcbudayaan, Kuriku/um Bahasa lnggris I 994, (Jakarta, Dcpdikbud. 1995), p. I

  • 18

    b. n1e Aieaning of Language

    Based on the 1994 curriculum, the language is the means to

    express an idea, mind, opinion, and feeling. In Indonesia, the English

    language is the first foreign language, which expected important to adopt

    and increase the sciences, technology, and culture art, and make a

    relationship with other countries.

    c. 7he Function

    In the senior High School, English is an compulsory subject, which

    has a function as means to increase the students themselves in the

    sciences, technology and culture art. So they can grow up become smart

    nations, have skills, and Indonesia personality and ready to develop their


    d. nie Role

    In the Senior High School, the English lesson includes the skills:

    reading, listening, speaking, and writing, which emphasized on the reading

    skill. Language elements such as a grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation,

    and spelling, presented to support those fourth basic skills, not to mastery

    the English element themselves. Those fourth basic skills served in the

    units, with in this GBPP called 'theme'.

    In GBPP, textbooks must conform to curriculum. There are fourth

    English components that should be studied by student of Senior High School,

    namely: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling. For the first year

  • 19

    students, in 1994 curriculum there are I 0 units or themes, which must

    comprise in each six months (semester). GBPP that was adapted contains list

    of vocabularies, which each theme consists of words suggested to learn agrees

    \\~th its theme. The position of vocabulary in GBPP is to help teachers and

    book writers in choosing materials that suitable with the theme.

    The approach in GBPP of 1994 English Curriculum of Senior High

    School is a meaningful approach (Pendekatan Kebermaknaan), and GBPP

    model that used is a variable focus model (model penekanan beragam).

    3. Syllabus

    A syllabus is a document that consists essentially, of the list; these lists

    specify all the things to be thought in the course. Syllabus design is seen as

    being concerned essentially with the selection and grading of content, while

    methodology is concerned with the selection of learning tasks and activities.

    Syllabus is a devise for teaching planning; it is a plan. which the teacher alters

    into a reality of classroom interaction. It can be said that the syllabus specifics

    what is to be learned and the methodology tells us how it is to be learned.

    According to Penny Ur, a syllabus has some characteristics which:

    a. It consist of a comprehensive list of: Content item (words, structures, topics) Process items (tasks, methods)

    b. It is ordered (easier, more essential items first) c. It has explicit objective (usually expressed in the introduction) d. It is a public document. e. It many indicate a time schedule.

  • 20

    f. It may indicate a preferred methodology or approach. g. It may recommend materials. 26

    'Syllabus' to refer to the selecting and grading of content, and

    'curriculum' more widely to refer to all aspects of planning, implementing,

    evaluating, and managing an educational program.

    Here the writer can conclude that the syllabus is more specific than

    curriculum, where the curriculum includes the aspects must be achieved in

    teaching and learning process and obtain universal in all education institution,

    and the syllabus is a local workable-planning including what to be taught to be

    student and how to teach it.

    4. Test

    There are two types of test, namely:

    1. Formatile Emluation is concerned with judgments made during the

    design and/ or development of a program, which are directed toward

    modii)ing, "forming" or otherwise improving the program before it is


    Summative Evaluation describes judgments about the merits of an already

    completed program, procedure, or product. 27

    "' Penny. Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Praclice and Theory, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1996) p. 183

    ,. Anthony J. Nitka, Educaliona/ Test and Measuremenl lntroduclion, (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanmich. Inc., 1985). p. 6

  • 21

    In Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Kurikulum 1994, there are three types of

    evaluation they are:

    a. Formative test is given at the end of lesson unit, functioning a feedback to

    know the degree of the student achievement individually or as a group, or

    to see how far the students have reached the instructional objectives. Then,

    the result of the test will be used to improve the implementation of

    teaching and learning process.

    b. Summative test is given at the end of each six months or at the end of the

    school year. It has to cover all the themes and topics.

    c. National examination is given at the end of the third year, and this test is

    held nationally (EBT ANAS).28

    The writer concludes that summative test is a test which is done to get

    data or information about students' learning achievement on subject material

    which have been taught, given at the end of the school year or when the

    programs of study was completed.

    "' Dcpdikbud Rl, Kurikulum Seko/ah Afenengah Umum: Petunjuk Pe/aksanaan Proses Be/ajar Jlengajar, (Jakarta: Depdikbud, 1994)



    A. Research Methodology

    I. Purpose of Research

    As mentioned in the chapter one that the objective of the study is to

    find out the grammatical errors are commonly made by the students in

    summative, test. Besides that, this 'skripsi' is expected to be profound the

    writer's knowledge in the field of language test especially in grammar and to

    other English teachers.

    2. Place and Time of Research

    The research of this study was held at SMU PGRI 22 Serpong, which

    is located on Jl. PahJawan Seribu, Serpong, Tangerang. This research began

    by doing observation to the school on Monday 9 June 2003. The writer did an

    interview of the English teacher of the first class on Saturday, 21 June 2003

    and than took the question sheet and the students' answer sheets of English

    summative test. The test already has been done on Saturday, 14 June 2003.

    3. Population and Sample

    The population of the research consists of seven classes. Because the

    population is homogeneous, the sample was taken by two classes, there are

    only 82 students where are from the class I. I and class 1.2.


  • 23

    The writer used a purposing random sampling to get representative data

    and make easy to calculate it.

    4. Instrument of Research

    To obtain the data in this research the writer used the students' work

    sheets and students' answer sheets of their English summative test. The

    students' work sheet consists of 55 items. 50 items are multiple choices and 5

    items are essay. The grammatical items are broken down in the multiple

    choices (see appendix).

    5. Technique of Data Collecting

    a. Observation

    In implementation of her observation, the writer visited the school

    to ask for the result of English summative test for the first year in order to

    know about students' grammatical errors.

    b. Interview

    The writer has interviewed the English teacher of the first class.

    The interview was talking about the general description of the test

    implementation of English summative test for the first year students, and

    also about the teaching learning process in the class especially in teaching


  • 24

    6. Technique of Data Analysis

    The technique of data analysis that is used in this research is

    descripti\e analysis technique (percentage), which is described in the table

    percentage. In the tabie percentage the writer used formula.

    / .. !' = .'.._ x J 00 %

    '. . '

    P f}crcentage

    F Frequency of wro11g answer

    :\ - Number of sample

    7. The Procedure of Research

    As it was statec.! in chapter one, this ' skripsi' will discuss about the

    students' gramrr.atical errors in summative test, and the research has been done.

    The writer took two classes from seven classes of the first year

    students as a sample.

    The next step is the writer calculates (table percentage) of grammatical

    errors, which is commonly made by the students as a result of their English

    summative test. The wider explanation will be discussed later.

    B. Research Finding

    1. Da'.a Description

    As the writer has explained in the preceding chapter, this 'skripsi'

    discussed about the gr.immatical errors, which have done by the first year

  • 25

    students. She took the answer sheets to get data and the work sheets to

    analyze. The test covers 6 grammar areas, which are broken down into 17

    items. The following tables are classifications of such items based on its

    grammar areas.

    Table 1

    Grammar Area and Each Item

    No i Grammar Area Number of items I -1 1 -- --

    Tenses 26,27,32,48 ~

    I Indirect Command 28,29,30,49, 50 i '

    I Modal 31,33,34 J

    4 I Sub-Clause 36 5 I Object Pronoun 40 6 I Adjective Clause 41,42,43

    2. Data Analysis

    The next step is analyzing the result of data. The data analysis will be

    described as follows.

    a. Tenses

    Table 2

    Frequency of Error in Tenses

    : Grammar Area Number of Items Frequency of Error 1 No ' '

    26 72 (87,80%)

    27 34 (41,46%) I Tenses

    32 52 (63,41%)

    48 59 (71,95%)

    Total 4 items 217 (66,15 %)

  • 26

    Those items are about tenses. The first item is a future perfect

    tense. There were 87,80 % student choose the wrong answer. The second

    item a past continuous tense and there were 41,46 % students made errors.

    The third item is a simple present tense, there were 63,41 % students

    made errors. As the second item, the last item is a past continuous tense

    too and the students who made errors in this item are 71,95 %.

    b. Indirect Commands

    Table 3

    Frequency of Error in Indirect Commands

    ' I No Grammar Area Number ofltems Frequency of Error ' 28 71 (86,58%)

    I 29 48 (57,83 %) I '

    2 I Indirect Command 30 53 (63,85 %)

    I 49 70 (84,33 %) I I I

    I 50 68 (82,92 %)

    i I

    i Total 5 items 310 (75,60 %)

    It those items, the students are still confused to make the indirect

    command. The table above shown that 75,60% students made the error in

    this item.

  • 27

    c. \lodal

    Table 4

    Frequency of Error in Modal

    ! I

    j No I Grammar Area Number of Items Frequency of Error I

    ' i 31 79(95,18 %) I I 3 I Modal 33 69 (83,13 %) I I I

    34 78(95,12 %) I

    I I

    Total 3 items 226 (91,86 %)

    The table above shows us that the students also still confused to

    use the correct usage of modals. It was approved by the high frequency of

    the errors. There were 91,86% students cannot use tliem correctly.

    d. Sub-Clause

    Table 5

    Frequency of Error in Sub-Clause

    ! No I Grammar Area Number of Items Frequency of Error


    4 I Sub-clause 36 66 (80,48 %)

    i Total 1 item 66 (80,48 %)

    The table above indicates that there were many students who did

    not understand yet about sub-clause. It can be seen from the frequency of

    error. There were 80,48 % students chose the wrong answer.

  • 28

    e. Subject Pronoun

    Table 6

    Frequency of Error in Object Pronoun !

    I No Grammar Area Number ofltcms Frequency of Error

    \ 5 Object Pronoun 40 67 (80,72 %)

    Total 1 item 67 (80,72 %)

    This item is about subject pronoun. In this grammar area, there

    were 80, 72% students who made errors.

    f. Adjective Clause

    Table 7

    Frequency of Error in Adjective Clause

    No Grammar Area Number of Items Frequency of Error

    41 67 (81,92 %)

    I 6 Adjective Clause 42 64(76,82 %)

    I 43 52 (63,85%) I

    Total 3 Items 183 (74,39 %)

    In the first item there were 81, 92 % students choose the wrong

    answers and 77, I 0 % students made errors in the second item. Students

    who made errors in the third item are 63,85%. It is the lowest one than

    other items in this grammar area.

  • 29

    3. Data Interpretation

    After classifying the items into each grammar area, and analyzing the

    frequency of eITor in each item, the following table describes the sequence of

    grammar are based on its high frequency of eITors.

    ! ! i No [

    I ,

    l I I ') I

    I 3 !




    Table 8

    The Sequence of Grammar Area

    Based on Its High Frequency of Errors

    Grammar Area Frequency of Error

    Modal 226 (91,86 %)

    Object Pronoun 67 (80,72 %)

    Sub Clause 66 (80,48%)

    Indirect Command 310 (75,60 %)

    Adjective Clause 183 (74,39 %)

    Tenses 217(66,15%)

    The table above shows that in tenses items, the frequency of eITor is the

    lowest one ( 66, I 5% ). In fact, it is still high in frequency because more than 50

    % students made eITors in this grammar area. It is because most of the

    students in this school come from the medium to lower class. So, much of

    them cannot join an English course. Besides that, their teacher said that the

    students still have a low motivate to study hard (see appendix IV).

    The second level is adjective clause. The meaning of adjective clause is

    a dependent clause that modifier as noun. It is describes, identifier or gives

    further information about a noun. The first item is adjective clause modify a

  • 30

    noun of place (where). The second item and the third item are adjective

    clauses used to show possession (whose). In this grammar area the frequency

    of error is 74,39%.

    The third level is indirect command (75, 18%). Object pronoun is in the

    fourth frequency of errors that is 80,72% and sub-clause is in the fifth level

    (80,48%). The item for sub clause is about adverbial of time "as soon as" (see


    The highest frequency of error, which students made in summative test

    is in modal (91,86%). It is a very high frequency of error, because almost all

    students made error in this grammar area.

    This phenomenon occurs because most of student:;still confused to use

    the correct usage of modals. According to Reinhart, modal sometimes be

    confusing because:

    I) They generally have more than one meaning. For example, should and ought to are commonly used to express a sense of obligation, or both should and ought to can also imply expectation without emphasizing a sense of obligation. 2) Their meaning in the past, negative, or interrogative is sometimes altered or restricted. For example, hme to and must have the same meaning in this sentence. You must (or have to) read the book. But in the negative, their meanings change. 3) Their sometime subtle differences in meaning. In the case of should and have to, for example, should can im~ly a sense of obligation. However, have to (and must) imply necessity. 8

    '" Susan M. Reinhart. Loe. Ci1.

  • A. Conclusion



    Based on the data analysis and the discussion in the previous chapter, the writer

    would like to conclude that after analyzing through the library study, doing the

    research, the writer got the data about students' grammatical errors which commonly

    made in summative test of the first year students. The errors are very significant in

    frequency. It is proved that the frequency of the error, on the average, from the 17

    items the error in the modal is the highest in frequency. From 82 students, 91,86%

    students made errors in this grammar area.

    B. Suggestion

    At the end of this paper, the writer would like to say that many students have

    problems with grammar. So, to the English teachers, and to the students themselves,

    they should pay more attention to grammar. Especially for the English teacher of the

    first class of SivfU PGRI 22 Serpong, when she teaches the grammar to her students,

    she should pay more attention in modal as the highest error in frequency. The team

    who makes the test should make good items for every test. In this case, the items for

    summative test adjusted with students' need.

    And others suggestion are:

    : Teachers have to motivate the students to be more relaxed in facing Summative

    test. So, they will not feel worry and can finish the test well.


  • 12

    : !he 1


    Bell, Roger T., An f/l/roduction lo Applied Linguistics: Approach and Method in

    Language Teaching, London: Eastford Academic and Education Ltd, 1981. First Edition.

    Brown, I-L Douglas, Principle qf Language Leaming and Teaching, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1980

    .Corder, S. Pit, Error Analysis and Jnterlanguage, New York: Oxford University Press, 198 5.

    Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, Kurikulum Bahasa lnggris 1994, Jakarta: Depdikbud, 1995.

    Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, Kurikulum Sekolah Menengah Umum: Pet11nj11k Pelaksanaan Proses Be/ajar A1engajar, Jakarta: Depdikbud, 1994.

    Dowson, Colin, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Practical Guide, London: Harrap Limited, 1984.

    Dullay, et all, Language Two, New York: Oxford University Press, 1982.

    Ellis, Rod, The St1ll(F rdSecond Language, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.

    Els. Theo Van. Applied Linguistics and The LeamingTeaching of Foreign Language, London: Edward Arnold Ltd., 1991.

    Fisiak. Jacek. Comrasfil'e Linguistics and the language teacher, England: Pergamon Press, 1981.

    Huda, Nuril, Co111m1111ica1ive Approach, English Lan[,'liage Education, Vol. I, No. 1, July, 1995.

    Johnson, Robert Keith, lhe Second Language Curriculum, New York: Cambridge

    Cniversity Press, 1989.


  • 34

    Madson, S. Harold, Techniques in Testing, New York: Oxford University Press, 1983.

    Nasution S., Pengembangan Kuriladum, Bandung: PT. Citra Aditya Bakti, 1993.

    Nitka, Anthony J., Educational Test and A1easure lllfroduction, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1985.

    Nunan, David, Second Language Teaching and Learning, New York: Heinle & Heinle Publisher, 1999.

    Nunan, David, The Learner- Ce/l/ered Curriculum, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

    Oxford Advance Learners' Dictionary, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Fifth Edition.

    Reinhart, Susan :'v!., Testing Your })1glish Grammar, Michigan: The University of rvlichigan. 1985.

    Tarigan, Henry Guntur and Djago Tarigan, Pengajaran Analysis Berbahasa, Bandung: Angkasa, 1988, Cet. Ke -I 0.

    Ur, Penny, A Course In Language Teaching practice and Theory, England: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

  • Appendix 1 Table of Students' Answer of Class 1 1

    No Regn um T IC

    26 27 32 48 28 29 30 49 50 31 1 02031008 x ./ ./ x x x x x x x 2 02031010 x ./ ./ x x x x x x x 3 02031027 x ./ ./ x x x ./ x x x 4 02031030 x x ./ x x ./ x x x x 5 0203- - - - x x ./ x x ./ x x x x 6 02031044 x x x x x ./ x x x x 7 02031060 x ./ ./ x x ./ x x x x 8 02031065 x ./ ./ x x ./ x x x x 9 02031066 x ./ ./ x x ./ x x x x 10 02031068 x ./ ./ x x ./ x x x x 11 02031071 x x ./ x x ./ x ./ x x 12 02031078 x ./ x x x x ./ x x x 13 02031079 x ./ x x x x ./ x x x 14 02031004 x ./ ./ x x x ./ x x x 15 02031028 x ./ ./ x x ./ x ./ x x 16 0203- - - - x ./ ./ x x ./ x ./ x x 17 02031135 x x x x x ./ x ./ x x 18 02031139 x x ./ x x ./ x ./ x x 19 02031142 x x ./ ./ x ./ x ./ x x 20 02031144 x x ./ x x ./ x x ./ x 21 02031150 x x x x ./ x x x x x 22 02031152 x ./ x x ./ x x x x x 23 02031169 x x x x ./ x x x x x 24 02031172 x x x x x x ./ x x x 25 02031182 x x x x x x ./ x x x 26 02031190 x x x x ./ x ./ x x x 27 02031195 x x x x ./ x ./ x x x 28 02031195 x ./ x x ./ x x x x x 29 02031207 x x ./ x x x x x x x 30 02031225 x x ./ x x x x x x x 31 02031229 x x ./ x x x x x x x 32 02031231 x x x ./ x ./ ./ x x x 33 02031236 x x x x x ./ x x x x 34 02031246 x x x x x x ./ x x x 35 02031248 x ./ ./ x x ./ ./ x ./ x 36 02031256 x x x x ./ x x x x x 37 02031261 ./ ./ x x x ./ ./ x x x 38 02031264 x ./ x x x ./ x x x x 39 02031273 ./ ./ x x x x ./ x x x 40 02031275 x x x x x x x ./ x x 41 02031277 x x x ./ x x x x x x

    Total NI 39 23 21 38 34 22 28 34 39 41 Total GA 121 157

    Total NI : Total of students' wrong answers based on each number of item Total GA: Total of students' wrong answers based on each grammar area


    33 x x x ./



    x x x x x ./



    x x x x x x x x x ./ ./

    x x x x x x x x x x x ./

    x ./

    x x 32 113

    OP SC

    34 40 36 x x x x x x x x ./ x x ./ x x x x x x x x ./ x x ./ x x ./ x x ./ x x x x x ./ x x ./ x x ./ x x ./ x x ./ ./ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ./ x x x x x ./ x x x x x x x ./ ./ x x x x x x 40 40 27

    40 27

    Total : Total of students' grammatical errors at class 1.1, which have done by each student

    Notes: T : Tenses IC : Indirect Command M : Modal OP : Object Pronoun SC : Sub-Clause AC Adjective Clause

    AC "ota 41 42 43 ./ x x 14 ./ x x 14 x x ./ 12 x x ./ 13 x x ./ 13 x x x 15 x x ./ 12 x x ./ 12 x x x 13 x x ./ 12 ./ x x 13 x x ./ 12 x x ./ 12 x x ./ 11 ./ x ./ 10 x x ./ 11 ./ x x 13 ./ x x 13 ./ x x 12 ./ ./ x 12 x x ./ 15 x x x 15 x x x 16 x x x 15 ./ x x 14 x x x 15 x x x 15 x ./ x 14 x x x 16 x ./ x 15 x ./ x 15 x x x 14 x x x 16 x ./ x 14 x ./ x 11 x x x 15 x x x 12 x x x 15 ./ ./ 9 x x x 16 x x x 16 31 35 28

    94 552

  • Appendix 2 Table of Students' Answer of Class 1 2

    No Regnum T IC M

    26 27 32 48 28 29 30 49 50 31 33 1 02031016 x ./ x ./ x x x x ./ x ./ 2 02031024 x x x v' x v' x x v' x x 3 02031032 v' ./ x ./ x x x x v' x x 4 02031036 ./ v' x v' x x x x v' x x 5 02031048 x ./ x x x x x x x x x 6 02031052 x ./ x v' x x x x v' x x 7 02031053 ./ v' x v' x x x x ./ x x 8 02031061 x v' x v' x x x ./ x ./ v'

    g- 02031067 x ./ x x x x x x x x x 10 02031082 x v' v' x x x v' x x x x 11 02031086 v' ./ x x x x x x v' x x 12 02031105 x x x x ./ x x x x x x 13 02031106 x x x x v' x x x x v' x 14 02031108 ./ v' x v' x x x x v' x x 15 0203- - - - x ./ x v' x x x x .( x x 16 02031110 x x x x x x .( ./ x x x 17 02031116 x x x x x x ./ v' x x x 18 02031124 x x x x ./ x x x x x x 19 02031130 ./ ./ x x x x x x ./ x x 20 02031133 ./ v' x "' x x x x ./ x x 21 02031136 x x x x x v' x x x x x 22 02031137 x x x x x v' x x x x x 23 02031138 ./ x x x x x x x x v' x 24 02031146 x ./ v' x x v' ./ x x x x 25 02031163 x v' ./ v' x v' v' x x x x 26 02031178 x v' .( v' x v' v' x x x x 27 02031181 x v' .( ./ x v' .( x x x x 28 02031185 x ./ x ./ x x ./ .( x x x 29 02031287 x ./ x v' x x v' v' x x x 30 02031188 x v' x x v' x x x x x x 31 02031189 x v' x x x v' x v' x x x 32 02031193 x v' v' x x v' x x x x x 33 02031194 x v' ./ ./ x ./ .( x x x x 34 02031201 x .( x v' x v' v' x x x x 35 02031212 x x x x x x x x v' x x 36 02031214 x v' x x x x x x x x v' 37 02031240 x ./ x x x v' v' x x x x 38 02031262 x v' v' ./ x ./ v' x x x v' 39 02031265 x v' v' v' x v' v' x x x x 40 02031270 x v' v' v' x ./ v' x x x x 41 02031280 x x x x x x x x x x x

    Total NI 33 11 31 21 37 26 25 36 29 38 37 Total GA 96 153 113

    Total NI: Total of students' wrong answers based on each number of item Total GA: Total of students' wrong answers based on each grammar area

    OP SC

    34 40 36 x x x ./ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x v' x x x x v' x x v' x x x x x x x x x x x x x v' v' x x v' x x x x x x x x x x .( x x x x x x v' x x v' x x v' x x v' x x x x x x x x x v' x v' x x ./ x x v' x x x x x v' x x x x x x x x v' x x v' x x x x 38 27 39

    27 39

    Total : Total of students' grammatical errors at class 1.2, which have done by each student

    Notes: T : Tenses IC : Indirect Command M : Modal OP : Object Pronoun SC : Sub-Clause

    AC rota 41 42 43 x v' x 12 x ./ x 12 x x v' 12 x x v' 12 x v' x 15 x x v' 13 x x v' 12 x x x 12 x x x 16 x x x 13 x x x 14 x x x 15 x x x 14 x x v' 12 x x v' 13 x v' x 14 x x v' 14 x x v' 13 x x v' 12 x x v' 12 x x x 16 x x x 16 v' x x 13 v' x x 12 x v' ./ 9 x v' v' 9 x v' v' 9 v' v' x 10 x v' x 12 v' x x 14 x x x 13 x x x 13 x v' v' 9 x x x 12 x x v' 15 x x x 14 v' x x 13 x x x 11 x v' v' 9 x v' v' 9 x x x 17 36 29 24 517


  • }1.ppendLc III

    PEDOl\'V\N \VA \VAN CAR.\

    Interviewee Sumiati Roebyo

    Jabatan Guru Bahasa lnggris kelas 1

    Tcmpat Ruang Guru SMU PGRI 22 Scrpong

    Hari & Tgl Sabtu, 21 Juni 2003

    Dalam pengajaran bahasa lnggris, metode pengajaran apa yang !bu gunakan

    sclarna jni?

    2 Apakah dengan menggunakan metode pengajaran yang Tbu gunakan

    tcrsebut dapat lcbih mempcnnudah siswa dalam memahami materi yang !bu


    3 Kcsulitan-kcsulitan apa yang saja yang senng mcnjadi kcndala dalam

    mcngajarkan bahasa lnggris di kelas, khususnya untuk materi grammar?

    -+ Solusi apa yang !bu amhil sebagai langkah pemecahannya?

    :; \knurut pengamatan !bu, apakah soal-soal yang ada dalam summativc tes

    bahasa lnggris yang dibuat oleh tim pcmbuat soal sesuai dengan matreri

    vang tclah !bu ajarkan?

    6 Bcrdasarkan hasil tes siswa, apakah hasil yang diperoleh sJSwa sebagian

    besar sudah scsuai dcngan target yang ingin dicapai?

  • )! ppenai;c IV


    I. ;\!etode apa yang lbu g1111aka11 dalam pengqjaran bahasa lnggris di kelas,

    klwsusnya 1111111k materi grammar?

    Dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas, saya menggunakan communicative

    approach. Aietode yang saya gunakan bervariasi tergantung dari materi

    pelajaran yang sedang saya sampaikan, misalnya wawancara, tanya jawab,

    dialog, diskusi, dan lain-lain. Demikian juga untuk pelajaran grammar.

    U11111k tenses, apa !bu mengajarkannya dengan cara meminta siswa untuk

    menghafal ru11111.1~r11m11snya, atau bagaimana?

    !ya, saya meminta siswa untuk menghafalkan dan memahami rumus-

    rumusnya, untuk present, past atau co11tin11011s. Karena bila tidak demikian,

    siswa kurang memberikan perhatian, padahal tenses itu kan cukup rumit dan

    ~kan semakin sulit jika siswa tidak memahami tata caranya.

    3 Apa dengan metode yang lbu gunakan itu mempermudah siswa dalam

    memahami materi yang Jbu ajarkan?

    Sejauh ini iya, tapi kemampuan siswa itu kan tidak sama, saya hanya berusaha

    membuat KBt-.1 di kelas menjadi semenarik mungkin agar siswa tidak merasa

    bosan. Tapi untuk siswa kelas tiga, biasanya nilai bahasa Inggris untuk anak

    jurusan IPA lebih baik dari pada yang dijurusan IPS.

  • ./. Kesulitan apa yang menjadi kendala !bu sangat mengajar?

    Yang utama adalah masalah pelafalan (mother tongue), kemudian tingkat

    ekonomi siswa, karena sebagian besar siswa disini kan berasal dari tingkat

    ekonomi menengah ke bawah, jadi jarang diantara mereka yang mengikuti

    kursus bahasa Inggris di luar sekolah, padahal itu akan sangat membantu

    sekali. Siswa yang mengikuti kursus, biasanya mereka jadi lebih mudah

    memahami pelajaran yang diajarkan di kelas. Kemauan untuk belajar yang

    masih rendah juga menjadi kendala yang berpengaruh cukup besar.

    5. Bagaimana cara !bu untuk mengatasi ha/ tersebut?

    Saya selalu memberikan homework pada siswa. Dan biasanya saya

    memberikan siswa vocabulary untuk dihapalkan, kemudian mereka harus

    menerapkannya sendiri kedalam kalimat sederhana. Bagi siswa kelas tiga, ada

    semacam reil1forcement untuk bekal mereka menghadapi ujian akhir dan

    EB TAN AS.

    6. Apakah sekolah ini mengadakan kursus bahasa Jnggris sebagai kegiatan


    Tidak, tetapi saya pribadi memberikan siswa jam pelajaran tarnbahan di Iuar

    jam belajar mereka, membahas materi yang siswa anggap sulit dengan

    harapan mereka jadi lebih mengerti sehingga bisa mendapatkan nilai yang

    lebih baik saat ujian. Dan seperti yang sudah saya katakan tadi, ada jam

    pelajaran tambahan untuk siswa kelas tiga, biasanya membahas soal-soal ujian

    tahun lalu.

  • 7. A.Je1111rut pengamatan !bu, apalwh soal-soal yang ada dalam summative test

    balzasa lnggris itu sudah sesuai dengan kurikulum dan materi yang telah !bu

    sampaikan di kelas?

    Kebetulan saya tennasuk tim pembuat soal. Guru bidang studi dari tiap

    sekolah ditarik satu orang sebagai perwakilan, kebetulan kami berada di

    tingkat Kabupaten. Soal-soal ujian yang kami buat tentu saja sudah

    disesuaikan dengan kurilailum, demikian juga dengan materi pelajaran yang

    telah saya sampaikan dikelas, walaupun terkadang ada materi yang dilewat

    atau sebaliknya ditambahkan itu berdasarkan pertimbangan sejauh mana siswa

    memerlukannya. Dan sekalipun pada soal-soal test ada perbedaan, itu hanya

    pada konteks nya saja tidak pada isi, dan karena disekolah ini ada yang ujian

    pagi dan siang, maka dibuat !ah dua soal ujian yang berbeda untuk

    menghindari bocor nya soal.

    8. Sekarang kan !bu sudah mendapatlwn hasil tes siswa, apalwh hasil yang

    mereka dapatka11 sudah sesuai dengan target yang ingin dicapai?

    Hampir. Nilai-nilai mereka sudah cukup baik dan hampir mencapai target

    yang ingin dicapai.


    SANGAT .ru\HASIA ' '

    " : .. ~ io;(J. . . '.' ' ' - ......... ,.,.. .. ;;9',_, , . : . '



    Tf\.HUN PELAJARAN-2002/2003"

    ,, '

    lll!lillllllllMilillll:lliill!ilil1l'lll!ill1113111i!r.l!lllCll!ll!!JED! Ma!a Pelajaran



    'l.3m3.;ya : Dimulal .Pukul I ~ . - ' '

    'lll:Jklthi Pukul

    ': 12o_r:nenlt

    1 07.30

    : 09.30

    rrnTN.JUJ '..' - ~ . : .. . shoCs~ bel.i.,~ '?~ .. f~'Y .articles: Today, the komOdJ is a D. \O have cliffereriropportunity to.enjoy_.~Uc8t1on ,,.; .. :. P.r.otected'~pecicS_.'.Poop!ci '.'ho ig~?re this nnd still hunt them E. to finance the education of children ' - ~ ":: ! \ . v.i.ll hBVe'.tn" nav 11. henvV finl"::--

  • Kcmodo is!;H~J is :;bout 300 kn12, it is a hil!y and roch.~ area with u gcncrnllyyr.::.:;pitous coa.;tlinc boasting many small bays and bc.::ivhes. 1l1e island is inhabited by about_ 600 people, mOst cf them d\\cl!ing on 1hc cast side. TI1e non!~ si~e of the island is the best arc fcrm .. ko1nodo \\'atching". There are two site:~. Porcng Yalky and \VJ.lo iiang. 111c big lizards are usually baited \Vltil U dead go~! tied to J. StJt...C Of hw1g frOlll lO\V branches 0~ iJ. tree. :,1anv 1ou~1sts arc ,,il\ing to pay for tlti!i: spectacle in order . to \\at::h ~he liz.::irds '

    Beside kcmodos, the upland valleys arc full of deer .and \\ild boar on \vl~t;h the komodos feed. Beiflg ld.rge reptiles, the komodos n1ovc slowly, but become n1orc active \vhcn tht.y-have been \van11e_d by the sun. Villagers often complaip. that _the ko1noJ.os r;;id t11ctr hou1esteads to Cutch dou1eStic animals such as go;its ond fish in the po~ds. The goals live in pens .under the hous.:::s. la maw: iura! areas in Indonesia, Vtllagc houses are built on s1il1s. Thcr.c are rwo-rcaso1i~ for tO _safegUard PeoPI.e agauus floods. and \vild animals, .and to provide for keep. ing 06 \:,'h:::re d:d komcdo eggs hatch in captivity for the first time

    ? in. A. p.:dar U. rinca C. sumb::J\\ .'.I

    D. surabaya E. koinodo island

    07 The kJthcr 1s nude into bag, shoes, belts and oth~r fancy :in1clcs (!inc 4, paragraph 2). The latter. rcfes to., .. A. dragon D. ko1nodo's n1eat B. komodo E. koino

  • !'.'"-'-'Pk throw w.:s:c into ri,crs, 1l1cn th..: \\'ilter becomes very .hn~ \Va5tc ;:x5:Jutes water On~~ of the n1ost dangerous types of \l rhnnt

    23. Child iu:tors have to attend classes twenty hours each week because .... A. they wo:-~ seyoral holirs ev~cy day B. the law requited. them to do so C. they mu.'! be IAtlglit from September to the tn:ddleof Jwiy D. the.ielthers do. noi have much time E. tliey-must get.enough rest and play. :

    :14. The leathers job .is very important because .... A she is resp.)nsil?le foi- making sure that her pupiis get an .

    education . .. B. she is. the one that.decides whether a child actor is per

    milted to~tjn~ working in_ TV. shows or not C, she goes whe1eever pupi!S go D. sh ii .t:ie one that decides whit subjects a child actors

    hastol.wn r: ' ' E. her pupils 011en grow up to be. famous stars

    25. "It" in the se.nteno:S. "'oinetimes jt is the inside of a spa~:-shiP." (lllje 14) refcN to .... . A a miSsissippi riVerboat D. a special kind of work B. an interes!mg pince. , E. a Wishow .

    C. the class(q6m , .,26. They" the bridge by thls time .iext year. '

    A havo finished : D. willhave fiajshed B. had finishctl E. finishing C. ar.:: finisl:Un& .. '';

    27.' I Sll\V H:isan thiS mqmiDfi when I .... fot

  • \:::' \\-i~i \\in tl~:: prize The s.cnwnce e;.;.prcssed .... 111s.s1~r. D. probability ib1!ity E. obligation ~Cl.J\!Oll

    ~ lo you; house .. ! can. )0:1 as D. \\)uch n E. smce

    ~!.:i\t.1nu; about \\Tiling Ousincss letter. :izcd phrosc indic;it..:::> 1ility D. expectation ,atiur:. E. p.ormission c uld ) cu ~ikc me lo carry L11i.:se bag mad om ?

    '" lt!:er not to ifr::id you can't Co ke you don't \\ orry nbout th


    Ill.. Mcngarang. .I) Arrange U\Cse licr.lfe to be a good order ! 2) Write these Se.Hences bJSed on tl10 fieture tliat you had ar-

    ranged I 3) Write the composi~o9 of one a paragraph based ~n the ficture

    (the length of composi\ion : I 00 - 200 words) ..

    \!;.>\ ~""""~-:

  • y I




    Td;i. (62 .:2 l) 7 +~J32~. 7:0 \ 'J"l ~. F.i.>,;.{622 l) 1IO~')b. lnuiJ : -Jinjl:tt,i,c.ilii nctiJ

    J , 28 __ 1.:.e_i __ 2_co_3_ .. a~::irta, .

    , : , ::;:..,~;;\.,: Kcpad~

    Diar. : src.wa t.:. i ', -,, .'>.

    !! ~- .--.:.-~-~ \' i\~,,\.L ~:::i ... :::i

    Y\Ji !1a_s_ 1 ud !~ad.a l::A


    l)u~Ln J'aku!tas rarbiyah

    IAIN S1aril' 1 l1d"yaltillah J ,1 f; ,1 I( r ,1

    .:'.": :,:, .. :-,:: t




    ftlp (U22 I) 74413211. 740'9:25. fax.(62-21) 74029il

    Id.I )'.; n.of 9~. tipuUI 15'" \l. ~' nuil uinjkttl.:Jbi.l\CC id oc __ .. _.. .................... ...,,..._ ............ """"" ..... ....,.,~~ ......... '"Wf'l"""IM"O"ri"'~ ~er :r .... m"'-l"'ee:


    }; a rn a



    Nam a

    furusan I Semester

    falnn Akademik




    ~1JRA. T lffi'n!:RANGAN N.1. 05/ IV I 4 I 0. OJ

    Drs. H Dicli S11hendi MlvfPd

    Llu -l27 S6J

    Dian lsrow

  • 'pendix 1 Table of Students' Answer of Class 1 1

    T IC M 0 Regn um

    26 27 32 48 28 29 30 49 50 31 33 02031008 x ,/ ,/ x x x x x x x x

    ' 02031010 x ,/ ,/ x x x x x x x x i 02031027 x ,/ ,/ x x x ,/ x x x x

    ' 02031030 x x ,/ x x ,/ x x x x ,/

    -' 0203- - -- x x ,/ x x ,/ x x x x


    i 02031044 x x x x x ,/ x x x x ,/ 02C31060 x ,/ ,/ x x ,/ x x x x x

    I 02031065 x ,/ ,/ x x ,/ x x x x x I 02031066 x ,/ y' x x y' x x x x x D 02031068 x ,/ y' x x ,/ x x x x x 1 02031071 x x y' x x ,/ x y' x x x 2 02031078 x ,/ x x x x ,/ x x x ,/ 3 02031079 x ,/ x x x x y' x x x y' 4 0~031004 x ,/ v x x x ,/ x x x ,/ 5 02031028 x ,/ ,/ x x ,/ x ,/ x x x 6 0203- - - - x ,/ y' x x ,/ x ,/ x x x 7 02031135 x x x x x ,/ x ,/ x x x B 02031139 x x ,/ x x ,/ x ,/ x x x g 02031142 x x ,/ ,/ x ,/ x ,/ x x X. D 02031144 x x ,/ x x ,/ x x ,/ x x -1 02031'150 x x x x ,/ x x x x x x 2 02031152 x ,/ x x ,/ x x x x x x 3 02031169 x x x x ,/ )( x x x x x 4 02031172 x x x x x x ,/ x x x ,/ 5 02031182 x x x x x x ,/ x x x ,/ 6 02031190 x x x x ,/ x '

    , x x x x 7 02031195 x x x x y' x ,/ x x x x , 02031195 x ./ x x ./ x x x x x x 02031207 x x ./ )( x x x x x x x ) 02031225 x x ,/ x x x x x x x x 1 02031229 x x ,/ x x x x x x x x 2 02031231 x x x ,/ x ,/ ,/ x x x x l 02031236 x x x x x ,/ x x x x x I 02031246 x x x x )( x 7 x x x x 5 02031248 x ,/ ,/ x x ,/ ./ x ./ x x l 02031256 x x )( x y' x x x x x x r 02031261 ,/ ./ x x x ,/ ./ x x x ,/ l 02031264 x ,/ x x x ,/ x x x x x l 02C31273 ./ ,/ x x ){ x ,/ x x x ,/ ) 02031275 x x x x x x x ,/ x x x I 02031277 x x x ,/ )( x x x x x x -

    Total NI 39 23 21 33 34 22 28 34 39 41 3~ Total GA

    -~-121 157 113

    :al NI : Total of students' wrong answers based on each number of ,tern :al GA: Total of students' wrong answers based ori each gramma~ area

    -OF' SC

    34 40 36 41 x x x ,/ x x x ,/ x " ,/ x x x ,/ x x x x x x x x x x x y' x x x y' x x x ,/ x x x y' x x x x y' x x y' x x x ,/ x x x y' x x x ,/ ,/ x x y' x ,/ x x y' x x x ,/ x x x y' x x x ,/ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ,/ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x "' x x x x x x x x ,/ x x x x x x x ,/ x x x x x -x x x x x ,/ ./ ,/ x x x x x x x x 40 40 27 31 -- 40 27

    :al : Total of students' grammatical errors al class 1.1, which hcve done by each student

    tes: : Tenses : Indirect Command : Modal : Object Pronoun : Sub-Clause


    AC Tota 42 4i---x x 14 x x 14 x ,/ 12 x ,/ 13 x ,/ 13 x x 15 x ,/ 12 x ,/ 12 -x x 13 x ,/ 12 x x 13 )( ; 12 x ,/ 12 x ,/ 11 x ,/ 10 x ,/ 11 x x 13 -- ---x x 13 x x 12 ,/ x 12 x ,/ 15 x x 15 x x 16 -x x 15 -x x 14 x x 15 -x x 15 ,/ x 14 x x 16 ,/ x 15 ,/ x 15 x x 14 x x 16 ,/ x 14 ./ x 11 x x 15 x x 12 x x 15

    ,/ 9 x x 16 x x '16 35 28 552 94

  • lendix 2 Table of Students' Answer of Class 1 2

    T IC M ' Regn um

    26 27 32 43 28 29 30 49 50 31 33 02031016 x ./ x ./ x x x x ./ x ./ 02031024 x x x ./ x ./ x x ./ x x 02031032 ./ ./ x ./ x x x x ./ x x -02031036 ./ ./ x ./ x x x x ./ x x 02031048 x ./ x x x x x x x x x 02031052 y ./ x ./ x x x x ./ x x 02031053 ./ ./ ), ./ x )( x x ./ x x 02031061 x ./ x ./ x x x ./ x ./ ./ - 02031067 x ./ x x x x x >< x x x

    ) 020310~2 x ./ ./ x x x ./ x x x x ~ --:;---I 02031086 x y x x x x ./ x x

    ' 02031105 x x x .< ./ x x x x x x - --l 02031106 x x x x ./ x :< x x ./ x I 02031108 ./ ./ x ./ x x x x ./ x x 5 0203- - - - x ./ x ./ x x x x ./ x x 3 02031110 x x x x x x .;' ./ x x x 7 02031116 x x x x x x ./ ./ x x x l 02031124 x x x x ./ x x x x x x 3 02031 '130 ./ ./ .ed on each grammar area

    -OP SC

    34 40 36 41 x x x x ./ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x -x x x x x x x x x x x x -x x x x x x ./ x .< x x x x ./ x x ,, ./ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ./ ./ x x x ./ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ./ x x ./ x y x ./ x ./ x x x ./ x x x ,/ x x x .; x / x x x x x x x ./ x x ./ x x ./ x x x ./ x x x ./ x x x x x x x ,/ x x x x x ./ x x x >: x ./ x x x ./ x x x x x x 38 27 39 36

    27 39

    tal : Total of students' grommaticcl errors at class 1.2, which have done by each student

    1tes: : Tenses : Indirect Command : Modal

    ' : Object Pronoun

    ~ota AC ___. 42 43 \ ./ x i 12 ./ X I 12


    x ./ 12 x ./ 12 ./ x 15 x ./ "13 -~ x ./ x x 12 -16 x x x x 13 x x 14 x y 15

    -x .< 14 x ./ 12 x .;' 13 ./ x 14 x ./ 14 x ./ 13 x ./ 12 x ./ 12 x x 16 x x 16 -x x 13 x x 12 ./ ./ 9 .;' ' 9 .; .; 9 ./ x -10 ./ x 12 x x 14 x x 13 --13 x x ./ ./ 9 x x 12 x ./ 15 x x 14 x x 13 x x 11 / v' 9 ,/ / 9 -x x 17 29 24 517 89

  • j! ppencfiJ( I I I


    lntcrviewcc: Sumiati Roehyo



    : Guru Bahasa Inggris kelas 1

    : Ruang Gun; SMU PGRI 22 Serpong

    Hari & Tgl : Sabtu, 21 Juni 2003

    1. Dalam pcngajaran bahasa lnggris, metode pcngajaran apa yang lbu gunakan

    sclama ini?

    2. Apakah dcngan mcnggunakan mctodc pcngaJaran yang lbu gunakan

    tcrscbut dapat lcbih rncmpcrmudah siswa dalam mcmahami materi yang !bu


    3. Kesulitan-kcsuhtan apa yang saja yang sering mcnjadi kendala dalam

    mengajarkan bahasa Jnggris di kelas, khususnya untuk materi grammar?

    4. Solusi apa yang !bu ambil sebagai langkah pemccahannya?

    5. Menurut pengamatan !bu, apakah soal-soal yang ada dalam summativc tcs

    bahasa lnggris yang dibuat oleh frn pembuat soal scsuai dcngan rnatrcri

    yang tclab lbu ajarkan?

    6. Bcrdasarkan basil tcs siswa, apakah hasil yang dipcrolch siswa schagia"

    bcsar ~udah sesuai dcngan target yang ingin dicnpai?


  • (/

    Jlppentfi:( J'f/


    I. Metode apa yang lhu gunakan dalam pe11gajara11 hahasa lnggris di kelas,

    khususnya un111k materi grammar'?

    Dalam pengajaran bahasa lnggris

  • 4. Kesulitan apa yang menjadi kendala !bu sangat mengajar?

    Yang utama adalah masalah pe!afolan (mo/her tongue), kemudian tingkat

    ekonomi siswa, karena sebagian bes'lr siswa disini kan berasal dari tingkat

    ekonom; menengah kc bawah. jadi jarang diantara 111crcka yang mengikuti

    kursus bahasa lnggris di luar sekolah, padahal itu akan sa1gat membantu

    sekali. Siswa yang mengikuti kursus, biasanya mereka jadi lebih mudah

    memahami pelajaran yang diajarkan di kelas. Kemauan untuk belajar yang

    masih rend ah juga menjadi kendala yang berpengaruh cukup besar.

    5. Bagaimana cara !bu untuk mengatasi ha! tersebut?

    Saya sela'u memberikan homework pada siswa. Dan biasanya saya

    memberikan siswa vocabu!aty untuk dihapalkan, kemudian mereka hams

    menerapkannya sendiri kedalam kalimat sede1 hana. Bagi siswa kehs tiga, ada

    semacam reinforcement untuk bekal mereka menghadapi ujian akhir dan


    6. Apakah seko/ah ini mengadakan kursus bahasa !11ggris sr!bagai kegia/an


    Tidak, :etapi saya pribadi memberikan siswa jam pelajaran tambahan di luar

    jam belajar mereka, membahas materi yang siswa anggap su!i dengan

    harapan mereka jadi lebih mengerti sehingga bisa mendapatkan nilai yang

    lebih baik saat ujian. Dan seperti yang sudah saya katakan tadi, ada jam

    pelajaran tambahan untuk siswa kelas tiga, biasanya membahas soal-soal ujian

    tahun lalu.

  • 7. A1emm11 pengamatan !hu, apakah soaf-soa/ yang ado da/am 11111111w/ilc /es/

    halmsa /nggris i/11 sudah ses1mi de11gm1 k11rik11!11m da11 111alen yang te/ah !h11

    sampaikan di kelas?

    Kebetulan saya tcrmasuk tim pcrnbuat soal. Guru bidang studi dari tiap

    sekolah ditarik satu orang sebagai perwakilan, kebetulan kami berada di

    tingkat Kabupaten. Soal-soal ujian yang kami buat tentu saja sudah

    disesuaikan dengan kurikulum, demikian juga dengan materi pelajaran yang

    telah saya sampaikan dikelas, walaupun terkadang ada materi yang dilewat

    atau sebaliknya ditambahkan itu berdasarkan pertimbangan sejauh mana siswa

    memerlukannya. Dan sekalipun pada soal-soal test ada perbedaan itu hanya

    pada konteks nya saja tidak pada isi, dan karena disekolah ini ada yang ujian

    pagi clan siang, maka dibuat lah dua soal ujian yang berbeda untuk

    menghindari bocc,r nya soal.

    8. Sekaral'g kan lhu sudah mendapatkan hasil tes si.1wa, apakah hasi/ yang

    mereka dapatkan .mdah sesuai dengan target yang ingin dicapai?

    Hampir. Nilai-nilai mereka sudah cukup baik dan hampir mencapai target

    yang ingin dicapai.


    ' . ,, '< .. ,

    ~: .

    . ,"' .. , .. . DIN,As.;"e";;o1br:i

  • ~mollople diSCOVQ!aJ

  • ..: thfO\\ waste into rivers, Then thu \Vater becomes very \Vaste pOiluLes watc_r. One of the n1ost dangerous types of : 'is chemical '''astc fron1 factories. Ibis can be deadly and ill fish, \Valer plants and other creatures whi.;h live in rivers. , big n:an is advised to dri.nk ... of \vatcr a day in,order td ny healthy.

    four glasses '- eight glasses :. exactly eight glasses

    D. not less than eight glasses E. not tnore 'than eight gl_asscs

    \lhich of the follo\ving stat.C1ncnl.s is not true according to .. 1e text? .... ~: \\'C can use \Valer for riiany ptirposcs k people need \Va.ter so \VC can't live \vithout it

    dains hold back rain water 'to irriiftte thC rice fields. >. dams also provide 1,vatcr so \VatCr can be stored ,. another source of.\vater is rivers, but it can~ help inigation low do dan1s become tourist resorts ? ' ~. they provide enough water for irrigation I. they can hold rain,vater that may result in floods if not

    checked they cri.n produce lakes that can be used for iaising fiSh and for pr'acticing various J.;inds of water i;ports

    ). they preserve or store \Valer thcit many of our towns. and cities need

    ,. they can avoid Ooods in the rainy season -: 11c children who arc suffering fron1 diarrhoea .... \.. 5hould drink less \vater t n1ust- drink ground \V~lCr

    111ust be given enough food . ). should be give'n energy . ,. should drink nluch \Valer )an1s preserve or store water. tha.t many of our to~ and. itics need. llle underlined \Ord n1eans ., .. ~- keep from danger D. keep from h~ t keep fro1n loss E. keep from dirt

    keep fro1n 'decay


    23. Child ac.tors have to attend classes twenty hours each week because ..... ./\. they -wor~~ SC'\_'cral holirs ev~ry day . B. _the law re~uitcd_ them to do so C."isaMississippriverOOal SoffietimCsitisthcinsideof'a C. heoffer1>.d you to eat in a hotetor in a restaurant ship. Often the pupils become famous stars. D. :hC ask~ me. tQ. ch9Qse a place to have wCn1

    . )l .. be aSkcd me whether I )ike to eat Which of the statenents is NOT true accoding to the pas-rnge? .... I' -

    o\. child actors cannot go to a regular school R .. although TV children work hard every day, they' are goocf ;

    students C. the ~tuJcnts arc riot work in TV sho\vs:

    lutless they get good n1hrks . ~ D. the teachers hold classes \here their pupils.are E. California Jaw docs not allow children to act iri TV shows Somctin1cs th11 tcachcrs hold their class in a)nissisSipp~river boat becaus.c . A. there is ashortagc of classroom B. it is .an interresting place

    31,. You ... h'e.morC'ca.reful A; shoqld ,. i . D. ought

    B: must . E. would c. have 10

    32. The ,u;; ... "so brj8htly. A isshlliing . . D. shined B. shin"es ' c. "shine ., . . :

    E. are s~ining

    33. You .... study hard ifyqu warit to pass th.e exam. A should ' 'D. doesn't ~avo to

    B: must" : E: would C .. do not need .

    34_- The Boss calls you. Yo~".:. see him na.w. -':"

  • ; .ve .vi]! win the prize. The sentence expressed .... m1ss1on D. probability. sibility E. obligaticn cctation 1e lo your h,)usc ... I can. ;0011 as :n

    D. \vhich E. since

    ~!lO\\' anv1hing nbout \\Tiling business letter. icizcd phrase indicates bi!ity ea ti on ICG

    D. expectation E. pcn11ission

    Juld you like me to carry these bag madom ? ITTC

    rather not to afrnid you can't do ikc you don't~ l \\'Oil)' about thnt 's vc1y kind of y,ou "Why didn't you come yesterday ?"

    . sir, I \Vas ill. ld you excuse me ~you pardon lly regret

    D. c.'Xcusc nic E. I 'n1 sorry

    l hear voice. \Vho' s your nephew tal!




    :'P.02 2/

    ltu) b\..'.rkas

    bi11ga11 Skr1p . .;i


    T~lf). ; {62-2 l) 714332~. 7.:0\92 ~. FJx.(62-2 l) 7!019ii. EuuiJ : "Jinjlttb'lc;ilJj nc(.iJ

    Jakarta, ... 2.8 .. Mei .200~.





    Tclp. : (Cil-21) 74433211, 7401925, f1x,(6lll) 74029H2

    uw.t Nomor 9S, Ci pull I 15.t 12, lndonui1 Em.ail : uinjkttii) l!?P.!9'~-!!!!!M~-~~~ ......... .m. ........ ...,.,.,. ........ !IW ........ ..... 1or ET/TL.02.2/ V1 /~~~3.. Jakarta, 2 .. 4 ... J.1:':'.'i .. .2,CO.J ...................... .. p.




    Kepada Yth .

    . . r~~.~-~~ .~ .. ~::~~~. ~:: .. ~~~':i! .~~~.~ ... ~~ .. ~.~ .~R~ ng



    Assalamu 'alaikurn wr. wb.

    Dcngun honnat ka1ni sa1npaikan bah\va:

    ............................................. 1'Ja1na Alamat ..I:l-.... G.~:\ a.Hk .. A .. !!P. .. ).4 .. 9.+.~Y.? .. .S.\1.,:c.t~ne .. Ne~ ...................... .

    ........ J.$. tlhl;i:JJ.~r.-e; .. '.1,111!1&~F.?.f.tI ...... 1.9. '. -~~ .................................... .

    adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Itmu Tarbiyah Dan Koguruan UTN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta;

    .:m.4915.7.7.$ .............. . Noncur lnduk Jurusan/Semester r ahun Akademik

    .'r.aO.l::+.s .. J!.e);l.a.$.a .. ;I:n~c1in

    .J.99.9/.?.rn.~0 ............... .

    Sehuhungan dengan tugas penyelesaian Skripsi denga~ judul .......................................... ..



    J.,J,:. 'Ari' A+: Xf!r;;; .. 9.~' .l?.11.YJ?J;;J5'..rR. ~ .. Q H/\J~ ~A ~+.9.AI,., J.~.;ey9.i~ .. hP .. ~ .~t:~'JA R~.V:Jf;.. :~.IF.9.r.1~ ' ' ' . . . (.I:i.E?fl~ FJ,i.:~lfi .. 9.tL.'.J:'.1.1.1~ if.t:f.$.t.. X ~fl ,i;',. ~ :119,E?;~ ti;~ .. Rf.. -~~RI .. ,)~.fil .. _?,? .... S0J:'.P!l.-J?fl).

    Oleh karena itu karni mohon kesediaan Saudara untuk nlcnerirna dan membantu 1nahasiswa tersebut.

    Dernikian atas perhatian dan kesediaan Saudara kan1i ucapkan teri1na kasih.

    V/as~ala111u'alaiktun \vr.wb.

    A.n. Dekan

    Pemhantu Dekan I,



    ,JAi.AN RAVA SERPONG NO. 1 TELP. 7562410 TANGEAANG 153"IO ==---------=.::=.=..-::=-.::----::-"

    SlJR::'.IT ,!(Io;rJIT{,.\N~.~AN N.>. 05/ JV I 4 I 0. il3

    Yang bertanclrt tangan dibawah i ni Kepala SMU P GR! Serpong :

    Nam a : Drs. H. Didi Suhendi M.MPd

    NIP : Lll) 422 569

    Jabatan : Kepala Sekolah

    Menernngkan dengan s"benarnya ba!twa ;

    Nam a : Dian lsrowati

    NIM ; 9914015778

    Jurusan I Semester : Tadris Bahasa Jnggris I IX

    Talmn Akademik ; 1999 - 2000

    Alamat ; JI. Gelatik IV No. 14 Griya Sangiang Mas

    Jatiuwung - Tangerang


    Telah melalrnanakan tugru; penelitian I rise! I menyelesaikm1 shTipsi yang be1:iudul ;


    (Research on 171J First Year Studmts ofSAIU PGRJ Se17;011g).

    Demikian Surat Keterangan ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya untuk dapat digunakan seperlunya.