Amusements. FOR TRIAL. W^m^S^^^m^^iM...

W^m^S^^^m^^iM 1 REPERTOIRE BERWHARDT §MM^~ COMING (Bit")( B it") So Is Christmas! ~ \BARUN/ ~ BOTH ON THE SAME DATE. SE 8 A READY THURSDAY. BWITWSIAOurFTfft^^^^ theatre MADAME SARAH BERNHARDT MARK JWAIN J?£,RGARET ANGUN HENRY MILLER. AUGUSTS VC^j^gigg^jg^l^'it ?^^~r~^_ helds' ss'£^r^^.ss Srirt-^ d ipplfp&£ l^2^ \u25a0 PETER F. DAILEY < ****'* >^-^» (B^^^^ THE PRESS AGENT -^*-"" - * ""* _^-~ THE EARL """^-'*--^^ 11 _ :^*** 000 *. AND THE GIRL 1"^ with Bddi* Foy at th« 0 * niSIMQ V-'V^JTV^ Extra Matinee, niHgtma^dJ^ \u25a0 ZZ!^^ -^^- > **^ »\u25a0""»» Best .eats. *i -_ _ \u25a0\u25a0 - R .vp '{^^ M A RK Mt'RPHT. HICKET * NEL- r^IJJS TO-NIGHT EtiKWßßflteK&effi VyONCERT IV/ I \u25a0 \u25a0 STCAL AVOLLOS 400 SKATS ON THK TTRST_TXOOK_ A X^l; »« iJIWIH *y^^ I^^JiT iyi^i i 1 i^i IN \u25a0*- 4-v «" b - IBVIXG HELD FOR TRIAL. t Refuses to Tell What He Knows About Fads and Fancies." Robert A. Irving, once a solicitor for "'Fads and Fancies." and Editor of "The N>w- Yorker," who \u2666« accused by James A. Burden, jr., of attempted blackmail, was arraigned before Magistrate Finn yesterday in th? Tombs police court. Before betny taken to court Irving was taken froai the Elizabeth-st. station to Folice Headquar- ters, where the Central Office detectives "looked him over. after which be was photographed for th* Rogues' Gallery. Th« naai« of Colonel Mann, of 'Town Topic?," come* prominently into the case against Irving. \u25a0who !s said to have threatened Mr. Burden, four rears ago, with the enmity of "Town Topics," un- less he subscribed JUS» to "Fads and Fancies." and in court yesterday Mr. Krotel declared that he believed Irving and Charles Able, who was also arrested in The same connection and jumped his bail, were used as catspaws by Colonel Mann. He alp" accused the latter of "grafting." Mr. Burden was v.ot in court yesterday. He left, this city for Westbr.ry- Long Island. Friday, be- fore Irving:" s arrest. He promised, however, to be en hand to-morrow, when the case will be heard. The Assistant District Attorney asked Magis- trate Finn that the prisoner be remanded for forty-algrfct hours, and said that he knew of three other men complainants against Irving, who are willing: to come forward when requested. He asked further that bail be fixed at $5,000, so that Irving \u25a0would appear -when the case is called. The magis- trate, however, held Irving in $1,000 bail until to- morrow. The rimes cf the three men who, Mr. Krotel intimated, -would a]so complain against the prisoner, could not he learned. Mr. Krote] said, in addressing the court: Besides Mr. Burden. I know of three other com- plainants, and I believe these men are perfectly willing to come forward, when requested, and make complaints against this defendant. These lubeidiary sources for "graft" were used by Colonel Harm to obtain large sums of money from persons prominent socially and in other ways. I would likn to have the bail fixed at $5,000. so that Irving will be in court when the case is called. George Gordon Battle, who appeared as counsel for Irving, said, in objecting to the request of Mr. Krot'l that the prisoner be held in $5,000 bail, that hi? father-in-law was seriously 111, and, if the prisoner was deprived of hi? liberty, that action might work serious injury. Mr. Krotel consented to the offer cf $1,000 cash bail. Although Irving ha* declared, it is said, that he \u25a0would rather go to jail than divulge anything lie might know about "Fads and Fancies," it is still hoped that he may implicate persons "higher up." Mr. Burden issued a statement yesterday Ito say that, as told in The Tribune, he had made ro formal complaint against Irvingand had not asked that he be arrested. Mr.Burden's statement was: This rooming's papers hay« published a story to the effect that I had appeared as complainant against and caused the arrest of Robert A. Irving on a charge of attempted blackmail. I wish to state that I told my story at the District Attorney's office at the request of Robert J. Collier without the slightest intention of becoming a complainant NEW AMSTERDAM ;; H Hs£F l Eve*, nt 8.16. Matinees 2 MORK WEEKS. , THE EMINENT A ' :lO . K "~ir"^\u25a0% E, S. WILLARD WEEK FIRST TIME IN THIS COUNTJ^ Be 6innin* " MAN WHO AS ' To-morrow •» t "'^"n KIPLING and E -™ "1 PAIR OF SPECTACLES." &Sat. Mats. A By SYDNEY GRUNDY. Week Dec. 85- M. wmardta* %^£g&ZsT. SEATS ON SALE TOR ENTIRE E> i'A_ -•*- .•\u2666Beginning New s N.gnt- "^ FVJ . "45 Minutes from Broadway TE mp L eton VERONIQUE WINTER AUTOMOBILE EQUIPMENT. For the winter, side doors on the front seats will be the proper thing in motor car equipment. They have been quite popular in Europe, and this year one of the prominent American cars has a design of body which includes this feature. The doors are hinged at the front and fastened with a cab door lock at the rear. Built rather low and provided with 8 moulding along the top they give the car a decidedly rakish appearance. Aside from the artis- tic use 'they are valuable in keeping out the cold, mud and water, which oftentimes makes auto- mobiling in winter a rather doubtful sport. SAN FRANCISCO STOCKS. Sap Francisco. Dec. 16,-The official closing quo- tations for mining stocks to-day were as follows: Alta \u25a0• . 02! Justice 05 Alpha Con 06 Kentucky Con 01 Andes 201 Lady Washington Con.. .02 Belcher 22]Mf:xican 1.86 Best & Belcher I.4o'Occlder,tal Con 96 Bullion 26pphir 6.00 Csa.le<3onla - .58 Overman 14 Challenge Con 19!Potosi 09 Chollar 19. Savage 54 Confidence 85 ' Sag Belcher 09 Con Cal & V& I.4o* Sierra. Nevada.... 37 Con Imperial Ol'Pyndicate 11 Crown Point 13; Louis 08 Gould & Curry itiUnlon non B9 Hale & NorcroFs l.lOX'tah Con 06 Julia 03; Yellow Jacket 14 Newport. R. 1.. Dec. 16.—A wireless message was received from Lightship No. 66 to-night, saying that t i lP maid made slow progress during the afternoon and had anchored twenty miles east-southeast of So Man's Land and forty-four miles from her sta- tion The 6eas continued high . and late in the afternoon she was able to make only one knot an hour. 6he will start again as soon as the seas subside. New-Bedford Sailosrs Predict Wreck of Ves- sel Going to Nantucket Shoals. [By l>le«T«ph to The Tribune.) New-Bedford. Mass., Dec. 16.—Sailors here assert that Lightship No. 66. vrhicb has gone to Nantueket Shoals to replace relief Lightship No. 58. which sank a f«?w days ago. has not been overhauled since she went ashore on the beach near Round Hill last winter, and cannot be in seaworthy condition. They predict another wreck. SAY LIGHTSHIP IS "UNSAFE. K nd in the belief that th« matter would not be mad«» public. y\. PBEACHEB A TJLHPLIGHTER. Minister Takes Job at $25 a Month— $700 a Year Salary, Too. By an agreement with the village authorities of Southold. Lone Island, to lljrfctand extinguish th« street lamps each night for S£> a month, the Rev. James Murray, pastor of the Southold Univewaiift Church, has brought upon him the criticism of many of his congregation. Southold's populace re- tires very early. All street lamps must be ex- tinguished promptly at 11 o'clock. $700 a year wfll Trie Key Mr Murray's salary of $700 a year will be increased by $300 through his work on the street la'mDS He proposes to use the time spent on me streets twice each evening in thinking out his sermons. He has made for himself new friends-, who admire his pluck. Spontw.eonrtr acclaimed by Public and Pre*. the » Pin, nt« of all entertainment, <* «n chvxtel In all worlds. Its like never conceived and Its equal never approached. A RECORD IN NEWSPAPER El"LOGir. Stupendous Triumph of the Stage "A Society Circus" OFFERINGS AT THE STORES. FOE FULLER DETAILS CONSULT THE ADVERTISE- MENTS IX TODAYS ISSUE. MX. I.OCDON G. CHARLTON announces AT CARNEGIE HALLDec. 26 ONLY NEW YORK RECITAL mmc. GADSKI Price? Boxes. Jit, $15; Seats, $2.5". $2. *1.6». $1. at Box Office and Luckhardt & Belder's. at MENDELSSOHN HILL "W» AND TWO AFTERNOONS. JAN. 4 AND 13. MR. DAVID BISPHAM 3 SONG RECITALS Season subscription orders at $4. filled by mall by Loudon G. Charlton. Carnegie Hall. Single Sale Box Office ard Luckhardt & Belder's, now open. * MENDELSSOHN HALL SfiS \u25a0 THREE AITERNOONS. Alfred REISENAUER 3 PIANO RECITALS Season subscription orders at $4, filled by mail by Loudon a. Charlton, Carnegie Hall. Single .Sale Box Office and luckhardt & Belder's. now open. EVENING TELEGRAM-- "Biggest an* be»l rtlaa ever presented in America. Its equal can be found n'v where else." DAILY NEWS "Most magnificent pr<?drmtlon «v»r seen on the American stage." TELEGRAPH "The Hippodrome has gons Itself or.' gpy -The Hippodrome hit another ballser* la*'- n!fiLOßE— "Everything: else beaten to a stand The Hippodrome's biggest success." TRIBINE— "Eclipses everything before. A. ""TIMES— "For vastness. glitter, breadth of con.-;- thrimm^ns;- auditorium more .p.ctaculax more tiful in costuming, more stupendous than anything era Pr RR d ROOKITV EAGLE— "Such magniflcent dispUr' havf ?hus far belkprod^ed only at the Hlppodrom*- EVENINGS AT 8. HERAXD— "A stage miracle. Paris and Txiudon productions pale into insignificance. It never had an * q jEVENING BrN* "The most magnificent and marvel- lous performance that any stage ha* ever known. It beggars description. It Is simply the limit. WORLD "The Hippodrome clinched its right to Be known as the most marvellous home of spectacle in the world." POST "Its equal never seen. PRESS— "Comparisons pale, mere metaphors rail or their function of expression and lexicons are sterile or adjectives to describe tha triumph." »"•*_, . MAIL— "A Society Circus is what P. T. Barnum used to print 'The Greatest Show on Earth,' only somehow the earth has become larger and the demands of the people have become more exacting than when Fblneas " k EVEM>'G jol r R> ; AJL— "Bxceads anything ever pro- duced on a modern stage." \u0084»._» EVENING WORLD— "The Hippodrome's latest tri- umph." DAILY MATINEES AT 2. SEATS ON SALE FOCR WEEKS IN ADVANCE I IBMITWTHEVTRE, 42d St.. West of Broadway. li THWArrRis. = A-"FAiB"EXCIIAfiGE' 1 OPENING XMAS MAT. 'Dec. 25>. Seats Thurs. Book. Fredk Rankln. Muslo. A. Baldwin Sloane. OQD LE DOMINO ROl'fiE. J^ H "^^ |5™ ft New F|«T LTHt oqd I.X DOMINO ROH.K. jfß*,G£3B 3 AYE Version"" 81 ul( ""- CO st .— MOWATTS— Tom dSL, m I m -— ». Amelia Bingham a? "L»dr Sawn & Co., Idalene <'otton «- H| \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0" I - I Pjft . A i Isabel." Isaoelle Evesson. Ni.-:c Loi>g. the Eight Shetlande, —^ VW \u25a0 \u25a0 I 1 iJU A ALT, STAR CQMPANT, SS^ip : PBUH^HSS3I!I PR"" RAGLAN9 WAY. ,— Smoking Balcony. SovmTS I C\J ST Mr. Kelley. Miss Mor- | Seats reserved In advance ' men on . Kve. Stx.t* C&3' 3< a^cUittey. C T^! o '' I Bis Sunday Shows at all Proctor Theatre.. i Gifts at Sat. Matinee. X El TH'S BROADS * X4TH ST. .ULMWUfIM PERFORMANCE 1:30 to 10:30 V. ,1. E. F. ALBEE, 0- Mr The Sonir Story ofDixie, |K C v!«rf 5 KraS. Kdw. F. K. REYNARD. PRICE? 4;^ V«^SS?B^^s^. 1 BWt&I * KA TA»O. 1««T SHOW IN l»g JOE WEBER'S "1 _, THEATRE ShV. Evening at 8:1 B. Mats. \u25a0 mmm , mmmm^ m , ,_ J Tu«s- & Sat. Nt 1:15. H ONLY 2 WEthS MORE CYRIL SCO In Edward Peplc's Delightfully Human Play. THE PRINCE CHAP WALTER >• WKE^ SS T ORK SUCCESSES EXTRA MATINKES t XM ASt ANT> tNl^t N l^ YEAR'S DAYS MADISON SQ. . , , THEATRE gffff* | Evgs. at S: SO. Mats. inr-ttinC ..^>. | Wed. &Sat. 2:15. LAST 3 WEEKS. HENRY E. BIXEY In Harold MacGrath's THE MAN m THE BOX By Grace Livingston Kumiss. Preceded by DAVID GAKKICK. E. B. MEYROWITZ. 33d-sL. near 4th-av.. will have on exhibition an assortment of opera glasses. ABRAHAM & STRAT'S. Brooklyn, offer this week a special sale of cut glass, china, lamps and clocks. They call attention to their gloves, and a Christmas clearance of an assortment of furs. F. O. LINDEN & SON. Brooklyn, will have a special sale this week of furs for Christmas giving. A. I>. MATTHEWS' SONS. Brooklyn, call atten- tion this week to a special sale of watches for men and women, men's waterproof shoes, and an as- sortment of furs, wrapper blankets and china- JOSEPH P. M'HUGH & CO.. 42d-st.. west of Eth- ave., advertise things good for Christmas giving, such as couch pillows, book slides, nursery posters, hunting postfrs and drinking dishes for dogs. A. JAECKEL & CO., Union Square. West, offer a special sale of furs. A. A. VANTINE & CO., Broadway, between 18th and 19th sts.. offer this week a number of articles for holiday gifts. ARNOLD. CONSTABLE & CO.. Broadway and 19th-st., will hold this week a special sale of dry- goods, carpets and upboustery, men's wear, silks and dress patterns. GEORGE W. WELSH'S SON. Broadway, op- posite City Hall, begins to-morrow a special sal© of diamonds and gold jewelry. THE ARNOLD BAZAAR, West 22d-st., adver- tises a special sale of house slippers. R. J. HORNER & CO., West 23d-st., have a spe- cial sale this week of furniture for holiday gifts. FRANKLIN SIMON & CO.. sth-ave.. between 3Tth and 38th sts., lay stress on their show of wom- en's fur lined coats and an assortment of broad- cloths. morrow with a special sale of an assortment of furs. They call attention to a continuation of their clearance sale of women's and misses' tailored suits and separate coats and skirts. A. FRANKFIELD & CO., West 34th-st., make a specialty of jewelry. A a ha p|| THE VTRE 2"th St & Madison Ar. OPENS CHRISTMAS MiTIHEE !%Bs°- AS Y E SOW B-. REV. JOHN SNYDEB. Bjpecutj Prices Best 50 \ Wedn'y MQO This En Night Seats \ Matinee I gagement. 3 IIS \u25a0 THE SIEG EL-COOPER COMPANY, 6th-ave., be- tween ISth and l?th ets.. has a special sale this \u25a0wreck of diamonds and pold Jewelry, umbrellas. candles and favors, baskets and toilet articles. They aJso call attention to their Reginaphoiat-s. STERN BROTHERS. "West 22d-st.. advertise a Rale of men's and women's umbrellas, linens, broadcloths, lace curtains, women's walking suits, house gowns, fur garme.nts, cloak?, house coats and robes. They invite attention to their bronzes, clock sets, electroliers, gold jewelry, opera glass bag*, sterling silver toilet articles. jewel bags and many other useful articles. HIOG.TNS & SEITEK. West 21st and 22d sts.. an- nounce a sale this week of china and cut glass for Christmas gifts, marble busts, serving plates, vases, lamps and electroliers. HACKETT. CARHART & CO., Broadway and ISth-st., make a special offer of furs for •women, boys and girls, and advertise a special sale of even- Ing coats, waists, petticoats and velour coats. BONTVIT, TELLER &CO., "West 23d-st-, begin to- THE SIMPSON-CRAWFORD COMPANY, 6th- ave.. between VHb and VKh ota., offers this week, for holiday gifts, an assortment of furs. They also call attention, beginning- tomorrow, to a special ' handkerchiefs, men's silk mufflers and gold jewelry. IjORD eV. TAYLOR, Broadway and 30ih-st., 6th- «.ve. and ISth-st., beginning: to-morrow, -wili have on saJe furniti:r« for Christmas gi^/infr. petticoats, \u25a0women's fur lined overcoats and women's lace waists. R. H. MACT & Broadway and 6th-av<\, in- vite attention to an assortment of handkerchiefs, \u25a0wraps, shawls, sweaters and scarfs, and hosiery for men and women. They announce a special saie of holiday grcods. such as women's kimonos and sacques, sets of tqoks. china, bric-a-brac, cut glass and lamps and gift goods iv furniture. B. AX.TMAN" & CO., l&th-st. and ?th-ave., call attention to rugs, clocks and clock sets, bronzes *nd marbles and English jrlaFS, also a number of articles of personal use. Beginning Tuesday they will have a special jale of fur garments and silk •waist patterns. MAEINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE ALMANAC. Sunrise 7:l"!Sun»et 4.34 Moon rise* 10:28 [Moon's age 20 HIGH WATER. A Kandy Hook 13:15iGov. Island 1 1:21! Hell Gate 1:14 P.M.—Sandy Hook ll:MiGov. Island ll:sS|Hell Gate 1:51 B'way & 30th St. Eva. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0I 1 lAI/'A S:?!>. Mat. Wed. * Sat. WAI I ARK a - \u25a0»•"• Wednesday Mat.! Vff nbkftUl^ W Pricu 50c to $1.50 "Best play of the season." XTR.V MATS. XStAS i& NEW YEAR'S. «\u25a0 FAVERSHAM In Edwin Milton Royle'? Western Romance, int, SOUAW MAN_ La BretBETW. reported yesterday by \u25a0wlreles.", ill dc^k to— day al»ut S:3O a. m. The Etruria. anchored off Quar- antine last night. v.lll dock this morning; about 9 o'clock. NEW YORKTHEATRE 4 r To t-t * tt- c rur A^ E^-i-v.o6;NOHi^ PRICES 25c. 50c. 750 & 1.00. NO HK.HE.K. Pep Mat WeJ.. 2r»c. 50c & 75c. Keg. Mat. Sat. RICHARD CARLE fe-Tn^HE MAYOR OF ac TOKJO," By Richard Carlo and Wm. Frederick Peters. TO-NlGHT^^^^^x. CONCERT 1' FEATURES— I 2. BEST SEATS 81.00. THE: eAcOLE-ARIAZA troupe i oorf r cast ii^ IAN DANCERS, the Wonderful O MEEKS. BILI.\ VAN, Amy Rlcard. Eddie I^onard & Co., etc. HH ° U ° AY£ HV£ One Week. Beginning To-morrow Evening Evenings 8:15. Only Matinee Saturday. 3:Z». Success with a blsr S.—N. Y. Sim. Direct from the Liberty with original cast. DANIEL V. ARTHL'R ANNOUNCES Mjfrt lllujl •WHO IS SO DIFFERENT FROM AT, I, OTHERS' "MOLLY MOONSHINE" Roov- and Lyrics by R.>vl<?-Hobart-Hein. HEAR THE NEW Robinson for Mv Ten ifkAn IHE I^Cff Robinson Cruaoe's We. OAHILL HITS Dw'tßeWtat'ToaWt \" th« Prettiest and Best Singing Chorus ever organized. Brightest musical comedy of year. N.Y.Herald. Tjoopmhpr "Sth Charles Frohman Presents f~r>KIA »* A V in THE CATCH 1 Seats E.DNA MAT OF THE SEASON. I Thurs. TdPV "B%T T IT* "HT Hf* GRAND U"IM A *«" £* -1 CONCERT. BFSSIK CI. \TTON. I Itetcalf. Paddock & Ed- Wilfred Clarke « Vo., «? , d;! - Ray Cox. Arthur The <J1««»oti s * ' nißby. Charles & Edna Houlihan. Hani*. Pleasant Sur- —Rio Brothers— 3 I prise. \u25a0*->/-%\u25a0 /^VIVTI f\ I BROADWAY VyULUI*" »L- Phone 4457 Col. T^ » '~U* BIGGEST &BEST BILL IN N.T. 1 O-nigni 25c. TO one —NO HIGHER. \u25a0reek Dec. 18th, ladles 1 Ma*. Daily, 2.V. COL. Cm ASTON I 1/V * Harrison COL. LIAS 1ViiX j walkownky BORDEVERRY | Troupe, TroTollo tSUKL/l-'* CK«V« I Searl * Violet HAL DAVIS ?&£Sf<Sr r INEZ MACAULEY BK-WS«S AND COMPANY. Vltagraph. /& XjJri-«^xi«.J=3-cn.^m. pt. gtsL CONCERTS TO-DAY. *:3f>: TO-NIGHT, - and IjJtdLufILJVX.J^S-t-1-^a. 126th Bt CONCERTS TO-P.\T. *:3n : TO-NIGHT. 8 1" Jp*^| " Week Dec. IS. Rarpnin Mat. Dally, lie heowwborji's i i Matthew* a pe.o Wfiiounn o AHbiey. ai<\u25a0<*<\u25a0 MINSTREL MISSES CMltatoe. Italian IVJlHOintu itllOOtU ] lri(>i Blnn« & Binns. nlth Mi»« Bertie Heron .j O *. B. Donovan ft CLAYTON WHITE £ ?&£s%£t I'iniL- PTHADT i Chrl* smitli & the IflAlllt Uiuflnl I Johnsons, The Vlt graph. A 1DDK Wm.H. Reynolds. Pres.'Phone 351-SS UAnnlulV Evgs.B:lo. Matß.Thurs &5at.. 2:10 rDArr /^lT«Sf?r^ir The >larrtaice of GRACE Gfc-OKUJL wlUiam A»be. .•.Beginning Xmas Mat. (Seats Not Selllnr ) HENRIETTA CROSMAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC £&Tf£ MATINEE CHRISTMAS PAT. LAST 2 WEEKS. Hamlin *• Mitchell* famous musical play ± _ B&BES'«TOYLAND Mu«l-. Victor H«rb*rt Book. Ol?n McP^nough. P'-i.tor H«rb*rt Bo«k. OUn M<-p->Tjnugh. Produced by Julian Mltche!!. PRICES. ?5. 50. 75. 1.00. TV»<l and Pat.. 2. BT« « «h^rr>. n*rt-T4AV Afternoon. ::."" SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT Irish Ladies* Choir Th« Moth»rlan-i Son»rs in SaeHe and English Afternoon. PRICES: Evening. !5 SO 75. - 3 - **. i I-""- METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE. TO^iIPUT At P«V«i« Prices. "Q>S I \3S II I At p °Pular Prices. GRAND SI>DAT NIGHT CO>TCERT. MISS MARIE HALL, ™™>«- (By arrangement with Mr Henry Wolfsohn.) OLIVE' FPJ2MSTAD, .IOMEI.L.I : JOI*RNET. BARS. Entire Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. Conductors. PROF. HEINItICH ZOELLNEII and MR. NAHAN FKANKO. Mon. TTvs-. Dec. 18. at LA BOHEMH Sembrich. Alten; Camso. Scotti, .rournet. Parvis, Rossi, Dufrtche. Conductor. Vigna. Wed. Eve-., Dec. 20. Nt B— RIGOLETTO. Sembrich. Jacoby, Bauermc-istfr; Caruso, Bcottl, Jo'irnet. Besue, Muhlmann. Conductor, Vigna. Fri. Evk . Dec. 22. at OOETTERDAEIiIIER- IJNG. Nordica. Homer. Weed. Alten, Ralph: Knots. Blass. Muhlmann. Conductor, Hertz. Sat. Mat.. Dec. 2.1, at 2—LA FAVORITA. Walker. .Tomelli- r'aruso, Scotti, rianqon. Bars. Conductor, Vigna. Pat. Evg.. Dec. 23 (Pop. Prices), at B—LA TRAYIATA. S*mbrich, Jacoby Baur-rm*ister; Dippel, Parvls, Bars, Dufrlche, Begue. Conductor. Vigna. CHRISTMAS MATINEE CYCLE. "DER RING DBS NIBEHNGEN" Mon Aft.. Dee. 25. at. 2 DAS RHETNGOL.D Wed. Aft.. Dec. 27. at 1:30 DIE WALKUERE Thur. Aft.. Dec. 2?. at 1:80 SIEGFRIED Fri.. Dec. 29. at 1:3<» C.OETTERDAEMMERUNG Sale of seats for single performances begins TO-MOR- ROW MORNING, at. 0 o'clock. Oreh. and Orch. Circle. $5: Dress Circle, $3; Bale. Front. jfJ.r.O; Rale. Rear, $2: Fam. Circle. f1.r.0. WEBER, PIANO USED. IDUIUfk PLACE THEATRE.. EVgs at 8.30, Mon. iRViNU Tues.. & Wed., BVg«. Gcrtrnd Arnold & Harry W nI i! «•\u25a0 n In Heyermann s C'omedv Drama. Ke t I englleiler", Thurs.. Frl & Sat EVr^ Harry Wal dc n In Meyer-Foereter'a Comedy, "D c r Vlel*e p r «• * r e." < 'orrmencingr Fat Dec *3 every day at 1:50. Children s Ma t- ttn'ees, at Pop. Prices, Dec. S3. .26. 27. 28, 29, '•D \u0084rXlclncDa •" n in 1 i n k ii. dp r Mcn• c h e n- fre c r"; Dec. 00 i- Jan 1.<. ':. "i* chnee Wil t- che d." „__ , MKNDKI-SSOHN HALL. Tuf , jan "»• Tu-s.. Feb. 0: Wed., March 7. Nt 8.15. 11 " ' 'three CONCERTS by THE Boston rrsvpil "| 809 I II W S . Stojowski SYShPHUbIi Susan Metcaife QUABTET 0! 3 a Samaroff); Tl^ta for »erl«*. 84. a: Mendelssohn Hall, and I.uok- hardt & Beldor^. 10 East 17th Street 11 nee To- I Jo* Hart A Carrie De Mar Motoring rr.orrow Mat. I O'Brien & Havol. UoSsow Ml.i'tw. other;.. CARNEGIE BAU ' Thurs. Evs>.. .Lan 4 Feb. Z2. Ma^c^ -* THE VOLPE "ShSSSST I'nlqne Orchestra «•? »0 Vonns Frrfonner*. Eminent American Soloist*. A. I). VOLPE. Conductor. Subscriptions. $1 to I*: Sinir'* Ticket? :j \u25a0'»" at the Box Office. CarMfiJ* Hall. WKNUFTSSOHN LONGY CLUB «N LONGY CLUB %Vr'xr> ' of th Boston SymphenT Orrbwtn" . i ! 17t.i St.. l ••"»• and $l-«».____ pastor's 'mm CHARLES AND EDNA HARRI?. Adamini & Taylor. Pantjcr Trio. Geo. B. Alexander. Mills & M rr;.« Dan J. Harrington. Allen & Dalton. Kimball & Donovan. The Demarccs. Arhere Slaters. __,-i, And as Extra. Attraction, THE AMPHION FOOt^ st. NICHOLAS 6«TH ST. ANT> COH MBl ? ATE, IS OPEN TO-DAY. PERFECT ICE. SKATE.* FREE Thr»« sessions daily, except Mondays: ! ? - 1 * *\u25a0 \u25a0• 2:30 and S:io P. M. Admission. SOc. Hockry Game Tupsdaj. Der. 19. VAT.E VS. HOCKEY CM~B OF >'. T. CAKNEGrr. HA IX. - NEW YORK SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA WALTER DfiMROSCH - - . - This Afternoon at 3. FROGRAM7.IE. „. Variations on a Russian Folk Boi by Art""lPOtte— \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0U'lhtol T.iadow. Sokolow. Glaznunow. '- Air rroTn 'Th» Magic Flute" . v '°. Symphony for Orchestra and F'-^no > <>\u25a0? so ~* ... a French Mountaineer Vincent fl* Songs by Vldal. Tschalkowsky. Bizet "Sounds of th. Forest"' from "Siesfrled" " a ~ BESSIE ABOTT, RAOUL POGNO, Soprano. | Piano Satire change of Programme Tu-sda: ?. \u25a0\u25a0*"\u25a0'•*!\u25a0 _ DAVID BS^ABCO'a V. *. ATTRA!TI(IN>. INCOMING STEAMERS. TO-DAY. Vessel. From. Line. •Maranhesae Para. December 3 Booth •et Paul Southampton, December 9. . .American Vi^ilanela Havana. December 12 Ward •Prina "WiliemI Haytl. December 10 D 'W I •La Bretagne Havre. December 9 French Pretoria Boulogne. December 4 Hamb-Am carnal Galvestoc, Decembers Mallory Cltv o* Memphis. ... Savannah. December 33. .. Savannah Comar.che Jacksonville. December 13 Clyde L'andaS City Swansea. December 1 Bristol Algeria. Palermo. November 30 Anchor Galiia Naples, November 30 Fabre MONDAY. DECEMBER 18. •Philadelphia La Guayra, December 11.... 8ed D •M*raca» \u25a0 Grenada. December 10 Trinidad •Havana Colon. December 12 Panama •Saniia Kingston. December 13. . . .Hamb-Am Kuroa Jacksonville. December 15 Clyde B!u» Hamburg. December 9 Hatnb-Am St Andrew Antwerp. December 4 Phoenix Peninsular St Michael's. December 4.. Portuguese El Monte, New-Orleanr. December 13... Morgan \u25a0£.1 Su«! Gaiveston. December 12 Morgan TUESDAY. DECEMBER 18. •Finland \u25a0• Antwerp, December 0 Red ?»ar r K \ December 12.. N. G. Lloyd •Fontabelle .St Thomas, December 14 .Qu»iw Bremen Bremen. December 9... .N. O. Ulcyd Concho. Galveatoa. December 13 Mallory WBDKESDAT. DECEMBER 20. •Oceanic Liverpool. December White star •Kbnig Albert OSbraltar, December 11 ..N Q Lloyd rwic Liverpool. Dwfmbcr 9 White Star rr]<:{t;\o Galveston, December 34 Morgan ' "' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21. *Konlf?ln Lai« Naples December 12 .. . N G Uoyd •Ho^t'-!iu« Para. December 0 Houston Hamburr \u25a0• Naples. December 8 Hamb-Am Bre-Uu Bremen. December 8 N G Uoyd I'roteua N '"'* Orlf-ans. T'-~ i ,h -r 16 . . .Morgan •Brtnc» mall. ManhaUan SThpalrf Broadway and Thirty-third Street. HARRISON OHET FISKE. : Manager Kvenings at ft »0! Matinee Saturday at 2:20. a "SCORED A SUCCESS. IT HAS A LONT. I ("SCORED A SUCCESS IT HAS A LONO I LIFE COMING." Herald. LEO niTRIcnSTEI.VS <.re'it<-(>t I-iugrhtcr PUtf. BEFORE AND AFTER 1Management Robert Hurt»r ) Extra Matinees Xn\i«» an<! New \car«. Scata ['our Weeks Ahettd. Mn»de!s«cln Hall. Tbor». Aft.. Ver. ?8. »* *• EDIVTN S I CRASSE A Tv t#ci mm. Corinne Rider-Kelscy sop** P»«ts. $1. $1.30. at Box Offlc and Music Stor«* OR.LENEFF RUSSIA'S LYCEUM- 15 Efest 3r,1 St. Tel. 1451 -'^I^*%^ " tm To-day. 23" p m. (saored concert*, ,-.— 1* Imr-ff: 5:1.% p m. \u25a0\u25a0h.-.-.i ' Ctioieß People M 9.» ißhment." Thursday. Dec. 21. "Zsia. , nee * Tche-'hoffs "T.!%a!ka." N*»imoff. Saturoa. . "»» 2:»> p. m.. "Zaia' . 8:M -Fifi-nlly Zviee. •^Tr-^l A CCA THEATRE. W««l 42d •*• BELASCO Bye. at 8 Mar Sat .at i. FOI I > Monday. Dec. CF, il ;--crw\ < Thursday. Dec. *8 1 I fcXrUA I. Monday, .Jan. 1 ii MATINEE? < Thursday. Jan. 4 I O\VII> BEl^\S< O Present BLANCHE BATES " "THE GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST" > nhv of '49 Scene In California * by DAVID BELASCO. HEATS 0 WEEKS in ADVANCE. OUTGOING STEAMERS. MONDAY. DECEMBEP. M. Ve*«el Vet»e! For. Uih Malls close. Rails. <~i*tiriia'n PHnc«, pernambiica. Pr!n<r».l2:oo Ja 3:of!pm Prin-ef Anr*. Norfolk. Old Dominion. - u.OOpn: TUESDAY. DECEMBER 13 'airdena. Glasgow. Aikuoi ll:3!am »pm >Ur.r»r.lllo. Guanu;r.arao. Ward ««>» ,»SSL PaDMftla. Naples, Cunard rT" ™Q « oa^^. J»cksonv!!le. arde ~^v P HiJniitor. Norf oik. Old Dominion 3^X) p m TTEDNESDAY, DECEMBER »>. \u25a0«.'««tlr Liverpool V.T>He Stsr r,:.-?0»m 10:00 am Holland Am... 7 :30 am l«:«>an. Comua. NVw-Oriean^ Morgan. . CABXSGnE rH\>IBr:R MUSIC HAI.I-. CLONZALEY QUARTET B 2nd ( onrrrt Tiirswlay Bt»., me. 19. st 8:13. PBOGKAMMRi BEETHOVKK, Quartet in O. np. I*: ROBERT FIH'HS "Ada Ro'it^nuto" from Qliart-t. r.y S. M v RKOER. "Vivace " from <Ju^rt#t in D mirmr. op. "< SMKTANA. Quartet <Aii"» meliiem l«>»nK Tirkets *2. at ortu-es «u»lc«l Art Society, l TV. 3«th Pt.. and ?1 B. 'Tth St.. ana at dor. The roncMt will h<" repeated the n<>xt fv»ninc for Trachea ami >t:idfnf«. Ticket* M «*. Nt the «f Hie Musical A.-t Society. 1 W. :*th St.. and at door. PS S II" V Tin 8:K-.. Mftts, VT«<J. and S»t. iril WUMDtKLAND BT,\RTIN«; XMAB MAT M\KIK fAHll.l. X Tetnii. otr. MAI.I OLM STVART. anil ClneTn*tocr*ph. . :«:ma, etc. MAl.t OLM STUART. !»> E- S6 *t.. N. Y. nlmil '". Evs. 8:15. Matin'- Saturday BiJOU^3oth.> 21> YEAR IN N. V. WARFIELD in the MUSIC MASTER BEAT* " XI.LINOKOUlt WEEKS AHEAD. <\u25a0 \ll v.E <• I B II AI- '•• SUNDAY AiTRI£N«»ON. OKI. 34T11. KUBELIK Loiatrd by MIH* AC.NKS <»ARI»«R EIRE. v ' and ! ' DWIO SCHWAB, l(,vii!«r ri'-.t, |t to »*•. Knabr Plaoo. ELECTRICAL SHOW. XADtSON \u25a0.!>« vre BAWD** \u25a0 'LOS UK.'. 23D. w-j*l^« The m.-v*! hr»l!iarf. display ever m»(i' °- l - ; ot M-rTrirlty. I*'-«t ins^nt'or. mork'r* «»»"* vellous iletnons tia r ic!:». no \»»r miw it. ADMISSION TO AM-. M) (r M \u25a0 _^_ UiCCT EVA THK.XTRK. Usth St "'» *2 •* ??CST ferll IS . «:1V Mat. t*»d. a* Matin.' & Night i S™^^>^ Twice To-day doo& *tc.. •>- _\u0084..C ! « , To-morrorv M(fht. Frank Uo« ". Jr .p- V of. Gifts. F. BRifEWIH.jSTH^HIw*" with a bijt company. ['"'*''"£ \f°A* PAT Xmas Hl'SriM. MATINEE XM.^ \\> k I JAMES CrNBII.I. '" __M!lllLJ>— - T^ EDEN gSSKfSI musee . 5 1A r";} HENRY LEE -*" Kaj-'-a^r,^ Dec U- Sailed, steamer Grungen;* <Br). Tocqu". from" Nlw-York tor Para; La Plata (Ho, I-agn^l, iKn^e 3 ' Sc On i^Pa^rjea^er Armenian o**. Kelk. Cape^T^w^^e^U-Arr^d. steamer Black Prince (Br). e T l\^Ar'X^l M-amer Citta dl Napoli .1t,.-. Lava-iello, New-Yorjc via Naples nyal I DXI« IS a m— Arrived, steamer Brooklyn. Jenren. Antw^'^ec 'l°s-A a rrlv' ! '?.^ British X,n X ,1,,,. O^HaKen New-York. rV.ulluvark <Br). William,. New- ?o"k IMb TsVed ; tcatn,r Zeeland (Br), BroomheaJ. MovU!7 JDJ k l^sSl«i Btoamer Columbia Or), Wa.s- S.nt:r ID-el D-ec fro irJi"r.[e^r^:-cnn a t Prince ,Br). st 525f%-^^«U«. steamer Vasconia .FT,. Tariff" Dec N 'lC^^ated. r e R amer " !ulla (AuSt)' Zar. Port^ula *r');r. t T6 N Arrival! 1 steamer Kuth-rland fßr). \vlnac«. 'New-York via St Vincent. C V. for Yoko- r^n-^FeWeJia Dec ie-Pa»sed. steamer Prins Wlllem 111 /dSS! If A»ren«. Now-York via Port au Prince, .IS Br O w°H^tt? l>t De'c a it-m«imer Amerik* (Her), Sauermann. fr"n -York for Plymouth Ch*rt>Dnr« and Ham- burir, reported by wlrel-BH t-!*RrHj,li ,l4.. miles south- wm of thl*(Station a! : <<• \u25a0\u25a0 >'• i Will proVablj r t»ch I'limuutU ,i-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•-' Wai V JSnuHj-. THE MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. FOREIGN PORTS. Liverpool, Dec 16— Sailed, steamer Caronia fßi), Barr. New-York via nstoiva. Hamburß- Dec 13 Sailed, euajners Hero 'Nor). Srvert - ten. N*w-York; 14th, Geestemunde (G*rj, Hett<mryr, Philadelphia. . Bremen. Dec Ifl. 5 p m Eciiid. steamer Rh»tn (Ger), Rott. New- York. Cherbourg, Dec 18, 5:50 p m—Sailed, steamer New- York, Roberts, from Southampton for New-York. Copenhagen. Dec 18—Sailed, steamer Oscar II (Dan), Hernpel, N-" v York. Southatn^on. Dee -Sailed, stmmer New-York. Roberts. New-York via Cherbourg tend passed Hurst Castle 1:30 p m). Plymouth. Dec 16. 11:30 a in -Arrived, steamer SI Louis. Jamison, New-York for Ch<rbourt and Southampton (and proceeded). Gibraltar. D<-c Passed, steamers Clarpathla. (Br), diaries, Trieste, etc. for York: Germani*. (Ft), Joubert, New-York for Marseilles and Naples. Marseilles. Dec 16 Arrived, ftean'.tr Perugia tßr>, Johns- ton. New-York via Naples. Havre, De<? IS, midnight Arrived. ti'amw La GascogiiK iPri. Tournier, New- York ;noon, sailed, steamer l^a I»rr»iitiß (Ft), Mix, New-York. Brow Hmul, Dec Passed, steamers Bristol City CRr), Bare. ay. New-York for Bristol; 10:20 p m. Umbria (Br). StepheJi*. New-York for Queeru«Lown and Llver- pool. Bouloitne, l»er ifi. 2 a m Arrived, steamer stalfn-I«ni itiuti'ht, Hußs?veen, New-York for Rotterdam (.an.i l.v .vet. \u25a0). Sieamer^ Patricia CGer). Dover and Hamburg, Carman!* (Bri Qu'e»-ni«town and Liverpool ; Pniladeiphia, Plymouth. ("herbouis and Southampton; Sloterdyk (Dutch), Kcttor- dam- VaJeiiand (B*-'.g', Antwerp via Dover; Virginia tGer> Inapua. MonttK» Bay. etc; America (Br) Balti- more; Lougrhrigj; Holms (Br>. Rotterdam; San Juan, San Jiian, Ponce, etc; Ziiiiu. La Gua>Ta, Curacao, etc: Shi- rr.oga <Bt>. Singapore. Manila, etc; Monterey, Havana: Lucia lAuat). Oran and Marseilles; Altai (Ger). Kingston, Savanill^. etc: IroqtlOla, Cr-arleMon and Jacksonville; Julia I.urkenbach. San .Juan; Rio Grande, Brunswick and Mo- vill*-; El Va!l». Galveston; El Paso, New-Orlean»; James- town, Norfolk and Newport News; CStjr of Atlanta, Savannah: Denver, Key West and Galveston; Colonel E L Drake and ore barge. Port Arthur, Tex. Steamer Etrurla (Br). Potter, Liverpool December 9 and Queenstown 10. to the Cunani Steamship Company, Limited with 142 cabin and 538 steerage passengers, mails and rods*. Arrived at the Bar at 2 p m. Steamer Pretoria (Gerl, Schrotter. Hamburg Decem- ber •> Dover and Boulogne 4. to the Hamburg-Ameri- ran "Line, with passengers and mdse. East of Firs Island at 6:10 pm. , ,*- .. •, \u25a0'\u25a0. * Steamer Mlnnetonka (Br). Layland, London Decem- ber 7 to the Atlantic Transport Company, with 68 pas- sengers and mdse. Arrived at the Bar at 11:15 am. Steamer Main (Ger). Ahlborn, Bremen December 4, to o'elrichs & Co. with 142 cabin and 1.984. eteerasro passengers and rate. Arrived at the Bar at 1:47 p m Steamer St Paul Passoiv, Southampton and Cher- bourg December P. to American L,!ne, with 171 cabin and 259 steerage passengers, malls and mdcc. Arrived at the Bar at Brnagne (Fr), ___, , Havre Decem- Steamer La Bretagne (Fri. Verlynd*. Havre Dec?m- ber 9 to th* Compacnle Genera.© Transatlajjtique. with passengers, mails and mdse Southeast of Fire Island a? Steamir Bordeaux <Fn. Lhev-der, Havre December 8, tc. Compacnte Generate Trans&tlantique. with mdse. Arrived Bt «ieao?e a r r "oloradS" 'Br), Ward, Hull November 29. to Sanderson &\u25a0 Son. with mdse. Arrived at the Bar at m l 3 Dundonan (Br). Smith. Shield, November 17. to the Tweedie Trading: Company, in ballast. Arrived at tho B1?B 1?t earner "peninsular (Port>. Botelho. Lisbon December 1 and St -Michaels 4. to G Amslm-k A Co. with 1cabin, iff! storage passengers, mails and in<Jse. Arrived at the Steamer 1 Comal. Risk. Galveston December 8, to C H Mallory & Co with passengers and mdse. Anchored out dde the Bar at 6:20 p m. __• .\u25a0* Steamer Drachenfels iGer>% Lintig, Boston, to Funch, K<lye & Co. with mdfe. PaEscd in Sandy Hook at 5:40 p m Steamer Aislaby (Br\ Wedgrwood, Philadelphia Decem- ber 14 to .1 H Winchester &l Co. inballast. Bandy Hook. Dec I<>. 9:30 p m— Wind northeaat. stron? hr<^ze: cloudy. PAILSD. Port of New-York, Saturday, Dec. 16, 1905. ARRIVED. SHIPPING NEWS. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Stesraer. '"lose In N. T. rSlSang; AusU.Ua. e«_Mlower*_ (vl*^ g p FWUppine" I"*'"' 5 ' 8 - aarj ' etc "C 6 Tianrport t _ „rt ni Amusements. NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. SIXDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1905. Amusements. Amusements. ........ r-^.--^^- -\u25a0- -%-i-,r- \u25a0-.. -\u0084.x_.-o.^». \u25a0 . "* __2iu_..:"_." . "THt FUfPIRF THEATRE, B way * 40th St. CilVirinCi Bvirn. 8. Matinee Sat.. 2:15. EXTRA MATS. DEC 25 DSC 1" . TAN. 1. JAN. 3. ! MAUDE IIDHIIIS peter pa* I KNICKERBOCKER KJjTSo. *.. Evonlnsrs at 110 Ma!ln»n Saturday, 1:18 VIRGINIA In Pifir * « erton ' s HARMED LA BELLE MARSEiLLAISE Xmae Night Fritzi Schcff In "Mil'-. Modiste." UITDii II Cfl THEATRE. Broadway and 35th St. nLn«LU Oy. Ev s. 8:15. Mat. Sat . 2:15. OI.GA IN NETHERSOLE CARMEN beginning Xmao Mat SAPHO. DTTITDIAM THEATRE, B'way & 44th St. VIUHjIUUn Eves. S:3O. Maw. Wed. & Sat. WmiAM In Augustus Thomas' Play. COLLIER ON THE QUIET. Xmas Night KTHTX BARBYMOKE. J\ A I V'C B'way & 30th St. Evi?s. at S:ls. *-***!-» * »3 Mat. Xmas & Saturday. 2:15. Very, very charming. Tirnc3. Brilliant. World. VIOLA ALLEN THE TOWN. \u25a0 \u25a0Vr Lili&IUI^Ull of THE TOWN. <"ommi?Ticiiig New Tear's Day Matinee. THE GROSSING- By Winston Churchill and Louis Evans Shipman. IVfCIIII THEATRE. 45th St.. B. of B'way. L I WEVIn Evgs. 8:16. Mats. Thurs. &Sat .2:15. Extra Mats. Xmas and New Year's. THE LION AND THE MOUSE By Charles Klein, author of "The Music, Master." lilinCftU THEATRE. 44th St.. E. of B'xvay. liUtlOVrl - Bvss. R:I0. Mats. Wed. Xc Sat.. 2:15. Extra Mats. Xmas and New Year's. nOBcRT LUnAINC I Bernard Superman. nUDCn I LUnAlrfC I Man and Superman. C A\ff\ V THEATRE. B'way & 34th St. jAVU I Ev?s. 3:15. Mats. Thurs. &Sat., 2:15. Extra Mats. Xmas and New Year's. JAMES K. HACKETT in alfeed sutro-s MARY MANNERING WALLS OF JERICHO LYCEUM THEATRE 5t B h 4; nr BURTON HOLMES LAST TRAVFXOGITE tow SWITZERLAND 11.'^ Box Office Open at 2:30 To-day. Popular Priced. 12 Amusementt.

Transcript of Amusements. FOR TRIAL. W^m^S^^^m^^iM...


COMING (Bit")( Bit")So Is Christmas!— —~ \BARUN/~



HENRY MILLER. AUGUSTS VC^j^gigg^jg^l^'it?^^~r~^_ — —helds' ss'£^r^^.ss Srirt-^dipplfp&£ l^2^


PETER F. DAILEY<****'*>^-^»(B^^^^ THE PRESS AGENT -^*-""


_^-~ THE EARL """^-'*--^11

_:^***000*. AND THE GIRL1"^ with Bddi* Foy at th«


niSIMQ V-'V^JTV^ Extra Matinee, niHgtma^dJ^ \u25a0 ZZ!^^-^^->**^ »\u25a0""»» Best .eats. *i -_ _ \u25a0\u25a0

-R .vp '{^^ MA RK Mt'RPHT. HICKET *NEL-

r^IJJS TO-NIGHT EtiKWßßflteK&effiVyONCERT IV/ I \u25a0 \u25a0STCAL AVOLLOS


I^^JiTiyi^ii1i^i IN \u25a0*- 4-v «"b-


————— •

Refuses to Tell What He Knows

About Fads and Fancies."Robert A. Irving, once a solicitor for "'Fads and

Fancies." and Editor of "The N>w- Yorker," who

\u2666« accused by James A. Burden, jr., of attempted

blackmail, was arraigned before Magistrate Finn

yesterday in th? Tombs police court.Before betny taken to court Irving was taken

froai the Elizabeth-st. station to Folice Headquar-

ters, where the Central Office detectives "looked

him over. after which be was photographed for

th* Rogues' Gallery.Th« naai« of Colonel Mann, of 'Town Topic?,"

come* prominently into the case against Irving.

\u25a0who !s said to have threatened Mr. Burden, fourrears ago, with the enmity of "Town Topics," un-less he subscribed JUS» to "Fads and Fancies."and in court yesterday Mr. Krotel declared that he

believed Irving and Charles Able, who was also

arrested in The same connection and jumped hisbail, were used as catspaws by Colonel Mann. Healp" accused the latter of "grafting."

Mr. Burden was v.ot in court yesterday. He left,

this city for Westbr.ry- Long Island. Friday, be-

fore Irving:"s arrest. He promised, however, to be

en hand to-morrow, when the case will be heard.The Assistant District Attorney asked Magis-

trate Finn that the prisoner be remanded forforty-algrfct hours, and said that he knew of threeother men complainants against Irving, who arewilling:to come forward when requested. He askedfurther that bail be fixed at $5,000, so that Irving\u25a0would appear -when the case is called. The magis-trate, however, held Irving in $1,000 bail until to-morrow. The rimes cf the three men who, Mr.Krotel intimated, -would a]so complain against theprisoner, could not he learned.

Mr. Krote] said, in addressing the court:

Besides Mr. Burden. Iknow of three other com-plainants, and Ibelieve these men are perfectlywilling to come forward, when requested, andmake complaints against this defendant. Theselubeidiary sources for "graft"were used by ColonelHarm to obtain large sums of money from personsprominent socially and in other ways. Iwould liknto have the bail fixed at $5,000. so that Irving willbe in court when the case is called.

George Gordon Battle, who appeared as counselfor Irving,said, in objecting to the request of Mr.Krot'l that the prisoner be held in $5,000 bail, that

hi? father-in-law was seriously 111, and, if theprisoner was deprived of hi? liberty, that actionmight work serious injury. Mr. Krotel consented

to the offer cf $1,000 cash bail.Although Irvingha* declared, it is said, that he

\u25a0would rather go to jail than divulge anything liemight know about "Fads and Fancies," it is stillhoped that he may implicate persons "higher up."

Mr. Burden issued a statement yesterday Ito say

that, as told in The Tribune, he had made roformal complaint against Irvingand had not askedthat he be arrested. Mr.Burden's statement was:

This rooming's papers hay« published a storyto the effect that Ihad appeared as complainantagainst and caused the arrest of Robert A. Irvingon a charge of attempted blackmail. Iwish tostate that Itold my story at the District Attorney'soffice at the request of Robert J. Collier withoutthe slightest intention of becoming a complainant


Eve*, nt 8.16. Matinees2 MORK WEEKS. ,

THE EMINENT A':lO.K"~ir"^\u25a0%



'To-morrow •»t "'^"nKIPLING andE-™ "1PAIR OF SPECTACLES."&Sat. Mats. A


Week Dec. 85- M. wmardta* %^£g&ZsT.SEATS ON SALE TOR ENTIRE E> i'A_-•*-

.•\u2666Beginning New s N.gnt- "^FVJ

."45 Minutes from Broadway TEmp Leton



For the winter, side doors on the front seats willbe the proper thing in motor car equipment. They

have been quite popular in Europe, and this year

one of the prominent American cars has a design ofbody which includes this feature. The doors arehinged at the front and fastened with a cab doorlock at the rear. Built rather low and provided

with 8 moulding along the top they give the car adecidedly rakish appearance. Aside from the artis-

tic use 'they are valuable in keeping out the cold,

mud and water, which oftentimes makes auto-mobiling in winter a rather doubtful sport.


Sap Francisco. Dec. 16,-The official closing quo-

tations for mining stocks to-day were as follows:

Alta \u25a0• .02!Justice 05Alpha Con 06 Kentucky Con 01Andes 201Lady Washington Con.. .02Belcher 22]Mf:xican 1.86

Best & Belcher I.4o'Occlder,tal Con 96Bullion 26pphir 6.00Csa.le<3onla

-.58 Overman 14

Challenge Con 19!Potosi 09Chollar 19.Savage 54Confidence 85

'Sag Belcher 09

Con Cal & V& I.4o*Sierra. Nevada.... 37Con Imperial Ol'Pyndicate 11Crown Point 13; Louis 08Gould & Curry itiUnlon non B9Hale & NorcroFs l.lOX'tah Con 06Julia 03; Yellow Jacket 14

Newport. R. 1.. Dec. 16.—A wireless message was

received from Lightship No. 66 to-night, saying that

tilP maid made slow progress during the afternoon

and had anchored twenty miles east-southeast of

So Man's Land and forty-four miles from her sta-tion The 6eas continued high . and late in theafternoon she was able to make only one knotan hour. 6he will start again as soon as the seassubside.

New-Bedford Sailosrs Predict Wreck of Ves-

sel Going to Nantucket Shoals.[By l>le«T«ph to The Tribune.)

New-Bedford. Mass., Dec. 16.—Sailors here assert

that Lightship No. 66. vrhicb has gone to NantueketShoals to replace relief Lightship No. 58. whichsank a f«?w days ago. has not been overhauled sinceshe went ashore on the beach near Round Hilllast

winter, and cannot be in seaworthy condition.They predict another wreck.


Knd in the belief that th« matter would not be

mad«» public. y\.


Minister Takes Job at $25 a Month—$700 a Year Salary, Too.

By an agreement with the village authorities of

Southold. Lone Island, to lljrfctand extinguish th«

street lamps each night for S£> a month, the Rev.

James Murray, pastor of the Southold UnivewaiiftChurch, has brought upon him the criticism ofmany of his congregation. Southold's populace re-tires very early. All street lamps must be ex-tinguished promptly at 11 o'clock.

$700 a year wfllTrie Key Mr Murray's salary of $700 a year willbe increased by $300 through his work on the streetla'mDS He proposes to use the time spent on mestreets twice each evening in thinking out hissermons. He has made for himself new friends-,who admire his pluck.

Spontw.eonrtr acclaimed by Public and Pre*. the » Pin, nt« of all entertainment, <* «n chvxtel

In all worlds. Its like never conceived and Its equal never approached.


Stupendous Triumph of the Stage





mmc. GADSKIPrice? Boxes. Jit, $15; Seats, $2.5". $2. *1.6». $1.

at Box Office and Luckhardt & Belder's.



Season subscription orders at $4. filled by mall byLoudon G. Charlton. Carnegie Hall.

Single Sale Box Office ard Luckhardt & Belder's,now open.*




Season subscription orders at $4, filled by mail byLoudon a. Charlton, Carnegie Hall.

Single .Sale Box Office and luckhardt & Belder' open.

EVENING TELEGRAM--"Biggest an* be»l rtlaaever presented inAmerica. Its equal can be found n'vwhere else."


"Most magnificent pr<?drmtlon «v»rseen on the American stage."


"The Hippodrome has gons Itself or.'

gpy -The Hippodrome hit another ballser* la*'-

n!fiLOßE— "Everything: else beaten to a stand

The Hippodrome's biggest success."TRIBINE—"Eclipses everything before. A.

""TIMES—"For vastness. glitter, breadth of con.-;-

thrimm^ns;- auditorium more .p.ctaculax moretifulin costuming, more stupendous than anything eraPr

RRdROOKITV EAGLE— "Such magniflcent dispUr'

havf?hus far belkprod^ed only at the Hlppodrom*-


HERAXD—"A stage miracle. Paris and Txiudonproductions pale into insignificance. It never had an*q


"The most magnificent and marvel-lous performance that any stage ha* ever known. Itbeggars description. It Is simply the limit.


"The Hippodrome clinched its right to Be

known as the most marvellous home of spectacle in the


—"Its equal never seen.

PRESS— "Comparisons pale, mere metaphors rail ortheir function of expression and lexicons are sterile oradjectives to describe tha triumph." »"•*_, .

MAIL—"A Society Circus is what P. T. Barnum usedto print 'The Greatest Show on Earth,' only somehow

the earth has become larger and the demands of the

people have become more exacting than when Fblneas"kEVEM>'G jolrR>

;AJL—"Bxceads anything ever pro-

duced on a modern stage."\u0084»._»

EVENING WORLD—"The Hippodrome's latest tri-umph."


IIBMITWTHEVTRE,42d St.. West of Broadway.

liTHWArrRis.= A-"FAiB"EXCIIAfiGE'1OPENING XMAS MAT. 'Dec. 25>. Seats Thurs.

Book. Fredk Rankln. Muslo. A. Baldwin Sloane.


|5™ ftNew F|«T LTHt

oqd I.X DOMINO ROH.K. jfß*,G£3B—

3 AYE Version"" 81 ul(""-CO st .—MOWATTS— Tom dSL, m I m

-—». Amelia Bingham a? "L»dr

Sawn & Co., Idalene <'otton «- H| \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0" I - IPjft.A iIsabel." Isaoelle Evesson.Ni.-:c Loi>g. the Eight Shetlande, —^VW \u25a0 \u25a0 I 1iJUA ALT, STAR CQMPANT,


Smoking Balcony. SovmTSIC\J ST Mr. Kelley. Miss Mor- | Seats reserved In advance

'men on. Kve. Stx.t* C&3'

3<a^cUittey. C T^!o''

I Bis Sunday Shows at all Proctor Theatre.. iGifts at Sat. Matinee.


* X4TH ST. .ULMWUfIM PERFORMANCE 1:30 to 10:30 V. ,1. E. F. ALBEE, 0-• Mr

The Sonir Story ofDixie, |KCv!«rf 5KraS. Kdw. F. K. REYNARD. PRICE? 4;^V«^SS?B^^s^. 1 BWt&I* KATA»O. 1««T SHOW IN l»g

JOE WEBER'S "1 _,THEATRE ShV. Evening at 8:1B. Mats.

\u25a0 mmm,mmmm m,,_J Tu«s- &Sat. Nt 1:15.


CYRIL SCOIn Edward Peplc's

Delightfully Human Play.





THEATRE gffff*| Evgs. at S: SO. Mats.inr-ttinC ..^>. | Wed. &Sat. 2:15.


HENRY E. BIXEYIn Harold MacGrath's

THE MAN m THE BOXBy Grace Livingston Kumiss.

Preceded by DAVID GAKKICK.

E. B. MEYROWITZ. 33d-sL. near 4th-av.. will

have on exhibition an assortment of opera glasses.

ABRAHAM& STRAT'S. Brooklyn, offer this week

a special sale of cut glass, china, lamps and clocks.They call attention to their gloves, and a Christmasclearance of an assortment of furs.

F. O. LINDEN & SON. Brooklyn, will have aspecial sale this week of furs for Christmas giving.

A. I>. MATTHEWS' SONS. Brooklyn, call atten-

tion this week to a special sale of watches for menand women, men's waterproof shoes, and an as-sortment of furs, wrapper blankets and china-

JOSEPH P. M'HUGH& CO.. 42d-st.. west of Eth-ave., advertise things good for Christmas giving,such as couch pillows, book slides, nursery posters,hunting postfrs and drinking dishes for dogs.

A. JAECKEL & CO., Union Square. West, offer aspecial sale of furs.

A. A. VANTINE & CO., Broadway, between 18thand 19th sts.. offer this week a number of articlesfor holiday gifts.

ARNOLD. CONSTABLE & CO.. Broadway and19th-st., will hold this week a special sale of dry-goods, carpets and upboustery, men's wear, silksand dress patterns.

GEORGE W. WELSH'S SON. Broadway, op-posite City Hall, begins to-morrow a special sal© ofdiamonds and gold jewelry.

THE ARNOLD BAZAAR, West 22d-st., adver-tises a special sale of house slippers.

R. J. HORNER & CO., West 23d-st., have a spe-cial sale this week of furniture for holiday gifts.

FRANKLIN SIMON & CO.. sth-ave.. between3Tth and 38th sts., lay stress on their show of wom-en's fur lined coats and an assortment of broad-cloths.

morrow with a special sale of an assortment offurs. They call attention to a continuation oftheir clearance sale of women's and misses' tailoredsuits and separate coats and skirts.

A. FRANKFIELD & CO., West 34th-st., make aspecialty of jewelry.

A a ha p|| THE VTRE 2"th St & Madison Ar.



Bjpecutj Prices Best 50 \ Wedn'y MQOThis En Night Seats \ Matinee Igagement. 3 IIS \u25a0

THE SIEGEL-COOPER COMPANY, 6th-ave., be-tween ISth and l?th ets.. has a special sale this\u25a0wreck of diamonds and pold Jewelry, umbrellas.candles and favors, baskets and toilet articles.They aJso call attention to their Reginaphoiat-s.

STERN BROTHERS. "West 22d-st.. advertise aRale of men's and women's umbrellas, linens,broadcloths, lace curtains, women's walking suits,house gowns, fur garme.nts, cloak?, house coatsand robes. They invite attention to their bronzes,clock sets, electroliers, gold jewelry, opera glassbag*, sterling silver toilet articles. jewel bags andmany other useful articles.

HIOG.TNS & SEITEK. West 21st and 22d sts.. an-nounce a sale this week of china and cut glass forChristmas gifts, marble busts, serving plates, vases,lamps and electroliers.

HACKETT. CARHART & CO., Broadway andISth-st., make a special offer of furs for •women,boys and girls, and advertise a special sale of even-Ing coats, waists, petticoats and velour coats.

BONTVIT, TELLER &CO., "West 23d-st-, begin to-

THE SIMPSON-CRAWFORD COMPANY, 6th-ave.. between VHb and VKh ota., offers this week,

for holiday gifts, an assortment of furs. They alsocall attention, beginning- tomorrow, to a special

'handkerchiefs, men's silk mufflers and goldjewelry.

IjORD eV. TAYLOR, Broadway and 30ih-st., 6th-«.ve. and ISth-st., beginning: to-morrow, -wili haveon saJe furniti:r« for Christmas gi^/infr. petticoats,\u25a0women's fur lined overcoats and women's lacewaists.

R. H. MACT & Broadway and 6th-av<\, in-vite attention to an assortment of handkerchiefs,

\u25a0wraps, shawls, sweaters and scarfs, and hosiery

for men and women. They announce a specialsaie of holiday grcods. such as women's kimonosand sacques, sets of tqoks. china, bric-a-brac, cutglass and lamps and gift goods iv furniture.

B. AX.TMAN" & CO., l&th-st. and ?th-ave., callattention to rugs, clocks and clock sets, bronzes*nd marbles and English jrlaFS, also a number of

articles of personal use. Beginning Tuesday theywill have a special jale of fur garments and silk•waist patterns.


Sunrise 7:l"!Sun»et 4.34 Moon rise* 10:28 [Moon's age 20HIGH WATER.

A Kandy Hook 13:15iGov. Island 11:21! HellGate 1:14P.M.—Sandy Hook ll:MiGov.Island ll:sS|Hell Gate 1:51

B'way & 30th St. Eva.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0I 1 lAI/'A S:?!>. Mat. Wed.


WAIIARK a - \u25a0»•"• Wednesday Mat.!VffnbkftUl^ W Pricu 50c to $1.50

"Best play of the season."—


«\u25a0 FAVERSHAMIn Edwin Milton Royle'? Western Romance, int,

SOUAW MAN_La BretBETW. reported yesterday by \u25a0wlreles.", illdc^kto—day al»ut S:3O a. m. The Etruria. anchored off Quar-antine last night. v.llldock this morning; about 9 o'clock.


t-t * tt- c rur A E^-i-v.o6;NOHi^PRICES 25c. 50c. 750 & 1.00. NO HK.HE.K.Pep Mat WeJ.. 2r»c. 50c & 75c. Keg. Mat. Sat.


TOKJO,"By Richard Carlo and Wm. Frederick Peters.


rcast ii^


VAN, Amy Rlcard. Eddie I^onard & Co., etc.


AY£HV£One Week. Beginning To-morrow Evening

Evenings 8:15. Only Matinee Saturday. 3:Z».Success with a blsr S.—N. Y. Sim.

Direct from the Liberty with original cast.


"MOLLYMOONSHINE"Roov- and Lyrics by R.>vl<?-Hobart-Hein.

HEAR THENEW Robinsonfor Mv Ten

ifkAn IHEI^Cff Robinson Cruaoe's We.

OAHILL HITS Dw'tßeWtat'ToaWt\" th« Prettiest and Best Singing Chorus ever

organized.Brightest musical comedy of year.


Tjoopmhpr "Sth—

Charles Frohman Presentsf~r>KIA »*A V in THE CATCH 1 Seats


TdPV "B%T T IT* "HT Hf* GRANDU"IMA *«" £* -1 CONCERT.BFSSIK CI. \TTON. I Itetcalf. Paddock & Ed-

Wilfred Clarke « Vo., «? ,d;!- Ray Cox. Arthur

The <J1««»oti s * 'nißby. Charles & Edna

Houlihan. Hani*. Pleasant Sur-

—Rio Brothers— 3 I prise.

\u25a0*->/-%\u25a0 /^VIVTI f\ I BROADWAY

VyULUI*"»L- Phone 4457 Col.T^ »'~U* BIGGEST &BEST BILLIN N.T.

1O-nigni 25c. TO one —NO HIGHER.\u25a0reek Dec. 18th, ladles 1 Ma*. Daily, 2.V.

COL. Cm ASTON I1/V*Harrison

COL. LIAS 1ViiX j walkownky

BORDEVERRY | Troupe, TroTollotSUKL/l-'*CK«V« ISearl * Violet

HAL DAVIS ?&£Sf<Sr r


/& XjJri-«^xi«.J=3-cn.^m. pt.


- andIjJtdLufILJVX.J^S-t-1-^a. 126th Bt

CONCERTS TO-P.\T. *:3n: TO-NIGHT. 8 1"Jp*^|

"Week Dec. IS. Rarpnin Mat. Dally,lie

heowwborji's i iMatthew* ape.o Wfiiounn o AHbiey. ai<\u25a0<*<\u25a0

MINSTREL MISSES CMltatoe. ItalianIVJlHOintu itllOOtU ] lri(>i Blnn« & Binns.

nlth Mi»« Bertie Heron .jO *. B. Donovan ft

CLAYTON WHITE £ ?&£s%£tI'iniL- PTHADT i Chrl* smitli & the

IflAllltUiuflnl IJohnsons, The Vlt;» graph.

A1DDK Wm.H. Reynolds. Pres.'Phone 351-SSUAnnlulV Evgs.B:lo. Matß.Thurs &5at.. 2:10rDArr /^lT«Sf?r^ir The >larrtaice ofGRACE Gfc-OKUJL wlUiam A»be.

.•.Beginning Xmas Mat. (Seats Not Selllnr )



LAST 2 WEEKS.Hamlin *• Mitchell* famous musical play


B&BES'«TOYLANDMu«l-. Victor H«rb*rt Book. Ol?n McP^nough.

P'-i.torH«rb*rt Bo«k. OUn M<-p->Tjnugh.

Produced by Julian Mltche!!.PRICES. ?5. 50. 75. 1.00.

TV»<l and Pat.. 2. BT« « «h^rr>.

n*rt-T4AV Afternoon. ::.""


Irish Ladies* ChoirTh« Moth»rlan-i Son»rs in SaeHe and English

Afternoon. PRICES: Evening.!5 SO 75.


- **. i I-""-


TO^iIPUT At P«V«i« Prices."Q>S I\3S III At p°Pular Prices.



(By arrangement with Mr Henry Wolfsohn.)

OLIVE' FPJ2MSTAD, .IOMEI.L.I: JOI*RNET. BARS.Entire Metropolitan Opera Orchestra.


Mon. TTvs-. Dec. 18. at—

LA BOHEMH Sembrich.Alten; Camso. Scotti, .rournet. Parvis, Rossi, Dufrtche.Conductor. Vigna.

Wed. Eve-., Dec. 20. Nt B—RIGOLETTO. Sembrich.Jacoby, Bauermc-istfr; Caruso, Bcottl, Jo'irnet. Besue,Muhlmann. Conductor, Vigna.

Fri. Evk . Dec. 22. at OOETTERDAEIiIIER-IJNG. Nordica. Homer. Weed. Alten, Ralph: Knots.Blass. Muhlmann. Conductor, Hertz.

Sat. Mat.. Dec. 2.1, at 2—LA FAVORITA. Walker..Tomelli- r'aruso, Scotti, rianqon. Bars. Conductor, Vigna.

Pat. Evg.. Dec. 23 (Pop. Prices), at B—LA TRAYIATA.S*mbrich, Jacoby Baur-rm*ister; Dippel, Parvls, Bars,Dufrlche, Begue. Conductor. Vigna.


Mon Aft.. Dee. 25. at. 2 DAS RHETNGOL.DWed. Aft.. Dec. 27. at 1:30 DIE WALKUEREThur. Aft.. Dec. 2?. at 1:80 SIEGFRIEDFri.. Dec. 29. at 1:3<» C.OETTERDAEMMERUNG

Sale of seats for single performances begins TO-MOR-ROW MORNING, at. 0 o'clock. Oreh. and Orch. Circle.$5: Dress Circle, $3; Bale. Front. jfJ.r.O; Rale. Rear, $2:Fam. Circle. f1.r.0.


IDUIUfk PLACE THEATRE.. EVgs at 8.30, Mon.iRViNU Tues.. & Wed., BVg«. GcrtrndArnold & Harry W nIi!«•\u25a0 n In Heyermann sC'omedv Drama. Ke tIenglleiler", Thurs.. Frl& Sat EVr^ Harry Wal dc n In Meyer-Foereter'aComedy, "Dc r Vlel*e p r«•*r e." <'orrmencingrFat Dec *3 every day at 1:50. Children s Mat-ttn'ees, at Pop. Prices, Dec. S3. .26. 27. 28, 29,'•D \u0084rXlclncDa •"n in1ink ii.dp r Mcn• c h e n-fre 8« c r"; Dec. 00 i- Jan 1.<. ':. "i*chnee Wil t-

che d." „__ ,MKNDKI-SSOHN HALL.

Tuf, jan "»• Tu-s.. Feb. 0: Wed., March 7. Nt 8.15.11" '

'three CONCERTS by THE

Boston rrsvpil "|809IIIW S. Stojowski

SYShPHUbIi Susan Metcaife

QUABTET 0!3a Samaroff);Tl^ta for »erl«*. 84. a: Mendelssohn Hall, and I.uok-hardt & Beldor^. 10 East 17th Street

11nee To- I Jo* Hart A Carrie De Mar Motoring

rr.orrow Mat. I O'Brien & Havol. UoSsow Ml.i'tw.other;..

CARNEGIE BAU'Thurs. Evs>.. .Lan 4 Feb. Z2. Ma^c^ -*

THE VOLPE "ShSSSSTI'nlqne Orchestra «•? »0 Vonns Frrfonner*.

Eminent American Soloist*.A. I). VOLPE. Conductor. „

Subscriptions. $1 to I*:Sinir'* Ticket? :j \u25a0'»"at the Box Office. CarMfiJ* Hall.


LONGY CLUB«N LONGY CLUB%Vr'xr> ' of th Boston SymphenT Orrbwtn" .

i ! 17t.i St.. l••"»• and $l-«».____


Adamini & Taylor. Pantjcr Trio.Geo. B. Alexander. Mills & M rr;.«

Dan J. Harrington. Allen & Dalton.Kimball & Donovan. The Demarccs.Arhere Slaters. __,-i,

And as Extra. Attraction, THE AMPHION FOOt^



Thr»« sessions daily, except Mondays: !?-

1* *\u25a0 \u25a0•2:30 and S:io P. M. Admission. SOc.

Hockry Game Tupsdaj. Der. 19.VAT.E VS. HOCKEY CM~B OF >'. T.



- —This Afternoon at 3.

FROGRAM7.IE. „.Variations on a Russian Folk Boi by Art""lPOtte— \u25a0\u25a0

\u25a0U'lhtol T.iadow. Sokolow. Glaznunow. '-Air rroTn 'Th» Magic Flute" . v '°.

Symphony for Orchestra and F'-^no > <>\u25a0? so~*...a French Mountaineer Vincent fl*

Songs by Vldal. Tschalkowsky. Bizet"Sounds of th. Forest"' from "Siesfrled"



Satire change of Programme Tu-sda: ?. \u25a0\u25a0*"\u25a0'•*!\u25a0 _



Vessel. From. Line.•Maranhesae Para. December 3 Booth•et Paul Southampton, December 9...American•Vi^ilanela Havana. December 12 Ward

•Prina "WiliemI Haytl. December 10 D 'W I•La Bretagne Havre. December 9 FrenchPretoria Boulogne. December 4 Hamb-Amcarnal Galvestoc, Decembers MalloryCltv o* Memphis. ... Savannah. December 33... Savannah

Comar.che Jacksonville. December 13 ClydeL'andaS City Swansea. December 1 BristolAlgeria. Palermo. November 30 AnchorGaliia Naples, November 30 Fabre


•Philadelphia La Guayra, December 11....8ed D

•M*raca» \u25a0 Grenada. December 10 Trinidad•Havana Colon. December 12 Panama•Saniia Kingston. December 13... .Hamb-AmKuroa Jacksonville. December 15 ClydeB!u» Hamburg. December 9 Hatnb-AmSt Andrew Antwerp. December 4 PhoenixPeninsular St Michael's. December 4..PortugueseElMonte, New-Orleanr. December 13... Morgan

\u25a0£.1 Su«! Gaiveston. December 12 Morgan

TUESDAY. DECEMBER 18.•Finland \u25a0• •Antwerp, December 0 Red ?»arrK \ December 12..N. G. Lloyd

•Fontabelle .St Thomas, December 14 .Qu»iwBremen Bremen. December 9... .N. O. Ulcyd

Concho. Galveatoa. December 13 Mallory

WBDKESDAT. DECEMBER 20.•Oceanic Liverpool. December White star•Kbnig Albert OSbraltar, December 11 ..N Q Lloydrwic Liverpool. Dwfmbcr 9 White Starrr]<:{t;\o Galveston, December 34 Morgan' "'

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21.*Konlf?lnLai« Naples December 12 . . . N G Uoyd

•Ho^t'-!iu« Para. December 0 HoustonHamburr \u25a0• Naples. December 8 Hamb-Am

Bre-Uu Bremen. December 8 N G Uoyd

I'roteua N'"'*•Orlf-ans. T'-~ i,h -r 16 ...Morgan

•Brtnc» mall.

ManhaUan SThpalrfBroadway and Thirty-third Street.

HARRISON OHET FISKE.: ManagerKvenings at ft »0! Matinee Saturday at 2:20.



I LIFE COMING." Herald.•

LEO niTRIcnSTEI.VS<.re'it<-(>t I-iugrhtcr PUtf.


AFTER1Management Robert Hurt»r )

Extra Matinees Xn\i«» an<! New \car«.Scata ['our Weeks Ahettd.

Mn»de!s«cln Hall. Tbor». Aft.. Ver. ?8. »**•


S ICRASSEATvt#ci mm. Corinne Rider-Kelscy sop**

P»«ts. $1. $1.30. at Box Offlc and Music Stor«*

OR.LENEFF RUSSIA'S LYCEUM-15 Efest 3r,1 St. Tel. 1451 -'^I^*%^" tmTo-day. 23" p m. (saored concert*, ,-.— 1*

Imr-ff: 5:1.% p m. \u25a0\u25a0h.-.-.i'

Ctioieß People M9.»ißhment." Thursday. Dec. 21. "Zsia. , nee*

Tche-'hoffs "T.!%a!ka." N*»imoff. Saturoa. . "»»

2:»> p. m.. "Zaia' . 8:M -Fifi-nlly Zviee.

•^Tr-^l A CCA THEATRE. W««l 42d •*•

BELASCO Bye. at 8 Mar Sat .at i.

FOII > Monday. Dec. CF,

il ;--crw\ < Thursday. Dec. *8 1I fcXrUA I.Monday, .Jan. 1ii MATINEE? < Thursday. Jan. 4 I

O\VII> BEl^\S< O Present


> nhv of '49 Scene In California*by DAVID BELASCO.



Ve*«elVet»e! For. Uih Malls close. Rails.

<~i*tiriia'nPHnc«, pernambiica. Pr!n<r».l2:oo Ja 3:of!pm

Prin-ef Anr*.Norfolk. Old Dominion.—- u.OOpn:

TUESDAY. DECEMBER 13'airdena. Glasgow. Aikuoi ll:3!am »pm

>Ur.r»r.lllo. Guanu;r.arao. Ward ««>» ,»SSLPaDMftla. Naples, Cunard rT" ™Q «• oa^^. J»cksonv!!le. arde ~^v P

HiJniitor. Norfoik. Old Dominion 3^X)p mTTEDNESDAY, DECEMBER »>.

\u25a0«.'««tlr Liverpool V.T>He Stsr r,:.-?0»m 10:00 amHolland Am... 7:30 am l«:«>an.

Comua. NVw-Oriean^ Morgan..


CLONZALEY QUARTETB 2nd (onrrrt Tiirswlay Bt»., me. 19. st 8:13.PBOGKAMMRi

BEETHOVKK, Quartet in O. np. I*: ROBERTFIH'HS "Ada Ro'it^nuto" from Qliart-t. r.y S. M vRKOER. "Vivace

"from <Ju^rt#t in D mirmr. op. "<

SMKTANA. Quartet <Aii"» meliiem l«>»nKTirkets *2. at ortu-es «u»lc«l Art Society, lTV. 3«th

Pt.. and ?1 B. 'Tth St.. ana at dor.The roncMt will h<" repeated the n<>xt fv»ninc for Trachea ami >t:idfnf«. Ticket* M «*. Nt «f Hie Musical A.-t Society. 1 W. :*th St.. andat door.

PS S II"V Tin 8:K-.. Mftts, VT«<J. and S»t.


X Tetnii. otr. MAI.IOLM STVART.anilClneTn*tocr*ph.. :«:ma, etc. MAl.tOLM STUART. !»> E- S6 *t..N.Y.

nlmil '". Evs. 8:15. Matin'- Saturday•

BiJOU^3oth.> 21> YEAR INN. V.




<\u25a0 \llv.E<• IB IIAI-'••SUNDAY AiTRI£N«»ON. OKI. 34T11.



l(,vii!«r ri'-.t, |t to »*•. Knabr Plaoo.


\u25a0'LOS UK.'. 23D. w-j*l^«The m.-v*! hr»l!iarf. display ever m»(i' °- l-;

ot M-rTrirlty. I*'-«t ins^nt'or. mork'r* «»»"*vellous iletnons tiaric!:».

no \»»r miw it.ADMISSION TO AM-. M) (rM \u25a0


UiCCT EVA THK.XTRK.Usth St "'» *2•*??CST ferll IS. «:1V Mat. t*»d.a*Matin.' &Night iS™^^>^

Twice To-day doo& *tc.. •>-_\u0084..C!« ,

To-morrorv M(fht. Frank Uo« ". Jr .p-Vof.

Gifts. F. BRifEWIH.jSTH^HIw*"with a bijt company. ['"'*''"£ \f°A* PAT


'" __M!lllLJ>—-T^

EDEN gSSKfSImusee . 51Ar";} HENRY LEE -*"

Kaj-'-a^r,^ Dec U-Sailed, steamer Grungen;* <Br). Tocqu".from" Nlw-York tor Para; La Plata (Ho, I-agn^l,

iKn^e3'ScOni^Pa^rjea^er Armenian o**. Kelk.

Cape^T^w^^e^U-Arr^d. steamer Black Prince (Br).

eTl\^Ar'X^lM-amer Citta dl Napoli .1t,.-.

Lava-iello, New-Yorjc via Naples

nyalI DXI« IS a m—Arrived, steamer Brooklyn. Jenren.

Antw^'^ec 'l°s-Aarrlv' !'?.^ British X,nX ,1,,,.

O^HaKen New-York. rV.ulluvark <Br). William,. New-

?o"k IMbTsVed; tcatn,r Zeeland (Br), BroomheaJ.


kl^sSl«i Btoamer Columbia Or), Wa.s-

S.nt:r ID-elD-ec

froirJi"r.[e^r^:-cnna t Prince ,Br).

st 525f%-^^«U«. steamer Vasconia .FT,.



"!ulla (AuSt)' Zar.

Port^ula *r');r.tT6NArrival!1 steamer Kuth-rland fßr).

\vlnac«. 'New-York via St Vincent. C V. for Yoko-

r^n-^FeWeJia Dec ie-Pa»sed. steamer Prins Wlllem 111/dSS!IfA»ren«. Now-York via Port au Prince, .ISBrOw°H^tt?l>tDe'cait-m«imer Amerik* (Her), Sauermann.

fr"n -York for Plymouth Ch*rt>Dnr« and Ham-burir, reported by wlrel-BH t-!*RrHj,li,l4.. miles south-wmof thl*(Station a! :<<• \u25a0\u25a0

>'• i Will proVablj rt»chI'limuutU ,i-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•-' Wai V JSnuHj-.


Liverpool, Dec 16—Sailed, steamer Caronia fßi), Barr.New-York via nstoiva.

Hamburß- Dec 13—

Sailed, euajners Hero 'Nor). Srvert-

ten. N*w-York;14th, Geestemunde (G*rj, Hett<mryr,Philadelphia. .

Bremen. Dec Ifl. 5 p m—

Eciiid. steamer Rh»tn (Ger),Rott. New-York.

Cherbourg, Dec 18, 5:50 p m—Sailed, steamer New- York,Roberts, from Southampton for New-York.

Copenhagen. Dec 18—Sailed, steamer Oscar II(Dan),Hernpel, N-" v York.

Southatn^on. Dee -Sailed, stmmer New-York. Roberts.New-York via Cherbourg tend passed Hurst Castle1:30 p m).

Plymouth. Dec 16. 11:30 a in -Arrived, steamer SI Louis.Jamison, New-York for Ch<rbourt and Southampton(and proceeded).

Gibraltar. D<-c—

Passed, steamers Clarpathla. (Br),•diaries, Trieste, etc. for York: Germani*. (Ft),Joubert, New-York for Marseilles and Naples.

Marseilles. Dec 16—

Arrived, ftean'.tr Perugia tßr>, Johns-ton. New-York via Naples.

Havre, De<? IS, midnight Arrived. ti'amw La GascogiiKiPri. Tournier, New-York ;noon, sailed, steamer l^aI»rr»iitiß (Ft), Mix,New-York.

Brow Hmul, Dec—

Passed, steamers Bristol City CRr),Bare. ay. New-York for Bristol; 10:20 p m. Umbria(Br). StepheJi*. New-York for Queeru«Lown and Llver-pool.

Bouloitne, l»er ifi. 2 a m—

Arrived, steamer stalfn-I«niitiuti'ht, Hußs?veen, New-York for Rotterdam (\u25a0).

Sieamer^ Patricia CGer). Dover and Hamburg, Carman!*(Bri Qu'e»-ni«town and Liverpool ; Pniladeiphia, Plymouth.("herbouis and Southampton; Sloterdyk (Dutch), Kcttor-dam- VaJeiiand (B*-'.g', Antwerp via Dover; VirginiatGer> Inapua. MonttK» Bay. etc; America (Br) Balti-more; Lougrhrigj; Holms (Br>. Rotterdam; San Juan, SanJiian, Ponce, etc; Ziiiiu. La Gua>Ta, Curacao, etc: Shi-rr.oga <Bt>. Singapore. Manila, etc; Monterey, Havana:Lucia lAuat). Oran and Marseilles; Altai (Ger). Kingston,Savanill^. etc: IroqtlOla, Cr-arleMon and Jacksonville; JuliaI.urkenbach. San .Juan; Rio Grande, Brunswick and Mo-vill*-;El Va!l». Galveston; ElPaso, New-Orlean»; James-town, Norfolk and Newport News; CStjr of Atlanta,Savannah: Denver, Key West and Galveston; Colonel E LDrake and ore barge. Port Arthur, Tex.

Steamer Etrurla (Br). Potter, Liverpool December 9and Queenstown 10. to the Cunani Steamship Company,

Limited with 142 cabin and 538 steerage passengers,mails and rods*. Arrived at the Bar at 2 p m.

Steamer Pretoria (Gerl, Schrotter. Hamburg Decem-ber •> Dover and Boulogne 4. to the Hamburg-Ameri-ran "Line, with passengers and mdse. East of Firs

Island at 6:10 pm. , ,*-.. •, \u25a0'\u25a0. *Steamer Mlnnetonka (Br). Layland, London Decem-

ber 7 to the Atlantic Transport Company, with 68 pas-sengers and mdse. Arrived at the Bar at 11:15 am.

Steamer Main (Ger). Ahlborn, Bremen December 4,

to o'elrichs & Co. with 142 cabin and 1.984. eteerasropassengers and rate. Arrived at the Bar at 1:47 p m

Steamer St Paul Passoiv, Southampton and Cher-bourg December P. to American L,!ne, with 171 cabinand 259 steerage passengers, malls and mdcc. Arrived

at the Bar atBrnagne (Fr),

___, ,Havre Decem-Steamer La Bretagne (Fri. Verlynd*. Havre Dec?m-

ber 9 to th* Compacnle Genera.© Transatlajjtique. withpassengers, mails and mdse Southeast of Fire Islanda?Steamir Bordeaux <Fn. Lhev-der, Havre December 8, tc.Compacnte Generate Trans&tlantique. with mdse. ArrivedBt«ieao?e a

rr "oloradS" 'Br), Ward, Hull November 29. to

Sanderson &\u25a0 Son. with mdse. Arrived at the Bar at

ml 3Dundonan (Br). Smith. Shield, November 17. to

the Tweedie Trading: Company, in ballast. Arrived at thoB1?B 1?t earner "peninsular (Port>. Botelho. Lisbon December 1and St -Michaels 4. to G Amslm-k A Co. with1cabin, iff!storage passengers, mails and in<Jse. Arrived at the

Steamer 1

Comal. Risk. Galveston December 8, to C HMallory & Co with passengers and mdse. Anchored out

dde the Bar at 6:20 p m. __• .\u25a0*

Steamer Drachenfels iGer>% Lintig, Boston, to Funch,K<lye & Co. with mdfe. PaEscd in Sandy Hook at5:40 p m

Steamer Aislaby (Br\ Wedgrwood, Philadelphia Decem-ber 14 to .1 H Winchester &l Co. inballast.

Bandy Hook. Dec I<>. 9:30 p m— Wind northeaat. stron?hr<^ze: cloudy.


Port of New-York, Saturday, Dec. 16, 1905.ARRIVED.


TRANSPACIFIC MAILS.Stesraer. '"lose In N. T.

rSlSang; AusU.Ua. e«_Mlower*_ (vl*^ gp

FWUppine" I"*'"'5'8-

aarj 'etc "C 6 Tianrportt

_„rt ni


Amusements.Amusements. ........r-^.--^^- -\u25a0- -%-i-,r- \u25a0-.. -\u0084.x_.-o.^». \u25a0. "*__2iu_..:"_." . "THtFUfPIRF THEATRE, B way *40th St.CilVirinCi Bvirn.8. Matinee Sat.. 2:15.EXTRA MATS. DEC 25 DSC 1". TAN. 1. JAN. 3. !


IKNICKERBOCKER KJjTSo. *..Evonlnsrs at 110 Ma!ln»n Saturday, 1:18

VIRGINIA In Pifir*«erton's

HARMED LA BELLE MARSEiLLAISEXmae Night Fritzi Schcff In "Mil'-. Modiste."

UITDiiIICfl THEATRE. Broadway and 35th St.nLn«LU Oy. Ev s. 8:15. Mat. Sat . 2:15.



DTTITDIAMTHEATRE, B'way & 44th St.VIUHjIUUnEves. S:3O. Maw. Wed. & Sat.

WmiAM In Augustus Thomas' Play.


J\ AIV'C B'way & 30th St. Evi?s. at S:ls.*-***!-»* »3 Mat. Xmas & Saturday. 2:15.Very, very charming. Tirnc3. Brilliant. World.

VIOLA ALLEN THE TOWN.\u25a0 \u25a0Vr Lili&IUI^Ullof THE TOWN.<"ommi?Ticiiig New Tear's Day Matinee.

THE GROSSING-By Winston Churchill and Louis Evans Shipman.

IVfCIIII THEATRE. 45th St.. B. of B'way.LIWEVIn Evgs. 8:16. Mats. Thurs. &Sat .2:15.

Extra Mats. Xmas and New Year's.

THE LION AND THE MOUSEBy Charles Klein, author of "The Music,Master."

lilinCftUTHEATRE. 44th St.. E. of B'xvay.liUtlOVrl

-Bvss. R:I0. Mats. Wed. Xc Sat.. 2:15.

Extra Mats. Xmas and New Year's.

nOBcRT LUnAINC I BernardSuperman.nUDCn ILUnAlrfC I Man and Superman.

C A\ff\V THEATRE. B'way & 34th St.jAVUIEv?s. 3:15. Mats.Thurs. &Sat., 2:15.

Extra Mats. Xmas and New Year's.

JAMES K. HACKETT in alfeed sutro-s





tow SWITZERLAND 11.'^Box Office Open at 2:30 To-day. Popular Priced.

12 Amusementt.