Amq biz case revised

Optimize product structure (see next slide) Highlight social sharing Personal shopper/live chat Optimize cross selling feature Shipping/returns free policy Recall email for cart aband. Store locator, pickup in store Catwalk videos Marketing description News/Backstage/Campaign*/S ocial to be added (see «Choo World») Category options are the same (shop by look/the look) AMQ Identity balance on ecommerce site Design Content Curation Usability Logo Font text Color scheme CTA buttons Responsive HP and Catalogue Pics zoom & videos Product description Editorials Site navigation/search Social sharing Customer Care Shipping/returns Omnichannel strategy (see «NM personal shopper booking via app or Powa Tag app) More appealing CTA buttons and dynamic if a product is added to basket Responsive site (mobile ok) Criteria Score Improvements Well designed site, good logo resolution, elegant font text, white background to highlight content but not optimized use of spave in HP Poor *, good imagery and zoom feature, avg product description, size and color options to be optimized, good social media presence (FB 1,5mln; Twitter 793K; Social Klout Score: 71) 3 HP->Product page steps but few bugs, CTA button not always visible without scrolling, navigation path not indicated, filtering options no visible while scrolling, poor cross selling GOOD AVERAGE/POOR AVERAGE/POOR

Transcript of Amq biz case revised

Page 1: Amq biz case revised

Optimize product structure (see next slide)

Highlight social sharing

Personal shopper/live chat

Optimize cross selling feature

Shipping/returns free policy

Recall email for cart aband.

Store locator, pickup in store

Catwalk videos

Marketing description

News/Backstage/Campaign*/Social to be added (see «Choo World»)

Category options are the same (shop by look/the look)

AMQ Identity balance on ecommerce site


Content Curation



Font text

Color scheme

CTA buttons


HP and Catalogue

Pics zoom & videos

Product description


Site navigation/search

Social sharing

Customer Care


Omnichannel strategy (see «NM personal shopper booking via app or Powa Tag app)

More appealing CTA buttons

and dynamic if a product is

added to basket

Responsive site (mobile ok)

Criteria Score Improvements

Well designed site, good logo resolution, elegant font text, white background to highlight content but not optimized use of spave in HP

Poor *, good imagery and zoom feature, avg product description, size and color options to be optimized, good social media presence (FB 1,5mln; Twitter 793K; Social Klout Score: 71)

3 HP->Product page steps but few bugs, CTA button not always visible without scrolling, navigation path not indicated, filtering options no visible while scrolling, poor cross selling




Page 2: Amq biz case revised

AMQ Product Presentation Analysis 1/2

3. Poor Product Description

5. Color selection : which ones are available? Social sharing not highlighted CTA button not always visible without scrolling

8. Good imagery but anonimous. No catwalk videos (see Net-a-Porter)

1. Where are we? No path indicated

6. Space optimization: 1. Title 2. Price 3. Size selection (+ size guide) 4. Color option 5. CTA button and Social Plugin 6. Description/Shipping/Returns

2. Good Store locator feature and Search




Fine Tuning suggestion

4. Good currency expressed in letters

7. No cross selling (see screenshot on slide 5)

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Lack of cross selling/history

AMQ Product Presentation Analysis 2/2

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AMQ HP Analysis (21 st – 29 th of May)

HP carousel promotes women and men S/S ‘14 collections but links are not correct. They drive

users to «New Arrival» page instead of «shop by look» one.

Furthermore no Men S/S ‘14 collection was found!

Confusing HP

Page 5: Amq biz case revised


AMQ HP Analysis (starting from 30 th of May)

HP carousel promotes women S/S ‘14 collections leveraging Kate Moss spring campaign.

4 different images that drive to the same «woman» category page and not to the collection directly).

Poor and confusing HP

Page 6: Amq biz case revised


Women category «Shop by look» and «Shop the look» drive to the same subcategory page «new arrivals»:

nline/donna/gallery/nuovi-arrivi_gid27323) They should drive respectively to: Pre-collection:


AMQ Category Analysis

«Experience» section (biography and collection video) can be highlighted within the HP directly)

Men category «Collection S/S ‘14» drive to an empty page where no match were found: (

e=gallery&IsEmptySearch=true). There is just the pre-collection S/S ‘14

Confusing category page

Page 7: Amq biz case revised

AMQ CJ analysis


Home Page Not optimized use of space (few editorials) Carousel linked to wrong pages


Category Page Not correct link/error page from promotional images Not path indicated Filtering options not visible while scrolling


Product Page

No visible CTA without scrolling

Social Plugin not highlighted

No customer care/personal shopper

No free standard shipping highlighted


Basket Too many info related to check out process (not necessary)

No cross selling Avg

Check out

Good registration form page (but no welcome email)

Good level of info to support the client (payment system,

customer care, shipping/returns, order resume)
