Amur Tiger Conservation in Lazovsky Zapovednik … Fish and Wildlife Service Rhinocerus and Tiger...

Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018 Final report to WildCats Conservation Alliance from the Zoological Society of London Amur Tiger Conservation in Lazovsky Zapovednik and Adjacent Areas, January-December 2017 Image: Adult male Amur tiger “Petrovich”, estimated age 5-7 years old, photographed using a camera trap in Lazovsky Zapovednik, December 2017. Tigers often walk on roads leaving them vulnerable to poaching. Summary The Zoological Society of London’s (ZSL’s) Amur tiger conservation project in Lazovsky Zapovednik and Adjacent Areas has achieved several successes over the past years thanks to generous support from ALTA. Our overall project goal was to develop our holistic programme for tiger conservation in the Lazovsky Zapovednik (LZ), Zov Tigra National Park (ZT), and adjacent areas. The following

Transcript of Amur Tiger Conservation in Lazovsky Zapovednik … Fish and Wildlife Service Rhinocerus and Tiger...

Page 1: Amur Tiger Conservation in Lazovsky Zapovednik … Fish and Wildlife Service Rhinocerus and Tiger Conservation Fund, Hennig-Olsen ice cream, and the Indianapolis Zoo Conservation Fund.

Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

Final report to WildCats Conservation Alliance from the Zoological Society of London

Amur Tiger Conservation in Lazovsky Zapovednik and Adjacent Areas, January-December 2017

Image: Adult male Amur tiger “Petrovich”, estimated age 5-7 years old, photographed using a

camera trap in Lazovsky Zapovednik, December 2017. Tigers often walk on roads leaving them

vulnerable to poaching.


The Zoological Society of London’s (ZSL’s) Amur tiger conservation project in

Lazovsky Zapovednik and Adjacent Areas has achieved several successes over

the past years thanks to generous support from ALTA. Our overall project goal was

to develop our holistic programme for tiger conservation in the Lazovsky

Zapovednik (LZ), Zov Tigra National Park (ZT), and adjacent areas. The following

Page 2: Amur Tiger Conservation in Lazovsky Zapovednik … Fish and Wildlife Service Rhinocerus and Tiger Conservation Fund, Hennig-Olsen ice cream, and the Indianapolis Zoo Conservation Fund.

Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

provides a summary of our progress and achievements since the onset of the

project and a more detailed description of our activities in 2017 (and supplimantary

information gathered January-April 2018). During this time, ZSL helped implement

improved management plans that have increased the effectiveness of anti-

poaching activities in the area, and continued long-term population and disease

monitoring. Population monitoring results for 2017 reveal the effectiveness of our

conservation strategies, including a stable and healthy population of reproducing

adult tigers in the area. The fifth year of monitoring efforts in the unprotected area

between LZ and ZT provided evidence that tigers are surviving and reproducing in

those areas as well. Our aim is to continue to focus on anti-poaching efforts and

address other threats that become apparent, e.g. wildifes, in protected areas and,

in turn, increase tiger and prey numbers, verified by effective monitoring results.

The continued success of our conservation activities will ensure a source of tigers

for dispersal into adjacent unprotected areas with fewer tigers.

Key project achievements (2009 – 2017):

• Established a “first-step” partnership agreement between ZSL and the Russian

NGO “ANO AMUR” to facilitate legal financial support for anti-poaching activities

in the United Administrations of Lazovsky Zapovednik and Zov Tigra National Park

(UALZZT). The first step focused on transferring funds to establish Rapid

Response teams in the protected areas. The next-step agreement is planned for

2018 and will include transfer of funds for all project activities.

• Collaborated with partners at PRNCO tiger centre to increase tigers in historic

ranges by providing veterinary care to rehabilitating injured and orphaned tigers

until their release back to the wild. Dr. Misha Goncharuk (ZSLs wildlife veterinarian

for Russia) has been instrumental in safe and effective immobilizations

(anaesthesiology) of animals during capture, health checks, and preparations for

release to the wild.

• Renewed partnership between ZSL and the protected areas of Lazovsky

Zapovednik and Zov Tigra National Park.

• Increased accuracy of tiger monitoring, achieved through the expansion of camera

trap surveys to two new areas, Zov Tigra National Park (beginning in 2011) and

Page 3: Amur Tiger Conservation in Lazovsky Zapovednik … Fish and Wildlife Service Rhinocerus and Tiger Conservation Fund, Hennig-Olsen ice cream, and the Indianapolis Zoo Conservation Fund.

Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

the adjoining unprotected “Medved” hunting lease (MHL, beginning in 2013) and

Southern Valley hunting lease (SVHL, beginning in 2016).

• Informed a proposed expansion of the Zapovednik territory to a size that better

protects resident reproducing tigers through expanding our monitoring area and

providing critical information on how tigers move from protected areas into

unprotected areas. While the proposed expansion (initiated in 2013) is still

undecided, we continue to update the proposal with newly discovered information

on tiger movements from our ongoing surveys. In 2015 - 2017 we were able to

document that tigers born in LZ populated both LZ and ZT as adults and

reproduced, strengthening the idea that LZ provides a source of tigers into new


• Beginning in 2013, improved tiger prey monitoring in ZT was achieved through

collaboration with the National Park management to help them conduct winter

track surveys of ungulates according to approved standards; information that now

provides baseline numbers for winter count comparisons conducted by ULZZT


• At the request of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the

Russian Federation, we informed a planned range-wide tiger track count survey

(conducted every ten years and occurring in February 2015) by providing data on

recent population trends in LZ and ZT. Our input was requested based on ZSL’s

camera trapping methods and expertise in using camera trap surveys in Russia’s

low density tiger population and cold climate, which is accepted as best practice

and used as a model.

• Increased tiger numbers, resulting from better anti-poaching management in

protected areas.

• Arrest and conviction of an organised tiger poacher working near protected area


• Improved wildlife disease management aimed at reducing threats to tigers, Amur

leopards and other wildlife species.

• Completion of Russia’s only wildlife health laboratory to serve the area, disease

monitoring to inform prevention strategies, and research to better understand the

environmental source of canine distemper virus (CDV), fatal to tigers and leopards.

• In 2015, we co-authored “Disease risk assessment for re-introduction of Amur

leopards (Panthera pardus orientalis) into the Russian Far East”. This document

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Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

will not only be used to inform plans for the re-introduction of leopards, but is also

being used as a model for range-wide disease monitoring of threats to Amur tigers

in Russia.

• Increased awareness of the plight of the Amur tiger, through educating local people

using camera trap photographs. Our presentation has been integrated into LZ’s

and ZT’s tourist programmes (and integrated in ULZZT in 2014), as well as the

biology curriculum at the local primary and secondary school in Lazo attended by

about 80 students annually.

Project update

ZSL’s Amur tiger conservation project has seen some important achievements over the

past year. The generous support from ALTA provided an important boost to the project

continuing through 2017. The funds provided financial security for our work with Amur

tigers, supporting our vital core monitoring (of population and disease), anti-poaching and

educational activities. Your suppport also helped us expand our monitoring range in 2011

to include the nearby Zov Tigra National Park, a then-newly created protected area, within

which little was known about the numbers and density of tigers. In 2013, we were able to

include the Medved Hunting Lease, and later Southern Valley hunting lease, both situated

between LZ and ZT. This in turn enabled the team to gain a greater understanding of tigers

in the region and helped inform recommendations for further conservation action.

ALTA’s support also helped us leverage additional funding in 2017 from sources including

US Fish and Wildlife Service Rhinocerus and Tiger Conservation Fund, Hennig-Olsen ice

cream, and the Indianapolis Zoo Conservation Fund.

Our key achievements against objectives in January-December 2017, with supplemental

information from January-April 2018, are described below:

Monitoring of Amur tigers

Over the past 10 (2008-2017) years, ZSL has been using camera traps and conducting

snow track surveys to monitor tigers in LZ; we have also been using these methods for

the past 8 years in ZT (although we have been involved indirectly with tiger monitoring

Page 5: Amur Tiger Conservation in Lazovsky Zapovednik … Fish and Wildlife Service Rhinocerus and Tiger Conservation Fund, Hennig-Olsen ice cream, and the Indianapolis Zoo Conservation Fund.

Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

since 2001). In November 2014, LZ and ZT were joined to form the United Administration

of Lazovsky Zapovednik and Zov Tigra National Park (ULZZT), but they continue their

original functions as a strictly protected area (LZ) and a national park (ZT), so we continue

to refer to them as such. Because it is critical to understand how tigers move between the

two protected areas, we extended our survey in 2013 to include the unprotected Medved

Hunting Lease between LZ and ZT, managed by a private hunting club. In 2016, thanks

to support from ALTA and other sponsors, we again extended our survey to include the

Southern Valley Hunting lease (SVHL)(Figure 1). Monitoring a larger contiguous area

provided better information about tiger survival, reproduction and movements through

unprotected areas, where they are likely to be more susceptible to poaching. This year

(2017), we continued our long-term tiger monitoring over the tiger landscape shown in

Figures 1-3.

Figure 1. ZSL Russia Amur tiger conservation landscape, including Lazovsky Zapovednik (LZ),

Medved Hunting lease (MHL), Southern Valley Hunting Lease (SVHL), and Zov Tigra National Park


Page 6: Amur Tiger Conservation in Lazovsky Zapovednik … Fish and Wildlife Service Rhinocerus and Tiger Conservation Fund, Hennig-Olsen ice cream, and the Indianapolis Zoo Conservation Fund.

Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

Figure 2. ZSL Russia Amur tiger conservation landscape showing tiger habitat in Lazovsky

Zapovednik (LZ) and it's coastal boundary on the Sea of Japan. The area is mixed broad leaved

and conifer forest with stunted oak tress at high elevations.

Page 7: Amur Tiger Conservation in Lazovsky Zapovednik … Fish and Wildlife Service Rhinocerus and Tiger Conservation Fund, Hennig-Olsen ice cream, and the Indianapolis Zoo Conservation Fund.

Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

Figure 3. ZSL Russia Amur tiger conservation landscape showing tiger habitat in Zov Tigra

National Park. The area is conifer and broad leaved forest tiger habitat on the Milogradovka and

Ussuri rivers.

Together with UALZZT, we completed our annual camera trapping surveys between

December 2016 and May 2017 (hereafter referred to as the “2017 tiger survey”), and again

Between December 2017 and May 2018 (the “2018 tiger survey) operating 60-paired

camera trap stations in LZ, 28 in ZT, 25 in MHL, and eight in SVHL, over 90 day-periods

(Figures 4 and 5). Forty camera traps were left in LZ and ZT year round to record

supplemental information about resident tigers, including site persistence, body condition,

and evidence of reproduction (cubs or lactating females). Due to numerous forest fires in

April-May, the 2018 tiger survey results are only preliminary and minimal because 50% of

our camera traps are still in the forest.

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Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

Figure 4. Camera trap locations with black dots in protected areas, purple dots in MHL, and orange

dots in SVHL. The total survey area is roughly 2,800 km2.

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Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

Figure 5: Two ZSL employees setting camera traps for the 2017 tiger monitoring survey.

For the 2017 camera trap survey conducted in combined areas LZ, ZT, MHL and SVHL

we estimated 19-24 adult tigers analyzed using the program MARK for capture-recapture

closed populations over a period of 13,341 trap/days, and 115 photographs of tigers. The

minimum number of tigers identified from photographs was 19 adults: eleven females and

eight males, and one new litter of cubs. For the 2018 tiger survey, preliminary results show

a minimum of 18 adults: eleven females and seven males, and one new litter of cubs

(Table 1). In April 2018, we recorded a second litter of three cubs (8-10 months of age)

born in 2017. Mother tigers can be secretive and difficult to photograph during short tiger

surveys. This example illustrates the value of supplementary trap days which provided

valuable information on reproduction.

Comparisons with surveys from previous years suggest the tiger population is stable

(Table 1 and Figure 6). For 2017 survey, we also recorded three sub-adults (2-3 years-of-

age and independent of mothers) previously identified as cubs from photographs of family

Page 10: Amur Tiger Conservation in Lazovsky Zapovednik … Fish and Wildlife Service Rhinocerus and Tiger Conservation Fund, Hennig-Olsen ice cream, and the Indianapolis Zoo Conservation Fund.

Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

groups. One additional sub-adult female previously identified as a cub was recorded in

December 2017. Female tigers can give birth every 18-24 months, hence two new litters

in 2017 is not unusual following eight litters in 2015-2016 because most females still have

cubs from the previous year. The new litter recorded for 2017 (in LZ) are significant

because 1) we have monitored one mother "Sabrina" since 2009 and this is her fourth

litter of three cubs at her estimated age of 12 to 13 years, and 2) the second litter was

born to mother “Tanya” and is the first successful reproduction in the Sharokia river area

of LZ since intense poaching in 2009-2012. Information on survivorship and lifetime

reproduction for tigers is rare and provides a measure of a healthy reproducing population.

Reproductive depression and long recovery time after poaching has been recorded for

tigers in other areas.

Table 1. Minimum number of adult tigers, litters of cubs and total number of cubs

photographed during the surveys 2016-2017 and preliminary results during survey 2018

in combined areas of Lazovsky Zapovednik, Medved Hunting Lease, Southern Valley

Hunting Lease and Zov Tigra National Park. Number in parentheses are totals added

retrospectively after surveys end. Results from 2018 (shown in red) are still incomplete.

Sex 2016 2017 2018

Adult females 12 11 11

Adult males 8 8 7

Total adults 20 19 18

Sub-adults 0 3

New litters 7 1(2) 1

Cubs 17 3(6) 3

Total number of tigers 37 25(28) 22

Page 11: Amur Tiger Conservation in Lazovsky Zapovednik … Fish and Wildlife Service Rhinocerus and Tiger Conservation Fund, Hennig-Olsen ice cream, and the Indianapolis Zoo Conservation Fund.

Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

Figure 6. The number of tigers estimated each year (2013-2017) in combined areas LZ, ZT, MHL,

and SVHL. Results are the estimated number of adult tigers and error bars are 95% confidence

intervals; the minimum number of adult male and female tigers contributing to “adult combined” ;

and sub-adults, litters and number of cubs recorded for each year. Only known tigers were listed

as subadults (18-36 month-of age and independent of mothers) because age can be difficult to

estimate after 18 months of age. Adult tigers were estimated during 90-day surveys in winter, but

new litters were recorded for the year of estimated birth date regardless of when the litter was first

discovered. For example if a litter born in December one year, we may only gain photographs or

pug mark verification when cubs were as old as 16 months of age.

Since cubs stay with mothers for 18-24 months, family groups can be recorded in multiple

years, hence long-term monitoring allows for collection of information about survivorship

and dispersals when individuals stay within our survey area to be photographed. Eleven

litters of cubs had estimated birth years in 2015 and 2018 (some photographed multiple

times) and ranged in size from one to four cubs. Eight of those litters were photographed

in the protected areas UALZZT (two litters in ZT and six in LZ ) and two were recorded in

MHL showing that reproduction is successful there as well.








2013 2014 2015 2016 2017



ed n






Adults combined Adult females

Adult males subadult

Litters Total number of cubs

Page 12: Amur Tiger Conservation in Lazovsky Zapovednik … Fish and Wildlife Service Rhinocerus and Tiger Conservation Fund, Hennig-Olsen ice cream, and the Indianapolis Zoo Conservation Fund.

Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

Fifty individual adult and subadult tigers were photographed and 16 litters of cubs recorded

during 36,540 trap days from 2013-2017 over combined survey area of LZ, ZT, MHL, and

SVHL (25 males and 25 females) (Tables 2 and 3). Twenty tigers were recorded in only

one year of surveys (12 males and 8 females) and 27 were recorded for 2 or more years.

Breeding “resident” tigers are long-lived territorial animals with large home ranges, and

have a high chance of being recorded each year by camera traps located within their

territories. Only one female (F19) was not located in each consecutive year after first

identification. After not being photographed in 2016, F19 was photographed again in 2017

with an injured right front foot and we suspect her absence was due to limited movements

while she recovered from a trauma. In this study, tigers photographed in single years may

be dispersing subadults, displaced adults, resident tigers using the edge of their home

range where they travel less frequently, “new” tigers photographed for the first time on the

last year of surveys and that may be located the next year, or animals that have died

before the next survey year. Only one tiger’s death from natural causes was verified in

spring of 2014 when his body melted out of river ice after he fell through the ice and

drowned in winter. Prior to 2013 combined surveys, two tigers (1 male and 1 female) were

confirmed poached after we identified them by comparing stripe patterns on their

confiscated skins to camera trap photographs. We have no verified poached tiger from

photographed tigers after 2013 but we know low levels of poaching continue.

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Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

Table 2. Photographic histories of 25 adult female tigers photographed in LZ, ZT, MHL, and SVHL from

2013 to 2018. “X” indicates the territory where a tiger was photographed, “X” indicates a tiger has been

recorded in 2018, and numbers are sets of photographs taken of each tiger per year. Green cells

represent tigers that were first identified as cubs from known mothers. Orange cells represent litter birth


Territory Year of survey


First Recorded












F04 2008 X 46 20 18 16 10 X Sabrina

F05 2008 X X X 6 28 6 15 3 Lena

F08 2009 X 1 1 6 Luba

F09 2008 X 47 5 6 7 9 X Maria

F10 2010 X X 15 24 21 Dasha

F13 2011 X 24 18 Victoria

F15 2013 X 1 Goral

F16 2012 X X 8 10 9 Tilda

F17 2011 X 5 11 5 7 5 X Lucky

F18 2013 X 8 Limp

F19 2013 X 5 1 3 0 1 X Ussura

F20 2013 X 2 Medved

F21 2013 X 1 Once

F22 2011 X 1 23 6 5 8 ? Ivy

F23 2014 X 1 Stripe

F24 2013 X 1 17 13 25 X Kimberly

F25 2013 X 1 24 12 Leslie

F27 2014 X X X 1 24 96 38 X Anna

F30 2016 X 23 26 X Tanya

F31 2016 X 17 30 X Izabella

F32 2015 X X 2 23 4 X Grace

F33 2015 X X 1 1 1 ? F22cub

F35 2016 X 1 1 ? F32 Cub

F36 2015 X 1 1 X F22 cub

F37 2018 X X Juk

Page 14: Amur Tiger Conservation in Lazovsky Zapovednik … Fish and Wildlife Service Rhinocerus and Tiger Conservation Fund, Hennig-Olsen ice cream, and the Indianapolis Zoo Conservation Fund.

Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

Table 3. Photographic histories of 25 adult male tigers photographed in LZ, ZT, MHL, and SVHL from

2013 to 2018. “X” indicates the territory where a tiger was photographed, “X” indicates a tiger has been

recorded in 2018, and numbers are sets of photographs taken of each tiger per year. Green cells

represent tigers that were first identified as cubs from known mothers.

Territory Year of survey

ID First Recorded

LZ MHL SVHL ZT 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Name

M09 2009 X X 44 52 45 42 56 X Yasha

M11 2011 X 3 C boy

M12 2013 X 1 Big guy

M13 2012 X X X 8 30 31 13 Bobtail

M14 2012 X 21

M15 2013 X X 16 38 Misha

M16 2013 X 12

M17 2013 X 1 K2

M18 2013 X 2 2stripes

M19 2014 X 20 72 68 3 Valara

M20 2013 X 1 0 stripe

M21 2011 X 1 30 Checkers

M22 2014 X 1

M23 2011 X 1 1 drowned

M24 2014 X 6 1 1 3 X Petrov

M25 2015 X 13 26 27 X Ringtail

M30 2014 X 4 Goral

M32 2015 X 1 7

M33 2016 X 18 35 X David

M34 2015 X X 52 X Roger

M35 2016 X 1 15 X Petrovich

M37 2015 X 16

M39 2013 X 1 Tilda 1

M40 2013 X 2 Tilda 2

M42 2018 X X Juk

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Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

Our long-term monitoring work enabled us to investigate longevity and construct a

population phylogeny (Tables 2 and 3): four of 12 tigresses with litters during 2013-2018

(F17, F22, F24, and F27) (Table 2) were first identified as the cubs of known mothers

from LZ and ZT and they produced their first litters when they were from 4 to 6 years of

age. On the other hand, F04 is thought to be 11-12 years old and is mother to her fourth

litter (each with three cubs) in 2017 (her first litter was born in 2011)(Table 2). A sub-adult

male tiger (M34, Table 3) born in LZ in 2015 to F04 was photographed numerous times

in ZT and LZ in 2017 and as an adult in 2018, having dispersed from his natal home range,

and a subadult female F35 also borne in LZ to F22 was recorded in SVHL, having

dispersed from her natal home range. Our results support previous evidence that LZ and

ZT functions as a core breeding area providing a source population of tigers capable of

dispersing and recolonizing areas in which tiger populations had plummeted due to

poaching. For example, two of three reproducing female tigers residing in ZT dispersed

from natal LZ.

Our overall program goal is to continue to develop our holistic programme for tiger

conservation in the Lazovsky Zapovednik (LZ), Zov Tigra National Park (ZT), and adjacent

areas. The WildCats Conservation Alliance provided critical funds for critical tiger

population monitoring used to measure the effectiveness of conservation activities.

Wildfires, driven by severe drought, threatened tiger habitat in 2018. In April- May, when

forest fires burned over 10,000 hectares of ZT’s precious coniferous forests, UALZZT

rapid response team (RRT) (supported by WildCats Conservation Alliance) were able to

save three young tiger cubs (estimated 1 month of age) found by them on the edge of a

burn while they fought the fires. Fresh mother tiger tracks in the area informed the expert

RRT that cubs were not abandoned and so they acted quickly to put out the fire while

keeping a safe distance from cubs to minimize disturbance to the animals and for their

own safety. From information gathered during long-term monitoring, we suspect that the

cubs belong to F24 (table 2). If the litter survives, future tiger surveys should provide an


The following map (Figure 7), and camera trap photographs from the recently completed

surveys illustrates how we continue to monitor reproduction, dispersal, and recruitment

over generations as part of our long-term monitoring work.

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Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

Figure 7. Resident female tigers (in yellow), their dispersed female offspring (indicated with solid

red arrows pointing away from mothers) detected in our survey areas, third generation dispersing

female offspring (indicated in dashed red arrows) detected in our survey areas, and young litters

still traveling with their mothers (blue stars); all monitored with camera traps in LZ (1), ZT(2), MHL

(3), and SVHL (4) from 2008-2017.

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Figure 8 and 9. Resident female F4 “Sabrina” (top) with one of three cubs (above) and all three

cubs (below) at a scent-marking tree in LZ January 2018. Their estimated birthday is June - July

2017. We have monitored Sabrina since 2008. Night time photographs of tigers with infrared flash

on camera traps make tigers seem white, but they are normal colored brown with black stripes.

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Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018

Figure 10. Male (right) and female (left) cubs from Sabrina’s fourth litter photographed in May 2018.

All three cubs had survived to 10-11 months of age with 2 males and one female.

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Prepared for the WildCats Conservation Alliance by ZSL, April 2018


Figure 11. Three male cubs (bottom images) from F30’s (Tanya) (Top image) litter at 9-10 months of age in April 2018. This is the first successful

litter produced in Sharokia river area of LZ since intensive poaching in 2009-2012. We have monitored Tanya since 2016.

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Figure 12. We detected that F19 (photographed here in September 2017) had a hurt left front paw and in these photos she is limping and holding

her foot under her. We found tracks of a limping tiger as late as February 2018, and suspect it was her.

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Figure 13. UALZZT and ZSL’s rapid response team preparing to fight fires and shown here filling

backpack water sprayers from available water source in remote ZT in May 2018.

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Figure 14. Forest fire in ZT conifer forest in April 2018.

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Figure 15. Smoke from fires in an overlook of Zov Tigra National Park May 20, 2018. The red

arrow shows where three one-month old cubs were found on May 29 near a burned area. Nearby

tracks indicated that the mother was still present and quick action by Rangers assured minimal

disturbance while making sure no fires were still burning in the area. Fires were officially out on

May 30th.