An Advent Experience Leader’s...

An Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12 Scripture: They will call him Immanuel (which means “God with us”).—Matthew 1:23b Purpose: The purpose of this leader’s guide is to provide you with four lessons to walk together through the Advent season, fostering celebration of the blessed event while looking ahead at Christ’s Second Coming. © 2013 by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City. Permission to copy for local church use granted by Beacon Hill Press.

Transcript of An Advent Experience Leader’s...

Page 1: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

An Advent Experience

Leader’s Guide

Designed for use with children ages 4-12

Scripture: They will call him Immanuel (which means “God with us”).—Matthew 1:23b

Purpose: The purpose of this leader’s guide is to provide you with four lessons to walk together through the Advent season, fostering celebration of the blessed event while looking ahead at Christ’s Second Coming.

© 2013 by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City. Permission to copy for local church use granted by Beacon Hill Press.

Page 2: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

What Is Celebrate?A Note About Helping Children Understand This Season of Advent.

You may be wondering why the scriptures chosen for these lessons are not all about Jesus’ birth. All of these scriptures are about preparing for Jesus. Just as the Jews in Jesus’ time were waiting for the coming of the Messiah, we are waiting for Jesus’ Second Coming. We must be ready. While we are waiting, we need to repent and bear fruit, fruit that reflects Jesus’ way of living—compassion, justice, love, and service—among others. We must realize how blessed we are when we surrender to Jesus and decide to live the way He did. In the same way He has blessed you, be a blessing to others. We need to be amazed that God sent His Son to earth to save us. Be amazed that God came to earth and is with us. Life may not be as you expected, but be amazed at God’s purpose for your life and how He can use you to be His hands and feet in a dying world. Be amazingly faithful to an amazingly faithful God.

Prepare to celebrate, not only in honoring Jesus’ birth but in preparing for the joy of Jesus’ Second Coming.

We are talking about a different kind of celebration. Yes, you can celebrate the anticipation of Jesus’ birth. But celebration is also a means of grace. It’s a way to demonstrate your love for God by living out the life of Jesus, by showing mercy, by living humbly, by helping bring deliverance and justice to those in need. Celebrate Jesus by living for Him. Celebrate Jesus by being His hands and His feet.

Celebrate. Simply celebrate.For they will call him Immanuel (which means “God with us”). Matthew 1:23b

How to use this leader’s guide:Prepare by first praying about your part in Advent, reading this leader’s guide, and then doing the

suggested activities. This will help prepare you for the teaching experience, and prepare for any questions that may arise as you lead children. There are ideas for early childhood (ages 3-6 years) and elementary (1st through 6th graders). You will also want to read and use the family devotional book at home, and encourage the families of children to do the same.

Make any copies that you will need for children in your class and for take-home with families. (If printing pages to photocopy, make sure to select the grayscale option in the printer settings.)If needed, look up any definitions and think through answers for any questions that you will be asking. Check out the book, Faith Words for Kids: A Dictionary for Parents, Teachers, and Children for definitions to commonly used words of the faith. You can purchase this book online at

Create an open environment. Allow children to ask any questions they may have about Advent and what it means. Introduce them to practices that provide opportunity for them to live in joyful anticipation.

Have fun! This should be something that you enjoy and are passionate about experiencing with children. You are part of an important spiritual event in the lives of the children as together you explore the four weeks leading up to Christmas with your class.

Resource ListGeneral Resources:


This leader’s guide

Patterns found as a part of this leader’s guide

Printer, photocopier and paper (to make copies of patterns and parent communications)

Pens and pencils

Washable markers and crayons

Craft glue

Scissors (for leader and student use)

White board or chalk board, markers and eraser

Appropriate seasonal songs (choose from Advent and Christmas) and music player

Other items are listed with the activities

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Page 3: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

Remember the Family:There is a parent note provided for each of the four weeks of Advent beginning on page 33 of this

leader’s guide. Print and send the note home to help families continue this time of Advent preparation during the week. (If printing the note to photocopy, make sure to select the grayscale option in the print settings.) You may also send this note as an email to families, or text the weekly message found in the narrow column along with each lesson. You may want to send home a Christmas greeting in the form of a card, email, or text on Christmas Eve in anticipation of the celebration of Christ’s coming on Christmas Day.

Note:You may find that you have activity ideas for this season of Advent. Please feel free to substitute activities as you feel appropriate. In addition, there are activity ideas to celebrate the coming of Christmas and Christmas with children in Faith Connections Sunday School materials available from WordAction, in the WordAction elementary children’s church, Gonna Make Some Noise, and in early childhood church materials, Worship Time. You can find out more about these materials at

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Page 4: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

ADVENT WEEK 1: Be Ready (Scripture Reading: Matthew 24:36-44)

ENTER INTO HIS PRESENCE: THE LEADERWelcome Leader! This is your time to prepare for the first week of Advent. Remember that the time

you spend in your devotions, both individually and with family, will directly impact the time that you spend enjoying, contemplating, illuminating, and celebrating Advent with your students.

This Sunday School lesson is just one opportunity for the celebration of Advent in the lives of your students. You can also find ideas, options, and activities in Faith Connections age level Sunday School materials and the Gonna Make Some Noise worship materials.

Begin your lesson planning by reading the scripture found in Matthew 24:36-44 in multiple ver-sions. Think about the best way to communicate with your students. (We’ve provided one way for you, but feel free to modify it to fit your students’ learning styles.) What questions do you have about the story? What questions will your students probably have? Think about these questions:

• If Jesus came back today, would He be pleased with my work habits, my lifestyle, and my choices?

• What work do I need to be doing to prepare for His coming? • How am I doing at sharing my faith, helping others, and providing for those in need? Pray for God’s guidance as you study and teach. Pray for the ability to communicate this story

effectively with your class.

ENTER INTO HIS PRESENCE: THE STUDENTGet your students started thinking about celebrating Jesus’ coming through using any or all of the

following three activities.

Create: BookletYou’ll need• Cheap paper plates (4 for each child)• White school glue• Crayons, markers, or colored pencils• Masking tape, electrical tape, or duct tape• Paper towels• Newspaper or butcher paper

You’ll doEach week students will create something. This week they will create a booklet made out of paper

plates. Each week there is a picture that relates to each story that students will glue in their booklet. Each week students will color this picture or draw their own in the booklet. (This will be done after the Bible story activity.) This first week they will create the booklet.

Before class, lay newspaper or butcher paper on the table. Set out the supplies.Early childhood, you may want to create the booklets in advance. Have them just decorate the


See page 2 of this leader’s guide for needed supplies.

Print the parent note found at the end of this leader’s guide. Send one home with each child at the end of this lesson.

Text Message to Send Home during Advent Week 1:

Jesus is coming again! Be ready! What can you do for Him to show that you’re ready for His return?

Helpful HintTo keep costs down purchase your supplies at a dollar store.

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Page 5: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

Elementary, give each student four paper plates, glue, and tape. Have them follow these instructions:

1. Fold each paper plate in half. [Diagram 1]2. Stack the folded paper plates on top of one another.3. Glue the backs of each paper plate together. (Glue the back of the right half of Plate 1 to the

back of the left half of Plate 2. Glue the back of the right half of Plate 2 to the back of the left half of Plate 3, etc.) [Diagram 2]

4. Hold the plates in place. To create a binding, cover the top edge with masking tape, electrical tape, or duct tape—the more colorful the better! When you are done, you should have a 4-page paper plate booklet. [Diagram 3]

5. Decorate the cover with your name and the title, Celebrate. If there’s time, students can deco-rate the back cover as well. [Diagram 4]

If glue does not hold the plates together, staple the plates together.

CelebrateYou’ll need• “B” Template (found as a part of this leader’s guide on the Church Resource Enhanced DVD)• Printer and paper• Cardstock, craft foam, or poster board• Markers

You’ll doBefore class, print out the “B” template using the pattern provided at the end of this leader’s

guide. Enlarge it if you’d like. Cut the “B” out of cardstock, craft foam, or poster board. (Each week’s theme begins with “Be”. Each week you’ll be doing this activity.)

Say, The theme for this week is “Be Ready.” We want to be ready for Jesus’ Second Coming. Today we’re going to talk about the Second Coming. What’s the Second Coming? [See if any students know what this means.] Explain it this way: Right now Jesus is in heaven. One day He will return to earth. That’s called the Second Coming. Those who believe in Him, have had their sins forgiven, and live for Him will be taken to heaven to be with Him.

We want to be ready, which means we need to ask Him to forgive our sins, share that with others, love God, and love others like Jesus loves them. That’s it!

Write the word “Ready” on the “B” (or have a student do this.) Have each student sign the “B” sign. Then hang it in your classroom. If you have time, give each student a “B” to decorate.

Helpful HintA creative way to hang the “B” sign is to hang a clothes line in your classroom. Hammer 2 nails in the wall about 3 feet apart. Tie one end of a string to one nail and the other end to the other nail. Clip the letter on with a clothespin. Be sure to check with church staff before nailing in the wall, though!



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Diagram 1

Diagram 2

Diagram 3

Diagram 4

Page 6: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

Celebrate CrackerYou’ll need• Empty toilet paper tubes• Christmas wrapping paper• Tissue paper• Glue or tape• Ribbon or tinsel• Scissors• Small watch

You’ll doAs a way to introduce each Bible story you’ll create a Christmas cracker and put a symbol for the

story inside. You’ll need one for each week.

Note: Next week students will create their own, so you’ll need enough toilet paper tubes and sup-plies for each student. You can also use a wrapping paper tube cut into 3 inch pieces. (The items they’ll be putting inside are fruit snacks or fruit roll-ups.)

Before class, do the following:1. Measure out a piece of wrapping paper. Width: It needs to be wide enough to cover the tube.

Length: There needs to be at least 4 inches extra on each end of the tube.2. Wrap the small watch in tissue paper and place inside the tube.3. Cover the toilet paper tube with the wrapping paper. Glue or tape it down.4. Cut lengths of ribbon. Tie these around the ends of the tube. Knot them in place and tie a bow.5. To save time, create the one for each week in advance. The other items you’ll need are: fruit

snacks or fruit roll-ups, small length of chain, and a cheap ring.During class, choose one student to open the Christmas cracker. To open, pull on the ends or

simply unwrap the tube.Have the student take out the item (small watch) and try to figure out how it relates to the story.

ENCOUNTER HIS WORDHelp children to encounter the Word of God through a time of Bible storytelling, followed by retell-

ing and open-ended questions that encourage students to think about how they will respond to the scripture and apply it in their lives.You’ll need• Bible (preferably an easy reader version such as the New International Reader’s Version)• Watch• Toy boat• Number 2 (magnet or written on paper)• Bag or apron with pockets to hold the items

Helpful HintThe Christmas cracker won’t pop like the store-bought ones.

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Page 7: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

Be ReadyMatthew 24:36-44

Gather the students together in the story time area. Say, I have a few items that will help us tell the story. So pay attention to what I pull from my bag [apron]. Say, Today we’re going to pretend we are people who knew Jesus in person. So I want everybody to close their eyes and think about what it would be like to be a disciple of Jesus. Imagine you are on your way to meet Jesus at the Mount of Olives. What does it look like? What smells do you smell? What sounds do you hear? Do you think there were olive trees? Allow children to share their ideas as they imagine what it might have been like.

Tell the story: Jesus talked to His disciples about His return. The disciples asked, “When will you come again? What will be the sign?”

So Jesus said, “No one knows. Not even Me. Only my Father.”[Hold up the boat] Remember the story about Noah? [Have a student retell the story, or share the

following with the class.] People were just living their lives. They were getting married; they were eating and drinking. And they were sinning. A lot. God was sad about this. So He decided to flood the earth. But before He did that, He asked Noah, a very godly man, to build an ark. Noah and his family would survive the flood. And they did. The flood came quickly. And everyone else on earth died. One day they were alive. The next day they were gone.

Jesus said, “This is how quick it will be when the Son of Man comes. One day it will be business as usual. The next day, the Son of Man will be here. Those who are living for Him will go to heaven to be with Him. Others will be left.”

[Hold up the number 2] “It will be like two men working in a field. One will go up to heaven. One will be left. It will be like two women grinding with a hand mill. One will be taken to heaven. One will be left.”

[Hold up the watch] “I will return at a time when you won’t expect it. It will happen like a thief breaking into a house. The owner didn’t know what time the thief was coming, otherwise he wouldn’t have let the thief break in. So you need to be ready all the time. Keep watch.”

Be ready for Jesus’ Second Coming. We don’t just need to sit waiting, though. We need to be living our lives for Him. That includes helping others, giving to those in need, and sharing what Jesus has done for us. Prepare for Jesus’ Second Coming by living for Him.

What does this have to do with Christmas? [See if students can guess.] Say, The people in the Bible waited a very long time for Jesus to come. We are sort of going through the same thing. We are waiting for Jesus to come again. Just like the people in the Bible, we need to be ready for Him to come. He will come when we least expect it!Bible Story Follow-up Questions:

1. What Bible story from the Old Testament was mentioned today? How did it fit with this story?2. What did we discover is going to happen one day?3. How can you be ready for Jesus’ Second Coming? Are you ready?

Digging Deeper Questions (most likely for older elementary children or preteens):1. Is it possible to be ready all the time for Jesus’ Second Coming? What should we be doing?2. What does this Bible story have to do with Christmas?3. This message is about Jesus’ Second Coming, what do you think about this? Feel about this?

Do you have any questions about this that you want to ask?© 2013 by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City.— 7 —

Page 8: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

Paper Plate Booklets• Paper plate booklets• Printed picture for this week (found as a part of this leader’s guide on the Church Resource Enhanced DVD)• Glue• Markers, crayons, colored pencils• Scissors• White board and markers

To each student, pass out the booklet they made earlier, copy of the picture for this week provided at the end of this leader’s guide, writing utensils, scissors, and glue. Students will color the picture, fill in the blanks, cut it out, and glue it in their booklet on Paper Plate 1. Around the edge of the plate they will write the words Be Ready.

Write the words, Be Ready on the white board so students will know what to write in their book.Early childhood, you many want to cut out the picture in advance. Write the words in their book on

Paper Plate 1. Elementary, give them the choice to either color the picture you provided, draw their own, or write

a poem about the story today.

ENGAGE HIS WORLDHelp students learn how to apply the scripture to life and celebrate Jesus!

What’s Next?You’ll need• Christmas stocking (one per student)• Marker or fabric paint• Slips of paper• Writing utensils

Before class, write the name Jesus on each stocking with fabric paint or a marker.Talk about the season of Advent and what they have discovered. See if they can retell the sto-

ries from today’s lesson and explain what this phrase means: Be Ready. Encourage them to take this information home and enjoy Advent with their families. Challenge them to think this week about God’s promises. If we believe the promise that Jesus is coming back someday how do we live our lives? Allow those children who are comfortable to share how we should live differently because we know Jesus came to earth, died for our sins, and will come again.

Pass out three slips of paper, a writing utensil, and a stocking to each child.Ask, Who has an Advent calendar at home? Have children talk about different calendars they

have or have seen—ones with chocolate inside, ones with other gifts, a tear-apart Advent chain. Say, Sometimes Advent calendars give us something—chocolate, gift, etc—but this year we want to cel-ebrate Advent by giving back. We’re going to give to Jesus.

On your paper, write down three things you can do this week that will honor Jesus. Then put them in Jesus’ stocking.

You can find suggestions in your Celebrate devotion or have students offer suggestions or choose these here:

• Clean up the dishes after dinner• Help cook and deliver a meal to another family

Helpful HintIf you don’t want to purchase a stocking for each child bring in one for the entire class. Or have students make a stocking using construction paper or craft foam. Punch holes along the edge and stitch yarn through the holes.

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Note: Students will be doing this same activity for the next three weeks. Keep the stockings in the classroom for use each week. Send them home with students on the last week of this series.

PrayerBring everyone together again at the end of the lesson. Take a few minutes to pray together as

a group. Allow a few moments for the room to get silent and the group to begin praying silently. Then thank God for His promises. Ask Him to help us be ready for His return!

Unless otherwise marked, Scripture is quoted from the Holy Bible, New International Version® (niv®). Copyright © 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2013 Beacon Hill Press®. Permission granted to copy this leaders’ guide for local church use only and copies are not to be sold. Publisher must be contacted for any other use. All rights reserved.

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Page 10: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

ADVENT WEEK 2: Be Fruitful (Scripture Reading: Matthew 3:1-12)

ENTER INTO HIS PRESENCE: THE LEADERWelcome Leader! This is your time to prepare for the second week of Advent. Remember that the

time you spend in your devotions, both individually and with family, will directly impact the time that you spend enjoying, contemplating, illuminating, and celebrating Advent with your students.

This Sunday School lesson is just one opportunity for the celebration of Advent in the lives of your students. You can also find ideas, options, and activities in Faith Connections age level Sunday School materials and the Gonna Make Some Noise worship materials.

Begin your lesson planning by reading the scripture found in Matthew 3:1-12 in multiple versions. Think about the best way to communicate with your students. (We’ve provided one way for you, but feel free to modify it to fit your students’ learning styles.) What questions do you have about the story? What questions will your students probably have? Think about these questions:

• What kind of “fruit” is my life showing? Which “fruits” come naturally to me? • Which “fruits” do I need help in cultivating? Have I truly repented (turned from sin and

turned toward God) of my sins? Pray for God’s guidance as you study and teach. Pray for the ability to communicate this story

effectively with your class.

ENTER INTO HIS PRESENCE: THE STUDENTGet your students started thinking about celebrating Jesus’ coming through using any or all of the

following three activities.

Create: Christmas CrackerYou’ll need• Empty toilet paper tubes• Christmas wrapping paper• Tissue paper• Glue or tape• Ribbon or tinsel• Scissors• Fruit snacks (one package for each student)

You’ll doEach week students will create something. This week they will create a Christmas cracker. Last

week you created one as a way to introduce the Bible story. You’ll do the same this week (for a later activity). However, this week your students will also create one to give away.

Early childhood, you may need to do all the cutting required for this activity. Students may need assistance in wrapping the tube. Have older students or extra volunteers help younger students.

Elementary, your students will probably be able to do all of the steps to create this craft. Help as needed.

Before class, set out all the needed supplies. If you want to save time cut out the wrapping paper in advance.

Lead students in these steps:

See page 2 of this leader’s guide for needed supplies.

Print the parent note found at the end of this leader’s guide. Send one home with each child at the end of this lesson.

Text Message to Send Home during Advent Week 2:Repent! Bear fruit! What fruit is your life showing?

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1. Measure out a piece of wrapping paper. Width: It needs to be wide enough to cover the tube. Length: There needs to be at least 4 inches extra on each end of the tube.

2. Wrap the fruit snacks package in tissue paper and place inside the tube.3. Cover the toilet paper tube with the wrapping paper. Glue or tape it down.4. Cut lengths of ribbon. Tie these around the ends of the tube. Knot them in place and tie a bow.Tell students to give this Christmas cracker to someone and share today’s story with them.

CelebrateYou’ll need• “B” Template (found as a part of this leader’s guide on the Church Resource Enhanced DVD)• Printer and paper• Cardstock, craft foam, or poster board• Markers

You’ll doBefore class, print out the “B” template using the pattern provided at the end of this leader’s

guide. Enlarge it if you’d like. Cut the “B” out of cardstock, craft foam, or poster board. (Each week’s theme begins with “Be”. Each week you’ll be doing this activity.)

Say, The theme for this week is “Be Fruitful.” What does this mean? That we should eat a lot of fruit? [See if any students know what this means.] When we ask Jesus to forgive our sins we have to be ready for a life change. He wants us to change our actions, so that we no longer sin, but instead, live like Jesus did. Being fruitful helps the world see that we are changed for the better.

Write the word “Fruitful” on the “B” (or have a student do this.) Have each student sign the “B” sign. Then hang it in your classroom. If you have time, give each student a “B” to decorate.

Celebrate CrackerYou’ll need• Empty toilet paper tube• Christmas wrapping paper• Tissue paper• Glue or tape• Ribbon or tinsel• Scissors• Fruit snacks

You’ll doAs a way to introduce each Bible story you’ll create a Christmas cracker and put a symbol for the

story inside. You’ll need one for each week. See the instructions from Lesson 1 on page 6. During class, choose one student to open the Christmas cracker. To open, pull on the ends or

simply unwrap the tube.Have the student take out the fruit snacks and try to figure out how it relates to the story.

ENCOUNTER HIS WORDHelp children to encounter the Word of God through a time of Bible storytelling, followed by retell-

ing and open-ended questions that encourage students to think about how they will respond to the scripture and apply it in their lives.

Helpful HintIf you don’t have enough toilet paper tubes, cut a wrapping paper tube into 3 inch pieces.

Helpful HintThe Christmas cracker won’t pop like the store-bought ones.

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Page 12: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

You’ll need• Bible (preferably an easy reader version such as the New International Reader’s Version)• Belt• Bottled water• Piece of fruit• Bag or apron with pockets to hold the items

Be FruitfulMatthew 3:1-12

Gather the students together in the story time area. Say, I have a few items that will help us tell the story. So pay attention to what I pull from my bag [apron].

Let’s head to the desert. Imagine the desert. Dry, dusty, warm. Close by is a river, a cool breeze is coming off the water. What does it look like? What smells do you smell? What sounds do you hear? Allow children to share their ideas as they imagine what it might have been like.

Tell the story in your own words: One day John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin and very good friend, was preaching in the desert, away from the city. In this desert he was near the Jordan River. John wore clothes made of camel’s hair. Imagine the smell of his clothes. Eww. I wonder if it was itchy or smelly. And he wore a leather belt around his waist. [Hold up the belt.] This is what poor people wore. He ate locusts and honey. That is something very poor people ate. [Ask students if they know what a locust looks like.]

People came to him from all around. They admitted their sins to him, and then he baptized them in the Jordan River. [Hold up the water.] (Ask students if any of them have been baptized.)

John saw many Pharisees and Sadducees coming toward him. They were religious leaders that often were mean to John the Baptist and Jesus. John knew they were coming to stir up trouble. So he said, “You are like a nest of poisonous snakes! . . . Produce fruit that shows you have turned away from your sins.” [Hold up the fruit.] Ask, What do you think that means? [Let students respond.] John said, “Don’t think that you can just say you are a child of Abraham (meaning that they believe in God). Trees that don’t produce good fruit will be cut down and burned in a fire.” These religious leaders thought they could just believe in God and all would be good. These people believed in God in their heads, but their lives were not showing it.

John said, “I baptize you with water, calling you to turn from your sins. There is someone coming after me (Jesus) who is way more powerful, so powerful that I don’t even feel fit to carry His sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” Wow! That doesn’t mean that Jesus will pour fire on us. It means that when we confess our sins, the Holy Spirit will teach us how to live like Jesus.

Jesus calls us to repent—which means to ask God to forgive our sins. It means we are to turn away from sin and then turn toward God. Repentance is life-changing. It means you think differ-ently and act differently. This repentance will produce good fruit—love, joy, peace, forbearance (patience), kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self control. One way the world can see our fruit is by the way we live like Jesus did—loving others, helping all people, and giving to those in need.

—Words in italics are quotes from the New International Reader’s Version (NIrV)1. Repent—Confess your sins.2. Bear fruit—a life that is full of loving God and loving others. It might take time, but God will

help the fruit grow in your life as you serve Him.3. Read your Bible, pray, go to church, and you will learn how to live like Jesus.

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Page 13: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

Bible Story Follow-up Questions:1. Name a “fruit” that others can see. Which fruit is the most difficult for you to do? What fruit

do you see in others?2. What does John baptize with? What does Jesus baptize with?3. What do you think God wants us to learn from today’s message?

Digging Deeper Questions (most likely for older elementary children or preteens):

1. What does it mean to repent?2. If you believe in Jesus, will all your actions and motives change automatically? (More than

likely not, there will still be habits that God will have to help you change. Your motives can change to be focused on God.)

3. What does it mean to be baptized by the Holy Spirit? (The Holy Spirit speaks to you, and helps you to live a life for God.)

Paper Plate Booklets• Paper plate booklets• Printed picture for this week (found as a part of this leader’s guide on the Church Resource Enhanced DVD)• Glue• Markers, crayons, colored pencils• Scissors• White board and markers

To each student, pass out the booklet they made earlier, copy of the picture for this week provided at the end of this leader’s guide, writing utensils, scissors, and glue. Students will color the picture, cut it out, and glue it in their booklet on Paper Plate 2. Around the edge of the plate they will write the words Be Fruitful

Write the words, Be Fruitful on the white board so students will know what to write in their book.Early childhood, you many want to cut out the picture in advance. Write the words in their book on

Paper Plate 2. Elementary, give them the choice to either color the picture you provided, draw their own, or write

a poem about the story today. Have elementary students circle the words of the fruit they hope is shown to the world.

ENGAGE HIS WORLDHelp students learn how to apply the scripture to life and celebrate Jesus!

What’s Next?You’ll need• Christmas stocking (one per student)• Marker or fabric paint• Slips of paper• Writing utensils

Before class, write the name Jesus on each stocking with fabric paint or a marker.Talk about the season of Advent and what they have discovered over the last two weeks. See if

they can retell the stories from today’s lesson and from last week and explain what these phrases mean:

Helpful HintHave students share what they did last week as their “active gift” to Jesus. How did others respond to their acts of service? Encourage them to come up with other acts of service they can do as a family.

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Be Ready and Be Fruitful. Encourage them to take this information home and enjoy Advent with their families. Challenge them to think this week about God’s promises. Say, If we believe the promise that Jesus is coming back someday how do we live our lives? Allow those children who are comfortable to share how we should live differently because we know Jesus came to earth, died for our sins, and will come again.

Pass out three slips of paper, a writing utensil, and a stocking to each child.Ask, What do you get in your stocking? You probably receive something you would like—choc-

olate, gift, toy, fruit, etc. This year we want to celebrate Advent by giving back. We’re going to give to Jesus.

On your paper, write down three things you can do this week that will show the fruit in your life. Then put them in Jesus’ stocking.

You can find suggestions in your Celebrate devotion or have students offer suggestions or choose these here:

• Pack an extra snack to give someone at school• Help care for your pet without being askedNote: Students will be doing this same activity for the next two weeks. Keep the stockings in the

classroom for use each week. Send them home with students on the last week of this series.

PrayerBring everyone together again at the end of the lesson. Take a few minutes to pray together as a

group. Allow a few moments for the room to get silent and for the group to begin praying silently. Pray, God, thank you for sending Jesus so we can see how to love others. Help the fruit of our faith show as we serve you. We love you. Amen.

Make sure students take home their Christmas cracker and share what being fruitful means!

Copyright © 2013 Beacon Hill Press®. Permission granted to copy this leaders’ guide for local church use only and copies are not to be sold. Publisher must be contacted for any other use. All rights reserved.

Unless otherwise marked, Scripture is quoted from the Holy Bible, New International Version® (niv®). Copyright © 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NIrV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version®, NIrV® Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIrV” and “New International Reader’s Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

© 2013 by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City.— 14 —

Page 15: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

ADVENT WEEK 3: Be Blessed (Scripture Reading: Matthew 11:2-11)

ENTER INTO HIS PRESENCE: THE LEADERWelcome Leader! This is your time to prepare for the third week of Advent. Remember that the time

you spend in your devotions, both individually and with family, will directly impact the time that you spend enjoying, contemplating, illuminating, and celebrating Advent with your students.

This Sunday School lesson is just one opportunity for the celebration of Advent in the lives of your students. You can also find ideas, options, and activities in Faith Connections age level Sunday School materials and the Gonna Make Some Noise worship materials.

Begin your lesson planning by reading the scripture found in Matthew 11:2-11 in multiple ver-sions. Think about the best way to communicate with your students. (We’ve provided one way for you, but feel free to modify it to fit your students’ learning styles.) What questions do you have about the story? What questions will your students probably have? Think about these questions:

• This message is about Jesus as the Messiah, what do you think about this? Feel about this? • Have you ever doubted your faith? • How did your doubts help you come to a better understanding of who Jesus is?• What blessings has God given you? How can you be a blessing to others? Pray for God’s guidance as you study and teach. Pray for the ability to communicate this story

effectively with your class.

ENTER INTO HIS PRESENCE: THE STUDENTGet your students started thinking about celebrating Jesus’ coming through using any or all of the

following three activities.

Create: Christmas Gift BagsYou’ll need• Paper lunch sacks• Washable paint, such as acrylic or tempera• Homemade or store-bought stamps• Small paper plates• Markers, crayons, colored pencils• Glitter and glue• Paper towels and wet wipes• Hole punch• Ribbon or tinsel• Newspaper or butcher paper

You’ll doEach week students will create something. This week they will create a Christmas gift bag. Students will

use stamps, paint, and other materials to decorate a paper lunch sack. At the end of the Advent lessons they will put the paper plate booklet in this gift bag to give away. Or they can choose to use it to wrap another gift.

Early childhood, students may need assistance in stamping the paper bag. Allow them to take ownership of this craft and do as much as they can. Have older students or volunteers help younger students.

See page 2 of this leader’s guide for needed supplies.

Print the parent note found at the end of this leader’s guide. Send one home with each child at the end of this lesson.

Text Message to Send Home during Advent Week 3:Be a blessing to your family, friends, and others you come across this week!

Helpful HintPurchase cheap stamps and paint from a craft store, discount store, or dollar store. If you wish, trim the top edge of the bag with decorative scissors.

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Elementary, your students will probably be able to do all of the steps to create this craft. Help as needed.

Before class, cover the table with newspaper or butcher paper. Set out all the supplies. Pour paint onto paper plates. Create your own stamps from the following:

• Potatoes—cut a potato in half; use each half as a stamp, or cut a design in the cut end of the potato. Apples will also work.

• Celery—cut off the ends of the celery and use the end to create a moon shape. Or cut off the bottom of the stalk and use that side to create a rosette.

• Sponge—cut a tree shape from a sponge• Eraser—draw a shape on a rectangular eraser. Cut out the shape using a utility knife. Small

stamps can be created from pencil-end erasers.During class, give students time to decorate their gift bag. Punch holes in the top and string

ribbon through the holes. Don’t tie it closed yet, the bag still needs a gift inside. (Students will be creat-ing a gift tag next week to go with the bag.)

CelebrateYou’ll need• “B” Template (found as a part of this leader’s guide on the Church Resource Enhanced DVD)• Printer and paper• Cardstock, craft foam, or poster board• Markers

You’ll doBefore class, print out the “B” template using the pattern provided at the end of this leader’s

guide. Enlarge it if you’d like. Cut the “B” out of cardstock, craft foam, or poster board. (Each week’s theme begins with “Be”. Each week you’ll be doing this activity.)

Say, The theme for this week is “Be Blessed.” What does this mean? It means to be given some-thing that brings happiness or joy. God has blessed us with a lot. He provides for us, offers forgiveness for sins, and helps us! Jesus wants us to give back to God by loving God and loving others. Since we are blessed, God wants us to be a blessing to others. We need to encourage, help, and provide for others.

Write the word “Blessed” on the “B” (or have a student do this.) Have each student sign the “B” sign. Then hang it in your classroom. If you have time, give each student a “B” to decorate.

Celebrate CrackerYou’ll need• Empty toilet paper tubes• Christmas wrapping paper• Tissue paper• Glue or tape• Ribbon or tinsel• Scissors• Short length of chain

You’ll doAs a way to introduce each Bible story you’ll create a Christmas cracker and put a symbol for the

story inside. You’ll need one for each week. See the instructions from Lesson 1 on page 6.

Helpful HintYou can purchase various lengths and widths of inexpensive chains from a hardware store.

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During class, choose one student to open the Christmas cracker. To open, pull on the ends or simply unwrap the tube.

Have the student take out the length of chain and try to figure out how it relates to the story.

ENCOUNTER HIS WORDHelp children to encounter the Word of God through a time of Bible storytelling, followed by retell-

ing and open-ended questions that encourage students to think about how they will respond to the scripture and apply it in their lives.You’ll need• Bible (preferably an easy reader version such as the New International Reader’s Version)• Toy handcuffs• Stethoscope or sunglasses• Cell phone or envelope• Bag or apron with pockets to hold the items

Be BlessedMatthew 11:2-11

Gather the students together in the story time area. Say, I have a few items that will help us tell the story. So pay attention to what I pull from my bag [apron].

Tell this story in your own words: Today we’re going to be in prison. [Hold up the handcuffs.] Imagine the prison, cold, dark, damp ground; chains around your wrists and ankles; your last meal was stale bread and water. Remember John the Baptist from last week’s story? Well, he was put in prison for making the king angry.

In prison, John heard all that Jesus was doing so he sent his own disciples to Jesus to find out if Jesus was the Messiah, the One chosen by God to be Savior. John knew that Jesus was the Messiah, but he possibly doubted what he knew. John was probably scared and worried. He might have doubted that Jesus was the Savior because Jesus had not saved him from prison or taken down the king.

[Hold up the stethoscope or sunglasses.] Jesus told the disciples report this back to John: [Have your excitement build as you read each statement.] “Blind people receive sight. Disabled people walk. Those who have skin diseases are healed. Deaf people hear. Those who are dead are raised to life. And the good news is preached to those who are poor. Don’t be discouraged. Have faith in me.”

Once John’s disciples left, Jesus turned and talked to the crowd about John. He said, “Who did you see in the desert? You didn’t see someone in fine clothes. You saw a prophet. John was more than a prophet. Scripture talks about him here, “I will send my messenger ahead of you. He will pre-pare your way for you.” [Hold up a cell phone or envelope.] Just as this cell phone [or envelope] can deliver messages, John delivered the message announcing that Jesus, the Savior, had come.

Jesus said, “John is very important. But the person who is humble in the kingdom of heaven is more important than he.” Jesus said this to show how important it is to be humble and not prideful.

Jesus is the Messiah, the Savior. He calls people to follow Him. That includes reaching out to someone who is lonely or not popular, sharing the Good News with another, helping those who are sick or hurting, and other things. We are blessed when we surrender to Jesus’ way of life—love God and love others. God can use us to help others.

—Words in italics are quotes from the New International Reader’s Version (NIrV)

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Page 18: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

Bible Story Follow-up Questions:1. Name one thing Jesus did to help others. How do you think it felt to be the person Jesus

helped?2. Have you ever not believed something God said? What was it?3. Was God with John in prison? How do you know?

Digging Deeper Questions (most likely for older elementary children or preteens):

1. This message is about Jesus as the Messiah, the chosen One. What do you think about this? Feel about this? Do you have any questions about this that you want to ask?

2. What blessings has God given you? What ways can you bless others?3. How do you feel when you hear about all Jesus did to help others? What ways can we help

others the way Jesus did?

Paper Plate Booklets• Paper plate booklets• Printed picture for this week (found as a part of this leader’s guide on the Church Resource Enhanced DVD)• Glue• Markers, crayons, colored pencils• Scissors• White board and markers

To each student, pass out the booklet they made earlier, copy of the picture for this week provided at the end of this leader’s guide, writing utensils, scissors, and glue. Students will color the picture, cut it out, and glue it in their booklet on Paper Plate 3. Around the edge of the plate they will write the words Be Blessed. In the first picture a boy is helping a grandparent carry groceries. In the second picture Jesus is healing someone who is sick. Ask, How is the boy in the first picture a blessing? How is Jesus helping the boy in the second picture?

Write the words, Be Blessed, on the white board so students will know what to write in their book.Early childhood, you many want to cut out the picture in advance. Write the words in their book on

Paper Plate 3. Elementary, give them the choice to either color the picture you provided, draw their own, or write

a poem about the story today. Have elementary students write how they would like to bless others.

ENGAGE HIS WORLDHelp students learn how to apply the scripture to life and celebrate Jesus!

What’s Next?You’ll need• Christmas stocking (one per student)• Marker or fabric paint• Slips of paper• Writing utensils

Before class, write the name Jesus on each stocking with fabric paint or a marker.Talk about the season of Advent and what they have discovered over the last three weeks. See

if they can retell the stories from today’s lesson and from the previous weeks and explain what these

Helpful HintHave students share what they did last week as their “active gift” to Jesus. How did others respond to their acts of service? Encourage them to come up with other acts of service they can do as a family.

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phrases mean: Be Ready, Be Fruitful, and Be Blessed. Encourage them to take this information home and enjoy Advent with their families. Challenge them to think this week about God’s blessings. How can they bless others? Allow those children who are comfortable to share how we should live differently because we know Jesus is the Messiah.

Pass out three slips of paper, a writing utensil, and a stocking to each child.Ask, What do you get in your stocking? You probably receive something you would like—choc-

olate, gift, toy, fruit, etc. This year we want to celebrate Advent by giving back. We’re going to give to Jesus.

On your paper, write down three things you can do this week that will be a blessing to others. Then put them in Jesus’ stocking.

You can find suggestions in your Celebrate devotion or have students offer suggestions or choose these here:

• Donate money to provide clean water to another country, or ask someone to donate on your behalf instead of giving you a Christmas gift

• Help elderly neighbors wrap Christmas presents or decorate their house for ChristmasNote: Students will be doing this same activity next week. Keep the stockings in the classroom for

use each week. Send them home with students on the last week of this series.

PrayerBring everyone together again at the end of the lesson. Take a few minutes to pray together as a

group. Allow a few moments for the room to get silent and for the group to begin praying silently. Then pray, God, thank you for fulfilling your promise to send a Savior. Help us when we doubt our faith to truly rely on you. Thank you for your blessings. Show us ways to be a blessing to others, and give us the courage to do those things. Amen.

Copyright © 2013 Beacon Hill Press®. Permission granted to copy this leaders’ guide for local church use only and copies are not to be sold. Publisher must be contacted for any other use. All rights reserved.

Unless otherwise marked, Scripture is quoted from the Holy Bible, New International Version® (niv®). Copyright © 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NIrV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version®, NIrV® Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIrV” and “New International Reader’s Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

© 2013 by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City.— 19 —

Page 20: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

ADVENT WEEK 4: Be Amazed (Scripture Reading: Matthew 1:18-25)

ENTER INTO HIS PRESENCE: THE LEADERWelcome Leader! This is your time to prepare for the fourth week of Advent. Remember that the

time you spend in your devotions, both individually and with family, will directly impact the time that you spend enjoying, contemplating, illuminating, and celebrating Advent with your students.

This Sunday School lesson is just one opportunity for the celebration of Advent in the lives of your students. You can also find ideas, options, and activities in Faith Connections age level Sunday School materials and the Gonna Make Some Noise worship materials.

Begin your lesson planning by reading the scripture found in Matthew 1:18-25 in multiple ver-sions. Think about the best way to communicate with your students. (We’ve provided one way for you, but feel free to modify it to fit your students’ learning styles.) What questions do you have about the story? What questions will your students probably have? Think about this:

• Joseph lived his life as a holy, godly man. Yet now his world seemed to be upside down. This is not how he expected his life and marriage to begin. How do you think he felt?

• Have you ever had something happen that was not how you dreamed it or expected it to occur? How did you resolve that tension?

• What role did God play in helping you? Did it help you see God’s faithfulness in the midst of an otherwise dark situation?

• God called Joseph and Mary to play a role in the salvation story. In the midst of their doubts and questions, they displayed amazing faithfulness. They ended up amazed at how God orchestrated Jesus’ entrance into the world. How has God amazed you with His work?

• Have you been amazingly faithful to Him? Pray for God’s guidance as you study and teach. Pray for the ability to communicate this story

effectively with your class.

ENTER INTO HIS PRESENCE: THE STUDENTGet your students started thinking about celebrating Jesus’ coming through using any or all of the

following three activities.

Create: Christmas Gift TagsYou’ll need• Gift tag templates (found as a part of this leader’s guide on the Church Resource Enhanced DVD)• Printer and paper• Scissors• Markers, crayons, colored pencils• Glitter and glue• Hole punch• Ribbon or yarn

You’ll doEach week students will create something. This week they will create Christmas gift tags.

Students will decorate tags printed from the templates found at the end of this leader’s guide. They can attach these tags to the gift bags they made last week or use them at home.

See page 2 of this leader’s guide for needed supplies.

Print the parent note found at the end of this leader’s guide. Send one home with each child at the end of this lesson.

Text Message to Send Home during Advent Week 4:Be amazed at all God has done for you! Take a picture of something that amazes you!

Helpful HintUse decorative scissors to create a unique design around the gift tags.

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Early childhood, students may need help in cutting out the gift tags. Allow them to take owner-ship of this craft and do as much as they can.

Elementary, your students will probably be able to do all of the steps to create this craft. Help as needed.

Before class, set out all the supplies. Create multiple copies of the gift tag templates.During class, give students time to decorate their gift tags. Punch holes in the top and string

ribbon through the hole to attach to the gift bag.

CelebrateYou’ll need• “B” Template (found as a part of this leader’s guide on the Church Resource Enhanced DVD)• Printer and paper• Cardstock, craft foam, or poster board• Markers

You’ll doBefore class, print out the “B” template using the pattern provided at the end of this leader’s

guide. Enlarge it if you’d like. Cut the “B” out of cardstock, craft foam, or poster board. Say, The theme for this week is “Be Amazed.” What amazes you? God has created many

amazing things. Be amazed at His faithfulness to you. He has an amazing purpose for you. Show Him amazing faithfulness!

Write the word “Amazed” on the “B” (or have a student do this.) Have each student sign the “B” sign. Then hang it in your classroom. If you have time, give each student a “B” to decorate.

Celebrate CrackerYou’ll need• Empty toilet paper tubes• Christmas wrapping paper• Tissue paper• Glue or tape• Ribbon or tinsel• Scissors• An inexpensive ring

You’ll doAs a way to introduce each Bible story you’ll create a Christmas cracker and put a symbol for the

story inside. See the instructions from Lesson 1 on page 6. During class, choose one student to open the Christmas cracker. To open, pull on the ends or

simply unwrap the tube.Have the student take out the ring and try to figure out how it relates to the story. (Joseph kept his

promise to marry Mary.)

ENCOUNTER HIS WORDHelp children to encounter the Word of God through a time of Bible storytelling, followed by retell-

ing and open-ended questions that encourage students to think about how they will respond to the scripture and apply it in their lives.© 2013 by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City.— 21 —

Page 22: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

You’ll need• Bible (preferably an easy reader version such as the New International Reader’s Version)• Pillow• Card with the word, Immanuel on it• Baby doll• Bag or apron with pockets to hold the items

Be AmazedMatthew 1:18-25

Gather the students together in the story time area. Say, I have a few items that will help us tell the story. So pay attention to what I pull from my bag [apron].

Tell this story: Joseph and Mary were engaged to be married. (In Bible times this was a legally binding union before they got married.) God told Mary she was going to become pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit. When Mary became pregnant, Joseph was not very happy about it. He decided to divorce her quietly instead of shaming her in public.

[Hold up the pillow.] One day an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream! The angel said, “Joseph, son of David, don’t be afraid to take Mary home as your wife. The baby inside her is from the Holy Spirit. She is going to have a son. You must give him the name Jesus. That is because he will save his people from their sins.”

This is to fulfill a promise God made, “The virgin is going to have a baby. She will give birth to a son. And he will be called Immanuel.” The name Immanuel means “God with us.” [Show the Immanuel card.]

Joseph woke up and did what the angel said. He married Mary. When she gave birth to a son, he named Him Jesus. [Hold up the baby doll.]

How amazing is that story? Jesus is both God and man. He came to earth as a baby to save people from sin. Jesus understands our struggles and helps us know what to do.

Life did not turn out the way Mary and Joseph planned, but it was better! God used them as a part of the story of salvation. Life may not end up the way you think it will. But don’t worry. Seek God. No matter what happens, God is with us!

Be amazed at what God does! As God’s people, we are to announce the good news that Jesus has come. He will come again! God shows us amazing faithfulness, even when life doesn’t turn out as planned! Look for those moments where you see His faithfulness. Be faithful to Him in return! Live like Jesus so that others can see that God is with us.

—Words in italics are quotes from the New International Reader’s Version (NIrV)

Bible Story Follow-Up Questions:1. What amazes you? What is awesome? This week find or take a picture of things that amaze

you.2. What does the phrase “God with us” mean to you? What do you think that phrase would do to

help someone who was lonely or sick or in prison?3. What does God want you to learn from today’s story?

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Digging Deeper Questions (most likely for older elementary children or preteens):

1. What good things happened as a result of Jesus becoming a human? (He understands our struggles and identifies with us. He showed us the way to live.)

2. What was amazing about Joseph’s faithfulness to God? Would you have done what he did?3. What will God help you do that will show others that you believe in Him?

Paper Plate Booklets• Paper plate booklets• Printed picture for this week (found as a part of this leader’s guide on the Church Resource Enhanced DVD)• Glue• Markers, crayons, colored pencils• Scissors• White board and markers

To each student, pass out the booklet they made earlier, copy of the picture for this week provided at the end of this leader’s guide, writing utensils, scissors, and glue. Students will color the picture, cut it out, and glue it in their booklet on Paper Plate 4. Around the edge of the plate they will write the words Be Amazed.

Write the words, Be Amazed, on the white board so students will know what to write in their book.Early childhood, you many want to cut out the picture in advance. Write the words in their book on

Paper Plate 4. In the blank space have them draw something that amazes them.Elementary, in the blank space give them the choice to draw or write about things that amaze

them about God.

ENGAGE HIS WORLDHelp students learn how to apply the scripture to life and celebrate Jesus!

What’s Next?You’ll need• Christmas stocking (one per student)• Marker or fabric paint• Slips of paper• Writing utensils• Candy cane poem (found as a part of this leader’s guide on the Church Resource Enhanced DVD)• Printer and paper• Candy canes• Scissors• Hole punch• Yarn or ribbon

Before class, make copies of the candy cane poem provided at the end of this leader’s guide. To save time during class cut out a poem and attach a candy cane to each one for the students. Attach it to the card by punching a hole in the card and tying the candy cane to it.

Talk about the season of Advent and what they have discovered over the last four weeks. See if they can retell the stories from today’s lesson and from the previous weeks and explain what these phrases mean: Be Ready, Be Fruitful, Be Blessed, and Be Amazed. Encourage them to take this informa-tion home and enjoy Advent with their families. Challenge them to think this week about how amazing

Helpful HintHave students share what they did last week as their “active gift” to Jesus. How did others respond to their acts of service? Encourage them to come up with other acts of service they can do as a family.

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God is. How can they be amazingly faithful to God? Allow those children who are comfortable to share how we should live differently because we know that God is faithful.

Pass out three slips of paper, a writing utensil, and a stocking to each child.Ask, What do you get in your stocking? You probably receive something you would like—choc-

olate, gift, toy, fruit, etc. This year we want to celebrate Advent by giving back. We’re going to give to Jesus.

On your paper, write down three things you can do this week for God that will amaze others. Then put them in Jesus’ stocking.

You can find suggestions in your Celebrate devotion or have students offer suggestions or choose these here:

• Tell someone why you love God• Obey your parents the first time they ask you to do somethingSend the stockings home with the kids.Pass out a candy cane poem to each student. Read the poem, or have a volunteer do it. Ask, What

was Jesus’ purpose in becoming a human? (To show us the way to live, to die on the Cross for our sins) What do you think it means that Jesus was considered our shepherd? (Jesus knows us and leads us.)

Tell students that they have 2 gifts they can give out this week:1. Paper Plate Booklet2. Candy Cane Poem

If you would like, have them put it in their gift bag and attach a gift tag to it! Tell them to share with others what they’ve learned this Advent season!

PrayerBring everyone together again at the end of the lesson. Take a few minutes to pray together as a

group. Allow a few moments for the room to get silent and for the group to begin praying silently. Pray this prayer, or your own: God, thank you for doing the amazing things you’ve done. Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus. Help us to do amazing things for you so others can see how wonderful you are! Help us to love others the way you love us. Amen.

Make sure students take home their crafts: gift bag, gift tag, candy cane card, paper plate book-let, and Jesus stocking!

Copyright © 2013 Beacon Hill Press®. Permission granted to copy this leaders’ guide for local church use only and copies are not to be sold. Publisher must be contacted for any other use. All rights reserved.

Unless otherwise marked, Scripture is quoted from the Holy Bible, New International Version® (niv®). Copyright © 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NIrV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version®, NIrV® Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIrV” and “New International Reader’s Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

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Picture 1

12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8





Keep __ __ __ __ __

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love joy

peace patience

kindness goodness

faithfulness gentleness


Galatians 5:22-23, NASB

Picture 2

Scripture marked (nasb) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®. Copyright © 1960, 1962 963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

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Picture 3

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Picture 4


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Use in Lesson 4.

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Use in Lesson 4.

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The Candy Cane

“J” is for Jesus who was born for sure.

White is for being sinless and pure.

Red stripes for the blood He shed on a tree.

Jesus, my shepherd, came to earth for me.

The Candy Cane

“J” is for Jesus who was born for sure.

White is for being sinless and pure.

Red stripes for the blood He shed on a tree.

Jesus, my shepherd, came to earth for me.

The Candy Cane

“J” is for Jesus who was born for sure.

White is for being sinless and pure.

Red stripes for the blood He shed on a tree.

Jesus, my shepherd, came to earth for me.

The Candy Cane

“J” is for Jesus who was born for sure.

White is for being sinless and pure.

Red stripes for the blood He shed on a tree.

Jesus, my shepherd, came to earth for me.

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Use in Lesson 4.

Page 33: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

Be Ready!

Dear family,This is a season of celebrating the Advent of Jesus Christ! We

celebrate by serving God. This week we talked about the Second

Coming. We compared Jesus’ Second Coming to the story of Noah.

It will happen quickly. No one but God knows when Jesus will

return. We must be ready. Being ready doesn’t mean we should just

be sitting around. It means we should be living for God NOW—

loving others, sharing our faith, and caring for those in need. These

are all good ways to be actively waiting for His return.

This week, use the devotional book provided to you to cele-

brate that we can anticipate the arrival of Jesus Christ! Make a game

out of trying to find ways to anticipate Jesus’ return in the Bible sto-

ries you read about each day.

© 2013 by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City.

Page 34: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

Be Fruitful!

Dear family,This is a season of celebrating the Advent of Jesus

Christ! This week we talked about being fruitful. We

talked about what it means to repent (turn from sin, and

turn toward God). God doesn’t want us to believe in Him

only in our minds. He wants there to be a heart-change

and a life-change. Our lives should show the fruit of a life

changed for God.

Think about this:

• Which spiritual fruits come naturally for me?

• Which ones are more difficult for me to embrace?

Ask your child these questions. Pray that God will

help your family have spiritual fruit.

© 2013 by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City.

Page 35: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

Be Blessed!

Dear family,This is a season of celebrating the Advent of

Jesus Christ! This week we talked about who Jesus

is. We talked about John the Baptist and how he

struggled with his faith. Jesus is the Messiah, the

chosen One to save the world from sin and death.

He healed the sick, raised the dead to life, and pro-

claimed the good news. Your child learned that

even when we have doubts, we can still know that

Jesus is Savior. God has blessed us. Because of this,

we should be a blessing to others. Live as Jesus did!

This week as you enjoy your devotional time

together as a family talk about the ways God has

blessed you. Come up with ways your family can

bless others:

• Share the good news

• Provide healing to a broken heart

• Bring life to someone who is lonely

• Help others see the blessing of

serving Jesus.

© 2013 by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City.

Page 36: An Advent Experience Leader’s Advent Experience Leader’s Guide Designed for use with children ages 4-12

Be Amazed!

Dear family,This is a season of celebrating the Advent of Jesus Christ! Today

we talked about Joseph’s role in the birth of Jesus. Life did not turn

out how Joseph expected it to. Think about the times in your life

where things have not turned out as you expected. How did you

move past this? What role did God play in helping you?

God gave Joseph the opportunity to play a role in the amazing

story of salvation. Joseph responded with amazing faithfulness.

This week as you take time to celebrate Advent

do one of these things:

• Have each family member share a way God

has amazed him or her.

• Take time daily to look for these moments!

• Share openly with your family about times

when things haven’t turned out how you

expected, and ways God helped you

move forward.

• Brainstorm ways your family can be

amazingly faithful to an amazing God!

© 2013 by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City.